Significant Uptake of Truvada for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Utilization in the US in Late 2014 – 1Q2015 IAPAC Treatment, Prevention, and Adherence Conference (June 28-30) Bush, Staci; Ng, Leslie; Magnuson, David; Piontkowsky, David; Mera Giler, Robertino Gilead Sciences ‡ Background: Timeline of PrEP Community activation Feb 2015 - CROI Data Sept. 2014 - CDC High-Impact HIV Prevention Funding $210 mil Summer 2014 - Advocate Response #Truvada“Whores” May 2014 – USPHS/CDC Guidelines July 2012 FDA Approves Truvada for PrEP 2 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 Method The objective of this study is to explore the increase of PrEP utilization between January 1, 2012 and March 31, 2015. An estimated 39% of TVD Prescriptions were analyzed from a national prescription database. An algorithm was used to identify TVD for PrEP use in this sample. De-identified patient data included: – Prescription refills – Medical claims – Patient demographics 3 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 Gilead’s Algorithm for PrEP Indication Unique PrEP users were identified by excluding ICD-9 codes of TVD use for HIV treatment, HBV, and PostExposure Prophylaxis (PEP). HIV Exclude a prior diagnosis of HIV disease Exclude all concomitant use of any other antiretroviral treatment. HBV Exclude a prior diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B infection PEP Exclude specific codes contaminated needle stick and /or prophylaxis. Exclude anti Chronic Hepatitis B specific treatment Exclude a prior diagnosis of an opportunistic infection Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 4 New PrEP Starts per Quarter 2000 1761 Number of Subjects Starting PrEP 1800 Q1 Q2 1600 Q3 1395 1400 Total Unique Individuals = 8,512 1200 Q4 1242 Q1 Q2 1000 Q3 Q4 753 800 Q1 530 600 400 389 293 321 317 365 336 378 Q2 432 Q3 Q4 200 Q1 0 Q1 2012 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2013 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2014 Q2 Q3 Q4 IMS National Prescription Database accounts for approx. 39% of all TVD prescriptions Q1 2015 5 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 New PrEP Starts per Quarter 332% increase 2000 1761 Number of Subjects Starting PrEP 1800 Q1 Q2 1600 Q3 1395 1400 Total Unique Individuals = 8,512 1200 Q4 1242 Q1 Q2 1000 Q3 Q4 753 800 Q1 530 600 400 389 293 321 317 365 336 378 Q2 432 Q3 Q4 200 Q1 0 Q1 2012 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2013 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2014 Q2 Q3 Q4 IMS National Prescription Database accounts for approx. 39% of all TVD prescriptions Q1 2015 6 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 New PrEP Starts by Gender 2000 1761 1800 Number of Subjects Starting PrEP 1,573 1600 1395 1400 1242 Total Unique Individuals = 8,512 1200 1,234 1,089 1000 Males 753 800 530 600 389 321 400 293 317 200 133 142 160 175 191 Q1 Q2 Q3 198 365 336 378 611 411 286 193 181 208 157 172 155 170 146 119 142 153 161 188 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 164 0 2012 432 Females 2013 2014 2015 IMS National Prescription Database accounts for approx. 39% of all TVD prescriptions 7 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 Percent of PrEP Initiation by Age <24 25-34 35-44 > 45 Percent 40 20 0 <24 25-34 35-44 > 45 2012 15.6 31.4 24.4 28.6 2013 14.9 31.9 26.9 26.3 2014 10.5 34.6 26.9 28 2015 9.3 32 28.4 30.3 The proportion of new PrEP starts under 24 y/o are lower than other age groups at all time points. 8 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 Geographic Distribution of PrEP Users (2012-15) Midwest 17% WA MT ND M N OR ID Northeast 21% VT WI SD IA NE NV MO NJ OH IN IL KS KY VA WV AZ RI CT NYC, LI PA UT CO NH MA NY MI WY CA ME VA DE MD NM West 31% NC TN OK AR SC MS AK TX AL GA LA FL South 30% No regional differences among individuals receiving PrEP determined by age N = 45 subjects did not have region information 9 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 PrEP Growth Trend Unique individuals in IMS 8000 7000 6000 5000 3,920 2015 Projection at same rate Individuals Starting PrEP 4000 3000 2000 1,320 1,511 Total Unique Individuals = 8,512 1000 1,761 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 First Quarter IMS National Prescription Database accounts for approx. 39% of all TVD prescriptions 10 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 PrEP Growth Trend Unique individuals in IMS 8000 7000 6000 5,283 5000 3,920 2015 Projection at same rate Individuals Starting PrEP 4000 3000 2000 1,320 1,511 Projected Unique Individuals Through 2015 = 13,895 1000 1,761 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 First Quarter IMS National Prescription Database accounts for approx. 39% of all TVD prescriptions 11 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 PrEP Growth Trend Unique individuals in IMS 8000 7,044 7000 6000 5,283 5000 3,920 2015 Projection at same rate Individuals Starting PrEP 4000 3000 2000 1,320 1,511 Projected Unique Individuals Through 2015 = 13,895 1000 1,761 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 First Quarter IMS National Prescription Database accounts for approx. 39% of all TVD prescriptions 12 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 Limitations: The inability to track all prescriptions The lack of specific ICD codes for PrEP Possible projection errors Exclusion of patients with HBV from the data set who may be receiving TVD for both PrEP and off-label HBV treatment 13 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 Conclusion Using a National Prescription Database that accounts for 39% of all Truvada prescriptions: The latest uptake data on Truvada for PrEP show that comparing 1Q 2014 to 1Q 2015, the incident usage in the US increased 332%, from 529 to 1,761 individuals, in that time period. In the same data base, there were 8,512 unique PrEP Individuals from January 2012 to March 2015. The gender of PrEP users in the US nationally appears to be shifting. The number of males initiating PrEP increased, while the number of females has remained static. 14 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 Thank you. O: 650-522-6267 15 BACKGROUND Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 16 Gilead’s Algorithm for PrEP Indication Since there is no diagnosis code for PrEP, this involved examining all diagnosis codes where Truvada was prescribed, and excluding diagnosis codes for other possible Truvada uses. HIV Exclude all concomitant use of any other antiretroviral treatment. Exclude a prior diagnosis of HIV disease (ICD9 = 042); asymptomatic HIV infection (V08); HIV-2 infection (079.53) or nonspecific serologic evidence of HIV (795.71) Exclude a prior diagnosis of opportunistic infection: HBV Exclude anti Chronic Hepatitis B specific treatment Exclude a prior diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B infection (70.22, 70.23, 70.32, 70.33). PEP Exclude specific codes of E920.5 (contaminated needle stick) and /or V078 V079 (prophylaxis). (Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, esophagus 112.84, or lungs 112.4, Toxoplasmosis 130.X, Coccidioidomycosis 114, Cryptococcosis 117.5, Cryptosporidiosis 007.4, CMV retinitis 078.5, Kaposi's sarcoma 176.0, Mycobacterium avium complex 031.2 031.0, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 136.3) • . Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74 17 National Sales Perspective A total of 77% of TVD pharmacy shipments are tracked to retail or mail order pharmacies CHAIN STORES FOOD STORES INDEPENDENT MAIL SERVICE LONG-TERM CARE* CLINICS* FEDERAL FACILITIES* HMO* HOME HEALTH CARE* 23% NON-FEDERAL HOSPITAL* MISC - OTHER* MISC - PRISONS* 18% 59% MISC - UNIVERSITIES* RETAIL PHARMACIES 77% of shipments to pharmacies contributed claims data: 59% to retail pharmacies; 18% to mail order pharmacies 23% unable to be tracked: hospitals, clinics, prisons, universities, long term care, or ADAP programs UNSEEN – HOSPITALS, CLINICS, PRISONS, UNIVERSITIES, LONG TERM CARE, OR ADAP PROGRAMS MAIL ORDER PHARMACIES 18 Bush, S. et al; IAPAC Prevention 2015; #74