WHITE PAPER PROPOSAL OUTLINE: TITLE PAGE Title of your project and your names. Abstract Descriptive, what is the problem to be solved and how you solved it (usually 200 words). Has to catch the reader's interest. (Don't mention EE499 anywhere except the acknowledgements). Can give brief results. Page break INTRODUCTION No equations. No figures. Give some background on what the problem is, give historical background/evolution of the technology and describe how you approached it. Last paragraph describes what is in each section up to and including the conclusions. About 1 sentence per section. TECHNICAL SECTIONS ON (use lots of figures and ample equations throughout these sections) Background Might have background on related technologies or methods. System description Describe a system diagram or figure and tell how it works And/or components of the system Example: Describe Transmitter, Receiver, Controller, encoder, decoder, etc. DO’S AND DON'TS Don't start a sentence as if it is a continuation of the section title. After a section title, always have at least a descriptive paragraph of text before any subsections. The first sentence is the most important. After that, just describe in a how to manner your technology. TIMELINE AND MILESTONES Use something like a Gant chart. DELIVERABLES Tell exactly what you are going to deliver and who owns it. BUDGET Spell out the estimated costs. DISTRIBUTION OF EFFORT What each team member was responsible for? REFERENCES List data books used. List text books. List previous designs. (You can cite most references in the introduction, and use either [1] or a superscript) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 1 paragraph biographical sketch. ODDS AND ENDS All figures have captions and all captions are cited. See Fig. 3 for example. All equations have numbers A=B (1) And cite equations as Eq. (1) Appendices Schematics (some schematics can go in the technical sections) Parts lists Links to data sheets