Teaching Innovation, Research and funding in German Studies at Warwick
Dr James Hodkinson
Warwick Alumni Day:
Saturday 8 th March 2008.
The Continued Shift towards a ‘bidding culture’ in Higher Education
We face an ever increasing need to bid for internal and external funding to aid teaching development and research …
Warwick Educational Innovation fund
Dr Se án Allan and pod-casting Goethe project
Funding for postgraduate research, to create
‘studentships’ to free students from paying tuition fees and provide them with money, proves more elusive, however.
Postgraduate Life in Warwick
German Studies
Three Taught MAs
MA in German Cultural Studies
MA in Pan-Romanticisms
MA in Translation, Writing and Cultural
The MA by Research
PhD programme
A student’s perspective:
Mary Sage, currently an
MA student in the department ….
The future costs money:
Typical Warwick fees for
an MA student: £3,830 p.a. rising to £5,200 in 2010?
a PhD student: £3,300 p.a.
Cost of living: ca. £10,000
Sources of Funding:
WPRS (does not fund MA-s, PhD-s only)
AHRC (only eight MA awards for German in the whole UK)
Investing in the Future
Studentships: a fee waiver plus £ 7,000 towards maintenance
The Godfrey Carr Fund : requires constant topping up …
Growth in Warwick German Studies
Increase in size in the department:
A large German department, bucking the national trend of shrinkage in the field
Year groups of 70 students
New academic posts
National Student Survey : 100%
Postgraduates: in 2000, 1 student in 2008, 8 students.
Can you help us continue to grow....?
Contribute financially?
Remember how it was?
Come back to join us and study again?