From: FLAIRS-01 Proceedings. Copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Assessing the Effectiveness of LSI in Approachingthe Intention of a User’s Query Massoud Moussavi I 2and Robert Najlis The World Bank*’ 1818H Street N.W. Washington,D.C. 20433 mmoussavi@worldbank.or~ 2ComputerScience Department Indiana University Lindley Hall, Rm.215 Bloomington,Indiana 47405 Abstract keywords and documents also need to be found. One system for doing this is Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Documents retrieved in response to a user’s query shouldreflect the intention of the user. Keyword searchesare not sufficient to accomplish this task. This paper considers Latent SemanticIndexing(LSI) as possible solution. LSI is consideredin the context of a large set of WorldBankdocuments.LSI is shownto be useful in this regard, but not a completesolution. Additional, domainspecific, information wouldbe neededas well. Introduction The WorldBank has a very large repository of case studies and reports on various economicand social development projects undertaken in the developing countries. Staff working on a new development project often have to perform a keywordsearch to find an examplethat is similar to their situation. But keyword based searches can miss pertinent documents because those documentsdo not contain the presented keywords. Furthermore, they might retrieve documents which, although containing the keywords, in fact are unrelated to the actual search (Moussavi 1999). This means that the difficult task of trying to find the correct wordsto enter for a search is placed on the user. It wouldbe preferable to give as muchof the job as possible to the computerinstead. Thefirst place to look for solutions is how the knowledge base is indexed. Keywords are an essential building block to any indexing scheme, but they are not enough by themselves. Correlations between the * The findings, interpretations, and conclusions LSI groups wordsby their relationships to other words in and across documents. This allows the system to place related documentsin close proximity, and unrelated ones further away. Thus, although some actual keywordsin the documentsmight differ, if there is enough similarity across documents, they will be grouped together. Furthermore, a search on one of the keywords will also yield documentscontaining the other related words. LSI works by taking a matrix of terms and documentsand analyzing it by singular value decomposition (SVD). Each term and document indexed by its vector in the matrix (Deerwester, et ai. 1990) (Laham1997). The result is a geometric space correlating terms and documents. Research This paper describes findings from an ongoing examination of application of LSI to indexing (and concept generation) a large set of World Bank documents on economic and social development issues. Our research objective is to develop a conversational system (Aha and Breslow 1997) via which the users can retrieve the most relevant documentsby answering questions on indexed features. This paper focuses on the efficacy of LSI in the retrieval of documentsin a manner whichmore closely fits with the user’s concept for the query. Queries of over 500 abstracts of documentson the topic of economicgrowth in East Asia, and especially expressed and should not be attributed in any manner to the World to the Board of Directors or the countries they represent. 320 FLAIRS-2001 in this paper Bank, to its are those affiliated of the author organizations, Korea, were conducted. Each query returned 100 documents.The correlation of the queries and the documentsretrieved by LSI will be examined. Threeof the queries that werepresentedto LSI: ( I ) Howdid East Asiancountries achievetheir economic growth (2) Howdid East Asian countries achieve their growth rates (3) Howdid Koreaachieve its economicgrowth LSItransformedthose user entered queries into the followingtbrms: ( i ) east asian countries achieveeconomicgrowth (2) east asian countries achievegrowthrates (3) korea achieve economicgrowth Thus, all commonlyused words were removedfrom the query before the search was begun. The phrases werenot treated as sentences,but rather as a conglomerationof keywords.Queries could be presentedin the formof sentences, or evenas documents,but LSIwouldbase the search solely on the relevance of the keywords,not by attemptingany kind of linguistic parsingof the query. certain projects, and wheninformation problems discourage lending to small and medium-size firms. The assumptionunderlying policy-based assistance and other formsof industrial assistance (such as lowertaxes) is that the mainconstraint on newor expandingenterprises is limited to access to credit. Theauthors give an overviewof credit policies in East Asiancountries (China, Japan, and the Republicof Korea)as well as India, and summarizewhatthese countries have learned about directed credit programs.Among the lessons: 1) Credit programsmustsmall, narrowlyfocused, and of limited duration (with clear sunset provisions); 2) subsidies mustbe low to minimizedistortion of incentives as well as the tax on financial intermediationthat all such programsentail; 3) credit programsmustbe financedby long-termfunds to preventinflation and macroeconomic instability, recourse to central bankcredit should be avoidedexcept in the very early stages of developmentwhenthe central bank’sassistance can help jump-start economicgrowth;4) they should aim at achieving positive externalities (or avoidingnegativeones), any help to declining industries shouldinclude plans for their timely phaseout;5) they should promoteindustrialization and export orientation in a competitiveprivate Results The documentsreturned for queries (I) and (2) quite similar in manyways,but query(2) also included manydocumentsrelating to interest rates and other topics whichwerenot quite as relevant to economic growthon the whole. Results of query (3) were highly focusedon times evento the exclusionof economicgrowth. This document seemsto fit fairly well into the conceptof the query,so this is an appropriateretrieval from LSI. Notably though, this documentwas not consideredterribly relevant to query(3), whereit was only given a weightof 0.279761,quite a low score, especially giventhe strong weightingit receivedfor the other twoqueries. This, despite the fact that Koreais even mentionedexplicitly in the document. Queries (1) and (2) both returned with document as the mostrelevant, giving it a weightof 0.740514and 0.712007respectively. As can be seen, the document refers to the effect of credit policies in the development of East Asiancountries: Documents 512, 516, and 517 were all considered to be highly relevant to query(3), being given weights 0.690721,0.619509,and 0.596581respectively. All of the documentsrefer to Korea’s economicgrowth, thus one wouldexpect this to be the case. Credit policies : lessons fromEast Asia -Directed credit programswerea majortool of developmentin the 1960sand 1970s. In the 1980s, their usefulness wasreconsidered. Experiencein most countries showedthat they stimulatedcapital-intensiveprojects, that preferential funds wereoften (mis)usedfor nonprioritypurposes,that a declinein financial discipline led to lowrepaymentrates, and that budget deficits swelled. Moreover,the programs were hard to remove.But Japan and other East Asiancountries havelong touted the merits of focused, well-managed directed credit programs, saying they are warrantedwhenthere is a significant discrepancybetweenprivate and social benefits, wheninvesmentrisk is too high on Document512: Korea- Problemsand issues in a rapidly growing economy-- The phenomenaleconomicprogress of the Republicof Koreaduringthe past decadeis one of the outstandingsuccessstories in international development.Despite a lack of natural resources, Koreahas madethe transition froma largely agricultural society into a semiindustrialized countryin a relatively short time. This booktraces the impressiveindustrial growth and discussesthe issues that Korea’sfive-year plan for 1977-81musttry to resolve. It focuseson the problemof mobilizingfinancial resources both foreign capital and domesticsavings- for future growthand on the problemof increasing industrial exports without undermining efforts KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 321 towardimportsubstitution. This study of Korea’s plans for industrial expansionemphasizesthe textile, electronics, andshipbuildingindustries, as well as the contribution that small and mediumsize firms can make.It also considersthe social goals of moreevendistribution of the benefits of growth, increased employment,and greater parity betweenurban and rural incomes. Onewouldalso expect that any documentsso relevant to a query on the economicgrowthof Korea, wouldalso be of value in a querypertaining to the economicgrowth of East Asia. However,LSI did not weighthese documentsheavily for queries (1) and (2). For query(1), they were given weightsof 0.406988, 0.204237,and0.221794,while for query (2) they were given weights of 0.356005, 0.169973,and 0.276461 respectively. Likely, these documentsmight not even be consideredrelevant in a search for queries (I) and (2). In the case of document 504, LSIrated it similarly for queries (1), (2), and (3), 0.414071,0.370077, 0.372094respectively. This despite the fact that the documentdoes not mentionEast Asia or Koreaat any point in the document. Nepal- 1997Economicupdate: the challenge of accelerating economicgrowth-- This report was prepared for the NepalAid Groupmeeting scheduledto be held in Paris in early 1998. The report focusesselectively on a limited set of key issues critical to accelerating economicgrowth and improving developmentmanagementin the short-to-mediumterm. The report is organized into twochapters. ChapterI reviewsrecent economicdevelopments,focusing particularly on economicgrowth, fiscal management,the financial sector, and progressin economic reforms. Chapter 2 looks at the development agendawhich will accelerate economicgrowth and developmenton a sustainable basis. The main elements of the developmentagendainclude: 1) Aimfor sustained high rates of broad-basedand more equitable economicgrowth, and make strong efforts to reducethe populationgrowthrate in order to improvethe living conditionsof the predominantlyrural poor. 2) Makeconcerted efforts to promotehumanresource development and to providebasic infrastructure and services. Improvingeducation, health, and nutrition are essential for enhancing literacy, skills, productivity, and income-earningcapacity. Increasingbasic infrastructure woulddirectly help support economicactivities and improveliving standards. 3) Totake care of those not directly benefiting from the growthprocess, especially vulnerable and underprivilegedgroups, including women. 322 FLAIRS-2001 In fact, perhapsit is becausethis document mentions neither East Asiaor Koreathat the weightsare so similar. It is not pulledoff in anydirection by the inclusion of anyof these terms. Anotherinteresting result is the case of document 230. It is a very short document,withoutevenan abstract. Date: 1997-06-26 Report#:i 6812 Title: Korea-Public Hospital Modernization Project Abstract: Thereis verylittle, if any relation to economic development.Whythen wouldit receive a weight from query(3) as high as 0.684027?Onepossible explanation is that of the fewtermspresent in the document,Koreais one. Thusthe relation of the occurrenceof the term Koreato the total numberof terms in the document is quite high. However, there is no correlation to the concerns of economicgrowthmentionedin the query. Not surprisingly document230was not one of the documentsretrieved in query(1) or query(2) (each queryretrieved 100of the over 500 documents). Discussion WhileLSIseemsquite able to retrieve documents relevant to the keywords given in a queryand in this respect its performanceis superior to keyword-based searchengines,it is still not satisfactoryin dealingwith the intention of the user. Our last examplewhereLSI returns a documentthat has no relation to economic developmentin Koreabrings up the followinginteresting question: Whatadditional (external to LSI) criteria shouldbe used for rejecting or selecting a document’? Wecould consider several parameters: length of a document,relative weightsof terms within a query(for instance, given our domainknowledge,we might associate a higher weight to ’economicgrowth’than ’Korea’), etc. Moreover,we can take advantageof subsumptionaxioms(Woods2000) and rules that capture a gooddeal of domainknowledgeabout relationships betweenconceptsto preprocessqueries and achieve a better matchto user’s intention. For example, our results werenot quite as expectedin so far as returning similar documentsfor queries on economic growthin East Asia and Korea.Giventhat Koreais an East Asiancountry, one mightwell expectto see a higher correlation of weightsfor retrieved documents. Preprocessingof the queryin this case amountsto utilizing a keywordbasedconcepthierarchy to insure that related keywordsare included in any given query. Thusfor example,Koreawouldbe included in a query on East Asia. It is clear that, despiteLSI’sability to find correlations betweenterms and documents,there is still a greatneedfor storingdomain knowledge in termsof heuristicrulesandrelationsbetween concepts (e.g., relationbetween countriesandregions).Sucha system wouldconsistof threeintegratedcomponents: A case libra,, containing concretecasesof development projects;Aknowledge basethat containsgeneraldomain knowledge in the formof relationsamong featuresand heuristicrules;andAsituationassessment userinterface that derivesmoremeaningful featuresbeforeattempting retrievalof a usefulcase(Moussavi 1999).LSIwould integralto thesystemin a number of ways.Forone thing,it would beusedto indexthecaselibrary,thus extending the indexing of thesystemto includemore thanjust theknowledge base. One, very useful, ability of manyCBR applicationsis the ability to adapt old cases to newones. Given a knowledgebase of documents,no adaptation is possible, as the documentscannot be changed. However,with a systemthat is constructedto handleuser t~eries of the base, Thus the queries emselves canknowledge becomecases. adaptation of old queriesto newonesis a possibility. Furthermore,this focuses the adaptation processon the desires of the user, rather than the facts of the knowledgebase, whichseems appropriate for improvingsystem response to user needs. In order to do this, the queries, both old and new, wouldneed to be indexed. Again, LSIis a powerfultool for accomplishing such indexing. LS] wouldbe useful for this in two ways.One,the actual queries could be indexed. Whilethe queries are quite short, over time, quite a numberof themwouldbe built up. Secondly,the results of the queries could be indexed. This would allow for the generation of a knowledge concerning query results. Such knowledge could be used as feedbackfor the systemin the creation and maintenanceof concept categories, types of informationfounduseful by users given with different searches, and other informationrelated to search cases. Such informationwouldbe invaluable to the longterm maintenanceand growth of such a CBR system. Indexing by a system such as LSI wouldmakethe reformation eminently more accessible. LSIwasgoodat this task, it wouldlikely need to be augmentedby other, domainspecific knowledge. Acknowledgements Theauthorswouldlike to thankthe FLAIRS reviewersfor their helpfulcomments andfeedback. We would also like to thankDavid Leake for his helpand suggestions. References: Aha, D. W. and Breslow, L.A. (1997). Refining Conversational Case Libraries. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Case-Based reasoning, pages 267-278. Providance, RI: SpringerVerlag. S. Deerwester, S.T.Dumais, G.W. Furnas, T.K. Landauer, R. Harshman, "Indexing by LatentSemantic Analysis", Journalof the American Societyfor Information Science,41(6),1990,pp.391-407. Laham, D.(1997).LatentSemantic Analysisapproaches to categorization. In M.G.Shafto&P. Langley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19thannualmeeting of theCognitive ScienceSociety(p. 979).Mawhwah, NJ:Erlbaum Moussavi, Massoud. (1999).A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Management. In (Aha&Mufioz-Avila, 1999) Woods, William (1997).Conceptual Indexing:A better wayto organizeknowledge. TechnicalReportSMLI TR-97-61, SunMicrosystems Laboratories,Mountain View,CA. www.sun.comlresearchltechrepl 1997/abstract-61 .html. Summary This paper lookedat the effectiveness of LSIin returning documentsthat are close to what the user was looking for. The performanceof LSI in this task has ramificationsfor its use in that task, as wellas other related. In order for LSIto be of use in anyof those tasks, it mustreturn results true to the user’s intentions. It wasseen that while KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 323