Carola Hilmes (Goethe-UniversitAt Frankfurt am Main) Tendencies in modern autobiographical writing I. "someone was then the other one" - Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas II. Author's Identity in Doubt: Uwe Johnson's autobiographical writings III. ,,transforming the mirror into a window": Ilse Aichinger's Reminiscences lrt ]-,lt - ry Basket a story. Interlude I I am I because my little dog knows me. Is he he when he does not know me. This sometimes happens. That is his not knowing me. When it does not happen he sometimes tries to make it happen. So is he he when he does not know me. And when he does rot know me am I I. But certainly this is not so although it really very truly is so.l uwe-johnson- I- 1 983 (7 1 2x5S2r56 tpeg) ir.r ffi L-1ivt Jcl"ur ="q{ &, lr\r' .l.,l u, SLrlilkr Wihrend einer Lesung aus dem lerzten Sand derJuhnrrage im Herbsr lgEj writing in the form of a chronicle allows for placing disparate elements next to each other, connecting them by parataxis. There are seven levels of narration in Anniversaries: l. In New York, Gesine tells her daughter Marie about her youth in Jerichoq this creates the comrnunicative frame of the narration. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. Gesine records tapes for Marie ..for when I,m dead,, (JT l5l, 3g5). Accounts of Gesine's and Marie,s life in New york by the narrator. Extracts from the New york Times, which is read daily by Gesine. Gesine's letters andtelephone conversations. conversations between Gesine and her "contractual partner,,, the narrator, whom she calls "Comrade Writer,, or..Johnson,,. J/.r, ,4r l ,'k I e{l-/ I Film und Verhdngnis Film und Verhingnis ii Der Boden unrer unseren Fti8en 2I A1t-Aussee, 1930 25 \Teihnachren 7927, 1937, 1941 27 Die Tochter des Germani sten, 7934 3l Die Tochter des Kohlenhindlers, 1941 35 Die Tochter der Aitistin, 1942 40 Heinrich Sablik, Steuerberater, 1942 46 Apothekenbuchstelle, Schwarzenbe rgplatz Der Kai,7944 i3 \(ien 1945, Kriegsende i6 50 II Journal des Verschwindens Vorbemerkung zum "Journal des Verschwindens.. I 65 Einribung in Abschiede 73 Deutschlandbtlder 77 Friulein \ig{_eAgtahl 80 Fontanes Landschaft: Marianne Hoppe I5 Lya de Putti in der Hohlweggasse 89 "Street photographer's background" 93'." Souverdnitlt der Llcherlichkeit 95 Eddie Constantine 98 Verhinderte Trlumer 100 ,Bill Brandt visits the Bront6 country<< 103 Das Erinnerun[sbild 105 Die Farben des Erinnerns 108 Zweiin einem Boot 711 ..l Sessel frir die Ausgeschlossenen 113 Der Schneefall der Existenz 115 Entwurf einer Zukunft 119 \[o bleibt der zweite Schu8? 122 Kein Gliick ohne Verhdngnis 127 ,'j Foto des Jahrhunderts 131 Die Beatles im herbstlichen \Wien 134 Die Stanzmaschine "Jugend" 140 I Strafienzrige des Lebens 143 Die Schienenlegerin - Calamity Jane 149 "Du kehrst morgen zuriick.. 153 "Boys peeping.,A Night in London... 157 i 0) bo-: tr tr !nJ cr H -7i i;.r.:'i ^ E d-U cg + -E EnEei+ ,9 EE > oi: C u crc a:.:C+ Y r n.==:z.r.c'P!! -::i(r=rd!i v -E d = : E -q b + = t^ i,= o c! ;O { ! E =€ ? a ! Li u I* N^. B> -d ! C NH !roiii=6 eo<<!t (J €T :"=-€ ! K ";5 ;.n s!, ?^u -IJ *l q !r .q9 ! d;:.9 !-; *E+ sf S;( !? Eu oa) E;fl$5{E E I i!? !.Y,.i'r '" r:-:-= x F-otr e o,-:: Y= d i h-q.( E1: rc)-!.:3r-;t l!L-:=: '-l b 3.? HE EgIE e I -,:t).e E{ i i< 14 jN i tl 9 e e#! bE ,! -d a; i-q o !J': ; Ei f; o0)==>o() o-l IE i3 E {€ EP ;.r 9^ !.) U L o N a 'r==!E EEE€E;H E e r [: #E:EXH3 99i=ilrrE Ei .ts13E.=*.E i a3 E !l!oro_c0r EE B=8.38€6 t t\ i .G tr \ q L {) b0 <-) .< o E eq i6