University Requirements Curriculum Committee Minutes October 11, 2013 Present

University Requirements Curriculum Committee
Minutes October 11, 2013
Present: N. Cain-Bish, R. Duncan, L. Dzurec, M. Fisch, J. Graham, F. Haldar, M. Haley, L. Hanson,
L. Hoeptner-Poling, T. Kandakai, R. Lorenz, C. McVay, D. Palmer, C. Uher, D. Warren, W. Willoughby
Not Present: J. Arhar, K. Burhanna, J. Carduner, M. Ellis, P. Evans, H. Fry, T. Motter, I. R. Nettey,
E. Robison, E. Sinclair-Colando , J. VanGeest, R. Walker, C. Wunderlin, B. Yonkof
Guest: A. Tong, Mathematics
Meeting called to order at 2:32 pm by D. Palmer
sheet circulated
Minutes from September meeting approved
Curricular Proposals:
M. Haley introduced a motion for ELR status for:
Department of Physics
PHY 40096 Individual Investigation –be designated as an ELR
Motion carried
D. Palmer introduced a motion for ELR status for:
JMC 49099 Senior Digital Production Project – a course to satisfy the ELR status in the CCU.
Motion carried
M. Haley introduced motion to add new course to Kent Core to comply with Ohio’s Transfer Module and
remediation-free standards.
Department of Mathematics
MATH 10041 – Elementary Probability and Statistics – State of Ohio has determined that students with
an ACT of 22 cannot be forced to take a remedial math course and should be able to align with state
standards. The title of the course and the catalogue abbreviation will be revised to: Introductory
Statistics; revise credit hours to 4; revise schedule type (Emporium); revise description and content; and
revise prerequisites.
MATH 11008 – Explorations in Modern Mathematics – to comply with Ohio’s remediation-free
standards. This course is already a part of the Kent Core; prerequisites have been revised.
Motion carried
Follow-up discussion of KENT CORE classes with Provost Diacon:
D. Palmer had a discussion with the Provost about adding courses to the Kent Core. When adding
courses they should be designed to adhere to the Transfer Module. Rather than set an arbitrary meeting
with the Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, the Provost would prefer that URCC forward a specific
case for review.
Additionally, the issue of adding interdisciplinary courses to the core was briefly discussed. The Ohio
Board of Regents definition of interdisciplinary is rigid and may not be consistent with Kent’s definition;
courses have to fall within at least two categories (ex. Humanities and Science).
Sub-committee membership and reports:
ELR – R. Lorenz, Chair
The committee met earlier that day.
WIC – I.R. Nettey, Chair
No report.
Kent Core – N. Caine-Bish, Chair
No report.
Diversity – J. Arhar, Chair
The committee has met.
There being no other business before the committee, meeting adjourned at 3:10 pm.