From: AAAI Technical Report WS-02-06. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Coherent Pricing of Efficient Allocations in Combinatorial Economies Wolfram Conen Tuomas Sandholm XONARGmbH Wodanstr. 7 42555Velbert, Germany E-mail: Carnegie MellonUniversity ComputerScience Department 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA15213 E-mail: Abstract Auctionsand exchangesare importantcoordinationmechanismsfor multiagentsystems. Mostmulti-goodmarkets are combinatorial in that the agentshavepreferencesover bundlesof goods.Westudy the possibility of determining pricesso as to support(efficient)allocationsin combinatorial economies wherea seller (or arbitrator) wantsto implement an efficient allocation.Conditions onthe existenceof equilibria are presentedanda particularlyattractive, anonymous pricingscheme is studiedin detail. Aconstructive test for the existenceof supporting pricesis given.Aprocedure basedon the controlledformation of alliancesis suggested that shrinks economies to ensurethe existenceof pricescoherentwiththe preferredpricingscheme.Therelation of equilibriumprices to Vickreypayments is considered,and extensionsto twosidedmarketsare discussed. Introduction Auctions and exchanges are important coordination mechanisms for multiagent systems. Most multi-good markets are combinatorialin that the agents have preferences over bundles of goods. Combinatorialauctions and combinatorial exchangeshavebeensubjects of intense study in the last few years due to their importanceas a solution mechanism for combinatorialresource and task allocation problemsinvolvingself-interested, autonomous agents with private information. Whilethe determinationof efficient (or approximately efficien0 allocations has been studied extensively, the importantrole of prices for the practical and theoretical implementabilityof allocations has drawnless attention (notable exceptions include (Parkes &Ungar2000a; 2000b; Wurman&Weliman2000; Bikhchandaniet al. 2001)). In this paper westudy different schemesfor pricing goods and bundles in combinatorial economieswherebidders have potentially non-additivepreferenceson goods,that is, preferences over bundles. Of natural interest are prices that support the computedallocation so that each participating agent will be satisfied with the outcomeat the givenprices. The different pricing schemeshave different impact on the existence of such equilibrium outcomes.Westudy this in detail for a pricing schemethat minimizesthe necessity to enforce the correct implementationof an intended outcome and keeps the prices anonymous.Algorithmsare given for testing the existence of equilibrium prices, and for find- 29 ing them. A procedure is suggested for dealing with nonexistenceof equilibria due to thresholdproblems.It is based on controlled formation of alliances amongconsumers.Finally, we discuss howthe results can be extendedto twosided markets(i.e., exchanges). Pricing schemes Wefirst study the problemof allocating a finite set, f~ = {1,....m}, of mindivisible resources(or goods)to a finite set, N = { 1,..., r~}, of r~ competingagents (or consumers) so as to maximize the economicefficiency of the allocation. Theconsumershave (integral) utility for bundles of goods, given as a utility function ui : 2f~ ~ No.All goodsbelong to a benevolentauctioneer (or arbitrator), denoted by 0. A collection E = (f~; ul,..., un) of the goodsand the utility functionswill be called an economy.It is the task of the arbitrator to implementan efficient allocation by meansof a suitably chosenmechanism.The instrument of choice, to enablethe elicitation of utility informationand the transfer of utility, is pricing. Anoutcomeof a price-based mechanism consists of an allocation and a related vector of payments which determines the amountof moneyeach agent has to pay in order to receivethe part of the allocation that is earmarkedfor him. The arbitrator can only hope to implement a suggested outcomeif each agent chooses to implementher part of the outcome.Shewill do so only if the net utility of doingso is at least as large as the net utility of any other behavioral option (we consider only purchasing decisions as allowed behavioral options). Wemakethe standardassumptionthat eachagent’s utility is quasi-linear in money,consequentlyher net utility can be determinedas her utility for the receivedbundleminusthe necessarypayment. Wewill further assumethat the option to purchase nothingis available for flee (that is, the price of the empty bundleis zero). Additionally,an agent can get rid of anyallocatedgoodfor free (there is free disposal).In this context, it is reasonableto restrict attention to price functionswhich are monotonously increasing in goods, that is, p(z) < p(y) ifz c y. In a price-based mechanism, there is an intimate relation betweenannouncedprices and resulting payments.Furthermore, the chosenpricing schemedeterminesthe set of purchasing options to be considered. To see this, consider the followingsetting. Assumethat the arbitrator operates a shopJ Eacheveningthe arbitrator runs an allocation mechanismon his Website which collects utility informationfromhis customersfor his goods and bundles of goods, and which determinesan (efficient) allocation of his goodsfrom this information. Early in the morninghe enters his shopand executes one of the following pricing schemes: 1. Heattaches a price tag to each good. 2. Heposts a price list with a price for each possible bundle of goods. 3. He posts a price list with a price for each possible bundie, with the additional rule: "Onlyone bundleper customer!". 4. Hebundlesthe goodsaccordingto the efficient allocation 2and attaches a price tag to eachresulting bundle. Nowhis customersvisit the shop sequentially in arbitrary order. Whena customervisits the shop, the customermakes his individual purchasingdecisions, pays, and leaves the shop. Is it possiblefor the shopclerk to determinehis prices so that the implementationof an outcomewith an efficient allocation is self-enforcing? Beforewe answerthis question, let us study the consequencesof the different pricing schemesfor the purchasing options that an agent has to consider. Assumethat agent 1 enters the shopand that his most preferred bundle, {A, B}, is still available (in a slight abuseof notation, ABwill be used instead of {A, B} to denote the bundle if the context allows). Now,in pricing scheme1, the paymenttl (AB) he has to expect is the sumof prices for goodA and goodB, p(A) + p(B). His net utility of purchasingthe bundle will be vI(AB) = ux(AB) - tl = ux(AB) - (p(A) + p(B)). Hewill haveto comparethis to the net utility of any other possible bundle to makean optimal purchasingdecision. In pricing scheme2, his calculation will be different: instead of buying the bundle in two transaction (paying p(A) +p(B))he mayalso chooseto buy the bundle directly in one transaction (paying the price p(AB)).3 A utilitymaximizingconsumerwill alwayslook for the best possible combinationof transactions to determinethe potential payment, e.g. the paymentthat agent 1 will consider for the bundle AB will be min{p(AB), p(A) p(B)}. In pri cing scheme3, the paymentfor a bundlethat is to be consideredis the given price for the bundle, e.g. tl(AB) = p(AB). Pricing scheme4 is similar to pricing scheme1, with the notable exception that neither A and B nor AB might be available for purchasing. This wouldbe the case if they have been ’Admittedly a special kindof shop,becausehis objectiveis not to maximize his incomebut economicefficiency("welfare") among the bidders. 2Thedecisionto bundlethe goodswouldallowus to applyeach of the pricingschemes 1,2, and3 to the newsituation.Wewill only considerthe analogof pricingscheme 1. 3In fact he mayalso chooseto buybundlesAand BCor the bundleABC-even if C doesnot addto his utility in the case that this promisesa better deal - however,the assumedmonotony of prices makesthis type of considerationsunnecessary,so wewill leavethis aside fromnowon. 30 packagedinto bundles containing other goodsas well, say ACand BD,so the paymentthat agent 1 has to consider is the best obtainable price or sumof prices for a bundleor a collection of bundlesthat contains the consideredbundle. Coherent prices Tomakethis moreprecise, someformalization is necessary. Wecould continue to study the paymentsthat result fromthe prices. Adifferent possibility is to considerpricing scheme 3 only (here, the paymentto be considered for any bundle is equal to the given price) and to mapthe other pricing schemesinto coherenceconditions on the structure of the prices of scheme3. First, someterminologyis required. Definition I (Allocation, Outcome,Value). An allocation is a vectorized partition X = (X1,..., X,~) of the goods in f~, such that [-JicN Xi = f~ and Ni~NXi = 0 (because of the free disposal assumption,we can safely assumethat all goodswill alwaysbe distributed). A 2n-ary vector (X1, ..., X, ; t l , . . . , t,~ ) will be calledoutcome/f(X1, ¯ ¯ ¯, Xn) is an allocation andti >_0 for all i E N (note that these values are paymentsto be, so, in contrast to their sign, they havea negative effect on a consumer’sutility). ~ielv ui(Xi) is the value of an allocation respectively an outcome. Definition 2 (Net utility of implementation). Let Then ( Xl, . . . , Xn; tl , . . . , tn) be an outcome. vi = ui(Xi) - ti is the net utility of an implementation of the outcomefor consumeri E N. Weassumethat each consumercontrols her behavior autonomously(cannot be forced to purchase a bundle) and behavesindividually rationally (does not pay morefor a bundle than it is worth). Anoutcomeis not implementable ifvi < for any i E N. The(rational) objective of each consumers it to maximizeher net utility whenpresented with a choice of options. As has been said above, we will consider purchasing options only (though this will be extendedbelowto a formof controlled collusion). The available options are determined by the pricing scheme. A (monotonous)price function and the coherenceconditions for the different pricing schemescan nowbe defined as follows. Definition 3 (Price function). Let E = (D; ul ..... Un) be an economy.Wecall a function p : 2n --~ I~+a price function,/fp(0) : 0. (Abusing notation, we sometimesspeak of a price vector and write Px instead ofp(x).) Definition4 (CoherentPrices). A price function p : 2~ --* No, to be used with pricing scheme3, is coherent with scheme1 respectively 2, if p(x) = Ep({z}) Vz _C a,x ¢ (1) zE~c respectively p(x)= Z~II(~) min ~p(z) zeg VxC_Ft, x¢¢ (2) Above,II(x) is the set of all possible partitions of x. Furthermore, every price function is coherent with scheme3. Forscheme4, the coherenceis relative to an allocation, that is, p(.) is coherentwith pricingscheme4, if an allocation 4exists suchthat and p(x) raXin p( z) Vx ~[ x,x S~ O (4) zDx~zE2 Wealso say that the prices are coherentwith the allocation X. Further on, wewill assumethat the setting is that of scheme 3 (at most one bundle per consumeris allowed). Note that the followingobservationholds Prolmsition5. Let p(. ) be a price function~If p(. ) is coherent with scheme1, it is also coherentwith scheme4. If p(.) is coherentwith scheme4, it is also coherentwith scheme2. Proof. Please, see the appendixfor left-out proofs. [] Pricing schemes1 and 3 have been studied extensively in the literature (see (Kelso & Crawford1982; Gul &Stacchetti 1999) for scheme 1 and (Wurman& Wellman2000) for scheme3). Both mayhave showdeficiencies. Prices in scheme1 that self-enforce (or, a little bit weaker:support) efficient allocations are only guaranteedto exist under rather weakconditions (gross-substitutes). Whilesupporting prices in scheme3 do alwaysexist, they require strict meansof enforcementto ensurethe "correctness"of an implementation--inthe above example, enforcing the rule on the sign wouldrequire to register the customers(to prevent them from makingmultiple purchases throughout the day). It wouldalso be good to prevent themfrom sending in a friend that acts as a buyerand hands his purchaseto the original agent. Suchenforcementis certainly not viable or desirable in all settings, especially on the Internet where pseudonymstend to be cheap. Wewill therefore focus on pricing scheme4 (we will sometimeswrite coherent prices instead of prices coherentwith scheme4). Now,as the dependencyof the purchasing decision on the pricing schemeis hiddenin the coherencecondition, wecan usethe pricesdirectly in the definitionof the net utilities that are to be considered. Definition6 (Net utility function). Let [2 be a set of goods, p(. ) a suitable price function, andi a consumer with a quasilinear utility functionbasedon ui(’). Thenthe functionv~i 2n --* N, definedas v~i (x) =ui(x) - p(x) will be called netutility functionof i withrespectto [2 andp(. ). *Tounderstandthe followingnotationnotethat powerset and element-of operatorare usedhereona partitioningsequence Xin a canonicalextensionof their usualmeaning.Theelementsof Xare the sets Xi C_fL Thepowerset 2x consists of all combinations of the elementsof X. Wewrite x E 2x for a x c_ [2 if a partition of x existssuchthat everyelement of the partition(itself a subsetof t) is an elementof X(in other words:the partition is an element of 2X). 31 Let us return to the aboveexampleand considerthe first customer,say i, enteringthe store. Sheis faced with the whole rangeof purchasingoptions. Let us restrict our attention to prices that are coherent with scheme4. To makeher purchasing decision, she will have to pick the optimal wayto purchaseeach bundle. Becauseof the coherenceconditions, it is nownot anymorenecessaryto consider multiple transactions - the one-transactionprice given for a bundleis already minimal.She will have to comparethe obtainable net utility withthe net utility relatedto anyother bundle,that is, she has to solve the problemarg maxxc_a v~/(x) at the given prices p. Equilibria Toease the treatment of race conditions and indifference, we will switch nowfrom a shop environmentto a distribution environmentwheregoods and bundles are presented in a catalog. Oncethe arbitrator has determinedan efficient allocation fromcertain valuation information,he will determine prices coherent with the chosen pricing scheme. He will then send the price list (and the additional conditionof scheme3) to the participating consumers. Each consumer will determinea set B containing all bundlesthat maximiTe her net utility at the given prices. She will then submita list of mutuallyexclusiveorders of individual bundles,containing all bundlesfromB. Oncethe arbitrator has received the orders, he will distribute the goodsto the customersso as to maximizeefficiency. If a customerreceives one of the requestedbundles, she will be satisfied with the outcome.If every customerreceives a requested bundleand if the objective of the arbitrator is fulfilled by the resulting allocation, the outcomedeterminesan equilibrium. Definition 7 (Satisfied, Supports). A consumeri is satisfied with an allocation X at given prices p(.), iff the bundle Xi he receivesmaximizes his net utility, that is ¢,(x,) > c a. Theprice function supports an allocation X if every actor i E N is satisfied with X. Definition 8 (Equilibrium). Let 17, be an economy,X an allocation, andp(. ) a price function. Thepair (X; p(-)) is an equilibrium(of interests), if every participantis individually satisfied with the inducedoutcome.In the considered situation, this corresponds to Arbitrator(X1, . . . , X,~)is an efficient allocation. ConsumerEvery consumeri E N is satisfied with Xi. If such an outcomeexists for an economyand a given price function, the price function will be called an equilibrium price function. Consequence 9. Note that the following are immediateconsequences and hold for any equilibrium outcome:(1) Demandequals supply-in other words: the outcomeis imple5mentable,and(2) the supportedallocation is efficient. sWithout considering incentivecompatibility,this is onlytrue withrespectto reportedutilities. It mightbe surprising that one of the standardresults, the first theoremof Welfare economics,has been turned into a definitional consequence-namely that every equilibrium is efficient. This is due to the situation understudy: the key property of an equilibrium is that all actors are individually satisfied with the result. Here, one of the actors (the arbitrator), has preferencesfor completeallocations, whichexplains the fact that a global social criterion (efficiency) coincideswith a criterion for individual satisfaction. In the classic setting, with a set of sellers and no central and self-interested arbitrator, all actors havepreferences only for their part of the allocation-in that situation, it becomesimportantto analyzeif a global criterion (efficiency) is an emergentconsequence of satisfied individual criteria. In our setting, on the other hand,this is immediate. A B Utility Agent I 5 5 Agent 2 0 3 Agent 3 0 0 Prices Schemes 1,2,4 <_ PB <_3 Scheme 3 1 2 AB 5 3 7 PA-I-PB>--- 7 7.1 Wewill, however,demonstratebelowthat the initial economycan be modified without an impact on efficiency such that equilibrium prices coherent with scheme4 exist. The basic idea is to shrink the economy by creating alliances of agents that submit joint bids. Reconsiderthe aboveexample with an alliance of agents 1 and 2. Utility Agent (1+2) Agent 3 Scheme4 prices A 5 0 7 B 5 0 7 AB 8 7 7 Existence of supporting prices Computing the prices Before we study this in more detail, we present a constructive test for the existence of prices that are coherent with scheme4. Weassumethat an (efficien0 allocation X = (X1,..., Xn) has been determined and the task handis to computeprices, coherent with scheme4, that support this allocation. We first study a reduced economy E~ = (~q~ {el,..., g,}7; u[,..., u~) whichresults from the original economyE as follows: gi = Xi and u~" : 2~r ~ 1~1 defined as u[(x) = ui(x) for all i E N and x E 2f~r. Obviously,the 8following holds Proposition12. Thevalue ~ieNui ( Xi ) of the efficient allocationX in E is equal to the value of an efficient allocation in the reducedeconomy Er. In particular, the allocation ~ X = (91,..., 9,~) is efficient. Consider nowthis efficient allocation X~ for a reduced economyEr. The following algorithm will computeprices supportingX~ if the consideration of utilities is further restricted to utilities for the goodsonly. Basedon these prices (which alwaysexist, see below), extended equilibrium prices for the reduced economyand complete prices for E can be determinedif they exist. Below, J collects the agents i whichneither request the earmarkedbundleXi nor a goodthat represents an emptybundle. If this set is empty,either X~E Yi for all i E N(supporting prices have been determined) or no such price vector could be determined (this cannot happen as we will show below). The vector A measuresthe attractiveness of the goodsin Yi rel- Akey questionfor the arbitrator nowis if, for everyresource allocation problemand a givenpricing scheme,a price function exists that supportsan efficient allocation. This is the case for pricing scheme3: Proposition 10. For any economyE and pricing scheme3, an outcomewith an efficient allocation and a supporting price functionexists. This has been shown in (Wurman& Wellman2000) as consequenceof results presented in (Leonard1983)). Such a result does not hold for scheme1, as the followingsimple exampledemonstrates: Utility Prices Agent 1 Agent 2 Scheme 1 Schemes2,3 Scheme 4 A 0 2 2 2.1 2.5 B 0 2 ~2 2.1 2.5 AB 3 2 p(A)+p(B)g3 2.5 2.5 Fromthe conditions that follow from the necessity to satisfy both agents, a contradiction follows immediately.The prices givenfor the other schemesare, in contrast, equilibriumprices. As we stated above, we consider pricing scheme4 the schemethat combinesa significant design flexibility (it allowsus to solve an extendedset of allocation problemscompared to scheme1) with a reducednecessity for enforcement (in contrast to scheme3). However,scheme4 does not solve all existenceproblemsthat are due to combinatorial(that is, non-additive)preferences immediately,as the followingex6ampleof a threshold problemdemonstrates: 7Someof the goods may represent empty bundles. SWe can nowalso formulatethe missingexistenceproposition: Proposition11 (Individualistic ExistenceCondition).Let E be an economy andX an efficient allocation. Let Er be the reduced economy obtainedfromthe constructionabove.If the reducedutility functionssatisfy the grosssubstitutesconditionof Kelsoand Crawford(see (Kelso &Crawford1982) or (Gul &Stacchetti 1999)for alternativeformulations),an equilibriumcoherentwith scheme 4 exists. 6Existence canbe guaranteed if the gross-substitutescondition from(Kelso&Crawford 1982)holdsfor utility functionsthat are restrictedto the bundles in the efficientallocationandtheir super bundles.Thisis an immediate consequence of Theorem 3 in (Kelso &Crawford 1982).Thepropositionfollowsbelow,oncethe notion of restrictedutility functions is formalized. 32 ative to the attractiveness of the earmarked goodgi for each 9agent i. Algorithm Min-Pricing (1) p = (0,..., 0); ComputeY; ComputeA; Compute (2) while d ~ 0 (3) i = arg mo.xj~3 (4) Forall y ¯ Y~do (5) Py = Pu + Ai (6) Compute Y; Compute A; ComputeJ; Theorem13. The algorithm Min-Pricing determines, for a given reducedeconomyEr and a correspondingefficient allocation Xr = (gl ..... gn), prices p, so that ui(gi) -Pg, >_ ui(gj) -pg~ Vj ¯ {gl,..-,gj},Vi ¯ N Furthermore,this price vector is minimal. A similar algorithm, Max-Pricing,can be given for computing maximalprices, that is, prices whichcannotbe increased without makingone of the efficiently allocated "goods" unattractive to the prospectivebuyer. The determinedprices are solutions to dual linear programs (compare (Koopmans& Beckmann1957; Gale 1950; Leonard1983)) that give minimaland maximalequilibrium prices for economiesin whichthe bundling of goodsdoes not increasethe utility of the individual consumers: Definition 14 (Assignment Economy).An economyE will be called assignmenteconomy,if ui(x) = maxzezui( { z} for all i ¯ N and x c 12. Everyprice vector determinesa different distribution of the value of an allocation to the consumersand the arbitrator. Minimalprices maximizethe surplus of the consumers, while maximalprices maximizethe surplus of the arbitrator. In the above,werestricted our attentionto a certain part of the utility functions. Onceweextend this to include the bundles that can be formed from goods in f~r (which may inlxoduce complementarities),the resulting impact on the existence conditions for equilibria mayexcludethat prices coherent with scheme4 exist. Theorem15. Let E be an economy,X an efficient allocation, and Ea the reduced assignmenteconomy.Let Paaxbe maximalprices supporting the reduced allocation Xa for E~. Let pe be the result of extending1° Paaxto a complete price function. If (X,pe) is not an equilibrium (coherent with scheme4 and X ), no such equilibriumexists. In somecases, the minimalprices for the reduced assignmenteconomycan also be used to determine Vickrey paymerits. Consider the following exampletaken from (Gul &Stacchetti 1999): There are three identical objects and two consumerswith the same preferences, ui(A) is 0 for 9Formally: Empty= {jlX~ = 0}, Y~ = {x ¯ f~rlu,(x) pz > u,(y)-py Vy ¯ f~r}, j = {i ¯ N : Xi ¢~ Y~ ~tx ¯ Yi with x E Empty},and Ai = (ui(y) --py) (ui(X,) PX,) Vi and somey ¯ Y~. l°Extendingpricesfollowsthe coherence conditionsfor scheme 4: All bundlesof gi’s are pricedadditively,thenall otherbundles will receivethe price of the smallestbundlecontainingit. Asall goodsare distributedin X% sucha bundlealwaysexists. 33 #(A) = 0, 10 for #(A) = 1, 18 for #(A) = 2 and #(A) = 3. It is an efficient allocation to give one goods to one buyer and two goodsto the other. The Vickreypayments are 2 for the one-goodbuyer and 10 for the other. The(minimal)Walrasianprice accordingto the definition (Gul &Stacchetti 1999) (which coincides with our scheme 1) is 8 for each good, minimalcoherent prices for scheme are 2 for the singleton and 10 for the two-goodbundle(with respect to any chosenefficient allocation, necessarily consisting of a singleton and a bundleof twoof the goods.). Theabovealgorithmsgive meansto test for the existence of equilibriumprices for scheme4 and to determineif equilibrium prices exist that equal Vickreypayments.If no such prices exist (see the "threshold" exampleabove), the arbitrator maychooseto ask selected agents to cooperate("collude") if this promisesto be beneficial. Thiswill be formalized and analyzedin the next section. Shrinking the economy Definition 16 (Alliance). Let K = {1,..., k}_ C_ N be a set of agents and [c an additional agent. Thenk represents an alliance respectivelyan efficient alliance of the agentsin K,if n < i=k respectively n (x) = max i=k for all x C f~ andall k-ary sequencesX partitioning x. Definition 17 (ShrunkenEconomy).Let E = (f~; ux, ..., Un) be an economyand P = {P1,- - -, Pk} be a k-ary partition of N, with P~¢ Ofor all i ¯ {1,... ,k}. Additionally, let fi~ ={ i, . . . , [~} be a set of agentswithk elements,such that for all i ¯ {1,..., k}, i is an alliance of the agentsin Pi. Then, ER = (f~; ui, ... , u~ ) will be called a shrunken economy with respect to E and P. If all ~s are efficient alliances, ER is an efficiently shrunkeneconomy. Wewill only consider efficiently shrunkeneconomiesbelow. First, note the following: Proposition 18. Let E be an economy,[( a set of efficient alliances, ER the correspondingefficiently shrunkeneconomyand X an efficient allocation of ~ with respect to N. ThenXR = ([-Jia~Pt Xit, ..., UikGPk Xik) is an efficient allocation with respect to ER. In turn, an efficient allocation XR for a shrunken economydetermines one or more efficient allocationsfor E: for everyi ¯ {1, ..., k ), a [Pi[ary allocation Yi of the goodsin X[~ to the agentsin Pi can be found, such that ~JePkui(Yi) will be maximizedfor all possibleIPd-ary allocations (Yi is not necessarily unique). A suitable renumbering of Yi will lead to an n-ary allocation Xi whichis efficient with respect to E. Theseresults are immediateconsequencesof the definition of efficient alliances. Nowlet E be an economy.The set of all possible partitions consisting of non-empty subsets of N will be denotedwith 79N.For every partition P 6 79N,a set KP of agents can be constructedsuch that every agent represents an efficient alliance of the corresponding part of P-the existence of such a set follows immediatelyfromthe existence of an efficient allocationand the definitionof efficient alliances. Let.Abe the set of all suchpairs (P, KP).It determinesthe set of all possible efficiently shnmken economies £~t with respect to E, whichstarts from considering all agents as a singular alliance and ends with considering the grandalliance whichrepresents all agents in N. Proposition 19. The set £ C E~ of e~cient allocations, for whichequilibriumprices exist that are coherentwith scheme 4, is not empty(this extendsto schemes2 and1). This follows immediately by taking the reduced economy with one agent only whorepresents the grandalliance. Here (with reservation values of 0 of the arbitrator, as assumed), the minimalequilibriumprices are 0 for each bundle. Wewill nowconstruct a procedurethat picks one of the economiesfrom £ and determines an equilibrium. This will be doneiteratively by determiningin each roundan alliance to formin a waythat ensuresthat the alliance is attractive for the participating agents (relative to a certain policy of the arbitrator that determineshowto proceedif the agents wouldobject against the alliance, see below). ProcedureShrink(EconomyE, Efficient allocation X) (1) Determinethe maximalprices Pma~for the assignment economyEa that corresponds to E and X. Extend the obtainedprices to prices coherent with scheme4. (2) If the equilibriumconditions are violated for one more bundles, choose one such bundle Y (Note: ui(y) P(Y)> v.i(Xi) -p(Xi) for at least one i). If no condition violated, terminate with the shnmken economy E as a result. (3) Createan alliance a fromthe agents that receivea part of the chosenbundlein the efficient allocation-a represents I = {i 6 NIX~ C Y}- Create a new good Xa representing the set {Xi E Y}, i E I. Removeall goods {Xi 6 y} from12 and insert X,, to create ~-. Determinethe utility of a for all bundlesz _C fZ- so as to maximizethe utility of distributing z among the agents in I. (4) Remove nowall agents I from N and add a to create N-. Removeall goods {Xi 6 Y} from X and add Xa to create X-. Choosea suitable index of the agents in N- and order the elements of X- so that each agent i will receive the bundle Xi--. RenameX-,N-, and 12- to X,N, and 12. Continuewith (1). Proposition20. Starting from economyE and efftcient allocation X, procedureShrink determines a shrunken economyE-, an allocation X- and a price vector p such that 1. X- is an e Sicient allocation of the goodsin E- andthe value of X- is equalto the value of X in 17, 2. p is an equilibrium price vector for the shrunkeneconomy coherent with scheme4 and the computedallocation X-. If it is the policyof the arbitrator to chooseprices that support an inefficient but implementable allocation in the case that a suggestedalliance does not form(that is, at least one agent objects against its formation),it becomes attractive for 34 the agentsin the alliance to acceptits formation:in the above example, an arbitrator with this policy wouldsell AB to agent 3 for a price of 5 (whichcan immediatelybe extended to prices coherent with scheme4: p(A) --- p(B) = p(AB) = 5), makingit attractive for agents 1 and 2 to accept the suggestedalliance and any distribution of the remainingsurplus of 1. As this seems to be the case generally (due to the efficiency of the underlyingallocation, possibly with a restriction on the comparativesurplusthat is distributed becausethis has to be at least as goodas the surplus that each agent in the alliance wouldreceive if he objects against its formation),the arbitrator could as well distribute the goods and determine the (now non-anonymous)paymentsbeforehand as if the suggested alliance wouldform anyway(because of the rationality and no-externalities assumptions that are implicit in the quasi-linear utility assumption).Thesurplus distribution couldfollow a fixed rule like "randomdistfibution" or "equal amount".This completesthe determination of coherent prices for combinatorial economiesfor whichno coherentequilibriumprices exist for their original size. Conclusions and future research Wesuggested a pricing schemefor whichenforcement-free, anonymousequilibrium prices exist in a wider range of situation than in the classic prices-for-goods-onlyscheme. The problematic complementarities can be neglected for sub-bundlesof the bundles in the efficient allocation. We also showedhowthe existence of equilibrium prices can be checked and howsuch prices can be computedeasily. If threshold problemsforeclose the existence of equilibrium prices, a procedure that shrinks the economyby forming alliances can be applied. This procedure mayiterate and eventually produces an economyfor whichcoherent prices exist. Someof the results can be extendeddirectly to a setting with income-maximizing sellers and an arbitrator interested in implementing an efficient allocation. Especially the process of forming alliances can symmetricallybe applied to the seller side (whichcan be used to split the surplus from selling a bundlethat consists of goodsfromdifferent sellers). Weonly give a roughsketch of the basic idea and restrict our attention to pricing scheme4. Assume again that the arbitrator has determinedan (efficien0 allocation by suitable means(e.g., by choosingan elicitation policy fromthe frameworksuggested in (Conen&Sandholm2001) that not price-based (see also (Conen&Sandholm2002b; Hudson & Sandholm2002; Smith, Sandholm,& Simmons2002; Conen& Sandholm2002a))). Now,the prices for these bundles will haveto be determinedso as to satisfy buyers and sellers. Let us assumefor simplicity that a Couyer-)coherent price vector exists. Nowa secondprice vector that will be (seller-)coherent (the bundle prices will be the maximum the aggregatedprices of its partitions) can be determinedso that eachside of the marketis satisfied withits specific price vector and both vectors will coincide on the prices for the bundlesin the efficient allocation and the bundlesthat can be formedfrom them. Of course, the problemsthat are due to non-additivevaluations of bundlescan nowoccur on both sides of the market.Theformationof alliances helps here as well. Wehave only briefly mentionedthe (interesting) relation of minimalcoherent equilibriumprices to Vickreypaymerits. Moreworkis required to study the incentive implications of allocation determinationand pricing. Note, however, that evenif the utilities havenot beenreported truthfully, the goal to determinesupportingprices for a chosenallocation remainsimportant.In situations that call for anonymous, enforcement-free prices for outcomesto be implementable,prices that are coherent with scheme4 are especially attractive compared to the traditional scheme1 prices or the morerecently suggested scheme3 prices. Prices of scheme3 are not truly anonymous.If anonymityis not an issue, the results presented in (Parkes &Ungar2000a; Bikhchandani&Ostroy 2001) (which mayrequire enforcement) becomerelevant. A controlled shrinking of the economy,and the suggestedpartial differentiation of prices betwcensellers and buyers, mayhavean interesting impacton their results if enforcement is not an option. Leonard,H. 1983. Elicitation of honest preferencesfor the assignmentof individual t o positions. Journalof Political Economics91(3):461--479. Parkes, D. C., and Ungar,L. 2000a.Iterative combinatorial auctions: Theoryand practice. In AAAIProc., 74-81. Parkes, D. C., and Ungar, L. 2000b. Preventing strategic manipulationin iterative auctions: Proxy-agentsand priceadjustment. In AAAIProc., 82-89. Smith, T.; Sandholm, T.; and Simmons,R. 2002. Constructing and clearing combinatorialexchangesusing preference elicitation. In AAAI-02workshopon Preferencesin AI and CP: Symbolic Approaches. Wurman,P. R., and Wellman,M. P. 2000. AkBA:A progressive, anonymous-price combinatorial auction. In Proceedings of the ACMConference on Electronic Commerce (ACM-EC),21-29. Appendix References Bikhchandani,S., and Ostroy, J. 2001. The packageassignment model. UCLA WorkingPaper Series, mimeo. Bikhchandani,S.; de Vries, S.; Schummer, J.; and Vohra, R. V. 2001. Linear programming and Vickreyauctions. Conen, W., and Sandholm,T. 2001. Preference elicitation in combinatorialauctions: Extendedabstract. In Proceedings of the ACMConferenceon Electronic Commerce (ACM-EC),256-259. A more detailed description of the algorithmic aspects appeared in the LICAI-2001Workshop on EconomicAgents, Models, and Mechanisms,pp. 7180. Conen, W., and Sandholm, T. 2002a. Differentialrevelation VCGmechanismsfor combinatorial auctions. Underreview. Conen, W., and Sandholm,T. 2002b. Partial-revelation VCGmechanismfor combinatorial auctions. In Proceedings of the NationalConferenceon Artificial Intelligence (AAAO. Gale, D. 1960. The theory of linear economicmodels. McGraw-Hill. Gul, E, and Stacchetti, E. 1999. Walrasian equilibrium with gross substitutes. JET87:95-124. Hudson, B., and Sandholm, T. 2002. Effectiveness of preference elicitation in combinatorialauctions. Technical report, CarnegieMellonUniversity, ComputerScience Department, CMU-CS-02-124, March. Also accepted to the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics workshop (SITE), June, 2002. Kelso, A. S., and Crawford, V. 1982. Job matching, coalition formation, and gross substitues. Econometrica 50:1483-1504. Koopmans,T., and Beckmann,M. 1957. Assignmentproblems and the location of economicactivities. Econometrica 25:53-76. 35 Proof of Proposition 5: (Scheme1 --} Scheme4) Let X be an arbitrary allocation. Let p(.) be a price function coherent with scheme Considerthe price for a bundle x. There are twocases: if x E 2x, p(x) have to be the sumof prices of the bundlesin X that are containedin x. As each such price is the sumof the prices of the goodscontainedin the bundle(ie., p(X~) ~,ucx, P({Y})) it follows that p(x) = ~zexp({z}) ~zex,zc_x ~u~z p({z}) = ~x,~_c~ p(z). The other case is equally straightforward,as is the other part of the proposition (Scheme4 --~ Scheme 2). [] Proof of Theorem13: Weassumethat all quantifies are integral. Now,the followingholds: (a) The algorithmterminates. (al) For the chosen Ai, Ai > 0 holds. Immediate. Note also that no price of a goodthat represents an emptybundle will ever be increased. With(al), it followsthat in each roundat least one price will be increased. Let k be the valuation of an agent j for good9j. After at most k incrementations of the price of good9j, the goodcan not be in Yj anymorewithout having an emptybundle in Yj as well. In consequence,d wouldbe emptyafter a finite numberof iterations. (b) It is knownthat the sought-after minimalprice vector exists (compare, for example, Gale (Gale 1960) his proof for the existence of integral dual prices in optimal assignmentproblems).Let p* denote this price vector. ui(gi) - ui(gj) > p~, - p~j holds for all j E {gl,..., gj} and all i E N. In other words,there is a specific distancebetweenthe prices for eachpair gi, gj of goods.This distance is limited from aboveby the distance of the corresponding valuations (compareFig. 1). Fromthe fact that the price for goodsrepresenting empty bundles is 0, p~, is boundfrom aboveby ui(gi). Wewill ,~........ --,.,~ Ps U Figure 1: The valuation of agent g for the goods g and h boundsthe difference of the prices of goodg and goodh. Furthermore,the valuation for goodg boundsthe price of g from above. The algorithm modifies non-equilibriumprices to ensure that the necessaryequilibriumconditionis satisfied. nowshowthat pg~<_pg~<_uigi holds for all i E Nprior to each round. (Induction base: Round1) Fromfree disposal follows that ui(x) >_for al l i E N,x E12r. If th e algorithm~ termi nates in step (3), weare done. (Induction step) Assumethat pg~ < p~ <_uigi holds for all i E N before round n. ff the ~gji~thmterminates in (3), we are done. Otherwise, weassumethat i is the agent selected in (4) and j is the index of the goodselected from Y~. Now,pgj will be adjusted as follows: p+ = pg~ + ((u~(g~)- .~;) - (u~(g3- ~,(g~)- ,~(g~ ) + pg,, that is ui(gi) - ui(gj) = pg, - pg+~_ p;, - P*g~.Withthe induction assumptionpg, _< p~, follows p+ _< p~. [] Proof of Theorem15: Assume that (X,p~) is not an equilibrium, ie., there is a bundle x _C ~ and an agent i such that ui(x) - p~(x) ui(Xi) - pe(Xi). It follows from the monotony of the utility functions and the equilibrium property of (Xa, Pm~x) that no bundle that is covered by one of the Xi can violate the equilibrium condition. Furthermore,ff x wouldbe a bundlethat can not be split into elementsof X(ie. bundles of the efficient allocation), monotony and the coherence of p~ wouldrequire that another bundlex~ that can be split and is a minimalcover of x wouldalso violate the condition. Wecan therefore safely assumethat x E 2x. Now, to makethe bundle x inattractive for agent i, the prices of one or more of elements of X that are covered by x could be increased. This would, however,immediatelyviolate one of the equilibriumconditionsthat holdfor the elementsof X (because p~ is based on the maximalprices for the reduced assignmenteconomy,and thus, an increase in a price for one of the Xi’s wouldnecessarily violate one of the conditions ui(Xi) - p~x(Xi) >_ui(Xj) - p~n~x(Xj) Vj E {1 ..... n)). Similarly, loweringprices is not possible without violating the equilibriumassumptionon (X", P~n~x) (namely the efficiency assumption). Proofof Proposition20: (ad 2: Termination)In each iteration, either coherentequilibrium prices are foundor the set of agents is shrunken. The aggregationof the agents to alliances maycontinue un- 36 til only one agent remains in the reduced economy.In this situation, prices that coherentlysupportthe efficient allocation (assumingvalidity of assumption1) exist necessarily is such a price, a consequence of the efficiency of the supported allocation). Terminationfollows. (ad 1) Assumethat the allocation X, used as an input a newiteration of the algorithm,is efficient (this is satisfied for the first iteration). Let y be the bundlethat is selectedin step. Fromthe efficiencyof X followsthat it is an efficient distribution of the Xi-"goods"in y to assign each Xi-good to agent i E I. The valuation for the bundle y, whichwill be determinedfor the aggregatedagents £, is the sumof the valuationof the agents in I, that is, u~, (y) ~iet ui(Xi). Furthermore, Ha, (z) = maxz ~i~N ui(Zi), where Z iterates over the III-ary partitions of z, that is, the valuation correspondsto the best possible use of the "goods"in z by the agents in I prior to the aggregation--therefore, assuming that the allocation that will be determinedwouldviolate the efficiency criteria wouldimmediatelycontradict the assumptionof the efficiency of X. []