1. Random Variables 13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles Prof. A.H. Techet

13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Reading #
13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Prof. A.H. Techet
Spring 2005
1. Random Variables
A random variable is a variable, x , whose value is assigned through a rule and a random
experiment, ζ , that assigns a priori a value to the outcome of each experiment,
A1 , A2 , A3 ,... This rule states that
x( A1 ) = x1
x( A2 ) = x2
x( An ) = xn
One example of a random variable is a Bernoulli random variable which assigns either a
1 or 0 to the outcome. For example, toss a “fair” coin. If it lands heads up you get one
dollar, if it land tails up you loose a dollar. The amount won or lost in this case is the
random variable.
Symbolically, x(ζ ) denotes the random variable which is a “function” of the random
event ζ = {A1 , A2 ,…, An } which has associated probabilities: p( A1 ) = p1 , p( A2 ) = p2 , etc.
A1 ⎯→ x1 , p1
A2 ⎯→ x2 , p2
An ⎯→ xn , pn
©2004, 2005 A. H. Techet
Version 3.1, updated 2/14/2005
13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Reading #
The variables xi are the values of the random variable, Ai , the possible events in the
event space, and pi is the probability of event Ai .
EXPECTED VALUE of the random variable can be thought of as follows: after many
( M ) repetitions of a random experiment in which event A1 occurred d1 times, A2
occurred d 2 times, and so on to An occurred d n times, the total number of experiments is
M = d1 + d 2 + d3 +L + d n .
If a weight, or cost, xi , is assigned to each event, Ai , then the total cost of all of the
events is
xT = d1 x1 + d 2 x2 +L + d n xn .
Then given pi , the probability of event Ai , the expected value of the event is
x = E { X (ζ )} = ∑ pi xi .
Hence the AVERAGE INCOME per trial is
As m → ∞ :
pi . In other words the number of occurrences of each event, di , divided
by the total number of events, M , is equal to the probability of the event, pi , and the
expected value of x is the average income as defined in 22 as M → ∞
©2004, 2005 A. H. Techet
Version 3.1, updated 2/14/2005
13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Reading #
x = x1 p1 + x2 p2 + L + xn pn .
Expected Value Properties
E{x + y} = E{x} + E{ y}
E{C} = C ; C is a constant
E { g ( x(ζ ))} = ∑ i=1 g ( xi ) pi
Properties of Variance
= E ⎡⎣ x(ζ ) − x ⎤⎦
= E x 2 (ζ ) − 2 x(ζ ) x + x 2
= E{x(ζ ) 2 } − 2xE{x(ζ )} + x 2
= E { x 2 (ζ )} − x 2
The Standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance: σ = V .
2. Probability Distribution
Discrete Random Variable: possible values are a finite set of numbers or a countable set
of numbers.
Continuous Random Variable: possible values are the entire set or an interval of the
real numbers. The probability of an outcome being any specific point is zero (improbable
but not impossible).
EXAMPLE: On the first day of school we observe students at the campus bookstore buying computers.
The random variable x is zero if a desktop is bought or one if the laptop is bought. If
20% of all buyers purchase laptops then the pmf of x is
©2004, 2005 A. H. Techet
Version 3.1, updated 2/14/2005
13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Reading #
p(0) = p( X = 0) = p(next customer buys a desktop) = 0.8
p(1) = p ( X = 1) = p(next customer buys a laptop) = 0.2
p( x) = p( X = x) = 0 for x ≠ 0 or 1.
Probability Density Function (pdf): of a continuous random variable, x , is defined as
the probability that x takes a value between xo and xo + dx , divided by dx , or
f x ( xo ) = p( xo ≤ x < xo + dx)/dx.
This must satisfy f x ( x) ≥ 0 for all x where
f x ( x) = 1 is the area under the entire
graph f x (x) . It should be noted that a PDF is NOT a probability.
3. Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
At some fixed value of x we want the probability that the observed value of x is at most
xo . This can be found using the cumulative distribution function, P ( x) .
Discrete Variables: The cumulative probability of a discrete random variable xn with
probability p( x) is defined for all x as
F ( x ≤ xk ) = ∑ p ( xk )
j =1
Continuous Variables: The CDF, F ( x) , of a continuous random variable X with pdf
f x ( x) is defined for all x as
Fx ( xo ) = p ( X ≤ xo ) = ∫
©2004, 2005 A. H. Techet
f x ( y )dy
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13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Reading #
which is the area under the probability density curve to the left of value xo . Note that
F ( xo ) is a probability in contrast to the PDF. Also
F ( xo ) = p ( x ≤ xo ) = ∫
f x (x)dx
f x ( xo ) =
dF ( xo )
Let x be a continuous random variable with a pdf f x ( x) and cdf F ( x) then for any value,
p ( x > a) = 1− F (a);
p(a ≤ x ≤ b) = F (b) − F (a )
and for any two numbers, a and b,
Expected Value: The expected value of a continuous random variable, x, with pdf f x ( x)
µ x = E ( x) = ∫ x f x ( x)dx
If x is a continuous random variable with pdf f x ( x) and h( x) is any function of that
random variable then
E[h( x)] = µ h ( x ) = ∫ h( x) f x ( x) dx
©2004, 2005 A. H. Techet
Version 3.1, updated 2/14/2005
13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Reading #
Conditional Expectations: The expected value of the random variable given that the
variable is greater than some value.
Variance: The variance of a continuous random variable, x, with pdf f x ( x) is
σ x2 = V {x} = E{[x − x]2 } = ∫ (x − µ x ) 2 f x (x)dx
4. Functions of Random Variables
Given a random variable, X (ζ ) or pdf, f x ( x) , and a function, y = g ( x) , we want to find
the probability of some y , or the pdf of y, f y ( y ) .
F ( X ≤ xo ) = F ( y ( x) ≤ g ( xo ))
The probability that the random variable, X, is less than some value, xo , is the same as
the probability that the function y ( x) is less than the at function evaluated at xo .
EXAMPLE: Given y = α x + b and the pdf f x (x) for all α > 0 , then α x + b < yo for
yo − b
F ( y ≤ yo ) = ∫
yo −b
f x (x)dx
EXAMPLE: Given y = x3 : F ( X ≤ xo ) = F ( y ≤ xo3 ) .
If y → x has one solution and pdfs f y and f x
f y | dy |= f x | dx |
f y = fx/
©2004, 2005 A. H. Techet
| dy |
| dx |
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13.42 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles
Reading #
If y → x1 , x2 ,L
, xn
fy =
f x ( x1 )
dy ( x1
f x (xn )
dy ( xn )
5. Central Limit Theorem
Let x1 , x2 ,…, xn be random samples from an arbitrary distribution with mean, µ , and
variance, σ 2
. If n is sufficiently large, x has an approximately normal distribution. So
as n → ∞ , if f x
(x) can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution. then
∑ xi
n i =1
σ 2 ( x) =
©2004, 2005 A. H. Techet
1 n 2
∑ σ i
n i =1
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