MIT OpenCourseWare 15.280 Communication for Managers Fall 2008 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: Communication for Managers Presentations: Pulling It All Together Agenda Keys to effective presentations: Part two – Pulling it all together – Creating visual aids – Owning your delivery – Managing Q&A – Giving and receiving feedback Persuasive presentation lab reminders Coming attractions Keys to Effective Presentations Pull It All Together Develop Strategy/Structure Create Visual Aids Purpose, audience, credibility, context, direct/ indirect structure Uncluttered, purposeful, well titled, consistent Manage Q&A Owning Delivery Plan, listen, answer, summarize Tone, fluency, confidence, movement, eye contact Creating Visual Aids Flip charts Choose Appropriate Medium Overhead transparencies Computer projection Slides Video Creating Visual Aids Consistent Checklist for Visuals Titled Appropriately Purposeful in Use of Color and Special Effects Clear and Uncluttered Creating Visual Aids Create a simple, clear template Test for effective projection; test handouts for note-taking Use Consistent Template Use sharp color contrast – Computer projection: Consider white or yellow against dark background – Transparencies: Consider dark colors against clear background Creating Visual Aids Third Quarter Costs Rise in Eastern Region Use Message Title to Focus Audience Attention 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 East West North 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Creating Visual Aids Use Color for Focus vs. Decoration 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 East West North 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Third Quarter Costs Rise in Eastern Region 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 East West North 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Creating Visual Aids 100 East West North 80 60 Avoid Distortion From Special Effects 40 20 0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Third Quarter Costs Rise in Eastern Region 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 East West North 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Creating Visual Aids M A J O R W E A K N E S S E S IN T H E C U R R E N T O R G A N IZ A T IO N S to ck s a n d B on d’s pres e nt m a nag e m e nt struc tu re ha s s ev era l im porta n t d efic ie nc ie s th a t s ho u ld b e c o rre c te d in a n y s u b s ta ntia l re alig n m en t o f res p on sibilities . Use Clear, Concise Text ¶ T he re is n o s in gle re c ogn iz e d h ea d o f the firm s uc h a s a M an a ge m e n t C om m itte e , C E O , C O O , C F O , e tc . ¶ W e h a v e ob s erv ed th at the re a re no c lea rly d e fin e d lin es o f a uth o rity a n d re s p o n s ib ility for m ajo r a ctiv itie s or g eo gra ph ic a l loc atio ns . ¶ It is p os s ib le th a t a re al c on flic t ex ists be tw ee n the p ro du c tio n de p artm e nt an d the ad m in is tra tion (e .g ., w h o de te rm in es fo rec a sts ?) ¶ Ina d e q u ate “th in k in g throu g h ” of h ow m u c h a uto n om y s hou ld b e g ran te d to re gion s (o r b ran c he s) in v ario us p ha s es o f th e firm ’s a c tiv itie s – and w h at a u th o rity in e a c h w ill be ex erc is ed b y C o rpo ra te H e a d qu arte rs. W e w ill dis c u s s e a c h of th es e in th e follo w ing c h a pte rs . Strengthen Organizational Structure • Establish head of firm • Clarify authority and responsibility • Increase linkage between production and administration • Realign regional autonomy with corporate authority Creating Visual Aids Central Engineering Work Mix by Hours Reported Piechart What’s Wrong With This Visual? Using Visual Aids Effectively Be Prepared Check equipment and room in advance Have a “Plan B” in case of technical difficulties Checklist Interact Effectively Don’t block the screen Look at your audience not the screen State transitions aloud Owning Your Delivery You are the presentation--the visuals are not. Managing Q&A Before During After Plan, anticipate, and rehearse Listen before you answer Set rules about timing (during or after) Answer using tips Summarize main point – Regain the floor for final word Managing Q&A Listen actively and answer the question! Restate, paraphrase, clarify Empathize Use Q&A to Hone Your Message Turn questions to audience or questioner Answer honestly Look at entire audience – not just questioner! Reinforce main points Giving and Receiving Feedback Concrete and specific Attributes of Giving Effective Feedback Helpful Descriptive Relevant Timely Desired Giving and Receiving Feedback Take a moment before responding Restate or paraphrase back Accepting Feedback Received Clarify Evaluate feedback later Try to understand speaker’s point of view Take notes Persuasive Presentation Lab Review oral presentation evaluation form Bring 9 Blank DVD (+RW Mini) Reminders 9 Written description of context and presentation outline 9 Paper copies of visual aids Timing: Five minutes (strictly timed) plus up to two minutes for Q&A Coming Attractions 15.311 Organizational Processes Ethics 15.280 Communication for Managers Writing Process: Style and Tone 15.277 Special Seminar in Communication Structuring an Impromptu Resumes w/CDO – LEC 6 Storytelling about Leadership