From: AAAI-87 Proceedings. Copyright ©1987, AAAI ( All rights reserved. ia mprovement ensitivity ggregatioga A Keith L. Downing of Computer Department University Eugene, * and Information Science of Oregon Oregon 97403 Abstract This research involves fault relationships This paper system lays the foundation that improves for a diagnostic its performance ing symptom-fault associations lying and then utilizes causal model tionships “deep” to impose model. further symptom-fault constraints. Parameter from a more abstract and a first-principle of knowledge those relaupon 1. The 2. The of physical of structures the original where both derlying recognizes This in re- tom heuristics and disease qualitative to automated connections by to the causal model. to support the ag- to simplify of that expert-system depen- ad hoc rules and ill-defined This version of Campbell’s paper symp- discusses (1983) sensitivity methodology reasoning can by an un- and useful abstractions hierarchies. qualitative diagnostician supported avoids the standard dence upon shallow, systems. two approaches skill and parameters an automated rational causal model model. plifying (1987) This of diagnostic model. this process, acquire satisfaction ysis as a knowledge-compilation Reiter that in- and therapy. of symptom-fault use of these associations Through Key issues include the roles models the acquisition constraint gregation by directly and abstraction of the cir- of reusing later diagnosis derivation applying diagnosis by approach, the intention of symptom- model into two stages: the triggered are compiled compilation fining qualitative partitions thus employs both an in this case “experiences” from first-principles. approach causal representation. The resulting diagnostician experiential an under- the implicit this new informat ion then simplifies forming to simplify a set of local aggregation with formation version of sensitiv- to extract information system by deriv- structure A qualitative ity analysis is introduced from culatory the compilation from a mechanical about a anal- for sim- complex physical systems. diagnosis: 1. Experiential methods fault links distilled facilitate direct symptom- from human expert in which knowledge quick diagnoses requiring little or no in- depth causal reasoning. 2. First-principle reasoning system models whereby explict “deep” are used to derive the causal path- eration of the experiential of multiple fault only by weak probabilistic nation capabilities. include the gen- often diagnosis causal explanations at the price of extensive and/or simulation. However, system that retains its derived a deep-model symptom-fault tions can reduce future diagnostic ficing explanation resolvable means - and limited First-principle ment , observable effort expla- provides reasoning diagnostic associa- without sacri- abilities. *This work was supported by FIPSE grant G008440474-02 a Tektronix Graduate Fellowship. static as vascular Property from parameters resistance deviations blood are partitioned The former to blood constitute of external by Pesys- environ- into “prop- represent the rel- system such flow, or heart strength. “faults” factors and result only not represented Hence, they are always independent eters in causal relationships. Variables, in param- such as cardiac flow or atrial pressure shift value either in direct response to property changes or indirectly variable changes. pendent system parameters “symptoms” and In this simulation values of a real circulatory the actions the model. model developed serves as the physical diagnosis. ert ies” and “variables”. atively method hypotheses cardiovascular and Campbell(1985) t em to undergo ways from faults to symptoms. Drawbacks The quantitative terson . In either through other case, they represent whose deviations the de- constitute In the absence of compensatory responds source to a diagnosis of super-normal resistance, pressed cardiac output Figure Figure 1: Basic Circulatory 1 (Peterson and the basic circulatory pumps oxygen-rich arteries blood to the body’s capillary this cora common to account and elevated arterial for de- pressure. 1985) portrays Briefly, through artery, Topology Campbell, topology. mechanisms, of a clogged the left the systemic heart (body) beds - - the narrow cap- Variables Pronerties A illaries flow. being the major So blood source of resistance that exited to blood the left heart at a pressure of approximately 100 mm Hg returns to the right heart via the systemic veins at a pressure close to 5 nun Hg. This carbon-dioxide-laden the pulmonary re-oxygenated After before filling with closed, thereby and lungs respectively. venous blood, drastically electrical flowing Although system the left remains toward single and only lated constant varies highly the veins factor more blood system), venous mapping behavior, compliance of pressure then P = pressure, conductance, P, induced example, system. to voltage indicates internal presflow, with the pressure strength. if P increases that elec- G, outputs by resistance, and with pump (heart) RQ is a 1983) abstracts A flow source of maximal Q varies directly (Pi, - P), (regu- and its load into a simple sure, PO, and internal diagnostic like an compliances and flow to current, Figure 2 (Campbell, the left or right heart itively, without whose changes incur inverse changes to Using the standard Q, against vein volume is the in circulatory have dynamic by the nervous model. P = RQ Figure 2: Heart Pump uallitative 3 Load while R. Intu- differential, As a simple Q decreases, R must have increased. Expert Systems Sk Due to the presence of feedback, of blood tions, cardiovascular in many properties. straints relating Hence, the causal model. many of which causal testing. tive sensitivities reasoning on properties. model Calculated In Figure these associa- and take (i.e. symptoms) quantita- of variables as the ratio of partial differ- is: = l/(1 + G *R) 2, this represents that no other properties faults after (1983) introduces (1) the system-wide of P to changes in R under the single-fault vide useful diagnostic advantage to identify of P to R, for instance, (aP/P)/(m/R) have changed. pointers un- the diagnostician to express the dependence the sensitivity con- to single variables By uncovering Campbell interac- to changes a great many implicit are non-local, of the highly-constrained minimal are sensitive single properties derlie can circumvent of component variables tions, entials, via both the cyclic flow and the bi-directionality sensitivity assumption Sensitivities pro- from changing variables to their most strongly-coupled proper- ties, where a “strong” 790 and Hydraulic Analysis blood compliant Because active-blood important of inversely all pressure and flow variables in the circulatory trical Constraints over the short loops A compliance. crucial property Heart Pressure Q = G(Po - P) and volume raising its pressure, thus functioning most Output Pressure the body the blood and pulmonary capacitor. PO: Maximal Q: Cardiac P: Arterial enough pressure to open the or sags to accomodate stretches Contractility through time span of these events, the amount of “active” with G: Heart Resistance to the left heart. low-pressure developing in the systemic Circulatory with both inflow and outflow valves valves and send blood the circulatory gets pumped to the lungs, where it becomes returning right hearts contract arterial blood arteries R: Total sensitivity has an absolute value close to (but diagnostic never ity is its sign. directly above) reasoning, Does (positive sensitivity In short, 1. However, the property sensitivity a good resistance ities exceed tem constraints to “mixed” Brown, Next, 1985). These to define a qualitative assumptions from mixed then enable confluences ter characterize state. a large from state behavior either -I- or -, and all other property’ 1986). capable jan, state’s with confluence assignment these are set terms to tion of qualitative a comparison qualitative Qwx (5) (Thyagara- The (7) aP=aR+aQ V. Modify a property (plant dG Apply Sing&-Fault (8) a fault): t + Assumption: aPotO,aR+-0 Call constraint VII. ences 7 and unique satisfier 8 and with simultaneous instantiated properties. confluReceive a valid interpretation: (aQ+, aP+> Calculate VIII. to the previous values. mixed confhences to to G using Qualitative Definition (dP collec- Sensitivities of both variables 2: = aG) + (QLS(P,G) + +) variable values from each interpreta- tion serves as a fault-table is the original - aP) (6) assumptions technique of the qualitative set are found subject of property-derivative [x] 0. confluences: sensitiv- derivatives ambiguities interpretations pure 4, 6’4 is set to Using a constraint-satisfaction all valid conji?uences. OT dQ=dG+dPo-dp VI. of the qualitative the values of all confluence of dealing 1987), to derive The lat- enthe (-A+) q uantity space (Forbus, 1985), QUALSA counters the ambiguities of qualitative arithmetic (Simmons, IV. Apply parameter mapping qualitative ities of all variables to a selected property to 0. By restricting +, - assumptions: and of the system. to “pure” confluences. the dynamic to mixed whether Po>P,G>O,Q>O,R>O a set assumptions a one-to-one Now, to test the system-wide parameter all sys- (De Kleer a set of parameter III. Make sensitiv- (QUALSA) extracts information confluences of x, aP=BR*[Q]+[R]*dQ exploits might be down, or the analysis diagnostic and transform the sign 8Q = aG * [PO - P] + [G] * (aP, pressure is QUALSA begins by converting of constraints. is created reasoning “If the arterial needs while charging sensitivity the necessary represents (negative cost. Qualitative II. Digerentiate close to 0 )? might be up.” Quantitative informational computational most the variable inversely deal of diagnostic information: up, then the vascular compliance only affect value), value) or not at all (sensitivity only qualitative arterial during the salient aspect of any sensitiv- setting of aX 4 defined applied Figure 2, QUALSA equations variables = (P, a IX. Repeated single-fault calls to the constraint assumption II ifaX=& - ifdX#b4anddX#O 0 ifdX=O aQ+ (2) 890 aQ- Picat ion cardiovascular Table model of as follows: with properties = X. Calculate case remain (G, Po, dG+ R) and turned fault I I dP- 1 the high nil nil nil 1: Faults indexed II 3R- nil dR+ all qualitative under faulted table: I aP0 or aPo+ unambiguous satisfier with each property aP+ I to the abstract I. Initial X yields * (QLS(Q, G) + +) and low yield a complete + proceeds PQ = => x as: A When for &$ = x, where For each interpretation, to a4 for any variable sensitivity 4) = index of a4. nil aG- or ZIP,- by symptoms sensitivities , which over the 6 interpretations by the 6 calls- to the constraint in this Te- satisfier: Q) Q=G*(PO--P) (3) Table 2: Qualitative Sensitivities Downing 791 5 Ambiguities The ambiguity of qualitative abundance of interpretations, conflicting sensitivities arithmetic often spurns an any two of which will have QLS(X, 4 ,Il) and QLS(X, for at least one variable X and property tative sensitivities dition, selected are sometimes properties & indeterminate. to + or - and run through mapping fault table. interpretations erty setting ping, (fault) backward QUALSA. This for a single prop- to a many-to-one no additional causal reasoning in- of indices to faults in the contribute but this creates one or when individually creates a one-to-many Multiple In ad- and ~$2 can yield more of the same interpretations stantiated 4,12) Table 4: Aggregated diagnosis containing localized tolic( “filling”) a more detailed ther similarities similarities, heart, cardiovascular in their induced aggregation. strength Let P and Q. In model reveals fur- sensitivities. along with their common make PO and G excellent plifying variables Only is shift to the level of PO such as the left between fault if the fault heart’s blood the two primitive dias- volumes faults. to diagnosis. effects upon variables fact, R. for the that G and PO have of Table 2 indicate in the abstracted H and and systolic( “emptying”) will discriminate the strong location, candidates H represent These the left for a sim- a general heart from multiple-fault 0 to n faults, properties) (+,-, sumption, (9) (i.e. and 0). generated. Normally, interpretations set- the single-property where containing returned this to test of property-derivative But under only the confluences The covers of model’ satisfier only 3n such calls are required, call involves con- a “com- one that 3n calls to the constraint call are then intersected H=G*Po derivative, n is the number the affects of all combinations tings that no confluence table where can be efficiently would require property. and define it as: assumption than a single property prehensive” qualitative can proceed only to H will granularity and G, where Under The sensitivities Table map- ambiguity indigenous Now, space tains more identical Sensitivity 4. Hence, quali- aseach a specified from each such with the interpretations other calls to create indices into the comprehensive from fault table. Under the assumptions: For example, G > 0,Po property > 0 Equations derivatives. dH steps II-IV of QUALSA produce the pure confluence: dH=dG+aPo Substituting stitution Equation in qualitative 10 into Equation arithmetic 1986) since the coefficient Equation (10) 7, a legal sub- aQ=aH-BP QUALSA generate (11) (two for each property, steps V-VIII simplified 1SETl = H and R) of to confluence Equations fault and sensitivity tables: dP+ i3H+ a90 aQTable dP0 ap- nil nil nil aRnil dR+ nil tlH- 3: Aggregated Fault Table 11 to the constraint {(aP+, a$-), Next, Expert Systems satisfier cre- (W+, aQo), (aP+, aQ+)l aQ+) (12) let: and pass Equation 4 to the constraint satisfier. This returns: 11 and 8 mxr2 = {(dp-, After p-,~Qo), (dp-, aQ+), Cap+, aQ+>l intersecting ISETS ag-), ISETl = and ISET {(a-, W+, use each of the three ISETS for the double fault (aH+ 792 + set: (=P aQ+ t @PO, aQ+), (a-, (De Kleer and Brown, of G * PO is the same in both 9 and 3 , yields: Four applications and passing Equation ates interpretation 11 and 8 have only single Setting: aQ+), aQ+>l aQ+), (13) to yield: W’O, interpretations and dR-). aQ+), (14) as an index INTERNIST-II By The nature only local behavioral ficiently. of complex QUALSA to uncover between systems knowledge exploits implicit properties them or similar structure, minism exceeds I expect the forand in “causal” lationships. serve only (Simmons, QUALSA with QUALSA connections But as convenient (no such as human QUALSA-derived the high-level Also, QUALSA of empirical for previously-overlooked than treating formation, diagnosis generate Campbell alterations to data analysis associations can fortify in- processes the drastic no function sensitivities iors of structurally the behavioral and their of locality in structure) similar models from modelling. the behav- and thereby local gen- capture adjust- constraints en- are well suited systems. to supporting can suggest structural an understanding among In short, sensitivities capabilities. more of minor structural derivation of evolving more organized (and for robust can discriminate ramifications hances robustness. In addition sensitivity to the com- while de Kleer and Brown (1983) have the importance systems rather as second-class the inductive (1983) has detailed erally, diagnostic It can by provid- In short, incurred by minor modifications Thus, for models may inspire a them. topology, illustrated outputs data in search of support causal expectations. empirical results. models used, but causal relationships. control QUALSA to sup- a true integra- is derived both experientially re-interpretation ing well-founded by using associations empirically, and analytically. thus add top-down of causal in complex Bather, and experiential information structural abstractions These understanding recognized changes, sensi- to strengthen aggregations embody a of the modeled system - and implemented in diag- such as ABEL(Pati1 that unites experien- for their mutual en- I owe a special thanks to Nils Peterson, whose original version of qualitative sensitivity analysis inspired a deeper investigation into its implications for diagnostic reasoning, knowledge compilation and aggregation. Also, I must thank P. Thyagarajan for his constraint satisfier. His ideas, along with those of Art Farley, Steve Finer and Nils fueled our initial discussions of qualitative reasoning and diagnosis. My greatest debt is to my advisor, Sally Douglas, whose relentless criticism and encouragement have guided me through not only this research but most of my graduate experience. re- deep) of real systems; Not only are both deep and high-level nostic how especially symptom-fault tion of first-principle tivities ordinal matter physiology. port or refute those obtained ments; needs of a di- abstractions observations, learning techniques shift from subjec- cannot entirely replace the induction domains ponent 1986) this nondeter- to more objective deep models rules from empirical that empiri- venous pressure, and empirical-knowledge equipped diagnostic of of basis considerably. agnostician externally. from richment. in both to reduce self-contained and 1982) but supplied within, the integration exhibits a theory aggregation tial and first-principle to simulation lattice QUALSA (Pople, structure meth- By exploiting in a quantity The background tive ef- such as the fact that arterial greatly organizing ambiguity reasoning. relationships, pressure normally Its qualitative of quantitative indigenous diagnostic faults constraints both local and global, complexities ods at the cost of increased cal ordinal to diagnose and variables. ward causal reasoning the use of local behavioral interactions, avoids the algebraic backward precludes deriving et. al, 1982) and Campbell, Kenneth, The Physical Basis of the Problem Environment in Cardiovascular Diagnosis, January, 1983, unpublished. 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Reiter, Raymond, A Theory of Diagnosis from First Principles, Univ. of Toronto, Tech Rep. No.187/86, to appear in Artifkid Intelligence 1987. Simmons, Reid, “Commonsense” Arithmetic Reasoning, Proceedings of the Fifth iVationa1 Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 1986. Thyagarajan, P.,forthcoming master9s thesis, The Univ. of Oregon, 1987, unpublished. Weld, D.S. Use of Aggregation in Causal Simulation, Artificial Intelligence 9 30(l), 1986. Downing 793