Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Martin R. Evans SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, U.K. September 13, 2013 Collaborators: Juan Venegas-Ortiz, Rosalind Allen M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Plan: Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Plan I Recap of Fisher equation, travelling waves + speed selection principle II Coupled Fisher waves + new speed selection mechanism References: J. Venegas-Ortiz, R. J. Allen and M.R. Evans (2013) M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves I Fisher-KPP Equation (1d) Population density u(x, t) obeys ∂u ∂2u = D 2 + αu(K − u) ∂t ∂x Fisher (1937) - The wave of advance of advantageous gene Kolmogorov, Petrovsky, Piskunov (1937) Study of the diffusion equation with growth of the quantity of matter and its application to a biological problem. Skellam (1951) Random dispersals in theoretical populations. Basically a nonlinear diffusion equation - nonlinearity is growth with saturation Linear growth rate αK , Carrying capacity K M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves I Fisher-KPP Equation (1d) Population density u(x, t) obeys ∂u ∂2u = D 2 + αu(K − u) ∂t ∂x Fisher (1937) - The wave of advance of advantageous gene Kolmogorov, Petrovsky, Piskunov (1937) Study of the diffusion equation with growth of the quantity of matter and its application to a biological problem. Skellam (1951) Random dispersals in theoretical populations. Basically a nonlinear diffusion equation - nonlinearity is growth with saturation Linear growth rate αK , Carrying capacity K Appears ubiquitously in: disordered systems such as Directed Polymers in random media; nonequilibrium systems such as directed percolation; computer science search problems etc M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Population density Travelling Wave Solutions Front Tip Space Nonlinear wave with finite width travelling at speed v . Stable f.p. solution u = K invades unstable f.p. solution u = 0 M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Population density Travelling Wave Solutions Front Tip Space Nonlinear wave with finite width travelling at speed v . Stable f.p. solution u = K invades unstable f.p. solution u = 0 Speed selection principle The selected speed of the front is determined by tip dynamics and initial conditions M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Physical Examples Ordering Dynamics e.g. Time-dependent Landau-Ginzburg equation ∂ ∂m = D∇2 m − f (m) ∂t ∂m f (m) = −am2 + bm4 Contact Process 1 → 0 rate 1 01 → 11 rate λ 10 → 11 rate λ Mean field for density ρi ∂ρi ∂t ∂ρ → ∂t = −ρi + λ(1 − ρi )ρi+1 + λρi−1 (1 − ρi ) ' λ ∂2ρ + (2λ − 1)ρ − 2λρ2 ∂x 2 Generally stable phase (fixed point) invades unstable phase (fixed point) M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle (physics approach) I Simple Linear Analysis: linearise at tip u 1 ∂2u ∂u = D 2 + αuK ∂t ∂x M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle (physics approach) I Simple Linear Analysis: linearise at tip u 1 ∂2u ∂u = D 2 + αuK ∂t ∂x Try wave solution u(x, t) = f (z) where z = x − vt −vf 0 = Df 00 + αKf Exponential solutions f = e−λz where v λ = Dλ2 + αK . Solve for λ v ± (v 2 − 4αDK )1/2 λ= 2D Real if √ v > v ∗ = 2 αDK M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle (physics approach) I Simple Linear Analysis: linearise at tip u 1 ∂2u ∂u = D 2 + αuK ∂t ∂x Try wave solution u(x, t) = f (z) where z = x − vt −vf 0 = Df 00 + αKf Exponential solutions f = e−λz where v λ = Dλ2 + αK . Solve for λ v ± (v 2 − 4αDK )1/2 λ= 2D Real if √ v > v ∗ = 2 αDK Speed selection principle The marginal speed v ∗ is selected for sufficiently steep initial conditions. M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle II: More involved Linear Analysis ∂u ∂2u = D 2 + αuK ∂t ∂x Solve for initial condition u(x, 0) = e−λx for x ≥ 0: h √ i u(x, t) = (1/2)e−λ(x−v (λ)t) 1 + erf (x − 2Dλt)/(2 Dt) where v (λ) = Dλ + M. R. Evans αK . λ Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle II: More involved Linear Analysis ∂u ∂2u = D 2 + αuK ∂t ∂x Solve for initial condition u(x, 0) = e−λx for x ≥ 0: h √ i u(x, t) = (1/2)e−λ(x−v (λ)t) 1 + erf (x − 2Dλt)/(2 Dt) where v (λ) = Dλ + Far tip x 2Dλt Use erf(z) ' 1 for z 1 ⇒ Thus the tip speed is v (λ) αK . λ u(x, t) ' exp [−λ(x − v (λ)t] M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle II: More involved Linear Analysis ∂u ∂2u = D 2 + αuK ∂t ∂x Solve for initial condition u(x, 0) = e−λx for x ≥ 0: h √ i u(x, t) = (1/2)e−λ(x−v (λ)t) 1 + erf (x − 2Dλt)/(2 Dt) where v (λ) = Dλ + Far tip x 2Dλt Use erf(z) ' 1 for z 1 ⇒ Thus the tip speed is v (λ) αK . λ u(x, t) ' exp [−λ(x − v (λ)t] Front x 2Dλt 2 e−z Use erf(−z) ' −1 + √ for z 1 z π ⇒ u ' exp −λ∗ (x − v ∗ t) − (x − v ∗ t)2 /(4Dt) where v ∗ = 2(DαK )1/2 . M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle III: Crossover point between far tip and front regimes x = 2Dλt. If λ > λ∗ = v ∗ /2D (steep i.c.), then the crossover point advances faster than the tip, and “front” has speed v ∗ . If λ < λ∗ , the front catches up with crossover point which falls behind tip, the speed of the front will be controlled by the tip v (λ). M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed Selection Principle III: Crossover point between far tip and front regimes x = 2Dλt. If λ > λ∗ = v ∗ /2D (steep i.c.), then the crossover point advances faster than the tip, and “front” has speed v ∗ . If λ < λ∗ , the front catches up with crossover point which falls behind tip, the speed of the front will be controlled by the tip v (λ). Speed selection principle ∗ If the initial profile decays faster than u(x, 0) ∼ e−λ x , where λ∗ = v ∗ /2D, √ then wave travels at marginal speed v = v ∗ = 2 αDK If the initial profile decays less steeply, say as e−λx where λ < λ∗ , the wave advances at faster speed v (λ) = Dλ + αK /λ. M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Propagation of coupled Fisher-KPP waves Motivation Horizontal gene transfer within bacterial population More generally acquisation of trait ⇒ two sub populations NA and NB : those with trait and those with without M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Propagation of coupled Fisher-KPP waves Motivation Horizontal gene transfer within bacterial population More generally acquisation of trait ⇒ two sub populations NA and NB : those with trait and those with without ∂ 2 NA ∂NA = D + αNA (K − NT ) − βNA + γNA NB , ∂t ∂x 2 ∂NB ∂ 2 NB (2) = D + αNB (K − NT ) + βNA − γNA NB ∂t ∂x 2 NT = NA + NB is the total population density (1) New parameters γ rate of horizontal transmission of trait M. R. Evans β loss rate of trait Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Propagation of coupled Fisher-KPP waves Motivation Horizontal gene transfer within bacterial population More generally acquisation of trait ⇒ two sub populations NA and NB : those with trait and those with without ∂ 2 NA ∂NA = D + αNA (K − NT ) − βNA + γNA NB , ∂t ∂x 2 ∂NB ∂ 2 NB (2) = D + αNB (K − NT ) + βNA − γNA NB ∂t ∂x 2 NT = NA + NB is the total population density (1) New parameters γ rate of horizontal transmission of trait β loss rate of trait Summing (1,2) gives a standard Fisher-KPP equation: (3) ∂NT ∂ 2 NT =D + αNT (K − NT ) , ∂t ∂x 2 M. R. Evans √ with speed vT = 2 αKD Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Propagation of coupled Fisher-KPP waves ∂NA ∂t ∂NT ∂t ∂ 2 NA + αNA (K − NT ) − βNA + γNA NB , ∂x 2 ∂ 2 NT = D + αNT (K − NT ) ∂x 2 = D Population density Numerics reveal vtot vc Space i.e. an invading population wave which does not carry the trait in turn being invaded by a ‘trait wave’ with different speed M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Fixed point Structure ∂NA ∂t ∂NT ∂t ∂ 2 NA + αNA (K − NT ) − βNA + γNA NB , ∂x 2 ∂ 2 NT = D + αNT (K − NT ) ∂x 2 = D Choose intermediate transmission rate α > γ > β/K . There are three homogeneous density, steady-state solutions (NT∗ , NA∗ ) with dynamical stabilities: The fixed point (NT∗ , NA∗ ) = (0, 0) is unstable. (NT∗ , NA∗ ) = (K , 0) is a saddle point. (NT∗ , NA∗ ) = (K , K − β/γ) is stable M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Fixed point Structure ∂NA ∂t ∂NT ∂t ∂ 2 NA + αNA (K − NT ) − βNA + γNA NB , ∂x 2 ∂ 2 NT = D + αNT (K − NT ) ∂x 2 = D Choose intermediate transmission rate α > γ > β/K . There are three homogeneous density, steady-state solutions (NT∗ , NA∗ ) with dynamical stabilities: The fixed point (NT∗ , NA∗ ) = (0, 0) is unstable. (NT∗ , NA∗ ) = (K , 0) is a saddle point. (NT∗ , NA∗ ) = (K , K − β/γ) is stable The coupled travelling waves we observe correspond to a homogeneous spatial domain of (0, 0) being invaded by the solution (K , 0) being invaded by the solution (K , K − β/γ) (i.e. the trait wave). M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Effect of different initial conditions Spread of trait in established Population Initially NT = K throughout the domain (and remains so) x/10000 4 vs 0 t/100000 M. R. Evans 1 Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Effect of different initial conditions Spread of trait in established Population Initially NT = K throughout the domain (and remains so) x/10000 4 vs 0 t/100000 1 Spread of trait in expanding population Domain initially empty NT = 0. 4 x/10000 vs 0 vc t/100000 M. R. Evans 1 Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary of different speeds I √ vT = 2 DαK speed of total population wave vs speed of trait wave invading saturated population (NT = K ) vc speed of trait wave invading expandng population M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary of different speeds I √ vT = 2 DαK speed of total population wave vs speed of trait wave invading saturated population (NT = K ) vc speed of trait wave invading expandng population also we have vtip speed of far tip of trait wave (NA , NT 1) M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary of different speeds I √ vT = 2 DαK speed of total population wave vs speed of trait wave invading saturated population (NT = K ) vc speed of trait wave invading expandng population also we have vtip speed of far tip of trait wave (NA , NT 1) vs : Set NT = K yields F-KPP equation ∂NA ∂ 2 NA β =D + γN K − − N . A A ∂t ∂x 2 γ p Thus usual speed selection predicts vs = 2 D(γK − β) M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary of different speeds I √ vT = 2 DαK speed of total population wave vs speed of trait wave invading saturated population (NT = K ) vc speed of trait wave invading expandng population also we have vtip speed of far tip of trait wave (NA , NT 1) vs : Set NT = K yields F-KPP equation ∂NA ∂ 2 NA β =D + γN K − − N . A A ∂t ∂x 2 γ p Thus usual speed selection predicts vs = 2 D(γK − β) vtip : Set NT , NA 1 and linearise ∂NA ∂ 2 NA =D + NA (αK − β) . ∂t ∂x 2 p Thus usual speed selection predicts vtip = 2 D(αK − β) M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary of different speeds II √ vT = 2 DαK speed of total population wave p vs = 2 D(γK − β) speed of trait wave invading saturated population (NT = K ) p vtip = 2 D(αK − β) speed of far tip of trait wave (NA , NT 1) M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary of different speeds II √ vT = 2 DαK speed of total population wave p vs = 2 D(γK − β) speed of trait wave invading saturated population (NT = K ) p vtip = 2 D(αK − β) speed of far tip of trait wave (NA , NT 1) We show that Speed of trait wave invading expandng population vtip (vT − vtip ) vc = vT − vT − q 2 − v2 (vT − vtip )2 + vtip s N.B. vT > vtip > vc > vs M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Determination of vc : the kink in the trait wave Population density 1 NT 0.8 0.4 vc 0.2 0 (a) 3000 NT zL 2 NT NA -467 vtot zR 6000 5000 x -401 3 NA 4000 Log[Population Density] -52 2000 Population density x 10 vtot NA 0.6 vtip -534 -601 1 5100 -668 (c) 5105 5110 5115 x 5120 5125 5130 5500 (b) 5550 5600 x 5650 5700 Far tip at x >> vT t Kink at x = vT t M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves 5750 Speed selection mechanism for the trait wave Ahead of kink Linearise NA , NB 1 to get ∂NA /∂t = D(∂ 2 NA /∂x 2 ) + NA (αK − β) p Then vtip = 2 D(αK − β) is selected and defining zR = x − vT t we get NA (zR , t) ∼ exp[−vtip (zR + (vT − vtip )t)/(2D) M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed selection mechanism for the trait wave Ahead of kink Linearise NA , NB 1 to get ∂NA /∂t = D(∂ 2 NA /∂x 2 ) + NA (αK − β) p Then vtip = 2 D(αK − β) is selected and defining zR = x − vT t we get NA (zR , t) ∼ exp[−vtip (zR + (vT − vtip )t)/(2D) Behind kink Write NA (zL , t) ∼ exp[−at + bzL ] , where zL = vT t − x and a and b are unknown constants such that vc = vT − a/b M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed selection mechanism for the trait wave Ahead of kink Linearise NA , NB 1 to get ∂NA /∂t = D(∂ 2 NA /∂x 2 ) + NA (αK − β) p Then vtip = 2 D(αK − β) is selected and defining zR = x − vT t we get NA (zR , t) ∼ exp[−vtip (zR + (vT − vtip )t)/(2D) Behind kink Write NA (zL , t) ∼ exp[−at + bzL ] , where zL = vT t − x and a and b are unknown constants such that vc = vT − a/b By demanding that our two asymptotic expressions must match at the kink: i.e. NA (zR = 0, t) = NA (zL = 0, t), we can determine a = vtip (vT − vtip )/(2D) . M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Speed selection mechanism for the trait wave II To find the remaining constant b, we linearize in the region behind the kink, where the total population is large (NT ≈ K ), but the amplitude of the trait wave is still small (NA 1). This gives ∂NA /∂t = D(∂ 2 NA /∂x 2 ) + NA (γK − β) But now we need a new selection mechanism for solution Substituting in NA (zL , t) ∼ exp[−at + bzL ] with a now determined by matching gives a quadratic for b with root q 2 − v2 b = (1/(2D)) vT − (vT − vtip )2 + vtip s . Using vc = vT − a/b we finally obtain the following expression for the speed of the trait wave: vtip (vT − vtip ) q vc = vT − 2 − v2 vT − (vT − vtip )2 + vtip s M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Analytical prediction and simulation results for the speed vc of the trait wave 6 wave speed wave speed 2 1.5 1 0.5 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.2 0.4 γ 0.6 0.8 1 2 4 6 K 8 10 The black lines show the analytical result while the red circles show simulation results for the trait wave speed For comparison √ the blue lines show the speed of the total population wave vT = 2 αDK while the purple lines show the speed of the trait p wave as it invades an established population, vs = 2 D(γK − β). M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Recap: Spread of trait in expanding population Consider an expanding population starting with the spatial domain initially empty. M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Recap: Spread of trait in expanding population Consider an expanding population starting with the spatial domain initially empty. 4 x/10000 vs vc 0 1 t/100000 Invasion of Expanding Population Clearly the trait wave advances at speed vc that is greater than the speed vs at which it invades an established population – but still less than the speed vT of the total population wave. At very long times, when the total population wave is very far ahead of the trait wave, the speed of the trait wave reverts to vs M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Initial-condition dependent speeding-up transition vs 30000 0.8 x(t) Population density 1 0.6 20000 vc 0.4 10000 0.2 (a) 0 d 200 400 x 600 800 (b) vs 20000 40000 t 60000 80000 Initially system partially occupied by non-trait population. M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary Summary Fisher-KPP equation exhibits nonlinear travelling waves We study coupled Fisher waves and find new selection mechanism M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves Summary Summary Fisher-KPP equation exhibits nonlinear travelling waves We study coupled Fisher waves and find new selection mechanism Outlook Many other generalisations to coupled Fisher waves remain to be studied Important to consider effect of noise M. R. Evans Speed Selection in Coupled Fisher Waves