NATIONAL OC EA D ATMOSPHER AN IC Radiative Transfer Modeling for SSMIS Upper-air Sounding Channels: Doppler-shift Effect due to Earth Rotation TRATION NIS MI AD C NI Yong Han NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Camp Springs, MD Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, Camp Springs, MD D ER S. CE U. EP AR TME O NT OF C MM 1. Introduction Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) on board the DMSP F-16 satellite includes six upper atmosphere sounding (UAS) channels, channels 19 – 24. Because of the Zeeman-splitting of the O2 magnetic transition lines, the energy received in some of the UAS channels is partially polarized and depends strongly on the geomagnetic field and its orientation with respect to the propagation direction of the electromagnetic wave. To assimilate measurements from the UAS channels, a fast radiative transfer (RT) model was developed for rapid radiance simulations and radiance derivative (Jacobian) calculations, in which the Zeeman-splitting effect was taken into account (Han et al., 2007). However, the frequency shift of the radiation spectrum due to the Earth’s rotation is ignored in the model. The magnitude of the Doppler shift may reach 80 KHz in some regions and scan pixels (Swadley et al., 2008). In this presentation ,we provide an analysis of the impact of the Doppler shift, which is the basis for the improvement of the fast RT model, reported elsewhere. 2. Doppler shift due to Earth’s rotation The frequency shift is given by (Swadley et al., 2008): ν Δν = − ΩRs cos(ψ )[cos(i) cos(ϕ ) ± sin(ϕ ) sin(i − λ) sin(i + λ) ] c ν : Mean frequency of the received radiation spectrum Ω : Earth’s angular velocity ψ i Rs λ c Figure 4. Simulated brightness temperature (BT) differences for channel 20 using the RT models with and without the inclusion of the Doppler shift effect, for ascending (left) and descending (right) observations on January 1, 2006. For the simulations, the temperature profiles are obtained from the CIRA-88 model. : nadir angle of scan (45o) : spacecraft orbital inclination angle : Earth radius + satellite altitude 4. Observations of the Doppler-shift effect : spacecraft latitude : speed of light 1 j −1 ϕ =( − )Γ, 2 N −1 j = 1, N : azimuth angle of the scene (zero along the track & positive to the right of the track) To observe the Doppler-shift effect, two sets of data are selected, shown in Blocks 1 and 2, respectively. The first set corresponds to the data with cos(θB) close to 1 or -1 and the second set corresponds to the data with cos(θB) close to 0. According to the analysis in Section 3, the Dopplershift effect is large in data set 1 and small in set 2. N : scan position, 1- 30 The positive and negative signs before the second term correspond to the ascending and descending orbits, respectively. Scan position 1 (72.0o) Scan position 7 (42.2o) Scan position 15 (2.5o) Solid – ascending orbit; Dashed descending orbit Block 1. Data selection: (1) latitudes are confined between 10oN and 40oN for the ascending orbits, where the values of cos(θB) are about -0.7 and between -40oS and 0o for the descending orbits, where the values of cos(θB) are about 0.7, (2) pixels at the edges of scans, where the Doppler-shifts are the largest, and (3) data on the same scan are paired according to their smallest differences in cos(θB). Table 1. Means and standard deviations of Be, cos(θB), Doppler frequency shift ∆ν and pixel position, over the data set of n samples. The words “East” and “West” refer to the data pixel positions on the east and west edges of the scans, which containing 30 pixel positions (1 – 30), numbered sequentially from east to west for ascending orbits and west to east for descending orbits. Be (μT) cos(θB) East ∆ν (KHz) West ∆ν (KHz) East position West position Ascending (n=41772) 41.3, 4 -0.66, 0.05 -62.2, 3.2 65.3, 4.5 2, 1 26, 2 Descending (n=65476) 45.3, 7 0.68, 0.06 -63.0, 3.8 67.4, 4.7 29, 1 4, 2 Figure 1. Doppler frequency shift as a function of the latitude at three scan positions. Figure 5. The histograms of the differences of the measured brightness temperature (BT) between the paired data points on the east and west edges of the scans, BT(west) – BT(east), with the solid curves from the ascending observations (sample size = 41772) and the dashed curves from the descending observations (sample size = 65476). 3. The dependence of the Doppler-shift effect on Be and θB, predicted from theory Be : Earth magnetic field strength ΘB : Angle between the magnetic field and wave propagation direction Sensitivities of the brightness temperature to the Doppler frequency shift: The positive mean BT differences in channels 19-21 are mainly due to the Doppler-shift effect. Chan 19 Chan 20 Measured 2.54, 2.14 2.03, 2.40 -0.72, 1.38 -0.14, 1.49 -0.05, 1.01 -0.07, 0.68 Chan 21 Chan 22 Chan 23 Chan 24 Simulated 1.76, 0.38 1.65, 0.37 -0.61, 0.28 Table 2. Means and standard deviations of the brightness temperature (BT) differences between the paired data points on the east and west edges of the scans, BT(West) – BT(East). Ascending orbit (n=41772) 0.02, 0.22 0.04, 0.23 0.02, 0.14 Descending orbit (n=65476) COS(θB) = -1.0, Be = 60 μT COS(θB) = -0.5, Be = 60 μT COS(θB) = 0, Be = 60 μT COS(θB) = 0.5, Be = 60 μT COS(θB) = 1.0, Be = 60 μT COS(θB) = -1.0, Be = 30 μT COS(θB) = -0.5, Be = 30 μT COS(θB) = 0, Be = 30 μT COS(θB) = 0.5, Be = 30 μT COS(θB) = 1.0, Be = 30 μT Figure 2. Simulated brightness temperature (BT) differences using the RT models with and without the inclusion of the Doppler-shift effect for the US 76 Standard Atmosphere, conditioned at different values of Be and θB. The impact of the Doppler shift has a strong dependence on the angle θB, which may reach 2K when θB = 0o or 180o, but becomes very small when θB = 90o. Measured -1.84, 2.08 -2.02, 2.32 0.01, 1.80 -0.26, 1.45 -0.14, 0.97 -0.05, 0.65 Simulated -1.62, 0.41 -1.66, 0.43 0.95, 0.35 0.15, 0.35 Block 2. Data selection: same as those in Block 1, except that the latitudes are confined between -40oS and 10oS for the ascending orbits and between 15oN and 50oN for the descending orbits. The values of cos(θB) in both zones are small about 0.15. Images of the Be and cos(θB) fields and the simulated brightness temperature differences using the RT model with and without the inclusion of the Doppler-shift effect: 0.14, 0.40 0.03, 0.25 Be (μT) cos(θB) East ∆ν (KHz) West ∆ν (KHz) East position West position Ascending (n=36247) 36.9, 11.7 0.18, 0.07 -61.5, 2.5 64.4, 4.5 2, 1 27, 2 Descending (n=36247) 38.5, 3.5 0.13, 0.07 -60.4, 1.9 65.6, 4.7 29, 1 3, 2 Chan 19 Chan 20 Chan 21 Chan 22 Chan 23 Chan 24 Ascending orbit (36247 samples) Measured 0.05, 2.29 0.14, 2.47 0.26, 1.81 -0.11, 1.30 -0.15, 0.88 -0.05, 0.59 Simulated -0.53, 0.50 -0.49, 0.41 0.15, 0.32 -0.03, 0.22 -0.06, 0.26 -0.01, 0.14 Descending orbit (57580 samples) Measured -0.39, 2.19 -0.83, 2.55 -0.71, 1.93 -0.87, 1.59 -0.50, 1.17 -0.26, 0.77 Simulated -0.38, 0.39 -0.24, 0.44 -0.09, 0.33 -0.16, 0.36 -0.19, 0.39 -0.04, 0.23 The mean BT differences become small in channels 19-21 due to small cos(θB), although the magnitudes of Doppler-shift are about the same as those in Block 1. 5. Summary and remark Be • • The Earth-Rotation Doppler shift can have an effect up to 2 K on SSMIS channels 19 – 21. The effect depends on the Earth’s magnetic field strength and the angle between the magnetic field and the wave propagation direction, as well as the scan positions. • Figure 3. The Earth’s magnetic field strength Be (left figure) in μT at 00:00 Greenwich Mean Time on January 1, 2006 at the height of 60 km, computed using the IGRF model; the cosine of the angle, cos(θB), between the magnetic field and wave propagation direction for the ascending (right upper figure) and descending (right lower figure) observations on January 1, 2006. The data are used for the Brightness temperature calculations shown in Figure 4. Based on this work, the fast radiative transfer model has been improved to take the Doppler shift into account. Reference Han, Y., F. Weng, Q. Liu, and P. van Delst (2007), A Fast Radiative Transfer Model for SSMIS Upperatmosphere Sounding Channels, J. Geophys. Res., 112(D11121), 1468, doi:10,1029/ 2006JD008208. Swadley, S.D., G. A. Poe, W. Bell, Y. Hong, D. B. Kunkee, I. S. McDermid and T. Leblanc (2008) Analysis and Characterization of the SSMIS Upper Atmosphere Sounding Channel Measurements, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, V 46, 962-983.