From: AAAI-02 Proceedings. Copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Disciple-RKF/COG: Agent Teaching by Subject Matter Experts Mihai Boicu1, Gheorghe Tecuci1,2, Dorin Marcu1, Bogdan Stanescu1, Cristina Boicu1, Catalin Balan1, Marcel Barbulescu1 and Xianjun Hao1 1 Learning Agents Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, MSN 4A5, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030 {mboicu, tecuci, dmarcu, bstanesc, ccascava, gbalan, mbard, xhao} 2 Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College, 650 Wright Ave, Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013 Introduction Mixed-Initiative KB Development We are addressing the knowledge acquisition bottleneck in the development of knowledge-based systems by elaborating the Disciple theory and methodology that enables subject matter experts to build such systems by themselves, with limited assistance from knowledge engineers (Tecuci 1998). The investigated solution consists of developing a very capable learning agent shell that can perform many of the functions of a knowledge engineer. As an expert system shell, the learning agent shell includes a general problem solving engine that can be reused for multiple applications. In addition, it includes a multistrategy learning engine for building its knowledge base (KB) which has two main components: an object ontology that defines the concepts from a specific application domain, and a set of task reduction rules expressed with these concepts. The subject matter expert and the agent engage into a mixed-initiative reasoning process during which the expert is teaching the agent his problem solving expertise, and the agent learns from the expert, building, verifying, and improving its KB. Over the years we have developed a series of increasingly more capable learning agent shells from the Disciple family. The most recent family member, DiscipleRKF/COG, represents a significant advancement over its predecessors. It implements a more powerful plausible version space representation that allows all the types of knowledge from the KB (not only the rules, but also the objects and the tasks) to be learned with similar methods. Moreover, the partially learned knowledge pieces are represented at several levels of formalization, from natural language to formal logic, facilitating expert-agent communication, mixed-initiative problem solving, and learning. As a consequence, Disciple-RKF/COG incorporates new tools that allow a subject matter expert to perform additional knowledge engineering tasks, such as scenario specification, modeling of his problem solving process, and task formalization. Disciple-RKF/COG was used and evaluated in several courses at the US Army War College, with very promising results, being made part of their regular syllabi. The top part of Figure 1 shows the complex knowledge engineering activities that are generally required to build a KB. The knowledge engineer (KE) has to develop a model of the application domain that makes explicit the way the subject matter expert (SME) solves problems. Then the knowledge engineer has to develop the object ontology. He also needs to define general problem solving rules and to debug them. The main idea of the theory implemented in the Disciple-RKF/COG learning agent shell is to replace these complex KB development activities performed by a knowledge engineer and a subject matter expert, with equivalent ones performed by the expert and a learning agent (Agent), through mixed-initiative reasoning, as shown in the lower part of Figure 1. The knowledge engineer is still needed to help the subject matter expert to define an initial domain model and to develop an initial object ontology. After that, however, the domain model and the ontology can be extended and refined by the expert and the Agent, with limited assistance from the knowledge engineer. For the complex activities of defining, verifying and updating the problem solving rules, the assistance needed from the knowledge engineer is much more limited. The subject matter expert can teach the Agent how to solve problems, through examples and explanations, and the Agent can learn and refine the rules by itself. Copyright © 2002, American Association for Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. 992 Intelligent Systems Demonstrations Traditionally Define domain model Create ontology KE SME Define rules Verify and update rules With Disciple Define initial model KE SME Extend domain model SME Agent Import and create initial ontology KE SME Agent Specify instances SME Learn ontological elements Agent Define and explain examples SME Agent Learn rules Agent Critique examples SME Explain critiques SME Agent Refine rules Agent Figure 1: Complex knowledge engineering activities replaced with simpler mixed-initiative activities. Disciple teaching by a subject matter expert Final remarks An important feature of the Disciple agent development approach is that it distinguishes very clearly the phases where the knowledge engineer plays a critical role, from those that are primarily performed by the subject matter expert. First, the knowledge engineer has to work with the subject matter expert to develop an initial model of how the expert solves problems, based on the task reduction paradigm. This model identifies also the object concepts that need to be present in Disciple’s ontology so that it can perform this type of reasoning. These object concepts represent a specification of the needed ontology, specification that guides the process of importing ontological knowledge from existing knowledge repositories. Then the knowledge engineer and the subject matter expert extend the imported ontology and define the scripts for elicitation of specific scenarios. After the object ontology has been developed, the subject matter expert can teach the Disciple-RKF/COG agent how to solve problems, with very limited assistance from a knowledge engineer. Figure 2 shows the main steps of the agent teaching process. During Scenario specification Disciple guides the subject matter expert to describe a scenario and creates a formal representation of it consisting of instances in the object ontology. Then, in the modeling phase, the expert shows Disciple how to solve problems, by using the task reduction paradigm. The expert has to formulate an initial problem solving task. Then he has to successively reduce this task to simpler tasks, until a solution is found. This entire problem solving process is expressed in English. In the task and rule learning phase Disciple learns general tasks and rules from the task reduction steps defined in the modeling phase. In the refinement phase Disciple uses the partially learned tasks and rules in problem solving and refines them based on the expert’s feedback. While this is the normal sequence of the teaching phases, there is also a need to return to a previous phase when, during problem solving, the expert needs to define a new reduction, thus performing modeling, task formalization and rule learning. The Disciple-RKF/COG instructable agent is used in a sequence of two courses taught regularly at the US Army War College, “Case Studies in Center of Gravity Analysis,” and “Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence” (Tecuci et al. 2002). In the first course the students use a Disciple agent that was already taught the expertise of the course’s instructor in center of gravity analysis (Department of the Army 2001). During the course, the students become familiar with DiscipleRKF/COG as end-users, using it as an aid for learning about center of gravity analysis, and for developing a report containing a case study analysis. 9 of the 13 students in the Winter 2002 session of this course agreed, and the other 4 strongly agreed with the statement “The use of Disciple is an assignment that is well suited to the course's learning objectives.” In the “Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence” course, each student uses a Disciple-RKF/COG agent that does not contain any reasoning rule, and teaches it his own problem solving expertise in center of gravity analysis. The Spring 2001 session of this course ended with a final agent teaching experiment. At the end of the experiment 7 out of the 10 experts (which are high ranking military officers) agreed, 1 expert strongly agreed and 2 experts were neutral with respect to the statement: “I think that a subject matter expert can use Disciple to build an agent, with limited assistance from a knowledge engineer.” To our knowledge, this is the first time that subject matter experts have trained an agent their own problem solving expertise, with very limited assistance from a knowledge engineer. This experimental result supports our long term vision of developing a capability that will allow typical computer users to build and maintain their own assistants, as easily as they now use personal computers for text processing. Acknowledgments. This research was sponsored by DARPA, AFRL, AFMC, USAF, under agreement number F30602-00-2-0546, by AFOSR under grant no. F4962000-1-0072, and by the US Army War College. Jerry Comello, Mike Bowman, Chip Cleckner, Jim Donlon, and Tony Lopez have contributed to the application of Disciple RKF/COG at the US Army War College. <object> Scenario Force Force_goal Strategic_COG_relevant_factor resource_ or_ infrastructure_element Strategic_ Operational_ goal goal Other_relevant_factor Demographic_factor Civilization_factor Psychosocial_factor Economic_factor Historical_factor Geographical_factor International_factor Object ontology Political_factor Military_factor Scenario specification References Modeling Task and rule learning Task and rule refinement Problem solving <object> Object ontology Scenario Force Force_goal Operational_ goal Other_relevant_factor Civilization_factor Psychosocial_factor Economic_factor Historical_factor Geographical_factor insta nce_ of Scenarios (elicited) resource_ or_ infrastructure_element Strategic_COG_relevant_factor Strategic_ goal Demographic_factor International_factor Political_factor Military_factor Sic ily_1943 insta nce 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?O3 IS nomic is ?O3IS is_a_major_generator_of ?O4 is_a_major_generato ?O4 THEN THEN ?O4Lower IS Bo Strategically_essential_g oods_o_materiel The eco ?O4Lower ISr_of Strategically_essential_goods_o_materiel Plausible und Plausible Bound Condition The state is ?O2 The state is ?O2 has_as_industrial_facto rCondition ?O3 has_as_industrial_factor ?O3 ISan War_materiel_and_transpo rts_of_US_1943 ISan econom W?O1 ar_materiel_and_transpo rts_of_US_1943 Conclude econom ic is a strategic COG Conclude ic fact or is a strategic COG ?O1Industrial_capacity_of_US_1943 ISfactor Anglo_allies_1943 ISust Anglo_allies_1943 The force?O4 is that ?O1 The force?O4 isthat ?O1 ?O3 IS ?O3 IS Ind rial_capacity_of_U S_1943 candidate for a state?O2 whichIS is aUS_1943 member of a force Condition candidate for a state?O2 whichIS is aUS_1943 member of a force Condition Lower Bound Lower Bound The econo mic ?O3 Plausible The economic ?O3 Plausible ?O4 ?O4 TH ENfactor isis_a_major_generator_of THENfactor isis_a_major_generator_of The state is ?O2 The state is ?O2 ?O1 IS Anglo_allies_1943 ?O1 IS Astrial_factor nglo_allies_1943 has_as_industrial_f actor ?O3 has_as_indu ?O3 ?O4 ISan economic War_materiel_and sports_of_US_1943 ?O4that ISan economic War_materiel_and_transpo rts_of_US_1943 Conclude factor is_tran a strategic COG Conclud is a strateg ic COG The force is that ?O1?O3 IS The force e is ?O1 ?O2 Ind ISustrial_capacity_of_U US_1943 ?O2Industrial_capacity_of_US_1943 ISfactor US_1943 S_1943 ?O3 IS candidate for a state which is a member of a force candidate for a state which is a member of a force erator_of ?O4 ?O3 ?O4 ?O3 The economic ?O3 has_as_industrial_factor The economic ?O3has_as_industrial_factor THENfactor isis_a_major_gen THENfactor isis_a_major_generator_of The state?O4 is ?O2?O3 War_materiel_and_transport The state?O4 is ?O2?O3War_materiel_and s_of_U sports_of_US_1943 ISnom Inic dust rial_cap f_US_1943 IS Industrial_capacity_of_US_1943 Conclude thatIS an eco fact or is a acity_o strategic COG S_1943 Conclude thatIS an economic factor is_tran a strategic COG The force is ?O1 The force is ?O1 is_a_major_g enerator_of ?O4 is_a_major_generator_of ?O4 for a state which is a member of a force candidate for a state which is a member of a force Thcandidate e economic is ?O3 The economic is ?O3 THENfactor THENfactor ?O4 IS War_materiel_and_transp orts_of_US_1943 ?O4 IS W ar_materiel_and_transpo rts_of_US_1943 The state is ?O2 The state is ?O2 Conclude nclude The force is that ?O1an economic factor is a strategic COG ThCo e force isthat ?O1an economic factor is a strategic COG THEN THEN candidate forfacto a state ichis a member of a force forfactor a state The economic r iswh ?O3 Thcandidate e economic iswhich ?O3 is a member of a force Con clude that an economic factor is a strategic COG Conclud e that The state is ?O2 The state is ?O2an economic factor is a strategic COG candidate r a state which is a member of a force candidate The force isfo ?O1 The force is for ?O1a state which is a memberof a force The statefactor is ?O2 Themic statfacto e is ?O 2 ?O3 The economic is ?O3 The econo r is The force is ?O1 The force is ?O1 The economic factor is ?O3 The economic factor is ?O3 General tasks and rules (learned) Figure 2: The main phases of the agent training Department of the Army 2001. 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