Monitoring Climate Change using Satellites: Lessons from MSU Peter Thorne, Simon Tett Hadley Centre, Met Office, Exeter, UK UAH data from John Christy Residual uncertainty work in collaboration with John Christy, Roy Spencer and David Parker 1 What is the problem? 2 Forming a homogeneous series from several different satellites Corrections are required for: – Orbit decay -- satellite gets closer to Earth » Only needed for LT retrieval and v. small uncert. – Diurnal drift -- satellites drift aliasing in the diurnal cycle – Instrument temperature. » Conversion into brightness temperature has nonlinear dependence on the satellite temperature. – Other intra-satellite bias. » Any remaining biases removed. – Inter-satellite biases Dataset trend uncertainty Two sources: – Structural uncertainty » the uncertainty introduced by the method chosen to go from raw radiances to a “homogeneous dataset” – Residual uncertainty » Uncertainty inherent in the method in the presence of finite data. 3 Three MSU datasets MT trend Intra-satellite changes 0.02K Raw radiances UAH Grey box 0.10K RSS Inter-satellite changes 4 Decisions made will always involve a degree of subjectivity in absence of agreed transfer standards 0.24K V&G What is the true structural uncertainty? P(x) OR ??? Red is the PDF of best-guess global-mean trends for an infinite number of physically realistic treatments, green stars published estimates. Which (L or R) is correct is important! Are the datasets consistent? The respective published estimates with 2 sigma (residual only) uncertainty estimates are: – UAH: 0.02 +/-0.05 K / decade – RSS: 0.10 +/-0.02 K / decade – V & G: 0.24 +/-0.02 K / decade Implies either: 1. some (all?) are physically implausible methods or 2. that structural uncertainty is the major source of uncertainty (error!) and that this implicitly needs to be taken into account: – How? We are grossly under-sampling the structural uncertainty phase space. 6 Residual dataset uncertainty How were these uncertainty estimates derived? – Could they simply be under-estimated? » Might a more realistic set of residual uncertainty estimates obviate the need to consider structural uncertainty because it is in fact unimportant? 7 Concentrate on UAH as it has had most analysis applied to it, but similar principles will pertain to the other datasets. Internally and Externally derived error estimates Attempt to produce “internal” error estimates – “Model” the various components of treatment error to estimate total error. » Need to get major error sources and be right about “model” » Allows computation of any desired quantity. » Independent Alternatively produce “external” error estimates – by comparison with radiosondes » Need enough radiosonde data » Need to assume error distribution (as sondes are sparse) » Radiosondes contain errors! 8 Inter-Satellite bias Chosen as one example for internally derived estimate. Uncertainty in bias is normal expression for standard deviation (σ/√N) where N is the estimated dof. Estimate 1-σ error from 90-day averages (indep. data) 9 Biases are cumulative. LT Inter-Satellite differences Drift in NOAA-12 10 Bias Uncertainties Product 11 Tropics Global Pre NOAA-12 0.034 0.031 LT NOAA-12 0.052 0.037 post NOAA-12 0.021 0.015 MT 0.024 0.018 LS 0.071 0.063 Externally derived estimates Ten U.S. VIZ sites RMT vs. TMT 0-30N 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 °C -0.5 Sonde change RMT -1.0 TMT RMT-TMT -1.5 -2.0 0.0 °C -2.5 -0.5 Trend in Difference (unadjusted) = -0.05 °C/decade -3.0 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 Fig. 5 Christy et al. 2003 12 2001 Results MSU/AMSU Atmospheric Weighting Functions . Three products (LT, MT & LS) 0 TLS Lower Stratosphere . 200 Two regions: TMT Mid-Troposphere . – tropics (+/- 20o) – Global 400 hPa 600 TLT Lower Troposphere . 800 1000 0 0.01 0.02 Weight per 5 hPa Layer 0.03 0.04 0.05 J.R. Christy and R.W. Spencer University of Alabama in Huntsville . 0.06 Errors in the trend 14 Residual errors 15 Analysis of UAH shows that residual error estimates are not likely to be (at least grossly) underestimated. The two remaining MSU datasets need a thorough error analysis and this needs to be published. Lessons? 16 Critically important to place robust error estimates. But, structural uncertainty may be the major source of error: if so this is a big challenge! Having three independently produced estimates permits an in-depth analysis which is unlikely to be possible for other satellite datasets and will undoubtedly provide valuable information. Just a satellite problem? 17 What is happening to tropospheric temperatures fundamentally affects our understanding of climate change. Depending upon which MSU series you choose the answer changes absolutely. We desperately need a clear-cut and objectively based answer as to what the true trend is with error estimates! Needs expert input from the satellite, climate, reanalysis, and observational communities.