Deal with It…Address the Stress!



Deal with It…Address the Stress!

Mann (2011)

Stress Awareness:

 Name your feelings

 Name your stressors

 Use a Stress Test Form

 Identify your negative self-talk or negative thinking

Stress Reduction and Stress Management Strategies:

 Take two or three deep Calming Breaths (Deep, Slow Breathing)

 Try a visual imagery relaxation strategy (‘Calm Place’; ‘Visualize a Successful Outcome’; ‘Cas off the Chains’)

 Take a brief exercise or movement break (safe, but physical)

 Draw a ZenTangle (see

 Use positive self-talk or positive thinking

 Look at your positive thinking journal

Look at the Positive Thoughts Wall (area)

Read something positive, inspirational, or funny

 Call your ‘Positive Thinking Partner’

 Write about your stress and feelings

 Draw about your stress and feelings

 Talk about your stress and feelings to a trusted person (friend, teacher, counselor, parent)

 Resolve or deal with the person you are frustrated with, angry with, or concerned about

 Make a plan:

 Take care of unfinished business (make a plan to handle the issue that is on your mind)

 Set an achievable goal and make a step by step plan to achieve it

 Make an organizational plan to get caught up on your work
