Dynamics of Factor Productivity Dispersions∗ Christian Bayer† , Ariel M. Mecikovsky‡, Matthias Meier‡ This version: February 16, 2013 Abstract This paper documents a new set of stylized facts on the joint distribution of labor and capital productivity in the cross section of firms differentiating between low and high frequencies. We exploit panel data from Germany, Chile, Colombia and Indonesia and show that the basic patterns are similar across the economies. First, we show that across factors there are significant correlation patterns that differ between low and high frequency. At high frequency, differences between a firm’s and the average productivity are positively correlated across factors, while they are negatively correlated across factors at low-frequency. Second, we show that the bulk of the cross-sectional dispersion in factor productivities of firms is due to longlasting differences even after controlling for industry. We then develop a simple model of technology choice and show that the model is capable to replicate the basic patterns. Moreover, we show that such model economies that grow faster, i.e. developing economies, will endogenously exhibit larger dispersions in factor productivities. Finally, we discuss the welfare implications of our model. Keywords: Productivity Dispersions, Technology Choice, Heterogeneous Firms. JEL Classification Numbers: . ∗ The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FTP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant agreement no. 282740. We would like to thank the Deutsche Bundesbank, Instituto Nacional de Estadsticas de Chile, Badan Pusat Statistik and Devesh Raval, for providing us access to the firm level data from Germany, Chile, Indonesia and Colombia respectively. † Department of Economics, Universität Bonn. Address: Adenauerallee 24-42, 53113 Bonn, Germany. email: christian.bayer@uni-bonn.de. ‡ Bonn Graduate School of Economics, Department of Economics, Universität Bonn. Address: Adenauerallee 24-42, 53113 Bonn, Germany. 1 Introduction In a frictionless economy with perfect competition marginal factor productivities should be equal across firms as factors move to those firms where they are most productive. However, empirical results show that there are large difference in factor productivities even within the same sector such that factors are not allocated optimally.1 This holds true for both capital and labor. A fast growing literature has been studying this phenomenon and its aggregate implications since the seminal papers by Foster et al. (2001) and Hsieh and Klenow (2009) and has highlighted the large impact of these factor mis-allocations to aggregate productivity.2 In this paper, we contribute to this empirical research by investigating the structure and dynamics of factor productivity dispersions at low and high frequency using establishment/firm level data from Chile, Colombia, and Indonesia as developing countries and from Germany as developed economy.3 First, we establish a novel set of stylized facts: we find across all economies that firmlevel labor and capital productivities show a negative cross-sectional correlation at low frequencies, while they are positively correlated in the cross section at high frequencies. Moreover, long-lasting differences in factor productivities explain the bulk of the total deviations of firm-level factor productivities from the average. More than 48% (70%) of the productivity variance of labor (of capital) is due to long-lasting deviations. Second, we ask how much of these stylized facts we can explain with a simple model of frictional technology choice. For this purpose, we develop and estimate a model, in which monopolistically competitive firms choose the labor intensity of their production subject to fixed costs in this choice. We consider an environment along the balanced growth path, where aggregate capital intensity grows at a constant rate. Hence, firms are continuously driven to readjust their technology. However, due to the fixed costs in this choice, they do so in a lumpy way from time to time, which creates dispersion in observed labor productivities. We show that such model can explain both the positive correlation in productivities across factors in high-frequency and the negative correlation in low-frequency. In this second aspect our paper contributes also to the recently developing literature that tries to model in detail the frictions that give rise to productivity dispersions as 1 See also Restuccia and Rogerson (2013) for an extensive analysis on the contribution of reallocation to aggregate productivity growth. 2 See for instance Collard-Wexler et al. (2011), Jones (2011), Bartelsman et al. (2009), Buera et al. (2011), Collard-Wexler et al. (2011), Gilchrist et al. (2010), Hsieh and Klenow (2012), Peters (2011) and Yang (2012). 3 For a description of the datasets and a list of papers who have used them, see Apendix A.1. 2 endogenous objects4 . For example, Midrigan and Xu (2012) evaluates the effect of financial frictions in entry and technology adoption decisions and differences in the returns to capital across firms. They conclude that financial frictions has only an important role on entry and technology adoption decisions, as these include investment that will have a gradual effect over time and is difficult to finance using internal funds from firms. Compared to Midrigan and Xu (2012), who assume two sectors with different fixed production technologies, we assume that firms select from a menu of short-run Leontieff production functions. Once they have committed to a particular one, they can only change this by paying a fixed cost instead. The model has two interesting implications. First, because of monopolistic competition the technology adoption is inefficient, as part of the higher marginal costs coming from suboptimal technology choice are borne by the consumers through higher prices. Hence, the basic findings of the IO literature on R&D effort apply. Firms wait too long in technology adjustment and invest inefficiently too little in adopting their technology to current relative prices. Second, because growth is larger in developing economies, the downward drift in labor-intensity is stronger. Our model predicts that they will experience a larger dispersion in factor productivities as the drift drives capital intensity, and consequently, labor and capital productivities, faster away from their optimal level (return point). This shows that some of the higher dispersion of factor productivities in developing economies might be an outcome of high growth and not only a cause of low productivity levels. In order to elaborate on the role of technology choice we also contrast our model to alternative models that produce productivity dispersions: with frictions in hiring and capital adjustment, and with financial frictions. We show that these models are not able to match the time and correlation structure as our model of technology choice. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes our data sets, empirical model and methods, and provides our empirical results. Section 3 sets up our model of technology choice, and Section 4 provides the model calibration and an analyis of the model mechanism. Section 5 estimates the parameters describing our adjustment probability function. We use a method of simulated moments and conduct a counterfactual analysis using our estimated model. Next, in Section 6 we show that alternative models are not able to match the main empirical findings from each country. Finally, Section 7 concludes. An Appendix follows which provides more details on the data and estimation procedure. 4 See also Bhattacharya et al. (2013), Buera et al. (2011) and Amaral and Quintin (2010). 3 2 A new set of stylized facts 2.1 Data To understand the dynamics and correlation structures of the dispersion of factor productivities we analyze plant/firm level data from four countries: USTAN (Germany), ENIA (Chile), EAM (Colombia) and IBS (Indonesia). When cleaning and preparing the data for our analysis, we make sure to treat the data in the most comparable way, Appendix A.1 provides further information on each dataset, and the procedures used in cleaning the data.5 Table 1 gives a short description from each dataset. Our main data source USTAN, is large in size and has a broad coverage in terms of ownership, firm-size, and industry. From each dataset, we are able to get information on payroll, value added and capital stocks. The latter, we re-compute by a perpetual inventory method from balance-sheet data on capital stocks and investments. We exploit that in all cases we have information for disaggregated capital by type of capital good. This makes our measure of the capital stock robust to heterogeneity in capital portfolios, which may otherwise be driving our results due to wrongly estimated depreciation rates. Our measure of misallocation is based on factor shares in value added. L αit := wit Lit Pit Yit K αit := (rit + δit )Kit Pit Yit (1) where wit Lit is the wage bill of a firm, rit is the real interest rate. Both are divided by the value added Pit Yit of a firm6 . We remove 2-digit industry-year effects from our variables α to focus on differences across firms that are purely idiosyncratic. We thus eliminate differences in 2-digit industry-specific responses to aggregate shocks as well as predictable heterogeneity between firms that comes from the industry structure. After proceeding with the cleaning L and αK . steps, we get the estimates for αit it For the simple case of Cobb-Douglas production functions with elasticities αL and αK 5 Even though we do not have information whether a plant is single-plant firm or a multi-plant firm for the case of ENIA, EAM and IBS, the National Statistics from each country provide some estimations that more than 90% of manufacturing establishment are single-plant firm. Therefore, every time we refer to an entity as a firm, ignoring if they are part of a multi-plant firm. 6 As shown by Foster et al. (2008), the distinction between revenue and physical productivity is important. Establishment-level prices are typically not observable and hence one has to rely on industrylevel prices in order to deflate revenue and to obtain output measures. Therefore, our measures are revenue productivity and we recognize that they could also capture idiosyncratic demand shifts or market power variation besides quality of production. 4 Table 1: Data Characteristics (before cleaning procedures) from each dataset Total Observations Total Firms Avg. Number of Years per Firm Avg. Number of Firms per Year Period Germany 854,105 72,853 11.7 32,850 1973-1998 Chile 70,217 10,939 6.4 5,410 1995-2007 Colombia 103,011 24,308 4.2 6,891 1977-1991 Indonesia 422,564 60,802 6.9 19,284 1988-2010 Dataset and the absence of any other real frictions, one would obtain as conditions for productive efficiency of an allocation L αL = αit K and αK = αit , (2) which means intuitively that the dispersion of the expenditure shares around their means indicates deviations from productive efficiency. Our measures are not factor productivities from the narrow definition, e.g. ouput per hour worked. Looking at factor shares instead of factor productivities has the advantage that it controls for differences in quality of inputs and outputs insofar as they are reflected K,L in the market price. In fact, αit are inversely related to αL,K and as we focus on the second moments, we would expect similar results7 . For simplicity, we will use factor productivity as synonym for factor expenditure share knowing the difference. 2.2 High and Low Frequency Deviations In all four countries we observe large deviations of the log factor shares from their averages. In order to give the data more structure, we create sequences of J = 5 (J = 11) year sub-panels from the data sets and calculate for any firm that we observe in {t − (J − 1)/2, . . . , t − 1, t, t + 1, . . . , t + (J − 1)/2} the average log factor share in this 7 The dispersions and correlations were of the same sign and similar magnitude. 5 panel (J−1)/2 K,L ᾱit =J X −1 K,L αit+j . j=−(J−1)/2 This gives us for each firm in the sample a series of J-year moving averages which approximate the low frequency movements in factor shares for that firm. We then K,L measure high frequency movements in factor shares, α̂it by the difference between the actual factor share and the moving average K,L K,L K,L α̂it = αit − ᾱit . This way we can decompose to what extent high and low frequency movements are responsible for the observed dispersions in factor shares. Moreover, by comparing within L and αK at both frequencies we can try to understand what drives the factor firm αit it share dispersions at the different frequencies. 2.3 Results Table 2 provides the results of this exercise for all four countries. Overall the dispersions in factor expenditure shares are smallest in the German sample, much in line with previous literature, e.g. Foster et al. (2001) that finds smaller dispersions in developed economies. Yet most surprising is the enormous persistence the dispersions show. For Germany, the low frequency dispersions are 4 to 7 times higher than the high frequency ones. For the developing economies, both low and high frequency dispersions are larger but in particular the high frequency ones exceed the German ones by factor 2 to 3, while the low frequency dispersions are only larger by at most 40% for labor and 25% for capital. Still this means that in terms of the overall variance of factor shares, low-frequency movements explain the bulk in all countries. This finding does not change much wether we take 5 or 11 year moving averages even though the longer moving averages bias the samples towards larger firms that are observed in all 11 years. Table 2 reveals another important finding. There is a significant difference in the co-movement of labor and capital shares at low and high frequencies. At low frequencies firms that have high labor expenditure shares have low capital expenditure shares – the correlation is negative, whereas for high frequency deviations the correlation is positive. Firms that have higher labor expenditure shares in the short run have also higher capital expenditure shares in the short run. Again this finding holds robustly across all countries. This new stylized fact – positive correlation between factor productivities at high 6 Table 2: Five and Eleven Year Moving Average Block Estimates L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it Deviation from 5 year firm average L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it 5 year firm averages DE 0.067 (0.002) 0.119 (0.006) 0.363 (0.036) 0.234 (0.006) 0.716 (0.047) -0.169 (0.019) CL 0.176 (0.003) 0.217 (0.003) 0.557 (0.011) 0.284 (0.002) 0.894 (0.003) -0.280 (0.007) CO 0.147 (0.001) 0.169 (0.002) 0.558 (0.007) 0.304 (0.001) 0.759 (0.001) -0.174 (0.003) ID 0.230 (0.002) 0.336 (0.003) 0.419 (0.006) 0.318 (0.002) 0.752 (0.002) -0.211 (0.004) L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it Deviation from 11 year firm average 11 year firm averages DE 0.079 (0.002) 0.151 (0.011) 0.352 (0.026) 0.206 (0.002) 0.603 (0.033) -0.165 (0.002) CL 0.201 (0.007) 0.263 (0.009) 0.463 (0.028) 0.220 (0.003) 0.741 (0.005) -0.335 (0.015) CO 0.168 (0.003) 0.21 (0.004) 0.501 (0.013) 0.271 (0.002) 0.685 (0.003) -0.217 (0.008) ID 0.233 (0.006) 0.401 (0.009) 0.360 (0.021) 0.260 (0.003) 0.678 (0.007) -0.284 (0.013) All standard errors from block bootstrap. 7 frequencies and negative at low frequencies – suggests that the long-lived deviations in factor shares are results of some labor-capital trade-off in the long-run. Moreover, as the bulk of differences in factor shares is fairly persistent a model that tries to explain dispersions in factor shares overall will need a mechanism that generates persistent differences in factor productivities that increase the factor productivity in one factor at the expense of the other. However, the results also tell us that a model which tries to explain the differences in factor productivity dispersion between developed and developing economies should focus to some extent on the high-frequency deviations8 . What is more, our empirical findings suggest that while the correlation at low-frequency should capture a capitallabor tradeoff this trade-off should be absent at high frequency. An alternative way to phrase the results from Table 2 is to say that at high frequencies firms operate at inefficient scales while at low frequency firms operate at inefficient capital-intensities. For a given scale of operations, they employ inefficiently too much or too little labor relative to capital. In this paper we focus on the latter aspect of the data and relate our findings in the next Section to a literature that goes back at least to Samuelson (1947) and Frisch (1965), where firms employ different production technologies in the short and long run. We spell out this short- vs. long-run in a dynamic model of technology choice that features this capital-labor trade-off in the long-run while fixing a firms technology in the short-run. We see this real frictions approach as complementary to other approaches that try to micro-found the factor-share or productivity dispersions across firms for example by financial frictions. However, the correlation findings imply that financial frictions, if they explain the dispersions, should either directly bias the size of the firm and not the (shadow) user costs of capital if the frictions are short lived or they need to explain why financial frictions distort the factor mix a firm is using for extended periods of time. An initial approximation on explaining this last effect is provided by Midrigan and Xu (2012), where constrained producers are not able to adjust to the optimal technology, and given that adoption decisions embodies investments that pay off gradually along the time, then the existent friction has a long-run effect in the economy. 8 It is important to recognize that the real difference in factor productivity dispersion at high frequency might be obscured due to measurement error that our data presents even after proceeding with our cleaning steps. Nevertheless, the effect of the measurement error should cancel out at low frequencies, so this potential bias might appear only at high frequency. 8 3 A Simple Model of Technology Choice 3.1 Model setup We model a firm that produces output yit using homogeneous capital Kit and labor Nit under a Cobb-Douglas constant returns production function α yit = Kitα Nit1−α = kit Nit , where kit = Kit Nit (3) is the capital intensity. The firm faces an iso-elastic demand function for its differentiated product, such that price pit and revenues pit yit are given by pit = zit −ξ yit , 1−ξ pit yit = zit α N )1−ξ (kit it , 1−ξ where 1/(1−ξ) is the markup of the monopolistic firm and zit is a profitability shock, i.e. a demand shifter/measure of idiosyncratic productivity, for firm i at time t, z reflects that the distribution of consumer tastes across products is stochastic over time or timevarying production efficiency at the firm level. Profits are given by πit = α N )1−ξ zit (kit it − wt Nit − rt kit Nit , 1−ξ (4) where wt is the wage-rate and rt are the user costs of capital. We can set wt = 1 without loss of generality and denote the model in labor units. While firms can in principle choose to produce output with factor mixes according to the production function (3), they are bound to the capital intensity they have chosen in the past for short-run variations in output, i.e. they operate a Leontieff technology. Whenever a firm actively adjusts the capital intensity, it has to pay some adjustment cost κ. Following Costain and Nkov (2009), we assume that κ is distributed according to the cdf P (κ < x) = λ0 λ0 + (1 − λ0 ) (λ1 /x)λ2 (5) This distribution function nests as special cases e.g. Calvo adjustment costs for λ2 = 0, or non-stochastic adjustment costs at level λ1 for λ2 → ∞. We formulate the model around a steady state growth trend, where capital, output and most importantly capital intensity grow by a constant annual rate. This implies, that in periods of no technology adjustment, the firm’s technology ages relative to the steady 9 state and becomes less capital intense in relative terms, such that absent adjustment: kit = (1 − γ)kit−1 , where γ is a constant annual rate growth rate of aggregate capital intensity. We assume that the firm commits to its production scale N with a time to build of one period. Moreover, we assume that κ is i.i.d. while productivity z and the user cost of capital r follow a first order Markov chain. This yields for the firms dynamic planning problem V (k, z, r, N, κ) = π(k, z, r, N ) + max V0 (k, z, r, N ) , Vadj (k, z, r, N ) − κ V0 (k, z, r, N ) = β max Ez 0 ,r0 ,κ0 V (k(1 − γ), z 0 , r0 , N 0 , κ0 )|z, r 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,r 0 ,κ0 V (k , z , r , N , κ )|z, r Vadj (k, z, r, N ) = β max E z 0 0 (6) N ,k where 0 denotes next period variables. V is a firm’s value when behaving optimally in all future periods. V0 is the continuation value obtained when only adjusting the scale of production, Vadj is the continuation value obtained from adjusting both scale and capital intensity. We can simplify the model by rewriting the model and optimizing out the scale N . We define v := V − π, v 0 := V0 − π, and v adj := Vadj − π. Further we define optimal next period’s profits after optimizing for labor demand by π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) := β max {E(π(k 0 , z 0 , r0 , N 0 )|z, r)}. 0 N Then, our firm model is now given by v(k, z, r, κ) = max v 0 (k, z, r) , v adj (k, z, r) − κ v 0 (k, z, r) v adj (k, z, r) ∗ (7) 0 0 0 = π (k(1 − γ), z, r) + βEv(k(1 − γ), z , r , φ |z, r) = max {π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) + βEv(k 0 , z 0 , r0 , φ0 |z, r)}. 0 k The latter variant of the dynamic discrete choice model is for obvious reasons computationally more efficient and in Appendix B.1 we show that a unique solution to this problem exists. To close the model, we need to specify laws of motion for the two random variables 10 zit and rt . We assume them to follow a lognormal AR(1) processes log(zit ) = ρz log(zit−1 ) + it log(rt ) = ρr log(rt−1 ) + ηt , where ρz < 1 and it ∼ N (µz , σz2 ) (8) , where ρr < 1 and ηt ∼ N (µr , σr2 ), (9) and we assume z to be conditionally independent across i and t and r conditionally independent across t but perfectly correlated across firms. The latter implies that there is some commonality in the capital intensity choice across all firms that adjust in a given point in time. If for example the user cost of capital is particularly high relative to the wage rate, then all firms adjusting their capital intensity choose small levels of the capital intensity. On the contrary if r is low firms will tend to choose high levels of capital intensity. This together with the drift γ, creates a differences in capital intensities between firms depending on the time of their last adjustment. 3.2 Implications for High and Low Frequency Factor Share Dispersions The previous argument shows how our model should not only be able to generate expenditure share dispersions, but also that the adjustment/non-adjustment in capital intensities should generate a negative correlation between capital and labor expenditure shares. In order to understand better the mechanics of our model in generating factor share dispersions at different frequencies it is helpful to go through the first order conditions that determine optimal production scale N ∗ . Differentiating E(π 0 ), equation (4), w.r.t. N 0 we obtain as the first-order condition: E(z 0 |z)N 0−ξ k 0α(1−ξ) = 1 + E(r0 |r)k 0 , (10) which expresses optimal labor supply tomorrow as a function of capital intensity tomorrow and the stochastic states today. Making use of z 0 = E(z 0 |z) exp( − σ2 /2), we can use this expression to rewrite labor and capital shares (using w = 1) log α log α L K := log := log w0 N 0 p0 y 0 r0 K 0 p0 y 0 = log = log 1−ξ 0α(1−ξ) 0 zk N 0−ξ K 0 (1 − ξ) z 0 k 0α(1−ξ) N 01−ξ = log exp(−0 + σ2 /2)(1 − ξ) 1 + E(r0 |r)k 0 = log exp(−0 + σ2 /2)k 0 (1 − ξ) 1 + E(r0 |r)k 0 , . Since profitability shocks have no serial correlation, is responsible for the high frequency dispersions in factor shares. On the other hand, k is persistent if technology 11 adjustment cost are non negligible, such that differences in the capital intensity k are responsible for the low frequency differences. Importantly, z and k imply different co-movement of factor shares. While innovations in z move both the capital and the labor shares in the same direction, an increase in the capital intensity decreases labor share and increases capital share. We can use this to decompose the covariance of factor shares: Cov log αL , log αK = Cov − 0 − log[1 + E(r0 |r)k 0 ], −0 − log[1 + E(r0 |r)k 0 ] + log(k 0 ) = σ2 + Cov − log[1 + E(r0 |r)k 0 ], − log[1 + E(r0 |r)k 0 ] + log(k 0 ) ≈ σ2 + Cov − E(r0 |r)k 0 , −E(r0 |r)k 0 + k 0 − 1 = σ2 − E(r0 |r)[1 − E(r0 |r)]V ar(k 0 ). The latter shows formally, what we described intuitively in the preceding paragraph. The covariance of the two factor shares is driven by profitability shocks that lead to positive comovement and differences in capital intensity leading to negative comovement. The first term is a high frequency difference while the latter is a low frequency difference. Next we will ask to what extent a realistically calibrated version of our model is able to capture the quantitative structures, we found in the data. 4 Calibration and model mechanics In this section, we present the general calibration strategy. In particular, we discuss the calibration of adjustment costs. Assuming Calvo adjustment costs, we show an upper boundary to the model’s dispersions. Table 3 contains all model parameters except for the calibration of adjustment costs. We rely on standard choices for the labor elasticity, α = 1/3, and aggregate depreciation rates, δ = 0.1. We differentiate between countries for average user cost of capital, choosing a two percentage point differential, which reflects differences in the development of financial sectors9 . The discount factor is determined in accordance with our balanced 1+γ growth environment β = Et 1+r , where γ is the average growth rate of per capital output. t We calibrate the stochastic process of the profitability shock z following Bachmann and Bayer (2011). We set the persistency to 0.95 and σz = 0.29. Additionally, we construct time series of hourly wages, interest rates and depreciation rates to get relative factor prices10 . We then estimate the lognormal AR(1) process 9 10 We refer to Bustos et al. (2003) for estimates of user costs and depreciation in Chile. We obtained the hourly wage series from Statistisches Bundesamt, Beiheft zur Fachserie 18, Reihe 12 specified in the setup of our model. Finally, we calibrate the demand elasticity by 1 − ξ = ᾱL + ᾱK . Table 3: Parameter values Germany Chile Colombia Indonesia α δ uc ¯ ρz σz 0.33 0.10 0.15 0.95 0.29 0.33 0.10 0.17 0.95 0.29 0.33 0.10 0.17 0.95 0.29 0.33 0.10 0.17 0.95 0.29 ρr σr γ β ξ 0.66 0.11 0.02 0.97 0.32 0.88 0.30 0.03 0.97 0.38 0.80 0.34 0.02 0.95 0.21 0.60 0.37 0.04 0.96 0.07 Assigned parameters Labor elasticity Aggregate capital depreciation Average user cost of capital Persistence of demand shifter Std. of demand shifter Estimated outside the model Persistence of relative factor price Std. of relative factor price Steady state growth rate Discount factor Elasticity of demand An important component of our model is the specification of adjustment costs11 . Both the magnitude and variation of adjustment costs drive our model results. For large costs, the firm will adjust less often or never its technology. On the other side, if these costs fluctuate across time, the firm may find it optimal to wait for a lower future realisation of costs. Moreover, the tails of the distribution may influence the dispersion of capital and labor productivities. All moments of the distribution are given by the three parameters of our cdf in equation 5. We start our model analysis using a simple specification of Calvo adjustment costs under the ad hoc assumption of 5% adjustment probability, which implies technology 3 (Germany), Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, INE (Chile), Departamento Nacional de Estadistica, DANE (Colombia) and Badan Pusat Statistik, BPS (Indonesia). We further proceed indexing the series using the consumer price index from each country. The depreciation rates are obtained from from VGR (Germany), Henriquez (2008) (Chile and Colombia) and van der Eng (2008) (Indonesia). As for interest rates, we take bank overdraft real interest rate (Germany) and the average indexed lending interest rate of the financial system for the rest of the countries. For more information, see Appendix A.1. 11 See Gourio and Kashyap (2007) for an extensive discussion on the subject. 13 adjustment every 20 years on average. Our general specification of adjustment probability in (5) nests this case under λ2 = 0. To be precise, with probability λ0 , the firm faces zero adjustment costs and else, it cannot adjust at all. Given the particular shape of this distribution, some firms will deviate strongly from their optimal technology. Conditional on the adjustment frequency, this will impose an upper bound on the dispersion. The inefficiency imposed by the choice of technology in this model disappears under Calvo adjustment costs. Table 4 reports the simulated moments using the parametrization of Table 3. Our model generates the right signs of correlations at low and high frequencies. Given an adjustment frequency of 5%, our model is able to explain more than half of the low and high frequency dispersions. What is more, our simple specification does explain some of the differences between countries based on the growth rate of capital intensity and relative factor prices. Table 4: Calvo adjustment costs (λ0 = 5) Germany Data Model Chile Data Model Colombia Data Model Indonesia Data Model HF Corr(αL , αK ) HF Std(αL ) HF Std(αK ) 0.36 0.07 0.12 0.58 0.09 0.12 0.56 0.18 0.22 0.34 0.10 0.19 0.56 0.15 0.17 0.53 0.10 0.15 0.42 0.23 0.34 0.20 0.11 0.27 LF Corr(αL , αK ) LF Std(αL ) LF Std(αK ) -0.17 0.23 0.72 -0.81 0.11 0.32 -0.28 0.28 0.89 -0.83 0.13 0.48 -0.17 0.30 0.76 -0.82 0.13 0.31 -0.21 0.32 0.75 -0.85 0.17 0.42 Mean(αL ) Mean(αK ) 0.53 0.16 0.47 0.21 0.45 0.16 0.45 0.17 0.50 0.29 0.53 0.28 0.58 0.35 0.59 0.34 LF/HF: Low/High Frequency. All second moments are based on a 5 year moving average block procedure. 14 5 Model estimation We estimate the adjustment probability function proposed in (5), i.e. λ0 , λ1 , and λ2 , in order to match the high and low frequency dispersions and correlations. Given that we have 3 free parameters, this should allows us to explain the relevant moments for each country individually. In order to analyze the importance of structural differences between developing and developed countries, we change one of the estimated parameters of Chile, Colombia and Indonesia to the level of the estimator for Germany. For example, a developed country typically exhibits less volatile economic environments, which implies lower variances of the demand shifter. By adjusting to a lower level of volatility idiosyncratic demand in a developing country, we should expect to see lower dispersion at high frequencies. 6 Alternative models 6.1 Factor Adjustment Frictions to be added 6.2 Financial Frictions to be added 6.3 Matching Frictions to be added 7 Conclusion This paper contributes to the literature on dispersions in factor productivities, which reflect some form of misallocation of factors. We first establish two new sets of stylized facts by differentiating between high and low frequency aspects of the dispersions in factor productivities. First, persistent differences in factor productivities explain the bulk of overall factor-productivity dispersions, which shows the importance to understand the dynamic structure of factor productivity dispersions. When we decompose the deviations into a long-lived and a short-lived, more than 48% (70%) of the productivity variance of labor (of capital) is due to long-lived deviations. Second, we find that these persistent 15 deviations from average factor productivities show negative correlation across factors, while transitory differences from the average are positively correlated across factors. We then relate the observed patterns of productivity dispersions to some real friction in technology choice, by assuming that firms have to select the capital intensity of their production and then operate a Leontieff production function until they pay fixed costs to change the capital intensity of their technology. 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We remove observations from East German firms to avoid a break of the series in 1990. This leaves us with a sample of 854,105 firm-year observations, which corresponds to observations on 72,853 firms. The resulting sample covers roughly 70% of the WestGerman real gross value added in the private non-financial business sector.12 Chilean Plant Data: ENIA We use the Annual Census of Manufacturing (Encuesta Nacional Industrial Anual, ENIA) conducted by the National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadsticas, INE) from 1995 to 2007 to get plant level data from Chile. The ENIA provides information for all manufacturing plants with total employment of at least ten employees13 . According to INE statistics, ENIA covers about 50% of total manufacturing employment. The data was used for example by Pavcnik (2002) and Doms and Bartelsman (2000). Colombian Plant Data: EAM For Colombian estimates, we use the plant-level data from the Colombian Manufacturing Survey (Encuesta Anual Manufacturera, EAM) made available through the National Institute of Statistics (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estaditicas, DANE) for the period 1977 to 1991. The survey covers information on plants with more than 10 employees or annual 12 We refer to the sectors Agriculture, Energy and Mining, Manufacturing, Construction, and Trade together as the private non-financial business sector throughout this paper. 13 Even though we do not have information whether a plant is single-plant firm or a multi-plant firm, Pavcnik (2002) states that more than 90% of Chilean manufacturing firms are single-plant firm. 20 production above 60 million pesos in 1997 prices14 . See, for example, Das et al. (2007) and Roberts and Tybout (1997) who have utilized this dataset. Indonesian Plant Data: IBS The Indonesian estimation is based on the Manufacturing Survey of Large and Medium establishments (Survei Tahunan Perusahaan Industri Pengolahan, IBS), provided by the National Institute of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik, BPS). The survey covers all entities with 20 or more employees. It consist of plant level data on capital stocks, labor costs, output value, intermediate inputs and value added among other variables 15 . Given that we have information on capital stocks at plant-level from 1988, we estimate our model using the information from the period 1988 to 2010. For the industry census in 1996 and 2006 we only have information for the aggregate stock of capital and investment. To construct the dissagregated capital by each source in those years, we multiply the aggregate stock of capital in that year with the average of the specific capital share based on the year before and after the industry census. The Indonesian data was employed, for example, by Blalock and Gertler (2009), Peters (2011) and Yang (2012). A.2 Data processing and correction for outliers Specific cleaning steps in Indonesia The firm level data provided by the National Institute of Statistics of Indonesia is an extensive dataset that allows us to examine our hypothesis. However, before proceeding with the general cleaning steps we needed to implement some specific corrections. For these corrections, we are based on the methodology applied by Blalock and Gertler (2009): • We have to correct from mistakes due to data keypunching. If the sum of the capital categories is a multiple of 10n (with n being an integer) of the total capital, we replace the latter with the sum of the categories. • For some years, we have found duplicate observations (i.e. observations which have the same values for all the variables but differ in their identification number). In 14 Equivalent to US$ 52,500. This threshold is subject to changes every year. As in the case of Colombia and Chile, we do not have data at firm level, however, Blalock and Gertler (2009) explains that, based on BPS estimation, less than 5% of plants belong to multi-plant firms. 15 21 those cases we drop those observations. • In order to avoid for sudden changes in total employees in the plant, we drop for those observations where the change in total workers with respect to previous year is higher (lower) than 150% (−150%). • We have corrected for those cases where value added is not consistent with the formula provided by BPS. • The industry survey have changed their industry classification from ISIC Rev. 2 in 1998 to ISIC Rev. 3 in 1999. Given that we only need a classification to the two digit level for our empirical analysis, we were able to deal with this issue without major problems using the United Nations concordance table. In addition, we have missing values in capital reported for some firms who reported in previous and/or subsequent years. In order to overcome with this issue, we follow Vial (2006) and we estimate the capital category using the following regression by two-digit sectoral level: ln Kit = β0 + β1 ln Kit−1 + θ ln Xit−1 + µi + it (11) where Kit is the capital category, µi is the individual fixed effect and Xit−1 are a set of explanatory variables (total output, input, employees and wages). Given that we have the lagged capital category as explanatory variable, we will only impute the capital for those cases where the plant have reported a value for the previous period. For the rest of the cases, we do not impute it. Finally, to proceed with the PIM, we need have a measure of the depreciation from each capital source for the initial period. Nevertheless, the survey stop providing a question regarding depreciation after 2001. For the subsequent periods, we estimate the log of depreciation as a function of log of capital (by each capital category). General cleaning steps all countries We proceed with data-cleaning steps in order to avoid estimation with outliers likely caused by measurement error. First, using as a threshold 3 standard deviations, we do not consider firm-year observations at the top-bottom of the percent changes of labor, capital and value added, of the levels of labor and capital productivities, and finally, L + αK , we of the changes in labor and capital productivities. Second, for the value αit it do not consider those observations that are below 1/3 and above 3. The rationale from 22 the last cleaning step relates to the fact that we do not take into account firms whose operation costs are significatively low/high relative to their value added, and we infer from this values that are subject to measurement errors. From each dataset, we select those firms/plants that report information on payroll, gross value added (before depreciation) and capital stocks and for which we have at least five consecutive observations16 . A.3 Construct average factor productivities For our empirical analysis we first need to construct firm-level average labor productivity and average capital productivity. Our panel contains all required variables, however we should be careful with potential bias induced by the balance sheet nature of our data. In order to control for measurement errors, we employ the perpetual inventory method (PIM). In particular, this methodology ensures that aggregated movements in firm-level capital match investment and aggregate yearly depreciation rates, see Caballero et al. (1995). To be more precise, we first separate capital by each source and apply PIM separately to them for the reason that both types of capital are different in depreciation behavior. We then determine our new measure of capital merely by the capital accumulation equation Kt+1,i = Kt,i (1 − δte ) + It,i and initialize using balance sheet capital. We adjust PIM capital by multiplying with a sector-wise correction factor and dropping the observation with a correction factor in the bottom 0.1 or top 99.9 percentile. The correction factor is equal to the industry mean of the ratio between the capital deflated and the value of the capital deflated provided by the capital accumulation equation. We repeat this procedure until convergence of the mean correction factors to near one or until the procedure exceeds 4 iterations. The procedure described above is applied for all countries except of Indonesia. For this country we have information on the current price of capital, so we do not need to proceed with the correction factor described above17 . Therefore, we create our capital measure using the capital accumulation equation Kt+1,i = Kt,i (1 − δte ) + It,i , using as initialization the current price capital. We furthermore adjust firm-level depreciation rates to match the aggregate economic depreciation rate on average. In the case of Germany, we are able to get it from the National Accounts data (vermgenswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung, VGR), however for 16 We need to include as a restriction at least 5 consecutive periods for a firm because our empirical model, specially the 5 year moving average block, requires it. 17 In the specific case of buildings in 1989, the current price is equal to the book value. We correct from that problem by multiplying the value of buildings in that year with the two-digit industry mean of the ratio of current and book values from all years. 23 the rest of the countries we are not able to get it from National Accounts. For Chile, we use a report from Henriquez (2008) which provides an estimate of gross and consumption of fixed capital by each source for the period 1985-2005, and allows us to derive from these estimates the depreciation by each capital source. For the case of Colombia, we use as an indicator for the economic depreciation the average of the derived depreciation in Chile for the available period. Finally, for Indonesia we use the values from van der Eng (2008) who estimated the stock of capital in the country for the period 1950-2007. The average economic depreciation are presented in Table 5. Table 5: Economic Depreciation Germany Chile Colombia Indonesia Machinery 15.1% 6.8% 6.6% 6.3% Buildings 3.3% 2.6% 2.7% 3.3% As a time series of risk-free annual interest rates we take bank overdraft real interest rate for Germany, and the average lending interest rate for 90 days to 1 year (indexed or adjusted with inflation) for the rest of the countries. Given the fact that agents make decisions based on the expected value of the real interest rate, we estimate an AR(2) process of the interest rate, and we use this final value for the construction of αK . Finally, we deflate all variables in order to adjust from price changes. For capital, we take an index price of capital (by each capital category when available) using the information of gross fixed capital formation at current and constant prices from National Accounts. And for value added and labor expenses, we use either the CPI index or the GDP deflator. A.4 Robustness In order to test if the results are still consistent when looking only at continuing firms, we provide estimates of the model keeping only the firms that have been in all years in the dataset. Given that for the longer datasets, such as the IBS, restricting the sample for all the period would leave us with a significatively low amount of observations, we have consider that the threshold we should impose for all datasets is equivalent to 24 the total years available from the Chilean firm level data (12 years18 ). The difference between our empirical and our theorical models consist in that for the latter we do not consider firm entry or exit, while in the former case, the results could be driven by this effect. Hence, we keep only firms that have been in all the panel to test if estimates are still robust when we only look at this subsample. Additionally, the Chilean plant level data provides a variable called correccion monetaria (monetary correction), which is a measure for price capital adjustments based on the changes in the purchasing power of the local currency or changes in the exchange rate. We present the estimation for our econometrical models, using the capital measure adjusted with the monetary correction factor. We were also able to test if the financial crisis in Indonesia during the period 19971998 affected our results, by splitting the sample before the crisis (before 1997) and after the crisis (from 1999)19 . The results from Tables 6 are similar to the estimates presented in Section 2. The correlation between labor productivity and capital productivity is positive at high frequencies while at low frequencies is negative. Summarizing, our estimations are robust when only looking at continuing firms and when we use a different specification to construct the capital measure. 18 The results are still robust when using different thresholds for the amount of years. The estimates for Germany are not yet available. We will provide them for a newer version of the paper. 19 For the sample before the crisis we were not able to compute the 11 year moving average given that we do not have at least 11 consecutive firm observations. 25 Table 6: Other specifications: Moving Average Block estimates L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it Deviation from 5 year firm average L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it 5 year firm averages CL - Monetary correction 0.172 (0.002) 0.264 (0.003) 0.439 (0.012) 0.253 (0.002) 0.905 (0.003) -0.276 (0.007) CL - Continuing firms 0.161 (0.004) 0.200 (0.004) 0.558 (0.018) 0.248 (0.004) 0.746 (0.006) -0.261 (0.015) CO - Continuing firms 0.139 (0.002) 0.160 (0.003) 0.557 (0.010) 0.293 (0.002) 0.709 (0.003) -0.177 (0.008) ID - Continuing firms 0.202 (0.003) 0.331 (0.006) 0.403 (0.014) 0.293 (0.003) 0.706 (0.007) -0.211 (0.011) ID - Before crisis 0.221 (0.002) 0.309 (0.003) 0.429 (0.011) 0.334 (0.002) 0.737 (0.003) -0.212 (0.006) ID - After crisis 0.243 (0.003) 0.378 (0.006) 0.385 (0.015) 0.256 (0.003) 0.780 (0.005) -0.164 (0.009) L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it L) std(αit K) std(αit L , αK ) corr(αit it Deviation from 11 year firm average 11 year firm averages CL - Monetary correction 0.196 (0.006) 0.333 (0.011) 0.359 (0.035) 0.198 (0.003) 0.755 (0.006) -0.347 (0.018) CL - Continuing firms 0.196 (0.007) 0.268 (0.008) 0.473 (0.033) 0.224 (0.004) 0.726 (0.006) -0.331 (0.017) CO - Continuing firms 0.167 (0.003) 0.214 (0.004) 0.504 (0.016) 0.270 (0.002) 0.683 (0.003) -0.225 (0.008) ID - Continuing firms 0.230 (0.005) 0.404 (0.008) 0.367 (0.023) 0.258 (0.003) 0.680 (0.008) -0.288 (0.015) ID - After crisis 0.230 (0.020) 0.374 (0.041) 0.415 (0.086) 0.250 (0.009) 0.820 (0.018) -0.164 (0.038) All standard errors from block bootstrap 26 B Technology choice models B.1 Dynamic Optimization Let us show existence and uniqueness of the transformed model of equation 7. We can first rewrite the nested equations in a more compact way: = max{π ∗ (k, z, r) + βEt v(k, z 0 , r0 , φ0 ), v(k, z, r, φ) (12) max {π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) − φ + βEt v(k 0 , z 0 , r0 , φ0 )}}. 0 k Assumption 1: α ≤ 1 1+ξ . Lemma 1: π ∗∗ = maxk0 π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) is bounded from above and below ∀z, r. Proof: Since we know that π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) is a continuous function, it is sufficient to show that limk0 →∞ |π ∗ (k 0 , z, r)| < ∞. If this is the case, then π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) is bounded for k 0 → ∞ and by the Weierstrass extreme value theorem, it is bounded for any finite interval [0, c] ∀c ∈ < and hence bounded everywhere. Making use of equation 10, we can express optimal labor demand as a function of capital intensity " E(z)k α(1−ξ) N ∗ (k, z, r) = 1 + (E(r) + δ)k #1 ξ , which we can then use to maximize out labor and express profits as a function of the choice variable k: ∗ π (k, z, r) = zE(z) 1−ξ ξ (1 + (E(r) + δ)k)k α(1−ξ2 ) ξ (13) 1 (1 − ξ)(1 + (E(r) + δ)k) ξ 1 − (1 − ξ)E(z) ξ k α(1−ξ) ξ − (1 − ξ)(r + δ)k 1 α(1−ξ)+ξ ξ . (1 − ξ)(1 + (E(r) + δ)k) ξ When taking the limit for k approaching infinity, only the largest exponents matters, so 27 for covenience we rewrite above equation as π̃(k) = Ak α(1−ξ2 )+ξ ξ − Bk α(1−ξ) ξ − Ck α(1−ξ)+ξ ξ 1 , Dk ξ where A, B, C, D ∈ <. As α, ξ ∈ (0, 1) it is straightforward that as for the numerator, the largest exponent is the one attached to the first term. For π ∗ (k, z, r) to exist as k approaches infinity, the exponent of the denominator must be at least as large as the one attached to the first term, which yields us the following condition 1 α(1 − ξ 2 ) + ξ 1 ≥ ⇔ α≤ . ξ ξ 1+ξ By Assumption 1, limk0 →∞ |π ∗ (k 0 , z, r)| < ∞. Lemma 2: v(k, z, r, φ) is constant in N. Proof: It follows directly that when the return function π ∗ −φI{k0 6=k} is not a function in N, then v(k, z, r, φ) is not a function in N. Lemma 3: Let us define the operator T by posing (T v)(k, z, r, φ) equal to the righthand-side of equation 12. This operator is defined on the set B of all real-valued, bounded and almost everywhere (a.e.) continuous functions with domain <+ ×<++ ×<++ ×[0, φ]. Then T (i) preserves boundedness, (ii) preserves continuity, and (iii) satisfies Blackwell’s sufficient conditions. Proof: Our standard neoclassical, monopolisitic competition profit function when abstracting from adjustment costs is continuous, concave and bounded on the set of state variables. Including adjustment costs implies a.e. continuous functions. (i) Consider u ∈ B bounded below by u and bounded above by u. Then (T u)(k, z, r, φ) is bounded from above since (T u)(k, z, r, φ) {π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) − φ}} ≤βu + max{π ∗ (k, z, r), max 0 (14) ≤βu + max {π ∗ (k 0 , z, r)}, 0 (15) k k where the first inequality follows from boundedness of u and the second one from dropping adjustment costs. The second term is bounded above as shown by Lemma 1. To be 28 precise, the value function is bounded from above by the maximum continuation value plus the maximum static profit. Similarly, (T u)(k, z, r, φ) is bounded from below since (T u)(k, z, r, φ) ≥βu + max{π ∗ (k, z, r), max {π ∗ (k 0 , z, r) − φ}} 0 (16) ≥βu − φ. (17) k (ii) To show that the function (T u) is continuous for u ∈ B, we note that from equation 12 it follows that (T u)(k, z, r, φ) is the maximum of two functions. The first inherits continuity from u(k, z, r, φ) and the second one is constant. It follows that (T u) is continuous. (iii) We want to show that (T u) satisfies monotonicity and discounting. For the former, we note that if u1 , u2 ∈ B and u1 (k, z, r, φ) < u2 (k, z, r, φ) for all k, z and r, then integrating over the distribution of the stochastic variables (z,r) preserves the above inequality. Thus (T u1 )(k, z, r, φ) < (T u2 )(k, z, r, φ). (18) As for discounting, we can show that, for any u ∈ B and any constant a: (T [u + a])(k, z, r, φ) = (T u)(k, z, r, φ) + βa. (19) Hence the second Blackwell condition holds as well. Propositon 1: Equation 12 has exactly one solution (in the metric space B). Proof: We know from Lemma 3 that T defines a contraction mapping on the metric space B with modulus β. Existence and uniqueness then follow from the Contraction Mapping Theorem. B.2 Technology adjustment costs We assume adjustment costs to be of fixed nature, which can be justified by planning costs. A firm’s CEO has to invest time to find out which is the optimal technology and in more practical terms how to implement it. Assuming that a CEO’s wage is drawn from the same distribution whether the firm is small or large, justifies fixed costs. Furthermore, fixed costs imply that adjustment is relatively cheaper for larger firms and hence large firms should adjust more frequently. Supportively, when applying the split 29 sample to the rotation model, table ?? and ??, we find that the dispersion of x1 , which captures mark-ups, is larger for small firms than for large firms. This points at large firms adjusting more frequently than small firms. On the other side, scale-dependent adjustment costs can be interpreted as expertisebased cost or reorganization cost. The former captures losses of technology-specific human capital losses, whereas the latter could reflect production halts while adopting a new technology. Besides, replacing fixed by proportional adjustment costs has only small quantitative and no qualitative effects on the statistics relevant for our study. Another explanation of technology adjustment costs could lie in consumer preferences. For a traditional shoemaker whose product are handmade leather shoes, consumers’ demand is tied to the specific production technology used. If the shoemaker changed her technology, she would not only incur planning costs but also loose consumers who are demanding handmade leather shoes only. 30