From: AAAI-84 Proceedings. Copyright ©1984, AAAI ( All rights reserved. FIVE PARALLEL ALGORITHMS ON THE FOR PRODUCTION DAD0 MACHINE* Salvatore Computer New York EXECUTION J. Stolfo Science Columbia SYSTEM Department University City, N.Y. 10027 Abstract In this paper parallel inherent our conclusions under by algorithm construction in a abstract is empirically on the at Columbia algorithms systems designed variety Ongoing programs. each five production algorithm parallelism system specify of Each machine. of we execution of research to different aims evaluating DAD02 on to the prototype, for the while WM elements are simple lists of equals sign), constant symbols (corresponding to tuples of the relational An example production, borrowed from the algebra). blocks world, is illustrated in figure 1. the DAD0 capture the production (Goal substantiate (Isa performance Clear-top-of =x (On-top-of presently (Isa University. Block) Block) =y =y =x) -- > delete( On-top-of Block) assert(On-top-of =y =x) =y Table) 1 Introduction If the five abstract algorithms In this paper we outline specifying parallel execution of production s stem (PS) programs on the DAD0 machine. Each algorit !I m offers a number of advantages for particular types of PS programs. We expect to implement these algorithms on the DAD02 prototype and critically evaluate the performance of each on a variety of application programs. Software development is presently underway using the DAD01 prototype that has been operational at Columbia University since April, 1983. is to clear there covered by something a block, then remove the Match: For each rule, matches the current each pattern element with throughout In general, a Production Systenl (PS [Newell 1973, Davis and King 1975, Rychener 1976, Aorgy 19821 IS defined by a set of rules, or prodzlctions, which form the Production Memory (PM), together with a database of called the Worlcing Memory (WM). assert ions, Each production consists of a conjunction of pattern elements, called the left-hand side (LHS of the rule, along with a set of actions called the rzgfzt- R and side (RHS). The RHS specifies information that is to be added to (asserted) or removed from WM when the LHS successfully matches against the contents of WM. the rules =y LHS. collected is on =x is on the table. Production. system determine is matched repeatedly whether the of WM: environment variables the are that =y the production cycle of operations: LHS element Systems fact that An Example 1: operation., the followmg of a block, (=y) is also assert top (=x) which Figure In executes the is a block and We begin with a brief description of PS’s and identify various possible characteristics of PS programs which may not be immediately apparent from a general description of the basic formalism. These characteristics lead to different algorithms which will be discussed in the remaining sections of this paper. 2 Production goal and by some consistently All matching in instances conflict the WM bound of set of rules. Select: Choose according Act: Add exactly to some to specified in perform some one of the predefined or delete the RHS from of matching rules criterion. the WM all selected assertions rule or operation. Pattern elements in the LHS may have a variety of forms which are dependent on the form and content of WM elements. In the simplest case, patterns are lists composed of constants and variables (prefixed with an During the selection phase of production system execution, a typical interpreter provides confht resolution strategies based on the recency of matched data in WM, as syntactic discrimination. Other resolution as well schemes are possible, but for the present paper such issues will not significantly change our analysis, and hence will not be discussed. *This research h as been supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency through contract N00039-84-C-0165, as well as gr&ts from Intel, Digital Eauinment. Hewlett-Packard. Valid Logic Svstems. AT&T Be’11&Labor&tories and IBM Corporations-and -the New York State Science and Technology Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge their support. We shall only consider the parallel execution of PS programs with the goal of accelerating the rule firing rate of the recognize/act cycle as well as the number of Wh4 transactions perrormed. In a later section of this paper, we shall consider other possible parallel activities as, for example, the concurrent execution of multiple PS programs. 300 state new of temporal this to be always 3. Many by may similar 1. Assign some of WM. algorithm illustrated in of rules to a set of (distinct) on WM. subset of WM elements processors of a rule operation is not appropriate. (possibly distinct from those in each but step to may a 1). until no rule 6. Global is active: LHS a. Broadcast storing an to in conflict b. the system. Report Broadcast the step 3.b to their local 2: of (non-temporally action specifications have large is global the unlikely, of not scope of the state. matches. which may relatively need in effects i.e., saving pattern The potentially Thus, small. access small to all a of WM subset within its instantiated all the of data processors, which end Production in update System prior to the cycle. to only 9 Small Algorithm. PM. This very PS cycle 10. Large simple view of the parallel implementatjon forms the basis of our subsequent analysis. 3 Characteristics of Production System thousands 11. Large Programs thousands In this section we enumerate various characteristics of PS programs in general terms. The reader will note that these characteristics are less indicative of a specific PS but rather are characteristics of various formalism, problems whose solutions are encoded in rule form. It the “inherent parallelism” should be noted, though, that not be represented by the problems may Ert;gc0u;“a”r PS f ormalksm used for their solution. 1. Temporal made on between need Redundancy. each each not [Forgy cycle, be 19821 relatively Rules. few WM rules on need changes by saving matching the incorporating to WM The repeated. Affected changes previous is probably PS interpreter Few Thus, cycle. this Few each are algorithm be matched are This against case of characteristic On each conflict initiating the number of rules match rules may 5. cycle of may be phase of is restricted a few hundred. WM. PM. Similarly, A of rules WM. WM may consist of only elements. PS may Similarly, of data consist of several in PM. WM may consist of elements. Algorithms The reader is assumed to be knowledgeable about the Rete match algorithm (see [Forgy 19791 and [Forgy 19821 . We will thus freely discuss the details of the Rete mate h We begin with a when needed without prior explication. brief description of the DAD0 architecture. (The reader is 19831 and [Stolfo and Miranker encouraged to see Stolfo 19841 for complete d etails of the system.) of a strategy. cycle, elements which state example rules WM of than tests In this section we outline five different algori;ha;; suitable for direct execution on the DAD0 machine. will be independently discussed leadin to various t fl ey are most conclusions about which characteristics Ongoing research aims to verify appropriate for capturing. our conclusions by empirically evaluating their performance for different classes of PS programs. operations Rete best 4 Five The rather value). firings. executed next of converse rule WM, in the requiring example, threshold number 8 Small Repeat; number elements conditions of (for a operation, test portions as the 7 Multiple entire reported the be viewed RHS. to WM accordingly. Abstract instance the large constant Pattern may elements compare some rated to of WM. rule individual local compute rule changes WM a a a few hundred by rules. WM relatively tests of access phase, instances. processor, rated processors match maximally each maximally all the formation each within Figure to begin set of matching Considering c. instruction rules resulting 2. Few where in many elements. 3. Repeat of the cycle. to elements rule rule are each in situations restricting scope rules on case, seems of WM single to a set of WM appear may Thus, match match some In this number processors. 2. Assign RHS that guarantee Many to example, changes the not case. elements 5. Restricted subset for arise, however, does Rules. changes pattern redundant). update abstract the the 4. Massive algebraic operation. processed by a parallel by the this approach figure 2. alone Affected affected This Note, WM. redundancy affected and against thus the 301 4.1 The DAD0 4.2 Machine DAD0 is a fine-grain, parallel machine where A processing and memory are extensively intermingled. full-scale production version of the DAD0 machine would the order of a hundred comprise a very large (on each thousand) set of processing elements (PE’s , containing its own processor, a small amount (16 k bytes, rototype version of local in the current design of the random access memory (RAM P, and a specia I ized I/O The PE’s are interconnected to form a complete switch. binary tree. Algorithm 1: Full Distribution of PM small number of distinct In this case, a very rules are distributed to each of the 1023 production DAD02 PE’s, as well as all WM elements relevant to the rules in question, i.e., only those data elements which match some pattern in the LHS of the rules. Algorithm 1 alternates the entire DAD0 tree between MIMD and SIMD modes of operation. The match phase is implemented as an MIMD process, whereas selection and act execute as SIMD operations. In simplest terms, each PE executes the match phase for its own small PS. One such PS is allowed to “fire” a which is communicated to all other PE’s. rule, however, is illustrated in figure 3. The algorithm Within the DAD0 machine, each PE is capable of executing in either of two modes under the control of runIn the first, which we will call SIA4D time software. mode for single instruction stream, multiple data stream), the P Ii executes instructions broadcast by some ancestor PE within the tree. (SIMD typically re&hs, t;A;;ingol; stream of “machine-level” instructions. the other hand, SIMD is generalized to mean a single Thus, stream of remote procedure invocation instructions. DAD0 makes more effective use of its communication bus by broadcasting more “meaningful” instructions.) In the second, which will be referred to as MIMD mode (for mult,iple instruction stream, mulifle data stream), each PE its own local RAM, executes instructions stored A single conventional independently of the other PE’s. adjacent to the root of the DAD0 tree, coprocessor, controls the operation of the entire ensemble of PE’s. 1. Initialize: Distribute PE. PE. Set CHANGES 2. Repeat 3. Act: Distribute the For a. each rule matcher rules to initial elements. WM to to each in CHANGES WM-change Broadcast b. simple a few distinct following: WM-change specific When a D,4DO PEsuE;ters MIMD mode, its logical a WaY as to effectively is changed in state “disconnect” it and its descendants from all higher-level In particular, a PE in MIMD mode does PE’s in the tree. not receive any instructions that might be placed on the tree-structured communication bus by one of its ancestors. however, broadcast instructions to be Such a PE may, executed by its own descendants, providing all of these descendants have themselves been switched to SIMD mode. The DAD0 machine can thus be configured in such a way that an arbitrary internal node in the tree acts as the root of a tree-structured SIMD device in which all PE’s execute a single instruction (on different data) at a given point in time. This flexible architectural design supports multipleSIMD execution (MSIMD). Thus, the machine may be logically divided into distinct partitions, each executing a distinct task, and is the primary source of DADO’s s eed in executing a large number of primitive pattern mate K ing operations concurrently. a each WM Broadcast (add element) a or command to locally PE operates independently mode and modifies its is a deletion, it checks and rule If this and a local WM. instances modifies as If this conflict set appropriate. it matches its match. in MIMD its local is an addition, rules delete to all PE’s. [Each removes do: local its set of conflict set instruction to accordingly]. end C. 4. Find do; local maxima: PE to rate according to some resolution strategy each Broadcast its an local matching predefined (see instances criteria [McDermott (conflict and Forgy, 19781). 5. Select: Using circuit of execution Our comments will be directed towards the DAD02 consisting of 1023 PE’s constructed from prototype commercially available chips. Each PE contains an 8 bit Intel 8751 processor, 16K bytes of local RAM, 4K bytes of local ROM and a semi-custom I/O switch. The DAD02 I/O swit,ch, which is being implemented in semi-custom gate array technology, has been designed to support rapid communication. In addition, a specialized global combinational circuit incorporated within the I/O switch will allow for the very rapid selection of a single distinguished PE from a set of candidate PE’s in the tree, call mu-resolving. (The a process we max-resolve instruction computes the maximum of a s ecified register in all PE’s in one instruction cycle, whit Tl can then be used to select a distinct PE from the entire set of PE’s taking part in the operation.) Currently, the 15 processing element version of DAD0 performs these operations in firmware embodied in its off-the-shelf components. from 6. Instantiate: Figure 4.2.1 high-speed identify among Report Set CHANGES 7. end the DADOB, the to the max-RESOLVE a all PE’s single with instantiated reported rule active RHS for rules. actions. WM-changes. Repeat; 3: Discussion Full Distribution of Algorithm of Production Memory. 1 We have left the details of the local match routine unspecified at step 3.b. Thus, a simple precompiled Rete match network and interpreter may be distributed to each processor. However, it is not clear whether a simple naive matching algorithm may be more appropriate since only a very small number of rules is present in each PE. Memory considerations may decide this issue: the overhead associated with linking and manipulating intermediate partial matches in a Rete network may be more expensive than direct pattern matching against the local W’M on each cycle. 302 Performance of this algorithm varies with the In the best case, the time complexity of the local match. to match the rule set is bounded by the time to match The worst case is dependent on the only a. few rules. maximum number of WM elements accessed during the If a simple naive match is used at match of the rules. each PE, this may require a considerable amount of computation even though the size of the local WM’s IS limited. Simple hashing of WM may dramatically improve a local naive matching operation, however. suited 1. We conclude that this algorithm is probably to implementing PS programs characterized by: Temporal would execution 3. Many to though, 5. WM would it separately. Note, also of WM. three or for 4. be PM of common quite depending pattern elements large. Even is resident element number replicated individual of on if an in additional in other elements the average between average of efficiently implemented. 3. above each PE saving state Many rules cycle. each PE local PE’s), may rules, WM WM of may unique (while elements minimum be stored in WM. of 6. Global 8. are 1000 DAD0 each cycle, The allow tests WM such ability to to WM for may also be an environment, has few advantages. by WM-changes changes to many on WM rules concurrency many are matchings each may may achieved rule is, unfortunately, one of the DAD02, for 4 of store the AA, be potentially at the PM- to be achieved 30 Algorithm with a few hundred may be quite configuration each PE thousands has of WM for WM elements point each we for 32 rules rule For above would consisting allows may a 32-way PE. be accessed In system, systems example, allow of 32 PE’s. storage elements at each appropriate. however. noted would Rule more the a PM-level PE’s a thousand are large, Since storage, is underutilized. performance. PM-level may PM envisage considerable WM this Furthermore, The original DAD0 algorithm detailed in [Stolfo 19831 makes direct use of the machine’s ability to execute in both MIMD and SIMD modes of operation at the same point in time. The machine is logically divided into three conceptually distinct components: a PM-/eve/, an upper tree and a number of WM-subtrees. The PM-level consists of MIMD-mode PE’s executing the match phase at one appropriately chosen level of the tree. A number of distinct rules are stored in each PM-level PE. The WMsubtrees rooted by the PM-level PE’s consist of a number of SIMD mode PE’s collectively operating as a hardware content-addressable memory. WM elements relevant to the for WM- device. in size. for rule Thus, rules by the parallel restricted machine decreasing WM-subtrees, handled mode is used example, WM DAD02 tree machine. roughly potentially 11 rather level of the capacity efficiently as an SIMD PM level indeed a later also operating DAD0 2: Original cycles the access to For affected only full are to parallel massive affected. subtrees In 4.3 Algorithm PS efficiently. be WM The most serious drawback of this algorithm is the a local WM is too large to be conveniently case where stored in a PE. Clearly, characteristic 5 is appropriate for this algorithm only in the presence of characteristic 9, small WM. Multiple rule firings (characteristic 7) A discussion of this case is deferred possible. section. on level would a significant a for content-addressable a changes between Since permitted 3000-4000 large are in only tests number of one not but be Similarly, allows matching, rules. 11. designed Indeed, elements a at consisting redundant. WM memory each the stored 2 specifically was as: Non-temporally distribute appropriate. rules of Algorithm against global Given Discussion This algorithm programs characterized cycle. Clearly, match 4.3.1 suitable, would on each Hence, four a be PE’s matches. potentially possible. possible Thus, it would results be particularly is characteristics, pattern to local not PM make of match WM. of PM, may number new small Large 2 small required relatively rules WM sequential cycle. distribution characteristic scope is each It is probably best to view WM as a distributed Each WM-subtree PE thus stores relational relation. tuples. The PM-level PE’s match the LHS’s of rules in a In terms ueries. manner similar to processing relational of the Rete match, e’ntraconditkon tests o? pattern elements in the LHS of a rule are executed as relational selection, equi-join while intercondition tests correspond to operations. Each PM-level PE thus stores a set of relational tests compiled from the LHS of a rule set assigned to it. Concurrency is achieved between PM-level PE’s as well as in accessing PE’s of the WM-subtrees. The algorithm is illustrated in figure 4. best to of its local on similar computing Restricted rule 9. partition relatively actively to modify initial changes amount affected the that a PE are on massive considerable at each best but a rules depending be since redundancy, require rules stored at the PM-level root PE are fully distributed The u per tree consists of throughout the WM-subtree. SIMD mode PE’s lying above t rl e PM-level, which implement synchronization and selection operations. the for Since 32 each capacity, many easily stored. be parallel total, in parallel access nearly at to 1000 a given in time. While attempting to implement temporally redundant systems, Algorithm 2 may recompute much of its match results calculated on previous cycles. This indeed may not be the case if we modify Algorithm 2 to incorporate many of the capabilities of the Rete match. 303 1. Initialize: Distribute partitioned Set CHANGES 2. Repeat 3. Act: the For a. match of rules to the each initial a PE. elements. in CHANGES WM-change PE’s and The match level PE: phase PM-level PE by SO, its element addition, PE is at and any If free identified, WM- and element occur of PE the Any are subsequent that to the matching pattern (relational for bindings sequentially for PE rules below variable reported PM-level the is broadcast WM-subtree the of elements equi-join). A local conflict stored the an the deleted. a a PM-level matching. rating If on selection) are set of rules along with in a distributed Algorithm is formed a priority manner within WM-subtree. PM-level of the match PE’s synchronize The max-RESOLVE identify with the upper circuit maximally the operation, instance 7. Set tree. is used (perhaps 3: Miranker’e TREAT Algorithm TREAT views the pattern elements in the LHS of rules as relational algebra terms, as in Algorithm 2. Thus, the evaluation of such rela,tional algebra tests is also State is saved in a executed within the WM-subtrees. alpha in the form of distributed Rete WM-subtree corresponding to partial selections of tuples memories Rule instances in the matching various pattern elements. conflict set computed on previous cycles are also stored in a distributed manner within the WM-subtrees. These two the performance of substa,ntially improve additions that Anoop Gupta of CarnegieA’gorithm 2. independently v e note analyzed a similar Mellon University Compared to Algorithm 2, algorithm in Gupta 1983. TREAT shoul d perform su 1 stantially better for temporally redundant systems. We note that Gupta’s analysis of depends on certain assumptions that algorithm 2, however, derive misleading results.) Another aspect of TREAT is the clever manner in Pattern elements are first which relevancy is computed. distributed to the WM subtrees. When a new WM element is added to the system, a simple match a,t each WM-subtree PE determines the set of rules at the PMlevel which are affected by the change. Those identified are subsequently matched by the PM-level PE rules restricting the scope of the match to a smaller set of rules than would otherwise be possible with Algorithm 2. conflict rated the instantiated to the CHANGES root RHS of the 4.4.1 set the reported action Repeat; Figure 4: Original DAD0 algorithm is outlined in figure 5. Discussion of Algorithm 3 The TREAT algorithm is a refinement of Algorithm 2 incorporating temporal redundancy. Hence, TREAT is best suited for PS programs characterized as: winning of DADO. to TREAT to specifications. 8. end matching the instance. 6. Report for do; termination 5. Select: rules Daniel Miranker has invented an algorithm which modifies Algorithm 2 to include several of the features of The TREe Associative the Rete match for saving state. Temporally redundant (TREAT) algorithm [Miranker 19841 makes use of the same logical division of the DAD0 tree as in Algorithm 2. However, the state of the previous is saved in distributed data structures match operation within the WM-subtrees. The 4. Upon to select updated is performed an pattern stored and of is added.] ii. Each . .. set routine. is instances subtree if WM- [If th is is a deletion, (relational is 4.4 PM- local match probe matching to its WM-subtree associative this in each to a partial element PM-level determines is relevant rules do; the selection) can be used faster than hashing). Consideration of these techniques led us to investigate Rete for direct implementation on DAD02. Algorithms 3 and 4 detail this approach. to match. is initiated accordingly. 111. to an instruction change end and PM-level WM WM-change i. Each C. routine to each following: Broadcast b. a subset 1. Temporally redundant. 3. Many are 6. Global 8. Small PM. 11. Large WM. rules tests affected of WM are on each also cycle. efficiently handled. Algorithm. changes improve the Simple may _ dramatically For example, rather than lteratmg over each situation. pattern element in each rule as in step S.b.ii, we may only execute the match for those rules affected by new WM changes. The selection of affected rules can be achieved quickly using the WM subtree as an associative memory. By distributing pattern elements as relational tu les in a associative probing similar to WM, manner Prelational We note, though, that minor changes allow TREAT 2 directly (b setting L to all of to implement Algorithm the rules at the PM-level in step 3. B .ii and ignoring step 3.d.i). Thus, TREAT may also efficiently execute: 4. Non-temporally In step 3.d.iii, redundant TREAT systems. also implements a useful 1. Initialize: simple Distribute matcher set of rules. each appropriate the LHS PE. to the pattern of the rules Set PM-level below) Distribute the level to (described and WM-subtree elements a in the to the compared to Algorithm 2 executing temporally redundant study and detailed analysis systems. (Th e implementation, of TREAT forms a major part of Daniel Miranker’s Ph.D. thesis.) PE’s appearing appearing CHANGES PE a compiled root in PM- initial 4.5 WM elements. 2. Repeat 3. Act: the For a. WM-change Broadcast in CHANGES WM-change to the do; WM-subtree PE’s. b. If this change instruction elements d. At each PM-level PE to do; to WM-subtree to match the instruction PE against the local ii. Report the affected pattern the pattern PE’s an WM-change element. rules and Algorithm store rules of 4.5.1 the each rule 1. Match rules in L do; 2. For remaining patterns of the 1. Temporally in as 2. Few new in priority 3. end L in 2. each store Discussion specified Algorithm end for instance found, WM-subtree with 10. a rating. PM. We 1023 Rete nodes 9. 5. Report 6. Set the 7. end winning CHANGES winning max-RESOLVE rule to in the to find the the instance. the instantiated 5: The TREAT tree This believe processed overlay and changes. Rete processed that by only DADOB. technique can networks be are Thus, in turn. be achievable. since (stored storage at alpha capacity the Rete for storage network nodes intermediate and beta a DAD02 of partial memories), PE may size of WM. Although overlayed Rete networks would be processed significant performance DADOB, sequentially on can be achieved by a natural pipelinin improvements a successful match an 3 Immediately following effect. communication at a node, the next two-input test from the overlayed network is initiated. Thus, while the parent node is processing the first network node, its children are proceeding with their tests of the second overlayed network node. Algorithm. strategy. When iterating over each of the rules in L affected by recent changes in WM, those pattern elements with the smallest alpha memories are processed first. This technique tends to process the join operations quickly by filtering out many potentially failing partial joins. As algorithm, Miranker instance, several However, restricting WM of the instance. Repeat; Figure of the programs 19791. be forward significant results require RHS may limited for may where WM. match tree. may, in the PM Small implementation for PS by in [Forgy a straight embedded instance 4 affected Large implemented each; rated are is noted However, do; do; Use maximally 6. redundant observation require 4. Select: of Algorithm rules large e. in figure Since this algorithm is a direct Rete match, it is most suitable characterized as: in L appropriately. iv. For v. end elements 4 is illustrated in L. iii. Order Rete This observation leads to Algorithm 4 whereby a logical Rete network is embedded on the ph sical DAD0 In the simplest case, i eaf nodes of binary tree structure. the DAD0 tree store and execute the initial linear chains whereas internal DAD0 PE’s of one-input, test nodes, operations. The physical two-input node execute connections between processors correspond to the logical da.ta flow links in the Rete network. The entire DAD0 in MIMD mode while executing this machine operates algorithm, behaving much like a pipelined data flow architecture. set cycles. to PM-level Phase. i. Broadcast WM conflict on previous Match an delete affected an instruction the broadcast and any calculated Broadcast enter match and instances c. is a deletion, to 4: Fine-grain A Rete network compiIed from the LHS’s of a rule set consists of a number of simple nodes encoding match Tokens, representing WM modifications, flow operations. through the network in one direction and are processed by Fortunately, the each node lying on their traversed paths. maximum fan-m of any node in a Rete network is two. Hence, a Rete network can be represented as a binary tree (with some minimal amount of node splitting). following: each Algorithm source of ninelining can improve A second In this cker the &tire RHS action performance as well. specification is broadcast at once to the DAD0 leaf PE’s Immediately following the conclusion of the at step 3.a. first match operation and communication of the first WM noted above, Gu ta’s analysis of a TREAT-like as well as su f sequent analysis performed by [1984], show TREAT to be highly efficient 305 1. Initialize: Map network on provided with and the load DAD0 the the compiled Each tree. appropriate network information details). Set match code [Forgy (see CHANGES Rete node is and 19821 to for initial WM 1. Initialize. 2. Repeat the For in CHANGES WM-change to Distribute do; of the a. b. Broadcast WM-change the leaf PE’s. DAD0 Broadcast an one-input The token. for root of are tests, the The to the to the PE is provided the with control the the chosen Set processor. instantiated completion SIMD of PE of PS (PS-level), Algorithm program each PS-level. instruction in their to each PS-level PE MIMD mode. (Upon each respective reconnects to programs, the tree above PE’s are in to in mode.) 3. Repeat a. 2. to the following. Test if all PS-level SIMD mode. End Repeat; 4. Execution Complete. Halt. Figure 7: Simple Multiple PS Program Execution. RHS. In the cases where various PS-level PE’s need to communicate results with eachother, step 3 is re laced with appropriate code sequences to report and broa a cast values from the PS-level in the proper manner. Each of the programs executed by PS-level PE’s are first modified to synchronize as necessary with the root PE to coordinate the communication acts, at, for example, termination of the Act phase. Repeat; Figure 6: Fine-grain Rete Algorithm. token, the leaf PE’s initiate processing of the second WM Hence, as a WM token flows up the DAD0 tree, token. subsequent WM tokens flow close behind at lower levels of the tree in pipeline fashion. 4.0 execution incorporate DAD0 processor). root begin to physical changes in at the an the immediately until reports the to which PE’s appropriate 2. Broadcast PS-level PM-level the the DAD0 System-level their passing two-input maintained new waiting by tokens repeated DAD0 execute the communicated their set from CHANGES 4. end idle to do; The instance processors computed Those is then control Select: nodes ancestors conflict end on processing process C. sequences lay to PE’s leaf tests immediate begin all the results descendants. to token) test interior match one-input Rete instruction (First, Match. their (a divide Production similar following: each Logically static a elements. 3. Act: algorithmic process executed in the controlled by some case is represented upper part of the tree. The simplest by the procedure illustrated in figure 7, which is similar in some respects to Algorithm 2. Algorithm In our characteristic as 5: Multiple discussion so far, 7, multiple rule - multiple, independently Asynchronous Execution no mention was made about We may view this firings. executing PS programs, or - executing PS program multiple conflict set rules of the same concurrently. In this regard we offer not a single algorithm, but rather an observation that may be put to practical use in each of the abovementioned algorithms. We note that any DAD0 PE may be viewed as a Thus, any algorithm operating root of a DAD0 machine. at the physical root of DAD0 may also be executed by Hence, any of the aforementioned some descendant node. algorithms can be executed at various sites in the machine concurrently! (Th is was noted in [Stolfo and Shaw 1982 .) This coarse level of parallelism, however, will need to IIe In addition to concurrent execution of multiple PS programs, methods may be employed to concurrently execute portions of a single PS program. These methods are intimately tied to the way rules are partitioned in the tree. Subsets of rules may be constructed by a static analysis of PM separating those rules which do not directly interact with each other. In terms of the match problemsolving paradigm, for example, it may be convenient to think of independent subproblems and the methods implementing their solution (see [Newell 19731). Each such method may be viewed as a high-level subroutine represented as an independent rule set rooted by some internal node of DADO. Algorithm 1, for example, may be applied in parallel for each rule set in question. Asynchronous execution of these subroutines proceeds in a straight forward manner. The complexity arises when one subset of rules infers data required by other rule sets. The coordination of these communication acts is the focus of our ongoing research. Space does not permit a complete specification of this approach, and thus the reader is encouraged to see [Ishida 1984) for details of our initial thinking in this direction. 5 Conclusion References We have outlined five abstract, algorithms for the parallel execution of PS programs on the DAD0 machine and indicated what characteristics they are best suited for. We summarize our results in tabular form as follows: Algorithm 1. Fully PS Distributed 2. Original 3. Miranker’s 4. Fine-grain 5. Multiple PM DAD0 TREAT Rete Asynchronous Davis, and J. Forgy, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 C. L. Mellon 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10 Forgy to all cases. the On Ph.D. C. L. Gupta, A Science, Carnegie-Mellon and University, and Report, Columbia University, University, J., and J., and Report, Department University, Computers). 307 D. P. Maclaine: 1984. a Shaw. Computer. Science, DADO: of Technical Columbia A Tree-structured Production Computer Artificial August, The DAD0 System-level Systems. on University, (Submitted Technical to AI Journal). Conference of Programming Thesis. for Miranker. Control Department (Submitted Carnegie-Mellon System as Computer National Intelligence, S. E. of Intelligence. Parallel 1983. RETE. Science, 1973. Ph.D. of DAD0 Information Vi’aual University, Architecture Proceedings Stolfo D. Computer Models (Ed.), Systems DAD0 the and 1984. Press, 1976. August Machine of Artificial Department for TREAT of Systems: Academic The J. Systems, Estimates Chase Science, Report, Conflict Hayes-Roth Inference Carnegie-Mellon Computer S. System and April W. for Report, Science, Production Department Production M. Computer Waterman Comparison In Language S. In Production A. Rychener, of of Machines. 1978. Technical Processing, Stolfo Forgy. A Structures. Firing 1984. Machine. Newell, on Computer 1983. Simultaneous Performance P. Systems of Tree-structured on Many Problem. Production Department Pattern-directed D. the 19, 17-37. Stolfo. C. Press, for University, Strategies. (EW, Academic Science, Matching Department Report, Columbia Resolution Stolfo J. Technical Miranker 1982, Rules J. Carnegie- Computer Algorithm Report, S. Production McDermott, of OPS5 Technical T., Report, Pattern Intelligence, DA-DO. Ishida In this paper, we have outlined our expectations concerning the suitability of each of the algorithms for a variety of possible PS programs. We expect ouirtreenyrted findings to substantiate our claims, and to demonstrate this with working examples in the near future. Fast Object Implementing A. of Implementation Technical Department Rete: Artificial Computer Thesis. Pattern/Many Of the five reported algorithms, only the original DAD0 algorithm (number 2) has been carefullv studied analyticallj;. The ‘performanie statistics of the ;emaining four algorithms have yet to be analyzed in detail. However, much of the performance statistics cannot be analyzed without specific examples and detailed implementations. Working in close collaboration with researchers at AT&T Bell Laboratories, in the course of the next year of our research we intend to implement each of the stated algorithms on a working prototype of DADO. of 1975. Efficient Systems. Production of Department University, University, 1979. Overview Report, Stanford Production 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11 An King. Technical Science, Characteristics Applies R. Systems. 1982. Production Details. Technical Science, Columbia to IEEE Transactions on