Mission Planning for a Formation-Flying Satellite Cluster

From: FLAIRS-01 Proceedings. Copyright © 2001, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
Mission Planning for a Formation-FlyingSatellite Cluster
John L. Mohammed
1660South AmphlettBoulevard, Suite 350
San Mateo, California 94402
Theformation-flyingsatellite cluster is a newparadigmfor
space-basedsurveillance and remotesensing. In this paradigm,several small satellites fly in close formationandcoordinate their activities so that throughsparse-arrayinterfemmetricand synthetic aperture techniques the cluster can
effectively operate as thoughit were a muchlarger monolithic satellite. Management
of such clusters will require increased automation for planning and scheduling, both in
pre-flight missionplanning and during operations. This paper describes work aimed at defining and meeting the
special planning and scheduling requirementsof the formation-flyingcluster.
A satellite cluster is a groupof satellites that fly within very
close range of each other (e.g., 250m-5km).
These satellites
coordinate their activities, so that they can use sparse array
interferometry and synthetic aperture techniques to
simulate a single, very large satellite. The cluster operates
as a "virtual" satellite with a very large effective aperture,
without the need for the heavy infrastructure that would be
required to have a monolithic satellite with the equivalent
aperture. The cluster approach has manyadvantages over a
single large satellite:
~" Each spacecraft is smaller, lighter, simpler, and
simpler to manufacture;
,/Economies of scale enable a cluster of manysatellites to be less expensive to manufacture than a
single satellite;
,/The cluster can adapt to the failure of any individual satellites, and failed satellites can be incrementally replaced;
~" The cluster can reconfignre the orbits of the satellites in the cluster to optimize for different missions.
A constellation of clusters would enable whole-earth
coverage from low earth orbit and/or continuous coverage
for Artificial Intelligence
All rights rein’red.
for specific theatres. However,clusters and constellations
present a significant challenge to current methodsfor the
managementof space-based assets. Current practices are
too labor-intensive and would not scale well to the large
numbers of satellites
that would have to be managed.
Automation will have to play a much larger role in
planning and operations, and tools for automation will have
to be knowledgeableabout the unique characteristics of the
formation-flying satellite cluster. The numberof satellites
to be managed,and the wider range of parameters that can
be optimized demand new tools for planning, scheduling
and optimization.
This paper describes a project concerned with the developmentof a mission planning system for clusters of formation-flying satellites: Spacecraft ClusWcAutomatic Planner/Scheduler (SpaceCAPS). The project’s focus is
planning and scheduling for payload management. The
paper describes some of the planning and scheduling requirements for cluster payload management,and describes
a system for optimization of the mission plan for a spacebased radar surveillance system. The discussion is grounded by reference to the Air Force TechSat 21 program.
The TechSat 21 Program
The TechSat 21 program (Technology Satellite of the 21 ~
Century) is a coordinated effort of several Air Force Research Laboratories directorates to study a variety of application missions for the satellite cluster concept. Theinitial
focus of the program is on Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI)and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging.
Each micro-satellite in the cluster transmits radar pulses
that are orthogonal to those transmitted by every other satellite in the cluster, and each detects and coherently combines the returns from every satellite in the cluster. In this
way, the micro-satellites in the cluster form a large but
sparse coherent army, enabling collection of angle- and
time-of-return d~_t~_with an effective aperture equivalent to
the separation betweenthe micro-satellites.
The vision for the deployed system is a constellation of
"virtual" satellites, with each virtual satellite beinga cluster
of micro-satellites. Thenumbersare still to be determined,
but according to one published account (Martin and
Stallard 1999) there wouldbe 35 virtual satellites and
spare virtual satellites. Eachcluster wouldcontain eight
micro-satellites flying within 250metersof each other. The
constellation size is motivatedby a desire for full-earth
coverageand/or continuouscoveragein two theatres. The
numberand spacingof the micro-satellites in eachcluster is
motivated by performance requirements for the GMTI
mission. Other proposals mentioncluster sizes up to 16
micro-satellites, and other missions(such as passive geolocation) require larger separations(up to 5km).
Figure 1 TechSat 21 Mission Concept (image from
TechSat 21 ProgramOverview(AFRL1998)).
A one-year technology demonstrationflight is planned
for launch in November
2003. This flight will consist of
onecluster of onlythree micro-satellites.Thissingle cluster
will reconfigurethe orbits of its micro-satellites for different phasesof its mission,whichwill test different mission applications.
Space-Borne Planning
The SpaceCAPS
project is ultimately concernedwith a
broad spectrum of planning and scheduling issues
pertaining to a constellation of formation-flyingsatellite
clusters. These will include medium-and long-term
advance planning and day-to-day dynamic scheduling,
using a combination of ground-based and space-based
software planning and scheduling agents. However,the
initial focus of the project is optimizationof the mission
plan using a ground-basedmission planner. This mission
planner wouldbe used to plan and schedulethe entire oneyear missionfor the first technology-demonstration
of the TechSat21 program.The objective is a systemthat
can incorporate detailed, cluster-specific constraints into
the planningand schedulingof payloadactivities for the
The followingsections briefly describe the architecture
of the overall systemand the issues it must resolve, then
they describethe mission-planner
systemin greater detail.
The focus of the onboardsoftware componentsis to enable autonomousoperation. The onboard planning and
schedulingsystemis an agent-basedsystemthat interacts
with other onboardagents encapsulating the software for
flight dynamics,guidanceand navigation, powermanagemerit, etc. Ourarchitecture employsa dynamichierarchical
social organization to combinethe efficiencies of hierarchical task delegationwiththe robustnessaffordedby dynamic reorganization. The architecture assumes the
existance of satellite cross-link communications
clusters. This is described further in (Richards, Houlette
and Mohammed,
Thesystemplans at three levels of abstraction: constellation, cluster, and individual micro-satellite. Planningat
the constellationlevel focuseson task delegation:selection
of the best cluster for each missiontask, basedon windows
of opportunity, performancepredictions, costs and available resources. Depending
on the degree and reliability of
inter-cluster communications
available, this could employ
centralized planningor distributed contract-netnegotiation
techniques. Costs wouldinclude the delta-V penalty needed
to re-phasea cluster for a specifictask.
Planningat the cluster level focuseson coordinationof
the micro-satellites. Planningand schedulingat this level
canrely on the availability of goodinter-satellite communications, becausethese are requiredfor relative orbit maintenance (formation-keeping),and the time-synchronization
and relative-distance measurementsneeded to support
coherent combinationof SARdata. On-boardprocessing of
observation data wouldalso require high-bandwidthintersatellite communications
for data sharing to enable coherent data combination.
At the individual micro-satellite level, the focus is on
planningand schedulingof activities that do not require
coordination,and supportingcluster-level planningby distilling informationregardinglocal onboardresources. This
level of the planning systemis also responsible for the
synthesis of detailed commands
constituting directly executable procedures.This level of the planningsysteminteracts withthe spacecraft executiveso that planningand execution can be interleaved (Chien,1999).
The TechSat21 technology demonstrationmicro-satellites will host agent-basedsoftwareenablingthe cluster to
be managed
as a single virtual satellite. However,
the capabilities for planningand schedulingare likely to be very
modest.Thus, at least initially mostplanningand scheduling will be performedby software on the ground. Nonetheless, whereverthe planning and scheduling systemis
hosted, it will havea distributed design that anticipates
possible onboarddeployment.This will ensure a migration
path to space-borne platforms, and ensure that groundbasedsoftware has components
that mirror the space-borne
of the system.This approachis reflected in our
design for the ground-based mission planner, which is
designed to optimize the payload schedule for an entire
Payload Schedule Optimization
The initial focus of the ground-basedmission planner is
optimization of the quantity and quality of observations
that can be madeduringthe entire missionlife, taking into
account detailed constraints regarding resource usage,
viewinggeometry, downlinkopportunities and bandwidth,
and interactions with bus activities. Theplannercreates a
detailed schedulethat attempts to maximizethe numberof
target observations and the quality of the observations
while distributing the observations as evenly as possible
all the identified targets accordingto preference.
Target Selection
Schedulingfor any satellite whosemissioninvolves obsercations of and/or communication
with the groundmust take
into account "accesses"--windowsof opportunity defined
by whenthe satellite is in viewof the target on the ground.
Theseare detenv.inedby the precise orbit that the satellite
is in. Forsatellite clusters, onemustalso take the relative
positions of the individual satellites into account when
assessing viewinggeometry.
Satellites cannotfly side-by-sidein close formationwithout expending a great deal of fuel. "Formation-flying"
satellites actuallyfly in closelyrelated stable orbits. Unless
the satellites are flying directly behindone another, the
onlystable orbits involverelative elliptical motion.Thus,
the geometricconfigurationof the satellites is in constant
periodic flux. Whenan observation requires coordinated
action by all satellites in the cluster, not onlymustall the
satellites be in viewof the target at the sametime, but also
their relative positions shouldsatisfy the requirementsfor
goodobservational geometry.
If all observations
all the satellites in the cluster,
then one can try to optimize the orbits to maximizethe
viewinggeometryfor the greatest numberof targets most
of the time. (Konget al., 1999) reports on a study that
the Cornwellmetric in an attemptto select orbits
that maximizethe total quality of all observations. This
study measuredthe predicted quality of observations for
severaltargets at severalpointsin the cluster’sorbit.
The mission planner must also use a performance
predictor to decide whichtargets should be observedand
when.Therewill oflen be several targets in a position to be
observed at close to the same time. However,resource
constraints will limit the numberof targets that can be observed. For the demonstrationflight especially, the objective will be to maximize
both the numberand quality of the
observations made. This implies that the planner must
select the targets to observebasedon the predictedperformalice.
Schedulingin this domainalso differs frommost other
domainsin that there is not a finite, pre-determined
set of
tasks to be scheduled. In most other domains, tasks are
either enumerated,or they are periodic (e.g., scheduleat
least three instances of this task each day). In this domain
the objective is to scheduleas numyobservations as possible within a given timeframe, subject to all the constraints. Further, there maybe manytargets, so anotherobjective is to distribute the scheduledobservationsas evenly
as possible amongall the targets (subject to declared
Sensor Allocation
Someobservations can be performedwith a subset of the
satellites in a cluster. In such cases the missionplanner
must select whichsatellites to employfor such observations. This decision mustalso considerthe effect of viewing geometryon performanceas well as the availability of
onboardresources (such as memory
and power).
Synthetic aperture radar techniques generate very large
amounts of data (the same is true for hyperspectral
instruments). For example,the TechSat21 micro-satellite
(in a cluster with twoother satellites) collects 9.6 Gigabytes (GB)per satellite for a two-minute
overhead,this meansthat the total amountof data that must
be downlinked
fromall three satellites is 33.5 GB.At the
expected downlinkbandwidthof 150 Mops,this will take
approximately32 minutes. In low earth orbit, the microsatellites are in viewof a groundstation for approximately
four minutesat a time, about four times a day. This means
it can take two days to downlinkthe data from one twominute observation (AFRL,2000).
Thus, onboardmemorycapacity, downlinkaccesses and
downlinkbandwidthare the constraints that mostlimit the
numberof experimentsthat can be performed.The mission
planner must select the groundstation for each downlink
taking care to observeconstraints regardingcontentionfor
groundstation resources.
SpaceCAPS Mission
Figure 2 displays a very high-level block diagramof the
architecture of the ground-based
missionplanner. Theplanner obtains emphemeridesand time windowsfor accesses
or FreeFlyer
Scheduler I
Scheduler [
Scheduler [
Figure 2 High-levelarchitecture of SpaceCAPS
to targets and ground stations from a third-party commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)orbit propagation system
such as Satellite ToolKit(STK)fromAnalytical Graphics,
Inc., FreeFlyerfromAI Solutions, Inc., or DSST
fromDraper Labs. The Phase I SpaceCAPS
prototype interoperates
with STKvia TCP/IPnetworkstreams using STK/Connect.
The planner employsa separate "timeline" scheduler to
performdetailed schedulingof the activities onboardeach
satellite. Theseschedulers correspondto the planningand
scheduling agents that might be migratedonto the spaceborne platform. Theyperform detailed scheduling of the
flows needed for payload experiments using heuristic
constructive schedulingtechniques. The heuristics concern
the order in whichdifferent activities shouldbe scheduled,
and the schedulingtechniquethat should be used for each.
A centralized scheduleoptimizer component
calls uponthe
individualsatellite timelineschedulersin an iterative repair
algorithm designed to optimize the number,quality, and
distribution amongtargets of the payloadexperiments.
Activity Model
The system’s knowledgeof what activities can be performed, what resources they require and what conditions
and constraints mustbe satisfied is stored in a knowledge
repository called the Activity Model.Activity descriptions
can be hierarchical. Anactivity can be decomposed
into a
set of sub-activities with temporalconstraints amongthem.
Thiscaninclude sub-activities to be executedin parallel on
separate micro-satellites within a cluster. A composite
activity is called a flow. Thedescription of an activity may
include heuristic informationregarding howthe constructive "schedulershouldschedulethe activity (i.e., whichof
several schedulingmethodsshould be used).
Theactivity modeldescribes types of activities and resources. A request to schedule an activity specifies the
activity type, and results in one or moreinstances of the
activity beinginserted into the schedule.
Resourcedescriptions can also be composite,defining a
set of related resources, such as all the resourcesthat are
local to a particular micro-satellite. Composite,or structured, resources are required to enable the modelerto
specifythat whenselecting separateresourcesfor a specific
set of related activities, the plannershouldselect relatedresources. For example,if a specific sensor (micro-satellite)
is selected for an experiment, then the payload memory
onboardthat samemicro-satellite should be selected to
store the experimentdata.
In specifying the resources neededby an activity, the
systemenables the modelerto specify a restricted variable
rather than a specific resourceinstance. Therestricted variable is boundduring the planning/schedulingprocessto an
instance of the specific resourcetype to whichthe variable
is restricted. By this method, the resource allocation
decision is delegated to the planner. This is how,for
example,the sensorallocationdecisionis left to the planner
to decide based on performanceprediction and resource
If the resource type is a compositeresource, then the
variable is also composite, and the modeler can make
requests on the sub-resourcesof whateverinstance will be
bound to the variable. For example, the activity may
require a resourcethat is not only a satellite, but also a
satellite that has at least 10 megabytesof payloadmemory
available. Themodelernamesvariables so that they can be
referred to by namein subsequentrequests within the same
activity or flow.
Editing of the activity modelis supportedby an objectoriented editing environmentthat treats the types and
instances of activities, flows, resourcesand variables as
objects with attributes andcompositestructure. Theeditors
employforms, trees and direct-manipulation graphics to
enforcesyntactic and certain semanticconstraints, freeing
the modelerto focus on the content rather than the formof
the modelingknowledge.
Optimization Algorithm
The mission planner uses a combinationof constructive
anditerative repair techniques.It uses constructivetechniquesto build an initial schedulethat satisfies all constraints
except those stemmingfrom contention for resources
amongobservations at the samepriority level (resource
contention constraints between observations and bus
activities or higher-priorityobservationsare honored).This
schedules an observation for every target at every
opportunity. The observations are not actually scheduled.
Instead, the system determinesthe profiles of resource
usagerequired by each potentially schedulableobservation
and these are stored in a resource contention profile
database. The database detects conflicts stemmingfrom
contentionfor resourcesamongthe desired observations.
Theiterative repair techniquethen iteratively reducesthe
numberof resourcecontentionconflicts by selecting an observation to be adjusted or removed,until there are no
Duringboth phases, the systemcan call upona performancepredictor such as the Comwellmetric to obtain a
quantitative measureof the quality of each observation.
This is used to choosethe optimaltime within each access
to performthe observation, and the best subset of
sensorsto use. Duringiterative repair, the selectedobservation maybe shifted to a sub-optimaltime within the same
access window
or a sub-optimalset of sensors if that will
reduce resource contention. If adjusting the observation
cannot reduce resource contention, the observation is
Oneachiteration of the iterative repair phase,the planner selects the observationto adjust usinga heuristic selection criterion that incorporatesfour criteria: the numberof
conflicts (select the observationwith the most), the quality
of the observation(select the lowest), the rarity of the observation (select the observationwhosetarget has the most
scheduledobservationsrelative to the total desiredfor that
target, if any),andthe preference(select the lowest).
The algorithm distinguishes between"preference" and
"priority." Priority is treated as an absoluteorderingcriterion. Targetswith lowerpriority will be inserted into the
scheduleonly after all targets with higher priority have
beenscheduled.Onthe other hand,preferenceis treated as
onedimensionin a trade-off spacethat includesquality and
rarity: the plannercan chooseto includeseveral lower-preference, higher-qualityor rarer observationsovera higherpreference, lower-qualityobservation.
Thespaceof possibleschedulesis far too large to search
exhaustively (planning and scheduling are NP-complete
problems). However,by starting with the best possible
version of every possible experiment, then heuristically
adjusting or removingthe least desirable onesto eliminate
contention for resources, the algorithmdeterminesa conflict-free plan and schedulethat heuristically optimizesthe
number,quality and distribution of experiments.
Formation-flyingclusters of micro-satellites haveseveral
technical and economicadvantagesover monolithic satellites, but they also pose newtechnical challenges. Among
these is the needfor increasedautomationin missionplanning and operations, and the needfor planningand scheduling systems to be awareof newconstraints and optimization criteria particular to cluster management.
project is identifying these newconstraints and developingtechniquesto address them.
Theauthor gratefully acknowledges
the assistance provided
by LanceSelf, Paul Zetocha,Steve Fiedler, DavidMartin,
and MauriceMartin. The workreported in this paper was
supported by SBIRPhase I contract numberF29601-00-C0149 awarded by AFRL.
AFRL,1998. TechSat 21 Program Overview. Air Force
AFRL,2000. TechSat 21 Command,Control and Communications Planning Document,V1.01(Draft), May2000.
Chien, S.; Knight, R; Stechert, A.; Sherwood,R. and Rabideau, G. 1999. Integrated Planning and Execution for
AutonomousSpacecraft. In Proceedings of the IEEE
AerospaceConference(IAC), Aspen, CO,March1999.
Kong,E.M.; Tollefson, M.V.; Skinner, J.M.; and Rosenstock, J.C. 1999. TechSat 21 Cluster Design Using AI
Approachesand the ComwellMetric. In Proceedingsof the
1999 AIAASpace TechnologyConferenceand Exposition,
Albuquerque, NM, 28-30 September 1999. AIAA-994635.
Martin, M.and Stailard, M.J., 1999. Distributed Satellite
Missionsand Technologies-- The TechSat21 Program.In
Proceedings of the 1999 AIAASpace Technology Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque,NM,28-30 September 1999. AIAA-99-4479.
Richards, R.A.; Houlette, R.T. and Mohammed,
J.L., 2001.
DistributedSatellite Planningand Scheduling.Submittedto
14th Florida Artificial Intelligence ResearchSymposium,
FLAIRS-2001,Key West, FL, 21-23 May2001.