Posting Web Links in Blackboard

Bb Learn 9.1 SP14
Posting Web Links in Blackboard
The Web Link tool in Blackboard makes it easy to share online resources with your students in your
face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses.
1. Log into Blackboard Learn at (or through FlashLine) and enter your course.
2. Navigate to the content area/folder in which you want to post the web link.
3. In the Action Bar across the top of the page,
select Build Content, then click Web Link from
the drop-down menu.
Note: If the Action Bar does not appear at the
top of the page, make sure that Edit Mode is
turned on (toggle in the top right corner).
4. In Section 1: Web Link Information, type in a name for the web link. This is the name that will be
displayed to your students.
5. Then type in or copy/paste the URL.
6. In Section 2: Description, type a description for the web link in the text editor box. This is a good
way to preview and contextualize the content to which you are linking (screenshot on next page).
Katie Baer
Educational Technology Designer
Kent State University at Stark
February 2016
Bb Learn 9.1 SP14
7. In Section 3: Attachments, use the Browse My Computer or Browse Course buttons to attach
supplemental files (optional).
8. In Section 4: Web Link Options, make sure the Open in
New Window option is set to Yes. This will give
students a better user experience and eliminate most
technical issues.
9. In Section 5: Standard
Options and set your
options as desired.
A. Permit Users to View this
Content: This is your show/hide
option. If you select Yes, the
file will be available for students
to view; if you select No, the file
will be hidden from students.
B. Track Number of Views: Setting this option to Yes turns on Statistics Tracking for this file. When
enabled, you can run a report to see which students clicked on the file.
C. Select Date and Time Restrictions: You can make a file available to students for a given date/
time range. The Display After date/time is when the file will appear and the Display Until date/time is
when the file will disappear. To make the file available permanently, leave these boxes unselected.
Note: If you enable the Date/Time restrictions, make sure that Permit Users to View this Content is
set to Yes, or the file will not become available.
10. When you are finished setting the options, click the Submit button.
Students can now click on the web link name to view the online resource.