Price setting, Competition and Regulation ENITEL, NICARAGUA José Angel Rodríguez Z. – ENITEL Israel Zamora – TELCOR ITU Seminar on Costs and Tariffs Paramaribo, May 2004 1 Contents Generalmarket marketaspects aspects General Service regime Interconnection Price setting and tariff regulation 2 Basic and mobile telephony markets in Nicaragua Fixed lines Cellular lines 8.2 0% 9.00% 3.5 3% 3.5 8% 5.5 6% 3.3 8% 3.4 4% 5.5 6% 3.3 8% 3.3 7% JU LY 5.0 9% 3.3 1% JU NE 4.5 0% 3.2 7% 3.00% 3.2 4 6% .32% 4.00% 3.2 4.0 1% 0% 5.00% 4.8 3% 6.00% 5.8 8% 6.9 5% 7.00% 3.1 3.7 7% 9% Teledensity 2003 (Approx. 500 000 users) – Bellsouth – 1992 (TDMA and CDMA 2X) – Enitel – Dec 2002 (GSM 1900) – PCS – Dec 2002 (GSM 1900) – 250 000 new lines in the last 16 months 7.3 2% 8.00% 3.7 4% • Mobile telephony market 2.00% 1.00% MA Y AP RI L AU GU ST SE PT EM BE R OC TO BE R NO VE M BE R DE CE M BE R Market share M AR CH JA NU AR Y FE BR UA RY 0.00% 90% 80% 81% 73% 70% Share • Basic telephony market 62% 60% 54% 50% 45% 40% 29% 30% 20% 10% 20% 24% 25% 27% 15% 3% 14% 21% 8% 0% Q1-03 Q2-03 Bellsouth Q3-03 Enitel Móvil Q4-03 PCS Q1-04 – Enitel – Exclusivity until next year (April, 2005) – Over 205 000 lines – 50 000 new lines installed in past 2 years – Lowest teledensity in the region Quarter 3 Contents General market aspects Serviceregime regime Service Interconnection Price setting and tariff regulation 4 Service regime SPECIAL INTEREST PUBLIC SERVICES Regulated by law Licensed – direct Basic telephony (Local, LDN, LDI), Telex, Telegraphy Trunking, Beepers, Teleconferencing, Intermediaries, Infrastructures using spectrum, Community relays SERVICE ONLY EXCLUSIVE SERVICES REGIME GENERAL INTEREST SPECIFIC INTEREST Licensed – direct or through bidding process Mobile telephony, Public telephony, Cable television, Data transmission, Bearer services, Radio and television Authorized or registered, as appropriate UNREGULATED Registered Private telecommunication services not provided to third parties. Internet access, Voicemail, Electronic data interchange, Fax store and forward 5 Contents General market aspects Service regime Interconnection Interconnection Price setting and tariff regulation 6 Interconnection ALL OPERATORS ARE OBGLIGED BY LAW TO INTERCONNECT Commercial and technical arrangements by which service providers ensure interconnection of their equipment, networks and services with other providers so that one service provider’s customers can use the other’s services and vice versa. Interconnection is critical to the public interest, and so TELCOR has an obligation to regulate it in order to: Guarantee communication between customers of different networks and access to services (e.g. emergency calls) Protect the user (e.g. avoid tariff structures with unreasonable margins) Iron out distortions created by imperfect competition (e.g. entry barriers from high interconnection costs or high tariffs in markets not subject to competition) Public interest 7 Current network topology Satellite Bellsouth Carrier Intl. IGW City BELLSOUTH BTS MSC IGW Tx Tx ENITEL Interconnection point Interconnection point Enitel mobile Sercom Telephone "C" Telephone "A" BTS ENITEL MOVIL Telephone "B" Telephone "D" SERCOM BTS MSC MSC 8 Call scenarios with Bellsouth BellSouth ENITEL 882-5555 $0.18 267-1111 Cell 2 Call 3 Origin: BellSouth Termination: ENITEL Call 2 Call 4 $0.024 : Origin and Termination ENITEL Origin and Termination: BellSouth Interconnection Fixed exchange Mobile exchange $0.12 Call 1 Origin: ENITEL Termination: BellSouth 278-0000 Cell 1 Customer Bellsouth $0.24 $0.27 Enitel $0.032 777-4444 9 Call scenerios with the other mobile operators PCS/Enitel Mobile ENITEL 882-5555 267-1111 Cell 2 Call 3 Origin: BellSouth Termination: ENITEL Call 2 Call 4 $0.024 Origin and termination ENITEL Origin and Termination BellSouth Interconnection Fixed exchange Mobile exchange Call 1 Origin: ENITEL Termination: BellSouth 278-0000 Customer PCS/EM $0.1216 $0.154 Enitel $0.032 Cell 1 777-4444 TARIFFS FOR INTERCONNECTED SERVICES ARE ASYMMETRICAL BETWEEN OPERATORS 10 Economic distortions • The justification advanced for high interconnection charges was recovery of investment for mobile, i.e. promoting the development of new technologies. • The outcome is inefficient use of resources and and increasingly under-utilized fixed network. • This results in mobiles replacing fixed networks. • The regulator has initiated a new round of interconnection charge review in TCN Bellsouth’s cellular telephone network in order to bring prices in line with market rates and prevailing regulations. 11 Contents General market aspects Service regime Interconnection Pricesetting settingand andtariff tariffregulation regulation Price 12 Price setting for services subject to competition • The main “driver” for setting prices is the MARKET itself. • However, tariffs must be cost-based with a reasonable profit margin allowing return on investment. 13 Tariff regulation for regulated services Basic tariff regulation mechanisms Cost-based price regulation Little incentive to reduce costs Regulation by maximum rate of return Barriers to investment if marginal costs are used Little incentive to reduce costs and risk of overinvestment to constantly drive rates up Information asymmetry Information asymmetry Availability of real cost and demand data Availability of real cost and demand data CPI – X rule Dynamic forward-looking rule ? P1Q0 = (CPI-X) ? PoQo Allows regulation with asymmetrical information Allows multi-product regulation (range of products) Incentives to reduce costs and increase efficiency Can cause problems in the event of cost variations outside the company’s control; may cause allocation inefficiency (margin not controlled); no incentives to increase quality; disincentive in respect of 14 unrecoverable costs ? P1Qo = (CPI-X) ? PoQo Tariff regulation: Basic telephony Ranges of services Installation or connection Basic charge Local residencial Local business Long-distance Hardware 120m from public thoroughfare Monthly subscription Call time included Basic concepts Consumption Call time billed Local (same Department) National long-distance (between Departments) Itemized billing International long-distance (rounding) Interconnected services (e.g. cellular) Tariff periods Peak rate Reduced rate 15 Mobile telephony Traffic direction Mobile – Mobile (On Net) Interconnection (Off Net) Mobile tariff schemes Pre-payment Flat rate by period and destination Deferred payment Conventional Controlled account Scale of rates by destination and period Basic concept Minutes included On Net Everywhere, anytime Actual consumption Mandatory or deferred payment and pre-payment Subsidies Penalty for termination of contract Off Net tariffs Differentiated tariffs 16 Regulatory principles for mobile services • Mobile telephone operators obliged by law to submit their tariff and price proposals for approval by the regulator. • Non-discrimatory prices for users in the same segment. • Price structure must be consistent with other similar services. • Prices must be comparable or better than current national or regional prices (benchmarks). • Prices should cover costs plus a reasonable profit margin. • Predatory practices prohibited. As a reference, it has been established that interconnection charges should not be higher than an operator’s minimum price or tariff. 17 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Tel: (505) 270-8378 18