From: AAAI-84 Proceedings. Copyright ©1984, AAAI ( All rights reserved. CHOICES WITHOUT BACKTRACKING John11 dc Klccr Intcllipcnt XEROX Systems I.aboratory Palo Al to I<cscarch 3333 Coyote Palo Alto, Ccn tcr IHill Road California 94304 choices at once, is cxtrcmcly for tasks in which: attribute many no ‘I’MS can do much (hut many not number of ncccssarily howcvcr. thcrc altcrnativcs Ii~l~LJll~l~CS, the 1~1th rcqllirc lnaking choices fcjr- dc~tling with choice am011g aitcrnilti\cs. 1980). ‘I’hcsc for CVCII simple bc WOCI~III~ initdcqtlatc ‘I‘hc K~SOIIS for this arc twofold. one with multiple in both all the memory L;II ioul; Klccr that contradictory of Sgmbolics and lhu~vn. ‘I‘hc filr as memory space is conccrncd: as problem ‘I’his paper prcscnts choice mcchnnism tasks and designing actually for hits kinds qualilativc hccn ;I matching ‘I‘iming the number tasks. tl~y ‘l’hc used i9X4) is in the noise). disjunction ‘I’MS proble~ns, str,~tcgy ijl>d proposed successfully in in this in (dc Klccr, with grcnt succcss (time spent It is atso used as the nlcchi~nism in a constraint I:~ng~~gc under order t:lsk (rcportcd 1982) analysis (dc shows in the backtracking is a misnomer of justifications grows solution a gcnclal anntyzing for a class of problem-solving mcchnnism. This mechanism multiple is contradictory 79 01‘ dcri\ ing infcrcnccs. dcvciopmcnt. ‘I’hc rc;lsoning solving. and ;I data ing process. new simplified model sol\cr Most infcrcnccs base fi)r recording option. I.~Ic~ choice Inay involve to bc contradictory from bc made for problem solving to bc incorrect, substantial or fruiticss. to proceed. problctn the of ~hc problem-solving Arta must make choices aml~ll~ which it proves of systcnl consists of ;I proccdurc ;~nd previously All thcsc arc added to the data base. Somctimcs problem discovcrcd as problem problem-sol\ consists nladc of this pnpcr an cxtrcmcly sol\ ing sufliccs. for performing fill up to using choice s;ltisf‘lction and i\nd I~Iww~, assumptions slate of the i\I’C It is the result of cnrcfully as any ‘I-MS for the task, can handle constrilint ITi~SOllillg! implcmcntcd For the purposes problem proceeds. nccdcd is IIO (a stiindard t0 iI\‘Oicl SllCll hi)lCS). ‘I’llCSC six rcquircmcnts to something problems (f:orbus. reasoning an altcrnativc such ;IS a TMS. the kind uf backtracking as gcncrdl solving time to cxplorc of choices (Q thcrc from incapabic Second, simple of its time “non-rnonotollic” lTlOllOtlUliCilll~ at once - rcaroning spends the majority term reasoning reasoning. 1983)). the number ;I priori; (c) the cxclusivc; of for h;~ndling have proven or 3600 in short 1984) (Williams, the rcasoncr algorithms. l-M-2 sjstcms choices in quittitativc if: and packilgcs dcrivcd qu;llitiltivc time and space. Very rccc;~rchcrs Various primarily they arc iutrinsically needs LO do aII the Gmc in qualit:ltivc very incficicnt by I:irst. the choices, IO IX known infinite bcttcr finite topics of my rcscarch, have been dciclopcd, (II01 Ic, 1079) ;IIKI (McAllcstcr, of working primary arc bc controlled handling and con\traint fol (c) arc finitely and choices. pcrt’orms choice bcttcr): (d) thcrc many for 1979) and (dc KIWI. rc;lsoning ic probably solutions each one is only hold paper Qualitative in the goal (if ‘INS sclvm~ of 111~choices rcquircs (b) the user is intcrcstcd CiIIl 0liCll pirticul,lr of this paper arc h0r11 out of frustration. for is no ncccssity single .<olution which ‘I’l~c rCSlill:i bounded) to on, arc consistent: ~hc proposed or the ;Iltcrll;ltivcs bc possible it dcpcnds achicvc a standard of assumptions Addition:illy, is appropriate ‘J’MS it must good; which in i\ single solution, few combinAons tcchniquc to a small set of antcccdcnts or all of the solutions intcrcstcd The (a) as in a standard all conclusions othcrwisc cfflcicnt. thcrc additioni~l Clowcvcr, If a choice solvers typically the is no prcfcrrcd work bcforc a choice must is subscqucntly backtrack tu wnc’ The subject cfficicnt. However, additional impt-ovcments infortnation when has produced cxplorcs S, cannot bc avoided. can bc made in the preservation of rclcvant a choice data-base itnplications of sLttc sotnc action using the problem {A, B, C} {A, L?, D}. {A, B, D} and state that Al which contributed iS discovered result if the fratnc can problem: fi)llowing II, task one of E or F, problcnt solver this ortlcrittg the problctn solbcr which perfortns (It must first do one of A or B, lltcn scqttcncc. then of would and then C. Adtnitrcdly. do G first as it docsn’l best brings the a choice - but to {B, U} infcrcnccs to address.) coniplcx rcprcscnt potcn- ;ttc itI1 ~hc possibilities (or itll solutions and used strategy try arc fotttld): each one {A, (3, E, G) is cxponcntial: ttntil ‘I‘llus {A, C, F, G} \ttggcsts a tnodi~ic,ition c!plic)n is ;tttctrtptcd, problctn {D, I’} solver bitt wlicnc~ct~ backtracks to the most (A} {A, C} {A$} often so this cnutncrntion rcccnt This whcrc p,c,I;‘) lhc ;I contctdiction If {;I, C} itnd choice. can current {B,c,F,G} {B,D> {Ll, C} advant‘tgc sets of of this tcchniquc options than cxplorcs four complctc strategy is called applications Chronological {C, G} (Rulifson, backtracking far more cnumcration work than has three ncccssary. Chronological cxamplc, cxpli\rcs and IIcrkson this eight. one of scriotts faults Consider backtracking This starch {AC, E, G} {A, C, F} {A, C, J’, G) {$D} C v D, backtracking ..- (4 As G IS inconsistent is not result tcchniqucs tlCCCSSilry (so far WC have algorithm). in the ordering to the last choice, C, G) with to the itt~ttlcdiatcly from choice backtrack ‘I‘his the dcpcndctrcy future. l’ntrics ‘t‘hcsc choices ‘lrc cnllcd which problem the arc mutually of chronological twice). some option records once. records c,~tt>cci the contradiction, on {E, G} ‘l’hc dcpcn- is included citn bc consulted arc nlilrkcd front in the to dctcrminc ’t’hus. the conscqucnccs ‘I’his can bc affcctcd xc of {IT:, G} quite as tctnporarily directly unavailable the set of choices the biiSiS of the ‘I’MS 19SO). In the tnorc to specify been ‘I’hcy, prcsutning in cffcct. can bc controlled It is important the overall the sets of options E V F will 80 find as many stratcgics gcncrnl cttrrcntly ordering ~omcwhat their own strategies of the starch by specifying which it space cnumcration cttumcration but this parts of the first. to note that all thcsc strategies that of (Doyle, ‘I’MS some bimplc-tnindcd choose the choice i.e., E from ‘I‘hc C is it choice b; httt 6 is it CO~SC~~CIICL’of a and of those options. search space to explore two steps arc futile. with if they arc not dcrivhblc ‘I’hcsc tltc case where will in lhc ‘l’ht~s. whcttcvcr 1979) and (McAllcstcr, 1972). which a the CxittnplC arc a\J;til;tblc. the contradiction. choices by working bc dctcrtnined out) When being cxplorcd. its early ottd Wibldingcr, (illustrated the data bnsc. (i.c., it order: The second of C frotn sets, while far fewer cotnplctc lit cntttncration. chr~~n~~logi~;~l backtrAcking is inconsistent. following is that it cxplorcs bt-tttc-force was in QA4 in it doing within inllucnccs is discovcrcd bc avoided set, the dcpcndcncy need only bttt records also solve the third the conscqucnccs p,n,E} OIICS. Rcconsidcr to. 1979) as they rcprcscnt this is also rccordcd. is: then thCsC by maintaining sho~~lcl b;tcktrack which of 6 OII a is rccordcd dcncc bilSC, IWOI.~S arc consulted SOIVC~ should which to dctcrtninc choice backtracking (6 D, E, (;> {B, DD,J’) ‘fhc Of r~~~rllr//rlr’rrc.~‘-~~/f~(./e~~ hkrrtrcki~rg. is citllcd 1)cpcndcncy each is dctcctcd, {A, D, E) {A, D, E, G} {A, D,Z~‘} {B) {B,C,E,G) thcsc of choices. an inctmiW2ncy the search order in SpilCC rcdcrilc on citrlicr such records solver choice ;trc consulted {A, D, X, G} And subsets 01’ the bruteforce arc ittconsistcnt {~,C,zq in stnitll tllC scar& is cnablcd G is given, the problctn Whcncvcr is f(jund that pr~bicm rcccnt contradictory. arc inconsislcnt. bc dctcctcd rcsulls is SOICIYtlcl>ctldctlt and fittally in fcrcncc G when to the most Ctsu,~lly many can opci~~tliotls thn (II, I^), 13, C}. to bitcktr:tck C V D. In gcncral, Enutncr- a solution the r~~goo~iscts (Stcclc. of’ the combinations of chronological tl, tllC dLlt:l thcsc dcpcndcttcy with t.ccc)rds state {A, D, F, G} {U, C, 15,G} {B. C, F, G} (f-3,LJ,E, G} {U, D, F, G} inconsistcncics it sh(~ltld both I? and G cwicc. {I?‘, (:} Lhc infct-cnccs. choice C is inconststcnt tcchniquc 0 liI)lll of cxh which -1 v v P’ ,~nd most ottcn Once sohxr {E, G} tlliit to all three of thcsc dcfccts to dctcrtninc dcpcndcncy operations. ‘I’hc simplest effort cxploritJg ix cncountcrcd wltcrc and the lcttcrs erasing while contradiction C v D. tially solving the combination rccultitt, records of tltc dcpcndcncc CvD arc cxclusivc dcfcct problem backtr,tckin, 0 might Chronologic~~l A solution G the disjunctions ‘I’hc final $0 it will do any cot~t~)tttitti~~t~S in\olving backtrack cr,wd AvB Assume IIIOI’C prohlctn-solving It will add tllc infcrcnccs ottc of C ot any well-dcsigncd rcquirc out the issttcs I want ag‘lin. and last step. the pt’oblctn { 13,c, I?‘,G} { 13,D} {I?, II, I?, G} ln doing the of tllc a to it choice not to the most recent choice. by the third that choosing When backtrack SCtS iIS: aSsutnption is pcrformcd. l‘t:CI INIQCIKS L;OH I)l;,,\I,lNG \%‘1’l’ll CtIOICK Consider Suppose dc:tl should is inconsistent that possibility on E and G. stittc is changed {C, G} iS th,tt it rcquircs ncccssary. i\ grc;tt is illustrated that *lcvcr cxplorc on the contradiction. lhc scar& to the contradiction. dcfcct b:tcktr;tckitlg ‘I his problctn of the classic as it has no influcncc is discovered is how much wo~tld Of tllC pt.oblcln-solvitlg has no effect contradiction ‘I‘hc second solver subscqucntly ‘I‘hc question wcrc cxplorcd. version I~~llCll Of tltC description when Suppose in the data-bnsc as an “intCl’llill” choice is retracted. state S, of choices bc 1 icwcd information, of choices ;irc valid &nscqucnccs IlOW of this paper is how this process can bc made mot-c Without arc cxplorcd. consistent solutions ‘I‘hc most are equivalent sophisticated as pure cnutneration. in TMS The goal is to enhance efficiency without sacrificing cxpcnsivc completeness. operation I'HORI,I:MS Truth WITH maintcnnncc For dealing However, circumstances multiple solutions, two equally Given ‘I’his plausible makes solutions. B, C, E, G arc both only allow it cxtrcmcly Howcvcr, solving .- admits one solution to cxaminc to bc this is often ditTcrcntial both exactly diagllosis what cotrlrfldicliotl nsoidcrtlce. OVCriCOlOUS In D will this IIN is not ncccss;lrily cast, IX. the and A and R is of no vnluc. if B of Ihit dccidcs way to change direct global All in some way. manipulate ‘I’MS is lhal gu‘irantccs One inctcgant This rcintroduccs and later rcsct transfcrrcd The do~uinnnce ofjus/$cnfions. Furthcrmorc, is context-dcpcndcnt: as probtcm and hcncc particularly solving the proceeds assumptions problematic the assumptions underlying to find it is very a solution gcncrat that often satisfies The spends ‘TMS carlicr but problem tilsk. fix solving ‘I‘MS which Of ttlc collScqLICl1CCS styles of solutions though to this is of no of (13, G} without task, IWIW complctcly OCCII~‘S ;I contradiction could bc allowed miiy bc spent to an overall a siupshot of the advantage of Ihc previous which the cornpulation co~~scq~~c~~cs from by looking should steps arc rncmoi/.cd (dc Klccr GCI) from Another state (its time. {I?, G}, (3) taking at the co~~scquc~~ccs and without bc unoutcd. tcchniquc taking All is just ilIly effort cxpcnsive so no time-consuming to problcm- steps arc rcpcatcd. 1980) LISCS this and Sussmnn, OII a set of (2) at a later (4) ‘1‘1~~casicst {E, G} analysis plohlctn-sol\lcr’s examining result working soluiion. thC c~)l~lpllt;ltion ones arc missing. during to go on. ‘t‘hc difficulty to rcstilrt My whose current For Thus, Lcchniquc to conlputations. change. ‘t‘his algorithm, amount of cxamplc, B is lab&d is c:lch nsscrtion each assertion with notate time it: preceding A particularly 81 with <assertion, infcrcncc each assertion. (assumptions) derived from dcrivcd (For its assumptions as: which assumption if z = B clarity, then I’ll WC call 1, {A},> A and assumption dcducc y = -1 the combin,Ltion and justifications if <z = to its ir holds. A is labclcd 1 under {assumptions},j.u.slification(s)>. is written in addition under from both assumptions ‘f’hus assumption set {A, B}. assumption of an assertion be- with the set {A, D]. A and 5 -I- y L- 0 under consult partly is to include the set of choices with the set {A}, justifications must often solution justifications. under all the justifications. may ttlC A C1;,NI*:RAI, SOI,U'L'ION support a surprising is CXt)lOlTd uses justifications, node assertions to go within node being out. solvers which D, I?, C} ‘l‘hc dillicutt bc irrclcvant cache all symbolic for assertions. The machinery is cumbersome. cause garncrcd to working b;lcktracking computation. may For cxnmplc, the for it {II, possitdc 1979) calls an assumplion is any underlying and justifications solely on some other for problem from Set It is also solving ,my point this OINX based 011 {E,G} C;III bc rcactivatcd utilized Suppose ttl3t ~011ing ctfort. is no Iongcr which see which of TMS problem task ~UCUC) is satislicd to not so simptc. is C~~lltl;ldiCl~~l~y but of {E, G} can bc included. is to store to rcslart dat:!basc Information A ‘I’MS the of to another. what (Doyle, dcpcnds strltc. ~\dditic~llill (13, C, E, C} was ncvcr pcrmittcd tllC a set C, E, G} set {II, without dcpcndcncy-dircctcd ;I great deal of cIl;)rt that of records assures Illat Ilot illt infcrcllccs for {E, G}. (1) f:vcrl is ttl‘lt pending is rhat it is contradiction- to the spirit WtlCil arc four tcchniquc is no way to specify 1.11~cnlirc an assumption justification hcrc the notion thcrc III p‘lrticular. (tic cntirc later in the first is unfortunately is discovcrcd IllildC. is explored, time Set {II, I>, I?:, G} htil[c and thcrcforc conscqucnccs choices status and out (not the option after cxtcnsivc this. Suppose justification until of {E, G} this computation a time in (hclicvcd) rcsutts some the set {C, E,C} to a so the knowlcdgc that is somctimcs backtracking. is not readily not assumptions. OCCll this often set (13, C, E, G} then { 13, E, G} from satisf,tctory. of the s,tatus and justifications is antithetical chronological one snapshot to faciiit:ltc and ‘I’hc situation ‘I’hcrc solver rcsponsc altcrcd. CiIClI mcchanisnl then approach in the option aid, is IlOW ti) lilt the “gilpS” another problem the bctwccn ‘l’lic use of dcpcridcncy dcribcd must contilluc bctwccn until During Worb on the situation dcrivcd infcrcnccs is that a ‘I’M!3 has no useful states is to take snapshots of each assertion supporting IlilVC arc rcsolvcd, lllI.Oll~h to ttlc Secc~lld to conclusion. on both is no way to go back to a previous for thcsc oddities stale. snapshot. begins. all contradictions is cxplorcd. the conlracliction This set is to introduce ‘I’hcrc can guarantee thcrc not bc rcnmvcd achicvcd. All a ‘I‘MS rhc choice is irrcconcilablv of state was somchow rcnson that rncchani~nl it cannot solver So, in parlicular, The to draw abandoned (i.e., the current but once added state. a choice is IIO convcnicnt the problem the target be. of a contrirdiction Suppose change ‘I‘hcrc free. not of the contradiction backtracking. in this ca,lmplc redoing ‘1’1~ only change CillTy back- may require resolution Suppose on the current is a contradiction dcpendcnt important of A or H being is d#icult. slalc5 lo temporarily of All if A is cncountcrcd. contradiction, infcrenccs will that B arc that A will t.lctic. it is still contradiction). StiIlc guar:~n~c is bclicvcd, A discovery in one result .SwiIcIIiug the The backtracking rims. computation. one the dcpcndency-directed Eventually. is discovcrcd {II, D, B, G} to dctcrminc A and Suppose will is that any infc:cncc from A and B indcpcndcntly. contradiction ‘I’MS the best problcnl-solving A and B indicntcs A and 4 will much imny contradiction to compare from may have changed was not discovcrcd contradictory. bctwccn after Unou/itr~:. the best solution. bclicvcd, only some assertion suppose A, D, E, C and It is impossible thcsc states simultancousty. which difficult For example, solutions. w<lnts to do in problem but which contradictions. bclicvcd) a set of choices the ‘I‘M!3 algorithms at a time. mechanism limitations can bc avoided, The si~zglc slafe problem considcrcd they have certain result scnrch, and tic in other systems arc Lhc best gcncral-purpose with choice. in appropriate cxtcnsivc USING TMS can in rcstx~~~sc lo a contradiction. tracking a value ‘I’hus, and <z + and the y = 0, {B},), then is rcmo\cd from For cxamplc, and <a: = 0, {B},> O but this pro\,idcs tlowc\cr. thcsc it would Abstractly, problLm c~cry possiblc3 problem solver set disco\rcrcd discovers the combined on it or any ‘I’hcn val~~cs with sets is crascd step b) whcrc f(n, the interaction COIIIC known schcrr~c dots cqui~alcnt can f with uhosc have noLion assumplioll only r-cquirc pcrforni infcrcnccs using the problem OhlClll:~ and the discuss4 the basic oniy two contr,ldictory Snilching irrclcvant. is rcmoccd should cntrics VUIllC this ‘I&C intcrcsting VillUCS SCt. - exploration that ilIly ‘I’hc assumptiotl-t~~lscd is supcrsct it is not a value underlying solutions to coexist. ‘I’hus, mechanism mode contain dncs not tcrminatc those assertions schcmc, Suppose assertions. no more, slilles no This is exactly which the result carry as a sllbsct {E, G} part arc of knowlcdgc dcpcnd approach that under dcsircd cxamplc. from <Z + y = 0, {El},>, a this situation ICSS. is cijicull. A state is complctcly Suppose Changing spccificd state is now trivial y = contradictory. or but -y : <.z = y = 211ic whcthcr not ncces~ry to rcmovc II. bccawc unhkc a convcntion;ll logid system ;\ contradiction dots not ItIl;lly cvcrqlhlng. I:or some !nsks. 3s polntcd out in (Martins antI Shnpuo. 1983). thcrc IS Sony utility m dcrwng further contradictory V&YZS. -1, incficient. only 82 is an inclcgant carlicr {E, G} {G, H} arc derivations {E, G}. from 1 a simplified (Y : <z = 1, {A},>, p : 0, {A, B},>. In not. is discovcrcd 1, {C},> This fix to this problem problem techniques which assumptions lntcr, <y = has conscqucnce unouting or justification-based and lhcir z = Consider exists arc used. WC l~avc implicitly in this discussion. * two values arc considcrcd if both their assertion an from a and ,O as the set {A, B} is 1, {C},> ‘I‘hus. <z = dots (i.c., 1 using {E, G} of z = solver dcduccd if c : <z - 1, {A},> assumption-based Thcrc adopted the 1 and has conscqucntly assumptions thcrc is not dcrivablc Howcvcr, but <Z = part (and fails to address all 1, {A, B},>, and X : <Z = ---I, {C, B}, (A c)> IS ‘. d crivablc. by a set of assumptions. urdcr not under the problcnl -1 ncvcr the assumption that z = In addition {G, H} on the avoided. automatically {B; D, G, G} Not all conscqucnccs to {G, II}. MC a 1 is also dcduccd under mcrcly infcrcnccs &&=2n3 derivation). over possible i.c.. ilIly process of dctcrmining J0 of two con- arc cxplorcd for thnt matter). has dctcrmincd allows moving to i1 contradiction. as if the contradiction from also Consider {B, C, E, G} CCilSCS, {B, C, E, C} continues arc the difficult z = mark while all possibilities .Z=t and that arc unlcs~ it rcsolvcd. assertions within the nssllinption-based the it is simple work on the ovcmll arc rcmovcd rcmovcd to explicitly is partially of prcscrving dcrivcd problem. solver gone through is a contradiction is ncvcr of that StatC {B, C, B, G} the problem indcpcndcnt ‘I’hc prcscncc ncvcr let alone dcpcndcncy- ncccssary a contradiction hcncc Unfort~~natcly, bctwccn schcmc of the underlying underlying problem {B, D, E, G} Assertions cvcry - 311~~1 cxtremcly SC~Swhich on state contradictory tllC thus implies 'I'llCll.WllCll addrcsscs it is easy to the presence or disbclicvcd. Iicncc, of of solution The once added assulnption-bnscd of the unouting IiCgilrdlCSS base. Icast; implies of any kind - ‘I’hc assumptions A \lalllc silnl~ltancously. involving assumptions sets of it is easy to find of b arc a subset the justifications to the ‘I-MS problem ilSSLllnptil~llS modes of intcmction of an assertion b if the assumptions ~>crlni~l~cntly, In the simplest a set of occurred. nssuniplions. while while exploring not juslifkations from StiltC {I?, C, E, G} lo (13, D, E, G} in rcsponsc SpXC, WllOSC or the iJtrurr/itrg. ‘I’hc unouting Of tllC solution th0SC ViIlllC$ assumptions is no backtracking as bclicvcd the analog two solutions. tr;~tlic~~>ry assertions contradiction solving Work Overzealous cotllrarlicliott avoidmcc. rather backtracking. ‘I’hcrc mode ;I pilIT cxamplc, The tttnchittery is cutt&mott~e. idcntifiablc. context. transferred it is easy to compare For assertions. Also directly that a set of In either is dcduccd As assumptions, mode carlicr: contradictory many to compare of u). A more sophisticntcd assumption-based The sittglr skr~c problm. arbitrariiy (a implies dircctcd SClCCtS illI tllOSC set of data of another assumptions from NOK 1, {E, G},> 1 will still bc prcscnt the prcscnce base. add (i.c., arc “automatically” if <s = the most Z: values state context simultaneously. change. is done to the data base. solver 01 inlcractic;n, the with whcthcr daL\ schcn~~ is just set of intcrcsting is discovcrcd, bul nothing only of set A,, IJ At, a supcrsct of assertion simple. problctn base of notion to bc this cxtrcmc. the vaIlIC and p : <b, A,,,> any it assumptions, the assumptions. ‘I’hcsc arc just two of many possible stiltc, some SCt Of ilSSlllllptiOl~S wo\~ld IX to cxplorc :I contradiction from one rcprcscntational underlying dctcrminc and cvcry in example, {B, C, E, G}, then z = assumptions the the set is a SubSCt Of tllC COntCxt’S ilSSul~lptiOn arc iI subset of the current chnngcd set of 1 term f<)rmt~liltctl data ~~ssumption-based it implicitly, of ilitcr‘lction or in the It is not ncccss;\ry pi bc takes the cy : <a, A,,,> form con\radictory not :ls5uniptions: the contt.adictr~ry For The dott~itzatzce ofjustifcotiuns. this Whcncvcr on this list, obtained values arc the dominant sysbans. bctwccn CXE, is A list is maintained b), A,, U A,,, (cc, is),> unless the assumption <f(a, ix.. interaction set is placed of its super li)r all \,,~lircs of of of to bc contradictory. problem-solving u clad b dctcminc work. Iwo assumption S~upposc cvcry bc: mode solver and the dntn base is as follows. ;\ssumptioll b,iscd not justifications to irtst~~i.cItiot~-Dtr.~c(j ‘I’hlS to a current {B, D, G, G) 0, {A, B},> As can bc restricted or all states can bc cxplorcd cxploriiig z = set {A, n} <Z -1. 4 = solving assumptions) to another. <S = 0 individw,d]y. the assumption based on assullll)~ions, one 1 or 3 = contained both 1 contradicts z = z = th;rt Problem the same the set {A, El} is c(mtladiCt(~ry. bccausc is prim,lrily SCllClTlC imply trs~rtttrptiorr-6~7sctl ;IS opposed can contain dilKculty. about if the dntabasc bc rcmovcd? where of times, a value assumptiw set is found to if its without vnlucs ‘I’hus, a ‘I‘MS number the database no information two contradictory. Unlike in and out an arbitrary the data base only bc contradictory. 1, {A},> {A,B},>.) -1, <y = node can bc brought the same arc the same. ‘Illis is contrary to the way TMS’s their assertion simply is the same). Thus, changing produced for both proach. 1)cpcnding produced but unouting justifications to find more clcgant approaches. in the nssLllnption-based results by (dc is still with US. solutions. approach than which inadequacy After ap- problem the assumptions altcrnatc solver will If the problem arc cqunl f:or in many For throw muitiplc for quantities problem away derivations. possible out all values of the asslunptions solver should throw that using arc logically results but Mow of some Another dcduccd: should the goal problem For throwing is to discover the problem all set CM bc nrrivcd cxatnincs that arises if derivations base contained 1, {A},>, (a, p, p)>, <y = ‘l’his last vnluc is incohcrcnt a diffcrcnt a : <CC+ three 2, {A}, derivation for (CY,7,~)). in that z each explicit of the assumption-based simplest its derivation approach consistent state dots not appear. it quickly must many suggcstcd global globally termination consistent sets inferprekdiorrs the in this paper it is not cvcn consistent of state the states, if problctn-solving is often rcquircd. any, thcrc effort WC call and the process of computing arc. some I Icrc I prcscnt can bc or bit-vectors). difl’crcnt ‘f’hc same cotnbiniltions of sets. and (b) quickly carlicr. ‘I‘hcsc goals once a set of assumptions its unique structure is as can bc marked operations 1illtiCC (this of the assulnption-based they ci\n Such that subsct/supcrsct is only bc optirnircd possible record is to maintain whcncvcr ;I IICW set is crcillcd dctcrminc whclhcr computed and access the nogood by this operation data-structure As cvcry the fact by a simple that if the sets arc assumption-based sets. ‘l’hc a list of all the contradictions unioning the new set is a supcrsct cfflcicnt. an C0lTlplltiltiOI~S of course approi~chcs, algorithms by crc&ing two need only set is cntcrcd time the lattice of some for ordcrcd can be structure nogood sets with to set. once per manipul;~tion of the nogood ti\kcs linear nogood bc pcrforrncd into it is a supcrsct and is chcckcd of any known contr;ldiction in tcrscction it set is the subsets data structures). the when a new contradiction is discovcrcd it is a simple known to mark all its supcrscts as contradictory and stop all problem However, notion the global them itilplcinctitatiol1 for sc& and a hash table for thcsc for cxnmplc. sornchow tcchniquc matter how and options. many form thcrcforc As sets ilrc uniquiscd is that With which to (a) uniquizc f .ikc ~hc justilication-l,nscd appronchcs bc ‘I’hus proceed Izurthcrmorc, at the as for some ilSSCITiOI1. approaches. lists, arrays unioning ‘f‘hus, Subsct/supcrsct uniqui/cd). and <y z‘ time. sets. arc set operations, y, {},>, would to dctcrminc to bc contradictory of the new set (which global algorithm incomp,llibility the given set Ilas been crcatcd set. G ivcn ;I lattice One of the advantages infcrcncc an or all v,Ilucs is the set and its rcprcscntation ii canonical ‘I’hc most common of tlt~ is that z = values at by with as it is crcatcd. of to It can bc viewed such. bc discarded. notion All unchcckcd. Its task is to construct irnplcmcntation as cdr-coded whcthcr dctcrrnincd rules is rcquircd So it is important canonic:\li/.cd NT dcrivntions arc important sets. dctcrminc dcrivntions. of the scope which (c.g.. surprisingly the proceed states. algorithm. r’cnlovcs basic datil slructul’c arc achicvcd lhcrc solver identical is outside 2, {A}, with to 21second process is invoked consistent a contradiction come possible optimijcd other prublcm in the infcrcncc csscntially solver in Unfortunately. the I<cdundancy but functioning. assertions, infcrcncc and 7 : <CC= (a,P,7)>. uses z twice of indcpcndcncc If the data <y = pcrmittcd arc best for ;tssllmption-bnscd ‘l’hc analyycs can l,(A),>, use a very 1984) of intcrprctations. such that the .~dclilion of any assumption assunIption rcscnrch tcchniqucs ? problem incohcrcncy. p : <s = if possible diffcrcnt is one cvcry dcvicc ;IS all rules carcflllly be so cavalier speaking, indcpcndcnt. of logical must cope with cannot away nuy derivation. the in syntactically problem any Brown, of W~IOSC arc as important reasoning to dcrcrminc as well ncvcr is no guarantee causal solver Strictly derivations and dcrivntions the statuses of the assertions cxamplc, tasks 2, {A}, should to or a supcrsct the derivations of goal tasks ~hc stntuscs the globi~lly sclccting of and cvaluatc dcrivatiws. ‘I’MS, discover is to identify solver such ‘l’his invariably only derivation. as their and is outside INCOt1k:RE:NCY assertions. assertions. construction cohcrcncc Klccr arc sets of assumptions. rcrrloval ‘l‘hc interpretation the construction infcrcnccs ,111 possible results for some (de to manage a stl-~~iglit-li)l.w~~l~d set-munipulntion hc can live with. .iNl) of global ~hc d;ltn bnsc rcachcs quicsccncc construct maximal HEl)UNl)ANCY 1979) and tcchniquc non-contradictory task, an of problem-solving must choose which of the complexity ~hc goal of maintaining Klccr, simple Unouting in the justification from the scope of this paper. problems It just shows up in a dilfcrcnt on the charrrctcristics system implcmcntor problem avoided, different research is rcquircd is a open problem place the unouting significantly cot~s~ruciiot~. Most used (two values arc the same if statuses is complctcly by adding Marc are usually solving of on them. Howcvcr. choice thousands in/erpretafion of outweigh place. that has worked in practice: A and l3 are two dcrivntions for the same 4A solution Suppose A is dcrivcd under as>umption set a and I3 is dcrivcd under asscrlion. If a and b are assumption set b If (L IS a proper subsc~ of b. Ii should bc dlscardcd the stmc. compute all the asscrtlons I\ and 1%dcpcnd on. call these CI and p. If CY is Othcrwisc, both derivations should bc a proper subset of p. l% should bc discarded. kept and used. the costs dots cdr-coded suficicntly). 83 the of In our cxpcricncc data-structure ordcrcd unless problem assumptions in an maintaining is cxtrcmcly I -M-2) the the extra ctrort not turn thcsc da&structurcs incurred out to bc worth lists or bit-vectors large (i.c., advantages in tens not the first in maintaining the cost (storing of do this sets as speeds up subset computations (Martins and Shapiro, assertion with ((Martins and Shapiro, and the assumption it is cxtrcmcly of its assumption-set set the origin these an cxtcnsive cquivalcnt Although Howcvcr, to cntcring the ordering ncss it has significant influcncc work ‘f’hc ovcraff to tflc should cficicncy number constructed in this section. assumptions. which pcrscdcd by other avoided wily to achicvc this cnsurcs not This cllicicncy ‘I’hcrc identical with arc two classes of in- which tend cxampfc. (dc Kfccr, the function is inherently IHowcvcr, assertions fjotfl different choices whcthcr their choices sets first. proposed and as fate as possible; assumption in cficicncy of recording There the LOCAI, circuits dc Kfccr, AND arc many which will same For (Muftipfc reasoning and by marking of. 1983). can dctcr- its schematic. thus Quafitativc muftipfc possible solutions arc a device has only one comparing using (McDermott, diffcrcnt assumption-based 1983) enough and to formufntc for many by a general choices tasks, (Ilarton, schcmc is formulated, the schcmc the compfcxitics arc unncccssary. it is important problem-solving work it is providing f%zlicf flcasoncr) (Martins SAMI’LI;, applications other 1984). to first - the topic the architccturaf based framework proposal for troubleshooting in SOt’HIE III of constraintc (fIrown, 0Llt the origin each restriction bctwccn is also used and a conscqucncc ovcrhcad. 84 it tficrc marking mechanism agents bcficfs that a very gcncrafizcd Intcrcstingfy, reasoning instead assumption is no ncccssity sets. among system, As a conscqucncc approach, Xf<up’s cquafity syntactically With for contexts uses of the justification- the it has e.g., easy mechanism classes of assumptions to identify and satisfaction contexts. 1982). cquivalcncc is possibfc as- possessing unifies assumption-based It uses constraint (McAlfcster, contexts. multipfc contradict of the assumption-based to construct equivafcnt in this paper, set. of fiup may It account individually an equality-based context of the advantages switching cfcctronic Burton to make predictions set from 1953), simuftancously. 1983) has proposed schcmc which and the assumptions (Barton. contradic- takes into In this system wcff 1983) is a including the data base. tcchniqucs. an assumption-based cxpficitfy base. each that into (McDermott, and Shapiro, muftipfc, wffs. data bcficfs compficatcd justifications many 1976) is a program but justification-based which underlying the same bclicfs, allows to bc rcprcscntcd logic agents have cntcrcd and rcfativcfy set. This and f1rown, with which bcficfs undcrfying McDermott choices 1MPL~:MICN’I’A’lIONS for which hc subtracts unnecessary. system hypothcticaf, interact consistent two to see ‘f’wo of the salnc choice 1979) and (dc Kfccr each Thus, chcckcd in a contradiction. can csscntiafly but this is conceptually and Rrown. QUAI, one by explicitly Howcvcr, making the essential gcncraf {A, C} {B, C} and {A, B, C}. set can be trivially It usespropagation ~111his actual implcmcntation in the data base. is bcttcr. (dc Klccr siruarion tic i~ssl~lnptio~~-b;~scd ilnd justilication-based introduced how Mf3R contradictions mechanism. set it is a mcmbcr results was incorporated 1983). Shapiro, in this paper. identify is applicable. (dc Kfccr, prcscnt approach and is only to unify incfllcicncics XRup of this paper that is based on a rcfcvancc if they arc not mcmbcrs WORK ambiguous, F,ach of thcsc is powcrfuf No matter sets and no many can bc obtained tfic choice is used in (de Klccr, HbX,A’l-El) and all attempt approaches. arc One the new assumption produces sets {A, B} combinations arc cott~pn/ible approach nogood with that muftiplc from for any particular something (Martins whose assumptions of thcsc infcrcnccs assumption subset the contradiction incrcasc choice rcquircs F,NVfSfON sofcfy Quaf scfccts the correct sumptions individual of a circuit to make the validity and that for device behavior. - 1983) AVBVC A significant 1979) and about program bc simultaneously causal accounts to a particular available for this task the assumption-based function. tory the four information ‘I‘his are some underlying is focafizcd bc cxpficitfy solutions arc su- the choice introduces fault components that of this paper. between to clutter individual does will become set). ‘I’hc best mcasurcmcnt assumptions. propagations model as schcmcs. subsets arc contradictory. ‘[‘he cxcfusivc-or the component impfics measure- is not operating values whose assumption from with that maximal of an infcrcncc produced. rc- hcncc yet unvcrificd analysis motivation arc one that provides and circuit the predictions A contradiction next is tic mint the is fincarfy a strong new assumptions vafucs witfl as the correct assumptions is violated, 1984) product a scparatc and vafucs which smaller following slowly models some component component, set (i.e., the nogood QUAI, of faulty component Hcncc, tcchniqucs involves provides assumptions. that any values very infcrencc speaking. this is to introduce bc supcrscdcd number the The contradictory the component at some point, correctly. assumptions first. proportional dcgradcs on values with by working cfficicncy, assumptions (i.e., to bc futifc: vafucs with For to complcte- from is faulted, the actual assumption (this is is roughly to bc contradictory arc a subset of the original is of the fcwcr Thus, functioning to determine solving of infcrcnccs. arc guaranteed sets arc later discovcrcd a contradiction place is irrcfcvant with each of infcrcnccs. the number tic infcrcnccs pcrformancc ing step. so, roughly for reducing not wit11 the cornput;ltionaf However, fated to the nurnbcr fcrcnccs and Fortunntcfy, outfincd inconsistent. be consulted, cfficicncy. of the problcrn number problem-sol\ on on vafucs of assumptions values). set is a set into a fatticc). problem sofvcr intended. not describe crcatcd behavior As the circuit that must bc updated of the inferences dcvicc has the advantage take sets of any assertion about ments. sets whcncvcr must each arc nogood. the restriction a ncwfy need computation the restriction roughly whcthcr super-sets set of contradictions. whcthcr set? ) This to dctcrminc as only discovcrcd of marking which 1983) calls thcsc super-sets simple contradictory cnrirc 1983) uses the technique the super-sets and as diffcrem but schcmc presented and their associated The incfficicncics of backtracking lcms was rccogniled dificulties not quite and proposes formulated technique in terms cxplorcs early. for constraint (Mackworth. a number techniques. justifications, space nearly McAllcster Intclligcncc the D., “An Laboratory, Outlook on Truth AIM-HI, Maintenance,” Cambridge: M.I.T., Artificial 1980. 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