MIT OpenCourseWare 8.21 The Physics of Energy Fall 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles 8.21 Lecture 6 Quantum Mechanics I September 21, 2009 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 1 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles The QUANTUM WORLD is a STRANGE PLACE! Position of an object is not well-defined Objects can tunnel through barriers Energy, momentum, etc. become discretized But quantum physics is crucial for energy processes • Discrete quantum states ⇒ entropy ⇒ thermo ⇒ limits to efficiency • Nuclear processes: fission + fusion depend on tunneling • Absorption of light by matter (atmosphere, photovoltaics, etc.): depends on discrete quantum spectrum This lecture: QM rapid immersion 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 2 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Quantum wavefunctions Classically, particles have position x, momentum p r x p In quantum mechanics, particles are described by wavefunctions ψ(x) Wavefunction obeys (time-dependent) Schrödinger wave equation ∂ ~2 ∂ 2 ∂2 ∂2 i~ ψ(x, t) = − ψ(x, t) + ψ(x, t) + ψ(x, t) + V(x)ψ(x, t) ∂t 2m ∂x2 ∂y2 ∂z2 Why do we believe this wacky notion? • Vast range of experiments over last 100 years • Foundation of most of modern physics. 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 3 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles 2-slit experiment. Shoot particles through one or two slits at screen Destructive + constructive interference ⇒ particles are waves 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 4 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles 2-slit experiment. Shoot particles through one or two slits at screen Destructive + constructive interference ⇒ particles are waves 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 4 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Many phenomena described by waves frequency significance 1 ∂2 E c2 ∂t2 light (EM) sound (pressure) QM (wavefunction) = ∇2 E color 1 ∂ p v2s ∂t2 = ∇2 p pitch ∂ ∂t ψ i~ 2 2m ∇ ψ energy 2 = Wave equation is linear: ψ1 (x, t) and ψ2 (x, t) solve ⇒ linear combination aψ1 (x, t) + bψ2 (x, t) solves + = Exhibit constructive and destructive interference for phases in/out of sync. 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 5 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles 2 2 ∂ ∂ Violin string: ρ ∂t 2 Y(x, t) = T ∂x2 Y(x, t) Yn = cos(nω1 t) sin(n · πL x) ωn = nω1 Y3 = cos(3ω1 t) sin(3 · πL x) ω3 = 3ω1 Y2 = cos(2ω1 t) sin(2 · πL x) ω2 = 2ω q1 Y1 = cos(ω1 t) sin( πL x) ω1 = πL ρT • Modes–higher harmonics (n = 2, 4, 8, . . . up by octaves) • ωn ∼ n (2∂/∂t’s, 2∂/∂x’s) • Pluck string – get superposition (linear combination) of modes Solutions: sine modes 2 2 ∂ ~ ∂ ψ(x, t) ψ(x, t) = − 2m Quantum particle in a 1D box: i~ ∂t ∂x2 Sine modes again ψn = e−iEn t/~ sin(n · πL x) En = n2 ~ω1 ··· ··· ψ2 = e−iE2 t/~ sin(2 · πL x) E2 = 4~ω1 2 2 ψ1 = e−iE1 t/~ sin( πL x) E1 = ~ω1 = π2mL~2 • Each mode – state of fixed energy • En ∼ n2 (1∂/∂t, 2∂/∂x’s) • General state – superposition (linear combination) of modes 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 6 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Quantum wavefunctions are complex – Review of complex numbers Define i2 = −1 Complex number: z = x + iy Often write z = reiθ = r(cos θ + i sin θ) r = magnitude, θ = phase Useful properties of complex numbers: Addition: (x + iy) + (a + ib) = (x + a) + i(y + b) Multiplication: (x + iy) × (a + ib) = (xa − yb) + i(ya + xb) (reiθ )(seiψ ) = rsei(θ+ψ) Complex conjugation: z̄ = z∗ = x − iy p Norm: |z| = x2 + y2 , |reiθ | = r, |z|2 = zz̄ = r2 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 7 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles General quantum wavefunction Quantum particle has “energy basis” spatial wavefunctions ψi (x) ψi (x) have fixed energies Ei General (time-dependent) state is superposition ψ(x, t) = a1 e−iE1 t/~ ψ1 (x) + a2 e−iE2 t/~ ψ2 (x) + · · · For macroscopic (classical) systems, combine many quantum states • Destructive interference outside small region ⇒ classical localization • Wavefunction nonzero through classical barriers ⇒ tunneling • For micro systems (e.g. atoms) individual quantum states relevant. 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 8 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Rules of Quantum Mechanics: 4 Axioms Energy in quantum mechanics Axiom 1: Any finite/physical quantum system has a discrete set of “energy basis states”, which we denote s1 , s2 , . . . , sN . These states have values of energy E1 , E2 , . . . , EN . Example: hydrogen atom 0 Example: semiconductor ··· E11−26 ∼ = 0 /9 (3s,p,d) E3−10 ∼ = 0 /4 (2s,p) [0 ∼ = -13.6 eV] E1,2 ∼ = 0 (1s) bands R @ ? 6band gap • important for photovoltaics • Values of E: “spectrum” • Physicists’ job: compute spectrum of physical systems — Often deal with ∞ state approximation 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 9 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Simplest quantum system: “Qubit” = 2-state system (electron spin) Earth spins Electron spins or Lz = ± 21 ~ Classically any ω seems ok ⇒ any L, Erot Electron in magnetic field B = Bẑ E = −B · µ = µ̃BLz B 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 |+i 6 |−i 6 E± = ±µ̃B~/2 • 2 states •~∼ = 1.0546 × 10−34 Js –fundamental quantum unit Confirmed by experiment N S 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I |+i |−i 10 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Axiom 2: The state of a quantum system at any point in time is a linear combination (“quantum superposition”) of basis states |si = z1 |s1 i + z2 |s2 i + · · · + zn |sn i • Can think of like a vector: r = xî + yĵ + zk̂ • Convention: unit normalization |z1 |2 + |z2 |2 + · · · + |zn |2 = 1 What does a quantum superposition mean? Axiom 3: If you measure the system’s energy (assume Ei distinct) probability(E = Ei ) = |zi |2 , after measurement state ⇒ si N Example: √1 |+i 2 + √1 |−i 2 S |+i, prob = 1/2 |−i, prob = 1/2 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 11 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Puzzle: If measurements give random results, how is E conserved? Example: 2 separated electrons in B field, total E = 0 B B 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 |+i 6 |−i 6 state 1: |+−i 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 |−i 6 |+i 6 state 2: |−+i Both states: E = E+ + E− = 0 Assume system in state √1 |+−i 2 + √1 |−+i 2 Measure spin of first particle 50%: Particle 1 in state |+i: system in state 1, E1 = E+ , E2 = E− 50%: Particle 1 in state |−i: system in state 2, E1 = E− , E2 = E+ BUT TOTAL ENERGY IS CONSERVED! 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 12 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Time Dependence Axiom 4: If at time t0 a state |s(t0 )i has definite energy E then at time t the state is |s(t)i = e−iE(t−t0 )/~ |s(t0 )i ⇒ [ ] Time evolution is linear in |si, so if |s(t0 )i = z1 |s1 i + · · · + zn |sn i then |s(t)i = z1 e−iE1 (t−t0 )/~ |s1 i + · · · + zn e−iEn (t−t0 )/~ |sn i Note: only phase changes for definite E state! z1 |s(t0 )i = ... zn Matrix notation ⇒ Schrödinger equation d dt |s(t)i d dt |s(t)i = − ~i E|s(t)i E1 0 0 E2 H= 0 ··· .. 0 0 0 . En = − ~i H|s(t)i 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 13 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles SUMMARY: axioms of quantum mechanics 1. Any physical system has a discrete set of E basis states |si i 2. General state is linear combination z1 |s1 i + · · · + zn |sn i 3. Measurement: probability = |zi |2 that state → |si i 4. Time development linear, |si i → e−iEi (t−t0 )/~ |si i • All of QM, QFT essentially elaboration on principles 1-4 + symmetry, developing tools for calculations in particular cases • Often work in another basis (not E basis) • A primary problem: given system, determine spectrum 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 14 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Particle states described by wavefunctions |ψ(x)|2 ψ(x) AK A Like superposition of states in fixed positions, |ψ(x)| = prob. @ x 2 Think of as limit of discrete “position basis” x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 |ψi = P j P j ψj |xj i |ψj |2 = 1 → → → ψ(x) R |ψ(x)|2 dx = 1 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 15 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles What are energy basis states (|si’s) for free particle? Translate ⇒ same Energy: ψ(x + δ) = eiθδ ψ(x) • Plane wave states ψp (x) = eipx/~ p = momentum! • Matches experimental observation (Davisson-Germer, 1927): de Broglie wavelength of matter λ = h/p (eipx/~ = e2πix/λ ) • Energy: E = p2 2m Schrödinger equation: Ep ψp (x) = p2 ~2 ∂ 2 ψp (x) = − ψp (x) = Hψp (x) 2m 2m ∂x2 2 2 ∂ ~ ∂ Time-dependent Schrödinger eq.: i~ ∂t ψ(x, t) = Hψ = − 2m ψ(x, t) ∂x2 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 16 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Back to particle in a (1D) box E6 = 36 E5 = 25 Time-independent Schrödinger equation: Hψ(x) = − ~2 ∂ 2 ψ(x) = Eψ(x) 2m ∂x2 E4 = 16 E3 = 9 Boundary Conditions: ψ(0) = ψ(L) = 0 Solution: Combination of eipx/~ , e−ipx/~ Energy basis states |ni: ψn = sin πnx/L E2 = 4 E1 = Spectrum ( = ~2 π 2 n2 /2mL2 ) 2 2 2 En = ~ π n 2mL2 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 17 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Even more useful model: 1D Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) .. . E5 = 5 12 ~ω V(x) = 21 kx2 E4 = 4 12 ~ω ~2 ∂ 2 1 2 Hψ(x) = − kx ψ(x) = Eψ(x) + 2m ∂x2 2 E3 = 3 12 ~ω E2 = 2 12 ~ω Boundary Conditions: ψ(|x| → ∞) = 0 p Solution: [ω = k/m] |0i : |1i : |2i : ··· E1 = 1 12 ~ω mω 2 ψ0 = C0 e− 2~ x mω 2 ψ1 = C1 xe− 2~ x 2 2 − mω 2~ x ψ2 = C2 ( 2mω ~ x − 1)e E0 = 12 ~ω Spectrum (En = (n + 1/2)~ω) [Analytic solution; many approaches, one in notes] 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 18 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles Hydrogen-like atom (now in 3D, assume mp me ) 0 E3 E2 ··· ∼ = −13.6 eV/9 ∼ = −13.6 eV/4 [wikimedia] ~2 2 e2 Hψ(x) = − ∇ − ψ(x) = Eψ(x) 2m 4π0 r Solutions: ψ1s = C1s × (a0 )−3/2 e−r/a0 ψ2s = C2s × (a0 )−3/2 e−r/a0 (1 − r/2a 0) ψ2p = C2p × (a0 )−3/2 e−r/a0 x,y,z r ··· ~2 where Bohr radius is a0 = me 2 4π0 ≈ 0.52Å E1 ∼ = −13.6 eV Spectrum 2 ∼ −13.62 eV ) (En = 4π−e 2 = n 0 a0 n 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 19 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles How does quantum state ⇒ classical physics? Consider particle in potential Sum of energy basis states ⇒ “localized wave packet” Time evolution under Schrödinger equation ψ̇(t) = −i ~ Hψ(t) ⇒ Packet follows classical laws Z hxiψ(t) = dx x|ψ(x, t)|2 Z Define X ∂ hpiψ(t) = ψ̄p ψp p = −i~ dx ψ̄(x, t) ψ(x, t) . ∂x p d 1 hxiψ(t) = hpiψ(t) dt m Can show d2 d ∂ m 2 hxiψ(t) = hpiψ(t) = −h V(x)iψ(t) dt dt ∂x 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 20 / 21 Quantum wavefunctions Rules of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics of Particles SUMMARY of QM • Quantum particles described by wavefunction • Any quantum system: basis of states w/ fixed energy (A1) General state linear combination (superposition) of energy basis (A2) • Quantum particles: for V = 0, eipx/~ has momentum p, E = p2 /2m h 2 2 i ~ ∂ • Energy basis states with potential V : Hψ = − 2m + V ψ = Eψ 2 ∂x • Box spectrum: En = ~2 π 2 n2 /2mL2 , n = 1, 2, . . . • SHO spectrum: En = (n + 1/2)~ω, n = 0, 1, . . . • Time-dependent Schrödinger eq. ψ̇(t) = −i ~ Hψ(t) [E ∝ frequency] (A4) 8.21 Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics I 21 / 21