From: FLAIRS-01 Proceedings. Copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Hierarchical Representatives Clustering with Hybrid Approach Byung-Joo An and Eun-Ju Kim and Yill-Byung Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea {joo,outframe,yblee} Abstract Clustering is a discovering process of meaningfulintbrmation by grouping similar data into compactclusters. Most of traditional clustering methodsare in favor of small datasets and have difficulties handling very large datasets. Theyare not adequate clustering methodsfor partitioning huge datasets in data mining perspective. Wepropose a newclustering technique, HRC(hierarchicalrepresentatives clustering), that can be applied to large datasets andfind clusters with good quality. HRC is a two phase algorithmthat take advantage of a hybrid approachthat combineSOM and hierarchical clustering. Experimentalresults showthat HRC can discover better clusters efficiently in comparison to traditional clustering methods. Introduction Data clustering is an important technique for exploratory data analysis. It has been used practically in real world application of data classification, imageprocessing, and information retrieval. Clustering is a basic technique to find useful information hidden in databases by grouping data with similar characteristics (Zhang, Ramakrishnan, & Miron June 1996; 1997). It is a process to maximize within-clusters similarity and minimize between-clusters similarity (Duda & Hart 1973). Discovered clusters explain distributions of dataset and give a foundation for further analysis (Berry Linoff 1997). So clustering is a starting point in data mining process. Clustering technique is applicable to group customers according to buying pattern, categorize web documents by subject, and extract interesting spatial pattern in GIS databases. In recent, there have been manystudies of data mining or knowledgediscovery in databases that is defined as the discovery of interesting, implicit, and previously unknown knowledge from large databases (Fayyad, Piatetsky-Shapiro, & Smyth 1996). As data mining emerges, manyresearchers are interested in efficient and effective clustering algorithm that can reduce the numberof scanning raw data and computational complexity. In this paper, we propose a new clustering technique, HRC(hierarchical representatives clustering), that can be efficiently applied to large datasets and find clusters with good Copyright @2000, AmericanAssociation for Artificial Intelligence( rights reserved. 124 FLAIRS-2001 Lee OOOO0 OOOOO ooooo O00OO ?2222,’ Figure 1: Overview of HRC quality. Most existing clustering algorithms can find only hyper-spherical clusters with similar size (Guha, Rastogi, Shim June 1998; Jain, Murty, & Flynn Sep 1999). Some can find clusters with various shape and size, but are limited because of quadratic computational complexity. Our proposed methodgets over these difficulties and finds good clusters from very large datasets. HRCuses a hybrid approach which combine SOM(Self-Organizing Map) and hierarchical clustering. It is implemented with two phases. The first phase is sub-clustering by SOMand the second phase is merging stage by hierarchical approach with novel similarity measure based on cohesiveness and closeness. Related Works Clustering has been studied actively in the statistics, database, and machine learning. There are two main categories of clustering algorithms. They are hierarchical clustering and partitional clustering (Duda & Hart 1973; Kaufman & Rousseuw 1990). Hierarchical clustering can be divided to divisive and agglomerative methods (Duda & Hart 1973; Murtagh 1983). Divisive hierarchical clustering starts with one big cluster and splits the farthest pair until individual objects to form clusters respectively. Onthe other hand, agglomerative hierarchical clustering starts with each data objects forming its owncluster and merges repeatedly the closest pair until all data objects gathered in one big cluster. Based on how to measuresimilarity betweenclusters, there are single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage, centroid linkage and ward’s method(Duda &Hart 1973). Partitional clustering optimizesobjective function to partition datasets into k clusters. K-Means,K-Medoid,and PAMare belong to this category and K-Meansis the most common algorithm because of its simplicity. In K-Means, weselect randominitial centroids and assign data objects to cluster whosecentroid is nearest, then update cluster centroids. This processof assigningdata objects to cluster and re-calculating centroids is continuesuntil stoppingcondition is satisfied. Somerecent researches targeted on handling large datasets by using a summarized cluster representation or a special data structure. BIRCH(Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) (Zhang, Ramakrishnan, MironJune 1996; 1997) defined a cluster feature that is summarizedcluster representation. A cluster feature consists of the numberof data objects, the linear sumof data objects, and the square sumof data objects. This method utilizes a balancedtree of cluster features without dealing with all data objects. Whena newdata object is inserted to a cluster, the newcluster feature can be calculated from the previouscluster feature withoutrequiring all data objects in the cluster, The incremental BIRCH algorithm is a fast clustering algorithmwith limited resources, but can’t find diverse shapeof clusters becauseit is basedon the centroidbased approach. Chameleon(Karypis, Hun, & KumarAugust 1999) suggested a dynamicmodelingof cluster similarity. Through two phases, chameleonconstructs graph and partitions the graph, then mergesthese partitions. It yielded goodresults for finding highly variable clusters. Thusit is moreapplicable to spatial data mining. Hierarchical Representatives Clustering HRC is a hybrid methodthat can be applicable to very large datasets. Becauseit exploits representatives of cluster to reduce computationalcomplexity,it is scalable and robust to outliers andnoises. HRCis a two phase algorithm that take advantage of a hybrid approach which combine SOMand hierarchical clustering. SOMhas advantagesin applying large datasets due to its on-line learning process. Hierarchical clustering is knownto be better than SOM in point of clustering quality, although slower. HRCadopted good features of two methods,SOM’sefficiency of processing large datasets and hierarchical clustering’s cluster quality. In the first phase, HRC uses SOM to partition dataset into initial small sub-clusters that have two representatives. In the second phase, these sub-clusters foundin the first phaseare merged by agglomerative hierarchical manner. At this time, to measure betweenclusters similarity we use cohesiveness and closeness. Similarity based on cohesiveness and closeness can take account of contextual relation between clusters. The first phase: sub-clustering Weuse SOM to divide dataset into initial small sub-clusters. Neuronsin the mapform sub-clusters respectively. The two Figure 2: Flow of HRCalgorithm Figure3: Tworepresentativesof initial sub-cluster representativesof initial sub-cluster are determinedas following. Wecomputeeigenvector having the largest eigenvalue of data objects fallen on a sub-clusterand project data objects on the eigenvector.Asin figure 3, twomiddlepoints on eigenvectorare determinedto represent sub-cluster. After finding representativesof sub-clusters, in the second phase only these representatives are used to comparesubclusters similarity. Thereforeweget a data reductioneffect, in additionto, reduceinfluenceof outliers andnoises. The second phase: merging In this phase, we mergerepeatedly sub-clusters foundin the first phase by wayof agglomerativehierarchical approach andfind final clusters. It is efficient to compare clusters similarity becauseit is requiredonlysub-clusterrepresentatives not rawdata objects. Howto measuresimilarity of twoclusters is critical to discovering good results (Karypis, Hun, & KumarAugust 1999). Tofind better clusters, weused a similarity measure based on cohesiveness and closeness that considers contextual relation betweenclusters, cohesivenessis measured by cohesiveDistance in equation (2) and closeness is by closeDistancein equation (3). 1 cohcsiveDistance q x closeDistance ij 2 (1) CohesiveDistance shows a degree of compactness for internal cluster and closeDistanceshowsa degree of external nearnessfor between-clusters. similarity ij = link ij cohesiveDistance~ - link i-I-link j (2) 2 DATAMINING& THEWEB 125 clustering method SOM K-Means hierarchical clustering HRC time space complexity complexity O(nkl) O(k + n) O(nkl) O(k + n) 2) 2) O(n O(n O(nkl + m2) O(k + n + 2) dataset I dataset Z dataset 3 Table !: Complexityof clustering methods Figure 4: Twodimensionalspatial datasets closeDistanceij = y~n, ~-~j w~. × w~b × zlira -rbll ni x nj (3) Wedefinedthe degreeof linking. It is the sumof weighted distances that are betweenpairs of representatives. The degree of linking betweencluster i and j is the sumof weighteddistances betweenrepresentatives in cluster i and representatives cluster j. Thedegreeof linking in cluster i is the sumof weighteddistances which are betweenrepresentatives in cluster i. In equation(3)(4)(5), ra rb are representativevectors, w,., is the numberof rawdata objects that representative ra represent, ni is the numberof representatives of sub-clusteri. nl linkij nj = EEwr, x wrb x lira a -rbll 2 (4) b link,= E2’ E~," w~. xw~x Ilra--rbll 2 (5) 2 coheaiveDista~zeeijis represented by linkij normalized by average of linki and linkj. This measures compactness,if cluster i and cluster j were merged,whether the mergedcluster is more compactthan average compactness of cluster i and j. eloseDistanceij is the averageweighted distance betweenrepresentatives in cluster i and representatives in cluster j. Complexity Analysis Whenthe numberof data objects is n, the numberof cluster is k, the iteration frequency is l, and the numberof sub-clusters is m, time and space complexity of SOM,KMEANS, hierarchical clustering and HRCare in table 1. Timeand space complexity of SOMand K-Meansare linearly proportional to the numberof data objects, but hierarchical clustering is quadratic. HRC’scomplexityis linearly proportional to n, althoughit needsmorecomputation than SOMand K-Meansfor the second phase. Because the numberof sub-clusters, m, is very small comparedto n, it is negligible. ThusHRCis moreefficient than hierarchical clustering of quadratic complexityand havegoodclustering results with linear complexity. Experiments In experiments, we comparedour methodwith K-Means,hierarchical clustering, and a simple hybrid method.Thesimple hybrid methodis a merecombinationof SOM and hierarchical clustering with single, completeand averagelinkage. 126 FLAIRS-2O01 Wetested with three spatial datasets and seven UCImachinelearningrepositorydatasets(australian,diabetes, heart, iris, soybean,wineand zoo) (UC12000). To confirmclustering results visually, spatial datasets are expressedas points in two-dimensionaleuclidean space. Q = ~ (6) i=1 Di = E:£1 Eb=~ ll~a - ~bll nl (7) n~(n~- 1) Goodness of clustering results is evaluated by Q in equation(6). Equation(7)showsthat Di is the average pairwise distancewithin cluster i. Q is the averageof Dis. Experimental Results Experimentalresults with three spatial datasets are shown and compared by clustering quality(Q) in table 2. In dataset 1, Wehave observedthat K-Meanscan find two elliptical clusters with similar size on the upperside, but failed to one big circular cluster and twoadjacent small clusters on the middle. The big circular cluster is divided and two small clusters are merged. BecauseK-Meansalgorithm implicitly assumesthat clusters are hyper-ellipsoidalandof similar size, it can’t find clusters variedin size as dataset 1. Hierarchical clustering showsdifferent results accordingto how to measurecluster similarity. Single linkage and complete linkage mergemostdifferent clusters becausethey are very sensitive to noise and outlier. Averagelinkage, althoughit is less sensitive to noise, splits big cluster and mergessmall clusters due to its centroid-based nature. The simple hybrid methodhas similar results without regard to simple, complete, or average linkage in mergingphase because it reducesinfluenceof noise by sub-clustering.But it failed to find correct clusters. HRC finds twoelliptical clusters that are connectedby line and of similar size on the upperside, and separates one big circular cluster and twoadjacentsmall clusters on the middle.Results with datasets 2 and dataset 3 are also similarto the result of dataset1. In table 2, clustering quality of HRC is better than other methodsfor dataset 1, dataset 2, and dataset 3. Fromthese experimentalresults we confirmedthat HRC could find variable sized clusters with noises. To verify with real world datasets, seven UCImachine learningrepositorydatasets (australian, diabetes,heart, iris, soybean,wine, and zoo) are tested and evaluated by Q, the K-Means dataset 1 dataset 2 dataset 3 5.609 6.217 2.708 hierarchical clustering single complete average 8.063 6.012 5.673 5.854 9.700 8.042 2.495 2.620 2.577 HRC dataset 1 dataset 2 dataset 3 4.369 5.274 1.960 single 5.917 5.884 2.613 simple hybrid complete average 5.699 5.602 6.523 5.646 2.517 2.616 Table2: Comparisonof clustering quality(Q) with spatial datasets K-Means australian diabetes heart iris soybean wine zoo 1.322 0.540 1.475 0.918 3.399 0.715 I. 185 HRC australian diabetes heart iris soybean wine zoo 1.535 0.521 1.284 0.786 2.933 0.663 1.090 hierarchical clustering single complete average 1.538 1.334 1.538 0.625 0.604 0.604 1.673 1.624 1.378 0.890 0.844 0.917 3.095 3.095 3.095 0.988 0.719 0.988 1.354 i .361 ! .306 simple hybrid single complete average i .048 1.322 1.322 0.534 0.534 0.534 1.358 i.488 1.487 0.938 0.956 0.956 3.127 3.081 3.095 0.839 0.732 0.707 1.223 1.317 1.380 Table 3: Comparisonof clustering quality(Q) with UCI datasets measureof clustering quality, in table 3. In table 3, wehave obtained the fact that HRCis superior to other methodswith six datasets exceptfor one, australian dataset. In the experimentalresults with spatial datasets and real world datasets, weconfirm that HRCcan find goodclusters andpartition efficiently large datasets. on cohesiveness and closeness. By experimental results we confirm that HRCcan discoverbetter clusters efficiently in comparison to traditional clustering methodsand the simple hybrid method. References Berry, M. J. A., and Linoff, G. 1997. Data MiningTechniques for Marketing, Sales, and CustomerSupport. Jone Wiley & Sons. Duda, R. O., and Hart, P.E. 1973. Pattern Classification andSceneAnalysis. A Wiley-IntersciencePublication, NewYork. Fayyad; Piatetsky-Shapiro; and Smyth. 1996. Advances in knowledgediscovery and data mining. AAAIPress/The MITPress. Guha, S.; Rastogi, R.; and Shim, K. June 1998. 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Birch: Anefficient data clustering methodfor very large databases, the ACMSIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, Canada. Conclusions In this paper we presented HRC,the newclustering algorithm, whichcan be applicable to very large datasets. Because it exploits representatives of cluster to reduce computational complexity,it is scalable and robust to outliers and noises. HRCis a two phases algorithm that take advantage of a hybrid approachthat combineSOM and hierarchical clustering. HRCadopted goodfeatures of two methods, SOM’s efficiency of processinglarge datasets and hierarchical clustering’s cluster quality. In addition, to measure betweenclusters similarity we use a similarity, whichcan take accountof contextual relation betweenclusters, based DATAMINING& THEWEB 127