Influences on an anti-inflammatory drug,
Ibuprofen, on spatial memory and N-Methyl D-
Aspartate receptor expression during aging
Undergraduate Researcher :
Alejandra Márquez Loza
BioResource Research
College of Agricultural Sciences
Project Mentor:
Dr. Kathy R. Magnusson
Department of Biomedical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Memory defines us
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Memory decline with aging
One of the first cognitive dysfunctions to arise with aging (Albert et al. 1992)
40% of individuals within the fifth decade and 85% of elderly over the age of 80 suffer form AAMI (Larrabee et al. 1994)
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
World Population Ageing 1950-2050
Underlying global population ageing is a process known as the demographic transition in which mortality and then fertility decline from higher to lower levels. Decreasing fertility along children per woman in 1950-1955 to an extremely low level of 1.5 children per woman in 2000-
2005. Presently, the total fertility rate is below the replacement level in practically all with lengthening life expectancy (figure 1) has reshaped the age structure of the population in most regions of the planet by shifting relative weight from younger to older groups. The role of international migration in changing age industrialized countries. In 19 of those countries the rate is under 1.3 children per woman.
Fertility decline in the less developed regions started later and has proceeded faster
4 distributions has been far less important than that Future of memory decline
Figure 1. Total fertility rate and life expectancy at birth: w orld, 1950-2050
Major fertility reductions in the less developed regions occurred, in general, during the last three decades of the twentieth century. Over the last 50 years, the average total fertility rate in those regions dropped by more than 60 per cent,
80 from 6.2 children per woman in 1950-1955 to 2.9 in 2000-2005 (figure 2).
Figure 2. Total fertility rate: world and development regions, 1950-2050 5
W orld
More developed regions
Less developed regions
Least developed countries
T otal fertility rate
Life expectancy at birth
0 0
1950 -55 1975-80 2000-05 2025 -30 2045 -50
(UN World Statistics, 2002)
Fertility decline has been the primary determinant of population ageing. Over the last half century, the total fertility rate decreased globally by almost half, from 5.0 to 2.7 children per woman. Over the next half century, it is expected to drop to the replacement level of 2.1 children per women.
Fertility is well below the replacement level in the more developed regions
As a result of the sustained decline that occurred during the twentieth century, the average total fertility rate in the more developed regions has dropped from an already low level of 2.8
1950-55 1975-80 2000-05 2025-30 2045-50
However, great disparities persist. In the least developed countries, the average total fertility rate is now 5.2 children per woman. In particular, in Eastern, Western and Middle Africa, it remains in excess of 5.5 children per woman.
Meanwhile, current rates are 2.5 children per woman or less in South-central Asia, South
America and the Caribbean. In 18 developing countries, the total fertility rate is estimated to be under replacement level already.
Population Division, DESA, United Nations 5
Biologically, memory can be defined as:
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Analogous to our daily pathways
Facilitating a neuronal pathway builds the strength of a memory
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Neurotransmitter Release- through increased production and storage
Formation of additional synaptic connections
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Long-term Potentiation 8
A mechanism underlying memory formation
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
N-Methyl D-Aspartate Receptors
One subtype of glutamate receptor that provide regulatory roles in neurotransmission associated with the performance of memory tasks
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
NMDA receptors are made up of a combination of 3 major groups of subunit families
1. GluN1
Has 8 different splice variants
Aging particularly affects the
GluN1-1 and GluN1-3 variants
2. GluN2A-D
Aging particularly affects the
GluN2B subunit
3. GluN3A-B
It is not known how aging affects these subunits
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Inflammation may account for aging changes in the NMDA receptor
Lim. et al., 2000 study: transgenic mouse model for Alzheimer showed chronic oral ibuprofen treatment was capable of suppressing plaque pathology including amyloid deposition
The Mesches et al., 2004 study: an antiinflammatory drug, sulindac, improved spatial short-term memory and reverse the effects of aging on protein expression of NMDA receptor subunits in old mice
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Purpose of this study
It is not known whether previously seen effects are at the level of mRNA and/or protein and whether it would improve both long and short-term spatial memory and NMDA receptor expression at younger ages
In the present study we analyze the effects of an anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen, on spatial working (short-term) and reference
(long-term) memory and NMDA receptor at the mRNA level
Targeting the NMDA complex may play a role in developing treatment options to prevent or improve age-related changes in memory
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
If inflammation is playing a role during aging on NMDA receptors, we would expect to see:
1) Ibuprofen enhance memory compared to control groups
2) Improve mRNA expression of GluN2B and all GluN1 subunits as a whole and the GluN1-1 and GluN1-3 splice variants, but not affect GluN1-2 splice variants
3) Ibuprofen would reduce cytokine levels compared to control groups, especially at older ages
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
This research required 48 male, C57BL/6 mice of four different age groups
Treatment 1
Treatment 2
Number of Mice per Age Group
5 months of age
14 months of age
20 months of age
26 months of age
Number of Mice per Age Group
5 months of age
14 months of age
20 months of age
26 months of age
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Testing Techniques:
1. Cognitive memory
Morris Water Maze
2. mRNA densities of NMDA receptor subunits
In Situ Hybridization
3. Cytokine levels in brain and spleen
Reverse Transcriptase- Polymerase Chain
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
1. Behavioral Cognitive Testing
The Morris Water Maze
Memory Assessment
Memory is measured as cumulative and average proximities to the platform
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Morris Water Maze - spatial memory tasks
Figure 1.2
1. Spatial Long Term Memory
• Place trials
• Probe trials
2. Cognitive Flexibility
• Reversal trials
3. Spatial Short-term memory
• Working memory trials: Naïve and Delay
4. Cued control trials
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2. In Situ Hybridization
One half was used for sectioning for in situ hybridization
Using probes for genes of interest- cDNA labeled with 33P-dATP,
Brain and standard images were captured autoradiography
The different prefrontal and frontal cortex brain regions analyzed for mRNA expression were:
deep (cortical layers IV–VI)
superficial (cortical layers II–III) layers of ventral orbital cortex, lateral orbital cortex, prefrontal cortex
insular cortex
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
3. Reverse Transcriptase-
Polymerase Chain Reaction
1. Tissue samples from brain and spleen collected
2. Interleukin I (IL-1beta) cytokine RNA isolated
3. RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA for quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction technique used to amplify DNA
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Effect of Ibuprofen on:
1. Cognitive memory
2. mRNA densities of NMDA subunit and
GluN1 slice variants
3. IL-1beta cytokine levels in the brain and spleen
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Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Long-term memory
Place trials showed effect of age but there was no significant effect of treatment across trial types
*p <0.05 for difference from 5 month old mice. Bracket indicates significant differences collapsed across treatments. Mean ± SEM, N = 6.
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Short-term memory 26
Oldest ibuprofen treated mice showed significantly better performance in the delayed trial, compared to naive, as did both treatment groups at 14 months of age * p < 0.05 for difference from naive trial of the same age and treatment. Mean ± SEM N = 6.
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Cognitive Flexibility
There was a significant effect of age but no significant effect of treatment. *p < 0.05 for difference from 5 month old mice.
Bracket indicates significant differences collapsed across treatments. Mean ± SEM, N = 6.
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Cued Control Task 28
There were no significant effects of age or treatment on performances in the cued control task, an assessment of sensory/motor skills and motivation. Mean ± SEM. N = 6.
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Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
mRNA density of GluN1 subunit and splice variants in lateral frontal cortex
No effect
Ibuprofen decreased mRNA density for GluN1-pan and GluN1-1-containing subunits, but increased mRNA for GluN1-3-containing subunits across ages. No effect on GluN1-2
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
mRNA densities of GluN2B subunit in lateral frontal cortex
No effect
Ibuprofen decreased mRNA density for GluN2B in all but the oldest group
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
mRNA densities of NMDA subunits in lateral frontal cortex
32 mRNA densities for NMDA receptor subunits and splice variants in layer II-III of lateral frontal cortex
Glun1-pan GluN1-1 GluN1-2 GluN1-3
Age- Receptor Subunits
= Expected to increase with ibuprofen
= Actual results
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
IL-1B cytokine levels in the brain and spleen
IL-1beta levels, as a fold change from 5-month-old controls, in the brain
( a) and spleen ( b) from different ages and treatments. There was a significant overall effect of age (p<0.02), but no effect of ibuprofen in IL-
1beta levels in the brain or spleen. N = 5-6. Mean ± SEM.
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Average subject weight (g) averaged across weighing sessions
There was a significant overall effect of age ( p <0.01), but no significant main effect of treatment on individual mouse weights when averaged across age groups and different weighing days
( p =0.12). N = 5-6. Mean ± SEM.
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Expected Results
If inflammation is playing a role during aging on NMDA receptors, we would expect to see:
1) Ibuprofen enhance memory compared to control groups
2) Improve the expression of GluN2B and all GluN1 subunits as a whole and the GluN1-1 and GluN1-3 splice variants, but not ✖ affect GluN1-2 splice variants
3) Ibuprofen would reduce cytokine levels compared to control groups, especially at older ages
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
What study results suggest:
1) The effects of ibuprofen on cognitive behavior and mRNA expression did not appear to be through an anti-inflammatory mechanism
2) Ibuprofen may be affecting NMDA subunit gene expression through a negative feedback mechanism
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Ibuprofen may not be enough to override epigenetic mechanisms regulating cytokine expression
Rao et al., 2012 study: cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) neuroinflammatory markers- IL-1beta
Due to the hypomethylated state of the COX-2 CpG promoter region
Chronic treatment of drugs for Alzheimer's and Bipolar Disease acting at the cellular level may provide transient protection correcting neuroinflammatory and synaptic remodeling, but may not provide full recovery by not targeting epigenetic regulation
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Limitations of this Study
It may be possible there were toxicity effects. To rule out this possibility we had to have retained some tissue samples for analysis
To determine if ibuprofen was really acting on the brain, it would be necessary to analyze ibuprofen in the brain using mass spectroscopy. This is currently something we are looking into incorporating into this study
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Future of this study
Currently still ongoing study
Analyzing the effects of ibuprofen on protein may reveal new information
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Funding for this project was provided in part by the Center for Healthy Aging Research of Oregon
State University through the LIFE Scholars
Program and by AG016332 grant from National
Institutes of Health to KRM.
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging
Alejandra Márquez~ Memory and Aging