From: AAAI-80 Proceedings. Copyright © 1980, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Reasoning About Knowledgeable Change Office in Systems compared with other approaches managing change. to the problem II. The Knowledgeable Gerald R. Barber Room 800b Massachusem Ittslitute ofTechtlologv 54.5 Techttologv Square Cambridge, Mass. 02139 We central and aspect of much dcscrintion reasoning activity in of our view of office importance in the office. structure of the office mechanism within the office. A description processes WC present system activity the description how this mechanism dynamic systems and why change and office domain is a used to describe is discussed. the intrinsic functions in an office concerned system is prcscntcd such cntitics for accepting application structure tables. providing the illuslratcd .is dcscribcd as a meiins of describing accommadating change charnctcrizcd. WC contrast previous pulling technologies information in in change. knowlcclgc the whcrc bctwccn which Previous technologies for languages are using viewpoints is propagated by coopcrating in a social participants. and repetitive tasks in a non-interactive cost of hardware computers office workers office system is today of of tasks. seen as both office work to the realisntidn that in the office uses will impact demanding there within system. potential the way office new ideas about computational work is done how to manage of what off& which to This has led information effcctivcly support paradigms OMEGA present solving. [IIcwitt objcctivcs OMEGA their is to support Much reasoning of in Intclligencc, as opposed are problem about change. to dcscribc changing a short description with to deal solving activities activity situations. of ch,mgc OMEGA may employ two to used ‘I’hc arc Office is IcalLed of with this in the by people of this social system as the roles of the individual in an environment and and WC bicw the to which from which it dclivcrs the hlndamental manipulation the entities system to a forms manipulation express relationships forms, in particular, for system. bctwcen Descriptions than electronic the upon System is based. ‘I’hc emphasis of our System. cmbcdding Descriptions objects are more electronic a visual manifestations solving activity. about One Office work is naturally forms in the fimdamental arc a way of of descriptions. the in in section we Following WC take until recently [Wynn in 79, Suchman as goal oriented work from a procedural WC are developing the application of OMEGA with system cnvironrncnts that activity. also provides the static and dynamic us to describe and organizational bctwccn relevance can are allows structures these structures. to our discussion support weakly point of view. problem structured, a prccisc Lmgu,igc within ‘I’hc major here arc that a solving and and of office in dynamic knowledge rich. which to characterize aspects of office systems. this A central and the mechanism approach workers WC believe that this is one reason why it has proved to dcscribc office computational OMEGA office solving is a pervasive aspect of a suggested way by which to accomplish systems as well as the inlcraction bcncfits is to support characteri/.cd is mcrcly ‘I‘hc formalism reason about an office mechanisms goal. to bc difficult of our of individuals within Problem office work that has been ncglcctcd embedding In the following of the office. in the office change. kinds Office 791. system called system. solving of our model WC discuss the importance that knowlcdgc WC hnvc dcvclopcd within we descriptions work in an oflicc the problem systems tasks used to cmbcd ilnd office the ;I of the is the social structure structure organism various Knowledgcablc their problem in an office those of knowledge We arc dcvcloping SO] to bc of the office an office. concerns workers from Artificial and problem structure office as OVCI tly, of roles, the social norms of the office is on a description ‘The office proccdurc computer as well 781. Our concern system One of the goals of our work ways capabilities. developing the scope of the domain arc structure ‘I’hc descriptions viewing descriptions, is in the presence of toward and of its mechanisms. a particular As a step of knowledge ways. These new in fundamental work explains the claims in the use of the in novel anti as yet unforcscen and a new conceptualization powerful based a new as a medium into a cohcrcnt resources approach the computer politics, that make up the organization. which the Knowlcdgcnblc to aid for achieving As an structure reason for the existence [Katz ofl?cc system. the interaction OMEGA’s and the cvcr-dccrcasing Indeed, is enormous for structured used in the future a motivation and new tools and knowledge computer With can bc potentially in a wider variety understanding intcgratc mode. cnvironmcnt to highly an system as a functioning products limited insurance structure is the primary of subsystems it extracts I. Int reduction mainly system. In an insurance company such aspects of an organization the various has been used in the office office system stems from the fact that the activity domain office The computer the that has on a subject to the application application involves slots of data structures. many years with its application system system as an organi/.ation aspect of an office with pushing with application structure In contrast arc embedding approach change viewpoints ‘Ihc system concerns the rules and objects credit ratings and such rules loans. is concerned dominant loans the application a model by which those functions the office scenario of an office with two and the organiza~iunal of a particular or rejecting an offrcc the application is used to dcscribc and reason about change in the gcncral the of and office system. and we discuss offke. A terms as loan applications. as criteria functionality A viewpoint System It includes example, actuarial a brief is of central in structure of the office. compose includes about system struclure. l’hc application subject ABSTRACT of an office Office in the office, the applicalion s(nlcfure structures (617) 253-5857 Managing view of accommodating managing is 199 change. problem This in an office system is reasoning is a rccul rent thcmc at several about and lcvcls of abstractions. the Viewing organization cnvironmcnt. laws or the organization must cvolvc For example. an office organization output adapt to which organization to its environment, adapt Ill. Dealing A key property-of the which it produces rclativi7cd anomalous state of the constrained hypothesized results, maintaining is the underlying is that information Consider, representation to a kicwpoint and information increasing its specificity. JIcscriptions that attributes, as information is added further make up an system constraints parts change and analyzing Should as the the implications the information following a description I’hc description is is added to this description may contain in a field is only added for example, of a form. and the constraints individuals arc faced with such tasks as reasoning about processes that have produced viewpoints to them and is never changed. must adjust which With Change changing Viewing the organization for t.hc product The the technology. to the organitation operate. to off~cc must adapt to new tax new to the demand it must to of some product, in light of the rcsourccs available under in relation order an accounting must as producer its production in constraints information of a form bctwecn may be deduced. be changed then the scenario might occur: of 1. A processes. new viewpoint is created and dcscribcd as being a successor to the old viewpoint. has a viewpoint mechanism OMEGA ‘I’hc viewpoint and reason about change. to present time varying proccsscs historical, dcpcndcncics proccsscs to office provides Cltanging aspects of the organization using the viewpoint this pnpcr WC dcscribc OMEGA a means 2. All workers for analysis, bc these in progress or postulated. and changing in descriptions that is used to describe mechanism mechanism. that 3. The new information of deductions OMEGA built. a structure ‘1%~ system is dcsigncd to bc incremental; incorporated into There arises. system is usable. is added. paragraphs, knowlcdgc inconsistent with information systems is viewpoint. previously held information from nccdcd the bcforc the information information viewpoint for a notion structures in question. descriptions deductions are merged with of of updated global is mergitzg; new inference previous Any descriptions. as a result of the new information track the to What gel the most all but the changed from actions the changed arc taken when via mcta-descriptions. must to bc 771 use triggers accommodating updntcs based on property update to and read explicitly problems. on data structure dependencies database based on leading to like slots to propagate for keeping ‘This makes changes and why. data J.angungcs here is that thcrc is no support was deduced the lists such as J,lSP that deductions handled and modularity ‘Ilrc disadvantage of perform the disadvantage complexity because information problem to operations ‘I’hcsc hate of what the been System infonnation changes. new arc carried out during inherits is changed is specified have pur and used information. J:RJ* [Goldstein rule rcprcscnt deduced viewpoint. approaches information unacccptablc fundamental the old changing have consistency. OMEGA’s viewpoint information in a viewpoint invalidate may the Previous that is can be placed in information need arc made. is in the following aspects of non-monotonic new beliefs--without or as the need for it in the sense that nothing in a particular in the new viewpoint In this case the new and to viewpoints, 79]--where is information As is cxplaincd ‘This ac&nmodntcs [McDermott of descriptions can be of information The system is monotonic lost when new information a different amount from this information recent contents of the form. new knowlcdgc the system as it is discovered is no minimal the changed mechanism. Mechanism is a system with which from is added in the new viewpoint, resulting 4. ‘J’hc description IV. The Viewpoint was not derived is copied to the new viewpoint. cnvironmcntal can be captured In the remainder and its viewpoint information information difficult arc not recorded. merging operation. ‘lhc OMEGA descriptions. the is is used to build, maintain Descriptions ‘I’he relation. indicates relation relation is rclativized under which represents holds. are related via an inhcritancc is the conditions a viewpoint and reason over a lattice of the is the conditions In this rcspcct it is rcminisccnt calculus [McCarthy 691 and the contexts rcl,ltion ulider relation called to a viewpoint holds. which ODYSSlXY Intuitively of McCarthy’s situational very careful A major differcncc that viewpoints descriptive power arc expressing viewpoints to one capabilities transitivity these approaches and complex another. such for relations Other as the thus Viewpoints of OMEGA. structures order between descriptions inheritance and viewpoints are subject may full be cmbcddcd in relationships to describe the order anamolous OMEGA separates viewpoints. Information ‘l’hc propagation higher mcta-description. properties [Fikes a X0]. In this system pushers as a result of updates and mechanism is used In this cast it is necessary to be dcpcndcncics. to prcvcnt relating include in the system and meta-description ilbout implement in which triggers fire for as updates arc in the database making it results due to inconsistencies. is the aspects of OMEGA ability to to OlIYSSJ<Y of trips. deductions made there is both new and old information difficult used called on reads. A simple dependency to record information 721. been assistant aids a user in the planning to mnkc deductions inheritance has K RI, personal and pullers arc used to propagate that the of QA4 [Rulifson language knowledge-based like new and consistency of information bctwccn An advantage that the system has a historical capabilities toward to talk about the parts of descriptions. our dynamic goal of aiding proccsscs. processes, as an aid in tracking dctcrminc 200 the implications information into within viewpoints of the approach character. office Viewpoints old is maintained workers This is controlled ongoing is an important in problem proccsscs actions. via using viewpoints can bc used as historical of postulated diffcrcnt viewpoints. solving is step about records of past and as an aid to [McCarthy VI. Conclusion 691 McCarthy, We have descriptions describe a changing form has proved vary with the system OMEGA mechanism about presented viewpoint along with presented in describing description here is related some examples in an accounting useful time as well as a means with the system’s mechanism office. statements mechanism to that in IYHER [Kornfcld layers of the PIE system [Goldstein 801. aspects of McCarthy’s mechanism tags [McCarthy 691 and the contexts as a replacement different operations to yul differences carry etc.] merging of and lists [IPL, Lisp, get attributions over to more in substantially etc.] which data with attached or ger (rettcl) operation SIMUI,A, Artificial [Suchman lntclligcncc 1979. J. and Waldinger, R. Center Technical November, Note 73, Stanford 1972. 791 Suchman, L. Office Procedures as Praclical .4ction: A Case Sludy. that Technical is performed. [Wynn References J., Derksen, Research Institute, FRL, procedures July, 721 from These J. 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