University Requirements Curriculum Committee Minutes December 13, 2013 Present

University Requirements Curriculum Committee
Minutes December 13, 2013
Present: J. Arhar, R. Duncan, P. Evans, M. Fisch, J. Graham, F. Haldar, M. Haley, L. Hanson, T. Kandakai,
R. Lorenz, C. McVay, I. R. Nettey, D. Palmer, E. Pringle, C. Uher, J. VanGeest, W. Willoughby
Not Present: K. Burhanna, N. Cain-Bish, A. Burns, M. Ellis, L. Hoeptner-Poling, T. Motter, E. Robison, E.
Sinclair-Colando, F. Smith, R. Walker, D. Warren, C. Wunderlin, B. Yonkof
Guest: Mark James (College of Public Health)
Meeting called to order at 2:30 pm by D. Palmer
sheet circulated
Introductions: Eboni Pringle, Interim Dean, Undergraduate Studies has been added to URCC
Minutes from November meeting approved
Curricular Proposals:
The Committee has received a special request from T. Tillet, Curriculum Services and the Math
Department to give temporary Kent Core status for MATH 20095 ST: Introductory Statistics. At its
October meeting, URCC approved MATH 10041 currently titled Elementary Probability and Statistics will
be retitled Introductory Statistics as a new Kent Core course for Fall 2014. Approval will allow students
to register for the course for Spring 2014.
Motion carried
Addition of Public Health courses to Kent Core:
J. Graham requested a follow-up to previous discussion of adding PH 10002 Intro to Global Health to the
Kent Core. The course appears to meet the criteria for both the Kent Core and the State Transfer
module. M. James is the coordinator of PH 10002 and indicated that the course meets the requirements
as Interdisciplinary with the State and fits best as Social Science under Kent’s criteria. PH 10002 is
standardized and is taught on all campuses in both web-based and in-class versions. After discussion,
Motion carried contingent upon acceptance of the course with the State Transfer module.
M. Haley introduced a motion to establish AS 30092 Internship as an ELR course at the College level.
This course would be available to all Faculty in the College as needed and the credits will be variable
from 1 to 12 hours.
Motion carried
M. Haley introduced a motion to establish WIC status for BTEC 40210 Case Studies in Biotechnology and
revise the course description. This course previously had Plus-1 status, but this proved to be
problematic. The course content was updated so that writing assignments consist of 8 to 10 short
summaries over the research topic followed by in-class presentations of the research. The class will be
capped at 15. The 50000 slash-aspect of the course is being inactivated.
Motion carried
M. Haley introduced a motion to revise the description of ENG 11002 College Writing I-Stretch to be
consistent with the State’s Remediation Free Pathway to College courses mandate. The stretch course
will not be offered on the Kent campus; only on the Regionals. As long as a student as an ACT of 18 in
English, (s)he will be main-streamed into ENG 11011. Additionally, because of the adjustments to ENG
11002 College Writing I-Stretch, a motion to revise the pre-requisites and description for ENG 11011
College Writing I was introduced.
Motion carried (1 No)
M. Haley introduced a motion to revise the description and change the title, and abbreviation for
various Geology courses that will clarify course content for students (currently Kent Core courses):
GEOL 11040 Earth Dynamics to How the Earth Works
GEOL 11041 Earth Dynamics Laboratory to How the Earth Works Laboratory
GEOL 11042 Earth History to Earth and Life Through Time
GEOL 11043 Earth History Laboratory to Earth and Life Through Time Laboratory
GEOL 21062 Environmental Geology to Environmental Earth Science
GEOL 21080 Oceanography to All about the Oceans
Motion carried
M. Haley introduced a motion to revise the description make name, number, and prefix changes for
current Kent Core and Global Diversity Course:
PHIL 21020 Comparative Religious Thought I to REL 11020 Introduction to World Religions
M. Haley introduced a motion to revise the description, prerequisites, make name, number, and prefix
changes for current Kent Core and Global Diversity Course:
PHIL 21021 Comparative Religious Thought II to REL 21021 Comparative Religion
Motion carried
M. Haley introduced a motion for large-scale changes to courses; revise prerequisites and description of
courses that fall under the auspices of the URCC. Change the prerequisites to “one course in
philosophy”; and add the following sentence to the end of existing course descriptions “Students with
junior standing or above, who have not taken a Philosophy (PHIL) course, should contact the
department for a prerequisite override.”:
PHIL 31035 Philosophy and Justice
Domestic Diversity
PHIL 31070 African and African-American Philosophies
Domestic Diversity
PHIL 31075 Philosophy and Multiculturalism
Global Diversity
Motion carried
M. Haley introduced a motion for ELR status for PAS 20200 Recovering the Past: Kent to Memphis and
PAS 37020 The Model African Union
Motion carried
M. Haley introduced a motion to establish WIC status for BSCI 40367 Limmological Techniques. The
course is currently Lecture-lab and has been re-tooled as a Lab. Writing expectations include a scientific
research paper, technical report and weekly lab reports.
Motion carried
M. Fisch introduced a motion to request Kent Core status for TECH 27210 Intro to Sustainability in the
Additional category. There was a lot of discussion around redesigning the course because of the wide
variety of topics. It appears important to have a course like this in the Kent Core but it needs to be
determined just where the course best fits. Also, the assessment instrument appears to be too dense.
The suggestion was made to select 2 or 3 primary outcomes and adjust the instrument accordingly.
TECH will withdraw the proposal at this time, make appropriate adjustments and resubmit at a later
Motion table
M. Fisch introduces a motion to request ELR status for TECH 43800 Applied Engineering Technology
Seminar. The course takes a real-world technology problem and tries to solve it. The proposal was not
signed not was a syllabus included. In order for the committee to consider the proposal, it must be
signed by the appropriate entities and a syllabus attached. M. Fisch agreed to submit the necessary
materials and requested an email vote of the committee. If approved within the next week, the proposal
can be sent to EPC for its January 2014 meeting.
An email vote will be requested
I. R. Nettey requested a meeting of the WIC sub-committee so they can finish their work on the review.
In January, there needs to be a meeting of the Academic Assessment Sub-committee.
Next meeting is scheduled for Friday January 10, 2014 at 2:30 pm.
There being no other business before the committee, meeting adjourned at 4:05 pm.