From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Solving Robot Navigation Problems with Initial Pose Uncertainty Using Real-Time Heuristic Search Sven Koenig College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Abstract Westudy goal-directednavigationtasks in mazes,wherethe robots knowthe mazebut donot knowtheir initial pose(position and orientation). Thesesearch tasks canbe modeled as planningtasks in large non-deterministicdomainswhose states are sets of poses. Theycan be solvedefficiently by interleaving planningand plan execution,whichcan reduce the sumof planningand plan-executiontime becauseit allowsthe robots to gather informationearly. Weshowhow Min-Max LRTA*, a real-time heuristic search method,can solve these and other planningtasks in non-deterministic domainsefficiently. It allowsfor fine-grainedcontrol over howmuchplanning to do betweenplan executions, uses heuristic knowledge to guideplanning,and improves its planexecutiontimeas it solvessimilarplanningtasks, until its plan-executiontimeis at least worst-caseoptimal.Wealso showthat Min-Max LRTA* solves the goal-directed navigation tasks fast, converges quickly,andrequiresonlya small amountof memory. Introduction Situated agents (such as robots) haveto take their planning time into account to solve planning tasks efficiently (Good 1971). For single-instance planning tasks, for example, they should attempt to minimize the sum of planning and plan-execution time. Finding plans that minimizethe planexecution time is often intractable. Interleaving planning and plan executionis a general principle that can reduce the planningtime and thus also the sumof planning and plan execution time for sufficiently fast agents in non-deterministic domains (Genesereth & Nourbakhsh1993). Without interleaving planning and plan execution, the agents have to find a large conditional plan that solves the planningtask. When interleaving planningand plan execution, on the other hand, the agents have to find only the beginning of such a plan. After the executionof this subplan, the agents repeat the process fromthe state that actually resulted from the execution of the subplaninstead of all states that could haveresulted from its execution. Since actions are executed before their complete consequencesare known,the agents are likely to incur someoverhead in terms of the numberof actions executed, but this is often outweighedby the computational Copyright1998,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. Reid G. Simmons Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University GoalPose PtLtsiblcSlattingPoses (StartingBelief) Figure 1: Goal-Directed Navigation Task #1 savings gained. As an example we consider goal-directed navigation tasks in mazeswhere the robots knowthe maze but do not knowtheir initial pose (position and orientation). Interleaving planning and plan execution allows the robots to makeadditional observations, whichreduces their pose uncertainty and thus the numberof situations that their plans have to cover. This makes subsequent planning more efficient. Agents that interleave planning and plan execution have to overcometwo problems: first, they have to make sure that they make progress towards the goal instead of cycling forever; second, they should be able to improvetheir plan-execution time as they solve similar planning tasks, otherwise they do not behaveefficiently in the long run in case similar planning tasks unexpectedly repeat. Weshow how Min-MaxLRTA*,a real-time heuristic search method that extends LRTA* (Korf 1990) to non-deterministic domains, can be used to address these problems. Min-Max LRTA* interleaves planning and plan execution and plans only in the part of the domainaroundthe current state of the agents. This is the part of the domainthat is immediately relevant for themin their current situation. It allows for fine-grained control over howmuchplanning to do between plan executions, uses heuristic knowledgeto guide planning, and improvesits plan-execution time as it solves similar planningtasks, until its plan-execution timeis at least worst-case optimal. Weshow that Min-MaxLRTA*solves the goal-directed navigation tasks fast, convergesquickly, and requires only a small amountof memory. Planning methodsthat interleave planning and plan execution have been studied before. This includes assumptive planning, deliberation scheduling (including anytimealgorithms), on-line algorithms and competitiveanalysis, realKoenig 145 From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. time heuristic search, reinforcementlearning, robot exploration techniques, and sensor-based planning. The proceedings of the AAAI-97Workshopon On-Line Search give a goodoverviewof these techniques. The contributions of this paper are threefold: First, this paper extends our Min-Max LRTA*(Koenig & Simmons1995), a real-time heuristic search methodfor non-deterministic domains, from lookahead one to arbitrary Iook-aheads. It showshowthe search space of Min-MaxLRTA*can be represented more compactly than is possible with minimaxtrees and discusses howit can be solved efficiently using methodsfrom Markov gametheory. Second,this paper illustrates an advantageof real-time heuristic search methodsthat has not been studied before. It wasalready knownthat real-time heuristic search methodsare efficient alternatives to traditional search methods in deterministic domains. For example, they are among the few search methodsthat are able to find suboptimalplans for the twenty-four puzzle, a sliding-tile puzzle with more than 7 x 1024states (Korf 199_3). They have also been used to solve STRIPS-typeplanning tasks (Boner, Loerincs. Geffner 1997). The reason whythey are efficient in deterministic domainsis because they trade-offminimizing planning time and minimizing plan-execution time. However, manydomainsfrom robotics, control, and scheduling are nondeterministic. Wedemonstrate that real-time heuristic search methodscan also be used to speed up problemsolving in nondeterministic domainsand that there is an additional reason whythey are efficient in these domains,namelythat they allow agents to gather informationearly. This information can be used to resolve someof the uncertainty caused by nondeterminism and thus reduce the amount of planning done for unencounteredsituations. Third. this paper demonstrates an advantage of Min-MaxLRTA*over most previous planning methodsthat interleave planning and plan execution, namelythat it improvesits plan-execution time as it solves similar planning tasks. As recognizedin both (Dean et al. 1995) and (Stentz 1995), this is an important property because no planning methodthat executes actions before it has found a complete plan can guarantee a good plan-execution time right away, and methodsthat do not improvetheir plan-execution time do not behaveefficiently in the long run in case similar planning tasks unexpectedly repeat. Figure 2: Goal-Directed Navigation Task #2 igate to any of the given goal poses and stop. Since there might be manyposes that produce the same sensor reports as the goal poses, solving the goal-directed navigation task includes localizing the robot sufficiently so that it knows that it is at a goal pose whenit stops. Weuse the following notation: P is the finite set of possiblerobot poses(pairs of location and orientation). A(p)is the set of possible actions that the robot can execute in pose p E P: left, right, and possibly forward, succ(p, a) is the pose that results from the execution of action a 6. A(p) in posep E P. o(p) is the observation that the robot makesin pose p E P: whether or not there are walls immediatelyadjacent to it in the four directions (front, left, behind, right). Therobot starts pose Pstart E P and then repeatedly makes an observation and executes an action until it decidesto stop. It knowsthe maze, but is uncertain about its start pose. It could be in any pose in Pstart C_ P. Werequire only that o(p) = o(ff) for all p: p’ E Patart, whichautomatically holds after the first observation, and pstart E Pstort, whichautomatically holds for Pstart = {P : P 6- P A o(p) = o(pstart)}. The robot has to navigate to any pose in PooazC_P and stop. Evenif the robot is not certain about its pose, it can maintain a belief about its current pose. Weassume that the robot cannot associate probabilities or other likelihood estimates with the poses. Then, all it can do is maintain a set of possible poses ("belief"). For example,if the robot has no knowledgeof its start pose for the goal-directed navigation task from Figure I, but observes walls aroundit exceptin its front, then the start belief of the robot contains the seven possible start poses shownin the figure. Weuse the following notation: B is the set of beliefs, bstart the start belief, andBgo~,!the set of goal beliefs. A(b)is the set of actions that can be executedwhenthe belief is b. O(b, a) is the set of possible observationsthat can be madeafter the execution of action a whenthe belief was b. succ(b, a, o) is the successor belief that results if observationo is made after the executionof action a whenthe belief wasb. Then, The Robot Navigation Problem Westudy goal-directed navigation tasks with initial pose uncertainty (Nourbakhsh1996), an exampleof which is shown in Figure I. A robot knowsthe maze, but is uncertain about its start pose, wherea pose is a location (square) and orientation (north, east, south, west). Weassumethat there is uncertainty in actuation and sensing, fln our mazes,it is indeed possible to makeactuation and sensing approximately 100 percent reliable.) Thesensors on-boardthe robot tell it in every pose whether there are walls immediatelyadjacent to it in the four directions (front, left, behind,right). The actions are to moveforward one square (unless there is wall directly in front of the robot), turn left ninety degrees, or turn right ninety degrees. Thetask of the robot is to nay146 Robotics and Agents B = {b : b C_P A o(p) = o(p’) for all p,p’ E b} bstart m P.start = = = = {b:bC_Pgo~tA o(p)=o(p’) forall p, p’ Eb} A(p) for anypEb {o(succ(p,a)) : pE {succ(p,a) : p E b A o(succ(p,a)) Bgo~t A(b) O(b,a) stw£(b,a,o) To understandthe definition of A(b), notice that A(p) A(p’) for all p,p’ 6. b after the precedingobservationsince the observationdeterminesthe actions that can be executed. Tounderstandthe definition of Bgor,t, notice that the robot knowsthat it is in a goal poseif its belief is b C_Pgo~t.If From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Initially, the u-valuesu(s) 0 arc approximations themini of max goal distances(measured in action executions)for all s E Figure 3: Goal-Directed Navigation Task #3 the belief contains morethan one pose, however,the robot does not knowwhich goal pose it is in. Figure 2 showsan example. To solve the goal-directed navigation task, it is best for the robot to moveforwardtwice. At this point, the robot knowsthat it is in a goal pose but cannot be certain which of the two goal poses it is in. If it is important that the robot knowswhich goal pose it is in, we define Bgoat = {b : b C Pgo=t A Ibl = l}. Min-Max LRTA* can also be applied to localization tasks. These tasks are identical to the goal-directed navigation tasks except that the robot has to achieveonly certainty about its pose. In this case, we define Bgoai = {b : b C_ P A The robot navigation domainis deterministic and small (pose space). However,the beliefs of the robot depend on its observations, which the robot cannot predict with certainty since it is uncertain about its pose. Wetherefore formulate the goal-directed navigation tasks as planning tasks in a domainwhosestates are the beliefs of the robot (belief space). Beliefs are sets of poses. Thus, the number of beliefs is exponential in the numberof poses, and the belief space is not only nondeterministic but can also be large. The pose space and the belief space differ in the observability of their states. After an action execution, the robot will usually not be able to determineits current pose with certainty, but it can alwaysdetermineits current belief for sure. Weuse the following notation: S denotes the finite set of states of the domain,sstart E S the start state, and G _C S the set of goal states. A(s) is the finite set (potentially nondeterministic) actions that can be executed in state s E S. succ(s, a) denotesthe set of successorstates that can result from the execution of action a E A(s) in Ibm =1} states ES.Then, S 8atar¢ G A(s) succ(s,a) = -~- = = = B batart Bgo=t A(b) fors=b {succ(b,a,o) : o E O(b,a)} fors = b The actual successor state that results from the execution of action a in state s = b is succ(b, a, o) if observationo is madeafter the action execution. In general, traversing any path from the start state in the belief space to a goal state solves the goal-directed navigation task. To makeall goaldirected navigation tasks solvable we require the mazesto be strongly connected (every pose can be reached from every other pose) and asymmetrical(localization is possible). This modestassumptionallows the robot to solve a goal-directed Givena set X, the expression"one-ofX"returns an elementof X accordingto an arbitrary rule. A subsequentinvocation of "one-ofX"can return the sameor a different element. Theexpression "argmin~xf(x)" returns the set {z E X : f(x) min=,~xf(x’)}. 1. s :---- 8stQrt. 2. If s E G,thenstopsuccessfully. 3. Generate a local searchspaceSt,, witha E St,, andSt,, n G=0. 4. Update u(s) for all s E Stss(Figure 5. a := one-ofargmin, eA(,) max,,e .... (,.,~)u(s’). 6. Execute actiona. that is, change thecurrentstateto a statein succ(s,a) (according to thebehavior of nature). 7. s :ffi thecurrent state. 8. (Ifs E St,,, thengoto 5.) 9. Goto 2. Figure 4: Min-MaxLRTA* The minimax-search methoduses the temporaryvariables u’(s) for all s E St,~. 1. Forall s E Stjs: ut(s) := u(s)and u(s) := co. 2. Ifu(s) < co for all s E Stss, then return. 3. s’ := one-ofargmin,Es , .... (,)=oo max(u’(s), min=~A(,) max,,, .... (o,=)u(s")). E 4. If max(ut(s’),1 + min=EA(,,) max,,,~ (,,.=) u(s")) = oo, then return. 5. u(s’) := max(ut(s’),1 -I- rain=eAts, ) maxs,,Es=eeO,.= ) u(s")). 6. Goto 2. Figure 5: Minimax-SearchMethod navigationtask by first localizing itself and then movingto a goal pose,althoughthis behavioroften doesnot minimize the plan-executiontime. Figure 3 showsan example.To solve the goal-directednavigationtask, it is best for the robot to turn left andmoveforwarduntil it seesa corridor openingon one of its sides. At this point, the robot has localized itself andcannavigateto the goal pose. Onthe otherhand,to solvethe corresponding localization task, it is best for the robot to moveforwardonce.At this point, the robothaslocalizeditself. Min-Max LRTA* Min-MaxLearning Real-Time A* (Min-Max LRTA*) a real-time heuristic search methodthat extends LRTA* (Korf 1990) to non-deterministic domainsby interleaving minimaxsearch in local search spaces and plan execution (Figure 4). Similar to game-playing approaches and reinforcement-learningmethodssuch as (~-Learning (Heger 1996), Min-MaxLRTA*views acting in nondetvrministic domains as a two-player gamein which it selects an acKoenig !47 From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. tion from the available actions in the current state. This action determines the possible successor states from which a fictitious agent, called nature, chooses one. Acting in deterministic domainsis then simply a special case where every action uniquely determines the successor state. MinMaxLRTA* uses minimaxsearch to solve planning tasks in nondeterministic domains, a worst-case search methodthat attempts to movewith every action executionas close to the goal state as possible underthe assumptionthat nature is an opponent that tries to moveMin-MaxLRTA*as far away from the goal state as possible. Min-Max LRTA* associates a small amountof informationwith the states that allows it to rememberwhereit has already searched. In particular, it associates a u-value u(s) _> 0 with each state s E S. The values approximatethe minimaxgoal distances of the states. The minimaxgoal distance gd(s) E [0, ~¢] of state s E is the smallest numberof action executions with which a goal state can be reached from state s, even for the most vicious behavior of nature. Usingaction executions to measure the minimaxgoal distances and thus plan-execution times is reasonable if every actkmcan be executed in about the same amountof time. The minimaxgoal distances are defined by the followingset of equations for all s E S: often grows only polynomiaily in the depth of the tree, Min-MaxLRTA*represents the local search space more compactlyas a graphthat contains every state at mostonce. This requires a more sophisticated minimax-searchmethod because there can nowbe paths of different lengths between any two states in the graph. Min-MaxLRTAuses a simple methodthat is related to more general dynamicprogramming methods from Markovgame theory (Littman 1996). It updatesall states in the local search spacein the order of their increasing newu-values. This ensures that the u-value of each state is updated only once. Moredetails on the minimaxsearch methodare given in (Koenig 1997). After Min-Max LRTA* has updated the u-values, it greedily chooses the action for execution that minimizesthe uvalue of the successorstate in the worstcase (ties are broken arbitrarily). Therationale behindthis is that the u-valuesapproximate the minimaxgoal distances and Min-MaxLRTA* attempts to decrease its minimaxgoal distance as muchas possible. Then, Min-MaxLRTA* can either generate another local searchspace, updatethe u-valuesof all states that it contains, and select another action for execution. However, if the newstate is still part of the local searchspace(the one that was used to determine the action whoseexecution resulted in the new state), Min-MaxLRTA* also has the option (Line 8) to select another action for executionbased gd(s) = {0 . ifsEG on the current u-values. Min-MaxLRTA* with Line 8 is 1 + mm,,eAfs}max,,e,~c(s,~)gd(s, ) otherwise. a special case of Min-MaxLRTA*without Line 8: After Min-MaxLRTA*has run the minimax-search method on Min-MaxLRTA* updates the u-values as the search prosomelocal search space, the u-values do not changeif Mingresses and uses themto determinewhichactions to execute. MaxLRTA* runs the minimax-search method again on the It first checkswhetherit has already reacheda goal state and same local search space or a subset thereof. Whenever Minthus can terminatesuccessfully (Line 2). If not, it generates MaxLRTA* with Line 8 jumps to Line 5, the new current the local search space Sis8 C_ S (Line 3). Whilewe require state is still part of the local search spaceStu and thus not a only that s E Stss and Slss N G = ¢, in practice Min-Max goal state. Consequently, Min-Max LRTA* can skip Line 2. LRTA* constructs Stss by searching forward from s. It then Min-Max LRTA* could now search a subset of Stsa that inupdates the u-values of all states in the local search space cludes the newcurrent state s, for example{s}. Since this (Line 4) and, based on these u-values, decides whichaction does not change the u-values, Min-MaxLRTA* can, in this to executenext (Line 5). Finally, it executesthe selected accase, also skip the minimax search. In the experiments, we tion (Line 6), updatesits current state (Line 7), and iterates use Min-Max LRTA* with Line 8, because it utilizes more the procedure. informationof the searches in the local search spaces. Min-MaxLRTA*uses minimax search to update the uvalues in the local search space (Figure 5). The minimaxFeatures of Min-MaxLRTA* search methodassigns each state its minimaxgoal distahoe under the assumptionthat the u-values of all states An advantage of Min-MaxLRTA*is that it does not dein the local search space are lower bounds on the corpend on assumptionsabout the behavior of nature. This is rect minimaxgoal distances and that the u-values of all so because minimaxsearches assumethat nature is vicious states outside of the local search space correspondto their and always chooses the worst possible successor state. If correct minimax goal distances. Formally, if u(s) Min-MaxLRTA* can reach a goal state for the most vi[0, co] denotes the u-values before the minimaxsearch cious behavior of nature, it also reaches a goal state if and fi(s) E [0, oo] denotes the u-values afterwards, then nature uses a different and therefore less vicious behavfi(s) = max(u(s), I +mina~AIs)max,,~,~C,,,Ofi(s’)) ior. This is an advantage of Min-MaxLRTA* over TrialBased Real-Time DynamicProgramming(Barto, Bradtke, all s E St,s and 6(s) = u(s) otherwise. Min-MaxLRTA* could represent the local search space as a minimaxtree, & Singh 1995), another generalization of LRTA* to nonwhich could be searched with traditional minimax-search deterministic domains. Trial-Based Real-Time Dynamic methods. However,this has the disadvantage that the memProgrammingassumesthat nature chooses successor states ory requirementsand the search effort can be exponential in randomlyaccording to given probabilities. Therefore, it the depth of the tree (the look-ahead of Min-MaxLRTA*), does not apply to planningin the pose space whenit is imwhich can be a problemfor goal-directed navigation tasks possible to makereliable assumptionsabout the behavior of in large emptyspaces. Since the numberof different states nature, including tasks with perceptual aliasing (Chrisman 148 Robotics and Agents From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. 1992) and the goal-directed navigation tasks studied in this paper. A disadvantage of Min-MaxLRTA* is that it cannot solve all planning tasks. This is so because it interleaves minimax searches and plan execution. Minimaxsearches limit the solvable planning tasks because they are overly pessimistic. They can solve only planning tasks for which the minimaxgoal distance of the start state is finite. Interleaving planning and plan execution limits the solvable planning tasks further because it executes actions before their complete consequencesare known.Thus, even if the minimax goal distance of the start state is finite, it is possible that Min-MaxLRTA* accidentally executes actions that lead to a state whoseminimaxgoal distance is infinite, at which point the planning task becomesunsolvable. Despite these disadvantages, Min-MaxLRTA* is guaranteed to solve all safely explorable domains. These are domains for whichthe minimaxgoal distances of all states are finite. To be precise: First, all states of the domaincan be deleted that cannot possibly be reached from the start state or can be reached from the start state only by passing through a goal state. The minimaxgoal distances of all remaining states have to be finite. For example, the belief space of the robot navigation domainis safely explorable according to our assumptions, and so are other nondeterministic domains from robotics, including manipulation and assembly domains, which explains why using minimax methods is popular in robotics (Lozano-Perez, Mason,&Taylor 1984). Wetherefore assume in the following that Min-MaxLRTA* is applied to safely explorable domains.For similar reasons, we also assumein the following that action executions cannot leave the current state unchanged.The class of domains that Min-MaxLRTA* is guaranteed to solve could be extended further by using the methodsin (Nourbakhsh1996) to construct the local search spaces. Min-MaxLRTA* has three key features, namely that it allows for fine-grained control over howmuchplanning to do between plan executions, uses heuristic knowledgeto guide planning, and improvesits plan-execution time as it solves similar planningtasks, until its plan-executiontime is at least worst-caseoptimal. The third feature is especially important since no methodthat executes actions before it knowstheir complete consequences can guarantee a good plan-executiontime right away. In the following, we explain these features of Min-Max LRTA* in detail. Heuristic Knowledge Min-MaxLRTA*uses heuristic knowledge to guide planning. This knowledgeis provided in the form of admissible initial u-values. U-valuesare admissible if and only if 0 < u(s) < gd(s) for all s 6 S. In deterministic domains, this definition reducesto the traditional definition of admissible heuristic values for A*search (Pearl 1985). The larger its initial u-values, the better informedMin-Max LRTA*. TheoremI Let ~( s ) denote the initial u-values. Then, MinMaxLRTA* with initially admissibleu-values reaches a goal state after at most~(s,tart) + ~-’~,~s[gd(s) - ~(s)] action executions, regardless of the behavtorof nature. All proofs can be found in (Koenig 1997). The theorem shows that Min-MaxLRTA* with initially admissible u-values reaches a goal state in safely explorable domains after a finite number of actionexecutions,that is, it is correct. The larger the initial u-values, the smaller the upper bound on the numberof action executions and thus the smaller its plan-execution time. For example, Min-MaxLRTA* is fully informedif the initial u-values equal the minimax goal distances of the states. In this case, Theorem1 predicts that Min-Max LRTA* reaches a goal state after at most gd(sstart) action executions. Thus, its plan-execution time is at least worst-case optimal and no other methodcan do better in the worst-case. For the goal-directed navigation tasks, one can use the goal-distance heuristic to initialize the u-values, that is, u(s) = maxv~sgd({p}). The calculation of gd({p}) involves no pose uncertainty and can be done efficiently without interleaving planning and plan execution, by using traditional search methodsin the pose space. This is possible because the pose space is deterministic and small. The u-values are admissible because the robot needs at least maxv~sgd({p}) action executions in the worst case to solve the goal-directed navigation task frompose p’ = one-of art maxp~a gd({p}), eveni f it knows that it starts in that pose. The u-valuesare often only partially informed because they do not take into account that the robot might not know its pose and then might have to execute additional localization actions to overcomeits pose uncertainty. For the localization tasks, on the other hand,it is difficult to obtain better informedinitial u-values than those provided by the zero heuristic (zero-initialized u-values). Fine-Grained Control Min-MaxLRTA* allows for fine-grained control over how muchplanning to do betweenplan executions. For example, Min-MaxLRTA*with line 8 and Slaa = S \ G = S rl performs a complete minimaxsearch without interleaving planning and plan execution, which is slow but produces plans whoseplan-execution times are worst-case optimal. On the other hand, Min-MaxLRTA*with SI,j = {s} performs almost no planning betweenplan executions. Smaller look-aheadsbenefit agents that can execute plans with a similar speed as they can generate them, because they prevent these agents from being idle, which can minimizethe sum of planning and plan-execution time if the heuristic knowledge guides the search sufficiently. Larger Iook-aheadsare neededfor slower agents, such as robots. Improvement of Plan-Execution Time If Min-MaxLRTA* solves the same planning task repeatedly (evenwith different start states) it can improveits behavior over time by transferring domainknowledge,in the form of u-values, betweenplanning tasks. This is a familiar concept: Onecan argue that the minimaxsearches that Min-MaxLRTA* performs between plan executions are independentof one another and that they are connected only via the u-values that transfer domainknowledgebetween Koenig 149 From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. them. To see why Min-MaxLRTA*can do the same thing betweenplanning tasks, consider the following theorem. Theorem2 Admissible initial u-values remain admissible after every action execution of Min-MaxLRTA* and are monotonicaUynondecreasing. Nowassume that a series of planning tasks in the same domainwith the sameset of goal states are given, for example goal-directed navigation tasks with the samegoal poses in the samemaze.Theactual start poses or the beliefs of the robot aboutits start poses do not needto be identical. If" the initial u-values of Min-MaxLRTA* are admissible for the first planningtask, then they are also admissibleafter MinMaxLRTA* has solved the task and are state-wise at least as informedas initially. Thus, they are also admissiblefor the second planning task and Min-MaxLRTA* can continue to use the sameu-values across planningtasks. Thestart states of the planning tasks can differ since the admissibility of u-values does not dependon the start states. This way, MinMaxLRTA* can transfer acquired domain knowledgefrom one planning task to the next, thereby makingits u-values better informed.Ultimately, better in formedu-values result in an improvedplan-execution time, although the improvement is not necessarily monotonic.The following theorems formalize this knowledgetransfer in the mistake-bounded error model. The mistake-boundederror model is one way of analyzing learning methods by bounding the numberof mistakes that they make. Theorem3 Min-MaxLRTA* with initially admissible uvalues reaches a goal state after at most gd(sstart ) action executions, regardless of the behavior of natare, if its uvalues do not changeduring the search. Theorem 4 Assume that Min-Max LRTA * maintabzs uvalues across a series of planning tasks in the same domain with the same set of goal states. Then, the number of planning tasks for which Min-MaxLRTA* with initially admissible u-values reaches a goal state after more than gd(sstart) action executions is boundedfrom above by finite constant that dependsonly on the donuabzand goal states. Proof: If Min-MaxLRTA* with initially admissible uvalues reachesa goal state after morethan gd(sstart ) action executions, then at least one u-value has changedaccording to Theorem3. This can happen only a finite number of times since the u-values are monotonically nondecreasing and remain admissible according to Theorem2, and thus are boundedfrom above by the minimaxgoal distances. ¯ in this context, it counts as one mistake whenMin-Max LRTA* reaches a goal state after morethan gd(saa,t) action executions. Accordingto Theorem4. the u-values converge after a boundednumberof mistakes. The action sequence after convergencedependson the behavior of nature and is not necessarily uniquely determined, but has gd(sstart) fewer actions, that is, the plan-execution time of Min-Max LRTA* is either worst-case optimal or better than worstcase optimal. This is possible because nature might not be as malicious as a minimax search assumes. Min-Max 150 Robotics and Agents I. s,. := {s}. 2. Improveu(s) for all s E Sz,, (Figure5). 3. S: := 8. 4. a := one-ofarg min,,EA(,, ) max,,,¢,~,,~(.,,.,e) u(s"). 5. If lance(d,a)l > 1. thenreturn. 6. s’ := s". wheres" E s~zec(s’, a) is unique. 7. If s’ E St,~. thengoto 4. 8. If s’ E G,then return. 9. St** := St,, O{s’} andgo to 2. Figure 6: Generating Local Search Spaces g’lllldStiflingPt~se Figure 7: Goal-Directed Navigation Task #4 LRTA* might not be able to detect this "problem" by introspection since it does not perform a complete minimax search but partially relies on observingthe actual successor states of action executions,andnature can wait an arbitrarily longtimeto reveal it or choosenot to reveal it at all. Thiscan prevent the u-values from convergingafter a boundednumber of action executions and is the reason whywe analyzed its behavior using the mistake-boundederror model. It is important to realize that, since Min-Max LRTA* relies on observingthe actual successorstates of action executions, it can have computationaladvantageseven over several search episodes comparedto a complete minimaxsearch. This is the case if nature is not as malicious as a minimaxsearch assumesand somesuccessor states do not occur in practice, for example,becausethe actual start pose of the robot never equals the worst possible pose amongall start poses that are consistentwithits start belief. Other Navigation Methods Min-MaxLRTA*is a domain-independent planning method that does not only apply to goal-directed navigation and localization tasks with initial poseuncertainty, hut to planning tasks in nondeterministicdomainsin general. It can, for example, also be used for moving-targetsearch, the task of a hunter to catch a movingprey (Koenig &Simmons1995). In the following, we compare Min-MaxLRTA* to two more specialized planning methodsthat can also be used to solve the goal-directed navigation or localization tasks. Animportant advantage of Min-MaxLRTA*over these methods is that it can improveits plan-execution time as it solves similar planningtasks. Information-Gain Method The Information-Gain Method (IG method) (Gencscreth Nourbakhsh1993) first demonstratedthe advantageof inter- From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. leaving planning and plan execution for goal-directed navigation tasks) It uses breadth-first search (iterative deepening) on an and-or graph aroundthe current state in conjunction with pruning rules to find subplans that achieve a gain in information, in the following sense: after the execution of the subplan, the robot has either solved the goal-directed navigation task or at least reducedthe number of poses it can be in. This way, the IG methodguarantees progress towards the goal. There are similarities between the IG method and Min-MaxLRTA*:Both methods interleave minimaxsearches and plan execution. Zero-initialized Min-MaxLRTA* that generates the local search spaces for goal-directed navigation tasks with the methodfrom Figure 6 exhibits a similar behavior as the IG method:it also performsa breadth-first search aroundits current state until it finds a subplan whoseexecution results in a gain in information. The methoddoes this by starting with the local search space that contains only the current state. It performs a minimaxsearch in the local search space and then simulates the action executions of Min-Max LRTA* starting from its current state. If the simulatedaction executionsreach a goal state or lead to a gain in information, then the method returns. However,if the simulated action executions leave the local search space, the methodhalts the simulation, adds the state outside of the local search space to the local search space, and repeats the procedure. Notice that, whenthe methodreturns, it has already updated the u-values of all states of the local search space. Thus, Min-MaxLRTA* does not need to improvethe u-values of these states again and can skip the minimaxsearch. Its action-selection step (Line 5) and the simulation have to break ties identically. Then, Min-MaxLRTA* with Line 8 in Figure 4 executes actions until it either reachesa goal state or gains information. There are also differences betweenthe IG methodand MinMax LRTA*:Min-MaxLRTA*can use small look-aheads that do not guarantee a gain in information and it can improve its plan-execution time as it solves similar planning tasks, at the cost of havingto maintainu-values. The second advantage is important because no methodthat interleaves planning and plan execution can guarantee a good planexecution time on the first run. For instance, consider the goal-directed navigation task from Figure 7 and assumethat Min-MaxLRTA* generates the local search spaces with the methodfrom Figure 6. Then, both the IG methodand zeroinitialized Min-MaxLRTA* moveforward, because this is the fastest wayto eliminate a possible pose, that is, to gain information. Even Min-MaxLRTA* with the goal-distance heuristic movesforward, since it follows the gradient of the u-values. However,movingforward is suboptimal. It is best for the robot to first localize itself by turningaroundand movingto a corridor end. If the goal-directed navigation task is repeated a sufficient numberof times with the same start pose, Min-Max LRTA* eventually learns this behavior. n(Genesereth& Nourbakhsh1993) refers to the IG method as the DelayedPlanningArchitecture(DPA)with the viable plan heuristic. It also contains someimprovements on the version of the IGmethoddiscussedhere, that do not changeits character. Homing Sequences Localization tasks are related to finding homingsequences or adaptive homingsequencesfor deterministic finite state automata whose states are colored. A homing sequence is a linear plan (action sequence) with the property that the observations madeduring its execution uniquely determine the resulting state (Kohavi1978). An adaptive homing sequence is a conditional plan with the sameproperty (Schapire 1992). For every reduceddeterministic finite state automaton,there exists a homingsequencethat contains at most (n- ! )2 actions. Finding a shortest homingsequence NP-completebut a suboptimal homingsequence of at most (n - 1)2 actions can be found in polynomialtime (Schapire 1992). Robotlocalization tasks can be solved with homing sequencessince the pose space is deterministic and thus can be modeledas a deterministic finite state automaton. Extensions of Min-MaxLRTA* Min-MaxLRTA* uses minimaxsearches in the local search spaces to update its u-values. For the robot navigation tasks, it is possible to combinethis with updates over a greater distance, with only a small amountof additional effort. For example, we knowthat gd(s) >_ gd(s’) for twostates s, d E S with s _Dd (recall that states are sets of poses). Thus, we can set u(s):= max(u(s),u(d))for selected states s, s’ E S with s D s’. If the u-values are admissible before the update, they remainadmissible afterwards. The assignment could be done immediately before the local search space is generatedon Line 3 in Figure 4. It is also straightforward to modifyMin-Max LRTA* so that it does not assumethat all actions can be executed in the same amountof time, and change the theorems appropriately. Finally, it is also straightforward(but not terribly exciting) drop the assumptionthat action executions cannot leave the current state unchanged,and change the theoremsappropriately. Future work will removesomeof the limitations of Min-MaxLRTA*.For example, our assumption that there is no uncertainty in actuation and sensing is indeed a good approximationfor robot navigation tasks in mazes. Future work will investigate how Min-MaxLRTA* can be applied to similar tasks in less structured environmentsin which our assumption is not a good one. Similarly, Min-Max LRTA* works with arbitrary Iook-aheads. Future work will investigate howit can adapt its look-ahead automatically to optimize the sum of planning and plan-execution time, possibly using methodsfrom (Russell & Wefald1991). ExperimentalResults Nourbakhsh (Nourbakhsh 1996) has already shown that performing a complete minimaxsearch to solve the goaldirected navigation tasks optimally can be completely infeasible. Wetake this result for granted and showthat Min-MaxLRTA* solves the goal-directed navigation tasks fast, converges quickly, and requires only a small amount of memory.Wedo this experimentally since the actual plan-execution time of Min-MaxLRTA*and its memory requirements can be muchbetter than the upper bound of Koenig 151 From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. after.., measudag... using... Min-Max LRTA* with look-ahead one goal-directednavigation localization goal-distanceheuristic zeroheuristic thefirst run plan-executiontime action ezacuuons I 13.32 13.33 planningtime stateexpansions I 13.32 13.33 memoryusage u-values remembered 13.32 31.88 plan-egecution time action executions coovergcm:e 49.15 8.82 planningtime state expansions 49.15 8. 82 memoryusage u-values remembered 446.13 1,782.26 numberof rims until convergence 16.49 102.90 Min-Max LRTA* with larger look-ahead (nsinl~the method in Figure6) goal-directednavigation localization goal-distance heuristic zae heuristic 50.48 12.24 73.46 26.62 :40.28 26.62 49.13 8.81 49.13 8.81 85.80 506.63 3.14 21.55 Figure 8: ExperimentalResults TheoremI suggests. Weuse a simulation of the robot navigation domainwhoseinterface matchesthe interface of an actual robot that operates in mazes (Nourbakhsh& Genesereth 1997). Thus, Min-MaxLRTA* could be run on that robot. Weapply Min-MaxLRTA*to goal-directed navigation and localization tasks with two different Iook-aheads each, namely look-ahead one (Sz~ = {s}) and the larger look-ahead from Figure 6. As test domains, we use 500 randomly generated square mazes. The same 500 mazes are used for all experiments.All mazeshave size 49 × 49 and the sameobstacle density, the samestart pose of the robot, and (for goal-directed navigation tasks) the samegoal location, which includes all four poses. The robot is provided with no knowledgeof its start pose and initially senses openings in all four directions. The mazesare constructed so that, on average, morethan 1100poses are consistent with this observation and have thus to be considered as potential start poses. Welet Min-MaxLRTA*solve the same task repeatedly with the samestart pose until its behavior converges. 2 To save memory, Min-MaxLRTA*generates the initial u-values only on demandand never stores u-values that are identical to their initial values. Line5 breaksties between actions systematically according to a pre-determined ordering on A(s) for all states s. Figure 8 showsthat MinMaxLRTA* indeed produces good plans in large domains quickly, while using only a small amountof memory.Since the plan-execution time of Min-MaxLRTA* after convergenceis no worsethan the minimaxgoal distance of the start state, we knowthat its initial plan-executiontime is at most 23 i, 15 I, 103, and 139percent (respectively) of the worstcase optimal plan-execution time. Min-MaxLRTA*also converges quickly. Consider, for example, the first case, wherethe initial plan-executiontime is worst. In this case, Min-MaxLRTA*with look-ahead one more than halves its plan-execution time in less than 20 runs. This demonstrates that this aspect of Min-Max LRTA* is important if the heuristic knowledgedoes not guide planning sufficiently well. -’Min-Max LRTA* did not knowthat the start pose remained the same.Otherwise,it couldhaveusedthe decreaseduncertainty aboutits poseafter solvingthe goal-directednavigationtask to narrowdownits start pose and improveits plan-executiontime this way. 152 Robotics and Agents Conclusions Westudied goal-directed navigation (and localization) tasks in mazes, wherethe robot knowsthe mazebut does not know its initial pose. Theseproblemscan be modeledas nondeterministic planning tasks in large state spaces. Wedescribed Min-MaxLRTA*,a real-time heuristic search method for nondeterministicdomainsand showedthat it can solve these tasks efficiently. Min-Max LRTA* interleaves planning and plan execution, whichallows the robot to gather information early that can be used to reduce the amountof planningdone for unencountered situations. Min-MaxLRTA* allows for fine-grained control over howmuchplanning to do between plan executionsand uses heuristic knowledgeto guide planning. It amortizes learning over several search episodes, whichallows it to find suboptimalplans fast and then improve its plan-execution time as it solves similar planning tasks, until its plan-execution time is at least worst-case optimal. This is important since no methodthat executes actions before it knowstheir complete consequencescan guarantee a goodplan-execution time right away, and methods that do not improvetheir plan-execution time do not behaveefficiently in the long run in case similar planning tasks unexpectedly repeat. Since Min-Max LRTA* partially relies on observingthe actual successorstates of action executions, it does not plan for all possible successor states and thus can still have computationaladvantages even over several search episodes comparedto a complete minimax search if nature is not as malicious as a minimaxsearch assumesand somesuccessor states do not occur in practice. Acknowledgements Thanksto Matthias Heger, Richard Korf, MichaelLittman, TomMitchell, and Illah Nourbakhshfor helpful discussions. Thanks also to Richard Kerr and Michael Littman for their extensive commentsand to Joseph Pembertonfor makinghis mazegeneration programavailable to us. This research was sponsored by the Wright Laboratory, Aeronautical Systems Center, Air Force Materiel Command, USAF, and the AdvancedResearch Projects Agency(ARPA)under grant numberF33615-93- I- 1330. 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