TODAY’S WTH O R G H C E HIGH-T OW’S R R O M O T IS M! O O B H C E T HIGH- High school computer science classes are the gateway to studying any of the college computing majors outlined in this brochure. For more detailed descriptions of options in computing, please talk to your computer science teacher or guidance counselor, or go to the following website: y also open ol – but the co d he an n fu g careers! T uters are , and fulfillin e Sure, comp iv ht g at ri e s cr , ve g ti restin execu doors to inte ting professionals and re o m e m co e u mp panies b m co is as need for co d g rl o in ng our w U.S. is grow allenge faci ch here in the r g o n aj ri m e u conq ost every lution, from on global. Alm ting for a so u ving educati p ro m p co im to m o fr r, e turning g n u liminating h disease to e ronment. vi n e e th g from the to protectin professions g n ti u p n be m (US-BLS) ca rates for co or Statistics b Job growth big La as f h o t au ’s marke s Bure : BIG. Today United State rd o s. w al n e n io o ss with profe summarized for qualified idly big salaries to grow rap h it d e w at d im an st e dem e ar %, far 3 s 5 n 23% and occupatio y between Computing ith an W m – s. e te d ited Sta xt deca th in the Un over the ne me w ti ro r g e tt b e jo b ll a vera s, it’s outpacing o pportunitie and more o s e ting! ic u o p m ch co re mo reer in ca a in g e b seeable than ever to , for the fore at th jobs ts ic d re ngineering US-BLS p science or e w In fact, the e n 4 f o t g! ly 3 ou in computin future, near oing to be g e ar will . .S U in the uting major e in a comp re d prior g e e e d n e ’t g n o colle pically d ty u s yo Want in? A h g u have classe pen. Altho h school may ur ig h make it hap r u yo , g mputin with yo training in co u get a head start. Talk nce mputer scie yo co lp e l’s h o n o h sc r le u that ca la yo ities avai b unselor and e opportun th t u guidance co o ab . bsite learn more visit our we teachers to e future, or th in d an w to you no .org m c a . s r e e tingcar u p m o c / / : http COMPUTING DEGREES & CAREERS Association for Computing Machinery Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession Association for Information Systems Do you want to help build the next generation of smart phones, nanotech media devices, interactive robots, 3D virtual reality “holodecks,” and even high-tech clothing? Or create new and more advanced medical tools? COMPUTER ENGINEERING (CE) students study the design of digital hardware and software including devices such as global communications systems, wearable implantable computers, smart phones, digital players, personal video recorders (PVRs), Internet alarm systems, high-tech body scanners, and even laser surgical tools. Increasingly, CE specialists integrate customized hardware and embedded software to improve existing technologies and invent new ones. Do you love to solve puzzles or exchange theories about new ideas? Would you like to invent an app that helps rescue workers locate survivors? COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS) professionals can conceive and create fun and valuable apps for Android, iPhones, iPads, Windows 7 devices, Facebook, and Twitter. They design and build software and create efficient solutions to real-world problems in fields such as robotics, computer-enhanced vision, and digital forensics. Individual computer science programs allow students to specialize in one or more of these fields. CS runs the gamut from theory to practice to cutting-edge inventions. It makes graduates aware of new technologies and new ideas and is a foundation for many different computing careers. Do you enjoy finding better ways to get things done using computers? Are you interested in understanding how computers can make businesses work better? INFORMATION SYSTEMS (IS) specialists design and manage computing solutions that provide companies, non-profit organizations, and governments with the information they need to achieve their goals. IS professionals also employ computer systems to implement and improve the way organizations work. They combine their knowledge of computing and organizations to bridge the gap between technical and business specialists. Most IS programs are found in business schools, and may go by such names as management information systems, computer information systems, or business information systems. All IS degrees combine business and computing topics, but the emphasis between technical and organizational subjects varies. patient’s arteries of a e th on an e cl ay can , or operate Doctors tod heart attack re s. tu m fu ar a c g aging heart, preventin remote cameras and robotiged Medical Im ay using w of clog f a world aw detailed vie al a h al ts n ultrasounds ve ie re at n p s, MRIs, and an imaging ca sc al ic T d A e C . m ery Modern ut any surg s. eas – witho professional g n ti u problem ar p m co f o s ct u d ro are. are all the p n the hardw images from ineers desig g en er s to process ut p hm rit o 8 Com g al e ise th scientists dev 8 Computer eets s. se pul sure that it m electrical im ware and en ft so e rit w gineers 8 Software en s. rest lity standard ua ment to the q al medic aging equip im e th t ec nals conn 8 IT professio l gear. ical tech hospita hthe right med g hi of the ensure that ts lis ia ec sp time. n systems at the right 8 Informatio , information ht rig e like Google th s staff get ch engines ar es for se in se g u n e le ut search B Most peop . ay d g for ry ve eb Bing, and Yahoo e e today. How about searchintly W e th n o ar n an y the const rmatio better than The Web is Finding Info uld be much s in movies? e co s. n b an ce e e S W m s? e n d th soun formatio e ictures? Or arn what in le hes that mak to d ac e ro objects in p e p n engines tionary ap lu ch vo ar e re S e . g th ise growin scientists dev . 8 Computer search results . le ib s that dig up m ra search poss g ro p e ch sear op th gineers devel ns that allow 8 Software en design solutio ts lis ia ec sp n systems rtisements. 8 Informatio relevant adve ll se to erformance s ie compan plex, high-p m co n ig es f data. engineers d quantities o 8 Computer ith immense w e p co ke many to networks and it will ta , o g to ay a long w nology has at happen. Search tech s to make th al n io ss fe ro p ndchildren g computin tell your gra ht ig m u yo as like. The One day t television w ha w d ut o ab n stories om iTunes an Distributio ie e Internet. Fr v th e o n th o M is to & ia ng ic is movi d all med Online Mus tertainment ic, movies, an n to mmercial en co future of mus r studios pla x, o fli aj et m N ost of the Hulu and , m , up to g e in en ub ak am uT sh re Yo y is being to video st tr ks us d an le in Th t . ho en st w tertainm and the Web – fa sential field, nline. The en o es s m an fil e . e ls m o ut distrib fessiona t has bec mputing pro managemen logy and co no digital rights store ch te y b abases that powered the huge dat n revolution is ig es d ts is scient 8 Computer vies. er science ows, and mo sh TV , ic , and comput IT mus , g r rin ee in eng interfaces fo in software e, engaging tiv ac tr 8 Specialists at te tists to crea work with ar that keeps ign the logic es consumers. d . ls na io ss rofe mmendations n systems p provides reco d an 8 Informatio s ws 7 o st d re in iPad, W omers’ inte iPod Touch, , track of cust d our o y iP la e p th e uild hich w engineers b devices on w ia ed m 8 Computer le ab other port devices, and s. download Mobile Dev ices With more than 700 million us ers in some co and 4+ billion untries worldwide – gr number of pe eater than the ople wearing sh oe s – it seems like is moving fast er than the sp mobile techno eed of light. Yo logy spend more tim ur fingers prob e texting than ably dialing friends apps that can . Today’s phon name that tune es have you can never listening to it, remember – ju play graphically st by ad vanced and lo games, and sh cation-based ow your friends w he time. Already, re you’re having you can buy tic lunch – in real kets to see yo while passing ur favorite band a club, deposit checks into yo account with a ur bank snap of your ca mera phone, an in some places d, , pay bus fare just by hoppin the bus. Who g onto knows what to morrow may br ing? 8 Compu ter engineers develop smalle power-hungry r, less chips. 8 Compu ter scientists cr eate compressio algorithms to n transmit inform ation more efficiently. 8 Inform ation systems specialists desig between busin n the connectio esses and mob ns ile customers. 8 IT spec ialists make su re th at the hardware an behind the scen d software used es are up-to-d ate. Gaming The Microsoft Xbox 36 0 and Kinect. Th and the Move. e Sony PlayStat The Nintendo ion 3 Wii. They’re al machines, but l great gaming the technology behind them isn all – it’s serious ’t a game at ly powerful stuf f. And games kids anymore. aren’t just for Adults not only play today’s vi they create them deo games, , too – as 3D m odelers, animators, effe cts artists, grap hics programmers, level designers , and more. At the heart of these virtual re ality platforms is cu tting-edge com puting. 8 Compu ter engineers produce faster more powerfu , l chips capable of displaying ever more lifelike ch aracters in 3-dimensiona l worlds. 8 CS and SE experts crea te the artificial intelligence th at makes each game challeng players coming ing, keeping back for more. 8 IT prof essionals supp ort networks an enable game de d infrastructur velopment. e that 8 IS prof essionals create systems for ke customer feed eping track of back, behavior , and demand. Are you the one everyone calls when they want their own website? Are you the troubleshooter everyone turns to when their computer acts weird? INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) professionals make a living solving, supporting, troubleshooting, and designing elements of the IT infrastructure – from websites to networks, in organizations ranging from business and government to schools, health care, and more. IT specialists possess the ideal combination of knowledge and practical, hands-on expertise to support both an organization’s technology infrastructure and the people who use it. They’re responsible for selecting hardware and software products appropriate for an organization. IT professionals create and manage websites and networks to provide a secure, efficient, and productive environment for everyone. Directors, composers, and architects – they all see the big picture. Do you? Creating software products involves a lot more than just writing code. SOFTWARE ENGINEERS (SE) see the whole picture, too – the life cycle of a product, including efficiency and reliability, meeting customers’ budgets, proper testing, and maintenance. Large, expensive software systems often play a vital role in safety-critical applications and are made up of many smaller building blocks. Software engineers combine experience in computer science, engineering, and math to design, define, and organize many aspects of a complex software product. Software engineering courses are offered both within computer science study and as separate degrees. Both share some courses in common, and CS graduates who want to head up large development projects increasingly pursue software engineering in graduate school.