Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving a) Quantitative/Analytical Core Course ACCT 201A ACCT 201B BUAD 301 Financial Analysis Level of Coverage 1 I, D I, D I, D I, D I, D I, D, M Case Analysis I Assignment Ratio Analysis Stock Holder Equity Analysis Financial Analysis Ratio Analysis Stock Holder Equity Analysis 1 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving a) Quantitative/Analytical ECON 201 Production Possibilities (Exams) I, D Interdependence and Gains from Trade (Exams) I, D Market Forces of Supply and Demand (Exams) I, D Elasticity (Exams) I, D Government Policies (Exams) I, D Consumer and Producer Surplus (Exams) I, D Efficiency (Exams) I, D Costs of Taxation (Exams) I, D International Trade (Exams) I, D Externalities (Exams) I, D Public Goods and Common Resources (Exams) I, D Production and Cost (Exams) I, D Competitive Markets (Exams) I, D Monopoly (Exams) I, D Oligopoly (Exams) I, D Monopolistic Competition (Exams) I, D Antitrust (Exams) I, D Labor Markets (Exams) I, D Earnings and Discrimination (Exams) I, D Income Inequality and Poverty (Exams) I, D 2 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving a) Quantitative/Analytical ECON 202 Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand I, D Short Run and Long Run Macroeconomic Equilibrium I, D Money Supply and Money Demand Money Market Equilibrium Phillips Curve Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy I, D I, D I, D I, D I, D 3 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving a) Quantitative/Analytical ECON 315 FIN 320 Present Value Analysis Welfare Effects on Society Regression Analysis Production Function Technol. Associated Costs Cost Minimization Scale Economies Marginal Analysis/ Calculus Elasticity Firm Output & Pricing Decisions I I I I I I I D D D Market Structure & Output & Pricing Decisions D Free Market Price & Quantity Determination Demand & Supply Shifters Time Value of Money Risk & Return Mutual Funds Characteristics of Bonds Characteristics of Stocks Capital Budgeting Cash Flows & Other Topics Cost of Capital M M I I I I I I I I 4 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving a) Quantitative/Analytical ISDS 265 Excel (all main features) Descriptive Statistics Inferential Statistics ISDS 361A Forecasting/ Predication Inferential Statistics Linear Programming Forecasting ISDS 361B Queuing Simulation 5 I I, D, M I, D, M I, D, M I, D, M I, D, M I D I, D, M I, D, M I, D, M Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving a) Quantitative/Analytical MGMT 246 MGMT 339 MGMT 340 MGMT 449 MKTG 351 1 n/a Strategy & Productivity Strategic Capacity Planning Quality Control Inventory Control Master Production Scheduling n/a I I I I I Material Requirements Planning and Enterprise Resource Planning Facility Layout I I / n/a Term Project Pricing Segmentation / n/a M I, D I, D I = Objective Introduced : first time ideas have been analysed at college level. D = Objective Developed : Ideas developed and practiced with feedback (individual grades). M = Objective Mastered : Demonstrated at the level appropriate for graduation. 6 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving b) Problem Solving Level of 1 Coverage Core Course Assignment ACCT 201A ACCT 201B Intro Reporting & Analysis Systems Design Process BUAD 201 BUAD 301 Bad News Message Case Analysis I, M I, D, M I D Interdependence and Gains from Trade (Exams) D Market Forces of Supply and Demand (Exams) Elasticity (Exams) D D Supply, Demand, and Government Policies (Exams) Costs of Taxation (Exams) D D International Trade (Exams) E t liti (Exams) (E ) Externalities D D Production and Cost (Exams) D Competitive Markets (Exams) Monopoly (Exams) Oligopoly (Exams) D D D Monopolistic Competition (Exams) Antitrust (Exams) Labor Markets (Exams) D D D Earnings and Discrimination (Exams) D Income Inequality and Poverty (Exams) D ECON 201 7 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving b) Problem Solving Measuring U.S. GDP Calculation: Price Index, Inflation, Unemployment ECON 202 ECON 315 I, D, M Expenditure Multipliers Money Multipliers Expenditure Multipliers Money Multipliers I, D, M I I D D Manager-Worker Relationships Welfare Effects on Society Cost Minimization Regression Analysis I I I I Methods of Procuring Inputs I Production Function Technol. Scale Economies Game Theory Elasticity I I I D Free Market Failure & Society Impact D Short and Long-Run Periods D Marginal Analysis/ Calculus D Firm Output & Pricing Decisions D Market Structure & Output & Pricing Decisions D Free Market Price & Quantity Determination Opportunity Cost Demand & Supply Shifters M M M 8 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving b) Problem Solving FIN 320 ISDS 265 ISDS 361A ISDS 361B MGMT 246 MGMT 339 MGMT 340 MGMT 449 MKTG 351 1 Time Value of Money Risk & Return Mutual Funds Characteristics of Bonds Characteristics of Stocks Capital Budgeting Cash Flows & Other Topics Cost of Capital Excel (all main features) Descriptive Statistics Inferential Statistics Forecasting/ Predication Decision Analysis Project Management Entire Course Strategic Management Managerial Control Strategic Capacity Planning Mgmt. Of Quality Group Decision-Making Conflict Management & Negotiation Term Project Marketing Research Brand Positioning I I I I I I I I I I, D I, D I, D I, D I, D I I I I I I I M I D I = Objective Introduced : first time ideas have been analysed at college level. D = Objective Developed : Ideas developed and practiced with feedback (indiv M = Objective Mastered : Demonstrated at the level appropriate for graduation 9 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving c) Critical Thinking Core Course Assignment ACCT 201A (Blank) Level of 1 Coverage M, D ACCT 201B Relevant Cost for Decision Making Capital Budgeting I, D I, D BUAD 201 Financial Statement Analysis Persuasive Message I, D, M I BUAD 301 Case Analysis/ Extended Argument D Supply, Demand, and Government Policies Efficiency Costs of Taxation D D D Earnings and Discrimination D Income Inequality and Poverty D Macroeconomic Schools of Thought I, D Written Assignment, Exams D ECON 201 ECON 202 10 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving c) Critical Thinking ECON 315 Manager-Worker Relationships I Welfare Effects on Society Cost Minimization Regression Analysis I I I Methods of Procuring Inputs I Production Function Technol. Scale Economies Game Theory Elasticity I I I D Free Market Failure & Society Impact D Run Short and Long Long-Run Periods D Firm Output & Pricing Decisions D Market Structure & Output & Pricing Decisions D Free Market Price & Quantity Determination Opportunity Cost M M Demand & Supply Shifters M 11 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving c) Critical Thinking Evaluting Firm's Financial Performance Time Value of Money I I Characteristics of Bonds I Characteristics of Stocks Capital Budgeting I I Cash Flows & Other Topics Cost of Capital I I Excel (all main features) I Exams: Access & Excel Descriptive Statistics Inferential Statistics I I, D I, D Forecasting/ Predication Inferential Statistics Linear Programming Forecasting Queuing Simulation I, D M M M M M M M I FIN 320 ISDS 265 ISDS 361A ISDS 361B MGMT 246 Decision Analysis Project Management Entire Course 12 Learning Objective 1: Problem Solving c) Critical Thinking Strategic Management I Strategy & Productivity I Strategic Capacity Planning Quality Control I I Inventory Management I Just in Time & Lean Operations I MGMT 340 Decision Making Group Decision-Making I MGMT 449 How to Analyze a Case Internal Analysis I I Strategic Planning (SWOT Analysis) I MGMT 339 MKTG 351 1 I = Objective Introduced : first time ideas have been analysed at college D = Objective Developed : Ideas developed and practiced with feedback M = Objective Mastered : Demonstrated at the level appropriate for grad 13