M West Edge Lot a Rd st -N H1 55 Mathes Mast Road Lot 2 Rd Smith Equine Center Ex Skogland Livestock Activities Horse Center Barn Moiles h Dr Cole N O G H E F L K J Community C Bldg. B A P S A ag Woodside Lot e W ay .W T Rd ge lle Co Rd vos ay ts W Horton Ar l Q ay W B tch Hubbard Christensen H Pe tte e Bro ok Ln. I Hetzel m m on s Alexander W ay J P Hunter M i l l R d K ay Williamson W Richardson Town Lot eB P roo kL n Co Mill Road Visitor Lot Gibbs ic Eaton Mills 2+ m Philbrook Haaland tte Fairchild Englehardt McConnell Babcock F.P.South Lot Pe Hitchcock Mi Cir eritt Devine 10 Academic Way Parsons P Randall ell Rd o rks w at W Memorial Union Bldg. de DeM Paul Creative Arts Center ay G Rd. ie R Holloway Commons ca TRAIN an Health Services Wolff Da FACULTY / STAFF, COMMUTER, AND RESIDENT WEST W Mc UNH BUS STOP cD e Paul College President's House A Grounds & Events CARPOOL FACULTY / STAFF, COMMUTER, RESIDENT WEST AND WEST EDGE M on Huddleston Kingsbury r r 2+ D Forest Peterson Park MOPED ONLY RESIDENT F.P.North Lot Handler MOTORCYCLE ONLY COMMUTER h rris Elizabeth DeMeritt House bury UNH Police 18 Waterworks Rd ut Ga e Av Mad So t Hood House D FACULTY / STAFF AND COMMUTER K Flow Physics Facility 2+ HOUR METERS / PAYSTATIONS FACULTY / STAFF J er Rd 2 HOUR METERS / PAYSTATIONS e SHORT TERM PAY PER HOUR: ADMISSIONS & VISITOR (on-site permitting) Spaulding A ca de m ic Morse lleg PERMIT PARKING F e Stoke Sawyer T Dimond Library Rudman Telecom Co Gregg W a James y DeMeritt Hewitt Murkland O Thompson Hall Conant Service Building Zais Rd Smith t r e y Ln Accessible parking in all lots except A, West Edge, and Mast Road Lots. Minutes Walking P Chase Ocean Engineering S ar 5 i n m 4 o ol C a Stillings s 3 Ritzman M Morrill F Craft Ro 2 L i b Pettee ra ry 11 Brook Way t Congreve Scott rd Rd Kendall Se r vice 1 AS AMENDED, JULY 2015 NACS Taylor Jessie Doe S ffo Ave New England Center Adams Towers Lord Ba New H Edgewood Hampshire Vistor Lot McLaughlin Hall P ra rd Nesmith F.H EAS. T PARKING M AP I Memorial e p Field ot R d N G 0 D Field House Cowell Stadium Lower Field College Woods Natural Area E St Madbury Z Sawmill H Whittemore Center lla Leawood Orchard Strafford Lot Elliott Alumni Center ES F D D Train Station & Dairy Bar F.H Bremner Field Student Recreation Field C Woodside Apartments M D Town Lot I Reserved and Metered M Putnam Sage Way Bo tan i c a Visitor Lot l L NHVDL n Greenhouses P Q R P NHPTV E B NORTH Barton G1 G S t r e e t A South PARKING & TRANSIT CENTER t Light Horse Classroom A M a i n Farm Services ay S A Old Dairy Barn st dW US Forestry Service 55 a R st ot 1 d. L ua H1 18 A Q -N 17 d Rd 16 R ord 15 od 10 West Edge Dr D The Gables M nc Transportation Garage 9 Leavitt 5 Leavitt 11 Leavitt Lane Lane Lane C Co 14 B C Ma Old 13 North . NH Fish & Game Leavitt Center 12 Gables Lot 1 Leavitt Lane 6 Leavitt Lane 11 wo B 10 ge Human Resources 2 Leavitt Lane 9 ble N H 1 5 5 A D r U W E de s t g e RO L e L n a v i t t US TE 8 Woodman Farm, Observatory, & Contractor Lot Ed S p i nn e L n y nd ,a er d nt R & e e y tC & x an ud en ng ple 'K St m hi m O d op ac o l hi l e C C e v e ry T rc h D ai ea D es R 4 A 8 Spinney 7 Lane 6 s W ay 5 Ga 3 rt 2 T LO ) N E n ly LA d o E Y ig n e IN N a s s SP ec. p s ( No 1 Dairy Teaching & Research Complex 4 ni Marston www.unh.edu/parking E1 erg re e n Dr E L Dr L Ev el Hall PRINTED ON RECYCLED STOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Key to Parking LOTS Commuters Only Lots—Commuter permit required. Commuter permits are sold to qualified students who live one mile or more off campus. G1 Lot D10 Mast Lot 2 C8 Faculty/Staff Lots—F/S permit required. Faculty/Staff permits are sold to qualified employees of UNH. Valid Service, Vendor, Trustee, Emeritus, and Volunteer permits are also good in these lots. B Lot K15 BartonC11 Batchellor Lot H17 Brook Way F16 D Lot E15 F Lot I12 Field House East G12 Field House West E11 G Lot D11 H Lot F14 Leavitt Lane 1 and 2 C3 N Lot N13 P Lot J14 U Lot G16 Strafford Lot E17 Resident Lots—lot-specific permits required. Resident permits are sold to qualified students living in campus resident halls or campus apartment housing. E Lot E1 Lot Forest Park North L14 L13 I13 Forest Park South K12 GablesA13 WoodsideD14 Mixed Use Lots—appropriate permit required. These lots offer parking to multiple permit type holders, as indicated. A Lot (commuters & fac/staff) D12 M Lot (commuters & fac/staff) D12 S Lot (commuters & fac/staff) D4 Mast Rd 1 (commuters, res west, & fac/staff) B9 West Edge Lot (commuters, res west, fac/staff) D3 Visitor, Meter, Short Term and Specialized Lots These lots have special permit/meter requirements and/or limited use. Congreve Lot Edgewood Rd Visitor Mill Road Visitor Q Lot G15 G14 J17 J16 Sage Way Visitor T Lot Z Lot D11 H15 F13 Some smaller lots and buildings not listed. See map on reverse side. Key to Buildings Adams Tower F16 Admissions/SmithG16 AlexanderJ18 Alumni Center, Elliott E15 Amtrack Station E13 BabcockK15 BartonC11 ChristensenL14 ColeC11 ConantH14 CongreveG15 CraftG16 Dairy Bar F13 DemerittH14 DevineJ16 EatonL12 Elizabeth Demeritt G18 EnglehardtJ17 Equine Center C8 FairchildI17 Farm Services B10 Field House F12 FigmentB2 Forest Park J13 Gables, The B12 GarageC5 GibbsK16 GreenhousesD11 Gregg I11 Grounds & Roads K11 Haaland Hall K12 HallL13 Hamilton Smith H16 Handler Hall J12 Health Services H17 Heating Plant H13 HerseyG17 HetzelI18 HewittH13 HitchcockJ16 Holloway Commons I17 Hood House I16 Horse Barn C10 HortonJ15 HubbardK14 HuddlestonI17 Human Resources B3 HunterK17 JamesG14 JanetosH17 Jessie Doe F16 KendallG13 KingsburyI14 Leavitt Center C3 Library, Dimond H14 LordF15 MarstonL12 MathesC7 McConnellJ15 McLaughlinF15 Memorial Union (MUB) I16 MillsI17 MoilesD9 MorrillG14 MorseI13 MurklandH14 NesmithF13 New Engl. Conf Ctr. F17 New Hampshire Hall F14 NHPTVE6 Ocean Engineering H11 Parking & Transit Center D12 ParsonsJ14 Paul Creative Arts I14 Paul College G17 Peterson Hall J12 Pettee Hall G13 PhilbrookK13 President’s House H16 PutnamD11 RandallJ16 RiceH17 RichardsonL12 RitzmanH11 RobinsonH18 RudmanH13 SawyerG16 ScottG15 ServiceH13 SmithG16 Smith/AdmissionsG16 SpauldingI14 StillingsF16 StokeG17 TaylorG13 TelecomH13 ThompsonH15 Whittemore Center E14 WilliamsonL13 WolffH17 WoodsideD14 ZaisH13