Associate Professor
Ed.D., Ed Admin
West Virginia University
"A Study of Public School Tax Revenue Losses Due to Inadequate Tax Appraisals of West Virginia Coal Land"
M.Ed., Instructional Technology
Kent State University
B.S., Secondary Ed
Kent State University
Associate professor
Regional Campuses
Tenured, Associate Professor, teaching Ed Psych and Ed Technology
08/2004 - present
Regional Campus Dean
East Liverpool Campus
Regional Campus Dean
01/2002 - 08/2004
Dean, College of Education
Marshall University
Dean, College of Education at Marshall University, Huntington, WV
01/1997 - 12/2001
Executive Dean and Associate Professor
College of Education and Human Services, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia.
01/1997 - 12/2001
Marshall University is a state-supported institution accredited by North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
The University has eight colleges; College of Business; College of Education and Human Services; College of Fine
Arts; College of Liberal Arts; College of Science; Community and Technical College; Graduate College, College of
Nursing and Health Professions, and a School of Medicine. Marshall University enrolls approximately 16,000 students and has 460 full-time faculty members. The College of Education and Human Services is the largest college at
Marshall University, with 105 full-time faculty in three schools; the School of Education, headed by a Chair, the School of Human Services, headed by two division chairs, and the Graduate School of Education and Professional
Development, headed by a Dean (South Charleston, WV). These Schools house Counseling; Educational Leadership;
Family & Consumer Sciences; Health, Physical Education and Recreation; Instructional Technology; Safety
Technology; Elementary Education; Secondary Education, Special Education; Educational Foundations; and Adult and
Technical and Education. The College enrolls 2400 undergraduate and over 2000 graduate students. The Teacher
Education program is NCATE accredited; four other programs are nationally accredited. The college offers BA, MA,
MS, EdS, and EdD degrees. My responsibilities include faculty, budget and programs in the three schools. The College also houses the Autism Training Center (I served on the Board), the Higher Education Learning Problems Center
(HELP Center) (I served on the Board), the Learning Resources Center (Center Director reports to my office), Testing
Center (Center Director reported to my office), and the Child Development Academy (I served as President of the Board).
07/1975 - 12/1984 Various
WV Dept of Education
1999 Research study and report, “Statewide Needs Assessment Survey of Individuals with Disabilities in West Virginia” for the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation, 1999
Publication: Other
Article: “Leader Training” co-author with Dr. Powell Toth, Dr. Paul Leary, and Dr. James Ranson,
West Virginia Graduate College, National Forum of Applied Educational Research
Journal-Electronic, Volume 10E, Number 3, 1997-98.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Published Article: "Are You An Older Than Average Student...."; July, 1988; Learning....for work improvement; co-author Dr. Jane Dunlap, University of Dayton.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Instructors Guides: National Mine Academy Video Tape Series: "Coal Mine Supervisor"
September October, 1987; four guides.
Publication: Books Authored
Co Producer: Video tape series for "Coal Mine Supervisors," National Mine Academy; four 20 minute video tapes available for national distribution; January, 1987.
Publication: Other
Looking Back to Instructional Strategy Basics, Charging Forward, Methods for Transitioning from the Classroom to the Online Environment, June 2007, National ASCUE Conference; co-presented with Robert Logan, Kent State University, College of Technology.
Type: National Refereed
Accepted for presentation: “The Student Development of Pre-Service K-8 Teachers in Science and Self-Efficacy”. Eastern Educational Research Association for presentation at the February
2001 meeting. Authors: Sottile, James; Carter, Bill; Watson, George; and Froehlich, Larry.
Type: Regional Refereed
Phi Delta Kappa, Huntington Chapter, Key Note Presentation “Education in the Future: By the
Numbers”, October 1999.
Paper: "West Virginia Educational Microcomputer Network and its Role in Vocational Education" presented at the National Network for Vocational Technical Curriculum Coordination
Conference, Boston, July 11, 1984.
Advisory Board, Salem ABT Advisory Board Member
Serve as a faculty member on the Salem Campus ABT Advisory Board.
Type: Campus
Coordinator, Program Coordinator for the BTAS
Serve as the Program Coordinator for the BTAS for the Regional College.
Type: Regional
Curriculum Advisor, Advisor on the Salem Campus
Advise Salem Campus students in Early Childhood Education, ITAP, Medical Billing and BTAS
Type: Campus
Member, Dean Review Committee
Committee to review College of Education Dean
Type: College
Co PI, Planning Grant from NSF for Institution Level Reform
Collaboration with: Larry Froehlich Bob Logan
Submitted: $175,000.00
NSF - Applied Research
2011 - present
2010 - present
2008 - present
2006 - 2007
2006 - 2007
Status: Not Funded