From: AAAI Technical Report WS-00-09. Compilation copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. AutonomousRobot that Uses Symbol Recognition and Artificial Attend the AAAIConference Emotion to Francois Michaud, Jonathan Audet, Dominic L~tourneau, Luc Lussier, Catherine Th~berge-Turmel and Serge Caron LABORIUS - Research Laboratory on Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems Departmentof Electrical and ComputerEngineering Universit6 de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Qurbec Canada) J1K 2R1 {michaudf,audj01,1etd01,1usl01,caron} In the followingsections, the paper describes the robotic platform used and its devices, the details of the strategy implemented,the architectural methodologyused, the symbol recognition technique, our concept of artificial emotion and the hnman-robot interface developed. The paper also presents the experimentsdone at the conference, and possible extensions to our design. Abstract This paper describesour approachin designingan autonomousrobot for the AAAI MobileRobotChallenge, makingthe robot attend the NationalConference on AI. Thegoal wasto do a simplified version of the whole task, by integrating methodologies developed in various researchprojects conductedin our laboratory. Original contributionsare the use of a symbolrecognitiontechniqueto makethe robotreadsigns, artificial emotionfor expressingthe state of the robot in the accomplishment of its goals, a touchscreenfor human-robot interaction, anda chargingstation for allowingthe robotto recharge whennecessary.All of these aspects are influencedby the different steps to be followedby the robot attendee to complete the task fromstart-to-end. Introduction LABORIUS is a youngresearch laboratory interested in designing autonomoussystems that can assist humanin real life tasks. Todo so, robots needsomesort of "social intelligence", giving themthe ability to interact with various types of agents (humans,animals, robots and other agents) and deal with the contingenciesof real life settings. Different research projects are underwayto study aspects related to social robotics, like the ability to read symbolsthat derive useful indications about the world, or the use of artificial emotion for monitoring the progression in the accomplishment of the goals and intentions of the robot. For human-robot interaction, we have developed an interface using a touch screen to display the emotionalstate of the robot and to receive instructions from a person. Wealso have developed a chargingstation that allow our robots to recharge themselves autonomously,capability that will be useful in long lasting group experiments in preparation. Integration of these approaches fits very well with the AAAIRobot Challenge, explaining whywe got interested in this event. The strategy imaginedis to use signs to guide the robot, to let the robot movearoundin the crowd, recognize dignitaries, possibly recharging itself whenevernecessary, go to a conference roomand give a short presentation in HTML about the whole experience. Copyright©2000, AmericanAssociationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. 17 Figure 1: Lolitta H, our Pioneer 2 robot that participated in the AAAI’2000Mobile Robot Challenge. The robot is shownnext to the charging station symbol, and is docked for recharge. Robotic Platform and Devices Wehavesix Pioneer 2 robots to our disposal in our lab, three indoor and three outdoor models. Each robot is equipped with 16 sonars, a compass,a gripper, a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera with a frame grabber, a RF Ethernet-modemconnection and a Pentium 233 MHzPC-104 onboard computer. The programmingenvironment is Ayllu (Werger 2000), a developmenttool for multi-agent behavior-based control systems. The robot used for the MobileRobot Challenge is an indoor version, shownin Figure 1. The charging station is shownin Figure 2. The station emits an infrared signal that is detected by a ring of seven and right arrows indicate that the robot must turn in that direction. Anup arrow is for continuing in that direction, while a downarrow indicates that the robot should go the other way. The registration line is identified with the symbol L. The robot must then wait in line and followthe personin front, until it arrives in front of the line. Then,the robot starts to search for the appropriate registration desk, identified with its last nameinitial, H. Once reached, instructions for its presentation (like whereand when)can be entered using the touch screen. During the registration phase, symbolsother than arrows, L or H may be encounteredbut not consideredby the robot. Also, if it takes too long to find the registration desk, the robot asks somebody to guide it to the registration line by following the person, using the samemechanismfor waiting in line. ¯ Taking the elevator. The next step is to take the elevator, with its location identified by the letter E. Noother symbolsare considered useful for this phase. The robot tries to find the elevator by itself, but if it takes too long, the robot also asks somebody to guide it to the elevator by following the person. Oncethe E symbolrecognized, the robot assumesthat the elevator door is on the right. The robot turns and waits in front of the elevator, asking for somebodyto open the doors. Whenthe doors open, the robot enters and goes to the back of the elevator, makes a 180 turn, stops, asks to go to the appropriate floor and to be told whenit is time to leave the elevator. Therobot then leaves by continuously goingin the direction that is free of obstacles. Figure 2: Our charging station. infrared receivers located at the back of the robot, visible in Figure 3. The robot docks into the charging station by backing up so that the charging pins located aboveand below the infrared ring makecontact with the charging station. The charging station is designed to adapt the amountof current generatedto rechargethe batteries as fast as possible. ¯ Sehmooze.If time permits, the robot can schmoozebefore going to the conferenceroom.It does that by tracking important people using badge color, going toward such person and interacting using the touch screen. A snapshot of the person is taken for the HTML report. The image taken is based on the position of the arms and face of the person, derived from skin tone. ¯ Guard. Again, if time permits, the robot can guard an area if somebodymakes such request using the touch screen. The robot only stops and tracks people based on skin color. Snapshots are taken whenappropriate. ¯ Navigate to the conference room. Whenthe robot believes it is time to go to the assigned conferenceroom, it starts to follow directions given by arrow signs and room number. Whenit finds the appropriate room number, it turns in the direction assumedfor the position of the door (left in our implementation),and wait to be told that it its turn to present. Figure 3: Lolitta’s back showingthe infrared ring. The H sign located in front of the robot is another exampleof a symbolrecognizable by the robot. Strategy Implementedfor the Mobile Robot Challenge ¯ Presentation. Whenits turn comes, the robot starts to look for the charging station, because that is whereit is going to makeits presentation. It does so by looking for the charging symbolor by using its infrared ring. If it finds the charging symbol,the robot makesa 180 turn and backs up according to what is perceived by the infrared ring. The robot then takes a snapshot of the audience and generate the HTML report describing what it experienced duringits journey. As indicated in the introduction, our goal was to attempt a simplified version of the wholetask from start-to-end. Here are the phases of the strategy implemented: ¯ Registration. Weassumedthat the robot starts from the front door of the conferencecenter, and signs indicate the direction to take for goingto the registration desk. Left 18 Note that when the robot executes a commandaccording to a symboldetected, it can position itself relative to the symbol based on the position of the PTZcamera and sonar readings. Also, the robot maydecide to find the chargingstation whenappropriate (for instance whenthe amountof energy is getting too low) anytimeduring the phases explained previously. All of the images taken for symbolrecognition are also memorizedin the HTML report along with messages describing the decision steps madeby the robot. EMOTIONS MOTIVES Behavior. I -- -- E’xpioltation -I I !? I Motive. Molivet Aotlvltlon Enet~ Aotjvation ~ / EGOISTICAL l I IMF’LICIT /hd SoftwareArchitecture Our design is based on a hybrid reactive-deliberative architectural methodology (Michaud, Lachiver, & Dinh 2001; Michaud&Vu 1999) that allows to combine various properties associated with intelligent behavior, like reactivity, reasoning and motivation, while still preserving their underlying principles. The architecture is shownin Figure 4 and is built on top of behaviors connecting sensory information to commands.Behaviors are selected dynamically according to influences comingfrom Implicit conditions determined only by sensory inputs, from a hierarchical organization of the goals of the robot (managedby the Egoistical module), and from reasoning done by the Rational module using knowledgeinnate or acquired about the task. Note that information can be exchangedbetween the Rational module and the behaviors. Processes for these three modulesall run independently and in parallel to derive behavior recommendations d/u, i.e., behavior desirability/undesirability. This ensures that emergenceis also preserved for the selection of behaviors. The Behavior Selection modulesimply activates behaviors that are moredesirable than undesirable. Finally, Motives are used to managethe robot’s goals, while Emotions are there to monitor the accomplishmentof the goals of the robot over time. One important source of information for motivesis the observationof the effective use of the behaviors, whichcan serve as an abstraction of the robot’s interactions within the environment.This last influence is related to the link called Behavior.Exploitation. An active behavior mayor maynot be used to control the robot, according to the sensory conditions it monitors and the arbitration mechanism used to coordinate the robot’s behaviors. So, an active behavioris not exploited whenit is not releasing commands that actually control the robot. Figure 5 shows our organization of the behaviors using subsumption (Brooks 1986) arbitration. These fifteen behaviors are activated accordingto the intentions of the robot: Safe-Velocity makes the robot moveforward without colliding with an object; Random-Turnis used for wandering; Follow-Color tracks objects of a specific color, like for schmoozing; Skin-Tracking controls the camera to capture the face and arms of a person; Follow- Wall makesthe robot follow walls, whichis useful to help the robot find the charging station; Sign-Trackingtracks, using a PIDcontroller, a symbolof a specific color (black in our case) surrounded another color (orange), and zooms in to get the maximum resolution for the symbolto identify; Wait-in-Line makes the robot follow the object in front, using its sonars; Direct change the position of the robot according to specific commands generated by the Rational module; Recharge makes 19 RATIONAL I; !I I ;I ~#,d/U’’ 1 oommand et W il’, ooo, il; .... °’ T PT~., ’"v ~=i n n*roQiv*d g"~ ~ [ .,L,o,. I ,I I, hotlvation | Figure 4: Softwarearchitecture used with our robot. the robot dock into the charging station; Avoid makesthe robot moveawayfrom obstacles; Unstall tries to movethe robot awayfrom a position where it has stalled; Free-Turn turns the robot in the direction free of obstacles; Backup makes the robot movebackward; Rest stops the robot; and Control-Displaycontrols the touch screen interface. The behaviors control the velocity and the rotation of the robot, and also the PTZcamera. Note that these behaviors can be purely reactive, can have internal states, can be influenced by emotions or the Rational module, or can provide information to the Rational module. Emotion Rational Rational (oommand) Rational (oolor) Camera .~mo~o,"t Safe.Velo oity Figure 5: Behaviorsused to control the robot. Thegoals of the robot (e.g., goingto the registration desk, schmoozing, recharging, etc.) are managedusing internal activation variables called motives (Michaud&Vu 1999). Workson motivational systems (Maes 1990; Breazeal 1998) have shown that a good balance between planning and reactivity for goal-managementcan be achieved by using internal variables that get activated or inhibited by different factors. So we use a similar approach for motives. Each motiveis associated with a particular goal of the robot. The activation level of motives are used by other modulesof the architecture to affect the overall behavior of the robot. A motive m is characterized by an energy level E and a mapping function Mthat are used to determine its activation level A, according to the formula: Am = M(Em). The energy level and the activation level of a motiverange between 0 and 100%.The energy level can be influenced by various factors: sensory conditions, exploitation of behaviors associated with the motive, activation of other motives, Rational influences, emotions, and time. The energy level is computed by the equation Em=~-’~’=1 wj ¯ fj, where f represents n influencing factors, weightedby w, affecting the motive. For factors that occur for long period of time and that mustnot influence the motivefor the entire period, we use a habituation function (Staddon 1993) to modulate its influence. Mappingfrom E to A can be directly transposed, determined using thresholds or triggered according to the energy level of other motives. For the challenge, the motives used are Energize to decide whenand for howlong rechargingis required, Distress to monitor that the robot is able to movefreely, Schmoozeto interact with people when time permits, Guard, and other motives based on the different plan states in order to evaluate the progression in the accomplishmentof these states. Distress is one motivethat makesefficient use of the observation of behavior exploitation over time. For instance, long exploitation of Avoidis a sign that the robot is having difficulty movingfreely in the environment.For their influences in other modulesof the architecture, motivesare prioritize accordingto Maslow’stheory of needs (Maslow1954): physiological, security, social and accomplishment. For behavior recommendation, the Implicit module continuously recommendsthe activation of Safe-Velocity, Random-Turn,Direct, Avoid, Unstall and Control-Display. This makesthe robot wandersafely around in the environment, allowing to respond to commandsassociated with symbol detected whenever appropriate (according to the plan state) and to interact with the user. The Egoistical module derives recommendations based on Energize for Recharge and Wall-Following, on Distress for Free-Turn, Backupor Rest dependingon the activation level of the motive, and on Schmoozefor Skin-Tracking. Finally, the Rational moduledetermines behavior recommendationsbased on the different phases the robot has to go through for the Challenge, as explained in the strategy. Transition between plan states is derived from symbolsrecognized, situations perceived or inputs from the touch screen. This moduleis also responsible for managingthe response of the robot according to a sign perceived and the acceptable symbolsfor the current plan state. For instance, whenthe robot is search- 2O ing for the registration line and a L symbolis recognized,the Rational moduleevaluates the commandsthe robot have to do to position itself in the line, send these commands to the Direct behavior, and changethe plan state to reflect that the robot is nowwaitingin line to register. Symbol Recognition Social interaction in a heterogeneousgroup of robots and humanscan be done in various ways: gestures, symbols, speech, sounds, touch, etc. Vision is certainly an interesting sense that can be used to communicateand to get useful information about the environmentfor cooperative robotics (Cao, Fukunaga, &Kahng1997). In real life settings, can find all kinds of signs that help us find our way(like roomnumber,exit signs, etc.) or provide useful information about the environment.Withall the research activities involving handwritten or printed symbolrecognition going on for quite sometime now,we thought that it wouldbe interesting to give this newcapability to a mobilerobot. Making a robot recognizeprinted signs is an interesting idea because it can be a methodshared by different types of robots, as long as they have a vision system. The information is also accessible by humans,whichis not possible whenelectronic media are used for deriving information from the environment. Our symbolrecognition technique is done in four steps: 1) imagesegmentationusing colors, 2) robot positioning, features extraction of color segmentsand 4) symbolidentification using artificial neural networks. Imagesegmentation is achieved using 32 colors and commodityhardware (Bruce, Balch, & Veloso 2000). Each recognizable symbol is assumedto be containedin one segment,i.e., all pixels of the same color representing the symbolmust be connected (i.e., by 8 neighbors) together to avoid recombination of boundaryboxes. The robot positioning phase consists of stopping the robot and positioning the PTZcamerato get the image with maximum resolution for the symbol perceived (detected by locating black on orange regions, as indicated in the previous section). Figure 6 is an exampleof an actual image ready to be used by the robot for the identification phase. Part of the 320 x 240 image delimitated by the orange region is scaled downto a 13 × 9 image. Symbolidentification can then proceed, using three standard backpropagation neural networks. To design these neural networks, using Avoid, Sign-Trackingand Safe-Velocity behaviors, the robot gathered around45 images(30 used for the training set and 15 used for the testing set) for each of the 25 symbols that can be recognized by our robot. This ensured that the imagesreflected correctly the different conditions in which the robot wouldperceive the symbols. The networks differ by their numberof hidden units (5, 6 and 7 respectively). A majority vote (2 out of 3) determines that the symbol correctly recognizedor not. Wedid not do extensive tests to justify this design choice yet, but it showedmorerobustness than using only one neural network. the emotionscan be used in different contexts (i.e., goals) according to the motives activated and their priority. This explains also whymotives are also used to represent the different plan states for accomplishingthe Challenge. In our design, emotions can be used to change someof the parametersof behaviors, changingthe waythe robot response to stimulus. They can also change the goals pursued by the robot. This is related to research conductedby Oatley and Johnson-Laird(Oatley &Johnson-Laird1987), indicating that emotionsprovide a biological solution to certain problemsof transition betweenplans in systems with multiple goals and in unpredictable environments,by maintaining these transitions and by communicatingthem to ourselves and to others. Our modelis a two-dimensionbipolar model, with four emotions: Joy/Sadness and Anger/Fear. Joy and Anger are positive emotions, while Sadness and Fear and negative emotions. Figure 6: Snapshot of the image used to detect the symbol 3. Artificial Emotion The concept of artificial emotion is increasingly used in designing autonomous robotic agents, mostly by making robots respond emotionally to situations experienced in the world or to interactions with humans (Vel~quez 1998; Breazeal 1998). However,they can also play an important role in solving what are called universal problemsof adaptation (Plutchik 1980): hierarchy, territoriality, identity and temporality. For the Challenge, the artificial emotions required are related to temporality, i.e., they allowto take into considerationthe limited duration of an individual’s life. Artificial emotioncan help a robot manageits ownlimitations in interacting with the world, interact socially with others and establish a shared meaningfor interpersonal communication (Michaudet al. 2000). It is towardthis goal that our research is conducted. As shownin Figure 4, the emotionalcapability is incorporated into the control architecture like a global background state, allowingemotionsto influence and to be influenced by all of the architecture’s modules.However,our goal is to derive an emotionalmodelthat is generic and not specifically configured for a particular task. Wewouldlike the mechanisms that derive emotional states to be the same whatever the goals pursued by the robot. For instance, we wouldnot like to makea direct connection with an emotionlike pain and the event of havingthe robot collide with an obstacle, if in somecases makingcontact with an object is desired. This could be done using a cognitive approach (Strongman1987) to emotion,to specify explicitly what influences can be considered in specific conditions. For our research and trying to complementother research works on artificial emotion, we are interested in finding a modelthat allow emotions to be influencedby all possible situations, and not specifically to particular states and conditions. To do so, the energy level of motives is used as an abstraction of the progression toward the accomplishmentof the goal associated with activated motives. Monitoring the energy level of motives makethe approach generic, since 21 ¯ Joy. Monitora decrease in the energy level, indicating the accomplishmentof the goal associated with the motive. For instance, whenthe robot is recharging, the energy level of Energizedecreases and generates an increase of this emotion. ¯ Sadness. Monitoran increase in the energy level, indicating difficult progress in the accomplishmentof the goal associated with the motive. A high level of this emotion maysuggest to the robot that it is unable to accomplish its goal, and it should try to get somehelp or to do something else. This can be done by deactivating the motivein question. For instance, whenthe robot is looking for the registration line and that no symbolsare seen, eventually this emotionmakesthe robot prompta person for helping it find the registration line. ¯ AngerMonitoroscillations in the energy level, indicating difficult progress in the accomplishmentof the goal associated with the motive. This emotionis used to change the waybehaviors like Backupand Safe- Velocity reacts by modifying their velocity commands. ¯ Fear Monitor constant energy level, indicating no progress in the accomplishmentof the goal associated with the motive. This emotionis used to also decrease the speed generated by Safe-Velocity to increase the chance of picking up an infrared reading whenthe robot passes in front of the chargingstation. The influences from the analysis of the motive’s energy level are also based on the amountof energy level and the priority of the motives. Note that we are not excluding the possibility of having direct influences on emotions, instead of only relying on analysis of energy level of motives. However, we wanted to study how such generic mechanismcan benefit the robot in makingself-assessmentof its situation in the environmentand of the accomplishmentof its goals. The Challenge provided a goodsetup for doing that, even though not all emotionsplayed a critical part for accomplishingthe task. Their role will be moreimportantin long lasting experiments involving group of robots and validation of concepts related to social robotics (Dantenhalm1999), experiments under preparation for the Fall 2000. Human-Robot Interaction To interact with people, we installed a touch screen monitor on top of the robot, as shownin Figure 1. The touch screen monitor is used for two purposes: generate simple facial expressions to monitor the emotional states of the robot, and interact with people using menuscreens. Figure 8: First menudisplayed after touching the screen. Figure 7: Face use to express the emotional state of the robot. The face is represented in Figure 7. To generate facial expressions, inspired by (Scheeff et al. 2000), we used the followingsettings: the orientation and the size of the mouth are determined by Joy~Sadness, while Fear~Angerare used for the eyebrows.The color of the face is determinedbased on a comparisonbetween the amplitude of Joy~Sadnesswith Anger~Fear:if both groups have the samebig amplitude, the resulting color is black; if Anger~Fearis predominant,the face is read; if Joy~Sadnessprevails, the face is green. We also associated the position and the size of the eyes with the position of the PTZcamera. For interaction using menus, the Control-Display behavior is programmed so that touching the screen whenthe face is displayed makesthe robot stop. Figure 8 showsthe options then made available: to makethe robot guard or do a specific rotation, or to go to the maincontrol panel. The main control panel is shownin Figure 9. It allows us to deliberately changethe state of the robot, facilitating debugging of the different parts of our strategy. Figure 10 illustrates the type of display generated by the robot to receive specific input from people, accordingto the plan state. Groupof sub-menuscan be associated with a particular plan state, like generating the sequence of messagesfor receiving the instructions for the presentation at the registration desk. Finally, Figure 11 showsthe display generated when the robot wants to interact with people. The robot maycontinue to movewhendisplaying this messageuntil somebody touches the screen. 22 Results As indicated in the introduction, our approachfor the Challenge results from the integration of research projects going on in our laboratory. Projects on symbol recognition and artificial emotionsstarted seven monthsbefore the AAAI’2000Mobile Robotic event, while the Human-Robot Interface project started three monthsbefore the event. Preliminarydesign of the decision processes required in the different modulesof the software architecture was completed by the end of May,leaving two months for the implementation and testing. The hardest part revealed to be the adjustmentsof the influence factors of the motives, whichrequired a lot of fine tuning. Eventhoughit wasa difficult task, it was obviously not an impossible one. Necessarily, like manyother teams, we were still making adjustments to our code at the conference. But we got all of the different phases of the strategy workingcorrectly. We madeseveral successful tests in the exhibition hall, in a constrained area and with constant illumination condition. We also ran two completetrials in the convention center, with peopleand in the actual setting for the registration, the elevator and the conference rooms. Here are someobservations madefrom these two trials: The robot was able to identify symbolscorrectly in real life settings. Identification performanceis around 83 % (i.e., 17 %of the images used for symbolidentification were identified as unrecognizable), with no symbolincorrectly identified. Remember that the symbolsused for the challenge are the arrow signs, the charging symbol, the letters L, H and E, and the numbers1, 2 and 3. The most difficult part was to adjust color segmentationfor the orange and the black for different illumination conditions in the convention center: someareas were illuminated by the sun, while others (like the entrance of the elevator) were very dark. Even though the superposition of two color regions for the localization of a symbolgave more robustnessto the approach,it wasstill difficult to find the Figure 9: Maincontrol panel for changing the state of the robot. Figure 10: Messagedisplayed whenthe robot arrives at the registration desk. appropriate color segmentation that workedin so diverse illumination conditions. So in somecases like for the elevator, we slightly changethe vertical angle of the symbol to get moreillumination. ¯ The robot was able to take the elevator correctly, following the guidelines described in the strategy. Thephysical limitations of the robot wouldnot allowed itself to take the elevator autonomously.So we were satisfied that our strategy for entering and for leaving the elevator revealed to be adequate. ¯ With the limited amountof knowledgeexploited by the robot about its environment,it took a relatively long time to makethe robot go through the phases of the Challenge from start-to-end, compareto a humanfor instance. It all dependedon the amountof symbols encountered to go to a particular place and on interactions with people. For instance, it took 8 minutes for the robot to go from the entrance of the conventioncenter to the registration desk. Note that we helped the robot going toward symbols when it was going in a direction with no indications. Also, it took 5 minutes to take the elevator, considering that the robot followed somebodyto guide it toward the E symbol for the elevator. Considerations of the time required by the robot for going throughthe different phases of the Challenge have a direct impact on the energy level of the robot. Our two trials lasted around one hour and a half each, and considering that we did somecolor adjustments before the trials, it wasinevitable that the robot neededto recharge along the way. Our charging station revealed to be greatly valuablein that regard, as for the ability of the robot to autonomouslydecide whenit neededto recharge. Even during fine tuning of our approach the robot surprised us by suddenly starting to back up when we expected it to read a symbol, to then understand that the robot sensed the charging station at its back and needed to recharge. ¯ Our approach to position the camerato get an image of the face and upper body of a person during schmoozing needs to be improved, since it confused arms with legs. The Skin-Traclang behavior was rapidly implementedat the conference, and the first and only test was done the sameday, during the secondtrial in the conventioncenter. 23 Overall, we are satisfied by the robot performance since it corresponds to what was specified in our design. The actual HTMLreport of the second trial in the convention center is available on the web (URL: Conclusion In participating to the AAAI’2000 MobileRobot Challenge, our goal was to design an autonomousrobot capable of going througha simplified version of the entire task fromstartto-end. Webelieve we were able to reach this goal by having the robot interpret printed symbolsto get useful information from the environment,interact with people using visual cues (like badge color and skin tone) and using a touch screen with menusand facial expressions to indicate the emotional state of the robot, memorizeinformation along the way in a HTML report, and recharge itself when necessary. We foundthat the integration of all of these capabilities gives a real sense that the robot is autonomousin its decision making for accomplishingthe Challenge, running for hours and even helping us for debuggingit by using the mainconsole panel and the HTML report. In fact, integration of different mechanisms required for intelligent decision makingis fundamentalto the design of autonomoussystems that have to work in real life settings. The architectural methodologyfollowed in our design contributed greatly in that regard, makingit possible to combine behavior-basedconcepts with planning capabilities, motivation and emotion. Obviouslyour approach is not sufficient for accomplishingefficiently the entire task, but we have References Breazeal, C. 1998. Infant-like social interactions between a robot and a humancaretaker. Adaptive Behavior, special issue on Simulation Modelsof Social Agents. Brooks, R. A. 1986. A robust layered control system for a mobile robot. 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A computational framework for emotion-based control. In Proc. Work. Grounding Emotions in Adaptive Systems, Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Werger, B.B. 2000. Ayllu: Distributed port-arbitrated behavior-basedcontrol. In Proc. 5th Int. Symp.Distributed AutonomousRobotic Systems. Figure 11: Messagedisplayed when the robot wants to interact with people. demonstratedthat the RobotChallenge is a task that can be addressed as a whole. For us, with the time available and our ongoingresearch projects, it provided a nice setup for demonstrating and integrating newcapabilities for designing autonomousmobile robots working in the real world. In addition, the architecture will facilitate the addition of useful mechanismsto improve the decision process of the robot. Othercapabilities like the use of a speech interface, a planner, a mapand a representation of the environment that wouldallow to avoid exploring the same area repetitively could be useful. Thesecapabilities are mostly based on the use of knowledgeabout the environment and would be implementedin the Rational moduleof the architecture. The current implementationis surely a nice starting point for such projects, and the actual capabilities can makeinteresting additions to these newones. For instance, coupling the cues derived from symbols detected in the environment with a mapwouldsurely improvethe robot’s localization capabilities. Whileit maybe anticipated that a robot like our Pioneer 2 will always have inherent limitations that makes it less efficient than humansin a task such as the Challenge, the idea is to make an autonomousrobot do as muchas it can with its capabilities. Suchintegration will certainly be a step toward someform of intelligent decision makingrequired for robots operatingin real life settings. Acknowledgments Research conducted by LABORIUS is supported financially by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide h la Recherche (FCAR)of Qu6bec. Wealso want to thank AAAIfor traveling support to the conference, and Activmedia and the SwartmoreCollege team for lending us sometools during the conference. 24