From: AAAI Technical Report WS-00-02. Compilation copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
OR Counterparts to AI Planning
Robert Fourer
Departmentof Industrial Engineering and Management
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Illinois 60208-3119
4or@ iems.nwu. edu
The term Planningis not used in OperationsResearch
in the sense that is mostcommon
in Artificial Intelligence. AI Planningdoes have manyfeatures in commonwith ORscheduling,sequencing,routing, and assignmentproblems, however.Current approachesto
solving such problemscan be broadly classified into
four areas: CombinatorialOptimization,Integer Programming,Constraint Programming,
and Local Search.
Theseareas have developedsomewhatindependently;
they havecharacteristic strengths and weaknesses,
developedto varyingdegrees.
Anycomparisonof the operations research (OR)and artificial intelligence (AI) approachesto planningmust start
addressing a discrepancy in the key terminology. The term
AI Planningrefers to the study of a distinct class of problems for whicha technical definition can be given (Nareyek
The basic planning problemis given by an initial world
description, a partial goal world description and a set
of actions/operators that mapa partial world description to another partial worlddescription. A solution is
a sequenceof actions that leads from the initial world
description to the goal world description and is called
a plan. The problemcan be enriched by including further aspects, like temporalor uncertainty issues, or by
requiring the optimizationof certain properties.
In ORand related fields such as managementscience and
industrial engineering, "planning" is a moreinformal term.
To the extent that it is well defined, moreover,it describes
something very different from planning in AI. As an example, a recent article on ORconsulting (Crowder1997) gives
the following advice:
Schedulinginvolves short time periods, disaggregated
data, small segments of the business, and answers operational kinds of questions of interest to people who
actually do work. Planning involves longer time periods, aggregated data, larger business units, and gives
solutions to strategic kinds of problemsof interest to
people whoonly talk about doing work.
Copyright(g) 2000, American
Associationfor Artificial Intelligence(www.aaai. org). All rights reserved.
The ORanalogue to AI planning would thus seem to be
scheduling. Termssuch as sequencing, routing, and assignmentare also widely used to describe morespecialized kinds
of scheduling. Planning in OR, on the other hand, would
seemto be morenearly the opposite of what it is in AI!
This article thus aims to describe the ORviews of
scheduling and related problems, which readers mayfind to
provide someinteresting analogies to the AI view of planning. Still, it is worth keeping in mindthat the analogy is
imperfectat best, as termsin either field carry certain connotations absorbed from the most commonapplications. Thus
one paradigmfor AI planning could be robot control, a problem almost unknownin ORcircles. Onthe other hand, typical examples of ORscheduling involve work assignments
such as jobs to machinesor crews to flights, whichwouldappear to lie outside of the standarddefinitions of AI Planning.
Techniques borrowed from AI have started to prove useful
for these ORscheduling problems, however, and hence I
will take scheduling in the ORsense as the starting point
for comparisons
in this article.
There is no one wayof scheduling in OR.The classification that I adopt here distinguishes four main ways of approachingthe task of finding a solution:
¯ Combinatorial Optimization
¯ Integer Programming
¯ Constraint Programming
¯ Local Search
Althoughthese can be viewed as merely solution methods,
any of which could be applied to any scheduling problem, in
practice each tends to be associated with certain scheduling
applications and modelingtechniques.
Virtually any scheduling task can be viewedas a combinatorial (or discrete) optimization problemto whichestablished
complexity theory may be applied. Thus there is a huge
body of complexity results for scheduling, addressing the
minimization of makespan, total tardiness, weighted completion time, and other objectives under different combinations of processor numbersand times, release dates, precedences, preemptionrules, due dates, and manyother characteristics. Thevariety of combinationshas been sufficient to
support specialized terminology, classification schemes,and
even software for keeping track of knownresults (Lageweg
et al. 1982, Brucker and Knust2000). The technical literature on the subject beganas theoretical computerscience but
has long been based mainly in OR-related publications.
Asin otherareasof combinatorial
the core
of the effort has been to divide problemsinto those that can
be solved with polynomially-boundedwork and those that
can be proved to be NP-hard. There is also a concern with
reducing the size of boundson the worst-case effort of optimal algorithms (for polynomial problems) and heuristics
(for HP-hardproblems).
Problemsof practical interest tend to involve manykinds
of complicationsspecific to the situation at hand. Asa result,
practical scheduling problemsoften fail to precisely match
any of those that have been studied mathematically. Practical combinatorial optimization for scheduling tends to be
moreof an empirical science, based on the creation of iterative schemesthat work well for given applications. Evaluation of these schemesnaturally focuses moreon their average behavior than on the worst case, while the role of theory is to establish which subproblemsare amenableto being
solved or approximatedefficiently. Little can be said about
these schemesin general terms, however,as their design and
implementationtends to be highly problem-specific.
The integer programmingapproach has the appeal of using off-the-shelf software for formulating and solving. Consider for examplethe just-in-time sequencingproblem(Jordan and Drexl 1995) in which jobs j 6 J have processing
timespj andmustbe completed
by duedatesdj, but incur
an earlinesspenaltyej for eachdaythat theyare completed
early. Processing job i immediatelyafter job j incurs both
a setup penalty sij and a setup delay tij. The problemof
choosinga job order that minimizestotal penalty can be formulated as a mixedinteger programin terms of two groups
of variables:
* Continuousvariables Uj are the completiontimes of
the jobs j 6 ft.
. Integer variables Vii axe 1 if job j immediatelyfollows job i, and zero otherwise, for all i 6 ,F and
j 6,7"with/ #j.
The objective and constraints can then be written as:
Min Eject
Powerful general-purpose MIPsolvers have been refined
over several decades, and are capable of solving problems
in thousands of integer variables. They employa kind of
divide-and-conquerstrategy that builds a tree of progressively more restricted problems, terminating with specific
solutions at the leaf nodes. The potentially exponential
work of searching the wholetree is greatly reduced through
analysis of the relatively easy linear programthat results
upon relaxing the integrality requirement for each node’s
restricted problem. (The linear program’s solution can be
further speededup by starting from the solution of its parent’s relaxation.) The relaxation’s solution at a node sometimes turns out to be all-integer, and in other cases provides
a boundthat is worsethan someall-integer solution already
found; in either case, the tree can be "pruned"at that point.
A branch-and-boundstrategy of this kind can be refined
through heuristic node and branch selection strategies for
building the tree and throughsimplifications of the restricted
problemsat the nodes. Often these operations can makefurther use of informationprovidedby the solution of the linear
programmingrelaxation. Upper and lower bounds on the
optimal objective value can also be maintained, and the gap
betweenthemshrinks as the search proceeds.
- Uj)
Subj to EitJ V/j = 1,
j 6 ,.7
EieJ V~i = 1,
j 6 ff
U~ + t~j + pj < Uj + B(1 - V~j),
o < Uj < dj,
Integer Programming
Virtually any combinatorial optimization problem -- hence
any scheduling problem-- can be written as a minimization
or maximizationof integer decision variables, subject to linear equalities and inequalities in the variables. Problemsof
this latter sort are knownas integer programs,or as mixed
integer programsor MIPswhenadditional continuous decision variables are also employed.
V/i 6 {0, 1},
i 6 ff, j Eft: i # j
The constant B must be chosensufficiently large to makethe
constraint in which it appears non-binding whenV~j = 0.
(Weshould also be more precise in the formulation’s handling of the beginning and end of the job sequence, but in
the interest of simplicity we have omitted the details here
and in subsequent related examples.)
The use of integer programminghas been further promoted by the availability of modeling languages that encourage experimentationwith alternative formulations. Currently the most popular amongthese are the algebraic modeling languages (Kuip 1993) that permit MIPformulations
to be expressed in a common
and natural mathematicalform.
Here is the model above, for example, in the AMPL
language (Fourer, Gay and Kernighan 1990, 1993):
set J;
param d {J};
param e {J};
param p {J};
param s {J,J};
param t {J,J};
var U {j in J} >= 0, <= d[j];
var V {i in J, j in J: i <> j} binary;
param B;
minimize Total_Penalty:
sum {j in J} e[j] *
sum {i in J}
sum {j in J: i <>
(d[j] - U[jl)
j} s[i,j]
* V[i,j];
subj to OneBefore{j in J}:
sum {i in J} V[i,j]-- I;
subj to OneAfter{j in J}sum {i in J} V[j,i] = i;
subj to NoOverlap{i in J, j in J: i <> j}:
U[i] + t[i,j] + p[j]
<= U[j] + B * (i - V[i,j]);
More mnemonicnames for parameters and variables could
be used if desired. A particular instance of this modelwould
be created by processingit along with specific values for the
declared set and parameters.
The key feature of modeling languages is their ability
to declare models and data without giving any procedural description of howa solution is to be computed.Thus
the optimization can be delegated to any of a variety of
MIPsolvers. Modelinglanguages are typically implemented
within computing environments that provide support for
managingmodels, data, and solutions. Procedural extensions for scripting series of solves and moreelaborate iterative schemesare also available, but the underlying description of the modelsremains declarative.
The chief drawbackof the integer programmingapproach
is also seen in this example. Integer programmingusually requires the construction of a formulation that is significantly different from the scheduling problem’soriginal
statement and that involves large numbersof additional variables and constraints. Worseyet, the performanceof even
the most sophisticated branch-and-bound implementations
is highly sensitive to the formulation. Manysimple and concise formulationsturn out to require too large a search tree
to be practical.
The construction of "good" formulations is something of
an art, often involving the addition of complexclasses of
redundant constraints that makethe formulation moresuitable for branch-and-bound, though they leave the optimal
value of the integer program unchanged. Constraints that
reduce the numberof optimal solutions by "breaking symmetries" are often effective in curtailing fruitless searching.
Other addedconstraints lead to tighter boundsfrom the relaxations, permitting moreof the search tree to be pruned.
Theselatter constraints are knownas cuts because they cut
off someof the fractional solutions of the relaxed problems. In addition to the problem-specificcuts introduced by
clever modelers, good branch-and-bound implementations
automatically generate cuts of various kinds.
Even those integer programmingformulations that would
seem to have an impossibly large numberof variables can
be handled if the variables have someregular pattern.
As an example, consider the problem of scheduling workers over a series of T days so that at least dt worker-hours
are scheduled on each day t. This could be formulated in
terms of variables X~t re.presenting the numberof hours that
person i workson day t, with constraints to ensure that sufficient worker-hours are scheduled each day and that each
worker’s schedule meets certain contract requirements. If
the requirementsare the samefor all workers, however,then
this leads to a highly symmetricformulation that is hard to
Instead, supposewe begin by listing all contractually acceptable workplans. Wecan let a jr, say, represent the number of hours that a person assignedto workplan j will put in
on day t. Thenthe variables are simply the numbersof people Yj that are assigned to follow workplan j. If the total
pay for workplan j is cj, then the scheduler’s problemcan
be written as
)-~j ~ 3" cj~
Subjto ~j6sajtYj
> dr, t = 1,...,T
Yj 6 {0,1, 2,3, . . .},j6J
Unlessthe contract rules are highly restrictive, however,the
size of the set ff is likely to growexponentially with the
numberof days, producing far too manyvariables to permit
this formulationto be used directly.
To deal with this situation, the branch-and-bound
can be initiated with only a subset of work plans. Additional useful workplans can be generated as the search proceeds, by solving a pattern-generating subproblemat some
of the nodes; in fact this subproblemcan itself be formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem, in whichthe
variables Zt are the numbersof hours to be workedon day
t in the plan to be added, and the constraints enforce the
contract rules. The objective for this subproblemis properly
expressed in terms of the "dual prices" generated in solving
the restricted linear programming
relaxations at the branchand-boundnodes, leading the overall schemeto be knownas
branch-and-price.Space does not permit a discussion of the
details, whichbecomequite complexfor practical situations
such as the schedulingof airline crews.
A similar approach can be taken in cases where the number
of constraints is too large to handle.
An example is provided by the simple routing problem
knownas the "traveling salesman" problem. Given m cities
and distances dij betweenall pairs of cities i and j, a "tour"
of all the cities is desired such that the total distance traveled is as small as possible. Wecan define variables Xij,
i < j, to be 1 if the tour goes directly betweencities i and
j, and 0 otherwise. Then the total cost is the sum of the
terms dijXij; for the constraints we need only say that the
tour goes directly betweeneach city and exactly two other
cities, and that the solution cannot contain a "subtour" on
any subset of cities:
Min )--~im= 1 ra
k-1 X~k + )-~=k+l
Subj to )-~i=1
Xk~ =
s c {1,...,m}with3 _<ISl_<m/2
The idea of the "subtour elimination" constraints is that a
solution cannot contain a subtour on somesubset S of cities
if it involveslinks betweenfewerthan ISIpairs of cities in S.
The numberof these constraints clearly growsexponentially
with the size of £, however,and hence is impossibly large
for all but the smallest problems.
Again, the problemof exponential growthin the formulation can be handled by a strategy of incremental generation
-- this time, of constraints. Basically, westart by attempting
to solve the integer programwithout the subtour elimination
constraints. But wheneverwe encounter a solution that contains a subtour, we add the constraint that eliminates that
subtour. Experiencesuggests that the numberof constraints
that need to be added in this way grows at a muchmore
reasonable rate than the total numberof subtour elimination
The sameideas can be used to incrementally generate cuts
that are redundant for the integer programming
but that are advantageousto branch-and-boundas explained
previously. Hence this approach is knownas branch-andcut. Studies of the traveling salesman problem have uncovered intricate cut structures that permit branch-and-cut
to solve problemsin thousands of cities (Applegate, Bixby,
Chvatal and Cook, 1998). For practical purposes, however, the interest is in more complicatedrouting problems
to whichthis approachcan be applied. If we replace "cities"
by "jobs" and interpret d~j as the setup time betweenjobs,
moreover, then the same formulation is seen to apply to
somekinds of machine scheduling.
from an inequality (in the integer programmingformulation) to an equality; this constraint nowfully determinesthe
Uj variables once the Wkvariables have been enumerated.
Finally, the all-different constraint replaces 21Yl
constraints from the integer program.
A constraint programming
solver builds a search tree for
this problemdirectly, with branches restricting the solution
to different cases as appropriate. Eachrestriction is "propagated" to further reduce the domainsof the variables in descendant nodes; this is the maindevice for keeping the size
of the search tree manageable.With a judicious choice of
the order in whichvariables are restricted to yield nodes and
branches,this approachcan solve certain difficult scheduling
problemssignificantly faster than branch-and-boundapplied
to an integer programmingformulation.
The initial idea of constraint programmingwas to embed constraints into a full-featured programminglanguage.
Morerecently, however, "the idea of an algebraic modeling language has been extended to formulations like the
one above (Fourer 1998, Van Hentenryck 1999). Indeed,
there has been considerable cross-fertilization betweeninteger programmingand constraint programmingin recent
years, at the levels of both solving and modeling. Chances
are that they will becomeless distinct over time.
Local Search
Enumerative search methods were developed independently
in the AI community, initially for solving problems in
whichthe variables take only true-false values and are connected into constraints by logical operators (such as "or"
and "not"). The extent of the search can be reduced in this
case by applying certain methodsof "resolution" that can be
viewedas analogues to cut generation in branch-and-bound.
(There is no analogue for the idea of a bound, however.)
Extensions of this approach to more complexkinds of variables and constraints has produceda variety of constraint
programminglanguages and systems.
Froman ORstandpoint, the significance of constraint programminglies in permitting enumerative search to be applied to more natural formulations of combinatorial problems. A typical constraint programmingformulation of the
preceding sequencing model, for example, wouldreplace the
zero-one variables Vii by "job-valued" variables Wk,such
that Wkrepresents the job that is kth in the job sequence:
The enumerative search methods of integer and constraint
are "global" in the sense that they are guaranteed to find the best of all possible schedules, sequences,or
assignments, if only they can be run long enough.The major
alternative is a "local" approachthat finds progressivelyimproved schedules by making incremental improvementsof
somekind. Althoughlocal search cannot offer strong guarantees of optimality, it has compensatingadvantagesin various practical situations.
In its simplest form, local search requires an admissible
solution (whatwouldbe called a "feasible" solution in integer programming)to start from, and a rule that defines for
each such solution a collection of "neighboring" solutions
that are also admissible. A step of the search then involves
movingfrom one solution to a neighboring solution that has
a better objective value. Thesearch continuesuntil it reaches
a solution whoseobjective value is at least as goodas any of
its neighbors’ values; at that point it has founda "locally
optimal" solution.
In many sequencing problems, for example, jobs may
miss their due dates, at the cost of incurring somepenalty
to the objective. (In fact the entire objective maybe to minimize total tardiness.) Thenany sequence of jobs maybe
valid solution. The neighborsof a solution mightbe all those
obtained by exchangingsomepair of jobs in the sequence,
or by movingsomeone job to a different place in the sequence. A similar analysis can be applied to the traveling
salesmanproblem, but in that case it might makemoresense
to generate neighbors by replacing any two links il ~ i2
and jl ---* J2 with il ---* Jl and i2 --~ j2. In general, we
wouldlike the neighborhoodrule to generate neighbors that
have a goodchanceof giving better objective values.
-Uj) + ~~’7=ll sw~,w~+
Subj to all-differentke J Wk
Uw~= min(dwk, Uwk+l-- Pwk+l -- twk,wk+l)
Wke J,
k e i,...,Iyl
k ~ i,...,
An expression such as Uw~is read directly as "the completion time of the kth job" Such"variable in subscript" expressions permit the IJI2 variables Vii to be replaced by Icrl
variables Wk,each having a larger domain. Linearity of the
expressionsis not required, permittingthe constraint that relates production, setup, and completiontimes to be changed
Unfortunately, most scheduling problems have huge numbers of locally optimal solutions that are far fromthe global
optimum.Even if local search is enhanced by choosing at
each step the neighbor with the best objective value -- a
"greedy" algorithm -- and by trying manystarting solutions,
results are often disappointing.
Practical local search methods must thus incorporate
some device for getting away from local minimums.Indeed, local search methodsare categorized according to the
devices they use. Simulated annealing (van Laarhovenand
Aarts 1987) allows occasional steps to solutions with worse
objective values, according to a probability that is gradually reduced. Tabu search (Glover and Laguna1997) also
permits steps to inferior solutions, but promotes eventual
progress by maintaininga list of recent solutions that may
not be revisited. Genetic algorithms (Liepins and Hilliard,
1989) start with a set of valid solutions; at each step new
solutions are constructed by combiningparts from existing
pairs of solutions, and someexisting solutions are discarded,
accordingto criteria that tend to promotethe survival of the
best solutions. Other local search methodsof current interest include ant colony optimization, differential evolution,
immunesystem methods, memetic algorithms, and scatter
search (Come,Dorigo and Glover 1999). Numerousrefinements have enabled such methodsto adapt more readily to
varying circumstancesand to deal with constraints.
Althougha kind of asymptotic global optimality can be
assured for somelocal search methods,as a practical matter
these methodsare used where circumstances do not require
or permit a guarantee of optimality or a boundon the current solution’s distance from optimality. Theyare particularly attractive wherethe form of the objective function or
the set of valid solutions does not lend itself to the moreanalytical approachespreviously described. Local search can
also provide a wayof computinggoodschedules quickly and
with limited investmentin sophisticated software. If a good
starting solution is known,moreover,then the effort of local
search focuses specifically on improvingit.
Local search methodsrepresent general approaches more
than specific algorithms, however.Thus they typically require some amount of programmingto be set up for specific problems. The construction of a good neighborhood
rule mayalso be difficult. Individual steps do tend to be
fast, but the numberof steps can be very large, particularly
as there are no boundsgenerated to give a stopping rule.
Performancemaybe sensitive to the settings of parameters
that govern, say, the compositionof a tabu search list or the
choice of solutions to be combinedor discarded in a genetic
algorithm; repeated trial runs maybe necessary to develop
There is a long tradition of commercialinteger programming
software. To provide good performanceon a range of problems, effective branch-and-boundimplementations must offer a variety of carefully tuned options for preprocessing,
node and branch selection, cut generation, and other operations. The best codes are thus developed over a period of
years and are not easily reproduced;as a result, they tend to
be expensive (Fourer 1999). Practical constraint programmingsoftware has similar characteristics, and appears to be
in a similarway.
All of the widelyusedmodeling
are also commercialin nature. Typically they are usable for
planning as well as scheduling and for manyother optimization problems,via a diversity of features that havebeen developed over a long time. Newlanguages are thus not readily introduced, and again the software tends to be expensive.
schedulingalgorithmsandschedulingapplicationsof local searchtendto be morespecialized,but
also morereadily available as research codesat little or no
cost. There is no one best source of information for these
categories, but the software is not hard to trackdownby
means of a Websearch.
This work has been supported in part by National Science Foundation grants DMI-9414487and DMI-9800077to
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