LIQUID CRYSTAL INSTITUTE ® and CHEMICAL PHYSICS INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAM KENT STATE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008 Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Director TABLE OF CONTENTS Director’s Report .................................................................................................................1 Achievements and Recognition ...........................................................................................3 Summary of Accomplishments............................................................................................4 Major Funding Sources and Expenditures...........................................................................5 LCI Highlights .....................................................................................................................7 Table 1 Liquid Crystal Institute Staff ...........................................................................11 Table 2 Liquid Crystal Institute Research Personnel....................................................12 Table 3 Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program Faculty......................................14 Table 4 Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program Students ....................................15 Table 5 Scholarships and Fellowships ..........................................................................17 Table 6 Graduate Degrees Awarded .............................................................................18 Table 7 Placement of Personnel....................................................................................18 Table 8 Visiting Scientists ............................................................................................19 Table 9 Grants and Contracts........................................................................................21 Table 10 Proposals for Extramural Support....................................................................29 Table 11 Patents ..............................................................................................................35 Table 12 Publications......................................................................................................37 Table 13 Presentations ....................................................................................................45 Table 14 Other Scholarly Activities................................................................................57 Table 15 Seminar Program .............................................................................................60 Table 16 Industrial Partnership Program ........................................................................62 Table 17 Research Facility Report..................................................................................63 Table 18 Research Facility Services Provided................................................................64 Table 19 Education and Public Service ..........................................................................66 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................67 I. Outreach Activities Liquid Crystal Day brochure ......................................................................................69 Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program brochure...............................................71 Industrial Partnership Program and LCD Research Facility brochure .......................73 Technology Transfer brochure ...................................................................................75 II. Extramural Grant Funding, 1982-2008.......................................................................77 III. Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals..................................................................89 2007-2008 Director’s Report As Academic Year 2007-2008 came to a close, we received the news that Kent State University was awarded a $15,678,489 grant from the State of Ohio for the Ohio Research Scholars Program (ORSP). The LCI will lead a partnership of eight Northeast Ohio entities to establish a Research Cluster on Surfaces in Advanced Materials (RCSAM). KSU’s share of the grant is $8,553,921. As part of the award, the LCI will receive two endowed research scholar positions. We have begun an international search for two world-class scholars to join the LCI/CPIP in 2009. See Highlights, pg. 7, for additional information on this exciting new direction for liquid crystal research. Personnel In a joint effort with the Department of Biological Sciences, two outstanding faculty members were recruited for research in the interdisciplinary field of experimental soft matter, biomaterials, biological physics, and molecular biology. The positions, funded by the State of Ohio and KSU, offer remarkable opportunities in the areas of liquid crystals, biopolymers, soft and complex systems. Dr. Edgar Kooijman joins the Department of Biological Sciences and Dr. Chanjoong Kim will bring his expertise to the LCI/CPIP beginning July 1, 2008. Dr. Kim comes to Kent State following a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Physics and School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at Harvard University. His doctoral work focused on dynamics of Langmuir monolayers. See Highlights, pg. 9 for more on Dr. Kim. Research The LCI continued to successfully bring extramural funding to Kent State University, applying for 42 grants totaling $29,092,488 which includes the $15,678,489 Ohio Research Scholars grant. KSU’s ORSP share ($8,553,921) brings the LCI’s new funding to over $10 million with an additional $1.1 million pending at fiscal year end. Our successful collaborations with industries, both domestic and international, continued throughout the year. We received industrial funding from Samsung Electronics in Korea, Displaytech, Evans Capacitor, Johnson & Johnson Vistakon Division, Dupont, and Intel; subawards were received from Wright State University, Kent Displays, Displaytech, General Dynamics, Pixel Optics, Ohio State University, Dynamic Eye, and the University of Akron. Federal sources comprised 38% of our total extramural funding and included the National Science Foundation, Air Force Research Laboratories, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research, and Air Force Office of Science Research. The State of Ohio provided 13% of our extramural funding through the Ohio Board of Regents and the Ohio Department of Development. Other funding sources included the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM), NorTech, and Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust. We continued our research collaborations with colleagues in KSU departments of Architectural and Environmental Design (Sharag-Eldin), Biological Sciences (Frazier, Woolverton), Chemistry (Gericke, Mao, Tolmachev, Twieg), Geology (Ortiz), Mathematical Sciences (Gartland), Computer Sciences (Farrell, Maletic, Melton, Ruttan) 1 and Physics (Allender, Finotello, Gleeson, Kumar, Mann, Sprunt). Of the 56 currently active grants, 18 involved KSU investigators from other departments. Education and Outreach Chemical Physics professor Antal Jakli secured a collaborative research grant to study liquid crystals in Europe. During Summer, 2008, he will take three Chemical Physics graduate students beyond the classroom to conduct studies in Hungary, Portugal, Austria and Germany. Their experiences will be highlighted in the next annual report. KSU Professors Robin Selinger (CPIP) and Elizabeth Mann (Physics) served as volunteer presenters at the Science, Technology, Engineering, Math & Aviation Conference for ninth grade girls. The event was hosted by the Polaris Career Center, a Cleveland public school facility that provides specialized educational programs for both high school students and adults (see Highlights, pg. 8). Our Chemical Physics graduate students participated in K-12 outreach by providing talks and demonstrations to Cub Scouts, Akron area 7th - 9th grade gifted students and the KSU Fall Parents Day open house. In April, 2008, Chemical Physics professor Phil Bos organized the short course, “Liquid Crystals: Materials and Display Devices.” Lectures were given by several LCI faculty and staff to 15 researchers from Eastman Chemical Company. Scholarships We continue to provide scholarships to Chemical Physics students though a competitive process. During the next fiscal year we will complete five years of Samsung scholarship awards totaling $200,000. In December, 2006, former LCI scientist, James Fergason, established the Alfred Saupe Scholarship Fund and in December, 2007, we received three scholarships (one per year) from the Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust. We encourage our graduate students to be competitive and creative in their scientific careers and acknowledge their achievements through scholarship awards. Service LCI/CPIP continued to serve the research and industrial community through the Industrial Partnership Program (Bos), Synthesis Facilities (Chien, Li) and Characterization Facilities (Shiyanovskii, Lavrentovich). The LCI staff provides services (electron and atomic force microscopic analysis, cleanroom time, materials characterization, etc.) at no cost to KSU faculty. Invoices issued for services provided by LCI researchers and use of our facilities by scientists from universities and industries in the liquid crystal related field totaled nearly $77,000 for this reporting period (Table 18). In closing, our research and education continues to be strong and we look forward to innovative directions in liquid crystal research with the addition of new faculty. At the time of this writing, we report with great sadness that the LCI, and the entire field of liquid crystal science and technology, lost two of its most prominent figures, Alfred Saupe (1925-2008) and James Fergason (1934-2008). Next year’s report will highlight their careers and their immeasurable contributions to the field of liquid crystals. Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Director 2 Achievements and Recognition Books and Conference Proceedings Mobile Displays: Technology and Applications, Achintya K. Bhowmik, Zili Li, Philip J. Bos, editors, SID-Series in Display Technology, Wiley Publishers, May 2008. Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III, L. C. Chien, editor, Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 6911, 2008. Conference and Workshop Chairs L.C. Chien was elected Vice-Chair (2009) and Chair (2011) of the Gordon Research Conference Liquid Crystals Symposium. L.C. Chien, Conference Chair, Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III, 2008 Photonics West Conference, SPIE International Meeting, San Jose, CA January 19-24, 2008. Awards Satyendra Kumar, professor of Physics and professor of Chemical Physics, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, received the 2007 KSU Distinguished Scholar Awards for their research in the field of liquid crystals. L.C. Chien was named Fellow, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008. Students Shawn Hurley received the Kent State University Community Excellence Leadership Award and the Student Leadership Excellence Award for his volunteer recovery work on the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina and also for his service as President of the KSU Chapter of the Society for Information Display (SID). Lena Lopatina received the Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship which provided $10,000 in support for her PhD research. Fenghua Li received a scholarship award from the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Oleg Pishnyak received a scholarship award from the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Bohdan Senyuk received a scholarship award from the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). 3 Summary of LCI Accomplishments Ph.D. degrees awarded Masters degrees awarded 4 1 Proposals Submitted Awarded Pending 41 19 3 Grants and Contracts Current Grants (continuing from previous year) Renewals and New Awards 56 41 15 Students Supported Graduate Undergraduate (student workers, summer interns) 34 8 Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates 17 Visitors (Research Program) 20 Visitors (Day) Industry Academia and Government 18 27 Publications Journals and Book Chapters Juried Proceedings, Technical Reports 41 22 Presentations Professional Societies (Invited and oral) Conference Poster Presentations Academic and Other (Invited and oral) 66 44 42 Patents Awarded Patent applications and Invention Disclosures 6 13 Industrial Partnership Program Members 21 4 Major Funding Sources and Expenditures 2007-2008 Major Funding Sources (in thousands) University, Foundations and Grant Funds Ohio, $751 13% KSU $2,275 38% Other Federal $1,243 21% Foundations $153 3% National Science Foundation $995 17% Industry/Other $474 8% Expenditures 2003-2008 (in thousands) Extramural 6000 KSU Amount (in thousands) 5000 3,149 4000 3,616 2,381 3000 2,733 1,929 2000 1000 1,692 1,812 2,136 2,307 2,275 0 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 Fiscal Year Extramural funding amounts in FY 05-06 and 06-07 have been adjusted from previous reports due to changes in award amount and/or time period for some grants. (previously reported: FY 06 $2,368 and FY 07 $2,919). 5 Major Funding Sources and Expenditures Historical Representation of Funding Sources (in thousands) KSU, NSF ALCOM, and Other Extramural Support 4000 NSF ALCOM Extramural 3500 KSU 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 4 5 5 4 6 6 7 8 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Calculation of grant funding/expenditures For each grant, the total amount awarded is divided by the number of months in the grant project period to obtain an average monthly award amount. That figure is multiplied by the number of months the grant was active within the fiscal year reporting period. For grants shared with investigators from other departments, the fiscal year total is divided equally among the principal investigators and only the portion for LCI research personnel is counted (see Table 2). For reporting purposes, it is assumed that all funding is expended within the fiscal year reporting period. 6 LCI Highlights State of Ohio Awards $15.7M to KSU Partnership Kent State University was awarded a $15,678,489 grant from the State of Ohio for the Ohio Research Scholars Program (ORSP). The Liquid Crystal Institute will lead a partnership of eight Northeast Ohio entities to establish the, “Research Cluster on Surfaces in Advanced Materials” (RC-SAM). Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher, chair of the Ohio Third Frontier Commission, and Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Eric Fingerhut, announced the award as a reaffirmation of Ohio’s commitment to attracting world-class talent and better aligning Ohio’s research investments with economic development. The competitive proposal process was based on how effectively it related to Ohio's targeted technology/research focus areas of advanced materials, biosciences, instruments, controls, and electronics, information technology, and power and propulsion. As part of KSU’s $8,553,921 share, Kent State will receive two endowed research scholar positions. A third research scholar will be selected for Case Western Reserve. We have begun an international search for two world-class scholars to join the LCI/ Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program in Academic Year 2009-2010. RC-SAM will combine the scientific excellence in fundamental and applied research at Kent State, Case Western Reserve and Youngstown State universities with innovative approaches to environmental technologies at the Cleveland Botanical Garden and highly successful commercialization of new technologies at Ohio-based liquid crystal companies, AlphaMicron, CoAdna Photonics, Kent Displays, Kent Optronics, and LXD. The significant State investment is being made to ensure that Ohio retains its top international ranking for liquid crystal technology, research, technology transfer and commercialization. This project builds on more than 40 years of excellence in liquid crystal research and commercialization in Northeast Ohio. The State funding will allow us to expand our world leadership in scientific discovery and technology of these and other soft materials through the accelerated study of surface phenomena and partnership with industry. The public-private partnership will focus on soft materials. During the past 60 years, researchers have learned much about hard matters, such as metals. During the very same time, new materials, often called “soft matter,” such as liquid crystals, surfactants and polymers, emerged and revolutionized numerous aspects of daily life from information and computer displays to manufacturing practices. Despite the abundance of soft materials in nature and human-controlled technologies, more research is needed to understand their properties and potentials. Since project participants are the world’s leaders in liquid crystal research, technology and development, with some of the most recognized scientists in the field, the venture will be built upon a solid and established foundation. The new research focus will be of importance to the local economy as it will accelerate the development of new products at Ohio-based companies. 7 LCI Highlights Science, Technology, Engineering, Math & Aviation Conference Polaris Career Center, Cleveland, Ohio May 2, 2008 Professors Robin Selinger (Chemical Physics/LCI) and Elizabeth Mann (Physics) served as volunteer presenters at the Science, Technology, Engineering, Math & Aviation Conference for ninth grade girls. The event was hosted by the Polaris Career Center, a Cleveland public school facility that provides specialized educational programs for both high school students and adults. The presentation to Cleveland Public High School 9th grade girls, started with a discussion of liquid crystals and their structure, properties, and applications, how they respond to changes of temperature and applied electric field, and their interaction with light. The presenters showed how a small LCD switches on when a DC Prof. Selinger demonstrates transient switching behavior voltage is applied using a 9V in an LCD. battery. Small LCDs were then handed out to each team of two students. The students discovered that they could induce transient switching behavior in an LCD if two people held opposite leads and at least one of them rubbed their shoes against the carpet to generate static electricity. Professors Selinger and Mann discussed careers in science and their own career pathways. The presentation was given four times to groups of about 20 students each. Left: Prof. Mann with 9th grade girls using an LCD. Above: Closeup of a working display after generating static electricity. 8 LCI Highlights Chanjoong Kim joins the LCI/CPIP Faculty In a major joint venture, the Liquid Crystal Institute and Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program along with the Department of Biological Sciences at Kent State University successfully recruited two new full-time faculty members to work in the interdisciplinary field of experimental soft matter, biomaterials, biological physics, and molecular biology. The positions, funded by the State of Ohio and Kent State University, offer remarkable opportunities in the area of liquid crystals, biopolymers, soft and complex systems. Dr. Edgar Kooijman joined the faculty in the department of Biological Sciences and Dr. Chanjoong Kim was selected as Assistant Professor in the Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program at the LCI. Dr. Kim comes to Kent State following a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Physics and School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at Harvard University. His main area of interest is soft matter physics. He earned his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 2003. His doctoral work focused on dynamics of Langmuir monolayers. Dr. Kim is familiar with the Northeast Ohio area as he previously studied at the University of Akron’s Department of Polymer Engineering before transferring to the University of Wisconsin. His undergraduate and masters degrees in polymer science were earned in Korea at Seoul National University. Dr. Kim is excited to join the LCI and help to expand its research in soft matter. Because of his background in Physical Chemistry, he feels that the LCI is a perfect fit for him. Initially, his research will focus on four main areas: (1) the study of the microscopic dynamics of colloidal suspensions with construction of a confocal rheometer, (2) the microscopic study of dynamic response of biological systems to mechanical stresses, (3) the study of dynamics of lipid monolayer systems on biopolymers, and (4) the study of microdrop formation of liquid crystals using microfluidics. His first task is to purchase research equipment and organize his LCI laboratory. He will begin teaching classes in soft matter with a focus on biomaterials and related biology in the 2009-2010 academic year. 9 LCI Highlights Liquid Crystal Day October 12, 2007 The Liquid Crystal Day 2007 Symposium was held at the Liquid Crystal and Materials Sciences Building on the main Kent State University campus. Featured speakers included David Walba, University of Colorado; Rolfe Petschek, Case Western Reserve University; Jim Yuan, CoAdna Photonics, Inc.; and Mary Neubert, LCI Emeritus Senior Research Fellow. Students from around the State of Ohio were invited to attend and discover the many outstanding features of the Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program at Kent State. Juniors and Seniors from nearby colleges were targeted with invitations to attend the symposium and a luncheon in an effort to recruit them to KSU. “One of the most important accomplishments of the Liquid Crystal Institute is the unique and effective educational experience it provides to students of all levels, involving them directly in multidisciplinary research,” LCI Director Oleg D. Lavrentovich said. “Students have access to the best facilities and equipment, the latest research and top liquid crystal scientists in the world. They experience firsthand how laboratory research spawns new technologies and new industries. Graduates are highly regarded and have had a huge impact locally, forming the core of nearly all start-up companies spun off from the Liquid Crystal Institute,” Lavrentovich added. Northeast Ohio liquid crystal-related companies participated in the industrial exhibition held during Liquid Crystal Day. “The Institute is a great resource for area companies. By providing state-of-the-art facilities and research programs focused on liquid crystal science and display development, the LCI helps liquid crystal companies through our cooperative research efforts,” Lavrentovich said. Above: KSU Professor Robin Selinger talks to potential graduate students about liquid crystal research and the Chemical Physics graduate program at Kent State University. Right: Professor David Walba gives a presentation on liquid crystal research currently being conducted at the University of Colorado. 10 Table 1 Liquid Crystal Institute Staff Name (end date) Philip J. Bos Year Appointed 1994 Douglas R. Bryant Janet Cash Brenda L. Decker Liang-Chy Chien Lynn A. Fagan James J. Francl Lisa Green Merrill M. Groom Valerie A. Henry Betty J. Hilgert Antal I. Jákli Jack R. Kelly Julie M. Kim Oleg D. Lavrentovich 1993 2007 1991 1989 2001 1990 2007 1986 1991 2003 1999 1988 1995 1992 Quan Li James Maxwell Dawn Miller Peter Palffy-Muhoray 2004 2003 2007 1983 Liou Qiu Jonathan V. Selinger 1998 2005 Title (beginning year of current title) Associate Director (1997) Professor, Chemical Physics (2001) Manager, Display Engineering (1998) Grants Coordinator Business Manager (2002) Professor, Chemical Physics (2001) Senior Secretary (2006) Research Specialist Senior Chemist Research Engineer (1993) Grants Coordinator (2001) Clerical Specialist (2004) Associate Professor, Chemical Physics (2007) Professor, Chemical Physics (2000) Senior Chemist (1998) Director (2004) Professor, Chemical Physics (2000) Senior Research Fellow Public Relations Coordinator Grants Assistant Associate Director (1990) Professor, Chemical Physics (1994) Research Specialist (2001) Ohio Eminent Scholar; Professor, Chemical Physics Robin L.B. Selinger 2005 Professor, Chemical Physics Qi-Huo Wei 2006 Assistant Professor, Chemical Physics John L. West 1984 Vice President of Research (2003) Professor of Chemistry (1997) Deng-Ke Yang 1992 Professor, Chemical Physics (2004) Liquid Crystal Institute Emeriti J. William Doane Mary E. Neubert Alfred Saupe 1979-1996 1972-2002 1968-1992 Emeritus Director; Emeritus Professor of Physics Emeritus Senior Research Fellow Emeritus Professor of Physics 11 Table 2 Liquid Crystal Institute Research Personnel Faculty/Senior Staff (end date) Support Department; Grants David W. Allender Physics Philip J. Bos LCI/CPIP; Samsung, AFRL/DARPA Liang-Chy Chien LCI/CPIP; UCF/DARPA, NSF LC Mat. Fac. Daniele Finotello Physics; Research and Graduate Studies Antal Jákli LCI/CPIP; Samsung, ONR, NSF Bent Core Jack R. Kelly LCI/CPIP (leave of absence) Satyendra Kumar Physics Oleg D. Lavrentovich LCI/CPIP Quan Li LCI Peter Palffy-Muhoray LCI/CPIP; AFRL MURI, ODOD, LC Materials Facility Jonathan V. Selinger Ohio Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair/CPIP; NSF Ordered LC, ONR Nanomaterials Robin L.B. Selinger Sergij Shiyanovskii Samuel N. Sprunt LCI/CPIP; ACS Simulation, NSF Modeling LCI; Department of Energy Physics Robert J. Twieg Chemistry Qi-Huo Wei LCI/CPIP; OBR John L. West Research and Graduate Studies Philip W. Westerman NEOUCOM Deng-Ke Yang LCI/CPIP; Samsung, AFRL/Dynamic Eye Grant name indicates a portion of investigator’s salary was provided by grant(s), as a cost share or direct charge (academic year and/or summer). Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Associates, Research Scientists, Display Engineers Reda Abouhussein (10/07) LCI; NSF New LC Materials Facility (Palffy-Muhoray) Martin Chambers Postdoctoral Fellow Physics; ICAM, ONR, (Gleeson, Jákli) Jouliana El Khoury Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; AFOSR MURI, NSF STTR KDI (Li) Andrii Golovin Research Associate LCI; Department of Energy, Evans Capacitor (Lavrentovich, Chien) 12 LCI Research Personnel, 2007-2008 Research Personnel (end date) Support Department; Grants Rameshbabu Krishnamurthy Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; NSF STTR KDI (Li) Paul Luchette Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; NSF New LC Mat. Facility, ODOD New LC Mat. Facility (Palffy-Muhoray) Ji Ma Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; OBR, RAGS (Yang) Li Ma Research Scientist LCI; NIST (R. Selinger) Michele Moreira Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; AFOSR MURI, (Palffy-Muhoray) Yuriy Nastyshyn Research Associate LCI; NSF Fluorescence (Lavrentovich) Sabrina Relaix Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; AFOSR MURI (Palffy-Muhoray) Jonathan Ruth Mgr., Display Engineering LCI/RAGS; ODOD/KDI Flexible LC Film Manufacturing Alliance (West) Luana Tortora Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; OBR Chromonic, NSF Fluorescence (Lavrentovich) Roman Vasyuta (12/07) Research Assistant LCI; Samsung (Lavrentovich) Bentley Wall Lab Manager/IPP Liaison LCI; AFRL, Colorlink, DARPA, PixelOptics, FPA, LCDRF (Bos) Young Cheol Yang Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; ODOD U. Akron subaward (Yang) Fangfu Ye Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; NSF Modeling Actuation, LCI (Startup) (Jonathan Selinger) Fushan Zhou (8/07) Postdoctoral Fellow LCI; Wei startup funds Grant name indicates a portion of investigator’s salary was provided by grant(s), as a cost share or direct charge (academic year and/or summer). 13 Table 3 Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program Faculty Current Faculty Rank Philip J. Bos 1995 1998 1995 1998 2004 2007 1994 1997 1994 1997 Peter Palffy-Muhoray Professor (2001) Associate Professor (1995) Professor (2001) Associate Professor (1995) Associate Professor (2007) Assistant Professor (2004) Professor (2000) Associate Professor (1994) Professor (2000) Associate Professor (1994) Professor (1994) 1994 1997 Jonathan V. Selinger Robin L.B. Selinger Qi-Huo Wei Deng-Ke Yang Professor (2005) Professor (2005) Assistant Professor (2006) Professor (2004) 2005 2005 2006 1995 2005 2005 Joint Professors David W. Allender Eugene C. Gartland, Jr. Satyendra Kumar Permanent Position Physics Department Mathematical Sciences Department Physics Department Term 1996 1996 1995 Adjunct Professors Albert M. Green Asad Khan Quan Li Bahman Taheri Philip Westerman Kent Displays, Inc. Kent Displays, Inc. Liquid Crystal Institute AlphaMicron, Inc. Emeritus Professor, NEOUCOM 20072007200619981997- Liang-Chy Chien Antal Jákli Jack R. Kelly Oleg D. Lavrentovich Appointed Tenure Emeritus Professors J.W. Doane 1997- Graduate Coordinators Peter Palffy-Muhoray Jack R. Kelly Oleg D. Lavrentovich Liang-Chy Chien 1994-1997 1997-2002 2002-2003 2003-2008 14 1999 Table 4 Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program Graduate Students Graduate Students (start-end) Univ./Grant Support Advisor Christopher Bailey (2003) Wk. Study, CPIP Samsung and University fellowships A. Jákli Volodymyr Borshch (2007) Clinton Braganza (2003) Ebru Aylin Buyuktanir (2001-08) Nicholas Diorio (2007) Enkh-Amgalan Dorjgotov (2004) Jake Fontana (2004) Jun Geng (2007) CPIP ONR ODOD, NSF NER, Samsung CPIP Intel AFOSR MURI CPIP Vianney Gimenez (2007) CPIP Lisa Green (2005) Mingxia Gu (2001) John Harden (2003) Sarah Hicks (2006) Yi Huang (2006) Shawn Hurley (2005) Wilder Iglesias (2007) Lazo Martinez, Israel (2006) Fenhua Li (2002-2008) Lewei Li (2007) Olena Lopatina (2005) Lu Lu (2007) Shin-Ying Lu (2005) Badel Mbanga (2004) Jeremy Neal (2003) CPIP Dept. of Energy Wk. Study, OBR CPIP, LC Mat. Fac. Pixel Optics CPIP, Dynamic Eye CPIP CPIP Displaytech, Planar, Samsung CPIP, Dupont ONR CPIP CRG-AFOSR ACS-PRF AFOSR MURI, LC Mat. Facility CPIP, Work Study AFOSR MURI Work Study, CPIP, Samsung Fellowship Thomas Palermo (2005-2007) Heung-Shik Park (2004) Oleg Pishnyak (2000) 15 L. Chien J. West A. Jákli P. Bos P. Palffy-Muhoray P. Palffy-Muhoray J. Selinger J. Selinger P. Palffy-Muhoray Q. Li O. Lavrentovich A. Jákli P. Palffy-Muhoray P. Bos D. Yang R. Selinger A. Jákli J. West P. Bos J. Selinger L. Chien L. Chien R. Selinger P. Palffy-Muhoray A. Jákli O. Lavrentovich O. Lavrentovich CPIP Students, 2007-2008 Graduate Students (start-end) Univ./Grant Support Advisor Dmytro Reznikov (2003) Bohdan Senyuk (2003) Lei Shi (2004) Stephanie Taushanoff (2006) Displaytech CPIP, University Fellowship Air Force Research Lab CPIP, Wk. Study P. Bos O. Lavrentovich P. Bos A. Jákli Nithya Venkataraman (2005) (part-time) None A. Khan J. West Feng Wang (2006) Hugh Wonderly Yin Ye (2001-2007) Hailiang Zhang (1996) CPIP None None None Xiaoli Zhou (2003) Rafael Zola (2007) OBR CPIP A. Jákli O. Lavrentovich O. Lavrentovich J. Kelly E. Gartland Q. Li P. Palffy-Muhoray J. Selinger Graduate Students Co-Advised by CPIP Faculty Student Advisor/Dept. Madhabi Majumba Department or University KSU Physics Subas Dhakal KSU Physics J. Selinger (CPIP) Sehwan Yu Korea University Jákli (CPIP) 16 Gleeson, Sprunt (Physics) Jákli (CPIP) Table 5 Scholarships and Fellowships Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program Samsung Research Scholarship 2007-2008 Shin-Ying Lu “Investigation of High Performance Materials for OCB Mode Displays ” Heung-Shik Park “Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals as Materials for Optical Elements of Flat Panel Display ” University Fellowships University Fellowships are awarded to outstanding doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy. Nominated doctoral students are subject to approval by the Vice President of Research, Dean Graduate Studies and the Dean of Arts & Sciences. 2007-2008 John Harden 17 Table 6 Graduate Degrees Awarded Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program Student Dissertation/Thesis Title Advisor (Dept); Date Doctor of Philosophy Ebru Buyuktanir Electro-optical Characterization of Bistable Smectic A Liquid Crystal Displays West (CPIP) May 2008 Fenghua Li The Physics and Application of Liquid Crystal/Ferroelectric Particle Colloids West (CPIP) May 2008 Yin Ye Dielectric Relaxation and Electrooptical Effects in Nematic Liquid Crystals Lavrentovich (CPIP) August, 2007 Hailiang Zhang Wavelength Tunable Devices Based on Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals Kelly (CPIP) May, 2008 Optical Properties of Liquid CrystalBased Pigments for Smart Paints Jákli (CPIP) December 2007 Masters Thomas Palermo Table 7 Placement of Personnel, LCI/CPIP Graduates Employment Ebru Buyuktanir Postdoctoral Fellow, Liquid Crystal Institute Fenghua Li CoAdna Photonics, Inc. Thomas Palermo Researcher, Sherwin Williams Co., Cleveland OH Yin Ye CoAdna Photonics, Inc. Hailiang Zhang Scientific Solutions, Inc. Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates Reda Abouhussein Unknown Fushan Zhou Unknown 18 Table 8 Visiting Scientists Name (PI) Visitation Period Home Institution Long-term Visitors Rui Bao (Yang) September 2007 – September 2008 Huazhong University of S&T, P.R. China Sergio Diez (Finotello) June 2007 – June 2008 Technical University of Catalonia, Italy Jeoung Y. Hwang (Chien) June 2006 – June 2009 Yonsei University, Korea Jae Heung Jo (Palffy-Muhoray) January 2008 – November 2008 Hannam University, Korea Woo Jeong Kang (Lavrentovich) October 2007 – October 2008 (Samsung Engineer in Residence) Samsung, Korea Hyun Wuk Kim (Wei) February 2008 – January 2009 (Samsung Engineer in Residence) Samsung, Korea Yun Ho Kim (Lavrentovich) January 2007 – August, 2007 Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Joun Ho Lee (Bos) September 2006 – December 2007 Pusan University, Korea Kexuan Li (Yang) March 2008 – December 2008 University of S&T P.R. China Hye Young Ryu October 2007 – October 2008 (Samsung Engineer in Residence) Samsung, Korea Armin de Meijere (Li) August 14 – 17, 2007 University of Göttingen Germany Nataliya Aryasova (Lavrentovich) September 22 – October 14, 2007 National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine Yashodhan Hatwalne (J. Selinger) July 5 – August 30, 2007 Raman Research Institute India Limin Huang (West) July 9 – 12, 2007 Columbia University Short-term Visitors 19 Visiting Scientists, 2007-2008 Short-term Visitors (cont’d)_ Konstantine Kaznacheev (Lavrentovich) November 5 – 12, 2007 Canadian Light Source Vassili Nazarenko (Lavrentovich) May 25 – 30, 2008 Academy of Sciences Ukraine Alexander Petrov (Jákli) March 3 – April 25, 2008 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Yuriy Reznikov (West) February 2008 Academy of Sciences Ukraine Alex Travesset (J. Selinger) May 24 – 28, 2008 Iowa State University Channabasaveshwar Yelamaggad (Li) September 1 – 3, 2007 Center for Liquid Crystal Research, India Bostjan Zalar (Finotello) January – February 2008 University of Ljubljana Slovenia 20 Table 9 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 Title Grant/Contract Number Agency Period Grant Amount Project Director, Principal Investigators Research Associates, Postdoctoral Fellows Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students KSU Account Number 1. Wright Center of Innovation for Advanced Data Management and Analysis Ohio Dept. of Development; Wright State University subaward 11/01/03 – 06/30/08 (subaward 3/23/07) $400,000 (equipment) Farrell, Melton, Ruttan, R. Selinger 440218 (Computer Sci.) B-7267-revised 2. Studies of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals for Internal Compensators and Polarizers Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 11/1/06 – 10/31/07 $100,000 Lavrentovich Vasyuta 440464 3. Bent Core Liquid Crystals for Fast Switching Electric Field Induced Biaxial (EFIB) Displays Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 11/1/06 – 10/31/07 $100,000 Jákli 440465 4. Liquid Crystal Displays Doped with Ferroelectric Nanoparticles Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 11/1/06 – 10/31/07 $100,000 West K. Zhang Buyuktanir, Atkuri 440466 5. Advanced OCB2 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 11/1/06 – 10/31/07 $67,000 Bos Wall 440467 6. OCB Transreflective Mobile LCD Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 11/1/06 – 10/31/07 $50,000 Yang 440468 7. Electric Field Effects in Liquid Crystals with Dielectric Dispersion U.S. Department of Energy 8/15/06 – 8/14/10 $322,526 Lavrentovich, Shiyanovskii Golovin Gu, Pishnyak, Tang 440606 21 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 8. Chromonic Liquid Crystals as a New System for Controlled Drug Delivery Ohio Board of Regents Research Challenge 1/1/07 – 12/31/08 $50,000 Finotello, Lavrentovich, Tortora, Woolverton 440621 9. Energy Conversion Based on Giant Flexoelectric Effect in Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals Office of Naval Research 12/18/06 – 12/31/07 - extended to 5/14/09 with supplemental funding of $143,057 $122,262; $143,057 Gleeson, Jákli, Sprunt Chambers 440623 10. Integrated Instrumentation Suite for Exploring Enhanced Thermal Conductivity in Nanofluids Office of Naval Research 3/6/07 – 3/31/08 $138,000 (equipment) Sprunt, Ellman, Tolmachev, J. Selinger 440624 11. Collaborative Research: New Liquid Crystal Materials National Science Foundation SGER 8/1/2006 – 7/31/2008 $160,000 Finotello, Kumar Kooijman Guo, Jeong 442105 12. Collaborative Research FRG: Ferroelectric Phenomena in Soft Matter Systems National Science Foundation 8/15/05 – 7/31/08 $313,978 Jákli, Gartland, Lavrentovich Bailey, Richards, Wonderly 442191 13. Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy of Three-Dimensional Director Configurations in Liquid Crystals National Science Foundation 11/1/05 – 10/31/08 $375,000 Lavrentovich Nastyshyn, Tortora Senyuk 442198 14. New Liquid Crystal Materials Facility National Science Foundation 6/1/06 – 5/31/09 $899,235 Palffy-Muhoray, Lavrentovich, West Chien, Sprunt Abouhussein, Luchette Borshch, Gimenez, Huang, Lazo Martinez, Lu, Myers, Neal 442216 22 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 15. Fluid Phases of Bent-Core Molecules – Novel Physics and Applications National Science Foundation 7/1/06 – 6/30/09 $536,137 Sprunt, Gleeson, Jákli Bailey, Hong, Majumbdar, Neupane Kovacs, Murphy 442218 16. Modeling Actuation and Shape Selection in Soft Materials National Science Foundation 8/15/06 – 8/31/09 $300,000 R. Selinger, J. Selinger Ye Mbanga 442220 17. Materials World Network on Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals National Science Foundation 9/1/07 – 8/31/08 $122,000 Sprunt, Lavrentovich 442249 18. Nanofluidic Lab on a Chip for Low Abundance Protein Isolation Ohio Board of Regents 1/15/07 – 1/14/08 $50,000 Wei, Frazier Bruot, Ryan 444202 19. Energy-Saving Switchable Liquid Crystal Architectural Window Ohio Board of Regents Research Challenge 6/1/07 – 12/31/08 $50,000 Yang, Sharag-Eldin J. Ma 444203 20. Flexible Liquid Crystal Film Manufacturing Alliance Ohio Department of Development; Kent Displays subaward 2/26/07 – 2/25/10 Sponsored Research Agreement Air Force Research Labs; Displaytech subaward 4/1/05 – 7/31/06 $930,000 West Ruth, K. Zhang 444205 Finite Element Modeling of Projectiles and Indentation National Institute of Standards and Technology 9/1/05 – 8/31/08 $415,676 R. Selinger Ma 444277 21. 22. 23 $55,000 Bos Wall 444274 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 23. Tracking Nanoparticle Motion to Elucidate Mechanisms for Anomalous Thermal Transport in Nanofluids Office of Naval Research, Long Range Navy and Marine Corps Science & Technology Program 10/01/05 – 09/30/08 $344,003 J. Selinger, Sprunt Timofeeva, Turanov Lopatina, McCloskey 444279 24. Center for Multifunctional Polymer Nanomaterials and Devices (CMPND) Ohio Dept. of Development Wright Center Project; Ohio State University subaward 6/6/05 – 6/05/08 $365,235 (equipment) Lavrentovich, Bos 444280 25. Tracking Nanoparticle Motion to Elucidate Mechanisms for Anomalous Thermal Transport in Nanofluids Ohio Board of Regents Research Challenge 1/15/06 – 1/14/08 $60,000 J. Selinger, Sprunt, Tolmachev 444282 26. Simulation Studies of Shape Selection in Chiral Molecular Self-Assembly American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund 9/1/05 – 8/31/07 $56,603 R. Selinger Mbanga 444284 27. Extension Proposal (LC Based Optical Phases Array for Steering Lasers) Dept. of Air Force/Air Force Research Labs 3/10/06 – 6/30/08 $451,450 Bos Wall, Wonderly Shi, K. Zhang 444285 (previously 444226) 28. Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) on Self-Assembled Soft Optical NIMS Air Force Office of Science Research 5/1/06 – 9/30/08 $2,736,983 (KSU share $1,021,592) Palffy-Muhoray, Lavrentovich, Li, Taheri El Khoury, Moreira, Relaix Fontana, Neal, Park 444286 29. New Liquid Crystals Materials Facility Ohio Department of Development 7/1/06 – 6/30/08 $200,000 Palffy-Muhoray, Lavrentovich, West Luchette Geng, Neal 444287 24 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 30. Segmented Flash Blindness Lenses U.S. Air Force; Dynamic Eye subaward 9/1/06 – 8/31/08 $98,057 Yang Hurley 444288 31. Sponsored Research Agreement Displaytech, Inc. 11/1/06 – 12/31/07 $59,998 Bos Reznikov 444289 32. Theory of “Scar” Defects in Soft Materials with $45,000 J. Selinger Ye 444290 Orientational Order: Building Blocks for SelfAssembly? Institute for Complex Adaptive Materials (ICAM) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 7/1/07 – 6/30/09 33. Commercialization of Functional Polyimide Films and Nanocomposites Ohio Department of Development; University of Akron subaward 2/26/07 – 2/25/10 $300,000 Yang, Kelly, Lavrentovich Y. Yang 444292 34. Electrically and Optically Turnable Chiral Molecules for Optical Applications U.S. Air Force; General Dynamics Information Technology, Inc. subaward 6/21/07 – 6/30/08 $70,000 Li Krishnamurthy 444293 35. Photochemically Switched Chiral Materials for Chiral Nematic Displays National Science Foundation; Kent Displays, Inc. subaward 7/1/07 – 12/31/07 $25,000 Li El Khoury Zhou 444294 36. Pixel Optics Super Vision Project U.S. Dept. of Defense; PixelOptics, Inc. subaward 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 $400,000 Bos, West Wall 444295 37. Simulation Study of Field Induced Reorientation $80,000 Yang of BNLC Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 444296 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 25 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 $80,000 Wei 444297 38. Plasmonic Subwavelength Structures for Active Color Generation and Tuning with Liquid Crystals for Display Applications Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 39. Liquid Crystal Display Doped with Ferroelectric $80,000 West Nanoparticles (Phase II) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 444298 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 40. Synthesis of Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 $80,000 Li 444299 41. Studies of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals for Internal Compensators and Polarizers Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 $100,000 Lavrentovich 444300 42. Prototype Capacitor Development Evans Capacitor Company 4/1/08 – 5/31/08 $1,460 Chien Golovin 444302 43. Photochemically Switched Chiral Materials for Nematic Displays, NSF STTR Phase II National Science Foundation; Kent Displays, Inc. subaward 1/1/08 – 12/31/09 $250,000 Li 444303 44. Sponsored Research Agreement Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Vistakon Division 5/15/08 – 12/31/08 $108,870 Jákli 444305 45. Development of Electronic Greenhouses NorTech 6/12/08 – 6/30/09 $50,000 West 444306 46. Creating Nanophotonic Meta-atoms by Programmable Bottom-up DNA Self-Assembly and Metallization Ohio Board of Regents 1/15/07 – 1/14/08 $50,000 Mao, Wei Bajracharya 444771 26 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 47. Organization of Flexoelectric and Blue Phase Bimesogens Ohio Board of Regents 1/15/08 – 1/14/10 $48,618 Twieg Khairuddean 444776 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS 48. S-STEM Scholarships for Broadening Participation in Sciences National Science Foundation 9/15/06 – 8/31/11 $499,926 Maletic, Ortiz, R. Selinger, Portman, S.H. Lee 442222 49. Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site at Kent State University: Liquid Crystals and Advanced Materials National Science Foundation 4/1/07 – 3/31/10 Science Education / Outreach Activities Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter 5/1/08 – 4/30/09 $229,743 Gericke, Twieg 442225 50. $2,000 R. Selinger 444304 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS 51. Collaborative Research in Europe on Liquid Crystals (CRELIC-IRES) National Science Foundation 9/15/07 – 8/31/10 $92,000 Jákli 442107 52. U.S. – Slovenia Research on Nano-and MicroScale Templating of Liquid Crystalline Materials National Science Foundation, Brown University 7/15/03 – 6/30/08 $45,528 Finotello 440417 (RAGS) FOUNDATION RESEARCH GIFTS 53. Fluorinated Polyimide Alignment Layer Research Dupont 6/1/06 – 1/31/09 $160,000 Bos 54. Polarization Independent Etalon Based Liquid Crystal Devices Intel 10/1/05 – 9/30/08 $189,000 Bos 27 Grants and Contracts, 2007-2008 FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS 55. Challenge Grant (Research and Scholarships) Fred A Lennon Charitable Trust 10/13/06 – 10/12/09 $90,000 56. Samsung Research Scholarships Samsung Electronics Company 1/1/04 – 12/31/08 $200,000 28 Table 10 Proposals for Extramural Support, 2007-2008 Title Agency Period Amount Requested Project director, principal investigators Status 1. Cylindrical Electro-optic Lenses Pixel Optics, Inc. 1/1/09- 12/31/10 $610,000 Bos Pending 2. Energy Conversion Based on Giant Flexoelectric Effect in Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals Office of Naval Research 1/1/08 – 5/14/09 $143,057 (supplemental) Gleeson, Jákli, Sprunt Awarded Proposal B-8541 3. IGERT: Environmental Sensing: Basic Science, Product Development and Business Outreach National Science Foundation 6/1/08 – 5/31/09 $2,752,156 Leff, Bade, Bos, Stevens, Woolverton Not Awarded Proposal B-8799 4. Detection and Quantification of Aeronomis Hydrophila Using a Liquid Crystal-Based Biosensor U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 12/1/07 – 11/30/10 $595,156 Woolverton, Lavrentovich, Leff Not Awarded Proposal B-8899 5. NSF STTR Phase II: Photochemically Switched Chiral Materials for Nematic Displays National Science Foundation; Kent Displays, Inc. subaward 1/1/08 – 12/31/09 $250,000 Li Awarded Proposal B-8922 Grant #444303 6. Development of Switchable Goggles WileyX Eyewear 10/1/07 – 12/31/07 $35,237 Chien Pending Proposal B-8945 7. Development of Highly Oriented Molecular Layers for High Performance Eyewear Liquid Icon, Inc. 9/1/07 – 2/28/09 $323,664 Chien Not Awarded Proposal B-8948 29 Proposals for Extramural Support, 2007-2008 8. Development of Single-substrate Color Cholesteric Displays Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1/1/08 – 12/31/08 $390,000 Chien Awarded (funding not received during reporting period) Proposal B-8992 (revised) 9. Collaborative Research: Conducting Polymer Nanojunctions in Self-Assembled Carbon Nanotube Networks for Neurotoxin National Science Foundation 7/1/08 – 6/30/11 $139,609 Wei Not Awarded Proposal B-9000 10. Investigating Physical Mechanisms of SERS Using Tunable and Manufacturable Nanocavities DARPA; MIT Subaward 1/15/08 – 1/14/11 $745,712 Wei Not Awarded Proposal B-9024 11. Piezoelectricity of Lipids and Biological Cell Membranes National Science Foundation 7/1/08 – 6/30/11 $358,117 Jákli, Westerman Not Awarded Proposal B-9035 12. Collaborative Research: Self-Assembly in Ultrathin Films of Bent-Core Molecules: Experiment, Simulations and Applications National Science Foundation 6/1/08 – 5/31/11 $469,446 Mann, Jákli Not Awarded Proposal B-9046 13. Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering and Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy of Three-Dimensional Structures National Science Foundation 11/1/08 – 10/31/13 $761,857 Lavrentovich Not Awarded Proposal B-9047 14. Tailored Liquid Crystal Gels for High Performance Sensors National Science Foundation 7/1/07 – 6/30/10 $249,219 Chien Not Awarded Proposal B-9049 15. Continued Research on Bent Core Liquid Crystals for Fast Switching Electric Field Induced Biaxial (EFIB) Displays Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 11/1/07 – 10/31/09 $228,656 Jákli Not Awarded Proposal B-9051 30 Proposals for Extramural Support, 2007-2008 16. Synthesis of Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 $100,000 ($80,000 awarded) Li Awarded Proposal B-9052 Grant #444299 17. Simulation Study of Field-Induced Reorientation of Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 12/1/07 – 12/31/08 $98,945 ($80,000 awarded) Yang Awarded Proposal B-9054 Grant #444296 18. Studies of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals for Internal Compensators and Polarizers Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 12/1/07 – 11/30/08 $100,000 Lavrentovich Awarded Proposal B-9055 Grant #444300 19. Plasmonic Subwavelength Structures for Active Color Generation and Tuning with Liquid Crystals for Display Applications Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 11/1/07 – 10/31/08 $99,568 ($80,000 awarded) Wei, Bos Awarded Proposal B-9057 Grant #444297 20. Research Cluster on Surfaces in Advanced Materials (RC-SAM) Ohio Board of Regents, Ohio Research Scholars Program 9/1/08 – 8/31/13 $15,678,489 ($8,553,921 KSU share) Lavrentovich, West, Palffy-Muhoray, Yang Awarded Proposal B-9070 Grant # 446800, 446801, 446802 21. Surface Plasmon Enhanced High performance Polymer Photovoltaics Ohio Department of Development Third Frontier Project 7/1/08 – 6/30/10 $615,445 Chien, Wei Not Awarded Proposal B-9102 22. Optimization of Flexoelectric and Blue Phase Bimesogens 2007 Research Incentive Proposal 1/15/08 – 1/14/10 $48,618 Twieg, Jákli, Bos Awarded Proposal B-9116 (Chemistry) 23. GaN-Based Nanosensors for Redundant Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens and Toxins USDA; Ohio State University subaward 7/1/08 – 6/30/11 $167,168 Wei Not Awarded Proposal B-9135 31 Proposals for Extramural Support, 2007-2008 24. Collaborative Research: Scaling Laws for nanoFET Biosensors National Science Foundation 10/1/08 – 9/30/11 $206,812 Wei Awarded Proposal B-9170 Grant #442255 25. Prototype Development Related to Kent Sate University Technology and Invention KSU-299 Evans Capacitor Company 4/1/08 – 5/31/08 $1,460 Chien Awarded Proposal B-9260 Grant #444302 26. Liquid Crystal Switchable Goggles Jackson Safety, Inc. 6/1/08 – 5/31/10 $92,176 Yang Not Awarded Proposal B-9272 27. Dual Mode Eye Shields U.S. Army; Dynamic Eye Inc. subaward 6/1/08 – 5/31/10 $82,824 Yang Awarded Proposal B-9274 Grant #444207 28. Science Education / Outreach Activities Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM) 5/1/08 – 4/30/09 $2,000 R. Selinger Awarded Proposal B-9276 Grant #444304 29. Energy Conversion Based on Giant Flexoelectric Effect in Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals Office of Naval Research 5/15/08 – 5/14/09 $143,057 Gleeson, Jákli, Sprunt Awarded Proposal B-9280 Grant #440623 30. ICAM Track II Postdoctoral Fellowship Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter 7/1/08 – 6/30/09 $25,000 Sprunt, Gleeson, Jákli Awarded Proposal B-9297 Grant #440609 31. Sponsored Research Agreement Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Vistakon Division 5/15/08 – 12/31/08 $108,870 Jákli Awarded Proposal B-9299 Grant #444305 32 Proposals for Extramural Support, 2007-2008 32. Molecular and Supramolecular Designs of Novel Polar Achiral and Chiral Polymers and their Elastomers for Understanding Stimuli Responses in Different Mesophases and Environments American Chemical Society 9/1/09 – 8/31/11 $100,000 Chien Pending Proposal B-9316 33. Finite Element Modeling of Multiaxial Deformation of Metals National Institute of Standards and Technology 9/1/08 – 8/31/11 $469,310 ($151,191 awarded) R. Selinger Awarded Proposal B-9333 Grant #444307 34. NorTech Project NorTech 6/12/08 – 6/30/09 $50,000 West Awarded Proposal B-9366 Grant #444306 35. Development of Temperature and FieldModulatable Liquid Crystal Cubic Gels as Vehicles for Therapeutic Drug Delivery Ohio Board of Regents 1/1/08 – 12/31/08 $50,000 Chien, Woolverton Not Awarded 36. Biaxiality in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Ohio Board of Regents 1/1/08 – 12/31/08 $50,000 Yang, Li, J. Selinger Not Awarded 37. Study of Piezoelectricity of Phospholipids and cell membranes Ohio Board of Regents – Research Incentive 1/15/08 – 1/14/09 $49,005 Jákli Not Awarded 38. MRI: Acquisition of Transmission Electron Microscopy for Research, Education, and Industrial Partnership in the Field of Orientationally Ordered Materials National Science Foundation 8/1/08 – 7/31/11 $1,382,759 Lavrentovich, Jaroniec, Chien, Leff, Woolverton Not Awarded 39. CAREER: Engineering Bulk Liquid Crystal Holograms for Small Periods, Distributed Feedback, and Efficient Lightwave Conversion National Science Foundation; North Carolina State University Subaward 2/1/09 – 1/31/11 $16,926 Lavrentovich Not Awarded 33 Proposals for Extramural Support, 2007-2008 40. Interplay of Biaxiality and Chirality in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals National Science Foundation 7/1/08 – 6/30/11 $954,464 Yang, J. Selinger, Li, Cheng (U Akron) Doane (Kent Displays) Not Awarded 41. Modeling the Effects of Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles on Nematic Liquid Crystals Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1/1/08 – 12/31/09 $126,377 J. Selinger Not Awarded 42. Heat Transfer Enhancement in Nanofluids and Applications for Media and Devices with Tunable Cooling Rates Air Force Office of Science Research 1/1/08 – 12/31/10 $597,961 J. Selinger, Sprunt, Ellman, Tolmachev Not Awarded 34 Table 11 Patents, Applications, Invention Disclosures Number & Date Patents 7,267,957 9/11/07 Title and Inventors Detection and Amplification of Ligands C.J. Woolverton, G.D. Niehaus, K. Doane, O.D. Lavrentovich, S.P. Schmidt 7,279,570 2007 Nanoscale Discotic Liquid Crystalline Porphyrins Q. Li, A. Jákli, J. Harden, L. Li 7,289,189 10/30/07 Birefringent Filter-Based Color Generation Scheme for a Passive Matrix Display Device P. Bos and S. Saeed Light-harvesting Discotic Liquid Crystalline Porphyrins and Metal Complexes Q. Li, X. Zhou Alignment of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystal Films O.D. Lavrentovich, T. Schneider, A. Golovin, J.-C. Lee Polymerization-Encapsulated Cholesteric Liquid Crystal for Bistable Reflective Displays T. Schneider, F. Nicholson, L.-C. Chien 7,291,727 KSU 285 11/6/07 7,294,370 11/13/07 7,351,506 4/1/08 Patent Applications 200047.00213 (patent pending) 2007 20070269613 11/22/07 Method and Device for Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion A. Jákli, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, J. Harden 20080030635 2/7/08 Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Light Modulators L.-C. Chien, S.-Y. Lu 20080165472 2/7/08 High Dielectric Composites as Capacitive Materials L.-C. Chien, A, Golovin 11/762,501 (2007) Fast Switching Electro-Optical Devices Using Banana-Shaped Liquid Crystals A. Jákli KSU 273 3/5/08 Homeotropic and Hybrid Bulk Alignment of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals Yu.A. Nastyshyn, V.G. Nazarenko, O.D. Lavrentovich Polymer Enhanced Cholesteric Electro-Optical Devices L.-C. Chien, S.-Y. Lu 35 Patents and Applications, 2007-2008 KSU 315 2007 Method for the Alignment of the Smectic Layers in Liquid Crystals that Do Not Possess a Nematic Phase (Displaytech joint invention - Displaytech patenting) P. Bos, B. Wall, D. Reznikov M. O’Callaghan, M. Handschy (Displaytech) KSU 319 2007 (provisional) A Spatially Tunable Optical Phase Plate with Continuous Phase Profile (Joint - has US AFRL co-inventor) P. Bos, L. Shi, and P. McManamon, AFRL KSU 323 2007 Liquid Crystal Etalon-Based, Polarization-Independent, Wavelength-Selective Optical Switch (Joint with Intel Corp.), utility patent application pending. P. Bos, E. Dorjgotov and A. Bhowmik, Intel KSU 324 (Provisional) 2008 Polarity-Dependent Dielectric Torque in Dispersive Nematic Liquid Crystals S. Shiyanovskii, M.Gu, and O.D. Lavrentovich KSU 325 (2008) (Provisional) Broad Range Nanoliter Rheometer C. Bailey, A. Jákli KSU 334 Double Layer Alignment Film for Liquid Crystal Based Sensor Devices (DuPont, unrestricted grant related) P. Bos, K. Zhang, R. Twieg, N. Liu KSU 337 (Provisional) 5/29/08 Controllable Side-By-Side and End-to-End Assembly of Gold Nanorods by Lyotropic Chromonic Materials H.S. Park and O.D. Lavrentovich 36 Table 12 Publications Philip J. Bos Books and Chapters in Books Mobile Displays, Technology and Applications, A. Bhowmik, Z. Li, P. Bos, eds., Wiley Publisher (2008). A. Bhowmik, Z. Li, P. Bos, “Introduction to mobile display technologies” Chapter 1 in, Mobile Displays, Technology and Applications, A. Bhowmik, Z. Li, P. Bos, eds., Wiley Publisher (2008). Peer Reviewed Journals Y.K. Jang, P. Bos, “Universal off-axis light transmission properties of the bright state in perfectly compensated liquid crystal devices,” J. Applied Physics, 102 (2007). Y.K. Jang, P. Bos, “Optimization of the white state director configuration for perfectly compensated pi-cell devices,” Japanese J. Applied Physics 46 (2007). P. J. Bos, H. Garcia, V, Sergan, “Wide-angle achromatic prism beam steering for infrared countermeasures and imaging applications: solving the singularity problem in the twoprism design,” Optical Engineering 46 (2007). Y.K. Jang, P. Bos, “Comparison and analysis of off-axis color shift properties of compensated liquid crystal devices,” Japanese J. Applied Physics 46 (2007). C. Chen and P. Bos, “Anchoring transitions of liquid crystals on SiOx,” Liquid Crystals 35 (2008). Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports M. Dorjgotov, P. Bos, “Liquid crystal etalon device for reflective displays,” Society for Information Display 2008 International Symposium, Digest of Technical Papers, XXXIX, p. 568-571. M. Reznikov, B. Wall, M. Handschy, P. Bos, “Mono domain alignment of the SmC liquid crystalline phase for analog display applications,” Society for Information Display 2008 International Symposium, Digest of Technical Papers, XXXIX, p. 1811-1814. Y. Huang, K.H. Kim, J.K Jang, H.S Kim, P. Bos, “Dynamic simulation of Pi-cell liquid crystal displays with transverse field,” Society for Information Display 2008 International Symposium, Digest of Technical Papers, XXXIX, p.1865-1869. Liang-Chy Chien Books and Chapters in Books Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III, L.C. Chien, Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 6911, 2008. L.C. Chien, C.O. Catanescu, L. Li, “Spatially-ordered polymers self-assembled in ordered liquid crystal templates,” in Crosslinked Liquid Crystalline Systems: From Rigid 37 Publications, 2007-2008 Polymer Networks to Elastomers, D. Broer, G.P. Crawford, and S. Zumer, eds., Taylor and Francis. (2009). Peer Reviewed Journals S.-Y. Lu, L.-C. Chien, “A polymer-stabilized single layer color cholesteric liquid crystal display with anisotropic reflection,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 131119-131119-3 (2007). S.-Y. Lu, L.-C. Chien, “Carbon nanotube doped liquid crystal OCB cells: physical and electro-optical properties,” Optics Express 16, 12777-12785 (2008). N. Kim, J. Choi, L.-C. Chien, T. Kyu, “Phase equilibrium of mixture of side-chain liquid crystalline polymer and low molecular mass liquid crystal,” Macromolecules 40, 95829589 (2008). Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports S.-Y. Lu, Y.-H. Lin, L.-C. Chien, “Single-layer color cholesteric liquid crystal displays,” IMID 07 Digest, 982-985 (2007). J.Y. Hwang, H. Wonderly, L.-C. Chien, “Liquid crystal alignment on the inkjet printed polyimide by using new alignment method,” IMID 07 Digest, 506-508 (2007). M.-H. Lee, H.J. Choi, K.-U. Jeong, L.-C. Chien, “A photochromic main-chain liquid crystalline polymer and its photo-stimulated actuating properties,” SPIE 6911, 69110B-169110B-4 (2008). L. Li, C.O. Catanescu, L.-C. Chien, “Dynamics of phase separation and morphology of polymer stabilized liquid crystals,” SPIE 6911, 69110L-1-69110L-8 (2008). J.-Y. Hwang, L.-C. Chien, “Alignment of liquid crystal with inkjet printed polyimide for flexible liquid crystal displays,” SID 08 Digest, 1801-1803 (2008). S.-Y. Lu, L.-C. Chien, “Carbon nanotube doped liquid crystal OCB cells: dielectric and electro-optical properties,” SID 08 Digest, 1853-1856 (2008). Daniele Finotello Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports L. Tortora, H.-S. Park, K. Antion, D. Finotello, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals as materials for optical and biosensing applications,” Proceedings of SPIE 6487, p. 6487OI-1-6487OI-15 (2007). H.-S. Park, L. Tortora, R.M. Vasyuta, A.B. Golovin, D. Finotello, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals: effects of additives and optical applications,” International Meeting on Informational Displays, Digest, p. 307-310 (2007). Antal Jákli Peer Reviewed Journals E. Dorjgotov, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, A. Jákli, “Viscosities of a bentcore nematic liquid crystal,” Liq. Cryst. 35, No. 2, 149–155 (2008). 38 Publications, 2007-2008 C. Bailey, A. Jákli, “The role of molecular shape on bent-core smectic structure,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 207801 (2007). A. Jákli, J. Harden, C. Notz, C. Bailey, “Piezoelectricity of phospholipids: A possible mechanism for mechano-, and magneto-receptions in biology,” Liq. Cryst, 35 (4), 395400 (2008). Preprint posted in electronic-Liquid Crystal Communications, L. Li, S-W Kang, J. Harden, Q. Sun, X. Zhou, L. Dai, A. Jákli, S. Kumar, Q. Li, “Bioinspired light-harvesting liquid crystalline porphyrins for organic photovoltaics,” Liq. Cryst. 35 (3), 233-239 (2008). D. Wiant, K. Neupane, S. Sharma, A. Jákli, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, “Observation of a possible tetrahedratic phase in bent-core liquid crystals,” Phys. Rev. E 77, 061701 (2008). G.G. Nair, C.A. Bailey, S. Taushanoff, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda, Z. Varga, A. Bóta, A. Jákli, “Electrically tunable color using mixtures of bent-core and rod-shape molecules,” DOI: 10.1002/adma.200800067, Advanced Materials 9999, 1-5 (2008). Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports A. Jákli, M. Chambers, J. Harden, M. Majumdar, R. Teeling, J. Kim Q. Li, G.G. Nair, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, “Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals,” Proc. of SPIE (Society of Optical Engineers), 6911, 5 (2008). K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli, A. Eremin, V. Hamplova, M. Kaspar, V. Novotna, M. Kohout, K. Gomola, D. Pochiecha, A. Vajda, C.A. Veracini, G. Galli, “Chiral and achiral banana shaped liquid crystals: synthesis and characterization,” p15-18, Abstracts of 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle, Magdeburg, March 12-14 (2008). C.A. Bailey, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, A. Jákli, “Properties of bent-core isotropic fluids,” p:25-28 (I-5) Abstracts of 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle, Magdeburg, March 12-14 (2008). Jack R. Kelly Peer Reviewed Journals O.P. Pishnyak, S. Tang, J.R. Kelly, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Levitation, lift and bidirectional motion of colloidal particles in an electrically-driven nematic liquid crystal,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 127802 (2007). Satyendra Kumar Peer Reviewed Journals X. Zhou, S. Kang, S. Kumar, R. Kulkar, S. Z. D. Cheng, Q. Li, “Self-assembly of porphyrin and fullerene supramolecular complex into highly ordered nanostructure by thermal annealing,” Chemistry of Materials 20, 3551-3553 (2008). 39 Publications, 2007-2008 L. Li, S. Kang, J. Harden, Q. Sun, X. Zhou, L. Dai, A. Jákli, S. Kumar, Q. Li, “Nature inspired light-harvesting liquid crystalline porphyrins for organic photovoltaics,” Liquid Crystals 35, 233-239 (2008). S. Kang, Q. Li, B. D. Chapman, R. Pindak, J. O. Cross, L. Li, M. Nakata, S. Kumar, “Micro-focus x-ray diffraction study of the columnar phase of porphyrin-based mesogens,” Chemistry of Materials 19, 5657-5663 (2007). Oleg D. Lavrentovich Books and Chapters in Books Y. Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O. D. Lavrentovich, “Fast switching of nematic liquid crystals by an electric field: effects of dielectric relaxation on the director and thermal dynamics,” Chapter 10 in, Thermotropic Liquid Crystals, A. Ramamoorthy, ed., Springer, Dordrecht Publishers: The Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-4020-5327-6, pp. 277-295 (2007). Peer Reviewed Journals O.P. Pishnyak, S. Tang, J.R. Kelly, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Levitation, lift and bidirectional motion of colloidal particles in an electrically-driven nematic liquid crystal,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 127802 (2007). B.G. Saar, H.-S. Park, X.S. Xie, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Three-dimensional imaging of chemical bond orientation in liquid crystals by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy,” Optics Express 15, 13585-13596 (2007). D.K. Yoon, M.C. Choi, Y.H. Kim, M.W. Kim, O.D. Lavrentovich, H.T. Jung, “Internal structure visualization and lithographic use of periodic toroidal holes in liquid crystals,” Nature Materials 6, 866-870 (2007). M. Gu, Y. Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Effects of dielectric relaxation on the director dynamics of uniaxial nematic liquid crystals,” Phys. Rev. E. 76, 061702 (2007). K.V. Kaznatcheev, P. Dudin, O.D. Lavrentovich, A.P. Hitchcock, “X-ray microscopy study of chromonic liquid crystal dry film texture,” Phys. Rev. E. 76, 061703 (2007). S.V. Shiyanovskii, A.B. Golovin, Y. Yin, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Effects of dielectric relaxation on the dynamics and dielectric heating of nematic liquid crystals,” Mol. Cryst. Liquid Crystals 480, 111-128 (2008). M. Gu, Y. Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Polarity-dependent dielectric torque in nematic liquid crystals,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 237801 (2008). Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports L. Tortora, H.-S. Park, K. Antion, D. Finotello, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals as materials for optical and biosensing applications,” Proceedings of SPIE 6487, p. 6487OI-1-6487OI-15 (2007). 40 Publications, 2007-2008 H.-S. Park, L. Tortora, R.M. Vasyuta, A.B. Golovin, D. Finotello, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals: effects of additives and optical applications,” International Meeting on Informational Displays, Digest, p.307-310 (2007). Quan Li Books and Chapters in Books Q. Li, J.M. El Khoury, X. Zhou, A. Urbas, L. Qu, L. Dai, “Synthesis of the thiol surfactant with tunable length as a stabilizer of gold nanoparticles,” Chapter 4 in, Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Passivation, Stabilization, and Functionalization, R. Nagarajan and T. A. Hatton, eds., Oxford University Press (2008, ISBN 978-0-8412-6969-9). Peer Reviewed Journals X. Zhou, S. Kang, S. Kumar, R. Kulkar, S.Z.D. Cheng, Q. Li, “Self-assembly of porphyrin and fullerene supramolecular complex into highly ordered nanostructure by thermal annealing,” Chemistry of Materials 20, 3551-3553 (2008). L. Li, S. Kang, J. Harden, Q. Sun, X. Zhou, L. Dai, A. Jákli, S. Kumar, Q. Li, “Nature inspired light-harvesting liquid crystalline porphyrins for organic photovoltaics,” Liquid Crystals 35, 233-239 (2008). Q. Li, L. Green, N. Venkataraman, I. Shiyanovskaya, A. Khan, A. Urbas, J.W. Doane, “Reversible photoswitchable axially chiral dopants with high helical twisting power,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, 12908-12909 (2007). Q. Sun, L. Dai, X. Zhou, L. Li, Q. Li, “Bilayer- and bulk-heterojunction solar cells using liquid crystalline porphyrins as donors by solution processing,” Applied Physics Letters 91, 253505/1-253505/3 (2007). C.V. Yelamaggad, I. Shashikala, Q. Li, “Liquid crystal trimers composed of banana-shaped and rod-like anisometric segments: synthesis and characterization,” Chemistry of Materials 19, 6561-6568 (2007). S. Kang, Q. Li, B.D. Chapman, R. Pindak, J.O. Cross, L. Li, M. Nakata, S. Kumar, “Micro-focus X-ray diffraction study of the columnar phase of porphyrin-based mesogens,” Chemistry of Materials 19, 5657-5663 (2007). X. Zhou, T. Narayanan, Q. Li, “New mesogen with thermotropic cubic phase: 3,4,5-Tris(11,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16,16-tridecafluoro-hexadecyloxy)-benzoic acid,” Liquid Crystals 34, 1243-1248 (2007). Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports L. Green, X. Zhou, Q. Li, “Liquid crystals: from photodisplays to organic photovoltaics,” Abstracts, 40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, CRM-449 (2008). E. Montbach, N. Venkataraman, A. Khan, I. Shiyanovskaya, T. Schneider, J.W. Doane, L. Green, Q. Li, “Novel optically addressable photochiral displays,” 2008 Society for Information Display, 60.2. 41 Publications, 2007-2008 A. Jákli, M. Chambers, J. Harden, M. Madhabi, R. Teeling, J. Kim, Q. Li, G. Nair, N. Eber, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, “Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals,” Proceedings of SPIE (2008). Q. Li, L. Green, L. Li, J. Kim, “Synthesis of novel reversible photoswitchable chiral dopants with unusually high helical twisting power”, Abstracts of Papers, 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, ORGN-356 (2007). Q. Li, J.M. El Khoury, X. Zhou, “Synthesis of thiol monolayer-protected gold nanorods”, Abstracts of Papers, 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, COLL-100 (2007). R.R. Kulkarni, Q. Li, K.U. Jeong, M. Durstock, B.L. Farmer, F.W. Harris, S.Z.D. Cheng, “Structure and morphology of porphyrin based discotic liquid crystals”, Abstracts of Papers, 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, PMSE-236 (2007). Peter Palffy-Muhoray Peer Reviewed Journals P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Comment on: ‘Intense nonlinear magnetic dipole radiation at optical frequencies: molecular scattering in a dielectric liquid’,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 18, 99, 189401, November (2007). P. Palffy-Muhoray, “The diverse world of liquid crystals”, Physics Today, 54-60, September (2007). Jonathan Selinger Peer Reviewed Journals E.V. Timofeeva, A.N. Gavrilov, J.M. McCloskey, Y.V. Tolmachev, S. Sprunt, L.M. Lopatina, J.V. Selinger, “Thermal conductivity and particle agglomeration in alumina nanofluids: experiment and theory,” Phys. Rev. E 76, 061203 (2007). Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports R.L.B. Selinger, B.L. Mbanga, J.V. Selinger, “Modeling liquid crystal elastomers: actuators, pumps, and robots,” SPIE Proceedings 6911 (2008). Robin Selinger Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports R.L.B. Selinger, B.L. Mbanga, J.V. Selinger, “Modeling liquid crystal elastomers: actuators, pumps, and robots,” SPIE Proceedings 6911 (2008). Samuel Sprunt Peer Reviewed Journals E. Dorjgotov, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, A. Jákli, “Viscosities of a bentcore nematic liquid crystal,” Liq. Cryst. 35, 2, 149–155 (2008). D. Wiant, K. Neupane, S. Sharma, A. Jákli, J. T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, “Observation of a possible tetrahedratic phase in bent-core liquid crystals,” Phys. Rev.E 77, 061701 (2008). 42 Publications, 2007-2008 E.V. Timofeeva, A.N. Gavrilov, J.M. McCloskey, Y.V. Tolmachev, S. Sprunt, L.M. Lopatina, J.V. Selinger, “Thermal conductivity and particle agglomeration in alumina nanofluids: experiment and theory,” Phys. Rev. E 76, 061203 (2007). Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports A. Jákli, M. Chambers, J. Harden, M. Majumbar, R. Teeling, J. Kim, Q. Li, G.G. Nair, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, “Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals,” Proc. of SPIE (Society of Optical Engineers), 6911, 5 (2008). C.A. Bailey, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, A. Jákli, “Properties of bent-core isotropic fluids,” p:25-28 (I-5) Abstracts of 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle, Magdeburg, March 12-14 (2008). Qi-Huo Wei Peer Reviewed Journals B.P. Joshi, Q.H. Wei, “Cavity resonances of metal-dielectric-metal nanoantennas,” Optics Express 16, 10315(2008). F.S. Zhou, Q.H. Wei, “Scaling laws for nanoFET sensors,” Nanotechnology 19, 015504 (2008). John L. West Peer Reviewed Journals E.A. Büyüktanir, K. Zhang, A. Gericke, J.L. West, “Raman imaging of nematic and smectic liquid crystals,” Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 487, 39-51 (2008). Deng-Ke Yang Books and Chapters in Books D.-K. Yang, “Reflective cholesteric liquid crystal displays,” Chapter 16 in, Mobile Displays, A. Bhowmik, Z. Li, P. J. Bos, eds., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., (2008), 443-466, Invited. Peer Reviewed Journals D.-K. Yang, Y. Yin, H. Liu, “Nematic-isotropic phase transition of binary liquid crystal mixtures,” Liquid Crystal 34, 605 (2007). D.-K. Yang, K.-U. Jeong, S.Z.D. Cheng, “Structure of liquid crystal droplets with chiral propeller texture,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 112; 1358-1366 (2008). D.-K. Yang, “Review of operating principle and performance of polarizer free reflective liquid-crystal displays,” J. Soc. Information. Display 16, 117 (2008). Conference Proceedings S. Hurley, D.-K. Yang, J. Shi, C. Mullin, “A systematic optimization of normal-white STN-LCDs,” SID Intl Symp. Digest Tech. Papers, XXXVIII, 475-478 (2007). 43 Publications, 2007-2008 Y.-C. Yang, D.-K. Yang, “Achromatic reduction of off axis light leakage in LCDs by self-compensated phase retardation (SPR) film,” SID Intl Symp. Digest Tech. Papers, XXXIX, 1955-1958 (2008). 44 Table 13 Presentations at Professional Meetings and Academia Philip J. Bos Invited Presentations “Fast-Switching Liquid Crystal Effects for Displays” Information Display, September, 2007. Oral Presentations M. Dorjgotov, P. Bos, ”Liquid Crystal Etalon Device for Reflective Displays”, Society for Information Display 2008 International Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, May 19-23, 2008. Poster Presentations M. Reznikov, B. Wall, M. Handschy, P. Bos, “Mono Domain Alignment of the SmC liquid crystalline phase for analog display applications”, Society for Information Display 2008 International Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, May 19-23, 2008. Y. Huang, K.H. Kim, J.K Jang, H.S. Kim, P. Bos, “Dynamic Simulation of Pi-cell Liquid crystal displays with transverse field”, Society for Information Display 2008 International Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, May 19-23, 2008. Liang-Chy Chien Invited Presentations “Single-Layer Color Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Displays,” 2007 International Meeting on Information Displays, Daegu, Korea, Aug. 27-31, 2007. “Polymer/Liquid Crystal Composites for Flexible Displays,” 2007 Flexible Displays and Components Workshop, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 19-21, 2007. “Flexible e-Paper Displays,” Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Oct. 19, 2007. “Bistable Reflective Displays for Paper-like Displays,” Asia Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronic Exposition and Conference (AOE), Shanghai, China, Oct. 17-19, 2007. “Flexible Displays Using Polymer and Liquid Crystal Composites,” 2007 Taiwan Liquid Crystal Conference Annual Meeting, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Dec. 28, 2007. “Liquid Crystal Composites and Thin Optical Films,” Department of Physics, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Jan. 2, 2008. “Optical Compensation Films for Wide Viewing Angle LCDs,” Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Jan 17, 2008. 45 Presentations, 2007-2008 “The Combination of Phase-Separated Polymers and Liquid Crystals for Display and Photonic Applications,” 2008 International symposium on Nano Structured Polymers (a sub-symposium of 2008 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, Taipei, Taiwan, Jan. 18-20, 2008. “A Photochromic Main-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer and Its Photo-stimulated Actuating Properties,” Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III Conference at SPIE 2008 Photonics West, January 19-24, 2008. “Ups and Downs of Flexible Displays,” Innolux, Inc., Chunang, Taiwan, June 23, 2008. “Flexible Displays Using Combined Polymers and Liquid Crystals,” New Horizons of Liquid Crystal Science and Application II Conference, Chungbuk National University, Chungju, Korea, June 27-28, 2008. Oral Presentations L.-C. Chien, “Dynamics and Morphology of Polymer Stabilized Liquid Crystals,” Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies Conference III at SPIE Photonics West 2008, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, 2008. Poster Presentations J-Y. Hwang, L.-C. Chien, “Alignment of Liquid Crystal with Inkjet Printed Polyimide for Flexible LCDs,” 2008 Society of Information Display Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 18-23, 2008. S.-Y. Lu, L.-C. Chien, “Carbon-Nanotube Doped Liquid Crystal OCB Cells: Dielectric and Electro-Optical Properties,” 2008 Society of Information Display Conference, Los Angeles, CA, May 18-23, 2008. Antal Jákli Invited Presentations “Bent-core Isotropic Fluids,” 36th Arbeitstagung Flüssigcrystalle, Magdeburg, Germany, March 2008. “Properties of Bent-core Liquid Crystals in their Nematic Phase,” SPIE 2008, San Jose, CA, January, 2008. “Piezoelectricity of phospholipids- A possible mechanism for mechano-, and magnetoreception in biology,” 11th Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Conference, Sapporo, Japan September, 2007. “Unraveling the B7 mystery: Molecular bump, Polarization Splay and Layer Bend in Bent-core materials,” 3rd Workshop on Bent-core Liquid Crystals, Tokyo, Japan, September 2007. “Colloidal micromotors in smectic liquid crystals,” Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, June 2008. “Trends in current liquid crystal research,” Research Center of Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, March 2008. 46 Presentations, 2007-2008 Oral Presentations A. Jákli, E. Dorjgotov, J. Harden, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, D. Wiant, K. Neupane, S. Sharma, N. Éber, K. Fodor-Csorba, “Extraordinary Properties of Nematic and Isotropic Phases of Bent-Core Liquid Crystals,” European Conference on liquid crystals, Lisbon (July 2-7, 2007). N. Eber, A. Jákli, J. Harden, J. Gleeson, D. Wiant, S. Sprunt, K. Fodor-Csorba, T. Katona, Y. Shimbo, H. Takezoe, Ä. Buka, “Flexoelectricity and Electroconvection in a Banana Nematic,” 3rd Banan Liquid Crystal Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, September 2007. K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli, A. Eremin, V. Hamplova, M. Kaspar, V. Novotna, M. Kohout, K. Gomola, D. Pochiecha, A. Vajda, C.A. Veracini, G. Galli, “Chiral and Achiral Banana Shaped Liquid Crystals: Synthesis and Characterization,” I-2: 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid crystals, Arbeitstagung Flússigkristalle, Magdeburg, March 12-14 (2008). J. Harden, R. Teeling, S. Sprunt, J. T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, “Measurement of the ConverFlexoelectric Effect in a Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystal,” Abstract: W8.00007, APS March meeting, New Orleans LA, 2008. M. Chambers, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, A. Jákli, “Calamitic Liquid Crystal Elastomers Swollen with Bent-Core Liquid Crystals,” Abstract: S25.00016, APS March meeting, New Orleans LA, 2008. C. Bailey, J. Harden, A. Jákli, “Viscous Properties of Bent Core Nematic Liquid Crystals Measured Using a Nanoliter Viscometer,” Abstract: W8.00003, APS March meeting, New Orleans LA, 2008. M. Majumdar , K. Neupane, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, S. Sprunt, “Flexoelectric Effect in a Bent-Core Liquid Crystal Measured by Dynamic Light Scattering,” Abstract: W8.00006, APS March meeting, New Orleans LA, 2008. A. Jákli, B. Senyuk, G. Liao, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Colloidal Micro-Motor in TwoDimensional Fluids Driven by DC Electric Fields,” CS1-4, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4. 2008. Q. Li, X. Zhou, L. Li, J. Harden, A. Jákli, S-W. Kang, S. Kumar, Q. Sun, L. Dai, R.R. Kulkami, S.Z. Cheng, “Nature Inspired Liquid Crystalline Porphyrins for Organic Photovoltaics,” NM1-2, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. Poster Presentations C. Bailey, A. Jákli, “Unraveling the B7 mystery – The effect of molecular shape on structures of smectic phases of bent-core liquid crystals,” P2-26 in the 11th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, Sapporo, September 3-9, 2007. C. Bailey, E.C. Gartland, A. Jákli, “Structures and stability of bent-core liquid crystal fibers,” P2-27 in the 11th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, Sapporo, September 3-9, 2007. 47 Presentations, 2007-2008 C. Bailey, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Vajda, G.G. Nair, A. Jákli, “Field induced biaxiality in smectic A phases of mixtures of bent core and rod shape molecules,” P2-28 in the 11th International Conference on Ferroelectric liquid crystals, Sapporo, September 3-9, 2007. G.G. Nair, C.A. Bailey, S. Taushanoff, K. Fodor-Csorba A. Vajda, Z. Varga, A. Bota, A. Jákli, “Electrically Tunable Color by Using Mixtures of Bent-Core and Rod-Shaped Molecules,” APP58, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29July 4, 2008. T. Ostapenko, J.T. Gleeson, S.N. Sprunt, D.B. Wiant, A. Jákli, “Magnetic field induced first-order nematic Isotropic transition thermotropic bent-core liquid crystals,” ORD16, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli, K. Gomola, M. Kaspar, V. Hamplova, V. Novotá, D. Pochiecha, G. Galli, “Polymerizable and asymmetric banana shaped liquid crystals – Synthesis and Characterization,” MA56, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. Y. Reznikov, S. Bravina, O. Buchev, A. Gluschenko, N. Morozovsky, A. Jákli, “Dynamical Electrophysical Characterization of Colloids of Ferroelectric Nanoparticles in Nematic liquid Crystals,” NAN4, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. C.A. Bailey, K. Fodor-Csorba, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, A. Jákli, “Visco-elasticity and giant flow birefringence of bent-core isotropic fluids,” PHA29, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. M. Majumdar, K. Neupane, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, S. Sprunt, “Flexoelectric effect in nematic bent-core liquid crystals measured by dynamic light scattering,” PHA33, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. S-H. Hong, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, S. Sprunt, B.D. Ellman, “Second harmonic generation study of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal,” PHA34, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. M. Chambers, J.T. Gleeson, S. Sprunt, A. Jákli, “Liquid crystal elastomers swollen in bent-core liquid crystals,” ELA5, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. J. Harden, R. Teeling, S. Sprunt, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, “Converse flexoelectricity of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal,” MAC14, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. Oleg D. Lavrentovich Invited Talks and Seminars “Imaging Phenomena in Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Colloids in Four Space-Time Dimensions,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 1, p. 219 (2008). “Dielectric Dispersion and Fast Electrooptical Switching of Nematic Liquid Crystals,” National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Sept. 3, 2007. 48 Presentations, 2007-2008 “Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals: New Materials for Optical and Biosensing Applications,” National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Sept. 3, 2007. “Three Dimensional Imaging of Orientational Order in Liquid Crystals,” National ChiaoTung University, Taiwan, Sept. 5, 2007. “Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals: New Materials for Optical and Biosensing Applications,” National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, Sept. 5, 2007. “Topological Defects and Patterns in Liquid Crystals,” International School of Liquid Crystals, 14th workshop, E. Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, July 26 Aug. 1, 2007. “Polarizing Microscopy and 3D imaging of Liquid Crystals,” International School of Liquid Crystals, 14th workshop, E. Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, July 26 - Aug. 1, 2007. “Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals: Effects of Additives and Optical Applications,” International Meeting on Information Displays, Daegu, Korea, August 27-31, 2007. “New developments in 3D microscopy of LCs,” International Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, Puebla, Mexico, Sept. 30- October 5, 2007. “Imaging Phenomena in Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Colloids in Four Space-Time Dimensions,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 1, p. 219 (2008). “Chromonic Liquid Crystals: Effects of Additives and Potential Applications,” Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 1, 2007 (Physics Colloquium). Oral Presentations V.M. Pergamenshchik, J. You, J.Y. Jung, K. Rhie, S.T. Shin, B.I. Senyuk, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Macroscopic Biaxiality of a Nematic Phase of the Boomerang-Shaped C7,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 1, p. 26 (2008). A. Jákli, B.I. Senyuk, G. Liao, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Colloid Micro-Motor in TwoDimensional Fluids Driven by DC Electric Fields,” The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 1, p. 233 (2008). S.V. Shiyanovskii, M. Gu, Y. Yin, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Effects of Dielectric Relaxation on Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystals,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 2, p. 566 (2008). Poster Presentations Y.H. Kim, D.K. Yoon, M.C. Choi, H.S. Jeong, O.D. Lavrentovich, H.T. Jung, “Internal Structure Visualization and Lithographic Use of Periodic Toroidal Holes in Liquid Crystals,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 1, p. 340 (2008). 49 Presentations, 2007-2008 B.I. Senyuk, O.D. Lavrentovich, C.J. Smith, C. Denniston, “Rotation of a Solid Spherical Particle Moving Through a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal,” The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 2, p. 609 (2008). O. Pishnyak, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Dynamics of Colloidal Particles Dispersed in Nematic Liquid Crystals Under Electric Field,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 2, p. 610 (2008). H.S. Park, L. Tortora, O.D. Lavrentovich, “Effects of Additives on Self-Assembly of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 2, p. 845 (2008). Yu. A. Nastishin, K.P. Neupane, O.D. Lavrentovich, S. Sprunt, “Light Scattering Study of a Lyotropic Chromonic Nematic,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, June 29-July 4, 2008, Jeju, Korea, Abstracts 2, p. 853 (2008). O.D. Lavrentovich, “Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals for Polarizing and Compensating Films,” Samsung-KSU workshop, Jeju, Korea, July 2, 2008. Quan Li Invited Presentations “Liquid Crystals: From Photodisplays to Organic Photovoltaics,” 40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, June 13, 2008. “Electrically and Optically Tunable Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals,” Air Force Research Lab Meeting, Hilton Island, SC, April 14, 2008. “Photoresponsive Liquid Crystals: From Photodisplay to Nanostructured Organic Photovoltaics,” NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, July 24, 2007. “Nature Inspired Light-harvesting Liquid Crystals for Organic Self-organizing Photovoltaics,” East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China, July 5, 2007. “Reversible Photoswitchable Chiral Azo Liquid Crystals,” International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology, Harbin, China, July 4, 2008. Oral Presentations Q. Li, L. Green, L. Li, J. Kim, “Synthesis of Novel Reversible Photoswitchable Chiral Dopants with Unusually High Helical Twisting Power,” 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 20, 2008. Q. Li, J.M. El Khoury, X. Zhou, “Synthesis of Thiol Monolayer-protected Gold Nanorods,” 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 21, 2007. Q. Li, X. Zhou, L. Li, J. Harden, A. Jákli, S.-W. Kang, S. Kumar, Q. Sun, L. Dai, R.R. Kulkarni, S.Z.D. Cheng, “Nature Inspired Liquid Crystalline Porphyrins for Organic Photovoltaics,” 2008 International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, June 30, 2008. 50 Presentations, 2007-2008 Poster Presentations X. Zhou, Q. Li, “Nature Inspired Liquid Crystal Porphyrin Thin Films for Organic Photovoltaics,” Green Industrialization Workshop, Columbus, Ohio, April 24, 2008. X. Zhou, T. Narayanan, Q. Li, “New Mesogen with Thermotropic Cubic Phase,” Liquid Crystal Day, Kent, Oct. 1, 2007. Peter Palffy-Muhoray Invited Presentations “Swelling Dynamics and Related Phenomena in Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. Plenary Lecture: “New Liquid Crystalline Optical Materials,” 12th International Symposium on Advanced Display Materials and Devices, Jeju Korea, June 26-27, 2008. “Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” Nanoscale Interfacial Phenomena in Complex Fluids, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China (KITPC), Beijing China, May 19-June 20, 2008. “Generalized Orientational Order Parameters in Liquid Crystals,” 2008 SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, PA, May 11, 2008. “Lasers, Artificial Muscles and Negative Index Materials – New Directions in Liquid Crystal Research,” Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, April 17, 2008. “Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, February 27, 2008. “Nanoparticle Liquid Crystals as Negative Index Materials,” 12th International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, Puebla City, Mexico, Oct. 1-5, 2007. “The Dynamics of Swelling of Nematic Elastomers,” International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 27-29, 2007. “Swelling Dynamics of Nematic Elastomers,” 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zurich, Switzerland, July 17, 2007. “Negative Index Materials,” Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, July 10, 2007. “Nanoparticle Liquid Crystals,” ECLC 2007 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Lisbon, Portugal, July 3, 2007. Poster Presentations S.A Relaix, M.F. Moreira, W. Cao, B. Taheri, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Lasing Thresholds of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Lasers,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. M.F. Moreira, N. Venkataraman, B. Taheri, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Evidence of Broken Reciprocity in Chiral Liquid Crystals,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. 51 Presentations, 2007-2008 I. Lazo Martinez, J. Neal, P. Luchette, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Determination of the refractive indices of liquid crystal elastomers,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. J. Neal, P. Luchette, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Experimental Determination of the Dielectric Tensor of Nematic Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2008. J. Fontana, P. Palffy-Muhoray, N. Kotov, A. Agarwal, “Measurements of the Electric Susceptibilities of Au nanorods at Optical Frequencies,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008. P. Lesiak, M. Moreira, P. Palffy-Muhoray, N. Kotov, A. Agarwal, “Z-scan Measurement of Oriented Au Nanoparticle Suspensions,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008. J. Neal, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Numerical Simulation of the Non-Local Optical Response of Nanoparticles,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008. T. Sullivan, P. Dahal, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Pattern Morphology and Dynamical Scaling in the Cahn Hilliard Model,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 1014, 2008. X. Zheng, P. Palffy-Muhoray, M. Shelley, “Angular Momentum Transport in Complex Fluids,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008. C. Wickman, C. Haas, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Writing and Representation in Liquid Crystal Physics Research,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008. I. Lazo Martinez, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Determination of the Refractive Indices of Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008. S. Relaix, M. Moreira, P. Palffy-Muhoray, M. Mitov, “Varying the Optical Properties of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 1014, 2008. M. Moreira, N. Venkataraman, B. Taheri, P. Palffy-Muhoray, “Evidence of Broken Reciprocity in Chiral Liquid Crystals,” March Meeting of the APS, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008. Jonathan Selinger Invited Presentations “Chirality and Molecular Order,” Summer School on Polymeric and Self-Assembled Gels, International Center for Material Research, University of California, Santa Barbara, August 13-17, 2007. “Shape Selection in Self-Assembled Chiral Membranes: New Mechanism Based on the Flexoelectric Effect,” Summer School on Polymeric and Self-Assembled Gels, International Center for Material Research, University of California, Santa Barbara, August 13-17, 2007. 52 Presentations, 2007-2008 “Thermal Conduction and Particle Agglomeration in Nanofluids: Experiment and Theory,” Conference on Nanofluids: Fundamentals and Applications, Engineering Conferences International, Copper Mountain, Colorado, September 16-20, 2007. “Liquid Crystal Molecules, Phases, and Polarization Properties,” Workshop on Ferroelectric Phenomena in Soft Matter Systems, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, California, May 12-16, 2008. Oral Presentations L. Lopatina, A. Konya, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, A. Travesset, “Simulating Defect Structures in Nematic Liquid Crystal Shells,” American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 10–14, 2008. F. Ye, Z. Lu, L. Lopatina, J. Selinger, A. Travesset, “String Defects in Smectic-C Monolayers and Hybrid Nematic Films,” American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 10–14, 2008. B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, “Finite Element Studies of the Soft Elastic Response in Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 10–14, 2008. J. Selinger, R. Selinger, C. Spillmann, J. Naciri, B.R. Ratna, “Electrically Induced Twist in Smectic Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers,” American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 10–14, 2008. R. Selinger, J. Selinger, A. Travesset, “Orientational Order and Topological Defects on Curved Surfaces,” American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 10–14, 2008. R. Selinger, B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, “Finite Element Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Actuators, Pumps, and Robots.” 4th International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 2007. B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, “Finite Element Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Modeling Soft Elastic Response,” 4th International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 2007. B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, “Modeling Soft Elastic Response in Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” Society of Engineering Science, Oct., 2007. Robin Selinger Invited Presentations “Modeling Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” Computation and Applied Math Seminar, Kent State University, Nov. 2007. “Finite Element Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Modeling Actuators, Pumps, and Robots,” Seminar, Penn State Math Department, Nov., 2007. “Modeling Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Actuators, Pumps, and Robots,” SPIE Photonics West Jan. 2008. 53 Presentations, 2007-2008 “Rubber That Moves: Modeling Liquid Crystalline Elastomers,” Center for Simulational Physics Workshop, University of Georgia, Feb. 2008. “Simulation Studies of Orientational Order and Topological Defects in Curved Geometries” Condensed matter seminar, University of Syracuse, March, 2008. “Modeling Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” Science colloquium, University of Nebraska at Kearney, April, 2008. “How Things Bend and Break,” Public science lecture, University of Nebraska at Kearney, April, 2008. "Finite Element Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers," Physics Colloquium, Yeshiva University, April, 2008. “Rubber that Moves: Modeling Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” Physics Colloquium, University of Memphis, April, 2008. “Rubber That Moves: Modeling Liquid Crystalline Elastomers,” Seminar, UCLA Chemistry Department, May, 2008. “Orientational Order and Topological Defects on Curved Surfaces,” Workshop seminar, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO, June, 2008. Oral Presentations A. Konya, R. Selinger, “Modeling Defect Dynamics in Liquid Crystals,” the Fourth Annual Northeast Ohio Undergraduate Research Symposium, August 2, 2007. R. Selinger, B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, “Finite Element Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Actuators, Pumps, and Robots,” 4th International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 2007. B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, “Finite Element Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Modeling Soft Elastic Response,” 4th International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 2007. N.S. Weingarten, R. Selinger, “A Novel Algorithm for Finite Element Simulation and Multiscale modeling”, Society of Engineering Science, Oct., 2007. B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, “Modeling Soft Elastic Response in Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” Society of Engineering Science, Oct., 2007. L. Lopatina, A. Konya, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, A. Travesset, “Simulating Defect Structures in Nematic Liquid Crystal Shells,” APS March Meeting, 2008. B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, “Finite Element Studies of the Soft Elastic Response in Liquid Crystal Elastomers,” APS March Meeting, 2008. R. Selinger, J. Selinger, A. Travesset, “Orientational Order and Topological Defects on Curved Surfaces,” APS March Meeting, 2008. N.S. Weingarten, R. Selinger, “Atomistic Simulation Studies of Plastic Deformation and Dislocation Patterning as a Function of Temperature,” APS March Meeting, 2008. 54 Presentations, 2007-2008 J. Selinger, R. Selinger, C. Spillman, J. Naciri, B. Ratna, “Electrically Induced Twist in Smectic Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers,” APS March Meeting, 2008. Poster Presentations B. Mbanga, J. Selinger, R. Selinger, “Finite Element Studies of Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Soft Elastic Response and Microstructural Evolution,” International Liquid Crystal Conference 2008 (S. Korea, July, 2008). A. Konya, R. Selinger, “Modeling Defect Dynamics in Liquid Crystals,” the Fourth Annual Northeast Ohio Undergraduate Research Symposium, August 2, 2007. A. Konya, R. Selinger, “Modeling Defect Dynamics in Liquid Crystals,” Liquid Crystal Day, 2007. Qi-Huo Wei Invited Talks and Seminars Q.H. Wei, “Scaling Laws for NanoFET Biosensors,” Invited Talk, University of Cincinnati OH, 2008 . Oral Presentations Q.H. Wei, “Plasmonic Subwavelength Structures for Color Generation for Display Applications,” Samsung Workshop, Jeju, Korea, 2008. Poster Presentations Q.H. Wei, “Scaling of NanoFET Biosensors,” APS March Meeting, 2008 . Q.H. Wei, “Cavity Resonances of Metal-Dielectric-Metal Nanoantennas”, GRC in Plasmonics, Tilton NH, 2008 . Q.H. Wei, “Plasmonic Subwavelength Structures for Color Generation for Display Applications” ILCC 2008, Jeju, Korea, 2008 . B. Joshi, Q.H. Wei, “Cavity Resonances of Metal-Dielectric-Metal Nanoantennas,” Ohio Nanotechnology Summit, April 9-11, 2008 Cincinnati, OH. B. Joshi, G. Fraizer, Q.H. Wei, “Detection of DNA-WT1 Protein Binding by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS),” Nanomedicine Summit, September 25-26, 2008, Cleveland OH. Deng-Ke Yang Invited Presentations “Compensation Films for Wide Viewing Angle LCDs,” Advanced Polymer System, Inc., Akron, OH, July 10, 2007. “Polymer Stabilized Liquid Crystals,” Beijing University of Science and Technology, October 8, 2007. 55 Presentations, 2007-2008 “Cholesteric reflective display: principle and progress,” Shanghai, China, Asia Optical Fiber Communications and Optoelectronics Exhibition and Conference, October, 17, 2007. “Polymer Stabilized Liquid Crystals and Their Applications,” XVI International Material Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, October 30, 2007. “Liquid Crystal Technologies for Switchable Goggle Application,” Jackson Safety, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, January 7, 2008. “Reflective Displays, Liquid Crystal Reflective Displays and Cholesteric Display,” Applied Materials, San Jose, CA, February 27, 2008. “Polymer Stabilization and Encapsulation in Liquid Crystal Displays,” Shanghai, China, China Annual Flat Panel Display Conference, March 12, 2008. “Cholesteric Reflective Display,” 6-hour short course, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsingchu, Taiwan, June 5, 2008. “Polymer Network in Liquid Crystal and Their Applications,” College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, June 6, 2008. “Cholesteric Liquid Crystal and Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystal: Optical Properties and Applications,” National Cheng Kung University, June 9, 2008. “Flexible Cholesteric Reflective Display,” Taiwan Display Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June 12, 2008. “Optically Compensated Bend Mode Liquid Crystal Display,” BOE Technology Group Co. LTD, Beijing, China, June 25, 2008. “Polymer Networks in Liquid Crystals,” Korea-Ukrainian-American joint symposium on New Horizons of Liquid Crystal Science and Applications II, Chonbuk National University, Korea, June 27, 2008. Poster Presentations “Achromatic Reduction of Off-axis Light Leakage in LCDs by Compensated Phase Retardation Film,” SID Conference, Los Angles CA, May 20, 2008. 56 Table 14 Other Scholarly Activities Philip J. Bos Department/University Chemical Physics Scholarship Committee Regional/National/International Program Committee, 2008 International Display Research Conference International Advisory Board, International Display Workshop Program Committee, International Symposium of the Society for Information Display Chair, Academic Committee, Society for Information Display L.C. Chien Department and University Thesis committee, Ji Wang (Physics) Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, College of Business Administration, 2004-present. Chemical Physics Admissions Committee Regional/National/International Associate Editor, Journal of Liquid Crystal Display Technology, IEEE/Laser and Electro-Optical Society Reviewed 29 articles for international journals Consultant for Kent Displays, Inc. Student Advisor, Materials Research Society KSU Student Chapter, 2004-present Technical Program Committee, 2007 International Symposium on Flexible Electronics and Display (ISFED), Hsinchu, Taiwan Executive Organizing Committee, Optoelectronics 2008 of Photonics West Conference, SPIE, San Jose, CA Program Committee, 2007 International Meeting on Information Display, Daegu, Korea Antal Jákli Department and University Undergraduate Co-adviser (with Jon Secaur), Trevor D. Williams (Physics), Independent Study: “Survivability of Cholesteric Pigments Under Simulated Long-Term Solar Exposure” Chemical Physics Faculty Advisory Committee LCI/ Chemical Physics Library Representative 57 Other Scholarly Activities, 2007-2008 Chemical Physics Scholarship Committee LCI Space Committee Regional/National/International Chair, Liquid Crystal Day, October 12, 2007 Reviewed 15 articles for international journals Oleg D. Lavrentovich Regional/National/International Scientific Committee, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Korea Faculty advisor to student chapters of SPIE and Materials Research Society Quan Li Department and University LCI Space Committee Peter Palffy-Muhoray Regional/National/International Chair, Organizer, “Liquid Crystals: New Results in Experiment and Theory” Mini Symposium, 2008 SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, PA Scientific Committee: 12th International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, Puebla, 2007. Scientific Committee: 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Lisbon, 2007. Jonathan Selinger Department and University Dissertation committees: Ramesh Raj and Lu Zou (Physics) Chair, Faculty Search Committee (joint CPIP/Biological Sciences) Chemical Physics Candidacy Exam Committee College Curriculum Committee Senator, Faculty Senate Facilitator, Provost’s Core Group on Philosophy of Undergraduate Education Library and Media Services Advisory Committee Chemical Physics Representative, AAUP Chapter Council Regional/National/International Associate Editor, Physical Review E (liquid crystal section) American Physical Society Committee on Meetings 58 Other Scholarly Activities, 2007-2008 Board of Directors, International Liquid Crystal Society Panelist, National Science Foundation proposal review panel Robin Selinger Department and University College Advisory Council Chemical Physics Admissions Committee Regional/National/International Co-chair, Liquid Crystal Day 2008 Qi-Huo Wei Department and University LCI Seminar Chair Chemical Physics Candidacy Exam Committee Chemical Physics Faculty Advisory Committee Chemical Physics Scholarship Committee Deng-Ke Yang Department and University Chemical Physics Faculty Advisory Committee LCI Space Committee Chemical Physics Admissions Committee 59 Table 15 LCI Seminar Program 2007-2008 2007 (Wednesdays unless noted otherwise) Sept. 12 Prof. Christopher Gorman, Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State University Dendrimers and Patterned Surfaces: Electron Transfer 'to' and ‘through’ for Molecular Electronics Oct. 10 Prof. Lorenzo Marrucci, The National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Naples, Italy ‘Spinning’ and ‘Twisting’ a Light Beam and Other Wavefront-Shaping Tricks Performed by Suitably Patterned Liquid Crystals Oct. 31 Prof. Ting Zhu, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Modeling Hyperelastic Crystals Nov. 7 Prof. Randall D. Kamien, University of Pennsylvania On the Stability of Large Angle Grain Boundaries Nov. 19 Monday Prof. Sahraoui Chaieb, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Wrinkling Instabilities in Monolayers and Bilayers Made of Chiral Lipids Nov. 26 Monday Dr. Bharat Acharya, Platypus Technologies, Madison, Wisconsin Unconventional Applications of Nematic Liquid Crystals: Polarization Management & Virus Detection Dec. 5 Dr. Rafael Verduzco, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Self-assembled Liquid Crystal Gels Dec. 12 Prof. L. Jay Guo, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan Nanoimprint Technology and its Application in Polymer Based Photonic Devices 2008 Jan. 14 Dr. Shanju Zhang, School of Polymer, Textile and Fiber Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Liquid Crystalline Self-Assembly in Bio and Nano Materials Jan. 16 Dr. Chanjoong Kim, Department of Physics and SEAS, Harvard University Perturbed Dynamics of Soft Materials: Colloidal Glasses and Gels Under Stress 60 LCI Seminar Program, 2007-2008 Jan. 30 Dr. Ruben Ramos Garcia, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Mexico Nonlinear Phase Contrast Microscope Using Dye-Doped Liquid Crystals Feb. 4 Prof. B. Zalar, Department of Solid State Physics, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Some Current Topics in Liquid Crystal Elastomer Research: Deuteron NMR Study of Paranematic-Nematic Transition Criticality and Piezoresistivity of Nanoparticle-Reprocessed Networks Feb. 6 Prof. Richard J. Spontak, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University Molecular Design of Nanostructured Block Copolymers as a Route to HighPerformance Electroelastomers March 5 Prof. Linda Hirst, Department of Physics, Florida State University Controlling Liquid Crystalline Phases in the Lipid Bilayer March 7 Friday Prof. Kenji Urayama, Dept. of Material Chemistry, Kyoto University Stimulus Response of Swollen Nematic Elastomers March 19 Prof. Mark Warner, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge UK Non-Linear Processes in Dyes and Nematic Photo-Elasticity March 26 Prof. Alexander G. Petrov, Director of the Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Liquid Crystal Physics and the Physics of Soft Matter April 2 Prof. Vladmir M. Agranovich, NanoTech Institute, University of Texas at Dallas, and Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences Negative Refraction, Polaritons and Negative Group Velocity April 16 Prof. Matthew A. Glaser, Department of Physics, University of Colorado Nanophase Segregation and Frustration: Chirality, Splay, and Curvature in Bent-Core Smectics April 30 Prof. Paul Goldbart, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chemical Gels and Their Structural and Elastic Heterogeneity: A Simple, Landau-Type Picture May 7 Prof. Robert H. Austin, Department of Physics, Princeton University DNA in Tight Places: Connecting Nanochannels with Evolution 61 Table 16 LCI Industrial Partnership Program and Liquid Crystal Display Research Facility Philip J. Bos, Director ADS Transicoil Collegeville, PA Hana Microdisplay Technologies Twinsburg, OH Advantech U.S. Pittsburgh, PA Flight Specialities Highland Heights, OH Anonymous Company Kent Displays Kent, OH Cambrios Technologies Corporation Mountain View, CA Liquid Crystal Technologies Cleveland, OH CoAdna Photonics Stow, OH Live Technologies Mt. Lawley, Australia Corning Corning, NY LXD Cleveland, OH Display Plastique Aurora OH NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA Dow Corning Midland, MI Sarnoff Princeton, NJ Dynamic Eye Amherst, NY Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre North York, Ontario, Canada Eastman Chemical Kingsport, TN Vescent Photonics Denver, CO Eastman Kodak Rochester, NY 62 Table 17 Research Facility Report The Liquid Crystal Institute Industrial Partnership Program (IPP) had a successful year. Activities during the year included the following: • We added a new member - Vescent Photonics • Active IPP members totaled 21 members (Table 16 ) • $75,881 was invoiced for work done in the prototyping facility (Table 18) • $8,300 (10%) of collected membership fees was transferred to a Liquid Crystal Institute account for support of conferences and research • $27,509 was transferred to the University as overhead (some of which will return to the LCI ) • A customized short course was presented to an IPP member company, April 24, 1998 • Monthly Newsletters were sent to IPP members and LCI faculty to inform them of new research, visitors to the LCI and general liquid crystal information. • Seminars and some graduate student talks were video taped and made available for viewing on the internet. I would like to thank Doug Bryant, Brenda Decker, Lynn Fagan, and Jim Maxwell for their help with these projects. Philip J. Bos Director Industrial Partnership Program 63 Table 18 Research Facility Services Invoice Date 7/12/2007 7/12/2007 7/12/2007 7/12/2007 7/12/2007 7/12/2007 7/12/2007 7/13/2007 7/13/2007 8/22/2007 8/22/2007 8/23/2007 8/22/2007 8/22/2007 8/24/2007 8/28/2007 8/28/2007 8/28/2007 8/28/2007 8/28/2007 10/05/2007 10/08/2007 10/08/2007 10/08/2007 10/08/2007 11/09/2007 11/15/2007 11/20/2007 11/20/2007 12/04/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 Service Client Liquid crystal material analysis Cleanroom use Laser repair use Cell fabrication and process tests Cell assembly; electrooptic characterization Inkjet printer, VPI scriber, other equipment Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Liquid crystal material analysis Bonding Laser repair use VPI scriber use Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Cell fabrication and process tests ITO-ITO test cell fabrication Cleanroom use; technician time VPI glass scribing Bonding Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Chrome on glass photomask w/electrode pattern Bonder set up and testing Cleanroom use, technician time Laser repair use Cleanroom use EDX analysis of substrates Bonding Characterization of gold coated grating surface Measurement of refractive indexes Laser repair use Cleanroom use, technician time Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Cleanroom use, technician time ITO test cell fabrication X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of substrates Flip Chip bonder use; technician time ADS/Transicoil CoAdna Photonics Inc. AlphaMicron Inc Dow Corning Corporation Cambrios Kent Displays Dynamic Eye, Inc. ADS/Transicoil Dynamic Eye, Inc. AlphaMicron Inc Kent Displays, Inc. Sarnoff Corporation Dow Corning Corporation Cambrios CoAdna Photonics Inc. Advantech Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dow Corning Corporation Sarnoff Corporation CoAdna Photonics Inc. AlphaMicron Inc Kent Displays, Inc. ADS/Transicoil Dynamic Eye, Inc. CoAdna Photonics Inc. CoAdna Photonics Inc. AlphaMicron Inc CoAdna Photonics Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. CoAdna Photonics Inc. Cambrios ADS/Transicoil Hana Microdisplay Technologies Inc. 64 Resource Facility Services, 2007-2008 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 1/29/2008 1/29/2008 1/29/2008 1/23/2008 1/28/2008 2/20/2008 2/20/2008 2/20/2008 3/13/2008 3/13/2008 3/13/2008 Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Photolithography service and testing Bonding Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Photolithography service and testing Bonding Flip Chip bonder use; technician time Cell fabrication of LCoS devices Cleanroom use, technician time Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Inkjet printer and other cleanroom equipment use Cleanroom use, technician time Cleanroom use Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time; materials Inkjet printer and other cleanroom equipment use Cleanroom use, office rent ITO coated soda-lime glass, 14"x14"x0.043" Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time, photolithography services Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Hana Microdisplay Technologies Inc Live Technologies Ltd CoAdna Photonics Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Kent Displays, Inc. CoAdna Photonics Inc. Display Plastique Corning Inc 5/19/2008 5/19/2008 5/19/2008 5/19/2008 5/19/2008 5/19/2008 Cleanroom use, technician time Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Cleanroom use Inkjet printer and other cleanroom equipment use Black Micropearl Spacers Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time, ACF bonding; materials CoAdna Photonics Inc. Corning Inc Display Plastique Kent Displays, Inc. LC-Technologies, Inc. Sarnoff Corporation 6/17/2008 6/17/2008 6/17/2008 6/17/2008 6/19/2008 6/17/2008 ORC Optibeam use Use of Laminar flow benches Use of Scriber and laser require equipment Cleanroom use Cleanroom use, technician time Custom cell fabrication, photomask layout and procurement Advantech Company C Kent Displays, Inc. Display Plastique CoAdna Photonics, Inc. Dow Corning Corporation 6/24/2008 Cleanroom use, evaporator use, XiOx evaporator instruction and training, office rent Vescent Photonics, Inc. 6/17/2008 6/17/2008 Custom TN cell fabrication Cleanroom use, office rent, technician time Liquid Crystal Technologies Dynamic Eye, Inc. 3/20/2008 3/20/2008 3/20/2008 5/19/2008 65 Kent Displays, Inc. Dynamic Eye, Inc. Anatoliy Glushchenko Dynamic Eye, Inc. Table 19 Education and Public Service Short Course Philip Bos, “Liquid Crystals: Materials and Display Devices,” April 2-4, 2008, Eastman Chemical Company, 15 participants. Outreach Date 1/25/08 Group Coventry Jr. HS, gifted 8th-9th grade students visited LCI and Chemistry for tours and demonstrations Participants 18 1/8/08 and 1/9/08 Stanton Middle School, gifted 7th grade students. Chemical Physics graduate students, C. Braganza, N. Diorio, S. Hicks, J. Neal, and S. Taushanoff assisted students with their science projects. 45 10/29/07 Kent Cub Scout Pak 3256 visited LCI for demonstrations and to see liquid crystals under a microscope 11 10/20/07 KSU Parents Day – LCI Open House Demonstrations and short lectures on liquid crystals 60 Undergraduates Summer Interns Mark Murphy, Ohio State University (Jákli), 6/25/07 – 8/25/07 Paul Murphy, Ohio State University (Jákli), 6/16/08 – 9/19/08 REU Summer 2008 Students conducting research at the LCI (Advisor) Hannah Ainsworth, Salem College, NC (Wei) Saba Hamidi, So. Carolina State Univ. (Jákli) Nara Lee, George Washington University (Lavrentovich) KSU Student Workers Kevin Ballard Chris Bruot William Eckert Kristin Gore Matthew Wayman Recruiting Chemical Physics graduate student, Lena Lopatina, traveled to National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv in December, 2007, to make a presentation on liquid crystals and the CPIP graduate program. She spoke to undergraduates and also graduate students working towards a Masters Degree. She distributed CPIP brochures and asked faculty to encourage their students to apply to Kent State University. Since her presentation she has received correspondence from students asking about the Chemical Physics graduate program and living in Kent. 66 APPENDICES I. Outreach Activities • Liquid Crystal Day, 2007 • Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program • Industrial Partnership Program and Liquid Crystal Display Research Facility • Technology Transfer II. Historical List of Grant Funding 1982-2008 III. Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals 1967 – 2008 67 Liquid Crystal Day October 12, 2007 (LC Day brochure attached here) 69 Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program (CPIP brochure attached here) 71 Industrial Partnership Program and Liquid Crystal Display Research Facility (IPP brochure attached here) 73 Technology Transfer (Tech Transfer brochure attached here) 75 Historical Data - Grants Awarded to LCI Scientists 1982-2008 Inception Year 1982 Grant # Category NSF 1983 1983 1983 NSF DMR83-09739 NSF DMR82-44461 1984 DAAKp20-84-0224 1984 NIH 1R01 GM27127-05Other Fed 1984 1984 1984 Ind/Other Other Fed Ind/Other 1985 1985 NSF DMR85-03219 NSF NSF Ind/Other Other Fed NSF Other Fed Agency Total award NSF Div. International Prgrm. Grant Period 1/82-12/84 233,700 142,500 10,000 6/83-10/85 6/83-5/85 6/83-5/84 200,000 9/84-8/86 NIH 40,516 1/84-12/85 Hughes Research Labs US Army/Battelle Research Exxon Educational Foundation 33,500 27,000 20,000 11/84-6/86 5/84-11/84 6/84-6/86 313,000 17,000 6/85-11/88 6/85-7/85 488,000 6/86-5/89 81,000 13,500 10,000 350,000 10/86-04/88 10/86-10/88 6/86-12/86 10/87-6/92 80,000 30,200 1987 1987 Exxon Educational Foundation US Army, Electronic R&D US Army, Metallurgy and Materials 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed 1987 1987 Ohio Ind/Other Ohio Board of Regents Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada 1987 1988 Ind/Other Other Fed Tektronix Corporation US Army Communications Ford Glass Division Soho Research Center DARPA/URI/Navy/ U. Penn 15,000 1,050,000 77 10/87-10/88 8/88-8/92 Project Title Chiral Liquid Crystals (distribution in foreign currency) Liquid Crystal Synthesis NMR Studies of Liquid Crystals Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Nonlinear Optical Processing in LC Materials: Combined Theoretical and Synthesis Program DMR Studies of Protein-Phosopholipid Bilayer Membranes Research Support Study of Nonlinear Optical Data Liquid Crystal Research NMR Studies of Liquid Crystals Liquid Crystal Dispersion Mechanical Stress Monitor Electrically Controlled Light Scattering from microdroplets of Nematic LC Dispersed in Solid Matrix Industrial Research Support Agreement Liquid Crystal Research Deuterium NMR of LC/Polymer Composites Science and Application of Polymer LCs and Related Materials Display Prototyping Unit (equipment grant) Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals Microdroplet Technology Research Optical Power Limiting LC Composites Inception Year Grant # 1988 Category Ohio NSF DMR88-17647 NSF DMR88-18561 1990 1991 444239/444207 442129 Ohio NSF ODOD 1991 1991 1991 1991 MDA972-91-J-1020 N00014-90-J-1559 Other Fed Other Fed Ind/Other Ind/Other DARPA HDDT Program DARPA, U Penn subaward Hughes Aircraft Edison Polymer Innovation Corp (EPIC) Vari-Lite Magnascreen Ajinomoto Corporation 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Total award ODOD/ Edison Program 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1991 1991 1991 NSF NSF NSF Ohio Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed Agency OBR Res. Chall. Tektronix Corporation Honeywell DARPA Grant Period 50,000 7/88-10/89 285,740 273,200 174,240 100,000 47,740 20,000 1,197,240 1/89-1/91 1/89-12/92 1/89-12/91 1989 3/89-3/90 6/89-5/90 3/90-6/93 9,500,000 22,000,000 1990-2002 02/91-01/02 1,147,000 227,000 147,000 180,000 9/91-8/94 1/91-6/92 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 370,000 256,500 199,507 17,671 16,992 500,000 77,918 1992 4/92-6/95 2/92-2/94 3/92-3/93 1992 1993 6/93-5/94 Ind/Other NSF NSF Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed Univ. So. California Tektronix Corporation GAR Foundation NASA 1993 Ind/Other Hewlett-Packard 30,374 4/93-3/94 1993 Ind/Other Korea Institute Sci. & Tech. 15,000 5/93-5/94 NSF DMR92-20130 NSF ECS90-20420 Keck Foundation 75,000 69,675 50,000 78 Project Title Development of PDLCs for Aircraft Window Shades Basic Studies of Polymer Dispersed LCs Liquid Crystal Synthesis Basic Studies of Polymer Dispersed LCs Polymer Liquid Crystal Synthesis Program Active Substrate Projection Microdroplet Materials Modeling of Optical Fibers with LC Cores National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology (NCIPT); (consortium USC, UCLA, KSU, MIT, Columbia U.) ALCOM Support ALCOM Center for Advanced LC Optical Materials (KSU 54%; CWRU 34%; U Akron 12%) PDLCs for High Definition Display Technologies High Definition Displays Hughes Aircraft Company Research Project ALCOM Administrative Support (total award $180,000; 54% KSU) Liquid Crystal Research Magnascreen Research Feasibility Study for Ferroelectric Smectic C LCs and Polymer Dispersions XPS Analysis of LC Alignment Layers Basic Studies of Polymer Dispersed LCs Electric Field Response of PDLCs Optically Controlled Phased Array Radar Tektronix Fellowship Display Prototyping Unit (equipment grant) Experimental Testing of Twisted Nematic and Super Twisted Nematic LC Displays Materials Synthesis and Fabrication of Thin Film Polarizers Visiting Scientist (Young Chul Kim) Inception Year Grant # Category Agency 1993 Other Fed National Research Council 1993 NSF NSF-NATO Other Fed Ohio Other Fed NSF Ind/Other Ohio Ind/Other NSF Other Fed Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed DARPA Ohio Board of Regents ARPA ARPA/ Fla Atlantic Univ 3M Company Portage County Schools Office of Naval Research Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 440131 440648 440213 440264 440232 444306 Total award 11,100 Grant Period 6/93-3/94 3/93-9/93 1,150,264 1,000,000 952,212 112,640 81,342 47,985 25,273 20,117 20,000 18,000 7,700 125,000 6/94-6/98 7/94-6/97 6/94-6/97 9/94-9/95 8/94-5/96 9/94-12/95 8/94-12/94 1/94-3/95 5/94-11/94 1994-1997 Oct-94 8/95-7/97 Image Quest Technologies Vari-Lite Samsung 69,797 68,721 67,086 1/95-12/95 3/95-4/96 8/95-11/96 Imax Corporation OBR Eisenhower Program Image Quest Technologies 1995 1995 1995 444404 1995 1995 1995 1995 444434 444430 440222 Ind/Other Ohio Ind/Other Ind/Other nChip OBR Eisenhower Prgm. Hughes Research Labs U.S.-Slovene Sci & Tech 58,214 47,254 40,000 33,000 10/95-9/96 9/95-12/96 3/95-3/97 1995-1997 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 444435 444424 Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed NSF NSF Ohio Other Fed Ind/Other Planar Meadowlark Optics NASA NSF; Gordon and Breach NSF; Gordon and Breach OBR DARPA/KDI sub W.M. Keck Fndn. 28,218 12,800 12,000 6,000 5,000 2,578,000 615,074 500,000 7/95-7/96 8/95-8/96 2/95-2/96 1/95-4/96 1/95-4/96 19967/96-6/99 1996- 444423 442161 442600 444327 Fndn 79 Project Title Structures in Large Surface-to-Volume Ratio Nematic Systems NATO Advanced Research Workshop: SpatioTemporal Patterns in Nonequilibrium Complex Systems Reflective Polymer Stabilized LCD ALCOM Equipment Reflective polymer Stabilized LC Displays Science and Math on the Net (SAM-Net) Liquid Crystal Light Valve Science and Math on the Net (SAM-Net) Optical modeling of Active Matrix Displays Surface Anchoring and Alignment in PDLCs Optically Active Device 3M Fellowship Portage County SAM-Net (computer equipment) LCD Devices from Conducting Polymer Substrates Development of Wide Viewing Angle LCD Passive Projection Display Comparison of Four Domain Alignment Techniques Liquid Crystals on Silicon Science and Math on the Net (SAM-Net) LC Materials and Devices LC Polymer Dispersions and Related Microconfined Systems Active Compensation Cell Research Switchable Cholesteric Polarizer Evaluation of NASA Polymers Conference on Dynamics and Defects in LCs Conference on Dynamics and Defects in LCs LC Display Research Center Power Efficient Reflective Cholesteric Displays Cleanroom construction Inception Year Grant # Category Agency Total award Grant Period 1996 444328 Other Fed AFOSR MURI/CalTech 423,756 11/96-10/01 1996 444321 Other Fed DARPA 137,700 6/96-5/00 1996 1996 1996 1996 444615 444456 444641 444329 Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed IMAX Corp. Rockwell Science Center S-VISION Office of Naval Research 134,000 118,399 60,000 50,000 9/96-12/99 6/96-6/97 10/96-9/97 12/96-5/98 1996 1996 444451 Other Fed NSF Wright Patterson AFB NSF & Shlodowska Fndn. 47,592 23,000 5/96-9/96 1996-1999 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 Foundation Foundation Foundation 440217 444621 Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed Ind/Other 250,000 250,000 100,000 15,867 13,751 1996 8/96-7/98 1996 1996 1996 444109 444608 442221 Other Fed Ind/Other NSF Dai Nippon Wintek Nitto Denko DARPA/Fla. Atlantic Univ. Ministry of Education, Taiwan NASA Gov't. of Korea 10,000 10,000 5,000 10/96-3/97 8/96-7/97 5/96-9/96 1996 444310 Other Fed Office of Naval Research 5,000 5/96-9/96 1996 1997 1997 1997 Fndn 444664 444636 Ind/Other Other Fed Ind/Other Other Fed M. Holden Jennings Fndn. NIST/Colorlink sub Dai Nippon NIST 3,450 200,000 110,176 100,000 2/96-2/97 5/97-6/00 4/97-8/98 7/97-7/99 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 444112/444120 444618 444650 444652 Other Fed Ind/Other Ohio Ohio Ohio NSF NASA Goddard Ctr. Vari-Lite OBR OBR OBR Res. Chall. NSF/Moxtek sub 99,100 71,416 64,000 64,000 64,000 34,804 3/97-5/99 9/97-9/98 7/97-6/00 7/97-6/99 7/97-6/99 10/97-10/98 442102 80 Project Title Alignment and Packing Behavior of LC and LCP…. Reflective Cholesteric Displays: Dynamic Drive and Surface Topography Issues LC Glasses Improvements Synthesis of Chiral LC Diacrylates Liquid Crystals on Silicon Optical Study of Structure and Dynamics in Advanced Polymer Stabilized LC Systran Visiting Scientist (Wiff) Investigation of the Influence of Structure Factors on Stability of Smectic C* and CA Phases in Compounds and Mixtures Teaching Lab Equipment LCI/Materials Science Building LCI Support Diffractive Device Investigation PDLC for Holographic Recording Applications Alignment Properties Polyimide Alignment Films 16th International Liquid Crystal Conference Support 16th International Liquid Crystal Conference Support Project LCs for Elementary Teachers Color Sequential Imaging Optimization of Smectic A PDLC Films Information Dynamics in ALCOM/NIST Phase Separation Project Development of LC Devices for Astronomy PSCT Materials for Projection Displays Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering Facility at APS Viewing Angle Improving Films for LC Displays Biological Lyotropic LCs Wire Grid Polarizers for LCD Inception Year Grant # 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 444644 444331 220232 444115 1997 1997 1997 Category Agency Optical Imaging Systems Office of Naval Research Japan Synthetic Rubber NASA NASA 442231 444648 Ind/Other Other Fed Ind/Other Other Fed Other Fed NSF Ind/Other 444647 444635 444114 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 Total award Grant Period Civilian R&D Foundation 27,975 20,900 20,000 20,000 20,000 18,867 15,212 7/97-12/97 6/97-11/97 4/97-10/98 5/97-5/98 5/97-5/98 2/97-1/98 7/97-12/99 Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed Civilian R&D Foundation George Mason Univ. NASA 11,000 10,000 1,500 7/97-12/99 1/97-1/98 1/97-12/97 444324 444694 442117 444332 445269 444325 444673 444699 Ohio Other Fed Other Fed NSF Other Fed Ind/Other Other Fed Ind/Other Ind/Other OBR Res. Chall. AFOSR DARPA/Sarnoff Sub NSF EHR U.S. DOD/ BNL sub Kent Displays Wright Patterson AFB 3M Co. Motorola 750,000 362,000 226,712 160,000 150,000 137,338 125,000 89,000 51,225 02/98-01/00 3/98-9/99 8/98-9/01 10/98-9/00 6/98-5/00 10/98-4/00 5/98-9/99 2/98-2/99 9/98-5/01 1998 1998 1998 444210 444122 444672 Other Fed Ind/Other Ind/Other NATO - Slovenia Collab. Cal Tech-Jet Propulsion Hitachi 29,300 20,000 20,000 12/98-12/01 9/98-8/99 3/98-3/99 1998 1998 442106 Ind/Other NSF Hughes Research Labs NSF/CNRS (France) 20,000 19,500 3/98-3/99 5/98-4/01 1998 444629 Other Fed NATO Intnl. Sci. Exch. 9,607 9/98-9/00 1998 444676 Ind/Other Philippines DOST 8,200 3/98-3/99 1999 440602 Other Fed ONR 265,000 7/99-6/01 1999 444209 Other Fed AFOSR/DAGSI 126,340 8/99-12/01 81 Project Title Photo-curable LC Monomers Conductive Polymer Displays Visiting Scientist, Japan Synthetic Rubber Evaluation of NASA Polymers Evaluation of NASA Polymers Real Physics On-line Photo-alignment of Nematic LCs on Polyimide Polymer Layers Surface Properties and Effects in LCs Surface Alignment of Nematic LC Studies on Dynamics and Optics of 0-360 Twist Bistable LCD ALCOM Support (equipment) LC Blazed Gratings for Laser Beam Steering Fabrication of PDLC Test Displays School Based Remote Experiments on Web Broadband Beam Steering Conductive Polymer Displays WPAFB IPA Visiting Scientist (Wiff) Alignment and Defects of 3M Lyotropic LCs Optimization and Modeling of Full-Color Displays for Portable Applications LCD Optical Shutter for Eye Protection Devices High Performance LCs for Laser Communications Dynamics of Twisted Nematic Devices (Hitachi Visiting Scientist) High Performance LCs for Laser Communications Structure and Defects in Lamellar Thermotropic and Lyotropic Soft Matter Systems Computational, Experimental and Theoretical Studies of 1D Confined LCs Synthesis/Characterization of Anti-FE LCs and Polymers Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric LC Diffraction Gratings Active/Passive Optical Sensor Research Inception Year Grant # Category Agency 1999 1999 444211 444222 Ind/Other Ind/Other Dimensional Media Nitto Denko 1999 444215 Ohio OBR Eisenhower Prgm. 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 444223 444208 442150 444216 444412 Ind/Other Ind/Other NSF NSF NSF Ind/Other Santec Systems Kent Displays NSF EHR NSF/KDI subaward NSF/Moxtex sub Vari-Lite 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 442125 444213 442124 442126 444224 444212 NSF Ind/Other NSF NSF Other Fed Other Fed 1999 442135 NSF 1999 444710 Ind/Other Garland Floor Co. 1999 1999 444217 444214 Ind/Other Other Fed Horn Labs AFOSR 2000 2000 2000 444226 444230 444263 Other Fed Other Fed Other Fed DARPA DARPA (Rockwell sub) DARPA 2000 2000 2000 440810 444715 444220 Ohio Ohio Ind/Other Ohio Board of Regents OBR Res. Chall. Dupont 2000 2000 444231 444221 Ind/Other Ohio Boulder Nonlinear OBR Res. Chall. Tutco NSF International AFOSR Wright Patterson AFB Total award 80,315 74,000 Grant Period PSCT for Multiplanar Displays Viewing Angle Enhancements with Compensating Films 61,293 9/99-12/00 Integrating School Based Experiments into Science Curriculum 60,000 12/99-11/01 LC Ultrasonic Transducer 59,140 7/99-3/00 High Twisting Power Chiral Materials 51,228 10/99-1/02 Remote Experiments in Science Curriculum 36,140 1/99-6/99 Chiral Materials Chemistry 34,804 8/99-7/01 Wire Grid Polarizers for LCD 30,000 3/99-8/99 PSCT Materials for Projection Displays (continuation of #444618) 28,600 02/99-01/02 Nonlinear Optics of Lyotropic LCs 28,500 5/99-5/00 PDLC for Oventop Applications 28,440 02/99-01/02 Photoalignment of LCs 28,440 2/99-1/00 Photoalignment of LCs 23,000 6/99-6/00 Polymeric E-O Modulators 21,850 9/99-11/99 WPAFB IPA Visiting Scientist (Wiff) (previously #444325) 14,600 10/99-01/02 Photoalignment of Low-Weight Photo-Crosslinking Materials 13,032 2/99-6/00 Feasibility Study of Transparent Conductive Coatings 10,000 11/99-11/00 Adaptive Eye Protection 5/99-11/01 Visiting Scientist (Don Wiff) (previously # 444212; 444325) 2,423,208 06/01/00 - 06/01/03LC Based Optical Phase Array for Steering Lasers 637,057 9/6/00-8/31/04 LC Agile Beam Steering 341,000 6/30/00-8/31/04 LC Based Optical Phased Arrays for Steering Lasers 197,600 7/00-9/02 Basic Clean Room Techniques 143,810 1/00-6/01 Equipment - Microcalorimetry System 120,000 1/00-1/03 Optical Properties of Holographic Elements in Display Applications 112,500 8/00-1/02 Steered Agile Beams 100,000 1/00-6/01 Chromonic LCs 82 7/99-6/00 12/99-6/01 Project Title Inception Year Grant # Category Agency 2000 2000 2000 444228 444218 444225 Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Displaytech ACS Petroleum Res. Fund Boulder Nonlinear 2000 2000 2001 442147 444227 444102 NSF Other Fed Other Fed DARPA NASA 2001 444235 Ind/Other Boulder Nonlinear 2001 444241 Ind/Other Samsung 2001 2001 444242 444245 Ind/Other Ind/Other Intel CoAdna 2001 444240 Ind/Other Samsung 2001 2001 444233 444244 Ohio Ind/Other Ohio Board of Regents Nitto Denko 2001 2001 2001 444232 444234 444238 NSF Ind/Other Other Fed NSF/KDI sub Matsushita Electric AFRL/DAGSI 2001 2001 2001 444236 444237 444243 Other Fed Other Fed Ind/Other DARPA/Hughes Sub DARPA/Hughes Sub Chromalux 2002 2002 Fndn 442232 Ind/Other NSF Ohio Eminent Scholar 2002 444253 Other Fed USAF 2002 444249 Ohio ODOD Total award 99,000 60,000 33,000 Grant Period C1 SSFLC Bistable Device Optimization Project Coalescence of LC Lens Development of LC Materials for Direct Energy Contact 28,200 09/00-01/02 Cholesteric LC Laser Sensors in Optical Fibers 3,501 Aug-00 Rockwell Grant Travel 654,066 1/16/01-7/15/05 LC Based Beam Steering Device and Optical Telescopes 156,370 3/01-2/03 Development of Polymer and Chiral Materials for FE-LCD 143,641 3/01-5/03 Modeling and Improvements to Pi-Cell type Devices for AMLCD applications 142,151 6/1/01-5/30/04 Research Project for Intel Corporation 96,189 10/01-10/02 Tunable Filters for Telecommunications Applications 89,940 04/01-01/02 Novel LC Materials with High Birefringence and Low Rotational Viscosity for Field Sequential Color Reflective LCDs 70,000 3/01-12/02 Electro-optical Devices from Banana-Shaped LCs 62,054 9/01-8/02 Polymer Walls for Ruggedized LCDs using Plastic Substrates 60,000 01/01-06/02 High Twisting Power Chiral Materials 50,000 4/01-3/03 Trans-reflective LCD 46,951 7/1/01 - 12/31/03 Carbon nanotube-Reinforced LC Structural Composites by Electron Beam Curing 35,000 2/01-6/01 High Birefringence LCs for Optical Beam Steering 15,000 2/01-6/01 Custom Synthesis LC Compounds 6,248 07/01-09/01 Resolution of Electron Beam Addressed LC Displays 750,000 2002 Ohio Eminent Scholars Program (endowment) 480,000 6/1/02-5/31/06 Tunable Mirrorless Lasing in Cholesteric LC Elastomers 379,998 7/1/02-9/17/03 Prism Rotator Beam-steering Component and 2D Optical Phased Array Wavefront Corrector (THOR) 282,000 5/1/02-7/31/03 ALCOM Support 83 9/00 - 8/03 1/1/00-8/31/02 3/00-12/00 Project Title Inception Year Grant # Category Agency 2002 444247 Other Fed USAF/UCF/Ratheon 2002 2002 444521 Ohio Other Fed OBR Res. Chall. AFOSR/BNL 2002 440636 Other Fed AFRL/Anteon 2002 2002 2002 442234 444251 444248 NSF Other Fed Other Fed ONR/KDI USAF/U C Florida sub 2002 2003 444252 771203 Ind/Other Ohio Cubic Defense Systems 2003 2003 441149 440218 Other Fed Ohio Congress Approp. ODOD/Wright Ctr. 2003 2003 444260 444259 Ind/Other Other Fed Samsung AFOSR/Cornerstone 2003 2003 444255 442235 Ohio NSF ODOD/AlphaMicron sub 2003 442236 NSF 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 444257 444262 444258 444254 444256 444265 Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed Hana Photon-X SAIC-Army/KDI sub Viztec Polydisplay (sub?) US Army/UCF sub 2004 2004 444268 444270 Ind/Other NSF Samsung NYU/Courant sub Total award Grant Period Project Title 90,000 1/1/02-12/31/03 Development of High Birefringence LCs for Optical Beam Steering 80,000 2/02 - 12/03 Pathogen Detection by Lyotropic LCs 78,185 7/02-2/03 Polymer-Stabilized Ferroelectric LC for Analog Switching 52,592 5/1/02-6/30/04 Numerical and Experimental Studies on Isotropic LC Binary Mixtures 29,840 9/1/02-8/31/05 28,500 6/02-5/03 Black & White Cholesteric Displays 20,000 1/28/02-6/30/02 Development of High Birefringence LCs for Optical Beam Steering 13,467 7/23/02-11/30/02 Polymer Dispersed LC Shutters Research Project 1,640,000 7/10/03-7/09/06 Flexible Optical and Electronic Device Manufacturing Facility 471,913 9/30/03-9/29/05 Center for LC Science and Education 400,000 11/1/03-6/30/08 Wright Center of Innovation for Advanced Data Management and Analysis 340,000 8/1/03-7/31/10 Sponsored Research Agreement 240,000 9/1/03-5/30/06 Conductive LC Elastomers for Aircraft Wing Structures 196,253 1/1/03-9/30/04 LC Eyewear 190,000 8/15/03 - 7/31/05 Acquisition and Development of Fast Confocal Polarizing Microscopy for Liquid Crystal Materials Research and Education 100,000 9/15/03 - 8/31/04 ACT/SGER: LC Materials for Biosensor Development 100,000 6/1/03-5/31/06 Inorganic Alignment Layer Project 82,000 12/5/03-11/30/04 Sponsored Research Agreement 50,000 7/24/03-6/30/04 Encapsulated Cholesteric Displays 29,159 1/1/03-12/31/03 Commercialization of Plastic LC Displays 153,355 1/1/04-12/31/04 Ultra-thin Flexible Full Color LC Displays 150,000 5/24/04-5/23/07 Foveated, Wide Field-of-View Imaging Sensor for Missile Warning/Tracking Using Adaptive Optics 120,000 1/1/04-12/31/05 Sponsored Research Agreement 100,000 9/1/04-8/31/06 SGER: Modeling the Dynamics of Shape Change in LC Elastomer Systems 84 Inception Year Grant # Category Agency 2004 2004 2004 440644 442244 444755 Ohio NSF Ohio OBR Res. Chall. 2004 2004 2004 444269 444267 444539 Ind/Other Other Fed Other Fed Steridian Corp. SAIC-Army/KDI sub Homeland Sec/NEOUCOM 2004 444272 Ind/Other US CRDF 2004 444266 Ind/Other US CRDF 2004 2005 2005 444264 444547 444280 Ind/Other Foundation Ohio Hanna W.M. Keck Fndn. ODOD/Wright Ctr. 2005 442198 NSF 2005 442191 NSF 2005 444277 Other Fed 2005 442242 NSF 2005 444276 Other Fed AFRL/Cornerstone 2005 Fndn Ind/Other Intel 2005 444279 Other Fed ONR 2005 440650 Ohio OBR Res. Chall. 2005 440442 Ohio Ohio Bd Regents Total award Ohio Bd Regents Grant Period Project Title 64,167 1/1/04-12/31/05 Theoretical Study of Domains in Membranes 63,433 4/1/04-3/31/07 58,941 1/1/04-12/31/05 Fluorothiophenes - A New Class of Chevron-free Ferroelectric Materials with Promising Electrooptic Device and Semiconductor Applications 47,000 10/15/04-6/15/05 Sponsored Research Agreement 44,000 5/16/04-12/31/04 Sponsored Research Agreement 30,000 2/16/04-2/15/05 Rapid Detection of Fluid-borne Pathogens using LCs 16,000 6/25/04-6/24/06 Insight in the Physical Phenomena Behind Light Absorption Induced Surface Anchoring 12,400 11/1/04-10/31/06 Lyotropic Chromonic LCs: A New Material for Advanced Biosensing and Optical Applications 2,000 3/18/04-3/17/05 Hana Characterization Project 385,934 6/30/05-6/30/06 Laboratory Equipment Proposal 365,235 6/6/05-6/5/08 Wright Center for Multifunctional Polymer Nanomaterials and Devices (CMPND) 360,000 11/1/05-12/31/06 Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy of 3D Director Configurations in LCs 313,978 8/15/05-7/31/08 Collaborative Research FRG: Ferroelectric Phenomena in Soft Matter Systems 270,305 9/1/05-8/31/07 Finite Element Modeling of Projectiles and Indentation 258,199 4/15/05 - 7/31/05 Acquisition of an Imaging Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer 225,000 5/15/05-5/14/07 STTR Phase II: Conductive LC Elastomer for Aircraft Gap Treatment 189,000 10/1/05-9/30/08 Polarization Independent Etalon Based LC Devices 110,556 10/1/05-9/30/08 Tracking Nanoparticle Motion to Elucidate Mechanisms for Anomalous thermal Transport in Nanofluids 60,000 1/10/05-12/31/06 Biaxial Nematic and Smectic Phases and Critical Phenomena in Bent-Core and Tetrapodic Mesogens 59,948 1/15/05 - 12/31/06 Nanotechnology, LCs and Drug Delivery NIST 85 Inception Year Grant # Category Agency Total award Grant Period Project Title 9/1/05-8/31/07 Simulation Studies of Shape Selection in Chiral Molecular Self-Assembly Sponsored Research Agreement Sponsored Research Agreement Stressed LC Materials: Electro-optics and Use in Displays Development of High Birefringence LCs for Infrared Applications 3D Structures and Defects in LC Biopolymers Support Expertise for Sensor Directorate New LC Materials Facility S-STEM Scholarships for Broadening Participation Sciences Extension Proposal (LC Based Optical Phases Array for Steering Lasers) Electric Field Effects in LCs with Dielectric Dispersion MURI on Self-Assembled Soft Optical NIMS Modeling Actuation and Shape Selection in Soft Materials Fluid Phases of Bent-Core Molecules-Novel Physics and Applications Fluorinated Polyimide Alignment Layer Research STTR Phase II: Photochemically Switched Chiral Materials for Chiral Nematic Displays Conducting Polymer Substrates Energy Conversion Based on Giant Flexoelectric Effect in Bent-Core Nematic LCs Studies of Lyotropic Chromonic LCs for Internal Compensators and Polarizers Studies of Lyotropic Chromonic LCs for Internal Compensators and Polarizers Bent Core LCs for Fast Switching Electric Field Induced Biaxial (EFIB) Displays LC Displays doped with Ferroelectric Nanoparticles 2005 444284 Ind/Other ACS Petroleum Fund 56,603 2005 2005 2005 444274 444273 440447 Other Fed Ind/Other Ind/Other AFRL/Displaytech Samsung Samsung 55,000 4/1/05-7/31/06 45,932 3/1/05-6/30/05 40,000 4/30/05-4/30/06 2005 444278 Other Fed AFOSR/Cornerstone 40,000 2005 2005 2006 2006 444271 444275 442216 442222 Ind/Other Other Fed NSF NSF IICAM USAF/Anteon sub 20,000 7/1/05-6/30/06 7,497 1/3/05-3/31/05 899,235 6/1/06-5/31/09 499,926 9/15/06-8/31/11 2006 444285 Other Fed AFRL 451,450 3/10/06-6/30/08 2006 440606 Other Fed US Dept Energy 322,526 8/15/06-8/14/10 2006 2006 444286 442220 Other Fed NSF AFOSR 253,532 5/1/06-9/30/07 200,000 8/15/06-7/31/09 2006 442218 NSF 2006 2006 Fndn 444201 Ind/Other NSF Dupont NSF/KDI sub 160,000 6/1/06-1/31/09 150,000 7/1/06-12/31/07 2006 2006 440623 Other Fed Other Fed ONR/KDI subaward ONR 140,000 8/06-7/98 122,262 12/18/06-12/31/07 2006 440462 Ind/Other Samsung 100,000 11/1/06-10/31/07 2006 440464 Ind/Other Samsung 100,000 11/1/06-10/31/07 2006 440465 Ind/Other Samsung 100,000 11/1/06-10/31/07 2006 440466 Ind/Other Samsung 100,000 11/1/06-10/31/07 172,998 86 8/1/05-4/30/06 7/1/06-6/30/09 Inception Year Grant # Category Agency Total award Grant Period 2006 2006 2006 2006 444287 444288 440467 444282 Ohio Other Fed Ind/Other Ohio ODOD USAF/Dynamic Eye sub Samsung OBR Res. Chall. 2006 444283 Ohio OBR Res. Chall. 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 444289 440468 444281 444204 444205 444295 444292 Ind/Other Ind/Other Ind/Other Other Fed Ohio Ind/Other Ohio Displaytech Samsung Comex-Pic AFOSR ODOD/KDI sub PixelOptics ODOD/U Akron sub 59,998 50,000 46,000 10,430 930,000 400,000 300,000 11/1/06-12/31/07 11/1/06-10/31/07 1/12/06-11/11/06 4/1/06-11/30/06 2/26/07-2/25/10 12/1/07-11/30/08 2/26/07-2/25/10 2007 440624 Other Fed ONR 138,000 3/6/07-3/31/08 2007 442249 NSF 122,000 9/1/07-8/31/08 2007 442107 NSF 2007 444293 Ind/Other Gen Dynamics 70,000 6/21/07-6/30/08 2007 440621 Ohio OBR Res. Chall. 50,000 1/1/07-12/31/08 2007 444202 Ohio OBR 50,000 1/15/07-1/14/08 2007 444203 Ohio OBR Res. Chall. 50,000 6/1/07-12/31/08 2007 444771 Ohio OBR 50,000 1/15/07-1/14/08 2007 444294 NSF NSF/KDI subaward 25,000 7/1/07-12/31/07 Project Title 100,000 7/1/06-6/30/07 New LC Materials Facility 98,057 9/1/06-8/31/08 Segmented Flash Blindness Lenses 67,000 11/1/06-10/31/07 Advanced OCB2 60,000 1/15/06-1/14/08 Tracking Nanoparticle Motion to Elucidate Mechanisms for Anomalous thermal Transport in Nanofluids 60,000 1/15/06-1/14/07 Light-harvesting Semiconducting Discotic LCs for Organic Nanostructured Photovoltaics: New Opportunity and New Challenge 92,000 9/15/07-8/31/10 87 Sponsored Research Agreement OCB Transreflective Mobile LCD LC Elastomers as Smart Pigments in Paints Workshop on Negative Index Materials Flexible LC Film Manufacturing Alliance PixelOptics Super Vision Project Commercialization of Functional Polyimide Films and Nanocomposites Integrated Instrumentation Suite for Exploring Enhanced Thermal Conductivity in Nanofluids (equipment) Materials World Network on Lyotropic Chromonic LCs Collaborative Research in Europe on LCs (CRELIC-IRES) Electrically and Optically Turnable Chiral Molecules for Optical Applications Chromonic LCs as New System for Controlled Drug Delivery Nanofluidic Lab on Chip for Low Abundance Protein Isolation Energy-Saving Switchable LC Architectural Window Creating Nanophotonic Meta-atoms by Programmable Bottom-up DNA Self-Assembly and Metallization Photochemically Switched Chiral Materials for Chiral Nematic Displays Inception Year Grant # Category Agency 2007 444290 NSF IICAM 2007 442107 NSF NSF 2007 444295 Other Fed Dept. of Defense; Pixel Optics subaward 2007 444296 Ind/Other Samsung 2007 444297 Ind/Other Samsung 2007 444298 Ind/Other Samsung 2007 2007 444299 444300 Ind/Other Ind/Other Samsung Samsung 2008 2008 444302 444303 Ind/Other NSF Evans Capacitor Co. NSF/KDI subaward 2008 444305 Ind/Other 2008 2008 444306 444776 Ind/Other Ohio Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Vistakon Division NorTech Ohio Board of Regents 2008 444304 Ind/Other Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter Total Awards Total award 20,000 Grant Period Project Title 7/1/07-6/30/08 Theory of "Scar" Defects in Soft Materials with Orientational Order: Building Blocks for SelfAssembly 92,000 9/165/07-8/31/10 Collaborative Research in Europe on Liquid Crystals (CRELIC-IRES) 400,000 12/1/07-11/30/08 Pixel Optics Super Vision Project 80,000 12/1/07-11/30/08 Simulation Study of Field Induced Reorientation of BNLC 80,000 12/1/07-11/30/08 Plasmonic Subwavelength Structures for Active Color Generation and Tuning with Liquid Crystals for Display Applications 80,000 12/1/07-11/30/08 Liquid Crystal Display Doped with Ferroelectric Nanoparticles (Phase II) 80,000 12/1/07-11/30/08 Synthesis of Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals 100,000 12/1/07-11/30/08 Studies of Lyotropic Chromonic LCs for Internal Compensators and Polarizers 1,460 4/1/08-5/31/08 Prototype Capacitor Development 250,000 1/1/08-12/31/09 Photochemically Switched Chiral Materials for Chiral Nematic Displays, Phase II 108,870 5/15/08-12/31/08 Sponsored Research Agreement 50,000 6/12/08-6/30/09 Development of Electronic Greenhouses 48,618 1/15/08-1/14/10 Organization of Flexoelectric and Blue Phase Bimesogens 2,000 5/1/08-4/30/09 Science Education / Outreach Activities 77,546,817 88 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation 1967 Advisor/Department GULRICH, LESLIE Brown Chemistry X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Nematic Structure of p-methoxybenzylidene p'-cyanoaniline * DuPont 1970 WILLEY, DAVID Brown Chemistry The Thermodynamics of Dilute Solutions using Selected Liquid Crystalline Solvents * Industry, Akron 1972 LEE, Y.S. Brown Chemistry An Ultrasonic Shear Wave Study of the Mechanical Properties of a Nematic Liquid Crystal * Industry, Taiwan 1972 LESSER, DAVID Brown Chemistry Crystal Structure Analysis of X-Ray of 2,2'-Dibromo-4,4'-bis-(pmethoxybenzylideneamino) Biphenyl * August 1972 HSU, Y.Y. Fishel Chemistry Studies of Liquid Crystals: Part I - Synthesis and Characterization of Selectively Deuterated Compounds with Mesomorphic Properties; Part II - Synthesis of Novel Schiffs Bore Compounds and the Investigation of Binary Systems with Nemorphic Properties * Consultant, California December 1972 WILSON, JACK Uhrich Mossbauer Effect in a Smectic Liquid Crystal * Retired Physics March 1973 VISINTAINER, JAMES Doane Physics Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the Nematic Liquid Crystalline Phase * Research Scientist, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio March 1973 WISE, RAYMOND Doane Physics A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Smectic C Liquid Crystals * Retired June 1973 FELLNER, HANS G. Franklin/Christensen Light Scattering from Liquid Crystals * Professor, Slippery Rock University, PA August 1973 DETJEN, ROBERT E. Uhrich Physics A Mossbauer Investigation of the Lattice Dynamics of the Smectic Liquid Crystalline State August 1973 KESS, SHARON Franklin The Photostatistics of Brillouin Scattering by a Liquid Crystal * IBM Corp., R&D, Vermont Physics * 89 Physics Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date August Name, Title of Dissertation 1973 December 1973 MURPHY, JOHN A. Doane NMR Pulsed Gradient Studies of Diffusion in Liquid Crystals * Keithley Instruments, Solon, Ohio Advisor/Department Physics NANDY, PAPIYA Saupe Physics Theoretical Studies of the Electrohydrodynamic Instabilities in Nematic Liquid Crystals * Instructor of Physics, Jadavpur University March 1974 SCHENZ, ANNE FILLER Neff Optical and Faraday Studies of Liquid Crystals * General Foods, White Plains, NY Chemistry June 1974 CHU, KWO-SUN Moroi Physics Theories of Intermolecular Potential and Molecular Diffusion in the Mesophases of Liquid Crystalline Systems * Retired (NY) June 1974 CHUNG, DAVID BUU-VINH Brown Chemistry An X-Ray Study of the Crystal Structure and the Smectic E Structure of a Smectogenic Liquid Crystal -- Di-n-Propyl-p-terphenyl-4,4"-carboxylate * Research Scientist, Intel Corp., Santa Clara, CA December 1974 CHIN, JOHN S.H. Neff Chemistry The Effect of Compressibility on the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Crystals * June 1975 PHOTINOS, PANAGIOTIS J. Saupe Physics Mean Field Study of the Formation of Uniaxial Smectic Liquid Crystals with Polarized Layers * Professor and Chair, Dept. of Physics, Southern Oregon State University, Ashland, OR December 1975 BERMAN, ARTHUR L. Gelerinter Physics Optical Studies of Electric Field Effects in Nematic Liquid Crystals That Have Some Smectic Ordering * Optical Shields Corp., Menlo Park CA June 1976 AIMIUWU, VICTOR Q. Uhrich Physics Fe-57 Mossbauer Study of Four Ferrocene Derivatives in a Smectic B Liquid Crystalline Glass August 1976 MORITZ, ELAN Franklin Physics A Class of Nonlinear Electrohydrodynamic Effects in a Nematic Liquid Crystal * Research Scientist, US Naval Coastal Systems, Panama City FL * December 1976 FLICK, CATHERINE M. Gelerinter Physics An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of the Action of Selected Polyene Antibiotics on Lipid Planar Multibilayers (Model Membranes) * John Wollman Enterprises, Indiana December 1976 UKLEJA, PAUL Doane Physics Spin-Lattice Relaxation and Director Fluctuations in Nematic Liquid Crystals * Professor, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth 90 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation Advisor/Department June 1978 BOS, PHILIP J. Doane Physics NMR Studies of Orientational Order in the Smectic C Liquid Crystalline Phase * Professor, Chemical Physics Program, Kent State University June 1978 DSIDOCKY, RICHARD Fishel Chemistry Investigations of Liquid Crystals: Part I. The Effect of Terminal Substitutent Branching on Mesogenic Behavior of Phenyl Benzoates. Part II. Synthesis of Novel Organotin Compounds Exhibiting Liquid Crystalline Behavior * Research Scientist, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio August 1978 LAPRICE, WALTER J. Uhrich Physics Iron-57 Mossbauer Temperature Study of Nematic, Smectic B and Smectic H Liquid Crystalline Glasses * Materials Engineer, Westinghouse, Pittsburgh, PA December 1978 BRISBIN, DOUGLAS J. Johnson Physics Divergence of the Bend Curvature Coefficient above the Nematic-Smectic A Phase Transition: Freedericksz Transition * Research Scientist, General Dynamics Corp., Los Angeles, CA December 1978 MAJOROS, STEPHEN J. Johnson Physics A Test of Curvature Elasticity Above the Nematic-Smectic A Phase Transition * Lorrain Co. Community College, Elyria OH June GRADDICK, WILLIAM Spielberg Physics The Effect of Calcium on the Thermotropic Phase Behavior of Dipalmitol Phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) Multilayers 1979 * June 1980 NAIKSATAM, PRAKASH Fishel Chemistry Structure-Property Relationships of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals * Brookhaven National Lab August 1980 BAGINSKI, GERARD H. Saupe Physics Proton Magnetic Resonance Study on Iron bis(cyclopentadienyl) in Nematic Solutions * August 1980 EKACHAI, ARUN Spielbertg/deVries X-Ray and Optical Studies of Several Smectic Phases * Lecturer, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Physics August 1980 SETHNA, VIJAY N. Spielberg/deVries Physics X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Skewed Cybotactic Nematic Phases * Industrial Scientist, Kaiser Electronics, San Jose, CA August 1980 VAZ, NUNO A. Doane Physics Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Orientational Order in Lyotropic Liquid Crystals * Research Scientist, General Motors, Warren, Michigan December 1980 DEHOFF, RICHARD J. Johnson Physics Specific Heat in the Vicinity of a Nematic-Smectic A-Smectic C Multicritical * Research Scientist, Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton OR 91 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation December 1980 Advisor/Department HAVEN, THOMAS J. Saupe Physics Elastic and Viscous Properties of Nematic Systems in Aqueous Decylammonium Chloride Solutions * Research Scientist, Sarif, Vancouver, Washington December 1980 RICHARDS, BERNARD L. Moroi Physics Rotational Diffusion in Nematic Liquid Crystals * Assistant Professor, Stark Campus, Kent State University May 1981 LOCKHART, THOMAS E. Gelerinter Physics Indices of Refraction at Smectic A-Smectic C Phase Transitions * Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire August 1981 KTORIDES, PETROS Uhrich Physics Mossbauer Study of the Smectic Liquid Crystalline Glass Phase Using Sn-bearing Molecules * Teaching, Cyprus December 1981 KUZMA, MICHAEL R. Allender/Johnson Physics Mean Field Study of Molecular Tilt in Uniaxial Liquid Crystalline Phases * Real Estate, Philadelphia December 1981 VAZ, MARIA J. Doane Physics Orientational Order in Phospholipid, Cholesterol-Phospholipid, and ProteinPhospholipid Bilayer Membranes: A DMR Study * Professor, Lawrence Technical University, Detroit MI June 1982 SHARMA, BRIJ B. Saupe Physics Proton Magnetic Resonance in Nematic Solvents: Orientation and Structure of Anthaquinone Derivatives and a Linewidth Analysis of Benzene Spectrum * Research Scientist, Bell Communications, Piscataway, NJ June 1982 SHETTY, ANIL N. Doane Physics Molecular and Segmental Orientational Order in Thermotropic Liquid Crystals: An NMR Study * Scientist, Imaging Center, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI June 1982 December 1982 SHIH, LIH-BIN Brown Chemistry Laser Light Scattering of Surface Fluctuations of Liquid Crystals * Research Scientist, S.C. Johnson, Racine, WI YANIV, ZVI Doane Physics A Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Study of Biaxial Ordering and Self-Diffusion in Chiral Nematic and Smectic Phases * President, SI Diamond Technology, Austin TX May 1983 TODOROFF, DOUGLAS G. Uhrich Physics Sn-119 Mossbauer Investigation of Different Sn-Bearing Molecules in Nematic and Smectic Glasses * Research Scientist, US Naval Coastal Systems, Panama City FL August 1983 December 1983 BENIGNI, SAMUEL P. Spielberg Physics An X-Ray Study on the Thermal Behavior of Potassium-Palmitate-Water Mixtures * Staff Scientist, RCA, Inc., Lancaster PA BIGGERS, RAND R. Johnson Physics Thermal Properties Near the Nematic-Smectic A Tricritical Point * Research Scientist, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio 92 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation December 1983 Advisor/Department BOONBRAHM, POONPONG Saupe Physics Optical Studies on Micellar Nematics and on Phase Transitions Between Nematic States * Lecturer, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand December 1983 GOODEN, CLARENCE E. Johnson Physics Light Scattering and Magnetic Deformation Study of the Nematic-Smectic A Transition * Research Scientist, Eglin Air Force Base, Fort Walton Beach, FL December 1983 MAHMOOD, RIZWAN Johnson Director Elasticity Above the Nematic-Smectic A Transition * Associate Professor, Slippery Rock University, PA December 1983 ROTH, ROBERT A. Saupe Physics Theoretical Studies on the Dielectric Permittivity of Liquid Crystals with Application to Alkylazoxybenzene Derivatives Physics * Research Scientist, US Air Force, Dayton, OH December 1983 STEFANOV, MICHAEL E. Saupe Physics Physical Properties of Nematic Decylammonium Chloride/Ammonium Chloride/Water Systems * May 1984 STRENK, LAWRENCE M. Doane Physics A Deuterium NMR Study of Orientational Order and Spatial Modulation in Phosphatidyl Choline Bilayers Including Those Containing Cholesterol and Protein * President and CEO, Strenk Scientific Consultants, Inc., Middleburg Heights OH August 1984 MARANDE, ROBERT P. Uhrich Physics Iron-57 Mossbauer Temperature Study of Smectic A., Smectic B and Smectic C Liquid Crystalline Glasses * Assistant Professor, Behrend College, Erie, PA December 1984 HAFIZ, NAJMA Allender/Doane Physics Nematic Phases in Liquid Crystals: Theory of Uniaxiality and Biaxiality and an NMR Study of Reetrants * May 1985 RAHMAN, JOLLY A. deVries/Spielberg Physics The Development of Some Molecular Models for Smectic A Phases * Research Scientist, Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR May 1985 SPIELBERG, JOHANAN Gelerinter An EPR Study of Glass-Forming Liquids and Liquid Crystals Physics * August 1985 HENDERSON, GIRARDEAU Allender Physics Phenomena at the Isotropic - Nematic Transition Induced by Surface Order * Research Scientist, US Naval Coastal Systems, Panama City, FL August 1985 LIU, HSING-CHUNG deVries/Spielberg Physics Analysis of the X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of the Skewed Cybotactic Nematic Phase of p-n-Octyloxybenzoic Acid * 93 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date August Name, Title of Dissertation 1985 Advisor/Department VLACHOPOULOS, PETROS Lee Physics Theoretical Studies of Local Orientational Order in Cholesterics and Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Mixtures * December 1985 MOTTAKABBIR, KAZI A. Lee Physics Quantum Simulations of the Ground State of the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model * Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas, Austin May WU, BAO-GANG Doane Physics Deuterium NMR of Asymmetric Motion and Molecular Ordering in Liquid Crystals and Microdroplet Controlled Scattering in Display Applications 1986 * R&D Scientist, Advanced Display Systems, Amarillo, TX August 1986 LEE, YOUNG-HEE Lee Physics Classical and Quantum Computer Simulation Studies: Molecular Dynamics of the Kerr Effect in Carbon di-sulfide in Green's Function Monte Carlo Calculations of the Electronic Correlation Energy in Atoms * Assistant Professor, Physics, Jeonbug National University, Korea December 1986 CUNNINGHAM, BETH A. Lis/Doane Physics The Influence of Monovalent Ions on Dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-choline Bilayer Structure and Packing * Assistant Professor of Physics, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA May 1987 KHAN, IQBAL Johnson Director Dynamics Above Nematic-Smectic (A,C) Transitions * Scientist, Textile Institute of Pakistan Physics August 1987 FIGUEIRINHAS, JOAO Doane Physics A Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the SF Phase * Scientist, Centro de Fisica da Materia Condensada, Lisbon, Portugal August 1987 LEWIS, MICHAEL E. Johnson Physics A Mode 1 Light Scattering Study of the Smectic-A Phase Near the NA Transition: Critical Behavior of the Layer Dilation Elastic Coefficient * Lewis Consulting, Akron, Ohio August 1987 ZHOU, E Saupe Curvature Elasticity of the Micellar Nematics * Lecturer, Beijing University, China Physics December 1987 GOLEMME, ATTILIO Doane Chemical Physics Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals * Research Scientist, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Calabria, Rende, December 1987 KLEMM, STEFAN Lee Physics Quantum Simulation of Polyene Ground States * Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN December 1987 MELNIK, GEORGE Saupe Physics Critical Properties of Phase Transitions in Micellar Nematics in Microscopic Textures of Micellar Cholesterics * North American Phillips Corp., Briarcliff Manor, NY 94 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date August Name, Title of Dissertation 1988 Advisor/Department PHONPHOK, NASON Westerman/Doane Physics Effects of Anesthetic Membrane Solutes on Orientational Order in Lecithin Bilayer Membranes: An NMR Study * Lecturer, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand May 1989 FRISKEN, BARBARA J. Palffy-Muhoray Physics/UBC Nematic Liquid Crystals in Electric and Nematic Fields * Professor & Chair of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada May 1989 RISSER, STEVEN Lee Physics Model Hamiltonian Calculations of the Nonlinear Polarizabilities of Conjugated Molecules * Texas A&M, Commerce, TX August 1989 WHITEHEAD JR., JOE B. Doane Physics Light Scattering from Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals * Associate Professor of Physics, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS December 1989 VITHANA, HEMASIRI Johnson Physics Light Scattering and Magnetic Field Deformation Study Near the NematicSmectic A Phase Transition: Critical Behavior of Twist and Bend Elastic * Research Scientist, Reveo, Hawthorne, NY May 1990 ERDMANN, JOHN H. Doane Physics Electro-Optic Response of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals * Hana Microdisplay Technologies, Inc., Twinsburg, OH May 1990 LEE, JONG-CHEON Allender/Neff Physics Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Homeotropic Surface Effect on the Cholesteric-Nematic Phase Transition of a Compensated Mixture * Research Scientist, Samsung Corporation, Seoul, Korea May 1990 PLUMLEY, SULAKSHANA Saupe Elasticity and Dynamic Properties of Ionic Micellar Mixtures Physics * December 1990 SUBRAMANIAM, RAVI Lee Physics Quantum Simulations of the Ground State Electronic Structure of Diatomic Molecules * Research Fellow, University of Pittsburgh December 1990 SUBRAMANYAM, SUNDAR Fishel Chemistry Liquid Crystals Containing the Dibenzopyran Nucleus: Synthesis and Mesomorphic Properties of 3-(4-n-Alkoxybenzylidene-amino) Dibenzo[b,d]Pyran * Research Fellow, University of Lowell May 1991 BOYD, DARWIN Uhrich Physics Mossbauer Studies of Some 1. Iron(III) Spin Crossover Systems and 2. A Cold Cholesteric Liquid Crystal * Assistant Professor of Technology, Kent State University, Kent, OH May 1991 GLEESON, JAMES L. Palffy-Muhoray Physics Instabilities During Directional Solidification of a Transparent Material * Professor & Asst. Chair, Dept. of Physics, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 95 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation Advisor/Department August 1991 SARKAR, MOINUDDIN Spielberg Physics X-Ray Study of Some Columnar Thermotropic Mesophases * Assistant Professor of Physics, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN August 1991 SU, WEN-CHEN Fishel Chemistry Part 1. Novel Syntheses of Substituted 6H-D(b,d) Pyrans by Pschorr Cyclization; Part 2. Synthesis and Studies of Mesomorphic Compounds Derived from 3Amino and 3-Hydroxy-6H-D(b,d) Pyrans * Avery Dennison, Pasadena, CA December 1991 CHEN, LI Kumar Physics High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Nematic to Smectic-A Phase Transition and the Frustrated Smectic A Phase * December 1991 CRAWFORD, GREGORY P. Doane Chemical Physics Nematic Liquid Crystals Confined to Cylindrical Cavities: A 2H-NMR Study * Dean of Engineering, Brown University December 1991 LIU, JIMING Saupe Physics Line Defects in Biaxial Nematics and Critical Properties of Nematic-Isotropic Transitions Near the Landau Point * Computer Scientist, Pittsburgh, PA December 1991 May 1992 August 1992 YUAN, HAIJI (JIM) Palffy-Muhoray Physics Nonlinear Optical Properties of Liquid Crystals * CoAdna Photonics, Inc., San Jose, CA KIM, JAE YON Palffy-Muhoray Physics Phase Separation Kinetics of Binary Liquid Crystal Polymer Mixtures * Research Scientist, Samsung Corp., Seoul, Korea SEEKOLA, DESMOND Kelly Physics Dielectric Response of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystalline Films * SpectraSwitch, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA December 1992 LIN, HEFEN Palffy-Muhoray Optical Fibers with Liquid Crystalline Cores * Philips Flat Displays, San Jose, CA December 1992 NAGVEKHAR, DEVDATT Fishel Chemistry Novel Mesomorphic Systems Based on Heteromethylene Bridged Biphenyls * Postdoctoral Fellow, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA May KIM, DU RIM Saupe Physics Effects of Polymers in the Rotational Viscosity of Nematic Liquid Crystals and Dynamics of Field Alignment 1993 Physics * Instructor, Kangwon National University, Korea May 1993 PATEL, PREM L. Kumar Physics High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Study of Frustrated Smectics * Private Enterprise, Philadelphia, PA August 1993 AMARASINGHE, NANDANA Moroi Physics Iterative Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equation in a X(2) Medium and Permittivity Gradient Induced Polarization and Second Harmonic Generation in Inhomogeneous Media * Staff Scientist, SpectraSwitch, Santa Rosa CA 96 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date August Name, Title of Dissertation 1993 Advisor/Department ONDRIS-CRAWFORD, RENATE Doane Physics The Effect of Molecular Anchoring and Curvature on Confined Nematic Liquid Crystals * University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth December 1993 FREDLEY, DAVID S. West Chemical-Physics Phase Behavior and Electro-Optics of Dispersions of Polymers and Low Molecular Weight Liquid Crystals * Research Scientist, Motorola, Ft. Lauderdale, FL December 1993 IANNACCHIONE, Finotello Physics AC Calorimetric Study of Liquid Crystal Phase Transitions and Restrictive Geometries * Assoc. Prof. & Interim Dept. Head., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA May 1994 SHIN, SUNG-TAE Kumar Physics Calorimetric and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Phase Transitions in Lyotropic Liquid Crystals * Faculty, Korea University December 1994 ABEGUNARATHNA, SUGATH Saupe Physics Dielectric Properties of Liquid Crystals: Polymer Dispersions and Chiral Smectic Phases * Dept. of Chemistry, University of Akron December 1994 CULL, BRIAN C. Kumar Physics High Resolution X-Ray Reflectivity Studies of Ordering in Liquid Crystal and Polymer Thin Films * Research Scientist, 3M Corporation, Minneapolis, MN December 1994 FUNG, YEUK K. Doane Physics Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Textures for Scattering Mode Projection Light Valves * Applications Engineer, Varitronics Corp., Hong Kong December 1994 LEE, SEUNGHEE Gelerinter Physics Paramagnetic Resonance (epr) Studies of Glass-Forming Polymers and Liquid Crystal Polymers * Chonbuk National University, Korea December 1994 LEE, SUNG HEE Gelerinter Physics Molecular Dynamics of Glass-Forming Polymer, Plasticized Polymers and Liquid Crystal Polymers: An Electron Paramagnetic Study * Applications Engineer, Hyundai Corp., Korea December 1994 LI, JIANLIN Palffy-Muhoray Physics Determination of Surface Anchoring of Nematic Liquid Crystals from Optical Response Measurements * Polytronix, Inc., Richardson, TX December 1994 PAK, SUNGSIK Saupe Physics The Effects of Polyethylene Oxide on Curvature, Elasticity and Viscosity of Micellar Nematic Cesium Perfluoro-Octanotate Water Mixtures * 97 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date May Name, Title of Dissertation 1995 Advisor/Department KOTHEKAR, NATASHA Allender Physics Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Surface Effects and Critical Phenomena in Nematic Liquid Crystals * May 1995 MANG, JOSEPH T. Kumar Physics High Resolution X-Ray and Small Angle Neutron Scattering Studies of Liquid Crystal Structure * Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Lab, NM August 1995 DAI, SONG Spielberg Physics X-ray Studies of Phase Transitions and Structures of Some Columnar Liquid * Research Specialist, Alltristar Corp., Mogadore OH August 1995 FRITZ, WILLIAM Doane Physics Reflection from Imperfect Cholesteric Liquid Crystals: Basic Properties and Applications * Gelcore, Cleveland OH August 1995 HUANG, JING Johnson Physics Critical Behavior of Heat Capacity Near a Nematic-Smectic A Tricritical Point * Computer Specialist, Cray Computer, NJ August 1995 JI, YIMIN Kelly Physics Surface Anchoring at a Polymer/Liquid Crystal Interface in the Neighborhood of the Glass Transition * Research Scientist, Corning, Inc., NY December 1995 CHEN, JIANMIN Johnson Physics Nonrubbing Techniques for Alignment of Nematic Liquid Crystals: Fundamentals and Applications * Colorlink, Inc., Boulder, CO December 1995 FOLKS, RAYMOND Lavrentovich Light Induced Instabilities in Smectics * Research Scientist, CREOL, Univ. Central Florida Physics December 1995 LU, ZHIJIAN Doane Reflective Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Displays * Honeywell, Phoenix, AZ Physics May HUANG, XIAO-YANG Doane Physics Field-Induced Transitions in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals: Dynamics and Applications in Displays 1996 * Senior Scientist, Kent Displays, Inc. May 1996 JAMAL, SYED H. Kelly Physics Characterization and Optimization of Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystals: Dynamics and Applications in Displays * Senior Project Engineer, Honeywell, Phoenix, AZ August 1996 DING, HONG Kelly Physics The Study of Dielectric and Electro-Optic Response of Liquid Crystals in Confined Systems * Staff Scientist, Meadowlark Optics, Longmont, CO 98 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation Advisor/Department December 1996 QIAN, SIHAI Finotello Liquid Crystal Phase Transitions in Porous Media * Digilens, Sunnyvale, CA Physics May 1997 BRETT, MARTIN * Five Star Technologies Chemical Physics May 1997 HU, GONGJIAN Palffy-Muhoray Laser Induced Configurational Transition in Liquid Crystals * Staff Scientist, dpiX, A Xerox Co., Palo Alto, CA May 1998 GALABOVA, HRISTINA Allender Physics A Theoretical Study of Surface Induced Phenomena in nematic Liquid Crystals * Staff Scientist, Reveo Corp., Hawthorne, NY May 1998 WANG, XIAO-DING West/Allender Physics Polarized Ultraviolet Light Induced Alignment for Liquid Crystal Displays on wellDefined Polyimide Films West Physics * Staff Scientist, Micro Display Corp., San Pablo, CA August 1998 LIU, HONG Allender Physics Theory of Liquid Crystal Static Distortions in Uniaxial and Biaxial Nematics * Lecturer, Nanjing University, China May 1999 HOKE, CHARLES D. Bos Chemical Physics Multi-Dimensional Alignment of Liquid Crystals and its Application to the Bistable Twist Cell * Staff Scientist, Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, CA August 1999 LI, KUO-YUIN Kelly * Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corporation Chemical Physics August 1999 LI, SHUXIN Bos * Densitron, Santa Fe Springs, CA Chemical Physics 1999 MORI, HIROYUKI Bos Chemical Physics Fabrication and Optical Effects of a Discotic Negative Birefringence Film for Liquid Crystal Displays August * Staff Scientist, Fuji Photo Film Company, Japan August 1999 WU, WEI Kelly Physics Single and Multiple Light Scattering Studies of PDLC Films in the presence of Electric Field * Research Scientist, Monsanto Corp., St. Louis, MO December 1999 ZENG, HUAIREN Finotello Physics Liquid Crystal Orientational Order in Confined Geometries: An NMR * Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University May 2000 ISHIKAWA, TOMOHIRO Lavrentovich Chemical Physics Elasticity of Defects and Structures in Uniaxial Liquid Crystals * Postdoctoral Fellow, Kent State University, Liquid Crystal Institute May 2000 MA, RUI-QING Yang Chemical Physics Polymer Networks Formed in Liquid Crystals and Their Applications * Research Scientist, Corning, Inc., NY 99 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation Advisor/Department May 2000 PARK, EUI-YEUL * AlphaMicron, Inc. May 2000 WATSON, PHILIP E. Bos Chemical Physics The Homeotropic to Planar Transition in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals * Research Scientist, 3M Company, Minneapolis MN May 2000 XU, MING Yang Chemical Physics Electro-Optical Properties of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Devices and Applications of Dual Frequency Cholesterics West Chemical Physics * Research Scientist, Chorum Technologies, Richardson TX August 2000 COLEGROVE, JENNIFER Kelly Chemical Physics Optimization of Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Device * Kaiser Electronics, San Jose CA August 2000 CUI, MINGJI Kelly Physics Temperature Dependency of Viscoelastic Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystals * CoAdna Photonics 2000 DUNN, PATRICK Yang * Sr. Technical Program Manager, Samsung America August Chemical Physics December 2000 ANDERSON, JAMES E. Bos Chemical Physics Transitions from the Homeotropic in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals * Hana Microdisplay Technologies December 2000 KONOVALOV, DMITRI A. Sprunt Physics A Dynamic Light Scattering Study of Ferrielectric Phases of Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystals * Postdoctoral Fellow, Brandeis University December 2000 MI, XIANG-DONG Yang Chemical Physics Dynamics of the Transitions Among Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Textures * Research Scientist, Eastman Kodak December 2000 TANG, ANLUN Sprunt Physics Dynamics of Chiral Smectic-A and Twist Grain Boundary Phases of Liquid * KLA-Tencor, California December 2000 TITUS, CHARLES M. Bos Chemical Physics Diffractive and Refractive Liquid Crystal Beam Steering Devices * Postdoctoral Fellow, Liquid Crystal Institute December 2000 YUAN, HAIJUN Palffy-Muhoray Light Propagation in Complex Liquid Crystal Structure * Mgr., LC Technologies, LambdaFlex, Inc. May 2001 LIU, WEIMIN Yang Chemical Physics Characterization of Some Wide Viewing Angle Liquid Crystal Displays * Kaiser August 2001 ACHARYA, BHARAT RAJ Kumar Physics Correlation Between the Surface Properties and Liquid Crystal Anchoring on Polymer Films * Bell Lab/Lucent Technologies, Inc. 100 Chemical Physics Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date August December Name, Title of Dissertation 2001 ASFAW, LETEMESKEL Sprunt Coherent Backscattering from Complex Liquids * Alcorn State University, Mississippi Advisor/Department Physics 2001 HEINEMAN, DAVID West Chemical Physics Kinetics of Patterned Electric Field Induced Polymer Segregation in Liquid Crystal Solutions * CoAdna Photonics, Inc. December 2001 VOLOSHCHENKO, DMITRY Lavrentovich Photoinduced Aggregation in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals * Motorola, Inc. Chemical Physics December 2001 ZHANG, FANG Yang Physical Properties of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Displays * Dimensional Media, Inc. Chemical Physics May 2002 WANG, BIN Bos Chemical Physics Two Dimensional Liquid Crystal Devices and their Computer Simulations * Agilent Technologies, Inc. August 2002 SAEED, SALMAN Bos Electro-optical Polarization Interference Filters * Three Five Systems, Inc. Chemical Physics SU, LINLI West Studies on Non-Contact Alignment of Liquid Crystals Chemistry December 2002 * May 2003 KANG, SHIN-WOONG Chien Chemical Physics Spatio-Orientationally Organized Polymer Microstructures Obtained on SelfAssembled Pattern-Forming States of Liquid Crystals: Morphology, Phase Separation and Potential Applications * Sr. Research Scientist, Physics, Kent State University May 2003 KHAN, ASAD Doane Chiral Materials and Cell Designs for the Cholesteric Display Technology Chemical Physics * Kent Displays, Inc. August 2003 MONTBACH, ERICA Bos Chemical Physics Studies of Optical Systems Containing Liquid Crystals and Holographic Optical Elements * August 2003 SMALYUKH, IVAN Lavrentovich Chemical Physics Three-Dimensional Director Fields Studied by Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy * Postdoctoral Fellow, Kent State University December 2003 WANG, CHENHUI Bos Chemical Physics Control of Layer Defects in Smectic C* Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Devices * LXD, Inc. May ENNIS, ROLAND Palffy-Muhoray Chemical Physics Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals: The Dynamics of Phase Separation and the Saffman-Taylor Instability 2004 * Pressco Technology, Inc., Solon OH 101 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date May Name, Title of Dissertation 2004 Advisor/Department HUANG, YUANMING Jákli Chemical Physics Electro-optical and Dielectric properties of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Formed by Banana-shaped Molecules * Unknown December 2004 KIM, SANG-HWA Chien Chemical Physics Fast Switching Polymer Stabilized Liquid Crystal Devices Morphology and Electro-Optical Properties * Samsung Electromechanics Ltd December 2004 STOJADINOVIC, Sprunt, Jákli Physics Light Scattering Studies of Dynamics of Bent-core Liquid Crystals * May 2005 CAO, WENYI Palffy-Muhoray Chemical Physics Fluorescence and Lasing in Liquid Crystalline Band Gap Materials * Central Academy of Research of SVA, Taiwan August 2005 SCHNEIDER, TOD Lavrentovich Nanostructuring Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals * Kent Displays, Inc. Chemical Physics August 2005 SHI, JIANRU Bos Liquid Crystal Based Beam Steering * Dynamic Eye, Inc. Chemical Physics August 2005 WANG, XINGHUA Bos Chemical Physics Liquid Crystal Diffractive Optical Elements: Applications and Limitations * Optical and Materials Research Scientist, ChemImage, Inc. December 2005 BODNAR, VOLODYMYR West Chemical Physics Optical Properties and Polymer Wall Formation in Cholesteric Displays * AlphaMicron, Inc. LIAO, GUANGXUN Jákli Chemical Physics Mechanic and Electro-Optical Properties of Non-conventional Liquid Crystal Systems December 2005 * CoAdna Photonics, Inc. December 2005 ZHANG, YANLI Bos Chemical Physics Control of Disclinations and Walls in New Types of Display Devices * Intel, Inc. December 2005 ZHOU, FUSHAN Yang Chemical Physics Reflective and Transreflective Displays * Postdoctoral Fellow, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University May 2006 ZHANG, KE West Chemistry Microparticles as a New Analytical Method to Study Liquid Crystal Colloids * Postdoctoral Fellow, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University May 2006 SEMYONOV, ALEXANDER Twieg Chemical Physics Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorescent Dyes and Liquid Crystal Semiconductors * Sales Engineer, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham MA 102 Doctoral Dissertations on Liquid Crystals Date Name, Title of Dissertation Advisor/Department August 2006 TANG, SHOUPING Kelly Multidimensional Optics and Dynamics of Liquid Crystals * Chemical Physics August 2006 ZHANG, GUOQIANG West Stressed Liquid Crystals: Properties and Applications * Chemical Physics December 2006 CHEN, CHENG Bos Chemical Physics Anchoring Transitions on Large-Angle-Deposited SiOx Thin Films *Apple, Cupertino CA May 2007 JANG, YONG-KYU Bos Optical Properties of Compensated Liquid Crystal Displays *Samsung Electronics company, Korea Chemical Physics August 2007 YE, YIN Lavrentovich Dielectric Relaxation and Electrooptical Effects in Nematic Liquid Crystals *CoAdna Photonics, Stow OH Chemical Physics May 2008 BUYUKTANIR, EBRU West Electro-optical Characterization of Bistable Smectic A Liquid Crystal Displays *Postdoctoral Fellow, Liquid Crystal Institute Chemical Physics May 2008 LI, FENGHUA West The Physics and Application of Liquid Crystal/Ferroelectric Particle Colloids *CoAdna Photonics, Inc., Stow OH Chemical Physics May 2008 ZHANG, HAILIANG Kelly Wavelength Tunable Devices Based on Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals *Scientific Solutions, Inc. Chemical Physics 103