Compu5ng with transient network dynamics Stefan Klampfl, Wolfgang Maass Ins$tute for Theore$cal Computer Science University of Technology Graz, Austria December 11, 2008 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Computa5on in cor5cal circuits Obviously, computa$on in the brain is different from computa$on in computers 2 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Computers vs brains • Computers carry out offline computa$ons Different input components are presented all at once, and there is no strict bound on the computa$on $me. 3 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Computers vs brains • Typical computa$ons in the brain are online In online computa$ons there arrive all the $me new input components. A real‐$me algorithm has produce for each new input component an output within a fixed $me interval D. An any$me algorithm can be prompted at any $me to provide its current best guess of a proper output (which should integrate as many of the previously arrived input‐pieces as possible). 4 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Computers vs brains • Obvious differences: – Computa$ons in brains result from learning – Brains carry out online computa$ons – Neural circuits consist of heterogeneous components • Standard computa$onal models are not adequate for understanding brain computa$ons 5 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience An alterna5ve model • Computa$ons can be viewed as trajectories to an aWractor in a dynamical system Problems with this model: • Not suitable for online compu$ng • Condi$ons implausible for biological circuits • AWractors cannot be reached in short $me • Data rarely show convergence to an aWractor 6 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Compu5ng with trajectories • Is informa$on encoded in the transient dynamics? Principal neurons from locust antennal‐lobe in response to a specific odor [Rabinovich et al, 2008] Institute for Theoretical Computer Science 7 EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Our approach • How can temporally stable informa$on be extracted from these transient trajectories? • We consider the perspec$ve of the “neural user“, i.e., projec$on neurons that read out informa$on from the circuit – e.g., linear discriminator 8 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Our approach • A linear readout neuron computes the weighted sum of low‐ pass filtered presynap$c spike trains Spikes from presynap$c neurons in the circuit Postsynap$c poten$als in the readout neuron caused by these spikes W 1 W2 ! Wd This high dimensional analog input is called the liquid state 9 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Compu5ng with trajectories • High‐dimensionality of state space facilitates the extrac$on of temporally stable informa$on Linear separability of 2 randomly drawn trajectories of length 100 in d dimensions: a projec$on neuron with d presynap$c inputs can separate almost any pair of trajectories that are each defined by connec$ng less than d randomly drawn points. Institute for Theoretical Computer Science 10 EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Learning of readout neurons • How can readout neurons be trained to discriminate between trajectories? – Supervised learning (e.g., linear classifier) – Reinforcement learning (Reward‐modulated STDP [Izhikevich, 2007, Legenstein et al, 2007]) • I will focus on unsupervised learning – Slow Feature Analysis (SFA) [WiskoW and Sejnowski, 2002] 11 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Slow Feature Analysis • Based on slowness as a principle for learning invariances • Given a mul$‐dimensional $me series x(t), it finds those func$ons gi which generate the most slowly varying signals yi(t) = gi(x(t)) • It minimizes s.t. • gi are instantaneous func$ons of the input x(t) 12 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Slow Feature Analysis • Consider the special case – where the input x is whitened: and – the set of linear func$ons • Minimize under the constraints • SFA finds the normed eigenvector of corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue Institute for Theoretical Computer Science 13 EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience SFA for classifica5on • Linear SFA can be related to Fisher‘s Linear Discriminant (FLD) • Convert the input to the classifica$on problem into a $me series for SFA • At each $me select random point from a class chosen by a Markov model 14 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience SFA for classifica5on • If the transi$on probabili$es between classes are low, the eigenvalues are the same • If the class is slowly varying, SFA finds the same subspace as FLD 15 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Training readouts with SFA • Our model of a cor$cal microcircuit: Computer model (560 neurons) from [Haeusler and Maass, 2007], based on data from the Labs of Alex Thomson, Henry Markram, simulated with single compartment HH‐neurons, conductance based synapses with short‐term plas$city with noise reflec$ng in‐vivo‐condi$ons according to Destexhe et al. We have applied long‐term plas$city so far only to projec$on neurons in this model. 16 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Training readouts with SFA • Isolated spoken digits task [Hopfield and Brody] • Inputs preprocessed with cochlea model [Lyon, 1982] 17 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Training readouts with SFA • Linear SFA applied to a long random sequence of circuit trajectories in response to different versions of words “one” and “two” (of a single speaker) SFA output in response to 5 test trajectories of each class: Slow features encode “paWern loca$on” (Where‐informa$on) and paWern iden$ty (What‐informa$on) Institute for Theoretical Computer Science 18 EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Liquid Compu5ng model • The computa$onal performance of a cor$cal microcircuit should be judged on the basis how well it supports the task of readout neurons • A microcircuit could support the learning capability of linear projec$on neurons by providing: – analog fading memory (to accumulate informa$on over $me in the state) – nonlinear projec$on into high‐dimensional space (kernel property) 19 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Liquid Compu5ng model • Liquid State Machine (LSM) generalizes finite state machines to con$nuous input values u(s), con$nuous output values y(t), and con$nuous $me t [Maass, Natschläger, Markram, 2002] Institute for Theoretical Computer Science 20 EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Liquid Compu5ng model • What is the computa$onal power of this model? – If the dynamical system L is sufficiently large and consists of sufficiently diverse components, the readout func$on f can be trained to approximate any Volterra series. [Maass, Markram, 2004] – If one allows feedback from the readout into the dynamical system, then this model becomes already for rather simple dynamical systems L universal for analog (and digital) computa$on on input streams (in par$cular it can simulate any Turing machine). [Maass, Joshi, Sontag, 2007] 21 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Liquid Compu5ng model • Experimentally testable predic$ons of the liquid compu$ng model for cor$cal microcircuits: – Temporal integra$on of informa$on (fading memory) – General purpose nonlinear preprocessing (kernel property) 22 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Data from visual cortex Recordings by D. Nikolic from primary visual cortex of anaesthesized cat [Nikolic, Haeusler, Singer, Maass, 2007] 23 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Data from visual cortex C 80 80 60 Cat 1 Performance Mean firing rate 40 20 0 0 A|C Performance (% correct) 100 B E 80 80 60 40 20 Cat 2 0 0 A|C Performance (% correct) 100 B E 80 80 60 40 20 0 Cat 3 0 100 200 300 Time [ms] 400 500 600 0 700 Mean firing rate [Hz] Performance (% correct) B Mean firing rate [Hz] A|D 100 Mean firing rate [Hz] • Informa$on about previously shown leWers is maintained during presenta$on of subsequent leWers (temporal integra$on) 24 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Data from visual cortex • Informa$on from two subsequent leWers is nonlinearly combined in the circuit (kernel property) 25 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Data from auditory cortex • Recordings with 4 electrodes from area A1 in awake ferrets (unpublished data from the lab of Shibab Shamma) unpublished experimental data was removed from this publicly available version 26 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Data from auditory cortex • Informa$on is maintained during presenta$on of the next tone (temporal integra$on) unpublished experimental data was removed from this publicly available version 27 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Data from auditory cortex • Almost all informa$on contained in the spike trains can be extracted by linear classifiers (kernel property) unpublished experimental data was removed from this publicly available version 28 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Summary • I have presented a model for online compu$ng with trajectories in cor$cal microcircuits • It views cor$cal computa$ons from the perspec$ve of generic preprocessing for learning • Slow Feature Analysis (SFA) as an unsupervised mechanism for training readouts • Predic$ons of this model (temporal integra$on of informa$on, kernel property) have been tested by experimental data 29 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience Thank you for your aNen5on 30 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience References Rabinovich, Huerta, and Laurent. Transient dynamics for neural processing. Science 321 (2008), pp. 48‐50 D. Nikolic, S. Haeusler, W. Singer, and W. Maass. Temporal dynamics of informa$on content carried by neurons in the primary visual cortex. In Proc. of NIPS 2006, Advances in Neural InformaAon Processing Systems, volume 19, pages 1041‐1048. MIT Press, 2007. E.M. Izhikevich. Solving the distal reward problem through linkage of STDP and dopamine signaling. Cerebral Cortex 17:2443‐2452, 2007. R. Legenstein, D. Pecevski, and W. Maass. A learning theory for reward‐modulated spike‐ $ming‐ dependent plas$city with applica$on to biofeedback. PLoS ComputaAonal Biology, 4(10):1‐27, 2008. L. WiskoW L, T.J. Sejnowski. Slow feature analysis: unsupervised learning of invariances. Neural ComputaAon 14:715‐770, 2002. S. Häusler and W. Maass. A sta$s$cal analysis of informa$on processing proper$es of lamina‐ specific cor$cal microcircuit models. Cerebral Cortex, 17(1):149‐162, 2007. W. Maass and H. Markram. On the computa$onal power of recurrent circuits of spiking neurons. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 69(4):593‐616, 2004. W. Maass, P. Joshi, and E. D. Sontag. Computa$onal aspects of feedback in neural circuits. PLoS ComputaAonal Biology, 3(1):e165, 1‐20, 2007. 31 Institute for Theoretical Computer Science EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Computa5onal Neuroscience