Plan Your Instructional Video

Kaltura CaptureSpace
Plan Your Instructional Video
Before recording, take the time to plan out your video, using the following best practices as guidelines:
1. Determine the video’s role in your course (e.g. content delivery/lecture, demonstration of
procedures, feedback for students, etc.) and how it aligns with learning objectives.
2. Determine whether video is the best medium. If the visuals are not integral to your message, you
may find audio or written content more effective.
3. Keep your videos short (no more than 10-12 minutes if possible) and focused. Break up longer
content into shorter, standalone videos.
4. Prepare a script or notes to control the length and to help stay on topic. A script can also be
uploaded with the video to make it more accessible and to cater to different learning styles.
5. Present important points at near the beginning of the video to counteract viewer abandonment rates.
6. Avoid including information that may change (such as dates, textbook page numbers, etc.) so that
you can reuse the video for future course sections.
7. Maintain a natural, conversational tone and address viewers directly to heighten viewer interest and
8. Plan how to strategically integrate the video content with other learning materials for enhanced
student engagement.
Katie Baer
Educational Technology Designer
Kent State University at Stark
May 2015