Microscale instability and mixing in driven and active suspensions Michael Shelley, Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute Collaborators: Lisa Fauci Christel Hohenegger Eric Keaveny David Saintillan Joseph Teran Becca Thomases Tulane CIMS CIMS UIUC UCLA UC-Davis Dynamics and interactions of micro-structure in complex fluids Dynamics of non-Newtonian fluids Reinforced composite materials Biological locomotion Elastic “turbulence” & low Re mixing B. subtilis – one and many C. Dombrowski et al ’05, 07 Groisman & Sternberg ’00, ’01, … Microfluidic rectifiers Groisman, Enzelberger, & Quake ‘03 I-SA phase trans -- PPM microfluidic rectifier – Groisman & Quake microscale mixing – Groisman & Steinberg Experiments: V. Steinberg & A. Groisman Viscoelastic fluid – Elastic “turbulence” - Efficient mixing Rotating plates (Low Re, “High” Wi) Mixing in micro channels Arratia et al, PRL 2006 Elastic fluid instabilities near hyperbolic points Stokes-Oldroyd-B ( Re<<1 ) • • • model of a “Boger” elastic fluid (normal stresses, no shear thinning) derives from a microscopic, dilute theory of polymer coils one of the standard viscoelastic flow models; Little known about large data solutions. −∇p + Δu = − β ∇ ⋅ σ p − f and ∇ ⋅ u = 0 Wi σ p ∇ = −(σ p − I ) ∇ • σp = Dσ p Dt momentum and mass balance transport and dissipation of polymer stress − (∇u ⋅ σ p + σ p ⋅∇u T ) Upper convected time derivative τp • Wi = ; Weissenberg number ratio of polymer relax. time to flow time-scale τf •β = Gτ f τf = μ ρ LF μ = solvent viscosity; F = external force scale ; coupling strength τ = polymer relaxation time; G = background poly. stress p μ Gτ p polymer viscosity • β ⋅ Wi = = solvent viscosity μ Material constant; fix to ½ as in expts of Arratia et al Properties: 1 (1) Has decaying "strain" energy: E = ∫ tr ( σ p - I ) 2 2 −1 −1 ⎡ E + Wi E = 2 β − ∫ ∇u + ∫ u ⋅ f ⎤ ⎣ ⎦ (2) But lacks of scale dependent dissipation: ∂σˆ p = L(kˆ ) σˆ p + P (kˆ ) fˆ ∂t with kˆ = k/ | k | (3) Polymer stress tensor: Use the Fourier transform to solve the linearized problem σ p = ν fr = C rr Assume linear Hooke’s law for bead forces is s.p.d. (4) Existence of large-data solutions is unknown, even in 2d Simulations: De-aliased Fourier based spectral method; second order time stepping. Vorticity field for Newtonian fluid ⎛ −2sin x cos y ⎞ f =⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2 cos x sin y ⎠ Four – roll mill geometry 6 With Newtonian fluid yields 5 ⎛ sin x cos y ⎞ u=⎜ ⎟ ⎝ − cos x sin y ⎠ 4 3 Creates hyperbolic points in background flow ala Arratia et al., PRL 2006 2 1 0 Background force 0 1 2 3 4 5 Thomases & Shelley PF 2007 6 Also Berti et al ’08, Xi & Graham ‘09 Becherer, Morozov, van Saarloos ’08, 09 Evolution for Wi=0.3 Wi=0.6 Wi=5.0 initial stress: σ p (t = 0) = I ω→ tr(σ p ) → divergence slices of → 11 σp smooth cusp Local Model – fix strain-rate α – determined by flow -- and advect stress field by local straining velocity u = (α x, −α y ); ϕ =σ ; t → Wi ⋅ t ; ε = α ⋅ Wi 11 p ϕt + ε xϕ x − ε yϕ y + (1 − 2ε )ϕ − 1 = 0 General solution : 1 ϕ= + e(2ε −1)t H11 ( xe −ε t , yeε t ) 1-2ε Relevant solution : H11 (a, b) = h(b) with h(b) ~| b |q as | b |→ ∞ Why? Choose q to eliminate long time t – dependence ⇒q = 1 − 2ε ε 1− 2ε steady states also studied 1 by Rallison & Hinch ‘88 ⇒ ϕ |t →∞ = +C | y| ε 1 − 2ε and M. Renardy ‘06 ε = α (Wi ) Wi ; q = 1 − 2ε ε ε1 = 1/ 3 Wi1 ≈ 0.5 ε 2 = 1/ 2 Wi2 ≈ 0.9 q = -1 measured at central hyperbolic point Note ε < 1 implies q > -1 so the stress is integrable. q>1 0<q<1 cusp in stress q<0 Divergence in stress Mixing and Symmetry-Breaking: Thomases & Shelley ’09 The SOB system is also unstable to symmetry-breaking; see Poole et al ’07, Xi & Graham ‘08 σ p ( 0 ) − I ~ O (10−2 ) ω ( 0 ) − ωStokes 6 −3 x 10 6 5 10 5 y 4 5 4 3 3 0 2 2 1 −5 1 0 0 1 2 3 x 4 5 6 0 0 2 4 6 Full disclosure: Small amount of polymer stress diffusion added to control gradient growth Long-time behavior with increasing Wi: Wi=0.5 Wi=5 Wi=6 Wi=6.0 Wi=10 relaxation to symmetric state Slow relaxation to asymmetric state Arratia et al ‘06 Persistent oscillations ω tr(σ p ) 2 primary frequencies Smaller Wi: symmetry breaking, little mixing Wi=6, t=2000 Larger Wi: • multiple frequencies of oscillation • robust GRS of viscoelastic flows • well-mixed fluid outside of GRS Need new experiments, stability analyses. Update: (1) 1 of 10 simulations using random amplitude/phase initial perturbations for polymer stress. (2) What if the number of vortex cells is increased? (3) Now investigating in a new expt’l rig in the AML 16 counter-rotating rotors driving a PAA viscoelastic solution w. Bin Liu, J. Zhang Collective dynamics of active suspensions (bacterial baths) 150 μm R. Goldstein, J. Kessler, and coworkers Observation: meandering jet and vortices of scale 50-100 μm, speeds 50-100 μm/sec in jets Scale of B. subtilis ~ 4 μm (plus tail); swimming speed 20-30 μm/sec • A complex fluid driven by dynamics of its microstructure – many body interactions mediated by fluid. • collective behavior leads to strong mixing. • Role of body geometry? Emergence or role of orientational ordering? • Competition of hydrodynamic coupling vs. attractive gradients? Some of the experiments: • Wu & Libchaber ’00:“brownian” motion of test particles in bacterial baths. • Dombrowski et al ’04: large-scale flow structures (many body lengths). • Kim & Breuer ’04, enhanced mixing using bacteria in micro-fluidic device. • Paxton et al, ’04, fabricated chemically-driven nano-rod-swimmers. • Dreyfus et al, ’05, bio-mimetic swimmers driven by magnetic fields • Short et al, 06, expts and model of Volvox swimming. • Sokolov et al, ’07, expts on concentration dependencies in thin films. •… Some of the theory: • bioconvection: Childress & Spiegel, Pedley and many others • Simha & Ramaswamy ’02: predict instability of long-wave oriented states • Hernandez-Ortiz et al, ’05: simulations of force-dipole suspensions show emergence of large-scale structures • Toner et al, ’05: models of flocking. • Sambelashvili, Lau, & Cai ’07, ordering of 2d rod locomotors by local steric interactions • Pedley, Ishikawa et al, interactions of squirmers (specified surface velocity) • Saintillan & Shelley, 07, ‘08, particle simulations, kinetic theory of moving rod suspensions • Keaveny & Maxey, ’08, theory and simulations for bio-mimetic swimmers • Kanevsky et al, ’09, simulations of interacting stress-actuated swimmers •… Slender-body swimmer driven by surface stress Saintillan & Shelley PRL 2007 , motivated by Volvox model of Short, Goldstein, et al; (simulation of multi-V interactions by Kanevsky, Shelley, Tornberg, ’08) Surface tractions: prescribed unknown Integrated traction (force per unit length): prescribed Force and torque balances: unknown Single particle flow fields Saintillan & Shelley, PRL ‘07 2500 swimming “pushers” in periodic box of dimensions 10 x 10 x 3 effective volume fraction n (L/2)3 = 1; n = # density (strongly interacting) All initially aligned in the z direction – nematic order – with randomized positions 10 Spatially organized instability destroys long-range order. Predicted by Simha & Ramaswamy ‘02 Loss of global orientational order: order parameters: 1 2 S1 = p ⋅ z & S 2 = 3 p ⋅ z − 1 2 ( Emergence of large-scale dynamical flow as in Dombrowski et al, Hernandez-Ortiz et al ) A kinetic theory for active suspensions S&S, PRL ‘08, PF ‘08 Pose Fokker-Planck equation for distribution function Ψ ( x, p, t ) of particle center of mass x and (unit) swimming director p (rod theory, Doi & Edwards, '86) : 1 Ψ t + ∇ x i( xΨ ) + ∇ p i( pΨ ) = 0 with dVx ∫ dS p Ψ = n ∫ V w. "particle" fluxes x = U 0 p + u ( x, t ) − ∇ x ( D ln Ψ ) p = ( I − pp )( γ E + W ) p − ∇ p ( d ln Ψ ) Background fluid velocity: ∇q − Δu = ∇i Σ a and ∇iu = 0 driven by active swimming stress (Kirkwood theory; Batchelor '70): Σ a ( x, t ) = σ 0 ∫ dS p Ψ ( x, p, t ) [pp − I / 3] Pushers: σ 0 < 0; Pullers: σ 0 > 0 Important d'less parameters: U 0 → 1, σ 0 → α = O (1) , L → L / lc A useful special case Neglecting diffusion, consider a locally aligned suspension: Ψ ( x,p, t ) = c ( x, t ) δ ( p − n ( x, t ) ) Setting D=d=0 The full kinetic equations reduce exactly to: ∂c + ∇ x i( ( n + u ) c ) = 0 ∂t ∂n + ( n + u )i∇ x n = ( I - nn ) ∇ x u n ∂t with ∇ x q − ∇ 2x u = −∇ x i Σ a , and particle extra stress ∇x i u = 0 Σ p = α c ( x, t )( nn − I / 3) (preserves nin = 1) Stability analysis II: uniform isotropic case A nearly isotropic uniform suspension: i (k ⋅x + λt ) ⎤ 1 ⎡ 1 + ε Ψk (p ) e Ψ ( x, p , t ) = ⎢ ⎥⎦ 4π ⎣ Derive relation: 3iαγ kˆ ⋅ p Ψk = − p ⋅ F ⎡⎣ Ψ k ⎤⎦ 2 2π λ + ik ⋅ p + Dk where ( ˆˆ F ⎡⎣ Ψ k ⎤⎦ = I − kk ) ∫ dS p ' ( kˆ ⋅ p ') Ψ p' k (1) ( p ') Applying F operator to (1), and evaluation of the integral, yields the eigenvalue relation: 3iαγ 2k a − 1⎤ ⎡ 3 4 4 2 2 a a a a a i Dk 2 log λ 1 w. /k − + − = = + ( ) ( ) ⎢⎣ ⎥ a + 1⎦ 3 α = −1 (pushers), γ =1 Re λ ( rods ) , D = 0 Im λ Suspensions of pushers are unstable at long wavelengths. pullers are stable (eigen-solutions do not describe small-scale behavior – Hohenegger & Shelley ’09) Eigenfunctions: ck = ∫ dS p Ψ k ( p ) = 0 Σka = kk ⊥ + k ⊥k no concentration fluctuations in linear theory. active stress eigen-modes are shear-stresses. Non-linear simulations (2-d) Initial condition: Concentration field c Mean director field n Long-time dynamics: velocity field concentration bands The concentration bands are located inside shear layers. These shear layers become unstable, leading to the formation of vortices and to the break-up of the bands, which then reform in the transverse direction. Configurational entropy: ⎛ Ψ ⎞ ⎛ Ψ ⎞ S = ∫ dVx ∫ dS p ⎜ ⎟ ln ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ Ψ0 ⎠ ⎝ Ψ0 ⎠ ≥ 0; =0 only for Ψ ≡ Ψ 0 2 dS 3 1 2 a ⎡ ⎤ dV dV dS D d : ln ln = − Ψ ∇ Ψ + ∇ Ψ E Σ ⇒ x x p x p ∫ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ Ψ0 ∫ dt α Ψ 0 ∫ But ... from the momentum equations: Pa ( t ) = − ∫ dVx E : Σ = 2∫ dVx E : E a rate of viscous dissipation balances the active power input Pa ( t ) of the swimmers 2 1 −6 dS 2 2 ⎡ ⎤ ln ln Ψ E = − Ψ ∇ Ψ + ∇ ⇒ dV dV dS D d x x p x p ∫ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ Ψ0 ∫ dt α Ψ 0 ∫ Pullers (α >0): fluctuations, as measured by S , will dissipate. Pushers (α < 0): the input power increases fluctuations, until limited by diffusive processes. Pa(t) total entropy pushers entropy growth saturates; system in statistical equil. pullers fluctuations in puller suspension quickly dissipate Active swimmer power density: p ( x, t ) = − ∫ dp (α p T E ( x, t ) p ) Ψ ( x,p, t ); Pa ( t ) = ∫ dVx p ( x, t ) For Pa ( t ) to be positive w. α <0, expect p to be aligned with extensional axis of E Mixing by active suspensions Efficient convective fluid mixing is achieved by stretching and folding of fluid elements during the formation and break-up of the concentration bands. After approximately 4 cycles, good mixing is achieved in the suspension. From Mathew et al '07: mixing norm": || s ||H −1/ 2 Conclusions Aligned suspensions of swimming rods destabilize as a result of hydrodynamic interactions. The chaotic flow fields arising in suspensions of swimming rods are dominated locally by near uniaxial extensional (pushers) and compressional (pullers) flows. At steady state, particle orientations show a clear correlation at short length scales owing to the disturbance flow and to hydrodynamic interactions. This correlation results in an enhancement (or decrease) of the mean particle swimming speed. Dynamics in thin liquid films are characterized by a strong particle migration towards the gas/liquid interfaces. Kinetic theory predicts instabilities for both aligned and isotropic suspensions. In the isotropic case, the instability is driven by the particle shear stress. Non-linear simulations show that active suspensions evolve toward nonuniform distributions as a result of these instabilities. More precisely, the shear stress instability causes the local polar alignment of the particles, which in turn results in the formation of concentration inhomogeneities.