696 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 36, NO. 5 , MAY 1988 Extinction Cross Section of a Dielectric Strip SUBRATANANDA DOWERAH AND ALOKNATH CHAKRABARTI Ahtruct-The problem of scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave by a dielectric strip is formulated in terms of an uncoupled system of three-part Wiener-Hopf equations by using a set of approximate boundary conditions derived and u t i l i recently. The resulting WienerHopf problems are solved approximately for sufficiently large values of the width of the strip by using Jones’ method. An analytical formula is derived for the extinction cross section of the strip under consideration from which numerical values are obtained in specific situations and the results are presented graphically. The radar cross section of the strip is also computed in special circumstances and these are presented separately. I. INTRODUCTION HE WIENER-HOPF technique has been utilized extensively by various workers ([1]-[3], etc.) to attack two-dimensional scattering problems associated with the diffraction of plane electromagnetic/acousticwaves either by perfectly conducting or metallic half-planes/strips wherein the boundary conditions on the scatterer involve, at the most, partial derivatives of the scattered field of first order. It is only recently that Leppington [4] has derived a different type of boundary conditions involving second-order partial derivatives of the scattered field that are to be satisfied on dielectric scatterers and, as an application of these boundary conditions, that Chakrabarti [5] has considered the solution of the problem of diffraction by a dielectric half-plane. As a further application of these new types of boundary conditions which are different from the ones used by Rawlins [6], we have considered, in the present paper, the problem of diffraction of a plane transverse electric wave by a dielectric strip. By employing a standard procedure as explained in Jones’ book [7], the diffraction problem under consideration is reduced to a system of uncoupled three-part Wiener-Hopf equations and these are solved approximately by assuming that the width b of the strip is electrically very large. Utilizing these approximate solutions and using the method of stationary phase, we have ultimately derived a formula for the extinction cross section of the strip under consideration for sufficiently general angles of incidence (the only restriction on the angle of incidence is that it must not be too close to zero). Derivation of the formulas for extinction cross sections of strips of other types associated with propagation of electromagnetic waves has been the subject of several works existing in the literature (see [31, [71, and [8]). We discover the structure of this important practical quantity in the present problem as far as its dependence on the various physical parameters of the dielectric strip is con- T cerned. The variation of the extinction cross section with the angle of incidence for certain specific values of the physical parameters is shown graphically. Results for the radar cross section of the strip are also obtained and are presented separately. II. FORMULATION AND REDUCTION TO WIENER-HOPF EQUATIONS We consider a dielectric strip of electrically very small thickness h and of dielectric constant el and magnetic permeability p which occupies the region: 0 I x Ib, - 00 < z < QO (x, y , z denote orthogonal Cartesian coordinates), and is embedded in a medium of dielectric constant and magnetic permeability p, taken to be the same as that of the strip, for simplicity. Throughout the analysis we shall assume that the thickness of the strip is electrically very small and that the terms of 0 (€3where Eo=h(l-E), E=Q/E, (1) can be neglected in our analysis. The width b of the strip will be assumed to be at least O [ ( ~ E , ( ~ / ~(6 + ~>) )0]; ke0 Q 1) so that kb % 1. We shall confine our attention only to the case E < 1, i.e., e l > €2. A transverse electric wave as given by ,!?;=Re (curl (0, 0, di)e-’@‘} Hi=-Re in Cartesian bases (x, y , ( i w z ( 0 , 0, 4i)e-i@t} (2) z), with qd=exp [ - i k ( x c o s Oo+y sin eo)] (3) strikes the dielectric strip as explained above. We shall drop the factor e-”‘ and the symbol “Re” throughout the rest of our analysis. It is required to determine the resultant total field given by (2) with 4’ replaced by 4; + b“, where 4” denotes the scattered potential. The mathematical problem of determining 4” turns out (with the help of Maxwell’s equations [7]) to be that of solving the reduced wave equation Manuscript received April 16, 1987; revised March 4, 1988. The authors are with the Department of Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012, India. IEEE Log Number 8819817. 0018-926X/88/0500-0696$01 .OO 0 1988 IEEE (4) 697 DOWERAH AND CHAKRABARTI: EXTINCTION CROSS SECTION OF DIELECTRIC STRIP and the radiation condition characterizing outgoing waves at infinity. The boundary conditions (5) and (6) on the surfaces of the scatterer have been derived by Leppington under the following assumptions. i) The tangential component of the total electric field E + E is continuous across the faces y = -+h of the dielectric strip. ii) The tangential component of the total magnetic field i f i + if.is continuous across y = h. iii) The thickness h of the strip is electrically so small that kh 4 1, and that O ( ( k l ~ t )e ~r)ms can be neglected. For unique determination of the scattered fields we need, in addition to the conditions mentioned above, appropriate edge behavior of 4" at the two edges x = 0 and x = b of the strip. We assume that 4", 4;, $&, and 4; possess at most integrable singularities at x = 0 and x = b (these assumptions will be verified subsequently). The physical requirements at the edges x = 0 and x = b are that the energy in any region containing these edges must be finite and the assumptions on integrable singularities mentioned here satisfy this requirement (see [7]). The boundary value problem posed above is next reduced to that of solving two independent three-part Wiener-Hopf problems by utilizing a standard procedure, known as Jones's method (see Noble [l]). To this end we assume that the wavenumber k has a small positive imaginary part k2, i.e., k = k l + ik2 (k2 will be taken to be zero at the end) and define the Fourier transform of the scattered potential 4" as given by * @"(a,y ) = jm p ( x , y)eiax d ~ . --m and j," U")(a)= [4;(x, 0+)-4;(x, O-)]eiaxdx (15) + where the subscripts " " and " - " appearing above indicate that the corresponding functions are analytic in the upper and the lower half-planes Im (a)> - k2 and Im (a)< k2 cos eo, respectively, whereas the functions Uu)( j = 1 , 2) are integral functions of a,and next using (3,(8), (lo), and (12) we obtain the relation P y ) ( a )+ L !)(a)+ [ A(a)- B(a)]f(')(a) =F(')(a) (16) with f ( l ) ( a= ) 1 +(EO/E)Y(CY) ~ ) ( a = (2EO/E) ) =t (17) jb4 l ( x , O)eiax dx 1 -ei(or-kcoseo)b a - k cos 00 A(1) A ( ' ) ={ 2 ~ ~ ksin/ 0,.~ } (18) Also the relation Py)(a)+ L !)(a)- y ( a ) [ A(a)+ B ( ~ x ) ] f ( ~=)f(lc2~) )( a )(19) with f"' (a)= 1- EoaZ/y(a) (20) (7) Then the appropriate solution of the transformed partial differential equation (4) satisfying the requirement that 4" is outgoing at infinity may be written as *"(a,y)=A(a)e-+)Y =B(a)ev(a)Y (y>O) (y < 0) (8) where ~ ( a=) (a2- k 2 )1'2 with ~ ( 0=)- ik. (9) Introducing the following unknown functions of a,as given by P Y ) (= ~ (2EO/E) ) L !'(a)= ( 2 4 j: so Sm 4;(x, -m O)ei*X dx (10) obtained by integrating by parts. It is to be noted that while deriving (16) and (19) we have made use of the analyticity of the scattered field outside the obstacle. We obtain two more relations from (14) and (15) as given by U(I)(a)=A(a)-B(a) (23) U(')(a)= - ~ ( a ) [ A (+aB(a)]. ) (24) and Substitution of A(a) - B(a)and A(a) + B(a) as given by (23) and (24) into (16) and (19), respectively, leads to the following three-part Wiener-Hopf equations: 4;(x, O)eiaxdx U(')(a)= [+"(x, O + ) - @ ( x , O-)]eiaxdx (13) (14) P':"(cu)+L'i"(a)+Uo"(a)fo"(a)=Fo)(a) ( j = 1, 2). (25) The basic unknowns A and B appearing in (8) can be 698 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 36. NO. 5, MAY 1988 recovered in terms of the Wiener-Hopf unknowns U?)( j = 1, 2) by using (23) and (24).In the next section we shall describe a procedure of solving the Wiener-Hopf equations (25) approximately for electrically large values of the width b by reducing these equations to two uncoupled systems of integral equations as explained in Jones’ book [7]. and H y ) ( a )= L !)( - a)-p’J”(a)e-iab ( j = 1, 2) (29) we obtain the following two systems of independent integral equations valid for Im (a)> - el: where withj = 1, 2. III. APPROXIMATE SOLUTION OF THE WIENER-HOPF EQUATIONS In the Appendix we will present approximate expressions (25) FOR LARGEbk for the Wiener-Hopf factors fy) ( j = 1, 2) valid for small values of E , by directly utilizing an analysis due to Leppington [4].The integral equations (30) and (31)can be cast into more convenient forms as given by Utilizing the Wiener-Hopf factorizations of the functions in the form f G ) ( c y ) = fY)(cy)f”‘(a)with f y ) ( a ) = f 0’) fy) + eizbdz (33) (34) ( - a)(j = 1, 2), and following Jones’s procedure we deduce (leaving aside the details) the following systems of integral equations for the unknowns L?) and PY)( j = 1, 2): where ?:)(a) = Zy)(a) L(i’)(a) 1 -=fy)(a) 2?ri +m+k~ { py)(z)-F(j)(z)) dz (Im ( a ) < e l ) E;(;)(a)=Hy’(a)+ (26) + 1 - k COS e,) 1 e - ikb cos00 1 ( a + k c o s Bo)-(a-kcos 0,) 1 + (a+ k cos e,) e-ik6cosOo and with ( j = (38) 1, 2), where Equations (33) and (34) have similar structure as thOSe obtained in Noble’s book [ l , p. 1991 and therefore Jones’ ~~~Y Changing to - in (26) and z to - z in (271,taking e2 = method described by Noble 111 can be S U C C ~ S S ~employed to obtain an approximate solution for large b. Leaving aside -el and defining the details we present the functions 1:) and H y ) (j = 1, 2) in zY(a)= L ‘i“(- a) P y)(a)e-iab ( j = 1, 2) (28) the following approximate forms (for large M = -k2<el, e2<k2 cos e,. + 699 DOWERAH AND CHAKRABARTI:EXTINCTION CROSS SECTION OF DIELECTRIC STRIP O((k€o)-(2/3+6)); (k€o)a 1): with F(u) = Im eiu2 du U + f (:'(a>[{ WO[- w a + k)l and H(x) is the Heaviside unit function defined by N ( x )= 0, 1 for X C O - ~ , [ - 2 i k b { e ( e , ) ) 2 ] }(a- EO> =1/2, forx=O + iwO[-2ikb{s"(e0))2i = 1, for x> 0. - WO[- ib(a+ k ) ] } e(a+ 60) ikob 1 [ +-2ak-I ~ a + k(O) a ( k + k(O)) (av!) I:: (- j 2) f(:)(a)x with j = 1, 2, where +2H(j-2) 1 At this stage we note that while obtaining the above solutions of the systems of integral equations (33) and (34) we have not utilized the approximate expressions of the Wiener-Hopf factorsfii) as presented in the Appendix (only the relations*) (a)= fo)(a)andf-j) (a)= (- a),the analyticity properties of the factors f;)(a),and the asymptotic results (a)= O(a)a -+ 03 in appropriate half-planes have been (40) made use of). Using (39) and (40) along with (28), (29), and (25) we arrive at the following results: A(j)a(j) - ijU)k-' w,(- ib[a+ k]) (45) e) fi) 700 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 36, NO. 5, MAY 1988 &(ab+%) +- 2f !'(a) [bo) 1 I Wo[-ib(a+k) 2A +-k(O) +a H ( 2 - j ) 1 [ ~ $ + x $ i ] k - ' . (46) The scattered potential #Is is finally obtained by using (S), (23), and (24) in the'form with - kz < c < k2 cos 0,. The actual behavior of the scattered potential #Is near the two edges (0, 0) and (b, 0) can be derived by using Abelian theorem to the result (47) (see Williams [9]) and our previous assumptions about the integrability of #Is, #,;I #IL,and 4; near x = 0 and x = b can be verified easily by observhg that #Is = O ( ( - ~ ) ~ " ) a s x + 0- a n d @ = O((x - b ) 3 / 2 ) a s x - +b + . The scattered fields? !, and are now completely specified by (2) with #Ii replaced by #Is. +2 H ( m - 2)A (k(O)+R(#I)) 1 X {2f +2 ( m = 1, 2) ?)(b))} (52) H ( m - 2)A (k(O)- R(+)) * IV. THEFARFIELDAND THE EXTINCTION CROSS SECTION Evaluating the integral (47) approximately for large kr by the application of the steepest descent method after writing x = r cos #I and Iyl = r sin #I (0 < #I < T), we obtain the following expression for the scattered far field after some lengthy but straightforward manipulations (see Noble [l] and Jones [7]) ei(kr- r/4) -X where 1/2+ (27rkr) O[(kr)-3/21 (48) We note that WO(- iy) defined in terms of the complex Fresnel function by (44) for real positive y, has the asymptotic development as y + 00 and this will be utilized for later calculations. The extinction cross section U, of the dielectric strip can now be 70 1 DOWERAH AND CHAKRABARTI: EXTINCTION CROSS SECTION OF DIELECTRIC STRIP derived by using the formula [7] ue=lim Im r-m (bk) [ $ [t$ig+4sk] an an CIS] (56) (COS where c is a large circle of radius r with its center at the origin, and stars denote complex conjugates. Substituting the expression for +s as given by (48) and using Kelvin's method of stationary phase we deduce that '1 1 -I- [2kb{ ?(Bo)} + 3 ~ / 4 ] ) [wO)i4 1 cos2 eo sin [2kb{ e(eo)} + 3n/4] [am][ (57) 0;i where (a - 00) stands for the limiting values of the functions U;] (4) as 4 tends to a - Bo ( j = 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 ; rn = 1, 2). Assuming that 8, is not near zero and using (48), (50)-(53), and the result (55) in (57) we obtain, after neglecting terms of O(P3) (note that bk is assumed to be at least of O(0-(2/3+6)); 0 4 l), the following expression for the extinction cross section: E O(0) = 8 cos4 Bo + sin4 0, sin Bo ] 1 - a- - (r) (59) sin (kb + 3a/4)] { (2akb)1/20) 702 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 36, NO. 5, MAY 1988 * A(i)= 2P2 sin { kb(I + 2/32)) + - cos (kb+ 37r/4)+ ( 1 + 2(2kb)'I2[sin (2kb)F(, ( [(2(2kb)'l2[sin (2kb)17(~,{(2kb)'/~) + cos (2kb)F(,){ (2kb)'/2)]) * {(2kb)'/2}-cos (2kb)F(j){(2kb)'"}]) - sin (kb+ 37r/4)] (66) The functions F(r)and F(i)occuring on the right-hand sides of (65)and (66)are defined in terms of the real Fresnel functions by the equations F ( i ) ( X )= (7r/2)'/2 sin ((7r/2)t2)dt) The final expression €or the extinction cross section U, appears The backscatter radar cross section (T of the strip can be to be rather lengthy, but it is not difficult to see the dependence computed by using the result (see [lo]) of U, on the parameter 0 = 1/2 kh (1 - e), especially through the terms 0 In 0 and p2 In 0 (see also Faulkner [3]). For normal incidence (eo = 712) most of the expressions given above simplify considerably and we obtain the following remarkably simple expression in this case: where Siis the incident power density and S, is the scattered power density at a distance r from the origin in the direction Ue=2(kh)2{1/€- 1 ) 2 { 1 - l/bk}. (87) back in the direction of incidence. Using the result (48) we We have shown in Figs. 1 the variation of the extinction find that cross section U, with the angle of incidence for three different sets of values of the parameters (hk, bk), and for the value of e = 0.166767which is a fairly good representative of a mica or a porcelain strip (see Jones [7, p. 61). 704 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 36, NO. 5, MAY 1988 35 35 0 LO . 45 1 50 55 3 60 3 65 70 ] 75 80 ' 8 5 90 , 1 0 50 45 40 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 - 0.005 3 - 0.12 - 0.11 - 0001 - 0.10 - 009 - 008 - - 0003 007 -006 - 0002 - 0.05 - 0.04 35 LO 45 ' 0,0013- 0.0011 50 ' 55 ' 65 60 70 75 80 I I 85 90 I I h k ='0.005 bk = 1200 E = 0.17 00012 - o.oon -00012 - - 00011 -0~Omo 0~0010 - 0.0009- 0.0009 0.0008 -04007 - 00006 - 0.0005 - 0.0004 0.0003 35 io 5: o: 5; $5 $0 50 Bofdeg) -A CO L bo Ja~oOo' (c) Fig. 1. Variation of the extinction cross section (ue) with the angle of incidence (e") for three different sets of values of thickness (hk) and width (bk) of the dielectric strip for a particular choice of E . (here A = 27r/k is the wavelength in the medium of dielectric constant E~ of the incident wave). Taking four different values of E, i.e., E = 0.125, 0.17, 0.25, and 0.5 we have presented in Figs. 2 the variation of u/A with the angle of incidence eo, for a particular choice of the parameters hk and bk given by hk = 0.05 and bk = 1200. The variation of u/A with E for normal incidence is also depicted separately (Fig. 3). Numerical values of both the important physical quantities ue and U for other choices of the various parameters can be obtained from the final results obtained in our work, i.e., (58) and (89). DOWERAH AND CHAKRABARTI: EXTINCTION CROSS SECTION OF DIELECTRIC STRIP I I I I I I I 705 I - b k=l200 hk=0.05 E=0.125 0- - 5 0 15 25 35 I I I 45 I 55 65 75 85 I I I I bk=1200 h k i 0.05 0- -0 - -10 --lo m -40-501 5 1 I I I 15 25 35 45 I 55 (dag) eo 1 I I 65 75 85 - -20 5-20- -40 - -30 - -30 - -40 - -40 1-50 -50 5 I I I I 15 25 35 45 1 e, (a) 55 (dcg) I I 1 65 75 85 1-50 (b) 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 E5 I 1 I I I I I I bk=1200 hk= 0.05 C L 0.5 bk-1200 hk= 0.05 ci0.25 0 Fig. 2. Variation of the radar cross section ( o h ) with the angle of incidence (e") €or a particular choice of the thickness (hk)and the width (bk)of the dielectric strip for four different values of E . APPENDIX 0.1 I 50 40 0.2 I 03 0.1 1 I 0.6 0.5 0'1 0.8 0.9 I - - 50 - -LO 30- - 30 20 - - 20 10 - - 0 Approximate Wiener-Hopf factors of the functions fu) (j = 1, 2) defined by (17) and (20) can be obtained by directly utilizingan analysis of Leppington [4] (also see [5]). When a is not near f k we find that 1 0.1 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 09 p" =f':"(a)f"(a) with fy(- a)=f"(a> 10 0 (90) ( j = 1 , 2), (91) +-hw] (92) where E- Fig. 3. Variation of the radar cross section ( d X ) with the ratio of the dielectric constants (e = e2/eI) for normal incidence (e = 90"). l i i 2 7 r T ~~ a) 2 706 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 36, NO. 5 , MAY 1988 and [7] D. S. Jones, The Theory of Electromagnetism. London, U K : Pergamon, 1964. [8] A. Chakrabarti and S . Dowerah, “Diffraction by a periodically corrugated strip,” J. Tech. Phys. Polish Acud. Sci. (Warszawa), vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 113-126, 1984. [9] W. E. Williams, Partial Differential Equations. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1980. [lo] I . Appel-Hansen, “Accurate determination of gain and radiation patterns by radar cross-section measurements,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-27, no. 5, pp. 640-646, Sept. 1979. f‘Z’(a)= 1- -cos - 1 ( a / k ) 7r-Y (a) ((+:): -t€0 -:(i In Eok)] a. (93) For a near k we have fY’(a)=1 f!)(a)=1 + ( ~ 0 / ~ ) ( 2 k ) ’ / ~ ( a - k(94) )’/~ fy)<a) =I f(?)(a) = 1 - ~ ~ k 3 / *1/2/(a 2 - - k)1/2. and (95) For a near - k the approximate factors can be obtained from (94) and (95) by replacing Q by -a. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Subratananda Dowerah was born in Dibrugarh, Assam, India, in 1958. He received the B.Sc. (maths., Hons.) degree in 1978 and the M.Sc. (maths.) degree in 1982, both from Gauhati University, India. Since August 1982 he has been with the Department of Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, where he has completed his Ph.D. work. A thesis entitled “The WienerHopf technique and allied methods in a class of scattering problems” has just been submitted to the IISc., Bangalore, for the Ph.D. degree. The authors are grateful to the referee for his many valuable suggestions that improved the presentation of the work. REFERENCES B. Noble, The Wiener-Hopf Technique. London, UK. Pergamon, 1958. T. B. A. Senior, “Diffraction by a semi-infinite metallic sheet,” Proc. ROY. SOC.,vol. A 213, pp. 436-458, 1952. T. R. Faulkner, “Diffraction of an electromagnetic plane wave by a metallic strip,” J. Inst. Math. Appf. vol. 1, pp. 149-163, 1965. F. G. Leppington, “Travelling waves in a dielectric slab with an abrupt change in thickness,” Proc. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A 386, pp. 443460, 1983. A. Chakrabarti, “Diffraction by a dielectric half-plane,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propugat., vol. AP-34, no. 6, pp. 830-833, June 1986. A. D. Rawlins, “Diffraction by an acoustically penetrable on an electromagnetically dielectric half-plane,” Int. J. Eng. Sci., vol. 15, pp. 569-578, 1977. Aloknath Chakrabarti was born in the village of Dongalon, Bankura, West Bengal, India, in 1943. He recieved the B.Sc. (maths., Hons.) degree in 1963, the M.Sc. (applied mathematics) degree in 1965, and the D. Phil (science) degree in 1970, all from the University of Calcutta, India. He was a Lecturer of Mathematics at the B.E. College, Howrah, India during 1967-1968. He was a Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellow at the University of Dundee, UK, during 1974-1975, and a Leverhuime Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey, UK, during 1979-1980. He was appointed as a National Lecturer for the year 1979-1980, by the University Grants Commission, India. He is an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, where he has been teaching and carrying out research in theoretical elasticity, diffraction theory, as well as integral equations and their applications in boundary valve problems of mathematical physics, since 1968.