一九七七年大学入学考试-1 1、百废待兴 baifei daixing 2、糟糕 3、招收 4、幸运 5、一团火 6、录取 zaogao zhaoshou xingyun yituan huo luqu full-scale reconstruction is underway in a terrible mess to recruit; to admit lucky feel great enthusiastic for to enroll 一九七七年大学入学考试-2 1、空前绝后 kongqianjuehou 2、外语学院 3、人山人海 4、斑白 5、集中 6、盛况空前 waiyu xueyuan renshanrenhai banbai jizhong shengkuang kongqian only happened once in history unparalleled; unique foreign languages institute huge crowds of people graying (hair); grizzled to centralize an exceptionally grand occasion 教育改革-1 1、改革开放 2、收费 3、师范大学 gaige kaifang shoufei shifan daxue 4、在…过程中 5、奖学金 6、资助 7、家教 8、额外 9、零花钱 zai…guocheng zhong jiangxuejin zizhu jiajiao ewai linghua qian to open door and reform to pay (tuition) normal university; teachers’ college in the process of… scholarship to help financially private teacher (at home) extra pocket money 文化大革命中的教育-1 1、区 2、课程 3、导向 4、面面俱到 5、体育 qu kecheng daoxiang mianmianjudao tiyu district subject; curriculum guidance attend to every aspect physical education 1 6、绘画 7、政治 8、自然 huihua zhengzhi ziran painting; drawing politics nature 文化大革命中的教育-3 1、耽误 danwu to waste; to hold up 文化大革命中的教育-2 1、秩序 zhixu in order 奖学金情况 1、曾经 cengjing once 2、工资 gongzi salary; payment; wages 3、资助 zizhu to help financially 4、提供 tigong to provide 5、古语 guyu old saying 6、家有三斗粮,不做孩子王 jiayou san dou liang, buzuo haizi wang I won’t be a teacher if I had enough to eat. 7、鼓励 guli to encourage 8、奖学金 jiangxuejin scholarship 9、助学金 zhuxuejin financial aid 2 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 21G.105 Chinese V (Regular): Chinese Cultures & Society Fall 2003 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.