From: AAAI Technical Report WS-02-06. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Beyond optimization: overcomingthe limitations of individual rationality Wynn C, Stirling Electrical and ComputerEngineering Department BrighamYoungUniversity Provo, Utah 84602, USA email: wyrm@ee,byu. edu Generalgame theoryseems to be in part a sociological theorywhichdoesnot includeanysociologicalassumptions.., it maybe too muchto askthat anysociology bededved fromthe single assumption of individual rationality. R. D. LuceandH. Raiffa GamesandDecisions(1957) Abstract VonNeumann-Morgenstern gametheory is the multi-agent instantiationof individualrationality,andis the standardfor decision-making in groupsettings. Individualrationality, however,requires eachplayer to optimizeits ownperformance,regardlessof the effectso doinghas onthe otherplayers. Thisfeaturelimits the ability of game theoryas a design paradigm for groupbehaviorwherecoordinationis required, since it cannotsimultaneouslyaccommodate both groupand individual preferences.Byreplacingthe demand for doing the best thing possiblefor the individualwitha mathematically precisenotionof being"goodenough," satisficing game theoryallowsbothgroupandindividualinterests to be simultaneously accommodated. Introduction It is a platitude that a decision-makershould makethe best choicepossible. Typically, this injunction is taken to mean that a decision-makershould optimize, that is, maximize expected utility. Althoughthe exigencies of decision-making under time and computationalconstraints mayrequire the decision-makerto compromise,resulting in various notions of boundedoptimization, the fundamentalcommitmentto optimality usually remains intact. It is almost mandatory that a decision methodologyincorporate someinstance of optimization, even if only approximately. Otherwise the decision-makingprocedureis likely to be dismissed as ad hoc. Optimizationis foundedon the principle that individual interests are fundamentaland that social welfare is a function of individual welfare (Bergson, 1938;Samuelson, 1948). This hypothesis leads to the doctrine of rational choice, whichis that "eachof the individual decision-makers Copyright(~) 2002, American Association for Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. 99 behavesas if he or she weresolving a constrainedmaximization problem"(Hogarthand Reder, 1986). This paradigm the basis of muchof the conventionaldecisiontheory that is used in economics,the social and behavioral sciences, engineering, and computerscience. It relies upontwo fundamental premises: P-1 Total ordering: the decision-makeris in possessionof a total preferenceordering(that is, an orderingthat is reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive, andlinear) for all of its possible choicesunderall conditions(in multi-agent settings, this includes knowledge of the total orderings of all other participants). P-2 The principle of individual rationality: a decisionmakershouldmakethe best possibledecision for itself, that is, it shouldoptimizewithrespect to its owntotal preferenceordering(in multi-agentsettings, this ordering maybe influenced by the choices available to the other participants). Serf-interested humanbehavior is often consideredto be an appropriate metaphorin the design of protocols for artificial decision-making systems.Withsuch protocols, it is often taken for granted that each member of a community of decision-makersshould try ... to maximizeits owngoodwithout concern for the globalgood.Suchself-interest naturallyprevailsin negotiations among independent businessesor individuals... Therefore, the protocolsmustbe designedusing a noncooperative, strategic perspective:the mainquestionis whatsocial outcomesfollow givena protocol whichguaranteesthat each agent’sdesiredlocalstrategyis bestfor that agent----and thus the agentwill use it. (Sandholm, 1999,p. 201,202;emphasis in original). Whenartificial decision-makersare designedto function in a non-adversativeenvironment it is not obviousthat it is either natural or necessaryto restrict attention to noncooperative protocols, decision-makerswhoare focusedon their ownself-interest will be driven to competewith decisionmakers whoseinterests might possibly compromisetheir own.Certainly, conflict cannot be avoided in general, but conflict can just as easily lead to collaborationas to competition. Oneof the justifications for adoptingself-interest as a paradigmfor artificial decision-making systemsis that it is a simple and convenientprinciple uponwhichto build a mathemafically basedtheory. Self-interest is the Occam’srazor of interpersonal interaction and relies only uponthe minimalassumptionthat an individual will put its owninterests aboveeverything and everyoneelse. This simple principle allows the decision-makerto abstract the problemfrom its context and express it in unambiguousmathematicallanguage.Withthis language,utilities can be definedand calculus canbe employed to facilitate the searchfor the optimal choice. Thequintessential manifestationof this approachto decision-making is von Neumann-Morgenstem gametheory (yon Neumannand Morgenstem,1944). Gametheory is built on one basic principle: selfinterest----each player mustmaximize its ownexpectedutility underthe constraint that other playerswill do likewise. Suchplayers will seek an equilibrium;that is, a state such that no individual player can improveits level of satisfaction by makinga unilateral changein its strategy. For twoperson constant-sumgames, this is perhaps the only reasonable, non-vacuousprinciple--what one player wins, the other loses. Gametheory insists, however,that this same principle applies to the general case. Thus, even in situations wherethere is the opportunity for group, as well as individualinterest, onlyindividuallyrational actions are viable. If a joint (that is, for the group)solutionis not individually rational for somedecision-maker,that self-interested decision-maker wouldnot be a party to such a joint action. Coordinatedbehavioris perhaps the most important (and mostdifficult) social attribute to synthesize in an artificial decision-makinggroup. Achievesuch a design objecfive, however,will be greatly facilitated if decision-making is basedon rationality principles that permit the decisionmakersto expandtheir spheres of interest beyondthemselves and give deference to others. As Arrowobserved, whenthe assumptionof perfect competitiondoes not apply, "the very conceptof [individual] rationality becomes threatened, because perceptions of others and, in particular, of their rationality becomepart of one’s ownrationality" (Arrow,1986). Arrowhas put his finger on a critical limitation of individual rationality. Asis well known,however,a notion of "grouprationality" that requires the groupto do the best for itself is not compatiblewithindividual rationality (Luceand Raiffa, 1957). Nevertheless,gametheory is often used to characterize situations wherecoordinatedbehavior, wherethe membersof a group coordinate their actions to accomplishtasks that pursue the goals of both the groupand its members,is of fundamentalimportance. In this paperwe first reviewthe various notions of group preference that have arisen in the context of gametheory, wethen present an alternative conceptof utility theory and showdevelopa newclass of games,called satisficing games. Wethen show howto formulate these games through the use of conditionalpreferencesand describe howto reconcile individual and grouppreferences. Group Preferences Several attempts have been madeto express group preferences in a game-theoretic context. Shubikoffers two interpretations of this notion, neither of whichgametheorists view as entirely satisfactory: "Grouppreferences maybe regarded either as derived from individual preferences by someprocess of aggregationor as a direct attribute of the group itself" (Shubik, 1982, p. 109). One way to aggregate a group preference from individual preferences is to define a "social-welfare"function that providesa total ordering of the group’s strategy profiles. Thefundamentalissue is whetheror not, given arbitrary preference orderings for each individual in a group,there alwaysexists a wayof combiningthese individual preferenceorderings to generate a consistent preference ordering for the group. In an landmarkresult, Arrow(Arrow, 1951; Sen, 1979) showedthat no social-welfarefunctionexists that satisfies a set of reasonableand desirable properties, each of whichis consistent withthe notionof self-interested rationality and the retention of individual autonomy. ThePareto principle providesa conceptof social welfare as a direct attribute of the group.Astrategy profile is Pareto optimal if no single decision-maker,by changingits decision, can increaseits level of satisfaction withoutlowering the satisfaction level of at least one other decision-maker. However,if a Pareto-optimalsolution does not provide each eachplayerat least its security level (i.e., the minimum payoff it can be guaranteed,evenif all other players conspire againstit), it couldnot be a party to that decisionandstill be faithful to individualrationality. Toimposea strategy profile, suchas a Pareto-optimalsolution, on a groupwouldrequire the existence of a superplayer, or, as Raiffa puts it, the "organization incarnate" (Raiffa, 1968), whofunctions as a higher-level decisionmaker.Shubikrefers to the practice of ascribing preferences to a group as a subtle "anthropomorphictrap" of making a shaky analogy betweenindividual and group psychology. He arguesthat, "It maybe meaningful.., to say that a group ’chooses’or ’decides’something. It is rather less likely to be meaningfulto say that the group’wants’ or ’prefers’ something" (Shubik,1982,p. 124).Raiffa, also, rejects the notion of a superplayer,but confessesthat he still feels "a bit uncomfortable.., somehow the group entity is morethan the totality of its members" (Raiffa, 1968, p. 237). Arrowexpresses a similar discomfort: "All the writers from Bergson on agree on avoidingthe notion of a social goodnot defined in terms of the values of individuals. But where Bergson seeks to locate social values in welfare judgmentsby individuals, I prefer to locate themin the actions taken by society throughits rules for makingsocial decisions" (Arrow, 1951, p. 106). Evidently, althougha satisfactory accountof group preferencesmaybe difficult or, perhaps, impossible, to obtain underindividual rationality, the desire to accommodatethe notion remains. Perhapsthe source of discomfortis that individual rationality by itself doesnot providethe ecologicalbalancethat a groupmustachieveif it is to accommodate the variety of relationships that can exist betweendecision-makersand their environment.But achieving such a balance should not require the aggregationof individual interests or the fabrication of a superplayer. While such approachesmaybe recommended as waysto account for group interests, they may also manifestthe limitations of individualrationality. i00 Of course, one maysubstitute the interests of others for one’s ownself-interest, as Sen(1990, p. 19) observed:’~lt is possible to define a person’sinterests in such a waythat no matter whathe does he can be seen to be furthering his owninterests in every isolated act of choice.., no matter whetheryou are a single-mindedegoist or a raving altruist or a class-consciousmilitant, youwill appearto be maximizing your ownutility in this enchantedworldof definitions." Althoughit is certainly possible to suppress one’s preferences in deferenceto others by redefiningone’s ownutility, doingso is little morethan a devicefor co-optingindividual rationality into a formthat can be interpreted as unselfish. Sucha device only simulatesattributes of cooperation,unselfishness, and altruism while maintaininga regimethat is competitive,exploitive, and avaricious. Nevertheless, gametheory has been a great success story for economies,political science, and psychology.Withthese disciplines, however,gametheory is used primarily as an analysis tool to explain and predict behavior, and there is no causal relationship betweenthe performanceof the entities being studied and the modelused to characterize them. In the engineeringcontext of synthesis, however,the goal is to designandbuild artificial decision-making entities and the modelsused to characterize behaviorare indeed causal. Although yon Neumann-Morgenstem game theory has been successfully applied in manydisciplines, this success does not implythat self-interest is the onlyprinciplethat will lead to credible modelsof behavior, it does not implythe impossibility of accommodating both groupand individual interests in somemeaningfulway,and it does not implythat individual rationality is an appropriate principle uponwhich to base a theory for the design and synthesis of artificial decision-making entities. Thereis an old saying: "If all I haveis a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Wemayparaphrasethat sentiment as followS:"If all I knowhowto do is optimize, everygroup decision problem looks like avon Neumann-Morgenstern game."If, however,as Luce and Raiffa conjecture, it is indeed too muchto ask that a sociology be derived from the single assumptionof individual rationality, wemaygain someadvantagein social situations by considering the use of decision-making tools that are not foundedon that single assumptionand hence maybe better suited for the expression of a sociology. Consider, for example,the following groupdecision scenario. Example 1 The Pot-Luck Dinner Larry, Curly, and Moe are goingto havea pot-luck dinner. Larrywill bring either soup or salad, Curly will provide the main course, either beef, chicken, or pork, andMoewill furnish the dessert, either lemon custard pie or bananacreampie. The choices are to be madesimultaneouslyandindividually following a discussion of their preferences,whichdiscussion yields the followingresults: 1. In terms of mealenjoyment,if Larrywereto prefer soup, then Curlywouldprefer beef to chickenby a factor of two, and wouldalso prefer chicken to pork by the sameratio. However,if Larry wereto prefer salad, then Curlywould be indifferent regardingthe maincourse. 101 2. If Curlywereto reject pork as being too expensive, then Moewouldstrongly prefer (in terms of meal enjoyment) lemoncustard pie and Larrywouldbe indifferent regarding soupor salad. If, however,Curlywereto to reject beef as too expensive, then Larry wouldstrongly prefer soup and Moewouldbe indifferent regardingdessert. Finally, if Curlywereto reject chickenas too expensive,then both Larry andMoewouldbe indifferent with respect to their enjoymentpreferences. Larry, Curly, andMoeall wish to conservecost but consider both cost and enjoymentto be equally important. Table 1 indicatesthe total cost (in stoogedollars) of eachof the possible meal combinations(using obviousabbreviations). beef (soup/said) ch~ (soup/said) pork (soup/said) lest 23/25 22/24 20/22 bcrm 27/29 26/28 24/26 Table1: Mealcost structure for the Pot-LuckDinner. Thedecision problemfacing the three participants is for each to decide independentlywhatto bring to the meal. Obviously, each participant wantshis ownpreferenceshonored, but no explicit notion of group preference is provided in the scenario. Adistinctive feature of the preference specification for this exampleis that individual preferencesare not evenspecified by the participants. Rather, the participants expresstheir preferencesas functionsof other participants’ preferences. Thus,they are not confiningtheir interests solely to their owndesires, but are taking into consideration the consequences that their possible actions haveon others. Suchpreferences are conditional. These intercom nections betweenparticipants mayimply somesort of group preference, but it is not clear whatthat mightbe. In fact, if the preferences,either conditionalor unconditional(i.e., individual) turn out to be inconsistent, then there maybe no harmoniousgroup preference, and the group maybe dysfunctional in the sense that meaningfulcooperationis not possible. But if they are consistent, then someformof harmoniousgroup preference mayemergefrom the conditional preferences (and any unconditionalpreferences, should they be provided).If this is the case, then an importantquestion is howwe might elicit a group decision that accommodates an emergentgroup preference. To formulate a von Neumann-Morgenstern gametheoretic solution to this decision problem,each participant must identify and quantify payoffs for every conceivable meal configurationthat conformto their ownpreferencesas well as give due deference to others. Notice that the unconditional preferencesof each of the participants are not specified nor are all of the possible conditionalpreferences specified. Unfortunately,individual rationality makesit difficult to obviate such requirements,and the lack of a total ordering in the problemstatement therefore presents a serious problemfor conventional gametheory. Withoutthis constraint it is impossibleto apply standard solution concepts such as defining equilibria. The desire to apply game theory maymotivatedecision-makersto manufactureorderings that that are not warranted.Traditional gametheory is not an appropriate frameworkfor this problem. Tosolve this problemin a waythat fully respects the problem statement, we needa solution conceptthat does not depend upontotal orderings. It must, however,accommodate the fact that, eventhoughagents maybe primarily concerned with conditional local issues, these concernscan havewidespreadeffects. Utilities Thechain of logic that supports gametheory is as follows: individual rationality leads to optimization, whichrequires a total orderingof preferences, whichin turn motivatesthe definingof utility functionsto characterizethese preference orderings. However,as Raiffa observed: "Onecan argue very persuasivelythat the weakestlink in any chain of argumentshould not comeat the beginning" (Raiffa, 1968, p. 130). Thus, if we are to overcomethe limitations imposed by individual rationality, wemustforge a newchain. To do so, we must: (1) define a newnotion of rationality that accommodates a wider sphere of interest; (2) replace optimization with a criterion that is compatiblewith nonlocalizedrationality; (3) definepreferenceorderingsthat accommodate both individual and groupinterests, and (4) define utility functionsthat are compatiblewiththese preference orderings. This paper presents such a chain. To forge it, however, it is moreconvenientto start at the end and workback to the beginning. Thus, we start by examiningthe structure of utility functions,whichleads to an alternative preferenceorderingthat, in turn, leads to a criterion for decision-making which,finally, definesa newconceptof rationality. Extrinsic Utilities Weconcentrateexclusively on finite strategic gamesof complete information. Suchgamesare defined by a payoff array, the entries of whichare the N-tuplesof payoffsto the players. Eachplayer defines its payoff as a function of the strategies of all players; that is, the payoffto player i is 7ri(sl,...,s~) with sj E Uj, j = 1,...,N, where Uj is player j’s strategy space. In morecompactnotation, we write 7ri(s)where s = {sx,... , SN } E U = U1×’" × UN is a strategy profile. Individuallyrational players use such utilities to makecomparisonsbetweenstrategy profiles and thereby form solution concepts such as Nashequilibria to define acceptable strategies. Suchcomparisonsare interstrategyin that they require the comparisons of the attributes of eachstrategy to the attributes of all other strategies. Utilities that are usedfor this type of comparisons are extrinsic. Theimportantthing to note about the waythese utilities are usedis that it is not until the payoffsare juxtaposedinto an arrayso that the payoffs for all players can be compared that the actual "game"aspects of the situation emerges.It is the juxtapositionthat reveals possibilities for conflict or coordination.Thesepossibilities are not explicitly reflected in the individual payoffs by themselves.In other words,althoughthe individual’spayoffis a functionof other players’ 102 strategies, it is not a functionof otherplayers’preferences. This structure is completelyconsistent with exclusiveselfinterest, whereall a playercares aboutis its personalbenefit as a functionof its ownandother players’ strategies, without any regardfor the benefit to the others. Underthis paradigm, the primarywaythe preferencesof others factor into an individual’s decision-making is to constrain behaviorso as to limit the amountof damagethey can do to oneself. If the gameis not one of pure competition, there maybe somebenefit to coordinatedbehavior, wherebyplayers take into considerationthe effect of their actions on the welfareof others. Onewayto accountfor the interests of others within the yon Neumann-Morgenstem frameworkis to transform the gameby introducing new payoffs of the following form (Taylor, 1987): 7r~ = EN=ICtij’/r j. Bychoosingthe weights aq, an altruistic player i maygive deferenceto the preferences of others. This approach,however,requires the imposition of twovery strong assumptions:(a) each player must precisely knowthe other players’ numericalpayoffs (ordinal rankingsare not sufficient), and 0a) interpersonal comparisons of utility are implied (the addendsmust be commensurable).Evenif these assumptionsapply, choosingthe weightsaij requires each player to categorically ascribe a portion of is utility to other players and therefore to defer to someextent to those players in all circumstances.It does not permit a player to chooseselectively whichof the other player’s preferencesit will favor or disfavor. Todo so wouldrequire aij to be functions of other players’ strategies, and the formulation of the gamemayquickly become intractable. Perhapsthe critical questionis not whetherit is theoretically possible somehow to accountfor the interests of others via extrinsic utilities. Rather, the moreimportantquestion might be: do they offer an adequate platform by which to makerationality of others part of one’s ownrationality? The lack of a definitive notionof grouppreferencethat is consistent with individual rationality wouldseemto cast doubton an affirmativeanswerto the latter question. Intrinsic Utilities In societies that value cooperation,it is unlikely that the preferences of a given individual will be formedindependently of the preferences of others. Knowledge about one agent’s preferences mayalter another agent’s preferences. Suchpreferences are conditionedon the preferencesof others. In contrast to conditioningonly on the actions of other participants, conditioningon the preferencesof others permits a decision-makerto adjust its preferencesto accommodate the preferencesof others. It can bestoweither deference or disfavor to others accordingto their preferencesas they relate to its ownpreferences.Sincetraditional utility theory is a functionof participantstrategies, rather thanparticipant preferences, it cannotbe used to expresssuch relationships. To address this problem,let us closely examinethe way preferences are formed. Whendefining preferences one often encountersvaluations that are in opposition. Anygiven strategy profile will possessattributes that are beneficialand attributes that are detrimental to each player; such differ- ences in valuation create dichotomies.By separating the favorableand unfavorableattributes of each strategy profile, we mayexposethe fundamentalpreference structure. Comparison of the attributes of each profile providesa determination of the benefit that obtains by adoptingit relative to the cost. Suchdichotomiesare ubiquitous. Peopleroutinely comparethe upside against the downside,the pros versus the cons, the pluses versus the minuses,and they can do this profile by profile withoutdirectly comparing of one profile to another. In other words,they performintra-profile comparisons. Such comparisonsare fundamental, and must be made,evenif implicitly, in order to define the utility function whichcan then be used for inter-profile comparisons (i.e., total preferenceorderings). Perhaps,if westart at the headwatersof preferenceformulation, rather than somewheredownstream,we maybe able to characterize these dichotomousrelationships more comprehensivelyand systematically. Wethus consider the formation of two utility functions that accommodate dichotomies.A first considerationis that, since the twoutility functions are to be compared,they must be expressedin the sameunits. To avoid arbitrary scalings as well as for reasons that will soon becomeapparent, it is convenientto define these utilities as massfunctions. A function p is a massfunction ifp(s) > 0 and ~)-~s~o(S)= 1. Adoptingthis conventionmeansthat the player has a unit of massto apportion among the profiles to weighttheir desirableattributes as well as a unit of massto apportionto weighttheir undesirable attributes. Theseweightingfunctions thus possess the mathematicalproperties of probability massfunctions, but they do notpossessthe samesemanticsand do not admit interpretations of belief, propensity,frequency,or anyother of the usual probabilistic interpretations. Toemphasize the distinction betweenthe mathematicalstructure and the interpretation of these functions, wewill refer to the massfunction that characterizesthe desirableattributes of the strategy profiles as selectability, and we will denotethe massfunction that characterizesthe undesirableattributes as rejectability. Whendefining the dichotomousutility functions, operational definitions of whatis selectable and rejectable about the strategy profiles mustbe provided. Typically, the attributes of a profile that contribute to a fundamentalgoal wouldbe associated with selectability and those attributes that inhibit or limit activity wouldbe associated with rejectability. There generally will not be a unique wayto frame a given decision problem,but regardless of the way the framingis done,it is essential that the selectability and rejectability attributes not be restatementsof the samething. In general, at least for single-agentdecision problems,the selectability of a strategy shouldbe specifiable withouttaking into considerationits rejectability and vice versa. For multiple-player problems,however,this independenceneed not applybetweenplayers; that is, oneplayer’s selectability or rejectability mayinfluenceanotherplayer’s selectability or rejectability. Weare nowin a position to completeour chain that links utilities to preferenceorderingsto decision rules to rational behavior. Our procedureinvolves makingintra-profile, rather than inter-profile, comparisons. Utilities usedfor this 103 purposeare intrinsic, meaningthat they are usedto evaluate a profiles withrespectto attributes that it possesseswithinitself, independently howthat profile relates to other profiles. Withextrinsic comparisons, the logical notion of rational behavior is to rank-orderthe strategy profiles and chooseone that is optimal(i.e., to equilibrate). Withintrinsic comparisons, the logical notion of rational behavioris to choosea profile that is goodenough,in the sense that the gains obtained by choosingit outweighthe losses. This defines a newnotion of rationality, whichweterm satisficing rationality. This notion is considerably weakerthan individual rationality, whichasserts that a decision-makermust make the best choice possible. Put in the vernacular, the essence of individual rationality is "only the best will do" whilethe essenceof satisficing rationality is "at least get yourmoney’s worth." Whywoulda decision-makerchoose to do anything other than optimize? For a decision-makerfunctioning in isolation, there is noincentive, ceterisparibus,to eschewan optimal solution. Furthermore,with gamesof pure competition, there is no incentive to adopt any solution conceptthat does not maximizethe advantageto the player. But with gamesof mixedmotive,the notion of being individually optimal loses muchof its force (as Arrowobserved).Yet, underthe strict paradigmof individual rationality, a player mustnot modify its choice to is owndisadvantage,no matter howslight (unless it also redefinesits utility), evenif doingso wouldoffer a great advantage to others. However,once such a player starts downthe slippery slope of compromise by abandoning individual rationality, there is seeminglyno wayto control the slide. Satisficing providesa wayto add somefriction to the slippery slope. While it does indeed abandonindividual rationality, it is not heuristic. Intrinsic utilities are basedon exactly the sameprinciples of value that are used to define extrinsic utilities, the valuationsare merelyappliedin a different way.Thus, the satisficing approachis applicable in situations whererelationships other than pure competition are relevant. Thejustificationfor usingthe term"satisficing"is that it is consistent withSimon’soriginal usageof the terra--to identify strategies that are goodenoughby comparingattributes of the strategies to a standard.Thisusagediffers onlyin the standard used for comparison.Simon’sstandard is extrinsic; strategies are compared to the "aspiration level" of how gooda solution might reasonablybe achieved(Simon,1955; Simon,1956; Simon,1990). Satisficing as defined herein, on the other hand, is intrinsic; the comparisonis donewith respectto the meritsof the strategy. Satisficing Decision-Making To generate a useful theory of decision-making we must be able to define, in precise mathematicalterms, what it meansto be goodenough, and we must develop a theory of decision-makingthat is compatiblewith this notion. Analternative to von Neumann-Morgenstern N-player gametheory is a newapproach to multiple-agent decision-making called satisficing games(Stifling and Goodrich,1999b;Stirling and Goodrich,1999a; Goodrichet al., 2000;Stifling, 2002). Twokey features of our developmentare (a) the separationof positive andnegativeattributes of strategy profiles into selectability andrejectability utility functionsand (b) the structure of these utility functionsas massfunctions.To construct these massfunctions, however,wemust first define an even morefundamentalquantity, whichwe term the interdependencemassfunction, whichaccountsfor linkages that exist between selectability andrejectability. Anact by any individual player has possible ramifications for the entire group. Someplayers maybe benefited by the act, somemaybe damaged,and somemaybe indifferent. Furthermore,althoughan individual mayperformthe act in its ownbenefit or for the benefit of others, the act is usually not implemented free of cost. Resourcesare expended, or risk is taken, or someother penalty or unpleasant consequenceis incurred, perhaps by the individual whoseact it is, perhaps by other players, and perhapsby the entire group. Althoughthese undesirable consequences maybe defined independentlyfromthe benefits (recall the example of choosing an automobile), the measuresassociated with benefits and costs cannot be specified independentlyof each other, dueto the possibility of interaction(e.g., cost preferences for one player maydependuponstyle preferences of another player). Acritical aspect of modelingthe behavior of a group,therefore, is the meansof representingthe interdependenceof both positive and negative consequencesof all possiblestrategy profiles. Let X1,..., XNbe a group of decision-makers, and let Ui be the set of strategies available to Xi, i = 1,..., N. The strategy profile set is the productset U= U1,x --- x U/V. Let us denote elements of this set as s = {sl,... ,s/v}, wheresi E Ui. Definition 1 An interdependence function for a group {Xl.... , X/v}, denotedpsa...sNR,..aN: U x U---, [0, 1], is a massfunction, that is, it is non-negativeand normalized to unity, whichencodesall of the positive and negative interrelationships betweenthe membersof the group. Wewill denote this as Psl...s~th...R~(s; r), where s (sl,... ,s/v) E U represents strategy profiles viewed terms of selectability and r = (rl,... r/v) E U represents strategy profiles viewedin terms of rejectability. [] The interdependence function provides a complete description of all individualand grouprelationshipsin termsof their positive and negativeconsequences.Let s and r be two strategy profiles. PSl...SNRI-..RN (S; r) characterizesthe simultaneous disposition of the players withrespect to selecting s and rejecting r. Particularly whens = r, it mayappear contradictory to consider simultaneouslyrejecting and seleering strategies. It is importantto remember, however,that considerationsof selection and rejection involvetwodifferent criteria. It is no contradictionto considerselecting, in the interest of achievinga goal, a strategy that one would wishto reject for unrelated reasons, nor is it a contradiction to considerrejecting, becauseof someundesirableconsequences, a strategy one wouldotherwise wish to select. Evaluatingsuch trade-offs is an essential part of decisionmaking,and the interdependencemassfunction provides a meansof quantifyingall issues relevantto this trade-off. Since it is a massfunction, the interdependencefunction is mathematically similar to a probability massfunction, but does not characterize uncertainty or randomness.Nevertheless, it possessesthe mathematicalstructure necessaryto characterize notions such as independenceand conditioning: Conditioning The interdependence function can be rather complexbut, fortunately, its structure as a rna.~s functionpermitsits decompositioninto constituent parts according to the law of compound probability, or chain rule (Eisen, 1969). 1 Applying the formalism(but not the usual probabilistic semantics) of the chain rule, wemayexpress the interdependencefunction as a productof conditionalselectability and rejectability functions.Toillustrate, considera two-agentsatisficing gameinvolving decision-makers X1 and X2, with strategy sets U1and U2, respectively. The interdependencefunction maybe factored in several ways,for example,we maywrite PS1S2R1R2 (81,82; rl, 7"2) PSIIS2R1R2(81182; rl, r2 We interpret this expression as follows. PS~IS2R~R2 (Sl [sz, rl, r2) is Xl’Sconditionalselectability of Sl given that X2 selects s2, X1 rejects rl, and X2 reject rz. Similarly,Ps2IR~R2(s2 Jr1, r2) is X2’sconditional selectability of sz, given that Xxand X2reject rl and r2, respectively. Continuing,PR11R~ (rl Iv2) is Xl’Sconditional rejectability ofrl, giventhat X2rejects r2. Finally, PR~(r2) is X2’sunconditionalrejectability of r2. Manysuch factorizations are possible, but the appropriate factorization must be determinedby the context of the problem. These conditional mass functions are mathematical instantiations of production rules. For example, we mayinterpret pR~lR2(rl[r2)as the rule: If X2rejects r2, then X1feels PR~IR2(rl Jr2) strong about rejecting rl. this sense, they express local behavior, and such behavior is often mucheasier to express than global behavior. Furthermore,this structure permitsirrelevant interrelationships to be eliminated. Typically, there will be someclose relationships betweensomesubgroupsagents, while other subgroupsagents will function essentially independentlyof each other. For example,supposethat Xl’s selectability has nothing to do with X2’srejectability. Thenwe maysimplify PSIIS2RIR2 (81 [82; rl, r2) to becomeps, ls2R, (sl Is2; r2). Suchconditioning permits the expressionof the interdependencefunction as a natural consequenceof the relevant interdependenciesthat exist betweenthe participants. Conditioning is the key to the accommodation of the interests ~In the probabilitycontext,let Xand Ybe random variables andlet x andy possiblevaluesfor Xand Y,respectively.Bythe law of compound probability, Pxv(x, y) = PXlY(X[y)PY(Y) expressesthe joint probabilityof the occurrenceof the event (X x, Y = y) as the conditionalprobabilityof the event X= x occurringconditioned on the eventY= y occurring,timesthe probability of Y= y occurring.Thisrelationshipmaybe extendedto the generalmultivariatecasebyrepeatedapplications,resultingin whatis calledthe chainrule. 104 of others. For example, if X2were very desirous of implementings if X1were not to implementr, X1 could accommodate X2’spreferenceby setting PR1Is2 (r]s) to a high value (close to unity). Then,r wouldbe highly rejectable to X1if s were highly selectable to X2. Note, however, that if X2shouldturn out not to highly prefer s and so sets Ps2(s) ,mO,thenthe joint selectability/rejectabilityof (s; r), namely,PS2Rt(s; r) =PRllS2(rls)ps2 (s) ,~ SOthejoint event of X1rejecting r and X2selecting s has negligible interdependencemass. Thus, X1is not penalized for being willing to accommodateX2 whenX2 does not need or expect that accommodation. By controlling the conditioning values, X1is able to achieve a balance betweenits egoistic interests and its concernfor others. Satisficing the joint selectability andjoint rejectability overthe strategies of all other participants,yielding: PSi (8i) = E PSI’"SN (Sl, Pna(si)---- ¯ ¯ ¯ , SN) RRI’"FIN (81,’’" , 8N)" (6) Definition4 Theindividual satisficing solutions to the satisficing game{U, PS~...SN,PRx...RN} are the sets = {si e ps,(sO>_ qpm00}- Games Fromthe interdependencefunction we mayderive two functions, called joint selectability andjoint rejectability functions, and PR1...RN,respectively, according to the formulas (5) (7) Theproductof the individualsatisficing sets is the satisficing strategy profile rectangle: ~}~q = ~"~ X ’’-X ~qN = {(81,... ’ 8N): 8i E )"~}. (8) [] Psv..s~(s) = ~ PSv..SHRr..RN(S; V) (2) vGU p,, ...,, (s) =ps,..s,,.,.. ,, (v; (3) vGU for all s E U. Thesefunctions are also multivariate mass functions. Thetwo functions are compared for each possible joint outcome,and the set of joint outcomesfor whichjoint selectability is at least as great as joint rejectability forma jointly satisficingstrategyprofile set. Definition 2 A satisficing game is a triple {U, psr..S~,PRv..R~}. The joint solution to a saristieing gameis the set ~q = {s E O: Psv..sN (s) > qPR,..RN (S)}, (4) whereq is the index of caution, and parameterizesthe degree to whichthe decision-makeris willing to accommodate increased costs to achieve success. Nominally,q = 1, which attributes equal weightto successand resourceconservation interests. ~q is termedthe jointly satisficing set, and elementsof ~q are satisficing strategy profiles. [] Thejointly satisficing set providesa formaldefinition of what it meansto be goodenoughfor the group; namely,a strategy profile is goodenoughit the joint selectability is greater than or equal to the indexof caution times the joint rejectability. Definition 3 A decision-making group is jointly satisficingly rational if the members of the groupchoosea strategy profile for whichjoint selectability is greater than or equal to the index of caution times joint rejectability. [] The marginal selectability and marginal rejectability mass functions for each Xi maybe obtained by summing 105 Definition 5 A decision-makeris individually satisficingly rational if it choosesa strategy for whichthe marginalselectability is greater than or equal to the indexof caution times the marginal rejectability. [] It is not generallytrue that the satisficing rectangle will haveany close relationship with the jointly satisficing set. Whatis true, however,is the followingtheorem: Theorem1 (The negotiation theorem.) lf si is individually satisficing for Xi, that is, si E ~, then it mustbe the ith elementof somejoin@satisficing vector s E ~q. Proof Wewill establish the contrapositive, namely,that ifsi is not the ith dement of any s E ~q, then si f[ }3~. Without loss of generality, let i = 1. By hypothesis, Psx...sN (sl, v) qPR~...RN(sl, v) forall v E (]2 X "" X UN, SO pSx(81) ---- Y~vpS1...SN(Sl,V) < q ~v PRr..RN(Sl, V) = qPRI (Sl), hence Sl¢ Eql. Thus,if a strategyis individuallysatisficing, it is part of a satisficing strategy profile, althoughit neednot be part of all satisficing profiles. Theconverse,however,is not true: if si is the ith elementof a jointly satisficing vector,it is not necessarily individually satisficing for Xi. Thecontent of the negotiationtheoremis that no one is ever completelyfrozen out of a deal---every decision-makerhas, from its ownperspective, a seat at the negotiatingtable. Thisis perhapsthe weakestcondition underwhichnegotiations are possible. A decision-maker whopossessed a modestdegree of altruism wouldbe willing to undergo somedegree of selfsacrifice in the interest of others. Sucha decision-maker wouldbe willing to lower its standards, at least somewhat and in a controlled way,if doingso wouldbe of great benefit to others or to the groupin general. Thenatural wayfor Xi to expressa loweringof its standards is to decrease its index of caution. Nominally,we mayset q = 1 to reflect equal weightingof the desire for successand the desire to conserveresources. By decreasingq, welower the standard for successrelative to resourceconsumption and therebyincreasethe size of the satisficingset. Asq ---, 0 the standardis loweredto nothing,and eventuallyeverystrategy is satisficing for Xi. Consequently,if all decision-makersare willing to reduce their standards sufficiently, a compromise can be achieved. ReconcilingGroupandIndividualPreferences The satisficing conceptinduces a simple preference ordering for individuals, namely,wemaydefine the binary relationships ">-i" and ",~i" meaning"is better than" and "is equivalentto" respectively, for player i, such that si >-i s~ ¯ i and si "~i si’if either si 6 E~ if si 6 E’q and s!i g[ ~q, t i i i If si 6 E~, then si and si 6 Eq or si ¢ ~q and 8~ ~ ~q. is said to be goodenough¯This interpretation of E ~ differs fromthe interpretation of conventionalindividual rationality primarilyin that, in additionto the best strategies it admits all other strategies that also qualify as goodenough.Animportant feature of the satisficing approach,however,is that the individualpreferenceorderingsare not specifieda priori, rather, they emergea posteriori after all of the linkagesbetweenthe players are accountedfor in the interdependence function. In this sense, individual preferencesare emergent. Satisficing also induces a preference ordering for the group, namely, ifs >- s’ifs 6 ~q ands’ ¢ ~q, and s --, s’ifeithers 6 ~q ands’ E ~q ors t/ ~q and s’ ¢ ~q. Interpreting this preference ordering, however, is not straightforward; it is not immediatelyclear what it meansto be goodenoughfor the group. It wouldseemthat the notion of group preference should conveythe idea of harmoniousbehavior or at least someweaknotion of social welfare, but satisficing gametheory is completelyneutral withregardto conflictive andcoordinativeaspectsof the game. Both aspects can be accommodated by appropriately structuring the interdependencefunction. Thefact that the interdependencefunction is able to accountfor conditional preference dependenciesbetweenplayers provides a coupling that permitsthemto widentheir spheresof interest beyondtheir ownmyopicpreferences. This wideningof preferences does not guaranteethat there is somecoherent notion of harmonyor disharmony.Althoughsuch implications are certainly not ruled out, selectability and rejectability do not favor either aspect. Theymaycharacterize benevolent or malevolentbehavior and they mayrepresent egoistic or altruistic interests. Theymayresult in harmonious behavior or they mayresult in dysfunctional behavior. Withcompetitive games,conflict can be introducedthroughconditional selectability and rejectability functionsthat accountfor the differences in goals and values of the players--the ’group preference’ will then be to opposeone another. Onthe other hand, constructive coordinated behavior can be introduced through the sameprocedure, leading to a group preference of cooperation. Thus, as is the case with trying to define grouprationality underthe optimizationregime, the notion of grouprationality also appearsto be somewhat elusive under the satisficing regime. 106 However,the apparent elusiveness of a simple interpretation of group rationality is not a weaknessof the satistieing approach. Onthe contrary, it is a strength. Rather than a notion of group preference being defined as an aggregationof individual interests (a bottom-up,or micro-tomacro,approach)or imposedby a superplayer (a top-down, or macro-to-micro,approach), group preferences are emergent, in the sense that they are determinedby the totality of the linked preferences (conditional and unconditional) and displaythemselvesonlyas the link.~ are forged. It is analogousto makinga cake. Thevarious ingredients (flour, sugar, water, heat, etc.) influence each other in complexways,but it is not until they are all combined in properproportionsthat a harmoniousgroup notion of"cakeness" emerges. Thus, just as the satisficing utility functionscompareintrinsic, rather than extrinsic, attributes of strategies, the notions of both individual and group preference that emerge fromtheir application are also intrinsic. Theydevelopwithin the groupof playersas they evaluatetheir possibilities. Any notions of either groupor individual rationality that emerge need not be anticipated or explicitly modeled.Rather than being imposedvia either a top-downor bottom-upregime, such preferences maybe characterized as inside-out, or meso-to-micro/macro.Both individual and group preferences emergeas consequencesof local conditional interests that propagate throughoutthe community from the interdependentlocal to the interdependentglobal and fromthe conditional to the unconditional. To illustrate the emergenceof individual and grouppreferences, let us nowaddress the Pot-LuckDinner problem that was introduced in Example1. To examinethis problem fromthe satisficing point of view, wefirst needto specify operationaldefinitions for selectability and is a functionof six independentvariables and maybe factored,rejectability. Althoughthere is not a uniquewayto framethis problem,let us take rejectability as cost of the mealand take selectability as enjoymentof the meal. The interdependencefunction is a function of six independentvariables and maybe factored, accordingto the chain rule, as PSLScSMt~LRCRM (X, y, Z; U, V, W) PSclSLSMRLRcRM (ylx, z; u, v, w) ¯ PSLSMnLRCRM (X, Z; U, V, W), (9) where the subscripts L, C, and Mcorrespond to Larry, Curly, and Moe, respectively. The mass function PSclSLSMRLRCRM (Yl x, Z; U, V, W)expresses the selectability that Curlyplaces on y, given that Larry selects x and rejects u, that Curlyrejects v, and that Moeselects z and rejects w. Fromthe hypothesis of the problem,we realize that, conditionedon Larry’sselectability, Curly’sselectability is independentof all other considerations, thus we can simplifythis conditionalselectability to obtain PSoISLS.R~P~RM (Ylx,Z; U,V,W)= PSclSL(ylx). Next, weapply the chain rule to the secondterm on the right handside of (9), whichyields PSLSMRLRcI=£M (X, Z; U, "0, W) PSLS.IR~ROR,., (~:, ~1~,V, ~0)"PRLaOR~ (~, V, But, given Curly’srejectability, the joint selectability for Larry and Moeis independentof all other considerations, 2, each of whichis goodenoughfor the group, considered as a whole. Theindividually satisficing items, as obtained by computingthe selectability and rejectability marginals, are also providedin Table2 to be soup, beef, andlemoncustaM.Fortunately,this set of choicesis also jointly satisficing withoutloweringthe index of caution. Thus,all of the preferences are respected at a reasonablecost and, if pies are thrown,it is onlyfor recreation,not retribution. so PSLSuIRLRcRM(X, ZIU, "0, W) = PSLSMIRC(X, ZI’O ). By makingthe appropriate substitutions, (9) becomes PSLScSMRLP~TRM (X, y; Z, U, 73, W) -~ PSclS~. x) (Yl ¯ ps~s. w*(x, zlv). pn~noRM (u,., w). Jointly Satisficing Wedesire to obtain~q, the satisficing strategy profiles for the group and E~ Eqc, and EM,the individually satisficing strategy sets for Larry, Curly, and Moe,respectively. To do so, we must specify each of the componentsof (10). computePSclSL,recall that Curlyprefers beef to chickento pork by respective factors of 2 conditionedon Larry preferring soupandthat Curlyis indifferent, conditionedon Larry preferring salad. Wemayexpress these relationships by the conditionalselectability functions: Meal {soup, beef, {soup, chkn, {soup, beef, {sald, pork, PSclSL (chknlsoup) = 2/7PSclSL (chknlsald) = 1/3 To computePSLSMIRc, we recall, given that Curly views pork as completelyrejectable, Moeviews lemoncustard pie as highly selectable and Larry is indifferent. Giventhat Curly viewsbeef as completelyrejectable, Larry viewssoup as selectable, and Moeis indifferent; and given that Curly views chickenas completelyrejectable, both Larry and Moe are indifferent. Theserelationships maybe expressedas 0.25 0.25 PsLsMtRc(sald, lcstlchkn ) = 0.25 PSLSMIP,c (sald, bcrmlchkn) = 0.25. Lastly, we needto specify PRLRCRM, the joint rejectability function. This is done by normalizing the meal cost values in Table 1 by the total cost of all meals (e.g, PnLnCnM (soup, beef, lcst) = 23/296). Withthe interdependencefunction so defined and letting q = 1, the jointly satisficing mealsare as displayedin Table RM 0.078 0.074 0.091 0.074 Withthe Pot-LuckDinner, we see that, althoughtotal orderings for neither individuals nor the groupare specified, we can use the a priori partial preference orderings from the problemstatementto generateemergent,or a posteriori, groupand individual orderings. A posteriori individual orderings also emergefrom this exercise: Larry prefers soup to salad, Moeprefers lemoncustard pie to banana cream pie, and Curlyprefers beef to either chickenor pork. Note, however,that Curlyis not required to imposea total ordering on his preferences(chicken versus pork)--this approach does not force the generation of unwarrantedpreferencerelationships. Wesee that a group-widepreferenceof avoiding conflict emerges,since the individuallysatisficing strategies are also jointly satisficing. This groupdesideratumwas not specifieda priori. PSLSMInc(soup, lcstlpork ) = 0.5 0.0 PSLSMIRc(soup, bcrmlpork) PsLsMInc(sald, lcstlpork ) = 0.5 PsLsMlac(sald, bcrmlPork) = 0.0, PSLSMIRc(soup,lcstIchkn ) = PSLSMinc(soup, bcrmlchkn ) = PRL Rc Table2: Jointly and individually satisficing choicesfor the Pot-LuckDinner. PSclSL(porklsoup)= 1/7 PSolSL(p°rklsald)= 1/3. and 0.237 0.119 0.149 0.080 IndividuallySatisficing Participant Choice PS PR Larry soup 0.676 0.480 Curly beef 0.494 0.351 Moe lcst 0.655 0.459 PSclsL(beefls°up)= 4/7 PSolSL(beeflsald) = 1/3 PSLS, lnc(soup, lcstlbeef ) = 0.5 PSLSMInc(Soup, bcrmlbeef ) = 0.5 0.0 PSLSMInc(sald,lcst[beef) PSLSMinc(sald, bcrmlbeef ) = 0.0, PSLScSM lcst} lcst} bcrm} lcst} Conclusion Satisficing gametheory offers a wayfor the interests of the group and of the individuals to emergethrough the conditional preferencerelationships that are expressedvia the interdependencefunction due to its mathematicalstructure as a probability (but not with the usual semanticsdealing with randomness or uncertainty). Just as the joint probability function is morethan the totality of the marginals,the interdependence function is morethan the totality of the individualselectability andrejectability functions. It is only in the case of stochastic independence that a joint distribution can be constructedfromthe marginaldistributions, and it is only in the case of completelack of social concernsthat group welfare can be expressed in terms of the welfare of individuals. Optimizationis a strongly entrenchedprocedureand dominates conventional decision-makingmethodologies. There 107 is great comfortin followingtraditional paths, especially whenthose paths are foundedon such a rich and enduring tradition as rational choice affords. But whensynthesizing an artificial system, the designer must employa moresocially accommodatingparadigm. The approach described in this paper seamlesslyaccountsfor group and individual interests. 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