From: AAAI-86 Proceedings. Copyright ©1986, AAAI ( All rights reserved. STAHLp: Belief 1)epartmenI Revision of Inforrr~aLiori IJniversity RrpaNet: in Scientific and of California, Abstract this ring paper we describe components of chemical ing cornponential models. S’I’AI-11, system cal reactions and known rrlodels. I lowever, effective strategy covrbri rig from upon the cacti illfclrred belief tiple methods inferences which can proc& beliefs, for detecting been comptating revision how ttieories issue how evolve with STAlI recovering premises, they after frorn method are them, and from revisions. the further belief duction any which have in these (Xytkow systtlrn undergone areas has which inferred els are from ptllo- f’rorll both constructed which ciuri~~g ory. ‘I’his theory ing su Ipstances swiii lose to thclory also oxidizatiorl), lost prevailing evolved reduce which phlogiston and (2) was 18th f’rom the models. to explain believed transformed beliefs its periodically / SCIENCE to through would have to be ence. Next, (4) the work then carried out. I, sufficient prt~riiises Icad n~odels, then of newly to the system. Then (I) based on these is detected. belief revision proposing ways to “best” avoid proposed l~‘inally, begins as (3) hy- in which premises erroneous to iritc~rrricdiate the assigning least blame modifications (step is itself reactions, to triort’ irltornlediate infer- having again, rllodcls. a cycle then reactions, Step in which to and to are I) starts of more are noted, until illfererlc- premise inferencing prelnises the is chosen, when new mod- Normal hypothesis models if no tbrrorb reactions consists begins Ie&id ing to the construction (possibly) century cycle rllodified its pro- of chemical inference and generated, 18th its output inference suspt~nded are models of and inferred a11 erroneous tlre- inferred so 011. wheu S’L’A II I,, the kinds beliefs i3ot h sys- thus represent The puts; a iriodel is represented as a list contaiuing ttle substumx being modelled, and its cornyonents. tj’or example, as coniponential S’I’A 11Lp deals tenis known and of burn- and reactions f,W(J are process. associatoti Like with a reaction 18th century chemists observed “citlx”. COiLI reacted to iron this form rtbactiotl as models. as a list a Ineta resent 528 consists are input premises; system that (now to occur into importantly evolve chemistry, combustion calcination more of STAHLp S’l‘AllLp’s certain techniques observation iri the its S’I‘A t I Lp in part theories to construct input of Al was phloyistm framework models, tiowt>ver, S’I’A tl I,p is a forward-chaining models, on existing of chemical century but scientific designed impact production combining (phlogiston) was yet S’I’AtIl, models towards in size durirlg something seemed The cotnponential step Its domain the investigation, a forward-chaining 1986) areas. are two areas overlapped. was a first 511 tJst;tIlcrJs revision considerable rarely & Simon, belief collft icts between we created Overview known ing is then and to be- revision. Its su bstar1ces. and We analyze Introduction discovery in- 111 addition inferences. in scope; for and S’l’A tll, employed erronwus how system potheses Scitarltific domain, S’I’A I 11,‘s deficielbcies, II prernise theory. I limited investigate determines shift were explanations chemists, phenomena. to resolve certain I,ike its predecessor, Lp, as interpretations involving techniques to made repeated this from erroneous thus within lief revision 1,‘s mul- hypotheses chosen both rational frustrated long relate and recover provided had 1984) lead in STAH revise The models. an example to oxygeii or model). can be viewed theories; this which to models repeated is based (de Kleer, to one faulty new strategy method and reduced hypothesize belief giston This re- which seemed to remedy unified and or premises, reaction (i.e., a more deed methods to construct detecting, inferences. to construct during in order preventing, of the use chemi- theory problems inferring construct- both S’I’A 11Lp employs source have - i.e., 1986); the assumption-based for infer- is a descendant models for errorleous of rccordillg system substances & Simon, any new STAlILp 92717 phlogiston ‘I’hus, S’l‘AIil,p (Xytkow and partly the Science lar~gl~~y~I~~S.lJ~~I.~~~I~IJ two III Computer Irvine drose~lC:S.IJ(II.I~:1)1J, Discovery arid (reacts of its that inputs arld calx-of-iron’ ash; S’I’AtII,p inputs uut- and charWould {calx-of rep-iron charcoal) outputs {iron ash)). We abbreviate this to CI Ch + I Ash. lf S’l’A~il,p eventually infers that charcoal is composc~d of p tilogistoll this c~ornponential rrlodel and ash, S’l’All I,p as (components of rcprest~~~ts (charcoal} are {phlogiston ash}), or Ch = Ph Ash. We can of tflt3t: at~OVt~ I’ll beliefs (‘an t usirig kJC? ViPWd its At this ASll.” Ilc’Irts of (.harcoat I I 1’11 algebraic “(:I } point, into 1 t Ash”, nstl “(:I an f hen (:/I wc the first S’l‘AII I, alIt c~orrt~spond S’1‘AlII.p. of u basic S indicate belie/, ther1 has S’I‘A II I,p ilifers only sucfi as I irlg rrt>wly inferred tul ion can occur rt>ti uctions, and S’1‘A II Lp’s basic rthactions Its tras rule was never ash C~LII At this reduced list, into tll, would S’l‘A would stitution, which is again the leading ) I Ash H EI)l.J(?I~: to it. IIow<~vt~r, t I {Ash}. fire, and I in CI Ph t’ON tI:N’I’S would cannot reducctl curlier which lists, (dcsc.t~lldent.) If A hence rule ensures thus of VA. In short,, III %y tkow The and l3elief Revision Simon t:rroIic’ous illfererlctts: rule; “error arid prc’triist:s. tililig iri these that faulty in tile S’l’All t,p’s STAllI, input lo type tyl,t:, IJ~II all (erroneous t)y f’itulty I’auIIy havtb premises. I)rtl1Iii bt5 are the typos irlfererlccs tri t,his rr~c:tt~ocf f;)r recoverirq there Since (: we will discuss again from using erronf2ous the faulty its use lj we will 1~~3 viewed a simpler 11k:l)11(~14~ is only in S’I‘A I 11,~ must section revised, call allowing irLjerences. arid show one error be caused how rc4uct4 in later DELAYED- and A ulso occurs belief. in For any previously reduced rtlrnoved S’rAIIf,p befrom to construct the reduced list enables wmpwe~lts of’ VC) S’l’AIILp incorrect, models to like C as new information so011 becomes known. of key role iI1 han- In section error prevented, i.e. A we will in S’I’A t 114p, thus ~rit~tl~od for detectr~ly erroneous rutt: errors S’l’.AtlL” erro7~ewus I‘f~jer(:ticf3. error two sources of thck ltl~~l)~JCl~~ list plays 111 see-1 iou tlow S’L‘AI] 1,‘s ttircc~ rirairi ah a sirlgtc has applic-ations rr:cluccd problerr15. prei~erltiny show noted Process cor- its reduced immediately Ibrevc’lll t’rroneous iufertlnc~cs (e.g. = Ph VA CC) by rc‘vising beliefs as tthe the et~lcmbers rr~odel C = Ph CC, by removing the new occur- tile correct (e.g. I reappear the enables and occurrence it rule, substances arc cornpo- infer can; new A from that this through in u belief, beliefs reduction a tJ1e it been reaction, cannot if they using he11 remove reduced rerrwue 11’s ancestral sub- because model above S’SA tll,p been occurs therl was VA CC after w the substances by lief t$, this rence IrlerIlOry. have such list, fj. I)ttlayed and llowever, rts reduced f‘rorrl chin. into reaction reactions REDIJ~1E: if VC’s model what bus ulreudy S’I‘A 11I, caltriot removes copper infer the correct Yrerr~emtxr” substituted substances and 1 VA Ph VA Llowever, C = Ph as because incorrect. to appears, is an- present resulted, of VA. in an injerenm of’ V(: arc keen C VA inferred knowl- of copper had have in the rllissing model would conclude dwuys rnectlunisrn S’l’AHL applying accepted ujter the incorrect S’I’AtlI, the L1, Irlodtlt inferred, rrlodtxl. belief this correct known r’cact copper w hiclr led of coppt’r haves eventually btbcarrte rlents after C = Ph CC. The CC, tlrrrr reductd all occurrences YMJ Finally, copper SA then C = Ph VC. liowever,thiscon- was the correct applica- substitution, VC = VA CC. If this model of VA from wry reactions iIlk a prcnlise, situa- -* SA VC and of VA. for model to construct nlodel, are conclusions” standard C VA reduction the so on. a reduced t;or example”~ niodet paradigrrl needed “there + VA Ph VC after is incorrect; VA again S’l‘A 11I, in with for UYM~ point, C VA t Ph VC after STAti/, substi- CI Ph Ash aSSeI’kd edge that erroneous transforms lNI~1~~l~-~~OMI’ON~~N’l‘S: other out produces 1986). rules to further and indicating reslllting tJe rnto A from track, far from lo reactions WOUtd or for that pointed a cotrlponcntial clusion for assert- lcad augmented thus IN t~I~:H-(:OM = CI Ph (Ash} inputs iron, inferred, differs are be rrkducecl, now in turn being is to keep applic4 point, Ph C tms cotltain of 11. fq’or c~xarrrple, e1npty a11 may represctrlt,atiorl rc~tiuced to assertion {I} this purpose of’ all su bstanct3 the oj A UYL~S. At this which models models a~~tl main & Simon, model When model I), or iJ /I decornposcs again; UYL lNF~R,-C<)MPONENTS: present rnore Irelief. in either Jj is cornposed are the a corriponetitiat is I/ .I arid S react to form rtxiLct,ions replac:e A theyi CI Ph. 'I'his thirdrule, = models, S’, then ltljer thd froYr1 one substance or is: IJ A occurs rultl A of both is: I/ A occurs rule rerr1ove rules a set of one of I) u?d ,S, REDIJ~X ttic: outputs, sut~sl,aricct, = VA into to get Simou I< b;l) IJ(:lj: of S’I‘AIll.‘s asserts ) I’ll sides to the two main S~JL3STITIJTE an equation list. both I,cttillg I,he with ti ~rtd S. The that ash “(:I tion phlogiston fnor(L sul>stallcc>s, if ottitlr ‘Y:h compo- the to get frolri belief; and substilde equation reduce 111(1 bulfej, und A is cornpmed s1de.s { Ash” 1 c’a~i t]le and in which (Zytkow think I”. ‘I’tttw~ two steps both metaphor; Xytkow tiolls such %y tkow involving rllnirl and catclgoric>s. as being to this exist first error c~oIrcurrt:ritty st,itutiorl classified Ij’irst, composed SII bstallctl can Simon rrlisal)plical.iorl assu~rws (e.g. the erroneoub of the a 5‘11b 5,t ante of itself typta ltt4:DIJ(1tl: (infinite (e.g. where in rtienlory) can irlferences become three defined recursion). We refer A = B C and B = A D as a circularity, a circillar not rult> into definition because af’ttbr’ applying a sub- A = A D C or B = B C D). kcondly, there be two rnodets secorid error type special case where for the same as [i~odet one su bstanc.e. su bsuriiption, model’s componerlts We refer to this f&~usirig on are a subset the of list in LEARNING / 529 the other model’s components (e.g. A = B C). 1“ 1Jr1’ n IIy, a reaction its inputs or outputs We have found as one type; Thus, (but be restated alter are inputs the fuJldameJJtal error null null to nil type null a sirrJplttr, unified tnethod two error note types the to A = A D C after (Conflict- a complete arid begiJis such that of all reduced erroncow reacllotl. system its I1tllet.e 0 I’ronl the revision. II frorri had an erroneous its rriairi revision This process process decides iJift:reJJccA, revises ory (i.e. ttitl original hypothesized in observed rcactiorls, c~XporirrJental ‘l‘henard tlie reaction pOtaSSiu[Jl that I)avy anti oXygt:Jl. and JJot pure lY8ci). to exhibit sucti such ln order actually to support coJJt,aiJled sotne As we shall see later, hypothetical c-oriflictand and their claim, l)avy’s potastJ water S’I’A ttl,p hyinto (%ytkow is also able ttit~ .w(lrce tays of’ the lar to Jnechanisms 19X4), these iJJg to each new each belief ultirriately associated premises detected tags belief store the revision erroneous underlying in memory; inference. is associated support For each source it. tag contains to belief the absent in a belief itself ultimately contributed of’ rule little stanc-c finds tlith ways plete rlufl reaction hypothetically 530 / SCIENCE in which null it could (having altering reaction empty its l,IlS have if certain of P are erro- premises reaction P f P H 0 if’ the (2). tiypothcsis (4) arid H 0, a (fl 2 tag riot the ItIfS S’l’AIll,p post4 instead and or IttlS. That the 114 fl, while (0 3 should rc3ult premise is eff’eclt P P tt ftS of’ premise 3 r) would not is sub- given rt,actioJJ the 11ave iJidicate Ilad ccluse-hypothesis coJJsl,ruct, would which erroneous of premise tiave there “l)elete” For exdJtJplt&, modified efrect rea(.tioll), indicates side). as re- t.l~cxdesired for t*ach that revisioJJs While easy 13, its cult. plus the thut riot such have 0. Thus, (4), whose in effect-tlyI>ottJcsis bud pro- (4): The of 0. have beeli decide “smaller” the side that aJJced side reactioJJ. Our of’ the Jnodifitbd Agai11 usirlg tag to work to the that erroneous Jnust the be add4 above should from, to a prerrlisc back 511 t,star1ces substaJJccs difii- substance is to IJse the plugged reaction relatively more efl’cbct . ‘J’he prob- source substance solution were this dt3iruti is no obvious in before:. wtJere the this art: in ari effect-hypothesis, premise which iJJ to get there errotieous outputs), S’f’AklLp substaIJce “Add” preserJt art: cause-hypotliescls S’I‘AtI Lp will add led to a comby cause-~Jypol,lieses omission lj‘or each S’I’AII t,p must the corrirnission lo create, ItlrrJ is that STA11Lp is, lag effectprclrriise. be hypoltlesized t’rrolieous source should tile iJi sorile wheti indicate would of’ substarlces inputs rJlust (i.e. modific~d would r) in It’1I.S O/ prerrllst: 2 ?rlust rwt huue hud 11, urltl tht: ti!iS that applicatiorls. is inferred, which (as well as which premises substance premise the which substance in ari effect-hypothesis prerrrisc: 3 niust Effect-Hypotheses W heJJ an unbalanced each f’rorri the irlvolved riot exist Generating decide matchirig corJlplic;itioiJ; sirice 1. aJJd I)elete 1111s. ‘J’hese balancctl is hypothesis r~ow is to I’rorrb soJne is delelioJJ way, preJniscs tfJe substance a series LlfS and to iJJfer a to 132. In this substance which 1) after Simi- t:orrcspoJJd- 131 is used with on (dtl K f(>(lr, premises propagated in JnerJJory based systems as a belief are of the premise szlbslartce for in assuJrJZ)tioJl-bas<~c~ 112, 131’s tags belief JJuJrJber certain ways f’our opt,ioJis LtlS the illstead to a corresporrdiJig 2 should reasoning. by In ltitl t’abt3 of’subslar~cc:s ally that S’I’A I I I,p selects many to the modified the the Causo-Hypot~leses problem revised, hypottic3c5 deco~r~posed tlJat ‘l’he as water, of potash concluded into rnodijied the are resulted For example, prt:Jrrises back tl to the 0 to the changes on the reduction” how There 11 0 from have premises nthw substaoccs) (2) Add (3) Add would Generating 2. be (iay-Lussac consists finds using l<llS. LliS, be inferred of revisiJig chemists to explain I,tiat potash Thenard but & Simon, substances, potassiurrl observed that difI’ert?JJt. “inverse them system its J.evise t P H 0 { -}, (without f is nil the- is historical century lj’or example, effect the (4) I)clete t P H would not include there 18th in arJ attempt a new does Iri fact, missitlg this error. Now II 0 I,O the ItIfS, is to an to it f’rorn Jnemory beer1 left isolated pluggiJlg eflect-hypotheses h.~~l H Its goal is P RIIS, reaction deletes ver- lead the errorleous c~onstructs which method. results. claimed while (;a.~-Lussac was revision frorri caused and iliference. sorrlt~times drogen, premises, erroneous for this S’I‘AII I,p invokes to recover pretniscs a new set of beliefs) motivation irlg in order which these reinfers inference, erroneous here equals to use (1) Add I~WIJS detecting LIIS here: reduclioris. JJot have reaction detect S’l‘AIll,p’s IJporr this or rrJore is to perform result supporting would S’I’Alll,p list substances, the so that the step to a Lalutlced 011~ which one the 0 would ‘I‘he first reaction; af’tcr revisioJJ. 11 and charlges of inferring reaction detected, belief how eff’ect siippose Once two reductions. the JJ1Jll reactiori For example, IllIS. about have erroneous it carI change S’I‘A 11Lp must enabling of this to B C = B C D = D after of belief as how could H 0 {P). in S’l’AlI Lp; reduction. inf’erences react,ioJJs, outputs (or simply reactions, = D C after to nil be viewed hypotheses premises as tlJe third. reaction B = A D leads erroneous uribalaJiccd can To see how the first therJ only constructs either or empty A = B C a11d A = B C D lead substitution, ‘I’hus, types be restated empty as unbalanced then models error can un6alunced A = B C and sJJbst,itution, where sion three either reaction). circJJlarity ing these is the to it as an A = B C D subsumes be irlterred empty. two types with JJot both) an erroneous can that the first a reaction we refer are can it, did source tags er/Jplty side arc’ IJOW reaction. of the ‘I‘his is to tlffect exanrple, OJl a bal- STAlll,p into rrierriory. fj‘irially, in response to the the result ‘1‘1it> qtlc:st,iori is uhrc~h I,IIS rrirlst be revised now whit Ii premise’s 1’ is to answer-. (I’ 3 I), the cltatailed If’ it was woc~ld 0. the r.csuIt: (Nottt that t’ 01~ such a rriadc iri 011e of’ its ruris, claiIii that the otJst:rvc~d sirriply had to >ource of leliej PIredly coIl(.IuskJrl, wtlich S’I’AlII,p (I’) sotr~e in the wakr and are Wllile we aid have tly[“Jtht?S shown (1) alld t,ti iihc~i to construct laitiirig both Ily~JothtWs how tt ltb reasoIking (‘$ hybrid omission (2) S’I’A I I Lp and null will back irlto f’orrri &scribed rrlodols), ori(~ can evolvirlg iri response reactions and (e.g. new irlf’erencing repeated as the theory incrementally detections revisions con- set of coniponential an initial to subsequent IV of erroneous of’ selected Phlogiston ‘f‘llus f’ar we llave discussed operation. causealso thosta errors a new design a complete ot’ reinferencing (i.e. visualize the the orig- the that tjurirlg result of’ d n~‘w ttieory structiori pur- would sausc~-IiyIJottieses irlstedci the Ieast be reinferred; guarantees occur premises. vs. Oxygen the for this would result l3y viewilig may Hopefully, at the very not strategy that is performed. but will revision rcac.tiorl irlf’erencing side cause-tly[>ot,tieses. i~~ld coInmission and S’l’AtiLp reaction of’ S’l’Alil,p’s cycle. new will be new models, erroneous In general, art’ used orrlission iri constrllctitlg allegedly promise pIugg:cA c,rr~pl> bide of an er~roric~o~~s reaction to intleed irl it.) 0) (1) ‘I’heriard’s substances. that the had 11 und I)avy relevarit orr~ittod hOl(lS anti reactiou (II the hypothrsize all rc~ci~lc~c:d-list substa~lct~ [JOSC tag causal-hyI)ottiesis I,ifS the uscxtf I’ to pillpoint in which I”5 r~~otl~~ls (lay-l,ussac potash really blat~~. i.e. inal ariy II~W premise(s) Let walkirlg us riow through assertion a detailed three of tht: fundamentals synthesize the of’STAlll,p’s previous example, sections by with the chains (4 2 into 3, beginning prerriises: (‘ori- cause(1 (2 (3 (3)). (M --> CM Ph i-1)) (CM = M 0 i-1)) (M CI --> I CM t-1)) 3. gc:rieraled tlavirig to detailed rc>vistt prerrrises (~1lct~, S’I’AIlLp to CXtY II te. art’ This step the tJy cortairl to begills [Jrerriises erroneous sets wouId applkd. supports 1 rnod<tl, + he ttitln to premises of cost each wit Ii ttlcl lowest the 2 arid 1~: cost cost orl i.e., arid 8. After tJle 011~ wtlose belief> lesl 3 trlodifi- corrlputing the one revisiorls as t,he 2 [)rerriise S’I’A 111,p sekcts existiIlg let 3 7IlUSf not (of’ rrlaking 3) is 7 1 I ~ausc-llyI)ottlesis, 1h(> IC’ilbl. irripact ctlariged example, Vor 7 models total flmlt:ls ‘I’h.5 /l//S o/ premise (4): tiutt 0. If prerriisr~ 2 supports cations the cause- existing must IlOl have bud II, UPLdthe IIlI,S of yremzse tlnoe ilif’er- These premises through will have tly]Jottlesrs. (4 (M Cl (5 (6 (CI (Cl --> (7 (M --> (8 (nil M 0 Ph {-))I At lhis 0 Ph {M))) point, rrlovclci aud atirlg hypot have been striic tirig a hew lhcory 01‘( ortlporleritial lorigclr present, potht3i5, alid that sorml Second, ill the hy[)OthcSiS a possibly Iriay will 1)c charigecl the that hystcrrl allc~ asserts COII- tlifl~ert~rit set be view, s0111e may 0t~ir~r.s trl;iy have ‘5 IJdWc all t Jt’,I’I(’ 1; ,’ 1 011 rrlc~rllory.“’ IJcJSc‘(1 c~olitairlirig rr~odels; for cbacti premise S’l‘A 1I I,p starlb tm3ri rnodiliecl. no Iqirst, rt>action belief two inference hescs atJout avoided sclve~, ~llus prevcrlt,irlg bclirig asserted. The irl eH~c1, turning analyzes (wit,tlout H could a corrll>lcl,e balanced tlt’w is re- been the reduced non- them- 11ull reactiorl null first could in by recognizing reaction constructs M back reaction reactions of r’oaction ;rny have 7. would both ‘I’hen, relight had frorrl the the into which 7 if premises 1, gener- reaction substances comes to inference) errorleous a11 uIlbalanced system 2 into S’I‘AII Lp starts the by plugging the four using the fromg 7. erroneous how its attention irll’errt~~l irlskaci substituting reducing how The reaction after after answer wllicll irlskaci. substituting reducing 4, infer components bctgi1ls. i.e. of’ reaction after after after 8 (an revision side empty errorlt’ous hyl~othesis, to 8): I M 0 {-I>> --> resulkd 4. 111th best lead 7 and --> I 0 {M3)) = I 0 {Ml)) I’c%rerlt ways AlI’tt~r choosirlg t heri 6, then ot’ revisions by each rriariy wllich is Iiow S’I’A tl I,p computes l10w cause-tiypot,tittsis about suggested rtbftt:cts those the of these when causc~-IlylJot~lc~sis II:, c~xarriirie avoid which rrlodific;tt.iorls ‘I‘tlt: cost supportecl if’ a in order riow selects cost of’ rrlaking Ily~Joth~sis. cause-hy[~otheses been difhave modified iI1 sides S’I‘,~kll,p have been different sutJstaIlces):+ due to the chosc>Ii hy- ~>r~~lrliSt! ~Jerforrrls the arc: c~eh!kd f’rCJll1 tflc changes pro- nlodified [)rt!IrliSC’(S) (EHl) (EH2) M [O Ph] --> M 0 Ph M I.01 --> M 0 (Ph) needed needed 0 and Ph on LHS; 0 on LHS, no RHS Ph; (EH3) M [Ph] --> (EH4) M --> M (0) needed needed Ph on LHS, no RHS 0; no RHS 0, no RHS Ph. M (0) (Ph) Ph LEARNING / 53 1 ‘I’0 determine which ill rcactiofi 7, its source tag 1 r> (Ph ing ri~‘w I,llS su hstanccs used it 1 1) (M su t,stmce cornplcte + (M 2 r) corresponding ‘I‘he tag t’h are each analyze (M N ow the c‘au be gerleratcd. contributed must irlf’orrnaliou: {-}. for 0 and premises S’I‘Afll~p t)esl lions (Cl 2 r) aud for hypot errors), for hypothesizing while The hesix- liever 1. (CIf2) Belief Belief 1, 1, (CH3) (CH4) LHS: should force 1,he tags commission tlieory (i.e. p”riHiigUl errors: have had had 0 and Ph; had Ph, Ph; should not had 0; 01’ I)avy’s Ph. 0. l,avoisier-era RHS: Belief 1. Belief 2, RHS: RHS: should should have not not have have IIavy’s tile cost hypottleses of carrying recommend 011e rr~oclt~l (CI = I (Ill3 have arid I)elielh (:114 1 arid thtl lowest) had had cost point,, sirice rrlodific4) would 1 is the betiet’ premise vt%rsioIl of premise of’ (:fi’L: ‘I’wo rtlacl iou, whittb null irrg existing its 10: M 0 a c.orIlpleLt: upon resulted not irt the + uull p;LradigIir can by fi)Ilowers propcjse of’ bvoisier would (: t I’L, sirice that if frorri of reaction rto belief’s (: 112’s rtbvisio1is cxecu told phfoyzslon were reac tiolls rrlotlels then S’I‘A 111,p to revise phlogistori very least theory shiR dofirtcs oxygerl w t1ic.h 00 over represent not a period to orit: t~mhodyirig tkic views small, 910 but of the rsisted of t ht! existeuc-e it is possible from one oxygen the alaf’ter as a systcnl inc. I udt: for errltmdyiug theory. hypotheses competing SIIct1 at tile tlieories; r Note how IIO hylmtl~eses use I,elId 3 ‘1s it did IIUL cotItCbute to the erI,ike all ~LsaIIIIIl)tIUII-t)‘Lse(l systems, S’l’AltIdp ih rl I’~,I,t’~>lls IIIfereIlce. d~l~~~tlc~tcy-clurc ted I‘~LL~OIICI~LLUS~ it 011ly IIypuLlIesixes Ixvisims 1~ ,,I (‘i~~Iht:h uI1 w Ibis II t he er1~0lIeolI~ iIIfcI e~lc e ulC iIIIdt,t’ly tlepiIcIS. 532 / SCIENCE null reduced it assigns are tectkrriqilt5 iltto it,5 su hst lo arc: rttvised, iril’cbrred. work for rrlotit~llirig 011 sc.ierttific 11ow t,tieorirts References for cartle Once t)lc> error, arlti S’I’A tll,p’s of’ more re- itllCCS premises. blarrle be Lfte reduced a11 erroneous to accoiirit lies ill its iIlc.or-pc,l.aliori iI1 its potential l~‘iually, of ils is t,yI)tls can is choseri t~\~t~lll~lliilly intor- iIll’ert+rictts error t’roIl1 such where ct- thari i1lf’ertbric.m caused erroIit>ous to sortie modand list. coIlGus rc‘actiorls. ioll atmut revisions unified irrfcrt~Iict3 erroIlt>ous I)t!tc~ctilig hypothesis prerrlises ~orrlI)ollent,ial a more S’I‘A t 11,‘s Z) mdin irif’orrriat to propose revision ‘I‘he but exarriptt!, lo7iyer it to new ones discovery. erroueous S’I’Alf I,p to recover using Lributiori with hyI>othesis was that, theory of tirtic it,s set. of’ blief’s is not guaraliteeti, ol)sthrvetf a fOl lower of oxygc~~, of ttiis was kept If one of‘ pit togisI,ori, point of beliefs 111 (~71~ belie/s. alld to believe in the c:xistcllce ‘I’he important the number a Ihtlory be prone believe nontzx- for revising enables of scierllific eIttploys reduction. a pl;tusit)te the rc:port,edly a beliclf’ Summary S’f’A t II,. as unbalarlct:d shows I~or t~xarnplc, iriferences of 5 process riot t)xist rrlec*llallisrrl for c’onstructirlg iIi S’l‘A f1 I,p; actiori. how fol towckrs of’ one of data paradigm. probably he would not. ptltogistori. t,hough rttvlsions of mother dornaiI1 1,115 a set revision as well as propose for preverlt.iIlg by ulisapplictd simpler viewed Thus, he inferred. loosc~ly model giveri does to erroneous for dealing rleedeti set, of’ bclicls S’I‘A II I,p’s hypotht~ses 0 on the just. as phlogis~orl’s assurriptioris, substaricths, predecessor rcinf’erencing outputs, caloric be- revised reillterpretatiorl belief S’l’ALf I,p’s in any strategy lisl erlables in t hta irtputs will ltle f’rorri rriernory. that modt:l:, fectivtf rrlatiorr tjelief that in response its basic I1 and example, by chemists S’I’A I I I,p, a system begirls; to the dispute S’TAlll~p STAlll,p’s that observations. Thenard’s Iri another IN short, els of chemical already the cttartgcs to in rnodclling and a bck- ariolher hypothesize obtained V support,ed has and from to be incorporat,es presertt was actually Lelicf to how betiels theory), reactions, ability corresponds cou td arlalyxe 9 K 0 to include At prerllise reinferencing discovered reactioir place. 1. I,et 9, a rnodifitbd lead P was.++ a vital example Gay-l,ussac accepted queslion belief dtlleted were was actually phlogiston corilradic1 then is harrnlcssty ttith coniplele 1, and Now reacpremises hence belief which asserts 2 ir1t.o 9 leads models borrtt’ 0xygtsIi the only I wtlicti reductions which 110 uew ttcrt’, belief of’ belief M 0 { -}. uow (aud best, hypothesis. reactiou, + CM { -}. M 0 subslitulion here from C:ay-I,ussac/‘l’~ie~iard. resulI,s. premises Thus chaIigirig zero 1 (the ist,crlc.e :! supports changirig as the cause- none. propose have 011 htllief erroIitf0us S’I‘A tll,p bolh propose habed to take rnisint,erpreted ItAt1 to l,ht3 hypothesis t,hese IJetief CliZ chosc~n be deleted; t)tlcaIl titbteted. changes I supports I, since both all bczliefs t)y belief Cl1 1 arid us say (:11X is arbitrarily this the is computed.* 0), alid 2, while cos;, out. and replicating t~ventually Now of erroneous actually were I)avy have 1, 0, were results tween not have have had 2, shift phlogiston beliefs should Belief presence of phlogistorl theory in this should should Belief the revisiorl LHS: RHS: LHS: repeated to removal in oxygen Sirliilar Belief the lead helice those (CHl) case, would cause-hypottlc~ses I I) is used (omission iri the with a rlcw IItain <‘On- powc>rlul Ixtirbl’ discovery, alld evolve.