20 04 _winte r 15 16 12 5 8 0 4 -5 -10 0 0 3 20 NCDC/NOAA 36 0 40 0 0 4 40 10 WIndSpeed 5 2000 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 Observed Surf. windspeed(m/s) 25 0 4 8 12 Liquid Water Content(g/cm**3x10) 16 Estimated precipitation compare with surface observation in past 5 years, most satellite retrieved rain rate are less than ground truth. STN-46695 all day 6 Day's parameters 3pct 8 4 Obse rved Pre cipitation (mm/hr) 5 Night's parameters 3pct 4 3 2 1 12 20 16 16 12 12 Ocean allday's 7TB 8 8 Day's 7TB 4 4 0 0 4 8 Estimated P re cipitatio n(mm/hr) 20 0 2 4 Estima te d Precip ita tion (mm/hr) 0 0 6 4 8 12 16 Estimated P recipita ti on(mm/hr) 20 0 nnssmi -4 8 -8 8 -12 4 Day's Tb 4 -16 0 0 0 4 8 12 Estimated P re cipitatio n(mm/hr) 16 -20 0 4 8 Estima te d Precip ita tion (mm/hr) 12 4 8 12 16 20 16 4 12 12 0 Bias of Estim ated R ain ra te(mm/h r) 12 16 Neural network is used in this research, which include 7 channel observations and 3 Polarized Correct Temperatures (PCT) are applied. 1500 30 0 0 Algorithm Bias of estim ated windspeed(m/s)) 15 0 Monsoon area covered East Asia in winter season. 1000 Bia s for estim ated rain ra te (mm/hr) Data Take surface observation over ocean as ground truth, where is weather station 46695 located on an island in East China Sea north of Taiwan 60Km away. The winter season from Nov. to Mar. is northeast monsoon season and raining in most part of this season. Cloud type is stratus cloud; raining area is more uniform than cumulus cloud type. 20 Obse rve d Precipitatio n(mm/hr) Using SSM/I may retrieve precipitation by different ways. Validation over ocean is a tuff task for most of researchers. The comparison of many algorithms was studied (Nazzareno, 2004). For a little long term monitoring from satellite might be useful on climate research. 500 40 Observed Precipitation(mm/hr) Introduction Estimated Surf. Windspeed(m/s) 25 Observed Precipita tion(mm/hr) 2 20 10 40 20 Peter K.H. Wang1 , Lei Shi2 1 Central Weather Bureau Time sequence for 3 parameters WIndSpeed(m/sec) Estimated Rain Rate(mm/hr) Liquid Water Content(g/cm3)*10 20 60 Bias of WIndspeed(m/s) Assessment of Precipitation Characters between Ocean and Coast area during Winter Monsoon in Taiwan 12 8 4 0 -4 0 4 8 12 16 Obse rved Precipitatio n(mm/h r) 20 0 4 8 12 16 Observed Precipitatio n(mm/hr) 20 Using a few data sets as input data in Neural Network, the relationship between estimated and observation are shown as Input data Day set All Day 7TB Day 2PCT Day PCT85 Day 7TB Night All Correlation 0.16 0.255 0.439 0.268 0.367 0.519 Total precipitation (mm) from year 2000-2004 Seasonal 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Ground obs. 652.5 432.1 390.5 460.3 670 No of Sat day 20 44 103 106 94 Est. Rainfall 234 746 799 661 203 Conclusion Most of the winter season, in northeast area of Taiwan is covered by cloud and rainfall all day. Results 50 20 00 _winter 40 20 01 _winter 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 320 36 0 40 0 440 320 360 400 440 360 400 440 40 20 03_winter 40 20 03 _winte r 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 3 20 360 400 4 40 320 Trace these 5 year, retrieved precipitation from SSM/I by neural network have a reasonable results, but it cannot identify the extremely precipitation. General speaking retrieval rain rate from satellite is less than ground truth. Because of the satellite path go through one place twice a day, it may miss many rainfall during one day, take the mean value of satellite retrieval rain rate to get a day’s precipitation is uncorrected. For at least one third of the satellite do not go through test area, and most surface heavy rainfall do not have SSM/I pass went through, it will cause huge variance on climate study. The bias of rainfall retrieval in all day’s ocean area is the best one. If data set is divided as day and night two parts, the bias is increase. The bias of estimated rain rate is increasing with rain rate, which is less estimated. By the way to retrieve surface wind speed is higher estimated than ground truth about 5 m/sec, and it is increase with wind speed. There are not so much evidences to prove that local Land Sea wind may introduce more precipitation