Physical and statistical approach for MSG cloud identification E. Ricciardelli *, F. F. Romano*, V. Cuomo* * Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, National National Research Council (IMAA/CNR), Italy SEVIRI MODIS MODIS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Cloud Cloud detection detection is is essential essential to to estimate estimate accurate accurate atmospheric A atmospheric and and geophysical geophysical parameters. parameters. A statistical statistical and and physical physical approach approach has has been been developed developed for MSG in order to improve cloud identification for for MSG in order to improve cloud identification for very very thin thin and and very very low low cloud. cloud. The The statistical statistical algorithm algorithm is is aa pattern pattern recognition recognition technique technique that that uses uses textural textural and and spectral spectral features, features, itit was was trained trained on on the the basis basis of of MSG images collected for different seasons MSG images collected for different seasons and and different different regions. regions. The The physical physical algorithm algorithm is is based based on on dynamic dynamic threshold threshold tests tests and and itit doesn’t doesn’t require require any any ancillary ancillary data. data. IfIf the the algorithms algorithms do do not not agree agree aa decision decision has has to to be be taken taken to to decide decide the the final final FOV FOV flag. flag. The Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager on board the First Meteosat Second Generation have been available since February 2003. Its spatial resolution is 3 km at sub-satellite for all channels except 1km for the high resolution visible channel. The major improvement is its enhanced spectral characteristic that, combined with its higher temporal resolution (15 minutes) allows an accurate cloud cover analysis. Spectral VIS 0.6 VIS 0.8 NIR 1.6 band 1.64 Central 0.635 0.81 Wavelength (µ m) IR 3.9 WV 6.2 WV 7.3 IR 8.7 IR 9.7 IR 10.8 IR 12.0 IR 13.4 HRV 3.92 6.25 9.66 10.8 7.35 8.7 12 13.4 0.75 The The Moderate Moderate resolution resolution Imaging Imaging Spectroradiometer Spectroradiometer on on board board AQUA AQUA and and TERRA TERRA polar polar EOS EOS satellites, satellites, provides provides global global observations observations in in VIS VIS and and IR IR region region of of the the spectrum spectrum .. ItIt measures µm) m) measures radiances radiances at at 36 36 wavelength( wavelength( from from 0.4 0.4 to to 14.5 14.5 µ at at 250m 250m spatial spatial resolution resolution in in two two visible visible bands, bands, 500m 500m resolution resolution in in five five visible visible bands bands and and 1000m 1000m resolution resolution in in the the infrared infrared bands. bands. Statistical approach Physical approach The classification algorithm is based on a K-nn pattern recognition technique and it uses textural and spectral features estimated in boxes 3x3. Spectral and textural features characterizing each pixel are extracted for IR SEVIRI radiance data at 3.9µm ( particularly useful in the detection of low level water clouds) 8.7 µm, 10.8 µm, 12 µm. The features are shown in the table: The large number of spectral and Spectral features (describe the grey level range) Maxima textural features can be reduced since not Minima Ratio between maxima and minima all of them are useful. The Fisher distance Mean is the feature selection criterion: Textural features (describe aspects of the variability of a scene and are computed from the grey level differences between each individual pixel and its neighbors) Dijk = ν ij − vik /(σ ij + σ jk ) . This Description of the P( d , ϑ ) is the grey level difference histogram, Contrast parameter measures the classes d 1 d is the difference between the grey C (d ,ϑ ) = ∑ P( d , ϑ ) N 256 levels separated in direction ϑ (0º,45º,90º, ability of the variable vi Clear over land Entropy 135º) by the distance ρ = 1 . Clear over water to differentiate class P( d , ϑ ) ⎞ ⎛ P( d , ϑ ) ⎞ P( d , ϑ ) denotes the number of times ENT ( d ,ϑ ) = −∑ ⎛⎜ ⎟ log ⎜ ⎟ Low clouds N N ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ difference d occurs between pairs of grey Ck from class C J . level at the specified distance and Cumulus Angular Second Moment orientation in the box 3x3. K nearest neighbor ⎛ P ( d ,ϑ ) ⎞ N is the total number of pairs of points in the High stratiform clouds ASM ( d ,ϑ ) = ∑ ⎜ ⎟ classifier ⎝ N ⎠ box separated by distance ρ = 1 in direction ϑ. Mean The class likelihoods have been estimated 1 d M (d ,ϑ ) = ∑ P (d ,ϑ ) N r K as follows: 256 P(ν , C) = i The algorithm is based on multispectral threshold technique applied to each pixel of the image. The test depends on the solar illumination (day time, night time, sun glint) and on the viewing angles. The thresholds have been determined on the basis of training database which gather pixels manually selected and labeled as cloud free. Description of test seque nces: over land, daytime • • • • • over se a, daytime T10.8 < Tresh_ T10.8 R0.6 >Tresh_R 0.6 T10.8 – T12 > Tresh_ T10.8 T12 T8.7 – T10.8 > Tresh_ T8.7 T10.8 T10.8 – T3.9 > Tresh_ T10.8 T3.9 and T8.7 – T10.8 >-4.5 -1.5(1/cos(asat)-1) • • • • • • T10.8 < Tresh_ T10.8 R0.8 >Tresh_R 0.8 R1.6 >Tresh_R 1.6 T10.8 – T12> Tresh_ T10.8 T12 T8.7 – T10.8 > Tresh_ T8.7 T10.8 T10.8 – T3.9> Tresh_ T10.8 T3.9 2 255 over land, night time over se a, night time d =0 • • • • • T10.8 < Tresh_ T10.8 T10.8 – T12 > Tresh_ T10.8 T12 T8.7 – T10.8 > Tresh_ T8.7 T10.8 T10.8 – T3.9 > Tresh_ T10.8 T3.9 and T8.7 – T10.8 >-4.5 -1.5(1/cos(asat)-1) T3.9 – T10.8 > Tresh_ T3.9 T10.8 • • • • • T10.8 < Tresh_ T10.8 T10.8 – T12> Tresh_ T10.8 T12 T8.7 – T10.8 > Tresh_ T8.7 T10.8 T10.8 – T3.9> Tresh_ T10.8 T3.9 T12.0 – T3.9> Tresh_ T10.8 T3.9 255 e d =0 2 255 d =0 For the i-th test the probability that the pixel is clear , Pi ,clear , or cloudy, Pi ,cloud , will be determinate. If the i-th test is successful (the pixel is cloudy) the Pi ,cloud is determined on the basis of the distance between the real value and the threshold: Pi ,cloud = 255 d =0 The area-averaged Robert Gradient is a measure of edge strength and it is maximum in regions of sharp brightness contrast. M −ρ N −ρ 1 RG = ∑ ∑ I (m, n ) − (I (m + ρ , n + ρ ) + I (m + ρ , n) − I (m, n + ρ ) ( M − )( N − ) DiffTreshi DiffTreshMaxi , cloud Otherwise, if the i-th test is not successful, it’ll be Pi,clear = If DiffTreshi DiffTreshMaxi , clear >0 then Pphysical,cloud = max(Pi,cloud ) , ∑P =0 it’ll be Pphysical,clear = min(Pi,clear ) i ,cloud Finally, we are able to classify the pixel as cloudy if i and The DiffTresh is the difference between the threshold and the brightness temperature or the brightness temperatures difference. For each test, DiffTresh max values have been calculated on a sample of MSG imagery collected in different regions of the earth and at different times. DiffTreshMax has been defined as the mean of max values. Results MSG cloud mask has been validated against MODIS cloud mask (Ackerman et al.,1998) and compared with SAFNWC cloud mask (Schroder et al.,2002). MODIS cloud mask is collocated within SEVIRI footprint. SEVIRI FOV is declared clear if a fixed percentage (70%, 90%,100%) of MODIS pixels within SEVIRI FOV has been determined to be clear. In result interpretation it should be observed that MODIS cloud mask not always detects cloudy pixels correctly. Moreover it sometimes classifies as uncertain pixels that CMESP detects correctly. The blue ring surrounds some pixels that SAF cloud mask Percentage of MODIS detects wrongly. FOVs detected exactly pixels determined to be Total number of clear Percentage of MODIS pixels determined to be MODIS pixels used clear within SEVIRI FOV for validation Total number of cloudy clear within SEVIRI FOV MODIS pixels used for validation 70 % 90% 100% 2225386 2296947 2386948 1546074 1487811 1416786 MODIS pixels have been collocated at SEVIRI spatial resolution 70% 90% 100% NiV } m =1 n =1 When the Euclidean distance measure is used, some features (the ones with the largest variance across the design set) tend do dominate this measure so it has been necessary to normalize the features. i if ρ i =1 ∑P i ,cloud { where Ni is the number of samples in class Ci and K i are the samples closest to the B( m, n) is the measured brightness at coordinate (m,n) in the MxN (3x3) box and ρ is the r separation distance (in this case ρ=1) features vector ν , V is the volume in which K i those reside. In order to define the distance between two points in the feature space and calculate the volume V, we have assumed that the feature space is a metric space and the dfunction which r r r r expresses the distance between ν 1 and ν 2 is the Euclidean distance : d (ν 1 ,ν 2 ) = (∑ (ν 1,i −ν 2,i ) 2 )1/ 2 ρ Cloud Mask CMESP Cloud Mask SAF cloudy 90.4% 90.7% 89.7 % cloudy 88.3% 88.5% 87.5% clear 93.6% 95.2% 94.6% clear 92.8% 94.1 % 93.5 % r r Pknn,cloud = max(P(ν , Clow _ cloud ), P(ν , Ccumulus ), P(ν , Chigh _ stratiform . )) Otherwise, the pixel is clear if and r r r r s r ( P(ν ,C clear ) < P(ν , Clow _ cloud )) ∨ ( P(ν , Cclear ) < P(ν , Ccumulus )) ∨ ((P(ν , Cclear ) < P(ν ,C High _ stratiform)) r r Pknn,clear = P(ν , Cclear ) . Summary Ensemble of Statistical and Physical methods (CMESP) The physical and statistical approach independently, then the individual decisions matched; if the two methods do not agree, the FOV flag will be clear if Pphysical ,clear > Pknn ,cloud or Pknn ,clear > Pphysical ,cloud If the difference between the probabilities is lower 5%, a further test on the Robert Gradient ( R G ) , has to be done: RG > R Gtreshold the pixel is cloudy. If R Gtreshold is a dynamic threshold. r r r r r r ( P(ν ,C clear ) > P(ν , Clow _ cloud )) ∧ ( P(ν , Cclear ) > P(ν , Ccumulus )) ∧ ( P(ν , Cclear ) > P(ν ,C High _ stratiform)) In this work, a physical and statistical approach has been developed for run are final MSG and has been combined in order to improve cloud identification of very low and thin clouds. This approach does not need ancillary data which are not always available. The two approaches compensate each other. The statistical algorithm is very useful in low clouds and high stratiform clouds than detection, while the physical one is essential in discriminating clouds from snow. Moreover, physical approach can be decisive in detecting clear pixels that sometimes are classified cloudy by the statistical method, because of SEVIRI ch 4, 3.9 µm their very high entropy or contrast, especially over not homogeneous land. Comparison between SEVIRI and MODIS at SEVIRI resolution cloud mask References 2005-10-07 13:00 M. Derrien,H. L. Gleau, 2005, MSG/SEVIRI cloud mask and type from SAFNWC,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol..26, No. 21,pp. 4707-4732; J.Parikh, 1977, A comparative Study of Cloud classification Techniques,Remote Sensing of environment, Vol. 6,pp.67-81; E. Ebert,1988, Analysis of Polar Clouds from Satellite Imagery Using Pattern Recognition and a Statistical Cloud Analysis Scheme, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol.28, pp. 382-399 M. Schroder, R. Bennartz, 2002, Generating cloudmasks in spatial high-resolution observation of cloud using texture and radiance information, Int. Journal of Remote sensing, vol.23,no 20, pp.4247-4261 S. Ackerman, K. Strabala, W. P. Menzel,1998, Discrimating Clear –Sky from clouds with Modis, Journal of Geophysical Research; R. Haralick, K. Shanmugam,1973,Textural Features for Image Classification, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol.3 , no.6, a) SEVIRI Channel 9, 10.8 µm b) SEVIRI Cloud Mask CMESP cloudy clear c) MOD IS Cloud Mask cloudy clear uncertain d) SEVIRI Cloud Mask SAF cloudy clear