Fast RT Model for SSMIS Upperair Sounding Channels Yong Han NOAA/NESDIS/STAR ITSC-15 Maratea, Italy 4-10 October 2006 Outline • Radiometric characteristics of SSMIS channels 19-14 - Zeeman effect - Channel passbands - Weighting function variations with the Earth’s magnetic field - Radiance variations with the Earth’s magnetic field - A case study of Zeeman effect on channel 20 • Fast RT model - Algorithm - Model tests against line-by-line models - Model results compared with measurements • Summary and conclusions Zeeman Effect Energy level splitting: In the presence of an external magnetic field, each energy level associated with the total angular momentum quantum number J is split into 2J+1 levels corresponding to the azimuthal quantum number M = -J, …, 0, …,J Lower energy level Transition lines (Zeeman components) : σ+ π σ- The selection rules permit transitions with ∆J = ±1 and ∆M = 0, ±1. For a change in J (i.g. J=3 to J=4, represented by 3+), transitions with ∆M = 0 are called π components, ∆M = 1 are called σ+ components and ∆M = -1 are called σ- components. Polarization: The three groups of Zeeman components also exhibit polarization effects with different characteristics. Radiation from these components received by a circularly polarized radiometer such as the SSMIS upper-air channels is a function of the magnetic field strength |B|, the angle θB between B and the wave propagation direction k as well as the state of atmosphere, not dependent on the azimuthal angle of k relative to B. Zeeman spectral splitting of the 3+ O2 line (unsplit frequency: 58.446590 GHz) SSMIS upper-air channel parameters Ch # Passband 1 Passband 2 F0 (GHz) BW (MHz) F0 (GHz) BW (MHz) 19 62.9980 1.34 63.5685 1.36 20 60.4348 1.34 61.1506 1.37 21 60.4328 1.26 60.4368 22 60.4293 2.62 23 60.4188 24 60.3848 Passband 3 SSMIS channel 19 passbands Passband 4 F0 (GHz) BW (MHz) F0 (GHz) BW (MHz) 1.23 61.1486 1.33 61.1526 1.33 60.4403 2.61 61.1451 2.66 61.1561 2.67 7.01 60.4508 7.17 61.1346 7.40 61.1666 7.44 26.63 60.4848 26.33 61.1006 26.04 61.2006 26.88 F0=62.9980 GHz (15+) -10 10 Frequency offset from F0(MHz) All the six channels are left-circular polarization F0=63.5685 GHz (17+) -10 10 Frequency offset from F0(MHz) SSMIS channel 20 – 24 passbands F0=60.4348 GHz (7+) -50 -16 -5.5 -2 0 2 5.5 16 Frequency offset from F0(MHz) Channel 20 Channel 21 F0=61.1506 GHz (9+) 50 -50 Channel 22 -16 -5.5 -2 0 2 5.5 16 Frequency offset from F0(MHz) Channel 23 50 Channel 24 • The passbands of channels 19 and 20 are centered at the O2 rotational transition line 7+, 9+, 15+ or 17+. • The paired passbands of channels 21 – 24 are located with equal distances from the center of the transition line 7+ or 9+. Variation of the Earth’s magnetic field Field strength Horizontal direction from North (east +) Longitude = 180o Lon = 90o Lon = 0o Lon = -90o Field zenith angle Field strength at different heights Z = 40 km Z = 80 km The field may be treated as a constant with height The magnetic field was computed with IGRF Height (km) Pressure (hPa) Brightness Temperature (K) Radiometric characteristics of channel 19 – 24 (1) 270 260 250 B=0 240 230 B = 0.63 COS(θB) = -0.5 220 210 B = 0.23 COS(θB) = -0.5 200 190 -4 Normalized weighting function -3 B = 0.63 Gauss COS(θB) = 0.5 B = 0.23 COS(θB) = 0.5 -2 -1 0 1 2 Frequency offset from 61150.560 MHz 9+ O2 line 3 • The weighting function peak heights of channels 19 and 20 decrease when the magnetic field strength increases because the two channels are centered at the transition lines, where the absorption decreases. • The weighting function peak heights of channels 21 and 22 increase when the magnetic field strength increases since the channels are located off the transition line centers, in the places where the absorption increases. • The channel brightness temperatures do not depend on the sign of COS(θB), if the central frequencies of the passbands in channels 19 and 20 are centered at the transition lines and each symmetric pair of the passbands in channels 21 – 24 have approximately the same bandwidth. (see also slide 10) 4 8 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 7 channel 19 channel 19 6 channel 20 channel 21 channel 20 channel 21 5 BT - BT0 (K) BT - BT0 (K) Radiometric characteristics of channel 19 – 24 (2) 4 3 B = 0.6 Gauss 2 1 COS(θB) = 0.9 0 -1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 COS( θB) Earth magnetic field strength (Gauss) BT0 – brightness temperature offset, channel dependent US Standard atmosphere (1976) Height (km) • The brightness temperatures increase with the Earth’s magnetic filed strength in channels 19 and 20 because the weighting function peak heights decrease and move into areas with warmer air temperature. • Channel 21 is in a opposite situation. • The variations of the brightness temperature with COS(θB) can be explained similarly. Normalized weighting function Temperature (K) Radiance measurements plotted as functions of magnetic field strength and COS(θB) Channel 19 Channel 20 Channel 21 COS(θB) 0.8 < |COS(θB)| < 1.0 0.5 < B < 0.6 Gauss Data were taken on February 15, 2006 within latitude range between 40S and 50S Radiometric characteristics of channel 19 – 24 (3) 0.02 0.19 0 channel 22 0.165 channel 23 0.14 -0.04 channel 24 BT - BT0 (K) BT - BT0 (K) -0.02 0.115 0.09 COS(θB) = 0.9 0.065 0.04 B = 0.6 Gauss -0.06 -0.08 -0.1 channel 22 -0.12 channel 23 -0.14 channel 24 -0.16 0.015 -0.18 -0.01 -0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Earth m agnetic field strength (Gauss) Channel 24 is not affected by Zeeman-splitting 0.4 0.5 COS(θB ) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Radiometric characteristics of channel 19 – 24 (4) BT - BT0 (K) The effect of shifting passbands by about 0.03 MHz in channel 20: the channel shows a dependence on the sign of the cosine angle between the Earth’s magnetic field and wave propagation direction 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 COS(0<θB<90o) COS(90o<θB<180o) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 |COS(θB)| 0.8 1 Zeeman effect case study: measurement simulations along a track of channel-20 observations (1) UTC = 22.21 h February 15, 2006 Track of pixel 15 Channel 20 Earth’s magnetic field strength B 0.7 1 COS(θB) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0 0.4 -0.5 0.3 0.2 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 UTC time (hour) starting at 22 hours 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 COS(θ ) B field strength (Gauss) UTC = 23.86 Zeeman effect case study: measurements and simulations along a track of channel 20 (2) Measurements (pixel 15) Measured BT, channel 20 250 240 Ascending 230 Descending 220 210 200 190 180 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Simulated BT (K), channel 20 UTC time (hour) starting at 22 hours Simulation (pixel 15) 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 Ascending Descending 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 UTC time (hour) starting at 22 hours The main features of the measurement time series are well captured by the simulations. The differences are due mainly to the errors of the CIRA profiles used in the simulations. CIRA profiles: monthly mean, 0 – 120 km, 80oN – 80oS every 5o latitude CIRA: COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere 1986 Zeeman effect case study: measurements and simulations along a track of channel 20 (3) Weighting function peak height Latitude (degree) Equatorial latitude = 0o Pressure (hPa) Reference height (km) Simulated BT (K), channel 20 Temperature contour (K) 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 Simulation UTC time (hour) Starting at 22 hours Ascending (pixel 15) Descending 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 UTC time (hour) starting at 22 hours The radiance variation is due to both variations of the weighting function peak height and air temperature Fast RT Model with inclusion of Zeeman Effect (1) Algorithm: (1) Atmosphere is vertically divided into N fixed pressure layers from 0.000076 mb (about 110km) to 200 mb. (currently N=100, each layer about 1km thick). (2) The Earth’s magnetic field is assumed constant vertically (3) For each layer, the following regression is applied to derive channel optical depth with a leftcircular polarization: m ODlc ,i = ci ,0 + ∑ ci , j xi , j j =1 xi,j – predictors; ci,j - constants (4) Channel brightness temperature at zenith angle θ is computed as n Tb ,lc = ∑ (τ i −1 − τ i )Tair ,i i =1 , where τ i = τ i −1 exp( −ODlc ,i / COS (θ )), τ 0 = 1 Fast RT Model with inclusion of Zeeman Effect (2) Training process: (1) Base line-by-line model: Rosenkranz (1988) (2) Atmospheric profile set: 48 UMBC profiles extended to 0.000076 mb (about 110 km) by merging them with standard atmospheric profiles (3) For each profile set, n x m radiances are calculated with n points on B and m points on COS(θB) (4) Zenith angle variation range: 51 - 54 Model test: (1) Compared with line-by-line model (a) independent test using 600 TIGR profiles extended to 110 km (b) independent test using 204 CIRA model profiles (c) independent test using 52 ECMWF profiles extended to 110 km (2) Compared with measurements SSMIS Measurements: data taken on 10/25/2005, 11/15/2005, 2/15/2006, 3/15/2006 and 4/15/2006. Collocated model input profiles: retrievals collected from the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) experiment. Predictors for fast-model layer optical depth Channel Predictor 19, 20 ψ, ψB-1, cos2(θB),ψcos2(θB), B-1, B-2, cos2(θB)B2 21, 22 ψ, cos2(θB), B, B3, cos2(θB)B, cos2(θB)B2 23 ψ, ψ2, cos2(θB), B 24 ψ, ψ2 ψ – 300/T; T – temperature B – Earth magnetic field strength θB – angle between magnetic field and propagation direction Model test (the independent test set was generated from CIRA profiles) Brightness temperature error (K) 2 1.8 Fitting Errors 1.6 Independent Test Measurement Error (NEDT) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 19 20 21 22 SSMIS channel number 23 24 Examples of Jacobian profiles computed with the fast-model’s Jacobian routine Blue – fast model Green – finite-difference computed using the line-by-line model Model results compared with measurements (1097 samples) (1) Fast model Chan 19 Chan 20 Chan 21 Rosenkranz LBL Liebe93 LBL (line width adjusted with a constant B) Model results compared with measurements (1097 samples) (2) Fast model Chan 22 Chan 23 Chan 24 Rosenkranz LBL Liebe93 LBL (line width adjusted with a constant B) Summary and Conclusions • A regression-based fast RT model has been developed for both forward and Jacobian calculations; it is based on the Rosenkranz88 line-by-line model and the UMBC 48 profile set. • The model was tested against the line-by-line model over various independent profile data sets. The RMS differences over the CIRA data set (the worst among the test sets) are 0.34, 0.63, 0.33, 0.053, 0.09 and 0.05 at channels 19 – 24, respectively. • The model was also compared with the measurements using matched SABER profiles as inputs. Results show that the fast model has performances similar to the line-by-line model in accuracy but a much faster computational speed. • The weighting function peak heights of the SSMIS channels 19 and 20 decrease with the increase of the Earth’s magnetic field strength since the narrow channel passbands are centered at the O2 transition lines and the Zeeman-splitting effect reduces the absorption at the center of the absorption lines. • The weighting function peak heights of the channels 21 and 22 increase with the increase of the Earth’s magnetic field strength since the channel passbands are off the centers of the O2 transition lines and the Zeeman-splitting effect increases the absorption in the wings of the absorption lines. • The channel radiance calculations are not sensitive to the sign of COS(θB) (radiances at θB and π- θB have the same value). However, even a slight shift of the channel passband frequencies may make the channel sensitive to the sign.