From: AAAI-87 Proceedings. Copyright ©1987, AAAI ( All rights reserved. olecullar colllections Collins and Kenneth ID. Forbus Qualitative Reasoning Group Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Abstract Hayes has reasoning research identified about two distinct liquids. has focused his contained-liquid a technique on applying collection uids in terms a system. ogy, and present tions given “pieces tained in MC that MC descripontol- a Qualitative stuffs. how this representation plex conclusions. Sometimes or system Process theory two distinct For example, examples rules liquid while also Contained-Liquid: the physical world. about a hypothetical col- through the system Likewise. a river may be viewed either as a static container of water defined by its banks (i.e.. the same river it was a century ago), or collection each of which retains its identity as it flows to the sea. As Hayes [6, 71 notes, neither ontology alone suffices to explain commonsense neither ontology of little reasoning alone aided engineering. suffices pieces about of water, liquids. Similarly, for intelligent computer- about “the pressure at a portal” in the contained-liquid ontology, ble to explain the details of a thermodynamic but impossicycle with- out following It is easy to reason a “piece piece-of-stzlfiontology, notions of continuity of stuff” This paper presents reasoning with descriptions We introduce the molecular 590 through the system. The as we shall show, makes explicit the of space and conservation of matter, but provides no mechanism behavior of the system. for reasoning a technique about the overall for generating and of fluids as “pieces of stuff”. collection (MC) ontology as a Engirwkring Problem Sslvisrg some open Hayes ontologies: the liquid If the container Contained Amount-of an engineer must think of “the as an object (the contained-liquid reasoning for perform- and discuss the original Consider single object. views of an object about lection of molecules traveling together as an object (the piece-of-stuflontology). as a dynamic inferences, in a container is open then ble for liquid to leave the container but interrelated in the container” ontology) rules and illustrate their use with several that this representation provides a We begin by reviewing and discuss can be used to draw com- to reason sometimes implemented of con- its description model these Introduction are needed in terms to computing problems. to enter. I. We show We claim MC descrip- We illustrate implemented terms. ontology. on the Contained-Stuff of a system is a prerequisite basis for more complex liq- traveling on the Contained-Stuff is parasitic in that a description stuffs ing this computation, examples. We argue a specializa- of stuff” of Hayes’ piece-of-stuff the MC ontology ontology, using the which represents rules for generating using contained using several ontology, We claim are parasitic tions for physics and generalizing descriptions (MC) that This paper presents ontology of little ontologies qualitative ontology. tion of his alternate through Most for generating molecular specialization which is emptied may be influenced and refilled. Consider quantity by various pro- condensation). They as when a cup of coffee In this ontology of coffee are viewed as the same Piece-of-Stufl: and for new liquid liquids have a continuous cesses (e.g., flow, evaporation, may disappear and reappear, as a it is possi- a particular the two cups object. collection of mole- cules as a unit traveling around inside a system. The collection of molecules will have a fixed mass and a continuous position in space, which is influenced velocity, which in turn is influenced by various by its forces acting upon the object. A piece of stuff is never created or destroyed (assuming conservation of mass), so there are fewer problems of changing existence from this ontology. It. is straightforward Liquid scribes to generalize the Contained- ontology into a Contained-Stuff ontology that degasses and allows multiple substances as well .3’. Qualitative Process ate descriptions theory of contained [3, 4, 51 can be used to generstuffs, and we build on those descriptions. In i7j no restriction is made as to the size of a piece of stuff. We obtain the molecular collection (MC) ontology by stipulating that the collection be so small that we can assume it is never distributed over more than one place (we return to this later). This tiny piece of stuff is viewed as a collection of molecules - as opposed to a single molecule Figure This schematic of the importance about 1: The SWOS of a Navy Propulsion problem of the MC ontology. A sophisticated this system is, “Given an increase what happens to the steam temperature Understanding Figure plant provides an illustration in feedwater temperture, at the superheater what happens in this situation question outlet?“. is one of the hardest 2: Sample developed with particular MC movements processes, describe how the MC'splace and state change as a consequence of that process acting. Space limitations preclude showing the entire rule set. IfFlow (source, destination, path) then if Location(MC. source> Transition(MC, problems given at the Surface Warefare Officers’ School, in New Port, R.I. The representation rules for generating These rules, associated PLACE, if Location(MC, in this paper provides a basis for Transition(MC, answering this question. path) path) PLACE, destination) IfBoiling(substance, container) then Transition(MC, STATE, GAS) IfCondensation(substance. container) then Transition(MC, STATE, LIqUID) imply the direction in the solution ontology - so that it may possess temperature and pressure. molecules such macroscopic to be considered Any ontology For reasoning as tion, collection of Contained-Stuff it is important the world into individuals: that the number of individu- als be few. The Contained-Stuff ontology partitions system into a few discrete objects using the natural aries provided ontology by containment. fails to preserve individual molecules But molecular the Considering and unnecessary, of them act more or less alike. By con- sidering the possible behaviors of an anonymous collection of molecules, we constrain the possibilities for the whole by considering on the Contained-Stuff ceeded in saying conditions tology. anything for reasoning We believe collection ontology. coherent with ontology is par- No one has suc- about establishing the collection on- the molecular the reason establishes for this failure is that the motion. a global view But of the method establishing physical for determin- the gradient system. The provides this viewpoint for the MC ontology by establishing paths and conditions for flows and state changes. reasoning The with the results and consequently sions. Consider based on molecular of the Contained-Stuff does not have to re-derive the system shown in Figure collections description. those conclu- 1. Figuring out how MC moves requires knowing the mass properties of the fluid, viewed with respect to the components of the system. Looking the pressure solely at MC, there differences between is no way to establish system components that must like flow direc- be used. trying Given pressure a as to find the pres- of molecules. causing Here, a pump a liquid it is in and what For our purposes, flow into is happening MC is uniquely the MC history example through generate the total envisionment The total to it defined by and interesting, third The critical the situation should how these is that of MC's history. of which Engine between is selected step finds the possible observation The and the specific of all consistent (QPE) to for which the MC to be meaningful locations each active (in fluid systems) some active of time. properties Processes situations them.3 involve last for an interval establishes ifies a fragment Process In order for the history and should of MC and in five steps. for the given configuration. transitions a single situation is desired. The consists by the possible Second, occurs knowledge the Qualitative envisionment connected requires Contained- Stuff ontology skirts than gradient, of places Constructing processes a local collection facts the place it is in, the substance of which it is composed,l and its current phase (i.e., solid, liquid or gas). The place is the container or fluid path in which MC resides.2 notion ing such rather collection a pressure in those places. history provides play a role the boiler. Our goal is to construct a history for MC, describing MC ontology alone is insufficient. Global information is required to identify what MC is doing. In classical physics the of gradient MC must molecular we can talk about first step is to feed the domain only one individual. We claim that the molecular asitic of location the sequence Contained-Stuff identity. would be prohibitive since all the billions a fluid bound- ontology description, sure on an arbitrary the To determine the Contained-Stuff a function as a unit MC. must divide Although problem, is inadequate. properties Call the arbitrary of flow. of the and states can change. process operate specon ob- jects, some stuffs. what, We can associate rules with each process to describe if anything, its activity implies about the location ‘In this paper only single substance will be contained systems are considered. “Potentially, this could be refined through the use of some coordinate system such as submerged-depth or the length along a path. 3Each situation r e p resents a unique set of active views and processes taken together with the signs of derivatives for all quantities. and phase liquid-f source, of MC. For example, the rule associated with low implies that when MC is in liquid form in the it can move into the path of the flow, and end up in the destination Figure 2). of the flow without The rule associated MC will undergo same location. can compute changing with boiling state (see implies that a liquid to gas phase transition within By combining these partial histories, the full spatial extent of MC’s travels associated phase transitions (if any) .* In the fourth step, the Ds values 5 are computed. By assumption, from the surrounding tained Changes in Heat, Temperature, For example, liquid if the flow is greater by rules associated temperature than = con- Volume and with processes. of the destination the temperature of a of the source, III. then both Heat and Temperature of MC will be increasing in the destination. During boiling Heat is increasing and The MC-history during number condensation Finally, the relevant them. From nomena these it is decreasing. the fifth step constructs places and the possible this graph as branching histories often it is easy the graph defined by movements between to recognize such For example, steam out of a ship’s boiler is often tapped off for several purposes, such as driving the propulsion turbines, generators laundry. to produce The choice electricity, of which the goal of the reasoning. path paths be considered. that MC retains which and powering path coming different running the ship’s to take will depend Sometimes of a specific must phe- or cycles of flow. In real fluid systems branch. on it is the properties are of interest. In other cases all However, it will be assumed its identity, i.e., that the molecules of MC never split themselves between two paths. This assumption is realistic if one considers MC to be a tiny subset of the liquid described in the Contained-Stuff view of the same sys tern. Two observations are relevant here. First, the MC- history generation algorithm is linear in the number of active process instances, making it quite fast.” Second, the relationship and the states between the episodes of the envisionment in the MC history is slightly complicated. One state in the envisionment can give rise to a number of episodes in the MC history. For example, the steady flow of working fluid in a refrigeration system would typically described as a single state in the envisionment using Contained-Stuff ontology. But viewed from be the the MC level, it will give rise to episodes involving heating, liquid-gas phase transition, compression, gas-liquid phase transition, etc. ness we describe a. Ds value of a quantity is the sign of its derivative. “Running the rules over a total envisionment takes roughly one minute: constructing an MC history for any situation afterwards takes 5- 10 seconds. 592 Engineering Problem Solving several 3 illustrates tainers choose connected from the liquid of them a scenario in both Figure below. consisting of two open con- containers and the 4 shows the MC history flow rates for this situ- ation. The MC history is annotated with information the type of process responsible for the movement, as the derivatives in the history. complex on a For concrete- by a pump and a return fluid path. We envisionment the equilibrium situation, exists have equalized. has been tested complexity. FPow Figure where algorithm of varying Pumped and state This examples, (phase) information about as well of MC at each becomes more such as in the refrigerator low. Even though the situation is in steady derivatives in the Contained-Stuff ontology place useful example for be- state (i.e., ail are zero), the MC history shows that each little piece of stuff in the system undergoes continuous change, both in position and in pressure. However, since there is no way for MC to enter or leave the system, one can conclude that the total amount of stuff in the system B. is constant. A Refrigerator One of the motivations for looking at the MC ontology was to allow reasoning about complex thermodynamic cycles such as that a simple refrigerator used in a refrigerator. involving Figure the situation state, where denser. forced rator. where two and condensation), As in the pumped for the MC history is through it returns MC boils in the evapora- the compressor to the liquid phase to the conand is finally through the expansion valve back into the evapoThis representation provides the foundation for an important heat selected 5 shows processes: all flows have equalized. 6 shows the MC history. tor and then is pumped Figure six seperate heat flows, two state changes (boiling a compressor flow and a liquid flow. flow example, 4More than one history can be produced if there are disconnected components in the fluid system. Each history corresponds to a different choice of subsystem for MC. generation of examples the steady ‘The example the we (MC)] inherited are determined pumped-flow for MC’s quantities Ds [Amount-of is simply stuff. 3: A simple and its 0. Pressure Height Figure during class of engineering boiling and loses conclusions. it during Since MC gains condensation. it Figure 4: The MC history for the pumped-flow Figure example 7: The SWOS MC history PWMPEO-FLOW 0 ” 0 :, c F L 0 W k W LIQUID-FLOW Location Can1 Pump Can2 F-P Ds[Heat] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 , Ds [Temperature] I t Ds [Pressure] Ds [Volume] I Ds [Heiahtl I u I Figure u I u Location State 1 Sea 1 Pump 5: A refrigerator must Pl 11101 11 Ill11 0 lo more heat via the expansion I 0 0 0 through 1 1’ 1 lo 1 O Thus temperature. this history ation the steam is shorter, less time means the steam generation in the superheater, implying be calcubased on temperature making The higher steam heat will be transferred, plant scenario of The result of an can in principle analysis (DQ) the increased episode spends the refrigera- probllem 141. Roughly, rate higher. than is a net heat flow to the condenser. The SWOS ’ the compresser valve, so there uphill to a higher that the boiling MC history 0 0 0 tor is pumping heat 1 Env I -1 -1 -1 increased feedwater temperature lated by a differential qualitative refrigerator -1 -1 -1 0 0 I Here we return to the Navy propulsion Figure 1. Figure 7 shows the MC history. 6: The 1 1 0 1 1 0 I from the evaporator 6. Figure P2 0 0 1 1 I ILIGIGIGIGIG S-H 0 0 0 0 0 be moving returns B L Ds [Heat] Ds [Templ Ds[Press] Ds[VolumelI Ds[Height]I IUI B IL/ I gener- rate means hence less a lower temperature at the superheater outlet. Weld (in press) describes a set of DQ rules which, combined with this representation, may be powerful enough The to reason ability provides to draw this conclusion. significant with ogy. The Contained-Stuff to determine termines tology Location State -__ I Evap Liq DsCHeatl Ds [Temp] ___. 4 Ds[Pressl 1 DsCVol&nel ! DslHeishtl ’ , ’ I 1 -1 0 1 1 Evap Gas 1 I i ! 0 0 0 0 1 1 Comp ! Gas j I 1 / 1 1 1 1 -1 0 Cond Gas ! 1 Cond 1 Liq 1 EValve 1 Liq -1 1 0 -1 ( ) / 1 0 0 0 0 I -1 ! -1 1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 , views of a situation over using ontology a single provides which processes are active, the overall behavior of the system. provides the complementary ability ontol- the conditions and thereby The de- MC on- to reason about where a piece of stuff came from and where it might go. We demonstrated that MC histories can be easily computed from ’ 1 4 4 multiple advantages QP models of fluids organized around Contained- Stuffs, and argued that this representation pro\,ides the basis for several important engineering inferences (i. e., closed-cycles, analysis). recognition of heat pumps and differential Collins and Forbus 593 It is unclear whether or not growing an MC history across transitions between situations in the ContainedStuff ontology is a good idea. If one is considering a liquid system that oscillates, for instance, then this could be necessary. However, most questions that arise in engineering concerning the MC history are about steady-state behavior, i.e., a single situation in the Contained-Stuff ontology. The MC ontology is based on infinitesimal pieces of fluid. It may be possible to generalize it to spatially extended pieces of stuff. This generalization would provide the ability to, for example, identify the spread of a contaminate through a fluid system. We have only begun to explore the reasoning potential of the MC ontology. Currently we are implementing rules to calculate quantity space information involving MC parameters. Furthermore, we plan to augment the MC history by associating equations with each movement. These equations will be combined to yield quantitative descriptions of relevant system parameters, such as efficiency or work output per pound of working fluid. A differential qualitative (DQ) analysis could then be performed to identify how these parameters could be optimized, or in general how a change in one quantity will affect the behavior of the system. V. Acknowledgements Brian Falkenhainer, John Hogge, and Gordon Skorstad provided valuable comments, both in developing the theory and in writing the paper. John Hogge’s ZGRAPH program has been invaluable for displaying the MC histories and total envisionment graphs. This research was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Contract No. NASA NAG 9137, and by an IBM Faculty Development award. 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