Toward Practical Knowledge-Based Tools for Battle Planning and Scheduling Alexander Kott

From: AAAI-02 Proceedings. Copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Toward Practical Knowledge-Based Tools
for Battle Planning and Scheduling
Alexander Kott
Larry Ground
Ray Budd
BBN Technologies
11 Stanwix St., Ste 1410
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703
Use of knowledge-based decision aids can help alleviate the
challenges of planning complex military operations. We
describe the CADET system, a knowledge-based tool
capable of producing automatically (or with human
guidance) Army battle plans with realistic degree of detail
and complexity. In ongoing experiments, it compared
favorably with human planners. Tight interleaving of
planning, adversary estimates, scheduling, routing, attrition
and consumption processes comprise the computational
approach of this tool. Although originally developed for
Army large-unit operations, the technology is generic. In
this paper, we focus particularly on the engineering
tradeoffs in the design of the tool, and on the experimental
comparative evaluation of the tool's performance.
John Langston
Austin Information Systems
Whispering Woods Cove
Parkville, MO 64152
For the last several years our team was working on one
such decision aid, called the Course of Action
Development and Evaluation Tool (CADET), a tool for
producing automatically (or with human guidance) Army
battle plans. Our primary focus was on a particularly timeconsuming phase of the Military Decision Making Process
(MDMP), called the Course of Action (COA) analysis
(Department of the Army 1997). More specifically, we
focused on the COA analysis performed for relatively large
and complex units of the US Army, such as a Division or a
The Problem and the Motivation
Influential voices in the US Army community argue for
significant computerization of the military planning
process (Wass de Czege and Biever 2001): "...the Army
must create fast new planning processes that establish a
new division of labor between man and machine. …
Decision aids will quickly offer suggestions and test
alternative courses of actions."
The reasons for exploring potential benefits of such
decision aids are multifaceted. The process of planning an
Army operation remains relatively cumbersome, inflexible
and slow. The planning process frequently involves
significant disagreements on estimation of outcomes,
attrition, consumption of supplies, and enemy reactions.
There is a fundamental complexity of synchronization and
effective utilization of multiple heterogeneous assets
performing numerous, inter-dependent, heterogeneous
Copyright © 2002, American Association for Artificial Intelligence
( All rights reserved.
Figure 1. A COA sketch developed in one of several
COA-editing tools that have been used as data-entry
interfaces to CADET.
Done properly, in a setting such as an Army divisional or
brigade planning cell, a detailed analysis of a tactical
course of action involves a staff of 3-4 persons with indepth knowledge of both friendly and enemy tactics.
The input for their effort comes usually from the unit
Commander in the form of a sketch and a statement -- a
Views expressed in this paper are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect those of the U. S. Army
or any agency of the U.S. government.
high-level specification of the operation. In effect, such a
sketch and statement comprise a set of high-level actions,
goals, and sequencing, referring largely to movements and
objectives of the friendly forces, e.g., “Task Force Arrow
attacks along axis Bull to complete the destruction of the
2nd Red Battalion.”
With this input, working as a team for several hours
(typically 2 to 8 hours), the members of the planning staff
examine the elements of a friendly COA in minute detail.
The process involves planning and scheduling of the
detailed tasks required to accomplish the specified COA;
allocation of tasks to the diverse forces comprising the
Division or the Brigade; assignment of suitable locations
and routes; estimates of friendly and enemy battle losses
(attrition); predictions of enemy actions or reactions, etc.
The outcome of the process is usually recorded in a
synchronization matrix format (Department of the Army
1997), a type of Gantt chart. Time periods constitute the
columns. Functional classes of actions, such as the
Battlefield Operating Systems (BOS), are the rows (see
Fig. 3). Examples of BOS include Maneuver, Combat
Service Support (e.g., logistics), Military Intelligence, etc.
The content of this plan, recorded largely in the cells of the
matrix, includes the tasks and actions of the multiple subunits and assets of the friendly force; their objectives and
manner of execution, expected timing, dependencies and
synchronization; routes and locations; availability of
supplies, combat losses, enemy situation and actions, etc.
movements on the map-based interface. The user then
reviews the results and may either change the original
specification of the COA or directly edit the detailed plan.
Overview of CADET's Algorithm
Inputs: An initial set of activities (Acts). An initial
battlefield state (S), including units, and geographic
Outputs: The initial set of activities (Acts) with addition
of derived activities, timing, routes and allocated
resources. The new battlefield state S′ that includes
effects of the added activities.
Procedure expand (Acts, S)
If an activity exists that is eligible for expansion
then find the highest priority activity, using a set
of scheduling heuristics.
Call the highest priority activity’s expansion
method to create supporting activities
Analyze the battlefield state using the domain
specific knowledge within the task definition.
Based on the analysis, generate the derived
activities that are required for the successful
completion of the expanding activity.
Calculate Resource candidates appropriate to
each derived activity (including routes).
Knowledge base rules specific to the activity
provide the type and amount of resources
Generate temporal constraints between the
derived activities. Update Acts.
Propagate time constraints among the new
If the newly expanded activity is ready for
allocation, perform resource allocation and
scheduling for this activity.
Use the knowledge base rules specific to the
activity to compute the duration of the activity,
depending on the resource and battlefield
Use scheduling heuristics to assign resources
and the time window to the activity.
Compute the effects of the activity, including
battle losses, supply consumption, changes in
geo-locations. Update S to reflect the effects.
Go to 1.
How CADET is Used
It is in this complex, difficult and time-consuming COA
analysis process that CADET assists military planners by
rapidly translating an initial, high-level COA into a
detailed battle plan, and wargaming the plan to determine
if it is feasible.
In brief, the human planner defines the high-level COA
via a user interface that enables him to enter the
information comparable to the conventional COA sketch
and statement (e.g., Fig. 1). As a collection of formal
assertions and/or objects, including typically on the order
of 2-20 high-level tasks, this definition of the COA is
transferred to CADET, which proceeds to expand this
high-level specification into a detailed plan/schedule of the
Within this expansion process, CADET decomposes
friendly tasks into more detailed actions; determines the
necessary supporting relations, allocates / schedules tasks
to friendly assets; takes into account dependencies between
tasks and availability of assets; predicts enemy actions and
reactions; devises friendly counter-actions; and estimates
paths of movements, timing requirements, attrition and
risk. The resulting detailed, scheduled and wargamed plan
often consists of up to 500 detailed actions with a wealth of
supporting detail.
Having completed this process (largely automatically, in
about 20 seconds on a mid-level modern laptop PC),
CADET displays the results to the user (e.g., Fig. 3) as a
synchronization matrix and sometimes as animated
Once a satisfactory product is reached (typically within 5
to 30 minutes), the user utilizes it to present the analysis of
the COA(s) to the Commander, and to produce operational
Recently, there were several efforts to utilize the
planning capability introduced by CADET. Battle
Command Battle Lab-Leavenworth (BCBL-L) chose
CADET as a key element for its Integrated COA
Critiquing and Evaluation System (ICCES) program
(Rasch, Kott, and Forbus, 2002), including the nuSketch
system (Ferguson et al. 2000). DARPA used CADET for
its Command Post of the Future (CPoF) program as a tool
to provide a maneuver course of action. There, CADET
was integrated with the FOX-GA system (Hayes and
Schlabach 1998) to provide a more detailed planner to
couple with FOX’s COA generation capability. Battle
Command Battle Lab-Huachuca (BCBL-H) integrated
CADET with All Source Analysis System-Light (ASAS-L)
to provide a planner for intelligence assets and to wargame
enemy COAs against friendly COAs. The Agile
Commander program of Army CECOM selected CADETbased Task Expansion Engine (TEE) as a technology for a
key decision-support element within the larger framework
of the program.
At this time, CADET is apparently the first and so far
the only tool that was demonstrated to generate Army
battle plans with realistic degree of detail and
completeness, for multiple battle operating systems, and
for the large scale and scope associated with such large,
complex organizations as an Army Division or a Brigade.
In the related domain of small-unit operations, (Tate et al.
2000) has described a very mature work.
Although originally developed for Army large-unit
operations, the CADET technology is largely generic and
can be applied to a broad range of tasks that require
interleaving of planning, resource scheduling and spatial
movements. Being a knowledge-based tool, CADET is
adapted to a new application domain by changing its
knowledge base. In particular, we have already built
exploratory demonstrations for such tasks as intelligence
collection using scouts and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles;
tasks of Special Operations Forces; combat tasks of robotic
forces such as the Army's forthcoming Future Combat
System; and responses to terrorism incidence in an urban
Key Requirements and Challenges of the
Problem Domain
The needs of the problem domain clearly do not allow one
to focus a useful decision aid on a narrow slice of the
problem, e.g., only planning or only scheduling or only
routing. Strong dependencies, for example, between
scheduling of resources and hierarchical decomposition in
planning as well as the route chosen for a task, indicate that
a strong integration (perhaps the word unification might be
even better) of all these processes is required (Wilkins and
Desimone 1994, Kott and Saks 1998).
Further, as part of this tightly integrated process, the
decision aid must perform elements of adversarial
reasoning such as determination of enemy actions and
reactions to friendly actions.
Also significant is the breadth of coverage in terms of
the functional classes of tasks (BOS) that must be explored
and planned by the decision aid. While maneuver tasks are
central to the battle, other BOS, such as logistics or
military intelligence are interdependent with the maneuver
BOS and must be all analyzed in close integration.
In spite of the complexity implicit in these multiple
interdependent problem aspects, speed is extremely
important. It is most reasonable for a user in field
conditions to expect an extremely fast response measured
in seconds.
Because of rapidly changing elements of tactics, often
evolving as operations unfold, and the differences in styles
and procedures of different units and commanders, it is
also imperative to provide a decision aid with the means to
modify its Knowledge Base literally in field conditions, by
end user, non-programmer.
Given that a decision aid of this type is most likely to be
used in a framework of a larger deployed system, with its
own style and implementation of the user interface, it is
important to make the decision aid largely independent of
the user interface assumptions.
The Technologies and the Engineering
Perhaps the most fundamental engineering choice had to
do with the basic functional focus and concept of user
operation of the tool. We elect to focus CADET on the
most time-consuming aspect of the MDMP, on its COA
analysis phase. Other researchers (e.g., Kewley and
Embrecht 2002, Atkin et al. 1999, Hayes and Schlabach
1998) are addressing a different (and preceding) phase of
MDMP, the very interesting and challenging problem of
generating the high-level maneuver COA. In addressing
the style of interactions between the human and the
decision aid, we prefer to de-emphasize the mixedinitiative, incremental style (even though CADET allows
such a style) in favor of a rapid style of generating a
complete plan from a high-level COA, followed by manual
The integration of planning and scheduling is achieved
via an algorithm for tightly interleaved incremental
planning and scheduling (see side box). The HTN-like
planning step produces an incremental group of tasks by
applying domain-specific “expansion” rules to those
activities in the current state of the plan that require
hierarchical decomposition. This process is controlled by a
mechanism that leads the algorithm to focus on most
significant and most constrained tasks first, and to limit the
decomposition to a limited incremental set of tasks. The
scheduling step performs temporal constraint propagation
(both lateral and vertical within the hierarchy, a fairly
complex and partially domain-knowledge driven process)
and schedules the newly added activities to the available
resources and time periods. This interleaving approach
descends conceptually from (Kott, Agin and Fawcett 1992)
where similar interleaving applied to a design domain.
Although we originally planned to use a version of
Constrained Heuristic Search (e.g., Kott, Saks and Mercer
1999; Kott and Saks 1998) for the scheduling step, we
were led eventually to prefer computationally inexpensive
scheduling heuristics. These combine domain-independent
estimate of the degree to which an activity is constrained,
the "earliest-first" rule, and the domain-specific ranking of
activity priorities. This choice was driven partly by the
rigorous performance requirements, and partly by the fact
that the simpler approach tended to produce results more
understandable to the users. No-backtracking approach
(with a few minor exceptions) was chosen largely for the
same reasons. More generally, we feel that given the
compound complexity imposed by the need for tight
interleaving of multiple, diverse problem-solving processes
in CADET, it is prudent to avoid any unnecessary
complexity within each of these individual processes.
The same interleaving mechanism is also used to
integrate incremental steps of routing, attrition and
consumption estimate. A simplified, fast version of a
Dijkstra routing mechanism is used to search for suitable
routes over the terrain represented efficiently as a
parameterized network of trafficable terrain. Optimization
can be specified with respect to a number of factors, such
as the overall speed of movement or cover and
concealment, etc. For estimates of attrition, we developed a
special version of the Dupuy algorithm (Dupuy 1990) that
was calibrated with respect to estimates of military
professionals, Army officers (Kott, Ground and Langston,
The adversarial aspects of planning-scheduling problems
are addressed via the same incremental decomposition
mechanism. CADET accounts for adversarial activity in
several ways. First, it allows the commander and staff to
specify the likely actions of the enemy. The automated
planning then proceeds taking into account, in parallel,
both the friendly and enemy actions. Further, the tool
automatically infers (using its knowledge base and using
the same expansion technique used for HTN planning)
possible reactions and counteractions, and provides for
resources and timing necessary to incorporate them into the
overall plan. In effect, this follows the traditional MDMP's
action/reaction/counter-action analysis (Department of the
Army 1997).
In the object-oriented fashion, the knowledge base of
CADET is a hierarchy of classes of Activities. A class of
activities contains a number of procedures (methods)
responsible for: computing conditions of applicability of a
decomposition method; generating sub-activities of an
activity depending on such factors as the available assets,
the terrain or the location and type of the enemy forces;
adding temporal constraints; estimating timing and
resources required for the activity; finding suitable routes
and locations; etc.
In practice, the most expensive (in terms of development
and maintenance costs) part of the KB is the rules
responsible for expansion (decomposition) of activities.
We find a great variability in the procedures used to
evaluate preconditions of decomposition and the
decomposition itself. Some of them, for example, refer to
qualitative geographic relations between units of force and
features of the battlefield, similar to the type described in
(Ferguson et al, 2000). Others, however, are unique to each
activity, require significant computations using generalpurpose programming operators, and do not appear
particularly amenable to generalization and formalization.
This was one of the reasons we elected to use a generalpurpose programming language, Java, rather than a
specialized representational framework such as those of
(Wilkins and Desimone1994, Tate et al. 2000). Other
reasons had to do with the programmatic necessity to use a
broadly popular language for which experienced
programmers are readily available on the labor market.
Figure 2. CADET performs detailed logistical analysis
including projected ordnance and POL consumption
and re-supply planning at several echelons.
On the other hand, CADET includes a module for KB
maintenance that allows a non-programmer to add new
units of knowledge or over-write the old ones, in a very
simple point-and-click fashion. Although necessarily
limited by our decision to eliminate any direct
programming features, the KB maintenance tool does
allow an end-user to enter potentially a majority of the
required activity classes.
As a part of our developmental strategy, we elected to
de-emphasize user interfaces and to develop no more than
bare-bones, minimally necessary user interface features.
These consisted mainly of an interface patterned after the
synchronization matrix (Fig. 3), allowing the user to click
on any cell (activity) and browse through the related
network of domain-relevant objects (e.g., the units
performing the activity, the location of the unit, etc.). This
frugality with respect to user interfaces allowed us to
devote a much greater fraction of the available funding to
the primary functionality of CADET. Another reason is
that we do not expect CADET to be deployed with a standalone user interface, but rather as a part of a larger
framework with an existing interface.
Experimental Evaluation
Although several different experiments have explored
applicability of CADET technology in the context of
practical work of a brigade staff, e.g., (Rasch, Kott and
Forbus 2002), here we discuss a particular experiment
focused on evaluation of CADET-assisted planning
process as compared to a conventional, manual one.
The experiment involved five different scenarios and
nine judges (active duty officers of US military, mainly of
colonel and lieutenant colonel ranks). The five scenarios
were obtained from several exercises conducted by US
Army, and were all brigade-sized and offensive, but still
differed significantly in terrain, mix of friendly forces,
nature of opposing forces, and scheme of maneuver. For
each scenario/COA we were able to locate the COA
sketches assigned to each planning staff, and the
synchronization matrices produced by each planning staff.
The participants, experienced observers of many planning
exercises, estimated that these typically are performed by a
team of 4-5 officers, over the period of 3-4 hours,
amounting to a total of about 16 person-hours per planning
Using the same scenarios and COAs, we used the
Each package consisted of a sketch, statement,
synchronization matrix and a questionnaire with grading
instructions. The judges were not told whether any of the
planning products were produced by the traditional manual
process or with the use of any computerized aids. To avoid
evaluation biases, assignments of packages to judges were
fully randomized. Each judge was asked to review a
package and grade the products contained in the package.
Not unexpectedly, data showed a significant scatter.
While mean values for several experimental series ranged
from 3.9-5.0, standard deviations ranged from 1.6-2.4.
Judges comments also demonstrated significant differences
of opinion regarding the same product.
Overall, however, the results demonstrated that CADET
performed on par with the human staff - the difference
between CADET’s and human performance was
statistically insignificant. Thus, based on the mean of
grades, CADET lost in two of the five scenarios, won in
two, and one was an exact draw. Taking the mean of
grades for all five scenarios, CADET earned 4.2, and
humans earned 4.4, with standard deviation of about 2.0, a
very insignificant difference. Finally, comparing the
“undisguised” series, we see that CADET earned the mean
grade of 4.4 and humans earned 3.9, although the
difference is still rather small.
The conclusion: CADET helps produce complex
planning products dramatically (almost two orders of
magnitude) faster yet without loss of quality, as compared
to the conventional, manual process.
Strengths, Limitations and Future Directions
Figure 3. In this fragment of a CADET's synchronization
matrix yellow blocks describe tasks and their timing
(note the horizontal scale). A typical plan-schedule of a
brigade-sized operation may include hundreds of
significant tasks.
CADET tool to generate a detailed plan and to express it in
the form of a synchronization matrices. The matrices were
then reviewed and edited by a surrogate user, a retired US
Army officer. This reflected the fact that CADET is to be
used in collaboration with a human decision-maker. The
editing was rather light – in all cases it involved changing
or deleting no more than 2-3% of entries on the matrix.
The time to generate these products involved less than 2
minutes of CADET execution, and about 20 minutes of
review and post-editing, for a total of about 0.4 personhours per product. The resulting matrices were transferred
to the Excel spreadsheet and "disguised," i.e., given the
same visual style at that of human-generated sets.
The products of both the CADET system and of human
staff were organized into a total of 20 packages and
submitted to the nine judges, four packages to a judge.
CADET shows a promise of reaching the state where a
military decision-maker, a commander or a staff planner,
uses it in field conditions, to perform planning of tactical
operations, to issue operational plans and orders, and to
monitor and modify the plans as the operation is executed
and the situation evolves.
CADET generates Army battle plans with realistic
degree of detail and completeness, for multiple battle
operating systems, for the large scale and scope associated
with such complex organizations as an Army Division or a
Brigade, performing dramatically faster than a
conventional human-only planning staff, with comparable
quality of planning products.
Although originally developed for Army large-unit
operations, the CADET technology is largely generic and
can be applied to a broad range of domains that involve
planning, resource scheduling and spatial movements.
CADET achieves its capabilities via a combination of
• Adopting a simple and transparent concept of user
operation, which assumes literally no training;
• Using tightly interleaved incremental planning and
scheduling, also integrated with route and attrition and
consumption calculations;
• Adhering to computationally inexpensive algorithms that
often trade optimality for speed and thereby assure an
almost instantaneous response to the user;
• Integrating adversarial considerations into the solution
CADET’s current state of capabilities also points toward
several key gaps that must be overcome to realize the full
potential of such tools:
collaboration of multiple officers with distinct functions,
responsibilities and expertise. In the near-future warfare,
these officers will often collaborate while dispersed over
the battlefield, communicating over the tactical Internet,
possibly in asynchronous mode. Tools like CADET must
support such forms of collaboration.
Presentation of CADET's products requires qualitatively
different user interfaces and visualization mechanisms. Our
experiments suggest that the users had difficulties
comprehending a synchronization matrix generated by the
computer tool, even though it was presented in a very
conventional, familiar manner.
It is often said "no tactical plan survives first contact
with the enemy intact." Combat planners must be able to
plan rapidly, communicate orders to subordinates clearly
and react without delay to changes in the situation.
Planning tools like CADET should give the commander
the ability to accelerate this cycle of recognition, replanning and reaction, i.e., the capability of continuous replanning during execution.
Ongoing work on CADET technology focuses on
closing these gaps.
The work described in this paper was supported by funding
from US Army CECOM (DAAB 07-96-C-D603 - CADET
SBIR Phase I, DAAB 07-97-C-D313 – CADET SBIR
Phase II and DAAB 07-99-C-K510 - CADET
Enhancements); DARPA (DAAB07-99-C-K508 Command
Post of the Future); and TRADOC BCBL-H (GS-350559J/DABT63-00-F-1247). TRADOC BCBL-L provided
additional funding under DAAB 07-99-C-K510. MAJ R.
Rasch of the US Army BCBL-L provided important
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