RKKY interaction in single-walled nanotubes Vijay B. Shenoy* Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India and Centre for Condensed Matter Theory, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India The Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida interaction between magnetic impurities in single-walled nanotubes is studied in the framework of a free electron model. It is found that the interaction decays inversely as axial separation between the impurities as in the case of a purely one-dimensional system. The key feature found is that the inverse-distance interaction is modulated by a nonperiodic function that depends on the size 共radius兲 of the tube. Implications for magnetically doped nanotubes are discussed. I. INTRODUCTION Carbon nanotubes 共CNTs兲, ever since their discovery by Ijima,1 have held the interest of scientists and technologists due to their amazing and unconventional properties. The exotic physical properties of CNTs include an elastic modulus exceeding that of steel by an order of magnitude, and electronic properties such as ballistic conduction brought about by a quasi one-dimensional geometry.2 CNTs can be single-walled or multi-walled.2 The structure of CNTs can be visualized as “roll up” of graphene sheets. This model not only explains the physical structure of CNTs but also provides for an understanding of the electronic structure. The nanotube is described by a chiral vector C = na1 + ma2 whose magnitude is proportional to the tube diameter 共a1 , a2 are the basis vectors of the graphene sheet2兲. The tube is metallic if 共n − m兲 / 3 is an integer.2–5 These predictions have been verified experimentally, for example, by tunneling spectroscopy 共see the review by Odom et al.6 and references therein兲. Transport experiments on CNTs have resulted in a variety of observations. Metallic single-walled tubes 共in the form of single tubes or ropes兲 are known to exhibit ballistic conduction,7 Coulomb blockade,8 Luttinger liquid behavior,9 etc., under different conditions. Semiconducting nanotubes exhibit high carrier mobilities.10 The ability to make both metallic and semiconducting nanotubes with the same technology, along with their attractive electronic properties, have provided on impetus to the emerging area of nanotube electronics.11 The physics of magnetic impurities in a carbon nanotube was investigated experimentally by Odom et al.12 The presence of magnetic Co clusters on the nanotube produced a Kondo type resonance. These experiments have motivated several theoretical investigations of a single magnetic impurity in CNTs.13,14 In this context, an interesting question arises regarding the interaction of two spatially separated magnetic impurities in a metallic CNT, mediated by the conduction electrons. Understanding the physics of the magnetic interaction between impurities in a metallic CNT might provide clues to making magnetic carbon nanotubes which could find an application in spintronic devices. Further, it is of interest to study the dependence of the Ruderman-Kittel- Kasuya-Yoshida 共RKKY兲 interaction on the tube radius. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to address the question of the interaction between magnetic impurities in nanotubes. The interaction between magnetic impurities, called the RKKY interaction, in solids is a well researched topic. It was first studied in the context of the exchange interaction between nuclear magnetic moments by Ruderman and Kittel15 followed by Kasuya16 and Yoshida17 in the context of the exchange interaction between magnetic impurities in solids. An insightful review by Van Vleck18 clarified many subtle issues relating to the RKKY interaction in three dimensions. The summary article by Kittel19 is especially useful in the present context since it discusses the RKKY interaction in different dimensions. This review19 contained an error 共corrected in a very brief erratum兲 for the one-dimensional case and was later clarified by Yafet.20 All these calculations are based on the free electron model, and the main result is that at large separation r between the impurities the interaction behaves as T共2k f r兲 / rd in d dimensions where k f is the magnitude of the Fermi wave vector. The periodic function T共·兲 is cos共·兲 in d = 1,3 and sin共·兲 in d = 2. This work derives the RKKY interaction in nanotubes, especially the asymptotic behavior at large separation between the impurities. To this end, the electronic states in the nanotube are modeled using free electron theory since the long range behavior is unaffected by the details of the true band structure in metallic tubes. The paper is organized as follows. The next section 共Sec. II兲 contains the band structure of the free electron nanotube, and the calculation of the RKKY interaction in nanotubes. Results are presented in Sec. III; this section also contains the asymptotic result for the interaction at large separation. The paper is concluded with a discussion in Sec. IV. Details of calculations, not important to follow the main text, are relegated to the Appendix. II. CALCULATION OF RKKY INTERACTION IN NANOTUBES This section has two parts. The first part 共Sec. II A兲 contains a discussion of the band structure of the free electron nanotube and is followed in the second 共Sec. II B兲 by the calculation of the RKKY interaction. A. Free electron nanotube: Electronic structure The single-walled nanotube considered here is of radius R and axial periodicity L. Points on the tube are denoted by 共X , 兲, where X is the axial coordinate and is the angle along the circumference of the tube. The single particle energy eigenstates are described by two quantum numbers K and n which represent the axial momentum 共along the X direction兲 and the rotational angular momentum. In terms of dimensionless variables x = X / R , k = RK, the energy eigenvalues and eigenstates are EK,n = Eo⑀k,n = q2 共k2 + n2兲, 2meR2 共1兲 共me is the electron mass, Eo = q2 / 2meR2兲 and k,n共x, 兲 = 1 冑2L ei共kx+n兲 , 共2兲 where k = 2lR / L, and l and n are integers. The dimensionless density of states g共⑀兲 is given by g共⑀兲 = 冉 冊兺 1 L 2 R ⬁ n=−⬁ ⌰共⑀ − n2兲 冑⑀ − n2 , FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Dimensionless Fermi energy ⑀ f as a function of the size parameter . The inset shows schematically the Fermi wave vectors in different bands 共k f2 , −k f2 not shown兲. Angular momentum quantum numbers 共n兲 of different bands are as indicated in the inset. HB = − gBs · B, 共3兲 where ⌰共兲 = 1 , ∀ ⬎ 0 , = 0 , ∀ 艋 0. For a density ⌺ 共the number per unit area of the tube surface兲 of electrons, the dimensionless Fermi energy ⑀ f 共chemical potential at zero temperature兲 is given by the solution of the equation where B is the magnetic field, s is the electron spin operator and other symbols have usual meanings.21 The magnetic field may be inhomogeneous; in particular, for the calculation of the spin susceptibility, the magnetic field 共only nonvanishing z component is considered兲 is taken to have the form ⬁ 1 ⌰共⑀ f − n2兲冑⑀ f − n2 = 2, n=−⬁ 兺 = R2⌺. k fn = 冑⑀ f − n2, n = − N f ,…,N f , 1 Bz共x, 兲 = 共Bq,me−i共qx+m兲 + B−q,−mei共qx+m兲兲. 2 共4兲 Clearly, the physics of the free electron nanotube is governed by a single dimensionless number which is a product of the square of the nanotube radius R and the electron density ⌺. Since ⌺ is usually fixed in nanotubes, is taken here to depend on the radius and is called the size parameter. Figure 1 shows the dependence of the Fermi energy ⑀ f on the size parameter . The kinks in the curve occur at those values of the size parameter at which new angular momentum bands become occupied. Associated with each occupied band, there is a Fermi wavevector given by 共5兲 and is shown schematically in the inset of Fig. 1. The highest occupied angular momentum band is denoted by N f . For a given , the Fermi energy ⑀ f , the highest occupied angular momentum band N f , and the Fermi wave vectors k fn describe the electronic structure of the free electron nanotube. B. The RKKY interaction The RKKY interaction is obtained in two steps.21 First, the spin susceptibility of the nanotube free electron gas is determined using perturbation theory. The spin susceptibility is then used to determine the RKKY interaction. To determine the spin susceptibility, the perturbing Hamiltonian is taken as 共6兲 共7兲 The spin susceptibility due to the magnetic field 共7兲 is calculated to be s共q,m兲 N = f gB 82E0 n=−N f 兺 N 冕 冉 k fn dk −k fn 冉冏 1 1 + ⑀k−q,n−m − ⑀k,n ⑀k+q,n+m − ⑀k,n f 1 共q + k fn兲2 + 共n − m兲2 − ⑀ f gB = ln 2 8 E0 n=−N f 2q 共q − k fn兲2 + 共n − m兲2 − ⑀ f + ln 冏 兺 共q + k fn兲2 + 共n + m兲2 − ⑀ f 共q − k fn兲2 + 共n + m兲2 − ⑀ f 冏冊 冏 , 冊 共8兲 such that the spin density is s共x , 兲 = s共q , m兲Bz共x , 兲 for the magnetic field in 共7兲. The susceptibility pertaining to the RKKY interaction is obtained when the magnetic field is set to a delta function, i.e., Bz共x , 兲 = B0␦共x兲␦共兲. In this scenario, the spin density is s共x , 兲 = s共x , 兲B0. The susceptibility s共x , 兲 is related to s共q , m兲 via ⬁ s共x, 兲 = 1 共2兲2 m=−⬁ 兺 冕 ⬁ dq ei共qx+m兲s共q,m兲. 共9兲 −⬁ The interaction of magnetic impurities with the conduction electrons is given by the s-d type Hamiltonian22 as strong oscillations 共positive sign implies anti-ferromagnetic coupling and negative, ferromagnetic兲. Second, the absolute value of the interaction falls with increasing x. Third, there is strong angular dependence even at large distances; J共x , 兲 is a strong function of . Finally, with increasing 共or increasing R兲, the short range behavior is expected to be like that of a two-dimensional system. This is indeed seen in the case of = 5 共Fig. 2兲 for x near 1 and near 0. The interesting question at this juncture is the behavior of J共x , 兲 for large separation, x → ⬁. It is evident from 共14兲 that the asymptotic behavior is determined by that of the functions Hm共x兲. For all m ⬎ M, 共A12兲 and 共A11兲 show that Hm共x兲 go to zero exponentially as x → ⬁. M is calculated to be N f + 冑⑀ f . With this observation and other results of the Appendix, the asymptotic behavior of J共x , 兲 is found to be Ja共x, 兲 = T共x, 兲 . x 共15兲 T共x , 兲 is given by FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 The dimensionless RKKY interaction J共x , 兲 for two different values of . All lengths are normalized by the radius R; x = X / R is the dimensionless axial coordinate. Hsd = − J 冕 dx ds共x, 兲 · S共x, 兲, 共10兲 where s共x , 兲 is the spin field and S共x , 兲 is the impurity spin field given by S共x, 兲 = 兺p Sp␦共x − xp兲␦共 − p兲; 共11兲 共x p , p兲 are the coordinates of the pth impurity, and S p is its spin operator. J is the magnetic coupling between the electron spin and the impurity spin. The second order perturbation theory of 共10兲 gives the RKKY Hamiltonian for the impurity spins, HRK KY = j共x p − xr, p − r兲S p · Sr . 兺 p,r 共12兲 The RKKY interaction j共x , 兲 is related to the spin susceptibility 共9兲 via j共x, 兲 = J2 s J2 共x, 兲 = J共x, 兲. gB 324E0 共13兲 The final result for the dimensionless RKKY interaction obtained using 共9兲 is ⬁ J共x, 兲 = H0共x兲 + 2 兺 cos共m兲Hm共x兲, 共14兲 m=1 where H0共x兲 and Hm共x兲 are functions defined in 共A12兲 共the Appendix兲. III. RESULTS Figure 2 shows contour plots of J共x , 兲 on the surface of the nanotube. Several points are noted. First, J共x , 兲 shows M N f cos共k fnx兲 1 T共x, 兲 = + cos共m兲 k fn 2 n=−N f m=1 兺 ⫻ 冉 兺 cos„共k fn − 冑兩␣+兩兲x… k fn − 冑兩␣+兩 Nf + 兺 ⌰共− ␣−兲 n=−N f + 冉 Nf ⌰共− ␣+兲 n=−N f cos„共k fn + 冑兩␣+兩兲x… k fn + 冑兩␣+兩 冊 cos„共k fn − 冑兩␣−兩兲x… cos„共k fn + 冑兩␣−兩兲x… k fn + 冑兩␣−兩 + 冋兺 k fn − 冑兩␣−兩 冊册 , 共16兲 with ␣± = 共n ± m兲2 − ⑀ f . It is noted that T共x , 兲 is completely determined by the specification of which fixes ⑀ f etc. Further, for a given , T共x , 兲 is not a periodic function of x since, in general, k fn and k fn − 冑兩␣±兩 are not multiples of a single wave vector k0. 共This is also true of k fns for different values of n.兲 Thus, relation 共15兲 shows that the RKKY interaction has an asymptotic nature similar to the 1D case with the crucial difference that the oscillating modulation function is not periodic and is determined by the size of the nanotube 共via the parameter 兲. A comparison of 共14兲 and 共15兲 is shown in Fig. 3 for = 1.0. Relations 共14兲–共16兲 are readily interpreted in terms of particle-hole excitations. The first term in 共14兲 and 共16兲 are terms whose contributions arise from particle-hole excitations that occur in the same angular momentum band, i.e., the intraband particle-hole excitations. The second term in 共14兲 and 共16兲 are contributions that arise from interband particle-hole excitations, and as is evident from 共14兲, contributions to this arise from all possible angular momentum bands. The nonperiodicity of T共x , 兲 may now be readily understood. As noted before, the Fermi wavevectors of the occupied bands k fn are not simple multiples of a common wavevector k0. Thus, the intraband contribution to the interaction by itself leads to an asymptotic nonperiodic modulating function. The interband contribution further accentuates the nonperiodic behavior for the same reason k fn and k fn FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 A comparison of J共x , 0兲 and Ja共x , 0兲 for = 1.0. − 冑兩␣±兩 are not multiples of a common k0兲. It is also noted that the angular dependence of the interaction arises solely from the interband particle-hole excitations; this is another feature of the nanotube that is absent in the simple 1D case. IV. DISCUSSION The main result of the present calculation is that the asymptotic behavior of the RKKY interaction in nanotubes scales as T共x , 兲 / x. All size effects 共effects of radius R兲 are absorbed in the function T共x , 兲. This is not altogether unexpected due to the quasi-one-dimensional nature of nanotubes. However, the new feature is that T共x , 兲 is not a periodic function of x for a given . The present calculation assumes that the magnetic impurities bind to the wall of the nanotube 关as is evident from 共11兲兴. However, the results can be easily generalized to other configurations. For example, if the impurities are located along the axis of the tube, the RKKY interaction is given by just the first term of 共14兲; the asymptotic behavior is given by T共x兲 / x where T共x兲 is the 共in general兲 nonperiodic function obtained from the first term of 共16兲. Clearly, T共x兲 is periodic only if N f = 0, i.e., only when the lowest angular momentum band is occupied; in the general case, T共x兲 is nonperiodic. This may be contrasted with the purely one-dimensional result.20 These results may have interesting implications for a long nanotube doped randomly with magnetic impurities. Since the function T共x , 兲 is nonperiodic, it is possible that the effective coupling of a given impurity with all the other impurities effectively cancels. Thus, it is possible each magnetic impurity will behave independently of others, suggesting that a magnetically doped nanotube will not show strong magnetoresistance effects. At larger concentrations, the nonperiodic nature of T共x , 兲 is likely to leave the magnetic impurities in a glassy state when the couplings do not cancel, suggesting that magnetically doped nanotubes could be interesting systems to study quasi-one-dimensional spin glasses. The present work is based on a simple free electron picture which predicts the asymptotic behavior at large distances, and in particular obtains analytical results for the RKKY interaction as a function of the tube radius. These results are not specific to carbon nanotubes, but applicable to any metallic single-walled tubes. In the specific case of CNT, as noted in the Introduction, the electronic structure is strongly influenced by the chirality of the tube, and not determined solely by the radius. Further detailed work is necessary to uncover the influence of chirality, and associated electronic band structure on the nature of the interaction and this issue will be addressed in a subsequent publication. While these factors will determine the short range behavior and the approach to the asymptotic limit, it is clear that such a detailed calculation will give long distance asymptotic relations similar to those derived here. Another promising line of investigation would be to probe the effect of electron interactions and associated correlation physics 共Luttinger liquid behavior兲 on the RKKY interaction. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Support for this work by the Indian National Science Academy under the Young Scientist Program is gratefully acknowledged. The author is grateful to Professor H. R. Krishnamurthy for illuminating discussions. Thanks are also due to T. Gupta, B. Mukherjee, S. Pathak, S. Saha, P. Sanyal, and S. Sengupta for suggestions. APPENDIX: MATHEMATICAL DETAILS 1. Functions S„a , x… and R„k , b , x… In this section, two functions S and R, necessary for the calculation of the RKKY interaction, are defined: S共a,x兲 = 2 sgn共a兲 冉 冊 − Si共兩a兩x兲 , 2 共A1兲 where sgn共a兲 is the sign of a and zero if a = 0: R共k,b,x兲 = − 4 冕 b d 0 k cos共kx兲 + sin共kx兲 −x e k2 + 2 共k,b 艌 0兲. 共A2兲 For x → ⬁ , S and R have asymptotic formulas 关up to O共1 / x2兲兴 冉 冉 Sa共a,x兲 = 2 sgn共a兲 Ra共k,b,x兲 = − 4 冊 cos共兩a兩x兲 sin共兩a兩x兲 + , 兩a兩x a 2x 2 冊 cos共kx兲 sin共kx兲 + 2 2 . kx kx 共A3兲 共A4兲 2. The function G„k , ␣ , x… The determination of s共x , 兲 from s共q , m兲 in 共9兲 requires integrals of the form G共k, ␣,x兲 = 冕 ⬁ −⬁ dq 冏 冏 共q + k兲2 + ␣ eiqx ln , q 共q + k兲2 + ␣ 共A5兲 with k , x ⬎ 0 , ␣ any real number. This integral is evaluated separately for the two cases, ␣ 艋 0 and ␣ ⬎ 0. branch cut of ln共q − k + i冑␣兲 can be chosen such that the contour C does not cross it. From the relation 共A8兲, it follows that 共P denotes principal value兲 冕 k I共k, ␣,x兲 = − 2i P dq −⬁ + 3i兲 + 2 冕 ⬁ eiqx eiqx − i P dq + i共ln兩k2 + ␣2兩 q q −⬁ 冕 冑␣ d 0 FIG. 4. Contour used in the evaluation of the integral 共A7兲. a. ␣ Ï 0 For this case, G共k , ␣ , x兲 can be recast as 冕 冕 冏 冏 q + 共k − 冑− ␣兲 e ln dq G共k, ␣,x兲 = q q − 共k − 冑− ␣兲 −⬁ ⬁ q + 共k + 冑− ␣兲 eiqx ln + dq q q − 共k + 冑− ␣兲 −⬁ + S共k + 冑− ␣,x兲. ⬁ iqx 冏 where the first two terms are contributions from A ,C, and G 共Fig. 4兲, the third term is from B, and the last from D and F. Contributions from E and H vanish. Form a similar expression for I共−k , ␣ , x兲 关the same as I共k , ␣ , x兲 with k set to −k, except the third term has i instead of 3i兴, it follows that 冏 = S共k − 冑− ␣,x兲 共A6兲 c. Asymptotic formulas Relations 共A6兲 and 共A10兲 complete the evaluation of the function G. It is also useful to record the asymptotic behavior of the G function as x → ⬁. These can be easily inferred from the relations 共A3兲 and 共A4兲. 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This relation follows from the fact that for the branch cut for ln共q − k − i冑␣兲 is chosen as shown in Fig. 4, the integrand is analytic in the upper half plane avoiding the cut. The 冦 2 where only terms of O共1 / x兲 are retained. When ␣ ⬎ 0 , G共k , ␣ , x兲 → 0 exponentially as x → ⬁. can be evaluated by noting that 1 S. 共A10兲 where S and R are functions defined in 共A1兲 and 共A2兲. b. ␣ ⬎ 0 冕 共A9兲 G共k, ␣,x兲 = 2S共k,x兲 + R共k, 冑␣,x兲, Yafet20 has evaluated an integral of the type above; the result in the present case is expressed in terms of the S function defined in 共A1兲. I共k, ␣,x兲 = ei共k+i兲x , k + i + G„k fn,共n + m兲2 − ⑀ f ,x兲…, 共A12兲 where the function G is defined in 共A6兲 and 共A10兲. Asymptotic formulas for Hm can be obtained from 共A11兲. It is noted that when m ⬎ N f + 冑⑀ f , Hm共x兲 tends to zero exponentially as x → ⬁ as is inferred from 共A11兲. 68, 631 共1992兲. Hamada, S. I. Sawada, and A. Oshiyama, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1579 共1992兲. 6 T. W. Odom, J.-L. Huang, and C. M. Lieber, J. 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