TENT or ANALYSIS [CP tILF.EIP UREA-FORMALDEHYDE CLUES September 1944 JUL, 190 lriOs Veport Is One of a Series Issued In Cooperation with the 41141Y.4410*-0111 COMMIntr on Alva?Art 'DESIGN CVITERIA, Under the Super*Ision of Mc AtVONAUTICAll. 'IBIDAPID Sic. 1333 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OREST SERVICE FOREST RODIICTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin Coo0iiatiow with -Ake fvfrsity of \Wielmoin ANALYSIS FOXI FILUR CONTENT OF UP.t,A-FORMALDEHYDE GLUES 1 By A. E. GABRIEL, Chemist and LEAH E. COHODAS, Chemist ons•ries 00. It is generally agroA that; there is an. upper limit to the amount of filler that it is desirable to have incorporated in a urea-formaldehyde adhesive because unlimited Amounts could adversely affect strength and other properties. After consultation with representatives of the glue manufacturers, the upper limit in Army-Nav Aeronautical Specification AN-G-8 was set at 20 percent of the weight of the dry resin. Unfortunately, "filler" is not adequately defined in this specification • nor is there any prescribed method for determination of filler. It is important in the revision of Specification AN-G-8 and in the proposed Federal Specification for urea formaldehyde glue that this deficiency be overcome. To this end the Forest Products _laboratory has recently given considerable attention to • methods of filler analysis. The ideal method for filler analysis should permit complete separation of such substances as wood flour. walnut, shell flour, set urea-formaldehyde rosin, and any other inert insoluble constituent from the active adhesive ingredient. This ideal is difficult to attain, however, inasmuch as walnut shell flour, wood flour, and set resin haw some solubility in all solvents; and the urea-resin ingredient is never in one form only but varies in degree of polymerization from sirplo molecules that may be truly soluble through micelles in the form of a colloidal sol, to higher polymers that appear to be in neither true nor colloidal solution but in gross suspension. It seems probabl(, that thi insoluble suspended urea rosin would not be ;Idhesivt., like t1.1e rosin in colloidal form end should therefore, in the ideal method, be separated out with int,,redints acknowledged as filler. The amount of rosin in this form is usually only a part of one percent but may run as high as several percent. Six methods have been suggested by various individuals and companies for the determination of fill4r La urea-formaldehyde rosin glues. They all consist of simple separation ofthe filler by solvents to dissolve the 1 This mimeograph is one of a series of progress reports prepared by the Forest Products Laboratory to further the Nation's war effort. Results hero reported aro preliminary and may be revised as additional data become available. Mimeo. No. 1333 -1- adhesive resin, leaving the filler insoluble and capable of being filtered, dried, and weighed. These methods depend on the use of the following solvents: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 50 percent ethyl alcohol in water hot water 20 percent acetic acid 90 percent formic acid boiling in water made slightly alkaline with NaOH 20 percent acetic acid, 20 percent alcohol, 60 percent water Detailed directions for these six different methods and also a method for determination of nonvolatile content are included at the and of this report. The original wording has in some places boon changed, but the m = ethods are essentially as suggested. It may be noted that all those methods express filler as a percentage of the nonvolatile content of thc, glue instead of the resin content as in Specification AV-G-. This is a little more lenient and raises slightly the amount of filler p ermitted by any sot figure, such as "20 percent." This method of expression seems desirable, however, as the nonvolatile content is relatively easy to determine and avoids th,: complicated procedure that would be necessary to determine strictly rosin content. In method 3, 20 percent acetic acid is employed. In paragraph . F-3b '(3) of the draft of the proposed Federal Specification of July •21, 1943 the use of 10 percent acetic acid was prescribed. Following the issuance of this draft, several glue manufacturers are said to have stated that 10 percent acetic acid would not dissolve their resins. Urea resins are probably not more soluble in 20 percent acetic acid than in 10 percent; but the higher concentration is a better stabilizinF agent for the urea rosin colloidal sol, and thu objection may have arisen from. the occurrence of flocculation before filtration was complete. For this reason. 20 percent acetic acid is employed • and a filtering aid to speed the rate of filtration introduced into method 3. In order to draw a comparison as to the ease with which these methods may be used and the accuracy and precision of the results that can be obtained thereby, 11 commercial glues, consisting of t urea, 2 fortified urea, and 1 melamine glue, wen examined independently by 2 different analysts using the first 4 method previously listed. The data obtained on the commercial glues arc presented in. table 1. From table 1, nom of the methods of analysis appears to be as precise as most methods of inorganic quantitative chemical analysis. The average differences in percentages of insoluble between duplicate determinations on the same sample varied from 0.3 percent for the formic acid to 0.8 percent for the hot water. This would indicate poorest precision by the hot water method. The differonc,:' in precision by the other three methods was not statistically significant. No. 1333 -2 0 _ In no sample was the quantity of the insoluble actually present inthe 11 glues of table 1 known. In the 6 glues, 1 to 4 and 10 and 11, there was no vegetable filler present bit always a small but Unknown amount of insoluble, probably nonadhesive rosin. In glues 5 to 9, vegetable fill e r was present in addition to some insoluble rosin, and perhaps a small percentage of inorganic insolubles resulting from the catalyst-buffer system. The manufacturers will undoubtedly know accurately the amount of vegetable filler incorporated in their glues but probably not the proportion of the resin that is insoluble. On the unfortifiod urea-formaldehyde glues, Nos. 1 to 8 in table 1, 50 percent alcohol gave higher values for insoluble residue than any of the other three solvents. On the melamine and fortified ureas the values for the hot water method were the highest. In practically all instances, the formic acid gave the lowest values for insoluble content. In addition to these comparative determinations on different glues, the solvents employed in five of the methods, among others, were used on walnut shell flour, maple wood flour, and powdered set urea resin, all of which are materials in common 1130 as filler constituents, to determine their solubility in various solvents. The data obtained from the tests on filler materials are given in table 2. It may be seen from this table that maple wood flour, walnut shell flour, and sot resin show some solubility in all the liquids triad as solvents. Between the first six solvents there appears to be little choice in this respect. Sot urca-formaldehyde.rosin is decomposed by or is soluble in hot water and is practically all dissolved by long-continued boiling. This, along with the length of time and equipment required for method 5, is a reasonable basis for objection to that method, in which filler and resin are separated by prolonged refluxing in water made v e ry slightly alkaline with NaOH. Concentrated formic acid has a strong solvent action on all three fillers, particularly when hot. The facility with which it dissolves sot rosin in urea-formaldehyde glue may be a chief objection to method 4. Another objection to the use of 90 percent formic acid is the disagreeable action of this chemical on the skin of the analysts. Unless rubber gloves aro worn or other strict precautions taken, formic acid is insidiously absorbed by the skin causing soreness and large blisters. A circumstance that may haw a bearing upon the choice of solvents for separation of filler from soluble urea resins is the observation that the English glues, Aerolite 300F, Aerolite 303, and Beetle Cement AF, could not 13:: filtered when treated with 90 percent formic acid, although filtration was not difficult, when the treatment was with 20 percent acetic acid or with 20 percent acetic plus 20 percent alcohol. Method 1 using 50 percent alcohol gave values for total insoluble content higher than generally expected for each particular glue. It is not certain that it gives too high results, for how high they should: be, as said No. 1333 -3- bofore, is not known. Noverth(Aoss, for a glue specification that places a maximum limit on the amount of filler that may be incorporated in the glue, the adoption of a method that would give a maximum amount of insoluble to be classed as filler might, under certain circumstances, work a hardship on the glue manufacturer. From this point of view a method that would place the insoluble content somewhat lower would be preferable in that it would benefit the manufacturer without lowering quality standards so far as is known at this time. In the matter of choice between the methods using hot water and 20 percent acetic acid, the former offers freedom from the use of filtr-aid and the extra operations and error this may entail. It also has the advantaco of more rapid filtration of the straight urea-formaldehyde resins. In the melamine and fortified urea resins on the other hand, hot water fails to dissolve a residue that is of gummy consistency and slow to filter. Although melamino and fortified urea resins Are not included in the proposed Federal Specification for cold-sottdng urea-formaldehyde glues, typical examples (Nos. 9, 10, and 11 in table 1) ha-k, , e been included among those glues studied, inasmuch as it would seem desirable to have a method for filler analysis chosen Car urea-formaldehyde glues that would, if possible, be suitable also for glues of other types. Though the hot-water method (No. 2) seems quite satisfctory for '1,-;he unfortified urea glues, it has not proved sufficiently applicable to all urea-rosin typ o s. It may be noted from table 1 that 90 percent formic acid usually gave lower percentages of insoluble than did 20 percent acetic acid. To ascertain if precipitation of soluble resin by acetic acid may be the explanation of the greater amount of matter insoluble in 20 percent acetic acid than in 90 • percent formic acid, as reported in table 1, three uroa-rosin solutions wore analyzed for insoluble content by 20 percent acetic acid and by centrifuging. The results are-aS shown in table 3. The findings that the quantity of insoluble matt_r thrown down by centrifuging was in no case significantly less than the quantity insoluble in 20 percent acetic acid would reasonably lead to the conclusion that the acetic acid was not, precipitatin;: rein in these instances. The data would rather Indicate that acetic acid has some solubilizing action similar to that of formic acid upon set urea rosin although less pronounced. Additional evidence for this conclusion lay in the observation that, with all three glues, when a small quantity of opalescent supornntrInt layer after centrifuging was poured into 20 percent acetic acid, the oplscencc; gradually cleared up upon standing for a fen minutes. Precipitation upon the addition of 20 percent acetic acid as in method found in -a. single instance This occurred with Bakelite BC -U-16257, a clear, water-white, resin solution of 69 percent solids, which became cloudy upon addition to. 20 percent acetic acid with coagulation of a small proportion 3 Was of the resin previously in solution. Although this was the only case of precipitation observed, it indicated that 20 percent acetic acid was not universally suitable as a solvent for filler analysis of urca-resin glues. No. 1333 Precipitation did not occur from Bakelite BCU-16257 upon the addition of a solution of the following composition: 20 percent acetic acid, 20 percent ethyl alcohol, 60 percent water. This 20-20-60 mixed solvent may therefore be more generally acceptable than acetic acid alone. The effect of this solvent upon fillers commonly used in urea-resin glues is shown in table 2 to be of a reasonable order of magnitude. It was tried upon various urea resins, fortified areas, and melamine glues, and in all of these its behavior was almost identical to that of 20 percent acetic acid. Quantitative data obtained by method 3 with 20 percent acetic acid and by method 6 with 20-20-60 solvent upon several urea resins arc shown in table 4. The results of filler analysis of the six proposed methods may be summarized as follows: IlOthod 1 with 50 percent alcohol gave insoluble contents for the straight urea resins somewhat higher than appeared reasonable. Method 2 with hot water gave results too high for the melamine and fortified urea glues. Mothod 3 with 20 percent acetic acid gave results of a reasonable order of magnitude except in the single instance of Bakelite BCU-16257 with which some immediate precipitation occurred. Method 4 with 90 percent formic acid, and Method 5 with boiling dilute NaOH solution, had too great a solvent action on sot urea resin employed as a filler. Method 6 using 20-20-60 mixed acetic acid and alcohol solvent gave results of a reasonable order of magnitude -Ind reasonable precision, including the ono glue with which 20 percent acetic acid failed. For a method generally applicable to all types or urea-formaldehyde resin slues, the use of 20-20-60 mixed solvent is to be preferred to any of the othr solvents examined in this study. It has worked satisfactorily on straight urea, fortified urea, and melamine-resin glues, giving results of about the expected order of magnitude in instances where there is some basis for a prior prediction. Method 6 is precise, rapid, easy to employ, and without hazard to the analyst. In consideration of the advantages of method 6 over the other methods, this procedure is recommended for the proposed Federal Specification on urea-formaldehyde glues and for Specification AN-G-8 whom next revised. No. 1333 -5- APPENDIX Method 1 for insoluble filler b r 50percent ethyl alcohol At least 100 grams of glue shall be mixed according to the manufacturer's directions, the weighing being done with an accuracy of at least 1/10 of ono percent. To approximately 2 grams of this mixed glue, accurately weighed to the nearest millicrtm in a 100-cubic centimeter beaker or Erl=eyer, flosk, shall be added 50 cubic centimeters of 50 p;rcent (by volum) ethyl alcohol solution in water and the rnixturc stirred c)i . 1 minute. Ther shall be added 0.500 gram of acid-washed diatomaceous ,,arth.t.thz.-.t has been previously oven dried overnight at about 110° C. and cooled in a desiccator. The stirring shall b continued for 2 more minutes and the suspension immediately filtered through a previously welched sintor , x1 glass crucible of medium porosity. All the solid material remaining in the beaker shall be washed carefully with a total of 50 cubic centimeters of 50 percent ethyl alcohol solution onto thc, filter after which the crucible shall be dried at about 110° C. for 16 hours, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The rDsiduc minus 0.500 gram, the 11,..iht of the diatomaceous earth, shall 1).; considered as the filler content of the glue, and its amount shall be calculated as a percentage of the amount of nonvolatile content of the glue as determined in method 7. Method 2 for insoluble filler by hot water At least 100 grams of glue shall be mixed, according to the manufacturer's directions, the weighing being done with an accuracy of at least 1/10 of ono percent. Approximatel y 2 grams of this nixed glue shall be accurately weighed to the nearest milligram into a 100-oubic centimeter beaker or Erlenmeyer flask. Fifty cubic centimeters cf water shall be brought to a boil, added at once to the glue, the mixture vigorously stirred for 1/2 minute, th,3n immediato1:7 poured through a sinte,rod glass crucible of knoan weight that has just been heated by another portion of boiling water poured trough it. Thu mixture of mixed glue in hot water shall he rapidly filtered with suction and th,_1 residue washed with 50 cubic c:;ntimetors of boiling water. The crucible shall then be dried for 16 hours in an oven at about 110* C., cooled in a desiccator, and weighed. Thc, residue shall ho consider.:, d as the filler content of the Llue, and its amount shall be calculated as a percentage of th,.: amount of nonvolatile content of the glue as determined in method 7. -Jilter-cel and Colite Analytical Filter-aid have been found suitable for this purpose. No. 1333 Method 3 f2E.12222.2121E112.11EIL12 .2ercent acetic acid At least 100 grams of glue' shall be mixed according to the manufacturor's directions, the weighing being done with an accuracy of at least 00 of one percent. To approximately 2 grams of this mixed glue, accurately weighed to the nearest milligram ma 100-cubic centimeter beaker or Erlenmeyer flask shall be added 50 cubic centimeters of a cold solution made of 20 parts of glacial acetic acid and 80 parts of distilled wator by volume. This mixture shall be thoroughly stirred for 1 minute. Then shall be added 0.500 gram of acid-washod diatomaceous earth that has been previously oven dried overnight at 110° C. and cooled in a desiccator'. The stirring shall be continued for two more minutes and the suspension immediately filtered through a previously weighed sintered glass crudible of medium porosity. All the solid material remaining in the beaker shall be washed out carefully with 20 percent acetic acid solution onto the filter. The residue on the fil t er shall be washed with a total of at least 50 cubic centimeters of 20 percent acetic acid, then with cold distilled water to remove the acid, after which the crucible shall be dried at about 110° C. for about 16 hours, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The residue minus 0.500 gram, the weight of the diatomaceous earth, shall be considered as the filler content of the glue, and its amount shall be calculated as a percentage of the amount of nonvolatile content of . the glue as determined in method 7. Method 4 for insoluble filler by 90 ercent formic acid At least 100 grams of glue shall be mixed according to the manufacturer's direction, the weighing being done with an accuracy of at least 1/10 of one percent. To approximately 2 grams of this mixed glue, accurately weighed to the nearest milligram in a 100-cubic centimeter beaker or Erlenmeyer flask shall be added 30 cubic centimeters of 90 percent formic acid. The mixture shall be swirled around gently at intervals, then allowed to stand . overnight, after which it shall be filtered through a pre. viously weighed sintered glass crucible of medium porosity using suction. The flask and residue shall be washed with two 20 cubic centimeter washes of distilled water and then with 20 cubic centimeters of denatured alcohol. After preliminary drying by suction the crucible shall be placed in an oven at about 110° C. for 30 minutes, then cooled in a desiccator and reweighod. The residue shall be considered as the filler content of the glue and its amount shall be calculated as a percentage of the amount of nonvolatile content (ff . -the glue as determined in method 7. Method r for insoluble filler by rolonTed boilin in slightly alkaline water S Apt least 100 grams of glue shall be mixed acoording to the manufacturer's direction, the weighing being done with an accuracy of at least 1/10 of one percent. One gram of this mixed glue, accurately weighed to the nearest milligram in a large flask shall be added to 2 liters of water treated wi th 3 oubic centimeters of 20 percent sodium hydroxide solution, boiled 4 hours under reflux to prevent loss of water, filtered through a previously for No. 1333 -7- weighed Gooch or sintered glass crucible and dried at about 110° C. for 16 hours, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The residue shall be considered as . the filler content of the glue, and its amount shall be calculated as a percentage of the amount of nonvolatile content of the glue as determined in method 7.. Method .6 for insoluble filler by 20 percent acetic acid plus 20 percent ethyl al ohol. At least 100 grams of glue shall be nixed according to the manufacturer's directions, the weighing being done with an accuracy of at least 1/10 of one percent. To approximately 2 grams of this mixed glue, accurately weighed to the nearest milligram in a 100-cubic centimeter beaker or Erlenmeyer flask shall be added 50 cubic centimeters of a cold solution made of 20 parts of glacial acetic acid, 20 parts ethyl alcohol, and 60 parts of distilled water by volume. This mixture shall be thoroughly stirred for 1 minut, and then shall be added 0.500 gram of acid-washed diatomaceous earth— that has been previously oven dried overnight at 110° C. and cooled in a desiccator. The stirring shall be continued for 2 minutes more and the suspension immediately filtered through a previously weighed sintered glass crucible of medium porosity. All the solid material remaining in the beaker shall be washed out carefully with the same acetic acid-ethyl alcohol solution onto the filter. The residue on the filter shall be w a shed with a total of at least 50 cubic centimeters of the acetic acid-alcohol solution, then with 95 percent ethyl alcohol to remove the acid, after which the crucible shall be dried at about 110° C. for 2 hours, cooled in a desiccator, and weighed. The residue minus 0.500 gram, the weight of the diatomaceous • earth, shall be considered as the filler content of the glue, and its amount shall be calaulated as a percentage of the amount of nonvolatile content of the glue as determined in method. 7. Method 7 for nonvolatile content About 1 gram, accurately weighed, of the mixed glue shall be transferred from a suitable weighing bottle onto a previously weighed glass microscope slide or small petri dish and distributed evenly over most of the surface. The slide or dish with its thin layer of glue shall be allowed to dry in warm air at from 110 0 to 140 0 F. , as on top of an oven or over a hot radiator, for 1 to 2 hours. The slide shall then be put in a drying oven at about 110° C. for 24 hours, after which time it is cooled in a desiccator and reweighed. The residue after 24 hours drying, calculated as a percentage of the wet mixture, shall be considered as the nonvolatile content of the glue and shall serve as a 'basis for calculating the filler content as determined in one of the preceding methods. /To. 1333 -8- CV • mi 4. 'fi ...* 0 0 Ai 1„,, 0 .. & .0 0 o O%4.4 r-4 • '0 111 fw 0 44 $4 0 -1-, . A 4. (Y. co 4. PI 0 0 ,D ?-4f .0 0 ,0 , 0 ..-1 r-i es c: 9 o se se 0 0 • . CO ; P 4. Fl 0 oi4 c.-1 4CO Pcl'A' . 43 ICI 0 .••. 0 0 NA0 ,.0 s4 4, e• • 0 R ° •• .. ' K1• C • t.;-0;% k -4 P-ii 0 In A .. .4. . N • VD I. . es se es . Ss • 0 . •• •• so se se se se fn-• 1... .. in..6/` • • ON c" es es so se , es es 0 Cr1 Crvi30 CV l',1 cv 0 • • 150 .60 LA .-4 • • N N .• .4..* r-1 r-4 . . se •• •• •• •• . •• es •• •• . • c • ----, - „, ....... n .6 +), 0 ,-.4 . 1.1 . . r-4 r-4 NI NI Ile • 0 0 ••••. r-1 N .6 N-050 r-1 N NN r-4 8-4 •• tO C:" 1.,1• I.-• • • 1/40 \13 r-4 v--I •• '60 (:7N • • L(11/40 r-4 r-4 0. . *a ri N • • N- Nr-I r-4 . .0 4. •• 00 r-4 r-I NN avec. •• •• . N NI 1116 (i.. to N. •• 0 0 0 r--4 0 • -I 0 r4 1 N •• I •• .. 60 V 2 00 gl 34 o 4. o TS 1•-- r-1 .0 .11 •r-I • • L(\ Lrn . '60• C‘.1• ee ell •• Se es es es •4, es •.60 es .. . A 66 . . •• . 00 •• . *0 00 •• Cr.' to es .. se •• et as on 03 0 0 r-i aD v .E 0 as4•-•t .74 . 60 .6 •• 00 .6 •• •• 1/4 •• •• •• •• 1-4 • ..* S -IN -6\ so . es se so of a: cl r..4N N N *150t0 r--1 r4 ti es Se •• •• 00 60 •• es . •• •• E o v Vg 4 '. . 00 •• VD 60 es 00 60 .0 . 00 86 •• . . Vg . E •• V ..-1 gNLA CV .--i LA LA r-1 ....* o. 6 LA CV 4 0 •r-I fil o -4,4 A 0 0 N 0 El ;.• 0 A • r-4 a4 4.4 ID 1.-- . to c'1/4/ 1 0 c0 a.4 4 ,Nj 02 0 r -4 r -4 Ni rcY0 r--P cv .4-4 r-I i-.1 I 0 1=, .54 c..) 00 ,c) 0 0.4 P4. IN 66 r-4 04 00 co 0 .4 ,..S4 1... PI C,3 114 rN . . cd PI r-i. 0 a1 1. cv 0 N., cd ...1- o 4 co oS • 0 0 oS -IS -r-I 0 r.. NI CV .4- o o r-I A co 0 •,4 ,S4 I. ct a. 90 CI 5,1 0 o li 00 % R 4; 0 o 00 r-I t 14 V b I. . 60 I N- 0 0 M A 4 -4 0 • . rc° ti N ' r-I 4.4 .0 0 0 4. PI CD 0 1. a) 40 M 0 r.,* 7., ,D 0 .r1 cd Nr-ii ctS 0 0 ":1 NO •• 0 .-* 0. .. 0 . 03o 0 to . to oS r-4 A 1 14 or, 1.. 0 A. . 00 r4 r-4 A 0 0 0 4-1 • A . 00 .t0 A 1 14 00 . 0 r-4 4.4 4 r-' 0 gl 00 0 43 0 0 1 . g 00 NI • 0 44 0 4. .. 1,- I A. •• 0 LA sie 06 I. -P NN r-- C: r41 a se •• al a) 4 C‘: N NN NN tO se C': C‘j• c"\ \1:5.* .-1 T is o . a •• -*. 9 01 0 r4 CV 0 L/1 0• C" P.1 • . • ,-.4 NNN1 N• N- • N- 0 cv N sd rci 00 1 Si 4-4 . N•- CU• CV 1,1 CV N • 1 ON v--1 Lr:° --t-* CT Ch ,-. -. Of' . A•. ..*• O• a'0 r-4 CV 011:0 r-I I-4 --t t`..- /.... • 1.1 OS U• r-• r-4 N OW 0 ..., r-i 0 al •--10 ro v-.1 0 NI r-1 r-4 . • , 0 1 ,-.4• •-4• -1*• Lc• • Cr• • /50 NI • • A. tn .10 \0 CV CV N• CT• N n0 LC1 tO• '60• ava0 r4 r-4 II. 0• 0• LA• cv• N-• 4-4• N . 4141 A h- . ,C) • 0• cv 0 • • ai N 61, pi 0 rn4 60 00 . . on 1.• • • L.C1\0 1-4 s-4 0 r.,"N • • L.C1..* . - 4 r -I 150 nC) • • N- r•-• .-1 r-I se 0 0 NN . .60 nC) • • 1-4 •--1 r-I r-1 CY\ • cr. • \C) \L) r-1 r-4 • .• .• •• •• .. .. .. . .. .• .. .. .. .. •• •• .. . .. .. .. . .. ... -,1 0 4.4 .. so nO ‘0 LAISO • • N-n.0 V) b 1 .. es .4- \O • • NN • • •60 N: 4 v:. T1 li • .1.4 al r-I • 0 .-4 .. . ...* LA1'.-- I,- N • cir 0 .• •• Is0 KN • . 1/40 V. CV• ON• 1/40.4- N- to N 1,1 • • •• .• •• •• .. •• .. .. 04 v-4 gl t I ,-4 0 0 Pi 4. 4.0 1. o 03 $1 14 ,-4 •• gm Se .4.. 01 • '43 r--v-1 v-4 0 '60 • • .0 in in .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. L4 00 t CV r-i • • N 1,1 .C1 N 1,0 so 1,1 or ,..1 es • ,4-1 c.-4 4. . 0 ..* • • -* • 0 es ,-I r4 A .•• . .. .. . . . . . .• .. . . .. .. . .. •• . .. .. .. .6 •• so . .. .. .. .6 .. . . . . •• .. 4.4 0 Co •• ,--4 CV , • se 1/41) \O • • 11:1 § 0 4 L(1,30 e . es N K\ • • to. to ' r-I cr. r-i o. ..4., LA in CJ • 0 Z 4. 14 r--1 00 'ti0 .• .. se • r--I o 4 4. I. . es 0 I 0 0 r I.-N • • • • • • • 0 N r-4 0 I 4. tzl Z .••• 0 .• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 1. . r-I 4 .,.., 1,1 N r-I ...1- 0 1 • • 0 j• cv. . 0 Pei r-4 I CO 0 ms I. se C\J t. y -pa 04-) •••• •• 0 4. ss a.1 1/40 • • 1.,1 r-4 r.I a. o. ..•• . •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .4. .. • • .. •• .. 6. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. ,,,, .. .. .. Ai '0 0 se in-n‘) • • cv ON • • r,-0 f.-4 r-I L(\ • N• 4. -1,-4 PI • 0 0 • .. .. . .. •• .. .. .. •• . .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 p N: 4,1 ,-4aN N L.r. ..0 r.- .0 .o • • 0• 4-1• 0• 01 • • • • • • r--.n0 o ,-4 r-I 1' .* K. c::. \0 LS1 LCN r-I r-4 I-I r-4 r-4 v-1 • , .o 43 se 0 r-I o 2') CV 11 0 •r4 g 0 se \O• N• 0 Z .. .•• • .. .. A o '0 0 r-I 4 • N 0:1 0 4:3 0 N ,--I . N '0 4, •H PI 0 0 OS 0 1_, O 0 .,-1 ay 4, N1 '0 0 -P 00 Q 4' ,,r4 CO 0 A '0 M N •• • . . .. .. • ••.. .. .. . A. cd M Al • o 0 Pa o as o v 0 ..* \O. . • .-I 1/40 • • C% C\I• o 4. a A 0 • r--I 0 Y. ga4 r-jrl 0 Z r-1 bp 0 DI 0 •.• .-4 IP n.0 IP LC, Z NJ Table 2.--Solubility in various solvents of three materials used as fillers in urea-formaldehyde glues Percentage loss in weight : Approximate time Set : Walnut for Maple : g :urea-resin– 1 2 solution– :wood flaur–:shell flour : Solvent Cold water ..... minutes 3.0 Hot water.........: 1 minute 50 percent alcohol; 4 minutes 3.8 : 3.5 2.7 5.1 4.4 8.2 3.9 6.4 10 percent acetic acid ...: 4 minutes 3.9 20 percent acetic : acid : 4 minutes 39 20 percent acetic : : acid plus 20 percent alcohol: 4 minutes 5.3 5.2 4.4 90 percent formic :16 hours acid.... . 6.1 4.7 24.5 37.6 37.4 91.8 Hot 90 percent formic acid...,: 5 minutes Hot dilute NaCH 4 horirs 7.9 ; : 4.0 : 7.9 100 • -These times are approximately the periods of contact between glue and solvent in the several methods 1 to 6. -Dried at 110° C. for 1 hour and kept in a desiccator before use. .gCommercial product, approximately 100 mesh, dried over calcium chloridein a des ccator before use. i No. 1333 Table 3.;-Percentage of nonvolatile content of three urea-resin solutions determined by 20 percent acetic acid and by92ELE112.di.r& Resin syrup (undiluted and without hardener) Bakelite BOU-12772 Nonvolatile content Thrown down' , :Insoluble in 20 per-: : cent acetic acid : by centrifugingA Percent Percent 4.1 0.9 Perkins L-100 UTormite 430 1.4 8.2 4.0 7.6 1 – Calculated from the nonvolatile contents before and after centrifuging. Table 4.--Percent insolubles in five urea-resin glues when analyzed with 20 ercent acetic acid and with 20-20-60 solvent Percentage of the nonvolatile content Urea-resin glue :Insoluble in 20 percent:Insoluble in 20-20-60 solvent acetic acid 1 Bakelite BO-12772–w: Bakelite nil 49 o• Beetle Cement A.... • • 1 Perkins L-100– Uformite 4o0 1 • •.: 0.9 0.9 15.8 15.4 17.5 17.5 1.4 .7 8.2 8.4 IThese glues contain no wood flour or walnut shell flour. No, ,1333