March 1950 (Not for Publication) HOP GRADE STUDIES 1949 Crop Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with Grain Division, Production and Marketing Administration, U.S.D.A. by J. D. SATHER, D. E. BULLIS and D. D. HILL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Method of Study 2 Condition of Crop 3 Grades 6 Grading Results 8 Physical Analyses 13 Chemical Analysis 32 Relationship of Physical and Chemical Factors (Statistical) 38 Summary 65 INTRODUCTION I The 1949 hop grading studies originated from a request of the United States Brewers Foundation for the Production and Marketing Administration to make such a study. The funds were appropriated jointly by the United States Brewers Foundation and the Research and Marketing Administration. The purpose of the study was to sample a cross section of the 1949 crop, to submit, these samples to a detailed physical and chemical analysis, and to establish the interrelationships between the physical and chemical factors. Because of their years of experience and background in hop evaluation research, the departments of Farm Crops and Agricultural Chemistry, Oregon State College, were asked to do this work. The memorandum of agreement between the Production and Marketing Administration and the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station provided that the Department of Farm Crops would conduct the physical analysis, the Department of Agricultural Chemistry would conduct the chemical analysis and the two departments would analyze the data and interpret the results. An attempt has been made to obtain fundamental information on the quality of hops, on the measurement of certain factors that appear to indicate quality, and on the relationships between them. No attempt is made to develop standards or to revise existing standards. However, attention is called to weaknesses in existing tentative standards and to factors which should receive consideration in a grading system. Because of the scope of the suggested work and because of the short notice, the matter of personnel presented a serious problem. It was fortunate that the Department of Farm Crops was able to obtain the services of Mr. J. D. Sather, former staff member, temporarily, that Mr. W. T. Wisbeck was made available by the Portland district office of the Grain Products Branch, Production and Marketing Administration) and that the Department of Agricultural Chemistry was able to obtain the services of Dr. S. C. Fang and Mrs. Anna Naffs M.S., University of Kentucky. In addition) Mr. R. M, Magee, Assistant Chemist, U.S.D.A., assisted in certain portions of the chemical work. Dr. Jerome Li and his staff from the Department of Mathematics, Oregon State College; made most of the detailed statistical analyses contained in this report. 2 METHOD OF STUDY The samples were selected by the various state departments of agriculture and an effort was made to obtain a sample from every fourth lot that was inspected for seed, stem and leaf in the state laboratories. This procedure was not always followed exactly, but Mr. W. T. Wisbeck kept in constant touch with the state departments in order to promote this method of sampling in so far as possible. As the samples arrived in the Pacific Coast Headquarters, Grain Products Branch supervision laboratory, they were given a laboratory number. The samples were then divided in the Bates divider and one-half was used for the supervision of seed, stem and leaf analysis. The remaining one-half was divided and the one portion (1/)4) was sieved over a 30/64 round hole sieve. The portion remaining on top of that sieve was considered as whole cones. The protion through the sieve was considered as broken cones. These whole and broken portions were placed in separate bags. The remaining one-fourth was again divided and one-eighth was used for physical analysis. The other oneeighth and the whole and broken portions were sent to Oregon State College for chemical analysis and moisture determination. In addition to the standard analyses for seed, stem and leaf content, all samples were given physical tests for broken cones, general appearance, amount of lupulin, color and condition of lupulin, and damage. Methods of making these determinations and their reliability have been presented in previous reports to the Brewers Hop Research Institute. The data on physical analyses were then used to apply tentative hop standards developed previously. The applications of these standards were then analyzed to indicate possible weaknesses and inaccuracies which developed and to suggest possible changes. After the chemical analyses (reported in a separate section of this report) had been completed, a statistical study to determine the relationships with physical tests was undertaken. Many of these had been indicated by previous study. The number of samples involved and the extent to which they represented the current crop make this study of more than ordinarrimportance. Many of the relationships between physical and chemical factors are suspected by those experienced in hops. However, when these are supported by sound statistical data, it then becomes possible to use certain characters with confidence in evaluating hop quality. 3 GENERAL IMPRESSIONS OF THE 1949 CROP The general trend of the hop in 1949 was much better in some respects than for any previous year that the inspector had been working on hops. There was far less discoloration and disease than normal. The crop was far from normal as to maturity, however. In Washington, Early Clusters were practically all harvested slightly immature. This resulted in a green color but a lusterless hop and a lupulin which was off-color unless extreme care was used in drying and handling. This lack of luster is quite often referred to in the trade as a "muddy" sample. The Fuggles crop in Oregon, on the other hand, was mostly overmature and had far less green color than normal. This hop had a bleached appearance but had a more uniform color than normal. The California crop was more nearly normal than Oregon Fuggles or Washington Early Clusters but the Sacramento crop did not have quite as green a color as usual. The_lupulin content was somewhat better than normal in the Sacramento crop, indicating above normal maturity. The very rich hop characteristic of the Santa Rosa district crop was less in evidence than normal. The Late Cluster hops in Oregon and Washington were nearly normal, but showed much less discoloration and disease than encountered in any of the previous years viewed by the inspector. The Idaho crop had a normal color but appeared unusually dry and broken. The entire crop appeared to be quite uniforth and was neither very good nor very bad. A good many samples in all three states showed some mechanical damage. This damage was thought to result largely from sack burn where the hops had been piled up prior to drying and from improper drying. This was reflected in a number of samples with off-color lupulin as well as slightly off-color hops. There has been a good deal of discussion in the industry about the broken condition of the 1949 hop crop in all states. It seems to be the general opinion that the crop is much more broken than usual. Unfortunately, we do not have a good comparison between the 1949 crop and other years. However, a limited number of samples were analyzed for broken cones in 1947. The results of these comparisons showed that Washington had about the same percentage of whole cones in 1947 as in 1949. Oregon had about five percent lower in 1949 than in 1947, while California was five percent higher in 1949 than in 1947. Idaho had no data for 1947 but the 1949 crop was very low in the percentage of whole cones. Since an examination of the samples submitted for this study seemed to indicate that the hop crop was somewhat different than previously encountered, it seemed desirable to visit growers and dealers in the hop area. A good many of the prominent growers and dealers in Oregon and Washington were contacted to determine if, in their opinion, this was a normal or average crop in 1949, recognizing that their experience was greater and more varied than the investigators. It is significant that everyone contacted in either state agreed. that this crop was different than any they had ever seen. All parties contacted, however, did not agree that this crop was better.or worse. Some 4 thought one way and some the other way. The dealers agreed, in general, that this was a much easier crop to market than any other crop they had handled. They also generally agreed that extremely good or extremely bad hops were quite scarce. In general, both growers and dealers seemed to think this was better than an average crop. However, it was pointed out that the poor quality hops were not picked this year because of the marketing agreement and) therefore, it would naturally be better than average with the extreme lo* quality still on the vines, 5 HOP STANDARDS Tentative standards for hops were developed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in 1943. These standards,which were based on information in the hop grading studies of the Oregon Experiment Station and the Brewers Hop Re search Institu%,were for study only. They were published in the Hop Grading Report of 194304. Slight revisions were suggested in the 1946 report(2). For purposes of study these standards have been applied to the 1949 samples. The results of this grading and of the analyses which were made suggest that certain revisions in the tentative hop standards are in order should they be adopted for general use. Comments and suggestions for revisions of grades made in connection with these studies are primarily for the consideration of those agencies having the authority and responsibility for grade formation and application. The following tentative standards presented in a previous report are included for reference only. TENTATIVE UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR HOPS For the purposes of the tentative United States standards for hops: Hops - Hops shall be the dried cones of the cultivated varieties of Hops may not contain more than 20 percent of leaves and stems, which 20 may include not more than one percent of material other than'leaves and stems of the hop plant. hops. Classes - Hops shall be divided into three classes as follows: Class Clusters; Class II, Fuggles; and Class III, Miscellaneous. Hops in Class III shall bear the varietal name. Grades - Hops shall be graded and designated according to the respective grade requirement of the numerical grade and sample grade of the appropriate class, and according to the special grade when applicable. Grade Designations The grade designations shall include successively the letters "U.S4rthe number or name of the principal grade, the name of the class, and such additional statements as may be required by these standards. (1) Third Annual Report of Investigations to Develop Hop Grades. Hill and Bullis, 1943. (2) Fourth Report of Investigations to Develop Hop Grades. Hill, Bullis and Sather, 1946. 6 Grade Requirements for the Classes Clusters, Fuggles, and Miscellaneous Hops Condition and General Appearance Grade U. S. No. 1 Maximum Limits of Leaf and Whole Stem Cones e % /0 Excellent 5 70 U. S. No. 2 Good 8 55 U. S, No. 3 Fair 11 35 . U. S. Sample Grades Of any one of these classes of hops which do not come within the requirements of any of the grades of No. 1 to 3 inclusive, or which have any aroma that is not typical of sound hops, or which show evidence of being dried at an excessively high temperature, or which have been damaged by high or low moisture, or which contain more than 14,5 percent of moisture, or which have discolored or shrunken lupulin, or which contain more than 50 percent of cones that are discolored from mechanical means, or which contain more than 5 percent of cones that are otherwise damaged by disease or insects, or which are otherwise of distinctly low quality. SPECIAL GRADES FOR HOPS Seedless Hops. Definition. contain more than 3 percent seed. Seedless hops shall be hops that do not Grades. Seedless hops shall be graded and designated according to the grade requirement of the standards applicable to such hops if they were not seedless, and there shall be added to and made a part of the grade designation the word "seedless," Semi-seedless Hops. Definition. Semi-seedless hops shall be hops that contain more than 3 percent but not more than 6 percent of seeds. Grades. Semi-seedless hops shall be graded and designated according to the grade requirements of the standards applicable to such hops if they were not semi-seedless, and there shall be added to and made a part of the grade designation the word "semi-seedless." Fat Hops, Definition. Fat hops shall be hogs which have a lupulin content materially in excess of normal or average lupulin content. Grades. Fat hops shall be graded and designated according to the grade requirements of the standards applicable to such hops if they were not fat hops, and there shall be added to and made a part of grade designation the word "fat." 7 Thin Hops. Definition. Thin hops shall be hops which have a lupulin content of materially lower than the normal average lupulin content. Grades. Thin hops shall be graded and designated according to the grade requirements of the standards applicable to such hops if they were not thin hops,and there shall be added to and made a part of the grade designation the word "thin," Tough Hops. Definition. Tough hops shall be hops which contain more than 11.5 percent but not more than 14.5 percent of moisture. Grades. Tough hops shall be graded and designated according to the grade requirements of the standards applicable to such hops if they were not tough, and there shall be added to and made a part of the grade designation the word "tough." DEFINITIONS Basis of Grade Determination. All determinations shall be made on the basis of the hops as a whole. Percentages. Percentages shall be percentages by weight. Percent of Moisture. Percentage of moisture shall be ascertained by the air-oven method described in Methods of Analysis of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 4th revised edition, 1944, or by a comparable method obtaining similar results. Seed. Seed shall include all hop seed regardless of maturity. Leaves and Stems Leaves and stems shall include all leaves and stems of the hop plant except the stem "petioles" which bear the individual cones. Leaves and stems may include not to exceed one percent of material other than leaves and stems of the hop plant. Whole Cones Whole cones shall be the leaf-free hops which remain on top of the 30/64 round hole sieve. Condition and General Appearance The condition and general appearance of hops shall be considered to be excellent or good or fair, which terms are defined as follows: Excellent shall be hops that have a natural luster and a uniform green or yellowish green core. Excellent hops may contain not more than 10 percent of cones that are discolored from all causes, not more 8 than a trace of damage due to insects, disease, mechanical or maturity damage, and shall be soft to the touch. The lupulin shall be sticky and a uniform lemon-yellow color, and the individual particles shall be angular in character. Good shall be hops that fail to meet the condition and general appearance requirements of excellent hops, or that have a yellow color. Good hops may contain not more than 25 percent of cones that are discolored from all causes, or not more than two percent of cones that are damaged due to disease, insects, mechanical means or maturity, or lupulin that is light yellow in color. The lupulin in good hops need not be angular. Fair shall be hops that fail to meet the condition and general appearance of either excellent or good hops, or that have a reddishyellow color. Fair hops may contain not more than 50 percent of cones that are discolored from all causes, or not more than five percent of cones that are damaged by insects, disease, maturity or mechanical means. The lupulin may be dark yellow in color and need not be angular. RESULTS OF GRADING Oregon, 176 Samples U. S. No. 1 1 sample U. S. No. 2 -- 7 samples 4 graded down on whole cones. 3 graded down on whole cones and general appearance. U. S. No. 3 -- 69 samples 64 graded down on whole cones. 1 graded down on whole cones and general appearance. 1 graded down on whole cones and leaf and stem. 3 graded down on leaf and stem. U. S. Sample Grade -- 99 samples 95 graded down on whole cones. 3 graded down on whole cones and leaf and stem. 1 graded down on leaf and stem. By eliminating whole cones as a grading factor the grades would be as follows: U. S. No. 1 -- 21 samples 9 U. S. No. 2 -- 136 samples 38 graded down on general appearance. 33 graded down on leaf and stem. 65 graded down on general appearance and leaf and stem. U. S. No. 3 -- 17 samples 4 graded down on general appearance. 13 graded down on leaf and stem. U. S. Sample Grade -- 2 samples 1 graded down on general appearance. 1 graded down on leaf and stem. Washington, 173 Samples. U. S. No. 1 -- 1 sample U. S. No. 2 -- 74 samples 23 graded down on whole cones. 6 graded down on general appearance. 14 graded down on both whole cones and general appearance. 1 graded down on whole cones, general appearance, and stem and leaf. U. S. No. 3 -- 83 samples 74 graded down on whole cones. 4 graded down on general appearance. 1 graded down on leaf and stem. 3 graded down on whole cones and general appearance. 1 graded down on whole cones and leaf and stem. U. S. Sample Grade -- 15 samples 13 graded down on whole cones. 2 graded down on general appearance. 10 By eliminating whole cones as a grading factor, the Washington hops would grade as follows: U. S. No. 1 -- 49 samples U. S. No. 2 -- 117 samples 108 graded down on general appearance. 3 graded down on leaf and stem. 6 graded down on general appearance and leaf and stem. U. S. No. 3 -- 5 samples 3 graded down on general appearance. 2 graded down on leaf and stem. U. S. Sample Grade -- 2 samples Both down on general appearance (specifically damage). California, 150 Samples U. S. No. 1 -- 10 samples U, S. No. 2 -- 79 samples 15 graded down on whole cones. 18 graded down on general appearance. 1 graded down on leaf and stem. 38 graded down on whole cones and general appearance. 3 graded down on whole cones and leaf and stem. 2 graded down on whole cones, general appearance and leaf and stem. 2 graded down on general appearance and leaf and stem. U. S. No. 3 -- 57 samples 45 graded down on whole cones. 8 graded down on general appearance. 2 graded down on leaf and stem. 1 graded down on whole cones and leaf and stem. 11 U. S. Sample Grade -- 4 samples 3 graded down on whole cones. 1 graded down on general appearance. By eliminating whole cones as a grading factor, the California samples would grade as follows: U. S. No. 1 -- 40 samples U. S. No. 2 -- 99 samples 79 graded down on general appearance. 6 graded down on leaf and stem. 14 graded down on general appearance and leaf and stem. U. S. No. 3 -- 10 samples 7 graded down on general appearance 3 graded down on leaf and stem. U. S. Sample Grade -- 1 sample Graded down on general appearance (specifically damage). Idaho 42 Samples U. S. No. 1 -- No samples U. S. No, 2 -- 1 sample Graded down on whole cones and general appearance. U. S. No. 3 -- 14 samples All graded down on whole cones. U. S. Sample Grade -- 27 samples All graded down on whole cones. By eliminating percentage of whole cones as a factor, the Idaho hops would grade as follows; U. S. No, 1 -- 11 samples U. S. No. 2 -- 31 samples All graded down on general appearance (specifically on color and condition of lupulin). A recapitulation of the above data are shown in Table 1-A. Table 1 -A Grade Distribution of Samples Graded Under Tentative Standards No. State Samples Grade Distribution According to 1946 Hop Standards No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Sample Grade Grade Distribu y on According to 1946 Hop Standards but with Broken Cone Factor Eliminated No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Sample Grade Oregon 176 1 7 69 99 21 136 17 2 Washington 173 1 74 83 15 49 117 5 2 California 150 10 79 57 4 40 99 lo 1 42 0 1 14 27 11 31 0 0 Idaho 13 PHYSICAL ANALYSIS OF THE 1949 CROP IN RELATION TO TENTATIVE HOP STANDARDS From the tabulation of grades and the factors responsible for placing the sample in that grade, it can be readily seen that the percentage whole cones is the limiting factor in most cases. Next most important factor is the general appearance. In some of our previous studies on these standards, leaf and stem content was most often the limiting factor. Since leaf and stem content is very minor insofar as the grading of the hops is concerned in this year, it tends to prove the theory that the over-all effect of a standard is to improve quality. Since the adoption of the hop analytical program to analyze for seed, stem and leaf, the stem and leaf percentage has been continually dropping. There is no reason to suspect that the percentage whole cones will not improve as well if this factor were incorporated into the present analytical program. It is quite apparent from looking at these grades that if whole cones were eliminated, then general appearance would be the limiting factor in most cases. This general appearance, more than anything else, reflects the general handling and drying of the hops. This factor also has considerable room for improvement. These various factors will b e broken down and taken up in more detail in the following portion of this report. For the purpose of research on the physical factors in the hop standards, certain of the factors were rated differently than called for in the standards. General appearance was divided into certain component parts: (1) General appearance and total discoloration; (2) color and condition of lupulin, and (3) damage were all rated separately and then combined into general appearance for the numerical grade. These factors were also rated on a numerical scale of 1, 2, 3, and 4, for the purpose of statistical analysis in place of excellent, good, and fair as called for in the standards. The amount of lupulin was estimated on the scale of from 0 to 9, in keeping with previous research work, although the special grades require only three classifications, namely, fat, normal, and thin. In all cases the aroma was found to be acceptable, so this factor will not appear in the analysis at any time. The percent seed, stem and leaf was determined by the official Federal-State Analytical Method, Table 1 presents a summary of the special grades for seed content in the 1949 grading studies. As was proposed in 1943, this uses the seedless grade of 3 percent maximum, semi-seedless up to 6 percent maximum, and seeded over 6 percent. This table shows that l /ashington is predominately a seedless hop area, while Oregon is predominately a seeded hop area. California is about equally divided between seeded and seedless hops, the seedless hops being from the Sacramento area and the seeded hops being from the Santa Rosa area. The Idaho hops are nearly all seedless. It is interesting to note that the semi-seedless classification is practically eliminated in the 1949 crop. Only 7.8 percent of the entire number of samples under study fall in this semiseedless classification, Since the number of samples in this study was not strictly proportional to the number of bales produced in the different states, it is probable that there were quite a few more seedless hops grown in 1949 than there were seeded or semi-seedless. 114 Table 1 Summary Table of Special Grades For Seed Content in the 1949 Ea Gm Studies Number of Samples in Each Grade* Number of Origin Samples Seedless SemiSeedless Seeded Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 130 11 17 77 9 142 26 64 142 35 5 2 All Samples 5141 265 142 234 Semi, Seedless Seeded 23 Percentage of Samples in Each Grade Number of Origin Samples Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 All Samples Seedless 42 13.0 75.1 51.3 83,3 6.3 9.8 6.0 11.9 80.7 15.1 42.7 4.8 5141 48.9 7.8 43.3 Cumulative Percentage of Samples in Each Grade Number' of Origin Samples Seedless SemiSeedless Seeded Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 13.1 75.1 51.3 83.3 19.3 84.9 57.3 95.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 All Samples 5141 148.9 56.7 100.0 * Limit for grade: Seedless, 3%; semi-seedless, 6%; seeded, over 6%. 15 Table 2 shows the summary for the grading on the basis of leaf and stem content in the 1949 hop crop. This table is set up on the basis of the recommended grade limits of 1946; that is, the limit in No. 1 as 5 percent, in No. 2 as 8 percent, in No. 3 as 11 percent stem and leaf. All the samples from Idaho were under 5 percent in stem and leaf, while 93.6 percent were under 5 percent in Washington. California had 84.6 percent under that limit and Oregon only 36.3, Table 2 Summary Table for Grading on the Basis of Leaf and Stem Content Number of Samples in Each Grade* Number of Origin Samples Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 All Samples 5141 2 3 4 64 162 127 42 98 9 20 13 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 3 Percentage of Samples in Each Grade Number of Origin Samples Oregon Washington California Idaho All Samples 176 173 150 42 36.3 93.6 84.6 100.0 * Limits: 7.4 1.2 2.0 0,6 3 4 99.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 541 Cumulative Percentage of Samples in Each Grade Number of Origin Samples 1 Oregon Washington California Idaho All Samples 55.7 5.2 13.4 14 176 173 150 42 541 36.3 93.6 84.6 100.0 No. 1, 5%; No. 2, 8 %; No. 3, 11%. 2 92.0 98.8 98.0 16 Table 3 gives a summary of the ratings for total discoloration and general appearance in the 1949 hop grading studies. Since general appearance is more or less a complex factor, the color and condition of lupulin and damage were rated separately. Therefore, this table does not include those portions of general appearance. The percentage of hops grading No. 1 was 97.6, 64.2, 55.4, 51.3 for Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and California re spectively, with the over-all average of 60.4 percent of the samples grading No. 1 on total discoloration and general appearance. As the inspectors were going through the samples, it was apparent that a good deal of discoloration resulted from improper handling. Much of this discoloration was attributed to sack burn where the hops had been piled up for too long a period prior to drying. In most cases this burn was not severe enough to cause actual damage to the hops but it did materially affect the over-all appearance of the sample. In a few cases it seemed that there might have been some dust or spray injury which caused a slight diacoloration on the hops. There was only a moderate amount of discoloration due to wind whip and damage of that sort, although there were one or two samples that showed some evidence of possible hail damage. The inspectors, however, did feel that in practically all cases the discoloration could have been controlled to some extent by either more careful handling from the time of picking to drying or, in the case of discoloration due to red spider, the hops could have been more thoroughly dusted during the growing season. 17 Table 3 Summary Table for Total Discoloration and General Appearance Number of Samples in Each Rating on Total Discoloration and General Appearance Number of Samples Origin 2 1 3 Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 113 96 All Samples 541 41 58 73 67 1 5 4 5 0 0 0 1 0 327 199 14 1 77 Percentage of Samples in Each Rating on Total Discoloration and General Aoearance Origin Number of Samples Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 64.2 55.4 51.3 97.6 All Samples 541 60.4 1 3 14 32.9 42.2 44.7 2.4 2.9 2.4 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.7 36.8 2.6 0.2 2 Cumulative Percentage of Samples in Each Rating on Total Discoloration and General Appearance Number of Origin Sam les 2 1 3 Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 64.2 55.4 51.3 97.6 97.1 97.6 96,0 100,0 100.0 100.0 99.3 100.0 All Samples 541 60.4 97.2 99.8 100.0 18 Table 4 gives a summary of the ratings on the amount of lupulin in the 1949 hop grading studies. The samples of hops were rated for amount of lupulin on a scale from 0 to 9 for the purpose of applying the special grades, thin and fat. It has been the policy to consider anything under 5 as being thin and anything over 7 as being fat. This summary bears out the opinion that there were very few extremely thin hops or very few very fat hops in the entire crop. There were more thin hops in Oregon than in the other states. These were mostly of the Fuggles variety. In most cases these hops were so badly shattered that a good deal of the lupulin had been lost and the estimation of quantity of lupulin was very difficult. The same thing was true in estimation of some other qualities. The poor condition of many of the samples led the inspector to believe that his estimates on quantity of lupulin were not as accurate as they would have been on better samples. However, in reviewing the 541 samples in the study, the inspectors reversed themselves or changed grades but five times. This indicates that they were quite consistent in spite of the condition of some samples. The inspectors also had a feeling that possibly they were finding the range of estimates within narrower limits than had been done in the past. In view of this it was thought possibly that the six classifications should be the average or normal hop and that anything below the six classifications (3,)4,5,6,7,8) would be thin and anything over these six would be fat. On this basis then, 28.9 percent of the samples would be fat and 20 percent would be thin. If this crop is nearly normal or average this would seem to be a pretty good segregation, 19 Table 4 Summary Table of Ratings on Amount of Lupulin Number of Sam les in Each Ratin Number of Origin Samples Class Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 1 1 All Samples 541 2 4 5 16 23 31 12 6' 7 48 39 48 4 6 6 5 4 82 88 78 34 31 70 282 139 17 Percentage of Samples in Each Rating Class Number of Samples Origin 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.1 4.7 4.6 13.1 17,9 8.0 9.5 46.6 50.8 52.0 80.9 27.2 22.6 32.0 9.6 3.5 3.5 3.4 5.7 13.0 52.1 25.7 3.2 Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 0.5 0.5 All Samples 541 0.3 8 7 Cumulative Percentage of Samples in Each Rating Class Number of Origin Samples Oregon Washington California Idaho All Samples 5 6 7 8 9.6 5.2 4.6 22.7 23.1 12.6 9.5 69.3 73.9 64.6 90.4 96.5 96.5 96.6 100.0 100.o 100.0 100.0 6.0 19.0 71.1 96.8 100.0 3 4 176 173 15o 42 0.5 0.5 541 0.3 20 Table 5 is a summary of the grading on color and condition of lupulin in the 1949 hop grading studies. There were only five samples in the entire study that rated below No. 2 on color and condition of lupulin. Table 5 Summary Table for Rating on Color and Condition of Lupulin Number of Samples in Each Rating on Color and Condition of Lupulin Number of Origin Samples 1 2 3 Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 74 60 87 All Samples 5)a 232 100 110 63 2 0 3 0 0 0 31 0 0 3014 5 Percentage of Samples in Each Rating on Color and Condition of Lupulin Number of Origin 2 Samples 1 3 Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 42.0 34.6 58.0 26,1 56.8 63.6 42.0 73.9 1,2 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 All Samples 5141 42.8 56.2 1.0 0.0 Cumulative Percentage of Samples in Each Rating on Color and Condition of Lupulin Number of Origin Samples 1 2 3 Oregon Washington California 42.0 34.6 58.0 26.1 98.8 98.2 100.0 100,0 100.0 100,0 Idaho 176 173 150 42 All Samples 541 42.8 99.0 100.0 The inspectors found this factor the most difficult of all the factors to apply to the 1949 crop, particularly to the grades 1 and 2. The inspectors had a definite feeling that there was more variation within samples than was encountered in any previous year's study. It was seldom that any samples were found where the lupulin was all No. 1 or all No. 2. Normally, there was a 23. variation from 1 to 2 and in practically all samples it called for a decision as to how much of the No. 2 lupulin was present. Therefore, this factor really had the two variables, one an estimate of quantity of each type of lupulin, and one an estimate of the quality of the lupulin. The reason for the high percentage (56.2 percent) in the No. 2 grade is probably due to the fact that the Washington Early Cluster crop was harvested more or less immature, whereas the Oregon Fuggles crop seemed to be on the overmature side. Most of the samples that showed these characteristics were not rated higher than No. 2. The Idaho crop was 73.9 percent No. 2 but it was thought that this was probably due to drying or possibly the condition at harvest. Table 6 presents a summary for the grading on damage in the 1949 hop As has been previously mentioned, there was not as much damage in 1949 as in orevious years viewed by the inspector. There was, however, a considerable amount of slight damage which was reflected more as total discoloration than as actual damage. Throughout the crop the usual traces of damage due to mechanical causes, some maturity damage, some insect (primarily from red spider), traces of mold and mildew were noted. The unusual thing about the damage factor in the 1949 crop is that there was not a single sample in Oregon graded down because of mildew damage. Mechanical damage, maturity, and mold were the primary damages responsible for grading these samples lower than No. 1. In any event, this was an excellent crop from the standpoint of actual damage. crop. 22 Table 6 Summary Table of Rating of Damage Number of Samples in Each Rating on Damage Number of Origin Samples 1 Oregon Washington California Idaho 176 173 150 42 162 159 117 All Samples 541 480 Percentage of Samples in Each Ratin Number 2 3 4 13 9 27 0 1 3 2 5 1 49 8 4 3 4 7.4 5.2 0.0 1.7 18.0 3.3 0.6 1.2 0.7 9.0 1.5 0.8 3 4 99.4 97.1 96.0 99.4 98.8 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.7 99.2 100,0 42 on Damage of Origin Samples 1 Oregon Washington California Idaho All Samples 176 173 150 42 541 92,0 91.9 78.0 100.0 88.7 Cumulative Percentage of Samples in Each Rating on Damage Numberof Ori in Sam les 2 1 Oregon Washington California Idaho All Samples . 176 173 150 42 . 541 92.0 91.9 78.0 100.0 88.7 23 Table 7 is a summary of the percentage whole cones in the 1949 hop grading studies. This table is set up so that the hops are tabulated in 5 percent classes. As pointed out previously, Oregon and Idaho are definitely low in the percentage of whole cones. Washington and California were somewhat better with California being the highest in percent of whole cones. On the basis of the standards in which 70 percent whole cones is the minimum of the No. I grade, 98.8 percent of the Oregon samples below, 94.7 percent of the Washington samples below, 77.4 percent of the California samples, and all of the Idaho samples would fall below this minimum. For the crop as a whole, 91.6 percent would have less than 70 percent whole cones. Due to the present methods of handling hops for determination of percentage whole cones, additional work was done on this factor, but it would be well to point out at this time the relationship of the percentage whole cones below the 50 percent whole cones classification: 86.3, 5)4.6, 20.7, 95.2, and 52.3 percent of the total samples fell under 50 percent for Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, and the entire crop respectively. The high percentage of samples in these lower classifications as to whole cones is due to several factors. Through the surveys of the industry it was pointed out that this crop was handled much more rapidly than in practically any prPvious year. The hops were picked, dried, and baled during a relatively short time. The normal process in the past has been to leave the hops in a cooling or curing room for a month or two after drying. This year the hops were practically all inspected within that period, indicating that the hops were baled much earlier than normal. With the increase in custom picking it has been a policy for several growerst crops to be run through a single set of picking machines, kilns and balers. Therefore, it is a common practice for the hops to be dried and baled immediately to make room for the succeeding grower's crop. Baling so soon after drying does not give the hops an opportunity to toughen up and become shatter-resistant before they are baled. The weather conditions this season undoubtedly had some effect on the broken condition of the hops as well. Additional information will be given in the later sections of the report showing the importance of this whole cone factor. But it would seem that anything the growers could do to keep the hops from breaking would be highly desirable. Consideration of the results obtained from applying the tentative hop standards to the samples from the 1949 crop emphasizes the necessity for a critical evaluation of all factors. From the application that has been is made to the current crop, it would appear that some adjustments are necessary in the case of broken cones. It would appear also that possibly the semiseedless classification may not be necessary. The application of the factors of General Appearance and Leaf and Stem provides a reasonably satisfactory grade distribution. Information will be presented to show the range of the several factors and the relationship existing between them. Significance and deficiencies of the data presented will be pointed out in an attempt to provide information which can be used in determi n i n g: (1) whether satisfactory grades are possible, and (2) how the various factors can be used most effectively. Table 7 Summary Table of Percentage "Whole Cones in the 1949 Hop Grading Studies Number of Samples in each Class 0 Number 5 of to to Origin Samples 4 9 Oregon Washington California Idaho All Samples 176 173 150 42 541 4 10 15 to 20 to 25 to 14 19 24 29 34 39 8 12 29 12 3 33 10 176 173 150 42 541 30 to 2 1 4 1 8 4 12 Percentage of Samples in Each Class 0 Number 5 lo of to to to Samples Origin 4 9 14 Oregon Washington California Idaho All Samples to 2.2 4.6 0.1 9.6 1.5 9.5 2.2 2.3 11.9 All Samples 541 0,1 2.2 1.6 60 65 to to to 44 49 54 59 64 69 70 to 74 20 11 4 18 12 8 16 24 17 3 3 12 31 17 1 41 60 61 5 22 20 1 48 40 45 5o to to to 44 49 54 2 9 15 33 17 54 7 42 15 20 to 19 to 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 24 6.8 16,5 7.1 2.8 9.5 6.1 ;1/7i. 176 173 15o 42 55 to 4 Cumulative Percentage of Samples in Each Class Number 0 5 10 15 20 of to to to Origin Samples tc9) Oregon Washington California Idaho 50 to to 3 . 2,3 45 35 40 to 55 to 59 30 35 to to 40 45 50 55 6.8 13.6 30.1 36.9 55.6 67.4 77.2 86.3 93.1 96.0 1.7 7.5 13.8 20.8 34.6 52.6 65.3 1.3 4.0 9.4 20.7 32.0 45.4 21.4 28.5 38.0 42.8 64.2 80.9 88.0 95.2 97.6K0.0 3.8 6.6 12.7 15.8 25.8 33.6 41.2 52.3 63.5 72.4 to 79 84 3 2 2 24 16 7 2 22 11 1 62 42 31 13 1 6o 65 80 to to 64 69 70 to 74 75 to to 84 60 65 to P4; 80 to 27 32 6.8 18.7 11.4 10.2 9.1 6.8 2,9 1.7 1.1 1.2 1.7 5.8 6.3 1.0 13.8 18,0 12.7 15.6 13.8 4.1 1.3 2.7 5.4 11.3 11.3 13.4 21.3 10.7 14.6 4.8 21.4 16.7 7.1 7.2 2.4 2.4 3.1 10.0 7.8 7.6 11.1 11.2 8.9 11.5 7.7 5.8 25 75 70 to 79 1.2 7.4 0.6 2.4 0.2 75 to 8o to 1(34 97.7 98.8 100.0 80.9 94.7 98.8 100.0 66.7 77.4 92.0 99.4 100.0 83.9 91.6 97.4 99.8 100.0 25 EFFECT OF METHODS ON BLOKEN CONE DETERMINATIONS In the original work to determine the percentage of whole cones, the standard cut sample rather than the core sample was used and the whole cones were picked from the sample by hand and the percentage determined in this manner. Preliminary work on this same type of sample indicated that sieving the hops over a 30/64 round hole sieve gave approximately the same result as the percentage whole cones picked by hand, Since sieving was a mechanical determination which was much more rapid than hand picking, it was felt that this could be substituted as a method of determination. In order to provide more accurate information as to the effects of sampling or methods of analysis on the percentage of broken cones, aciiitional tests were made. Samples were cut from five different bales in three lots and a core sample was drawn adjacent to each cut sample. An analysis of variance was run on the amount of broken cones as determined by the hand picking and by the sieving methods. The analysis present in Table 8 shows there is a significant difference between hand picking and sieving and also a significant difference between cut and core samples. Table 8 Analysis of Variance of Relationship Between Hand Picked Whole Cones Versus Sieved Whole Cones in Samples Taken la Cutting and with Core Sampler Source of Variation Sum of Squares d.f. Variance f.Value M.S.D. 0.1 f.05 f.01 .05 Hand pick vs. Sieving 1122.3 1 1122.3 16,3034 4.04 7.19 4.30 5.73 Core sampling 444.4 1 444.4 6.46* 4.04 7.19 4.30 5.73 Lot 131.1 2 65.5 2.92 3.19 5.08 Cut vs. Picking x Sampling 0.55 1 .55 58.03 2 29.01 Lot x Sampling 156.30 2 76.15 Lot x Sampling x Picking 402.07 2 201.03 Error 3301.85 48 68.78 Total 5616,60 59 Picking x Lot Average hand picked Average sieved 77.8 69.1 Average cut sample Average core sample *3 Significant at the one nercent level. It. Significant at the five percent level. 76.2 70.7 26 The difference between cut and core samples, however, is significant at only the five percent level.* The means of the hand-picked and sieved samples are 77.8 and 66.9 respectively, showing that 8.7 percent is lost in The mean of the cut samples the sieving operation for these particular hops. is 76.2 compared to 70.7 from the core samples, showing that 5.5 percent is lost due to the core sampling. Compared to the old method of hand picking, cut sample determination of broken cones from a core sample by the sieving method accounts for an additional error of 15.2 percent. In addition to the losses resulting from sieving and from the core samples, it was thought The there might be some loss where the hops were run over the Bates divider. present method of obtaining a working sample requires the hops to be passed over the divider four times. To check the possible loss, hops of both the An cut and core samples were sieved and run over the divider four times. analysis of variance of these data presented in Table 9 shows significant differences as a result of both the type of sampling and as an effect of the divider. Both are significant at the 1 percent level.* In this case the difference in means between the cut and core samples is 6.8 percent and the over-all loss in the divider is 9.5 percent. Table 9 P Analysis of Variance for Relationship Between Cut and Core Samples Sieved and Run Over the Divider Four Times Source of Variation Sum of Squares Lot M.S.D. d.f. Variance f. Value f.05 f.01 .05r .01 50.13 2 25.06 Sampling 1727.89 1 1727.89 16.48** 3.92 6.84 3.30 4.38 Division 1674.56 4 418.64 3.99 ** 2.44 3.47 5.23 6.92 Division x Lot 96.61 8 12.07 Division x Sampling 13.61 4 3.40 1.58 2 0.79 40.33 8 5.04 Lot x Sampling Lot x Sampling x Division Error 12,568.28 120 Total 16,172.99 149 104.73 Mean in Percentage Whole Cones Average Gut sample Average Cone sample Average SieVe only 67.1 60.3 69.1 Average Average Average Average **Significant at the one percent level. Division Division Division Division 1 2 3 4 65.6 63.1 61.3 59.6 * Significant at 5 percent level means the odds are greater than 19 to 1 that the difference is real and not due to chance.. Significant at the 1 percent level means the odds are greater than 99 to 1 that the odds are real and not due to chance samplihg. 27 With these preceding figures in mind, an additional experiment was run on the divider alone where the hops were passed over the divider four times. These data are presented in Table 10. Ten samples were passed through the divider and compared to samples sieved only,. The analysis shows that there was a significant difference between sieved only and those divided four times and again sieved. This difference was significant at the one percent level and shows there is a loss of 4.8 percent due to division alone. With these losses in mind, as presented in Tables 8, 9, and 10, it would seem then that approximately 20 percent of the whole cones are lost in the determination as it is now carried on as compared with the method used when the standards were originated in 1943. In view of this loss due to sieving and dividing core samples, it would seem desirable then to alter the standards from the 70 percent whole cones requirement for No. 1, established on the basis of hand picking cut samples, to 50 percent whole cones required for No. 1 with the sieving method of determination. Table 10 Analysis of Variance for Experiment to Determine the Amount of Cones broken in the DiVide7W--- Source of Variance Sum of Squares Treatment 112.82 Bales M.S.D. d.f. Variance f. Value f.05 f.01 .05 .01 1 112.82 93.24** 4.38 8.18 1.11 1.60 503.08 9 55.89 46.19** 3.42 3.52 Error 10.95 9 1.21 Total 626.85 19 * 10 samples from 10 bales put through divider four times and compared to samples sieved only. *f Significant at the one percent level. Average Sieve only 71.2 Average Divided four times 66.4 Since moisture might become important in an inspection procedure, it was felt desirable to check the difference between the surface moisture content of hops in the bale and hops drawn from the inside of the bale. Previous studies along this line indicate that hops tend to become equalized with the moisture content of the storage room on the surface of the bales, whereas the inside of the bale tends to hold its moisture for considerable periods of time. This is confirmed by the analysis of variance shown in Table 11. The data, however, are not too conclusive since the three lots were uniform in moisture content, both within lots and between lots. The difference between inside and outside was, however, significant at the 5 percent level with the outside of the bale being lower. These data would not be considered as being too conclusive except that this same difference has been observed in previous studies. The difference has not always been in the same direction, however. In previous studies where hops were put into storage quite dry they tended to pick up surface moisture to equal the moisture content of the rooms whereas if they were put in wet, they would tend to lose moisture conditions in the storage room. The center of the bale would pick up or lose moisture rather slowly. 28 Table 11 A Study of the Variation in Moisture Content Between the Inside and Outside of Certain Bales of Hops Outside Sample No. Inside % H2O METle No. % H2O L-3-1 7.6 L-3-1 8.0 L-3-2 7.0 L-3-2 7.2 L-3-3 7,2 L-3-3 8.2 L-3-4 7.1 L-3-4 6.3 L-3-5 6.6 L-3-5 6.5 L-23-1 7.5 L-23-1 7.7 L-23-2 7.8 L-23-2 8.0 L-23-3 7.3 L-23-3 8.6 L-23-4. 6.8 L-23-4 7.6 L-23-5 6.9 L-23-5 7.3 L-45-1 6.9 L-45-1 6.9 L-45-2 7.4 L-45-2 8.0 L-45-3 7.3 L-45-3 7.5 L-45-4 7.3 L-45-4 7.3 L-45-5 6.8 L-45-5 7.8 x Outside 7.17 x Inside 7.53 Analysis of Variance Table for Inside and Outside of Bale Sampling Source of Variation Sum of S uares d.f.' Variance f, Value f.05 f.01 Inside and outside 0.970 0,970 .:02* . 1 .2 Lot 0.740 2 0.370 1.832 Within lot 2.752 8 0.344 1.703 Error 3.638 18 0,202 Total 8.100 29, t. Test 2.65* * Indicates significance at 5 perpent level. 29 In the present inspection procedure for seed, stem, and leaves, the larger lots of hops are broken into two or more parts for the analytical -work. Therefore, in 70 different cases it was possible to get paired samples from these lots. These 70 pairs actually represent 70 different lots of hops. The summary of the differences between these pairs is presented in Table 12 covering each of the factors under study in 1949. The standard error shows that the determinations are all quite reliable. It is interesting to note that the standard error of the differences on stem and leaf content is more than the standard error for seed content. The standard errors on general ap pearance, color and condition of lupulin, and percent damage are quite small, but the scale of evaluation was only 4 classifications. Therefore, this standard error is a little misleading. The standard error on the amount of lupulin, while higher than the three previously mentioned, is probably a little more accurate in that the amount of lupulin is estimated on a much broader scale, that is, a scale of ten variations. The standard errors for percent moisture, percent alpha resin, and percent beta resin are all quite small. The standard error on the percent whole cones shows that the method now used is quite consistent in determining the percentage whole cones and there is very little difference between paired samples in most cases. . 30 Table 12 Summary Table of the Differences Between 70 Pairs of Samples in the 19149 1122 Grading Studies for Each of the Factors Under Study Rating % on Stem General Pair % and AppearNo. Seed Leaf ance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.6' 0.4 1.0 6.0* 1.5 1.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 1,2 0.3 1,0 0.3 0.6 1.1 0,1 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.1 1.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.1 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.6 2.8 1,1 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Rating on Amount of Rating on Color and Condition Lupulin Lupulin 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Rating % % on Whole Damage Moisture Cones 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 o 0 0 0.3 1,1 2.2 0.6 0.0 0,1 0.2 0.9 0,1 0.9 1.7 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.1 0,0 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.3 2.0 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 2 3 0 3 1 3 5 2 2 3 4 5 4 3 1 9 4 3 12 4 2 0 4 2 0 4 4 8 6 2 13 3 4 5 9 3 1 5 3 5 4 % i % P 0.08 0.02 0.96. 1.26 0.45 2.08 0.76 0.21 1.59 1.94 0.40 0.76 0.33 1.06 0.16 0.46 0.03 0.24 0,18 1.22 0.15 0.20 0.39 0.15 0.35 0.21 0.13 0.63 0.31 0.38 0.40 0.59 0.02 1.39 0.27 0.08 0.05 0.10 0.74 0.91 0.23 0.47 0.07 0.64 0.20 0.29 0.22 0.50 0.20 0.66 0.38 0.83 0.55 0.82 0,22 0.26 0.60 0.75 0.27 0.31 0.09 0.26 0.99 0.46 0.13 0.02 0.03 0,07 0.14 0.29 0.22 0.13 0.17 0.26 0.10 0.11 0.19 0.64 0.83 0.99 0.19 0.02 1.52 1.99 31 Table 12 (cont'd) Rating % on Stem General Pair % and Appear- No. Seed Leaf ance 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2. 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 2.1 0.5 0.0 0.8 0,0 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.1 0.3 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.6 0.3 1.7 0.0 0.2 0.2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rating on Amount of Lupulin 0 Rating on Color and Condition Lupulin 0 0 1 0 0.081 0.057 0.041 0.052 0.372 0.038 0.055 0.47 0.34 0.10 0.43 3.93 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 S.E. 0.037 0.057 0.044 7 0.46 0.47 0.15 p 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 70 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.3 0,1 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.3 1.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 68 Rating % % on Whole Damage Moisture Cones 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 7 0 2 3 7 5 9 6 2 2 6 14 4 10 4 0 1 2 10 5 2 1 2 4 3 0 0.37 0.39 0.68 0.20 0.12 0.53 0.29 0.56 0.18 0.04 0.48 0.25 0.05 0.16 0.27 0.68 0.88 0.48 0.14 0.17 0.75 0.17 0,52 0.23 0.10 0.07 0.53 0.00 0.35 0.59 0.19 0.55 0.13 0.21 0.39 0.43 0.42 0.16 0.06 0.22 0.05 0.16 0.45 0.27 0.90 1.06 0.46 0.27 0.15 0.69 0.58 0.30 0.05 0,07 0.08 0.61 0.23 0.49 * The difference on seed content for pair 32 was obviously an error so this figure was eliminated from the standard deviation and mean. 32 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Chemical work on the 1949 crop commercial hop samples was directed toward three primary objections. The first was to furnish analytical data for the correlation of various physical factors with chemical composition. The second was to compare the A.O.O.C. official moisture method with other more rapid procedures. The third was to recheck certain regression equations which have been used here for some years in a rapid colorimetric method for estimating hop soft resins. This method was developed by the Agricultural Chemistry division of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and has been published elsewhere (1). Relation of Physical Factors to Chemical Composition This portion of the chemical study will be covered in another part of this report and, therefore, will not be further discussed in this section. Moisture Content of Hops It is recognized by the trade and previous investigations have shown that moisture content is an important factor in the keeping quality and evaluation of hops. It is more or less generally accepted that 12% moisture is about the upper limit that hops may contain without danger of molding or otherwise going out of condition. Moisture content and suitable methods for determining it are, therefore, important considerations in any proposed hop grading procedure. Suitability of a method for use in a grading procedure depends to a great extent on how rapid it is so in our study of moisture methods we have been primarily concerned with speed rather than extreme accuracy. As far as moisture content is concerned, we think that any method which will give results within 1% of the true moisture is amply accurate for hop grades. The official method for hop moisture was used as a standard of comparison in the work discussed below. This method, set up by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, calls for drying a 2.5gram sample of ground hops in a 55-mm. diameter aluminum dish for one hour at 103°-104° C. The loss in weight is taken as moisture. The short time interval between approval of this program and the harvest made it impossible to test many of the moisture devices on the market, but we were able to obtain two types in time to try out on the 1949 crop samples. One of them, the Master Moisture Meter made by the C. H. Baldwin Company, Lansing 2, Michigan, employs the relationship between moisture content of the sample material and the relative humidity equilibrium set up when the sample material is stirred in a closed chamber containing wet- and dry-bulb thermometers, The difference in the thermometer readings is dependent on the moisture content of the test material. A calibration curve for any material is made by plotting wet- and drybulb thermometer differences against moisture for samples of known moisture content. (1) Second Annual Report of Investigations to Develop Hop Grades. D. D. Hill and D. E. Bullis. August 1942. p. 64-69. A New Approach to the Estimation of Hop Soft Resins by D. E, Bullis and Gordon Alderton. Wallerstein Laboratories Communications 8, No. 24, p. 118-127 (August 1945). 33 About 200 samples were run on this instrument but the results were very erratic. It was quite evident that the machine as presently developed is not at all suitable for determining moisture content of hops. No purpose would be served by including a table of these data so they are omitted. The second instrument tried out was the Dietert Moisture Teller, manufactured by the Harry W. Dietert Company, 9330 Roselawn Avenue, Detroit 4, Michigan. This instrument blows a blast of heated air through the sample which is held in a container with a very fine mesh screen bottom. The drying temperature is thermostatically controlled to about 6° F. of the desired setting which gives a range of 10°,-15° F. Heat and blower are both shut off at the end of any predetermined period by a timing device. An earlier model of this device had been used for hop moisture in experimental work during 1943-1944. This work was reported in the Fourth Report of Investigations to Develop Hop Grades by D. D. Hill, D. E. Bullis, and J. D. Sather, November 1946. Preliminary tests with the new improved machine indicated that a temperature of about 200° F. for 8 minutes gave satisfactory results. When dried at higher temperatures weight loss continued for longer periods of time which appeared to indicate some decomposition in addition to the moisture loss. Comparisons were made between the Dietert Tester and the official method on all commercial samples used in this investigation. In general, there is good agreement between the methods for hops of low to average moisture content. For high moisture samples it gives higher values than the official method. However, our observations have led us to believe that the error in these instances is in the official method rather than in the Dietert test. We have noted that high moisture hops (10% moisture or higher) continue to lose considerable weight when dried up to 3 or 4 hours under conditions specified by the official procedure. The following table gives the maximum, average and minimum moisture content encountered in the 520 commercial lots tested. It should be noted here that the high values were, in most cases, due to moisture absorption in our storage room. We were unable on short notice to obtain sufficient pliofilm bags to hold all the samples, The substitute bags were found to allow some moisture absorption, the amount depending on the length of storage time. Moisture Content of 1949 Commercial Hop Samples Official Method Max. Av. Min; Dietert Tester Max. Av. California (150)* 11.8 8.34 6.4 12.3 8.10 Idaho (42) 10.9 5.0 7.62 10,0 7.18 8.60 Oregon (164) 12.6 6.9 12.6 8.51 Washington (164) 11.5 7.96 7.51 4.5 6.2 * Numbers in parentheses indicate number of samples tested. Min. 6.5 5.1 5.6 5.5 34 For those who may be interested in the statistical treatment of the data obtained by the two moisture methods, the following summary is included. The correlation coefficient between the methods is .7761 and the F-test shows significance at the 1% level. This means that the odds are less than one in 100 that such a relationship would occur by chance. The standard error of estimate is .7558. In other words, the difference in moisture content between the two methods will not differ by more than : .7558% in 2/3 of the samples tested. The other 1/3 of the samples will vary by more than that amount. The regression equation for expressing the relationship is Yx im 2.5786 + 0.7108x where Y is the percent moisture by the official method and X is the percent moisture by the Dietert test. Soft Resin Contents of 1949 Crop Commercial Hops From the standpoint of resin content, the 1949 hop crop in all four states covered by this work was of better-than-average quality. This may have resulted from a favorable season. However, it may be that under the existing marketing agreement only the better quality hops were harvested and thus the poor hops did not enter into the quality picture. Analysis for soft resin content was made by the colorimetric procedure previously mentioned. The following table gives the maximum average and minimum values for alpha and beta resins by states. Early and Late Clusters are classed together since they are very much alike in resin content. Soft Resin Content of 1949 Crop Hops A Resin State California Idaho Oregon Washington Variety Clusters Clusters Fuggles Clusters Clusters (150) ( 42) ( 53) (111) (164) Max. Av. 9.43 7.80 7.12 8.75 8.03 6.53 6.14 4.88 6.39 6.10 B Resin 3.62 4.43 2.76 3.55 3.51 Max. AV. Min. 13.05 10.99 11.13 13.67 11.70 10.37 9.50 9.23 10.69 6.23 7.57 6.07 7.31 6.18 9.52 Comparison of Colorimetric and Gravimetric Methods for Hop Soft Resins were 1940 from some beta The data on which our colorimetric method (loc. cit.) was based obtained originally from a limited number of commercial samples of crop Oregon hops. In 1942, study of a larger number of 1941 lots California, Oregon and Washington and a few from New York led to slight revisions in the equations used to calculate the alpha and resin percentages. Since its development, we have used the method rather extensively in our own laboratory when the accuracy of the official gravimetric 35 method was not necessary. It is rapid and thus would meet the main requirement demanded for inclusion in any grading procedure. It was felt, however, that before the method could be recommended for nation-wide grade usage it should be rechecked to determine if the equations were still valid or if there were unknown factors such as seasonal crop variation which might change the equations from year to year and thus impair the general utility of the method. To carry out this study, 186 lots were taken from the 520 used in the 1949 crop program. There were 52 from California, 53 from Oregon, 52 from Washington, and 29 from Idaho. They were selected so that they would represent a cross-section of the whole harvesting season in each state. The alpha and beta resin content of these samples was determined by the official gravimetric method. The color value and petroleum-ether solubles were determined as outlined in the colorimetric method. These data were then subjected to statistical analysis from which multiple correlation coefficients, standard errors of estimate and multiple regression equations were calculated. These values were then compared to those obtained in the 1942 study. The following tables list the pertinent data derived from the 1941 and 1949 investigations. Number of Samples 1941 Crop California Oregon Washington Idaho New York Total 1249 Crop 52 53 52 33 44 44 -11 122 Multiple Correlation Coefficient, R. 29 -1136 Standard Error of Estimate, S. 1941 crop 199 4 crop .8816 .9133 .5822 1941 crop .8197 .8876 B Resin 1949 crop .8204 .9418 A Resin .5904 It will be noted that the multiple correlation coefficients and the standard errors of estimate are in very close agreement in the two studies. 36 The multiple regression equations derived from the 1941 crop data are: A = .1043S + .0280T + B = .6205S - .0052T + 1.3193 .3376 For the 1949 crop they are: A - -.0860S B = .69935 + - .0385T .0182T + + .9502 2.1182 In the above equations A is alpha resin, B is beta resin, S is percent solids in petroleum-ether extract, and T is the color reading on the Klett-Summerson Photoelectric Colorimeter. At first glance it would seem that the equations are not at all in agreement. However, when S and T values for a series of hop samples were substituted in the two sets of equations, it was found that the calculated A and B percentages agree as well as might be expected for this type of method. The following table gives a comparison of alpha and beta resin percentages obtained by the official method and by each set of multiple regression equations. .1.011/1111.111.1.1,1n Sample No. 2 11 25 28 42 53 6o 80 91 106 109 139-B 150 Official Method A B 6.92 7.90 8.53 5.38 6.85 8.7o 9.18 6.92 6,47 8.34 4.21 4.28 10.60 8.78 9.10 10.50 7.71 9.41 9.6o 10.42 10.90 11.59 11.34 7,09 9.64 11.85 Calculated from 1941 Equations A B Calculated from 1949 Equations A 6.58 7.90 6.88 7.69 4.09 7.03 8.64 8.90 7.28 6.47 8.26 4.25 4.94 9.80 10.02 9.49 11.62 7.03 10.77 11.30 11,76 10.89 10.55 11.94 7.50 8.99 13.36 8.64 8.02 4.69 7,2o 9.12 9.29 7.48 6.55 8.4o 4.74 5.10 9.90 9.59 8.39 10.95 7.07 10.30 10.24 10.69 10.34 10.27 11.18 7.56 9.06 12.22 37 Sample No. 202 206 211 265 268 271 290 313 334 336 339 Official Method a A 4.85 4.59 4.19 4.92 10.50 5.63 6,50 6.77 7.26 5.71 6.35 6.7o 6.51 9.41 11.93 11.95 10.43 9.58 10.63 11.16 8.35 Calculated from 1941 Equations A 4.44 4.12 3.68 5.18 9.42 6.78 6.39 6.95 6.98 6.12 4.75 4.71 7.04 7.76 7.41 6.83 9.09 13.52 11.40 10.24 10.16 10.86 10.75 6.56 7.65 11.53 4.89 4.60 4.23 5.39 9.35 6.66 6.55 7.32 7.10 6.03 5.01 5.29 6.94 7.80 7.52 7.01 9.07 12.57 11.16 9.94 9.61 10.43 10.66 8,63 7.55 11.21 4.56 4.92 8.19 8.00 6.41 8.33 4.22 8.10 7.00 5.89 7.27 10.18 10.25 10.52 7.66 10.29 9.26 lo.04 5.53 5.50 6.34 7.62 8.61 7.59 7.87 9.59 9.83 10.33 358-B 368 5,35 4.61 6.86 417 425 430 518 530 533-B 549 551 554 5.39 4.78 8.26 7.72 8,95 3.72 8.12 6.33 5.48 7.51 7.92 10.04 10.01 11.05 6.52 9.77 9.97 9.86 3.8o 4.33 7.84 7.69 8.04 3.84 7.79 6.59 5.85 6.38 7.28 10.96 10.97 11.32 7.43 11.03 9.74 10.13 704 4.86 4.65 6.26 7.47 8.79 7.17 7.86 9.82 4.93 4.97 6.12 7.26 8.23 7.77 8.01 9.86 10.46 11.22 717-B 723 732 734 8.37 9.40 10.51 9.86 Calculated from 1949 Equations A Alpha resin values calculated by the 1949 equation check more closely with official method results than those obtained by use of the older equation. That is to be expected inasmuch as the equations are derived from these official method data. For beta resin, either set of equations yield values about equally close to those obtained by the official procedure. If a choice were required we would favor the set of equations developed from the 1949 data since the study includes a larger number of samples than the previous study. Also the analyses were completed in a much shorter time, which should have minimized such factors as sample deterioration in storage. However, if it is possible to do so, we recommend a repetition of this phase of the investigation on the 1950 crop so that the equations may be made as accurate as such a method will permit. 38 THE RELATIONSHIP OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL FACTORS IN HOPS This section of the report will be presented separately from the previous sections because of the technical aspect of the material. While the same factors are used in this section, they are subjected to a detailed, statistical analysis and, thereforelthe results would be of a more fundamental nature.than the results of grading as presented in the previous sections. The separate factors which go to make up the grades will be taken up individually. In order to determine whether the differences in the leaf and stem content in the different states were real or due merely to possible error in sampling, an analysis of variance was run on the Late Cluster machine-picked hops from the four states and is presented in Table 13. The differences were found to be significant at the 1% level. Idaho had the more cleanly picked hops with 2.84%, California was next with 4.43, followed by Washington with 4.49 and Oregon with 5.96% stem and leaf. Table 13 Analysis of Variance, Leaf and Stem Classified by State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California) Idaho, Oregon, and Washington were used. Means of Samples California Idaho 4.43 .c150) 2.84 (42) Number of obaervationS is in parentheses Variation Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Oregon Washington 5.96 (42) 4.49 (51) Mean Square F Remarks Significant 20.82 ata% level State 205.1964 3 68.3988 Error 923.1560 281 3.2853 Total 1,128.3524 284 An analysis of variance calculated on the amount of lupulin by states is presented in Table 14. Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho were used. The difference between the estimated amount of lupulin was found to be significant at the 1% level. Oregon and California were found to have the same estimated amount of lupulin on the average with 6.2%. Idaho was a little lower with 6.0% and Washington was the lowest with 5,7%. 39 Table 14 Analysis of Variance, Amount of Lupulin Classified by State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington were used. Table of Means California Orepn Idaho Washington 6.2 (L2) 6.0 (L2) 6.2 (150) Number of observations is in parentheses. Variation Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom 5.7 (51) Mean Square, F 6.65 State 12.0970 3 4.0323 Error 170 . 3451 281 0.6062 Total 182.4421 284 Remarks Significant at 1% level The amount of lupulin was also classified by variety and is presented in the analysis of variance in Table 15. The difference in the amount of lupulin as to variety was found to be significant in machinepicked hops in Oregon where the varieties, FlIggles, Early Cluster, and Late Cluster were used. The Early Cluster was found to have 6.8 estimated amount of lupulin, the Late Cluster 6.2, and the Fuggles 4.5. The Fuggles hop has shown same relative difference here that has been found in past studies. The Early Cluster has not always been higher in past studies. Table 15 Analysis of Variance, Amount of Lupulin Classified by Variety Machine-picked Oregon hops were used. Cluster and Late Cluster. The varieties were Fuggles, Early Table of Means Fuggles Early Cluster 6.8 (8) 4.5 (16) Number' of observations is in parentheses. Late Cluster 6.2 (42) Table 15 (Continued) Variation Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F 42.45 Variety 41.2013 2 20.60065 Error 30.5714 63 0.48526 Total 71.7727 65 Remarks Significant at 1% level An analysis of variance on color and condition of lupulin classified by state is presented in Table 16. Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from all four states were used. The difference here was significant only at the 5% level. Here, Washington and California were found to be superior as indicated by the lower average grade for color and condition of lupulin at 1.6. Idaho was next with 1.7 and Oregon had 1.8. These averages represent the average on that condition on the basis of grades 1, 2, 3, and 4. Table 16 Analysis of Variance Color and Condition of Lupulin Classified by State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington were used. Table of Means California Idaho Washington Oregon 1.6 (51) 1.6 (150) 1.7 (42) 1.8 (42) Number of observations is in parentheses. Variation Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F 3.71 State 2.5578 3 0.8526 Error 64.6492 281 0.2301 Total 67.2070 284 Remarks Significant at 5% level The color and condition of lupulin were also classified by variety and the analysis of variance is presented in Table 17. The differences were found to be significant at the 1% level. The Late Cluster variety 41 was found to have the poorest estimated color and condition; Early Cluster next, with the Fugglas the best. These estimates, again, are the average grade on the basis of 1, 2, 3, and 4. Table 17 Analysis of Variance, Cold and Condition of Lupulin Classified by Variety Machine-picked, Oregon hops were used. Cluster and Late Cluster. The varieties were Raggles, Early Table of Means Late Cluster Early Cluster fuggles 1.2 416) 1.4 (8) Number of Observations is in parantheses. Variation Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom 1.8 (42) Mean Spare F 13.96 Variety 5.3845 2 2.6923 Error 12.1458 63 0.1928 Total 17.5303 65 Remarks Significant at 1% level The analysis of variance for the percent moisture, classified by states, is presented in Table 18. Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from the four states were used. The difference between the percent moisture The in the different states was found to be significant at the 1% level. moisture contents were found to be on the average: California, 8.34; Idaho, 7.62; Oregon, 8.67; Washington, 8.47. It would be well to mention at this time that the moisture content on these samples is not too accurate because of the way the samples were handled. At the time the samples were drawn from the field, they were not placed in moisture-proof containers, so in many cases the samples had quite a chance to change in moisture content before they were analyzed for percent moisture. Table 18 Analysis of Variance, Percent Moisture Classified by State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington were used. Table of Means California Idaho Oregon 8.67 (42) 7.62 (42) 8.34 (150) Number of observations is in'parentheaes. Washington 8.47 (51) 42 Table 18 (Continued) Variation Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean S uare State 27.1481 3 9.0494 Error 353.9850 281 1.2597 Total 381.1331 284 F 7.18 Remarks Signi leant at 1% level The percent moisture was also classified by variety and analysis of variance is presented in Table 19. The differences were found to be nonsignificant. Therefore, it would seem that the weather conditions or other factors at the time of sampling did enter into these figures as suggested in the last paragraph concerning the percentage moisture classified by state. Table 19 Analysis of Variance Percent Moisture Classified by Variety Machine-picked, Oregon hops were used. Cluster and Late Cluster. Varieties were Fuggles, Early Table of Means Late Cluster Early Cluster Fuggles 8.67 (42) 8.54 (16) 8.19 (8) Number of observations is in parentheses. Degrees Variation Due to of Sum of Squares Freedom Mean Square Variety 1.6307 2 0.8154 Error 61.4275 63 0.9750 Total 63.0582 65 F 0.84 Remarks Not significant Tables 20 and 21 show simple correlation coefficients for certain of the factors in this study. Significant relationships were established between the percentage whole cones and the moisture, between the percentage whole cones and alpha resins, between the percentage whole cones and beta resins. In all three cases, the relationship was found to be positive and highly significant, showing that when the percentage of whole cones increased, the percentage of moisture increased, and when the percentage of whole cones increased, the percentage of alpha and beta resins both increased. This is particularly important on the alpha and beta resins because it does jusitfy the use of whole cones as a grading factor. Correlations were also run on the relationship between the percentage of whole cones and color and condition of lupulin, the percentage whole cones and the amount of lupulin, and the relationship between amount of lupulin and the color and condition of lupulin. The percentage of whole cones seems to have no relationship to the color and condition of lupulin. However, the percentage of whole cones and the estimated amount of lupulin did have a positive relationship showing that as the percentage of whole cones increased, the estimated amount of lupulin increased. This relationship was found to be highly significant. There was no relationship between the color and condition of lupulin and the estimated amount of lupulin. Table 20 Simple Correlation Coefficients Between Whole Cones, Koisture and Soft Resins Table of r nalysis used Corrected by Classification Ignoring Classification 0.2648 0.1261 .Resin A and % whole cones 0.2285 0.3591 Resin B and % whole cones 0.0910 0.1437 Variables % whole cones and H2O oven Table of F Analysis used Variables Corrected by Classification 1 and 510 Ignoring Classification 1 and 518 % whole cones and H2O oven 38.48** 8.37** Resin A and % whole cones 28.10** 76.69** Resin B and % whole cones 4.26* 10.92** * Significant at the5% level. ** Significant at the 1% level. The above table shows the values of simple correlation coefficients calculated for three sets of variables and the F values which were used to test their significance. r2 F 1 with 1 and 518 degrees of freedom r2 518 for data ignoring classification and r2 F with 1 and 510 degrees of freedom r2 1 510 for data corrected by classification. Table 21 Simple Correlation Coefficients Between Certain Physical Factors Table of r Corrected by Classification Ignoring Classification Color and Condition and % Whole Cone 0.0044 0.0605 Lipulin and % Whole Cone 0.1271 0.2441 Color and Condition and Lupulin 0.0078 -0.0033 Analysis Used Variables Table of F Corrected by Classification Analysis Used --------, Degrees of Freedom Variables 1 and 510 Color and Condition and % Whole Cone 0.01 Lupulin and ,4, Whole Cone 8.38** Color and Condition and Lupulin **Significant at the.1% level. 0.03 Ignoring Classification 1 and 518 1.90 32.82** 0.01 The above table shows the values of simple correlation coefficients calculated for the three pairs of variables and the F values which were used to test their significance. r2 F 1 with 1 and 518 degrees of freedom r2 518 for data ignoring classification and 45 F r2 with 1 and 510 degrees of freedom 1 - r2 510 for data corrected by classification. An analysis of variance was calculated for the percent whole cones classified by state. Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from the four states were used and these data are presented in Table 22. The differences in the four states were found to be significant at the 1% level. California was found to have the highest percentage whole cones with 59.4, followed by Washington with 50.1, Oregon with 34.5 and Idaho with 28.3. These were calculated only on the Late Cluster hops because there were too few number samples in the other classifications to be used in this study. Table 22 Analysis of Variance, Percent Whole Cones Classified bey State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington were used. Table of Means California Washington Oregon Idaho 28.3 (42) 59.4 (150) Number of observations in parentheses. Degrees of Freedom 50.1 (51) 34.5 (42) Variation Due to Sum of Squares State 43,041.9414 3 14,347.3138 Error 34,246.9920 281 121.8754 Total 77,288.9334 284 Mean Square F 117.72 Remarks Significant at 1% level The percentage of whole cones was also classified by variety and the analysis of variance is presented in Table 23. Machine-picked hops from Oregon were used and the varieties wereaggles, Early Cluster, and Late Cluster. The differences were found to be significant at the 1% level. The Early Cluster variety was found to have the highest percentage whole cones with 44.4, followed by Late Cluster with 34.5%, and Fuggles with 20.1%. 46 Table 23 Analysis of Variance, Percent Whole Cones Classified ly Variety Machine-picked, Oregon hops were used. Cluster and Late Cluster. The varieties were Fuggles, Early Table of Means Fuggles Late Cluster Early Cluster 20.1 (16) 44.1 (8) Number of observations is in parentheses. Variations Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom 34.5 (42) Mean Square Variety 3p721.5295 2 1,860.7647 Error 6,366.2887 63 101.0522 Total 10,087.8182 65 F 18.41 Remarks Significant at 1% level The whole and broken portions of samples of hops were analyzed to determine just what difference there was in the two constituents. The analysis of variance for these differences between the whole and broken portions for all classifications is presented in Table 24. The differences in the whole and broken portions were found to be significant at the 1% level. The mean alpha resin for all classifications is presented in Table 24A. Table 24 Analysis of Variance, Alpha Resin Difference Between Whole'andbroken Cones-T.3F TIYNine Classifications Table of Means of Differences ',Picking Staie'--, Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine Hand Late Cluster Hand Machine California 2.2705 (148) Idaho 1.8679 ( 42) Oregon 1.0362 (16) 0.5368 (37) 1.8225 ( 8) Washington 1.9579 (113) Number of observations in parantheses. 1.8062 ( 42) 1.7216 (61) 2.0925 ( 51) 147 Table 214 (Continued) Degrees of Variation Due to Sum of Squares Mean Freedom Square Classification 105.5892 8 13.1986 Error 289.5804 509 0.5689 Total 395.1696 517 F 23.20 Remarks Significant at 1% level Table 24A Table of Means, Alpha Resin Content Whole Cone Portion --- .kicking State--, Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand California 7.141461 Idaho 7.4014 ( 42) Oregon 14.71400 (16) 5.6705 (37) 6.9225 ( 8) Washin ton 6.8123 (113) umber or o serva ions in parentheses. .._ 7.1883 (148) ( 142) 7.6826 (61) 7.3657 ( 51) Broken Cone Portion ---,E#king State' Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine "Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand California 5.1757 (148) Idaho 5.5336 ( 42) Oregon 3.7038 (16) 5.1338 (37) 5.1000 ( 8) Washington 4.8544 (113) umber or o serve ions in parentheses. 5.3821 ( 42) 5.9610 (61) 5.2688 ( 51) The mean alpha resin presented in Table 24A shows that in every classification the whole cone portion is superior to the broken portion in alpha resin content. The mean differences presented in Table 25 show that there does not seem to be much variation between the four states for differences between whole and broken portions of machine-picked Late Cluster hops. The greatest difference was in California and Washington hops. Oregon also had a little less difference than did 148 Washington for Early Cluster hops. These small variations between the states should be questioned, however. Since Washington and California had a much higher percentage of whole cones, the results are not quite comparable. Table 25 Analysis of Variance of the Difference in Alpha Resin Content Between Whole and Broken Con-grin Oregon Machine and Hand-77MHops Ruggles and Late Cluster varieties were used in this analysis. Alpha Resin Table of Means of Differences -Method of Picking State Fules Machine Late Cluster__ Hand Machine Hand Oregon 1.0362 (16) 0.5368 (37) 1.8062 (42) Number of obserVations in parentheses. Variation Due to Sum of Squares Classification 42.9217 Error 54.0270 Degrees of Freedom 1.7216 (61) Mean Square F Remarks 3 14.3072 40.26 ** 152 0.3554 Picking 1 1.6375 4.61 * Variety 1 37,8751 106.57 ** Interaction Significant at the 1% level. * Significant at the 5% level. 1 1.3263 3.73 4$4(' The analysis of variance for the differences between whole and broken cones in Oregon on machine and hand-picked hops shows significance at the 5% level for picking and 1% level for variety. The difference for machine-picked Fuggles is almost twice the hand-picked difference. This indicates that the Fuggles hops tend to shatter and lose more resin in maching picking. There does not seem to be as great a difference between the machine and hand-picked Late Cluster. However, the differences between whole and broken portions are greater on Late Cluster hops than they are on Fuggles. The same analyses and.tables for beta resin are presented in Tables 26, 26A and 27. These analyses show the same differences between whole and broken cone portions for beta resin that was shown for alpha. The interaction variety X picking is significant at the 5% level for beta resin 49 but not for alpha. This indicates that varieties may respond differently in respect to losses of beta resin when hand or machine picked. The mean differences for Fuggles show 0.9969 difference on machine picked and 0.3032 for hand picked, whereas the Late Clusters show 1.87 for machine picked and 1.86 for hand picked. Table 26 Analysis of Variance of Beta Resin Differences Between Whole and Broken Cone TOAITRine Classifications ___ Table of Means of Differences Flies ---Q:cking State --. Machine Hand Early Cluster Lachine Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand California 2.3928 (148) Idaho 2.0998 ( 42) Oregon 0.9969 (16) 0.3032 (37) 1.9900 8) ( Washington 2.0294 (113) umber oz o serva lops in parentheses. Variation Due to Sum of Squares Classification 159.8881 Error Total Degrees of Freedom 1.8700 ( 42) 1.8610 (61) 2.4859 ( 51) Mean Square F 8 19.9860 22.22 457.8688 509 0.8995 617.7569 517 Remarks Significant at 1% level Table 26A Table of Means, laeuiResin Content Whole Cone Portion *,picking- State --. Fug4les Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine Hand 'Late Cluster Machine Hand California 11.3587 Idaho 11.0126 ( 42) Oregon 7.8256 (16) 9.6035 (37) 10.7175 ( 8) Washington 10.1051 (113) Number of observations in parentheses. (148) 11.5238 ( 42) 12.1900 (61) 11.3337 ( 51) 50 Table 26A (Continued) Broken Cone Portion ----picking State-----..., Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand California 8.9759 (148) Idaho 8.9129 ( 42) Oregon 7.8256 (16) 9.6035 (37) 8.7275 ( 8) 9.6538 ( 42) 10.3290 (61) Washington 8.0758 (113) Number of observations 'in parentheses. 8.8478 ( 51) Table 27 Analysis of Variance of Differences Between Whole and Broken Cones for Four Classifications Beta Resin Table of Means of Differences '--- --..fie hod of Picking State Oregon um-r o Fuggles Madhine Hand Late Cl us ter Machine Hand 0.9969 (16) 0.3032 (37) 1.8700 (42) 1.8610 (61) o servations in paren eses. Variation Due to Classification Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F 69.3429 3 23.1143 113.3100 152 0.7455 Picking 1 1.7597 2.36 Variety 1 61,1014 81.96 Interaction Significant at the 1% level. * Significant at the 5% level. 1 3.6173 4.85 Error 31.01 Remarks ** ** 51 The analysis of variance and table of means for total soft resin are presented in Tables 28 and 28A. Since total soft resin is merely a combination of alpha and beta resin, this table of means and mean differences gives a more complete picture of what is lost in broken cones. Note that the range in loss of resin in the broken cones on Late Clusters is 3.5826 on Oregon hand picked to 4.6632 for California machine picked, or an average loss of 4.09 total soft resins. If a hop had only 50% whole cones, then this would mean that about 2% of the 18.5% resins occurring in Late Cluster or 10 or more percent of the value of the hop has been lost due to breakage alone. The losses in Early Clusters are only slightly less. The losses in Fuggles are considerably less in this year's study, being 2.0331 for machine picked and 0.8400 for hand picked, or an average of 1.43 for all Fuggles. At 50% whole cones, this would be about 0.72% of the approximate 24.5. Total soft resins in Fuggles or roughly 5% of the resins in Fuggles are lost due to breakage alone. Table 28 Analysis of Variance of Total Soft Resin Differences Between Whole and Broken-TORT5r all NIETclassificati6E7---Table of Means of Differences ---,kicking State ---,, Fuggles Lachine Hand Early Cluster Hand MaChiner Late Cluster Machine Hand California 4.6632 (148) Idaho 3.9676 ( 42) Oregon 2.0331 (16) 0.8400 (37) 3.8125 ( 3.6762 ( 42) 3,5826 (61) 8) Washington 3.9873 (113) umber of observations in parentheses. 4.5827 ( Si) _ Variation Due to Classification Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F Remarks 24,12 ** 521.7103 8 65.2138 1326.1671 509 2.7037 Total 1697.8774 4* Significant at 1% level. 517 Error 52 Table 28A Table of leans Total Soft Resin Whole Cone Portion icking State - Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand California 18.8148 (148) Idaho 18.4140(42) Oregon 13.5625 (16) 15.5773 (37) 17.6400 ( 8) Washington 16.9174 (113) Number of observations in parentheses. 18.7121 ( 42) 19.8726 (61) 18.6994 ( 51) Broken Cone Portion ---..kicking State"--- Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster -Hand' Machine Late Cluster Machine Hand California 14.1516 (148) Idaho 14.4465 (42) 11.5294 (16) Oregon 14.7373 (37) 13.8275 Washington 12.9302 Number of observations in parentheses. ( 8) (113) 15.0359 (42) 16.2900 14.1166 (51) An analysis of variance on alpha resin classified by state for Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from the four states was calculated and the results are presented in Table 29. The difference between the alpha resin contents is significant at the 1% level. The average alpha resin content was 6.530, 6.345, 6.140, 6.014 for California, Washington, Idaho and Oregon, respectively. Table 29 Analysis of Variance of Alpha Resin Classified by State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington were used. Table of Means California Idaho 6.140 (42) 6.530 (150) Number of observations in parentheses. Oregon 6,014 (42) Washington 6.345 (51) (61) 53 Table 29 (Continued) Variation Due to Sum of Squares State 11.3951 Error Total Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F 3 3.7984 4.19 254.9337 281 0.9072 266.3288 284 Remarks Significant at 1% level Alpha resin was also classified by variety on machine-picked hops from Oregon for the varieties, Early Cluster and Late Cluster. The analysis of variance is presented in Table 30. The differences between alpha resin contents were significant at the 1% level. The varieties ranked 6.014, 5.916, 3.906 for Late Cluster, Early Cluster and Eggles, respectively. This bears out the previous work which showed that Fuggles was normally much lower in alpha resin content than were the other varieties. Table 30 Analysis of Variance of Alpha Resin Classified by Variety Machine-picked, Oregon hops were used. Cluster and Late Cluster. Varieties were Fuggles, Early Table of Means Fuggles Early Cluster Late Cluster 3.906 (16) 5.916 (8) Number of observations in parentheses. 6.014 (42) Degrees Variation Due to of Sum of Squares Freedom Mean Square Variety 53.1199 2 26.5600 Error 30.2342 63 0.4799 Total 83.3541 65 F 55.34 Remarks SignifiCant at 1% level Beta resins were also classified by state. The analysis of variance is presented in Table 31. Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from the four states were used. The differences between the percent beta resins were found to be significant at the 1% level. The average beta resin content was 10.39, 10.289, 10.119, 9.495 for California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, respectively. California was higher on both alpha and beta and Idaho was at the bottom of the list in both cases. 54 Table 31 Analysis of Variance of Beta Resin Classified by State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington were used. Table of Means California Idaho 10.369 (150) 9.495 (42) Number of observations in parentheses. Oregon Washington 10.289 (42) 10.119 (51) Degrees Variation Due to of Sum of Squares Mean Square Freedom State 25.7215 3 8.5738 Error 396.4286 28l 1.4107 Total 422.1501 284 F 6.08 Remarks Significant at 1% level The analysis of variance for beta resin as classified by variety is presented in Table 32, Machine-picked hops of the varieties Early Cluster, Late Cluster and Fuggies in Oregon were used. The differences between the varieties were found to be significant at the 1% level. The means were 10.289, 9,616, 8.048 for Late Cluster, Early Cluster and Fuggles, respectively. The rank for beta resin and variety was the same as that found for alpha, showing that the Late Cluster hop was distinctly higher in both resins this year tnan were the Early Cluster and Fuggles. Table 32 Analysis of Variance of Beta Resin Classified by Variety Machine-picked, Oregon hops were used. Cluster and Late Cluster. Varieties were Fuggles, Early Table of Means Fuggles Early Cluster 8.048 (16) 9.616 (8) Number of observations in parentheses. Late Cluster 10.289 (42) 55 Table 32 (Continued) Variation Due to Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square Variety 58.2112 2 29.1056 Error 62.1428 63 0.9864 Total 120.3540 65 F 29.51 Remarks Significant at 1% level Total soft resin was also classified by state and by variety. The analysis of variance for the classification by state is presented in Table 33. Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from the four states were used in this analysis. The differences ..n total soft resins were significant at the 1% level. California was highest with 16.899%, Washington 16.464%, Oregon 16.303%, and Idaho 15.636%. Table 33 Analysis of Variance of Total Soft Resins Classified by State Late Cluster, machine-picked hops from California, Idaho, Oregon) and Washington were used. Table of Means California Idaho Oregon 16.899 (150) 15.636 (42) Number of observations in parentheses. Variations Due to Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Washington 16.303 (42) Mean Square State 56.3230 3 18.7743 Error 1,187.5507 281 4.2262 Total 1,243.8737 284 16.464 (51) F 4.44 Remarks Significant at 1% level In the previous work on the analyses for resin content, California hops normally had lower resin content than Oregon and Washington hops. However, in this year, due to the close relationship established between the percentage of whole cones and the resin content, these figures possibly reflect more the percentage of whole cones than they do the inherent differences in the crop. California was much higher in whole cones, .followed by Washington, Oregon and Idaho, in that order. The resin content also tends to bear this out, 56 Total soft resin was also classified by variety and the analysis of variance is presented in Table 34. Machine-picked, Oregon hops were used for the varieties Riggles, Early Cluster and Late Cluster. As would be expected from the ranking on alpha and beta resins, Late Cluster is highest, followed by Early Cluster and then Fuggles. These resin contents, where the hops are classified by variety, are typical of what has been found in the past, Late and Early Clusters are normally nearly the same and it has been recognized for years also that the.FugglEz variety is considerably lower in resin content than the other two varieties. Table 34 Analysis of Variance of Total Soft Resin Classified by Variety Machine-picked, Oregon hops were used. Cluster and Late Cluster. Varieties were Fuggles, Early Table of Means Early Cluster Fuggles Late Cluster 16.303 (42) 15.533 (8) 11.954 (16) Number of observations in parentheses. Degrees Variations Due to Sum of Squares Variety 220.4233 Error Total Mean Square F 2 110.2117 42.89 161.8757 63 2.5695 382.2990 65 of Freedom Remarks Significant at 1% level In previous reports, detailed statistical analyses have been presented to show the relationship between certain of these factors on the resin content. This year correlations and regressions were calculated and these are presented in Tables 35 to 39 inclusive. Table 35 is presented just to show the distribution of samples in the different classifications. Table 36 gives the regression equation for alpha and beta resins on the physical factors under consideration. The multiple correlation coefficient is presented in Table 37. The multiple correlations are presented both where the classification is ignored and where the values are corrected for classification. That is, the differences due to state, varieties, etc., are removed in the corrected by classification multiple correlation. These multiple correlations were found to be significant for both resins where the classification was ignored or where it was corrected. The significance is at the 1% level in both cases. This shows that there is a definite relationship between the physical factors and the resin content. However, the test of significance for the partial regression coefficient as presented in Table 39 shows that not all factors that make up this multiple correlation coefficient are significant. The 57 test of significance is presented in Table 39. This table must be used in conjunction with Table 36 to show whether the relationship is positive or negative. Since the values corrected by classification are the most accurate, we will discuss only this table in general. There seems to be no significant relationship between the percent seed and alpha resin content, however, as the percentage of seed increased the percentage of beta resin increased. This is not always the relationship that has been found in previous work. In some cases a relationship was found with alpha resin and seed and none with beta and seed, As the percentage of stem and leaf increased, the percentage of both alpha and beta resin content tended to decrease. This relationship has always been consistent and demonstrates the value of cleanly-picked hops. As the estimated amount of lupulin increased, the percentage of alpha resin increased. There was no significant relationship between the percentage of beta and the estimated amount of lupulin. There was no significant relationship established between the color and condition of lupulin and either resin content. In some of the previous work we have found a significant relationship between color and condition of lupulin and these resins. However, this year's data do not show that relationship. It should be pointed out, however, that for these correlations and regressions on color and condition of lupulin, this factor had only four classifications or ratings, that is, 1, 2, 3, and .4. This is not enough variation in class for good correlation or regression. It is likely that even the four classifications are not too accurate because the inspectors both agreed that it was very difficult to evaluate the color and condition of the lupulin this year. Possibly the variation in classification of this factor was partly responsible for the lack of significance and not that the relationship does not exist. In view of the accumulated data and the difficulty of applying this factor, possibly it would be well to give color and condition less weight in the grading standards. Table 35 Distribution of the Number of Samples ---____ in the 2L Different Classifications Only nine of the 24 possible different classifications contained sufficient samples for analysis. The following table shows the number of samples per classification. -----,Picking Variety /ugglSs early Cluster Late Cluster Machine Machine Hand Method of State ----- Machine Hand California Idaho Oregon 16 37 Washington Total 16 37 Hand Total 150 150 42 42 8 L2 113 51 121 285 61 164 164 61 520 58 Table 36 Multiple Regression Equations Definition of variables: yl : y2 s xl x2 x3 x4 xg . : : : : percent resin A in the entire sample percent resin B in the entire sample seed leaf and stem lupulin color and condition percent whole cones percent water in the entire sample by the oven method The following table gives the values of the regression coefficients for the equations yl = bixi + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 + b5x5 + b6x6 + constant (c) y2 . bix1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 + b5x5 + b6x6 + c where the first equation shows the regression of resin A on the physical analysis and the second equation shows the regression of resin B on the physical analysis. The table is divided into two parts; the first part gives the coefficients when the data are corrected by classification and the second part gives the coefficients when the data are analyzed ignoring classification. Analysis Used Corrected by Classification ----- Ignoring Classification Variable. Coefficient -------7-bl b 2 yl 0.0122 -0.0753** Y2 yl 3r2 0.1436** 0.0414** 0.1669** -0.0670*- -0.0737* -0.0651* b3 0.1664** 0.0153 0.3085:* 0.3890** b4 0.0552 0.1140 0.1626 0.1782 b5 0.0204** 0.0267** 0.0217** 0.0265** -0.1413** -0.1220** b 6 c 5.5751 * ig lean at the level. *Significant at the 5% level. 2.8982 -0.0715 -0.0250 3.7344 5.708 59 Table 37 Multiple Correlation Coefficients (R) The following table gives the values of R, the multiple correlation coefficients for resin A on the physical analysis and resin B on the physical analysis. The total number of samples is 520. The table gives the coefficients for the data ignoring classification and corrected by classification. Table of R Analysis Correcte by Classification noring Classification Resin A 0.3571 0.4801 Resin B 0.4673 0.5597 Variable Table 38 Test of Significance of Multiple Correlation Coefficients The significance of the multiple correlation coefficients was tested by means of the F-test. For F, ignoring classification, the following equation was used: R2 F m 1 - R2 513 with 6 and 513 degrees of freedom. For F, corrected by classification, the following equation was used: R2 F 1-R2 505 with 6 and 505 degrees of freedom. Table of F Analysis Used Corrected by Classification Ignoring Classification e rees of Freedom Variable 6 and 505 6 and 513 Resin A 12.30** 25.61** Resin B 23.52** 39.01** 3 ( Significant at the 1% level. 60 Table 39 Test of Significance of the Partial Regression Coefficients Since the multiple correlation coefficients were all significant at the 1% level, the significance of the partial regression coefficients was also tested. The test used was the F-test. The values of F for each coefficient are given in the following table; Table of F Analysis Used Degrees of Freedom -6'."--'-------.. Coefficient Corrected by Classification 1 and 505 Ignoring Classification 1 and 513 Variable --------- Resin A 1.01 Resin B Resin A Resin B 14.94.** 180.5744* bl % seed b2 % stem and leaf 10.470 * 6.26* 10.9654 6.35* b amount of lupulin 10.470* 0.07 37.71** 44.58ii* b) color and condition b percent whole cones 29.32** 38.08** % moisture 13.310* 7.52** 3 5 b6 0.43 105.34 3-.38 3.44 59.56-x* 3.26 3.07 66.17** 0.30 e 1p level. ** Significant at * Significant at the 5% level. The relation of whole cones to both alpha and beta resins was significant showing that as the percentage of whole cones increased, both alpha and beta resins increased. This has been pointed out all through the previous discussion. As the percentage of moisture increased, the percentage of both alpha and beta resins tended to decrease. While this analysis for moisture content "shows significance this year, it should not be regarded as conclusive because previous studies did not establish any definite relationship between the percentage of moisture and alpha and beta resins. In fact, there seems to be a trend in the other direction in some of the previous work, particularly as reported in the 1944-1946 hop grading report. The fact that Table 36 shows that where the classification is ignored there is no significant relationship between the percentage of moisture and alpha and beta resins would also tend to create a doubt as to the relationship between moisture and resins. In much of the previous work total discoloration as a portion of general appearance has shown no particular relationship to resin analysis. In many cases fully mature hops will take on a yellow to reddish cast and be high in resin analysis. However) the trade has always recognized that discolored hops were difficult to sell in most markets. In many cases, these hops have an off-flavor aroma not enough to be unsound or be rated sample grade, but enough that this factor should be considered in the grade. 63. This year a correlation of -.3557 was found between general appearance and alpha resin for Cluster hops. This correlation was significant at the 1% level. This means that as the grade improved the alpha resin content lowered. This is just about what would be expected in view of the tendency to harvest the hops immature in order to preserve the uniform green color. The more mature hops would have discoloration appearing, but at the same time would have more mature lupulin and consequently more resin. It would be well to point out that in some previous studies where discoloration was due to damage by disease or insects, the total discoloration did lower chemical analysis. For convenience in comparing the means for these various factors under the different classifications, the tables of means for the various factors are presented in Tables 40 to 48 inclusive. These tables of means are to be used in conjunction with the other statistics discussed in this section. Table 40 Table of Means Seed (X1) Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Maehine Hand Late Cliaster Machine Calif. 4.90 (150) Idaho 2.82 ( 42) Oregon 11.97 (16) 12.72 (37) Wn. 6.93 ( 8) 8.22 ( 42) 1.56 (113) 3.69 ( 51) Hand 9,08 (61) Table 41 Leaf and Stem (X2) Early Cluster Machine Hand Fuggles Hand MaChine Late CluSter Hand Machine Calif. 4.43 (150) Idaho 2.84 ( 42) Oregon Wn. Note: 8.08 (16) 6.57 (37) 3.93 ( 8) 5.96 ( 42) 3.83 (113) 4.49 ( 51) 7.12 The number in the parentheses is the number of observations. (61) 62 Table 42 Lupulin (X3) Early Cluster Machine Hand Fug Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand Calif. 6.2 (150) Idaho 6.0 ( 42) Oregon 4.5 (16) 5.5 (37) Wn. 6.8 ( 8) 6.2 ( 42) 6.2 (113) 5.7 ( 51), (61) 6.44 Table 43 Color and Condition (x4) Early Cluster Machine !Hand Fuggles Machine Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand Calif. 1.6 (150) Idaho 1.7 ( 42) Oregon 1.2 (16) 1.3 Wn. (37) 1.4 ( 8) 1.8 ( 42) 1.7 (113) 1.6 ( 51) 1.8 (61) Table 44 % Whole Cone (x5) Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Lachine Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand Calif. 59.4 (150) Idaho 28.3 ( 42) 8) 34.5 ( 42) 40.8 (113) 50.1 ( 51) Oregon 20.1 Wn. Note: (16) 23.6 (37) 44.1 55.17 ( The number in the parentheses is the number of observations. (61) 63 Table 45 H2O Oven (X6) Late Cluster Machine Han -Early Cluster Machine Hand Fu files Machine Hand r- r- - Calif. 8.34 (150) Idaho 7.62 ( 42) Oregon 8.54 (16) 8.27 (37) Wn. 8.19 ( 8) 8.67 (42) 7.75 4113) 8.47 ( 51) 8.83 (61) Table 46 H2O Dietert (X7) Early Cluster Hand Machine Fuggles Machine Hand Late Cluster Machine Hand Calif. 8.10 (150) Idaho 7.18 ( 42) Oregon 8.23 (16) 7.96 (37) Wn, 8.15 ( 8) 8.58 ( 42) 7.15 (113) 8.32 ( 51) 8.92 (61) Table 47 Resin A (Y1) . niggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine Hand' Late Cluster Machine Hand Calif. 6.530 (150) Idaho 6.140 ( 42) Oregon Wn. Note: 3.906 (16) 5,296 (37) 8) 6.014 ( 42) 5.987 (113) 6.345 ( 51) 5.916 ( 6.703 (61) The number in the parentheses is the number of observations. 64 Table 48 Resin B (Y2) Fuggles Machine Hand Early Cluster Machine -Hand Calif. 10.369 (150) Idaho Oregon Wn. Note: Late Cluster Machine Hand 9.495 ( 42) 8.048 (16) 9.731 (37) 9.616 ( 8) 9.236 (113) 10.289 ( 42) 11.130 (61) 10.119 ( 51) The number in the parentheses is the number of observations. 65 SUMMARY The hop analytical work for the 1949 crop was a joint operation between the Grain Division, Portland Office, PMA and the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Approximately 600 samples were collected by the FederalState samplers in the four Pacific coast states - California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The samples were submitted to the Portland office of the Grain Division. These samples were divided; one section was separated into broken and whole cones and these separations were then analyzed for resin content and moisture determinations were made. A complete series of physical tests was made on all samples, Upon the completion of the analytical work, the data were subjected to a detailed statistical analysis, in an attempt to determine relationship which existed not only-between the various physical factors,but between physical and chemical factors. During the course of the investigation, attempts were made to apply the tentative hop standards (which have been developed in previous work) to determine how effectively such standards could be used. No attempt has been made to present suitable standards. An attempt was made to characterize the 1949 crop in comparison to those of other years during which the quality had been studied. The general appearance of the crop was above normal in that there was less discoloration and disease because, in general, the poorer segment of the crop was not picked. There appeared to be more mechanical injury in hops as shown by an increased percentage of broken cones, particularly in Oregon and California, The Idaho hops shoed extreme evidence of mechanical damage although no data for this state are available from former years. There is some evidence that hops were handled much more rapidly in 1949 than in previous years. Normally, hops are left in the cooling room for some time after drying. This year there apparently was a much more rapid movement froM the dryer to the bale than in recent years. As a resat, the moisture content of hops was not equalized prior to baling. The hops were therefore, broken somewhat more than in previous years. The increase in broken cones over the analysis shown in previous years was striking.. When the tentative hop atandards were applied to the 1949 crop, only 12 samples of 541 analyzed graded as number one. When the same standards were applied, but with broken cones eliminated as a grading factor, 121 samples graded number one. An investigation to determine the effect of present method of analysis on the amount of broken cones was undertaken. This shows that the combined effect of using the core sampler, the hop divider as used in analytical procedure, and the use of' appropriate size screens for broken cone determination indicated that these factors or procedures were responsible for an increase in 20% of the broken cones as' shown in the current year -'s analyses. The matter of technique therefore becomes important in the use of broken cones as a grading factor and must receive careful consideration if this factor is to be used in a system of grades. In earlier studies, distinctions were made between seedless, semiseedless and seeded crops; In the current study, Oregon had 80% seeded hops, California, 43%, Washington, 1S%, and Idaho, 5%. The percentage grading semiseedless in the.various states was small; this ranged from 6 to 12%. The leaf and stem content of hops was lower than in previous years, With a 5% maximum for tha number oregrade, Oregon had 36%, California, 85%, Washington, 94% and Idaho, 100% of the samples in the number one grade. Only small percentages showed more than 8% leaves and stems. 66 When the factor of total discoloration and general appearance was considered, it was found that California had 51%, Washington, 55%, Oregon, 64%, and Idaho, 97% in the number one grade on this factor. The amount of lupulin was rather difficult to determine in the 1949 crop. The analyses show very few thin hops in the 1949 crop, most of these being of the Fuggles variety. When the tentative standards were used, 2Q% of the samples would be classed as "thin" hops and 29% would be classed as "fat" hops. The color and condition of lupulin were satisfactory, although the inspectors found these to be the most difficult of all factors to apply. The principal difficulty was that the color and condition of lupulin varied from cone to cone in almost all lots. There was little damage evident this year. Not one single sample of Oregon hops was graded down because of mildew. The principal damage found was mechanical, mold and maturity. The effect of methods on the determination of broken cones has been presented. Of the samples examined, it was shovn that for 97% of the Idaho samples, 93% of the Oregon samples, 53% of the Washington samples and 32% of the California samples had less than 50% whole cones, An excellent opportunity was provided to test the accuracy of determining physical factors. Seventy samples were divided into identical pairs and each one of these pairs was analyzed for physical factors. A statistical analysis of the results indicates an extremely high degree of reliability in the application of all factors, Chemical Investigations - Chemical tests were made of all samples included in the 1949 program. Attempts were made to obtain samples in moistureproof bags. Because of the time element and because of inability to obtain certain necessary containers, this was not always possible. This in itself raises a question as to the usefulness of the data on moisture content which was obtained. It was possible, however, to make tests of certain moisture testing equipment as applied to hops. The Master Moisture Meter proved to be unsuitable, The Dietert Moisture Teller was found to be reasonably satisfactory for this purpose when compared with the standard oven method. The importance of moisture as a grading factor is recognized. What is needed for moisture testing, however, is equipment which will permit the determination of moisture on the inside of the bale and at a greater depth than can be reached with the currently used core sampler, Additional work is necessary in order to determine the method and equipment best adapted to this problem of moisture determination in hops. From the standpoint of soft resin content, the 1949 hop content in all four states covered by this work was of better than average quality. Analysis for soft resin content was made by the colorimetric procedure developed in previous investigations. The colorimetric method of soft resin determination is much more rapid than the official gravimetric method, As a result of previous work, equations have been used to calculate the percentages of alpha and beta resins. Advantage was taken of the current collection of samples to recheck the equations obtained in previous work to see if unknown factors might cause variation in 67 them. The results froM this ye arts study are in close agreement-with those of previous years. It is believed that the equations obtained from the 1949 data are more accurate than those obtained in previous years. If soft resins are to be determined chemically in applying grades for hops, it is suggested that this phase of the investigations be repoeated on the 1950 crop. Statistical Analysis of Physical Factors and on the Relationship Between Physical and Chemicarfactors The data obtained from the physical analysis were subjected to detailed statistical analyses. These studies show that the differences which exist in physical characteristics between hops of various states and between varieties have, for the most part, a high degree of significance. The correlation between the percentage of the whole cones and the amounts of alpha and beta resin show that as the percentage of whole cone decreases, the amount of the soft resin also decreases. There was practically no exception to this relation. Likewise, significant correlation was found between the amount of lupulin, color and condition of lupulin and whole cones. Differences in certain factors are shown by:hops-from the different states. Oregon hops showed the highest leaf and stem content, Idaho hops the lowest. The highest estimated amount of lupulin was shown for Oregon and California hops, the lowest from Washington. The color and condition of lupulin showed less variation than the amount with, Oregon hops having the best score. Best condition was shown in the Late Cluster variety, the poorest in the Fuggles. The Fuggles variety also showed consistently lower soft resin content than the Cluster varieties. The amount of soft resin varied from state to state. This variance appears to be associated with the variation in amount of broken cones. The relationships that were found between the various factors are of unusual interest. Some of these agree with previous work, others are at variance. No significant relationship was found between seed content and alpha resin; however, beta resin content increased with seed. This is not fully supported by previous work. As in all previous studies, both alpha and beta resin tended to decrease as leaf and stem content increased. Alpha resin tended to increase in proportion to the increase in the estimated amount of lupulin, although this did not prove to be so with beta resin. In contrast to previous work, there appeared to be no significant relationship between color and condition of lupulin and the amount of soft resin. (A possible explanation is found in the smaller number of classes estimated and to the unusual character of the lupulin.) The data on the 1949 crop show negative correlation between discoloration and alpha resin. This is to be expected as most of the discoloration was the result of maturity. Previous work shows that when discoloration was the result of mildew or similar cause, the correlation was positive, In recapitulation, it appears that certain factors could be added to those now included in the present official analyses or could be considered in the establishaent of more definite standards. It has been determined that these factors do indicate quality (as measured by soft resins) with reasonable accuracy: broken cones, damage (mold, mildew, etc.), amount of lupulin, and within limitS the color and condition of lupulin. (Ilorimetric determination of soft resins has proved to be a satisfactory method and one which could be used to handle reasonably large numbers without undue delay.