SD453 • U5 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Servic e FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin E. MADISON, WISCONSIN STRUCTURAL MATERIA L Extract from "Recommended American Lumber Standard s Softwood Lumber" Reported to the United States Departmen t of Commerce by the Central Committee on Lumber Standards , Washington, D . C. Adopted by the General Conference of Manufacturers Distributors and Consumers May 1, 192 5 Washington, D . C . (Extract from pages 8 to 10 "'Re-:ommexided. Ameri (sean L ime r Standards Softwood Lumber" -- Reported to the United St,te E D,:part .rent of Commerce by the Central Committee o n ? umber Standards, Washing ton, D . C . Adopted by the General Conference of Manufacturers Dis trib_tors and Consumer May 1, 1925, at the DeparGmert o f Commerce, Ndashington, D . C . ) IV . (40a and b) - BASIC PROVISIONS FOR THE SELECTION AND INSPECTION OF SOFTWJOD DIMENSION AND TIMBERS WHER E WORTS:iNCT STRESSES ARE REQUIRED . The following basic provisions are to be used as base s for the preparation of grading rules for structural materia l by the Manufacturers, to be submitted by the Central Committee on Lumber Standards/for consideration as America n Lumber Standards at the next General Conference in 1926 . 1. GRADES AND CLASSIFICATION S 61 . Grades : (a ) Dens e Selec t (b ) Selec t {a) Common 62 . Uses : (a) Joist and Plank Joists, Rafters, Scaffold Plank , Pa- tor .y' FI Cori ng, etc . (b) Beams and Stringer s Girders, Stringers, etc . Beams, (a) Pcsts and Timber s Posts, Caps, Sills, Timbers, etc . 8810 1 2 . GENE'iAI, PROVISIO :TS 63. All grades shall contain only sound wood, unless , acoay is specifically permitted . 64. The measurement of c . knot shall be made, c he section of the knot appearing on the surface consi d e eration . 65. In Post and Timber gradee, and on the wide faces o f Joist and Plank, the measure of a knot shall be on the mea n or average diameter . 66. On the narrow faces of Joist and Plank and Beams and Stringers, the size of a knot shall be taken as its width between lines parallel to the edges of the timber . 67. On the wide or vortical faces of Bears and Stringers , the smallest diameter of a knot shall be taken as its size . 68. Knots on the edgee of wide faces of Beams an d Stringers are limited to the same size as on the adjacen t narrow faces . 69. Knots on narrow faces and edges of wide faces o f Joist and Plank and Beams and Stringers, may increase proportionately from the size allowed in the middle third t o twice that size at the ends of the piece . 70. The size of knots on the wide faces of Toist an d Plank and Beams and . Stringers, may increase proportionat e ly from the size allowed at the edge to that allowed a t the center line . 71. Cluster knots and knots in groups are not permitted . 72. Knot holes and holes from other causes than knot s shall be limited as provided for knots . 73. Shake shall be measured on the ends of a piece , and its size shall be taken as its width between line s parallel to the wide faces of the piece . Checks and split s shall be limited as provided for shakes . No checks or combinations of checks with shakes which would reduce th e strength to a greater extent than the allowable shake shal l be permitted . 74. No combination of wane and knots is permitted whic h would reduce the strength more than the maximum allowabl e knot . 75. No pieces of exceptionally lightweight shall b e permitted in any grade, except that very light piece s otherwise of Select grade may be accepted in the Commo n grade . 76. No heartwood requirements are provided In thes e grades . Heartwood requirements when ordered should b e specified in terms of heartwood required on the girth or o n each face, side or edge . Girth shall be measured at th e point where the greatest amount of sapwood occurs . 77. Methods of measurement of Douglas fir and southern pine for rate of growth and density are given for use wit h the Dense Select and Select Grades . 78. Wane is permitted in all grades, but square edge s may be specified when appearance or use requires . R810 - 2 3. SELECTIOIN FOI-t RATE OF GROWTIh Douglas Fir or Southern Pin e 70 . Douglas Fir or Southern Pine_ selected for clos e main shall average . on eitler one end or the cchur not les s then six nor more than twenty annual rings per inch, measured over a three-inch portion of a radial line representative of the average growth on the cross-section located a s acscribed below . When such radial line is not representative, it shal l be shifted sufficiently to present a fair average, but th e distance from the pith of the three-inch portion of the lin e shall not be changed . In case of disagreement two radial lines shall b e chosen, and the number of rings shall 'oe the average o f these lines . Location of Radial Lin e 80. Douglas Fir . In side cut pieces the line shal l be at a right angle to the annual rings and the center o f the three-inch portion of the line shall be at the cente r of the end of the p iece . In boxed heart pieces the line shall run from th e pith to the corner farthest from the pith . When the leas t dimension is six inches or less the three-inch portion o f the line shall begin at a distance of one inch from th e pith . When the least dimension is more than six inche s the three-inch portion of the line shall begin at a distance from the pith equal to two inches less than one-hal f the least dimension of the piece . If a three-inch portion of the radial line cannot b e obtained the measurement shall be made over as much o f the three-inch portion as is available . 81. Southern Pine . In boxed heart pieces the rat e of growth shall be counted over the third, fourth, an d fifth inches from the pith along the radial line . In eases whore timbers do not contain the pith, an d it is impossible to locate it %itn any degree of accuracy , the same inspection shall bo made over three inches on an approximate radial line beginning at the edge nearest th e pith in timbers over three inches in thickness and on th e second inch nearest to the pith in timbers three inche s or less in thickness . In material containing the pith but not a five-inc h radial line, which is less than two inches°by eight inche s in section or less than eight inches in width, that doe s R810 - 3 - not show over sixteen square inches on the cross-section , the inspection shall apply to the second inch from the pitL_ . In larger material that does not show a five-inch radial _JJn e the inspection shall apply to the three inches farthest f rot ., the pith . 4 . SELECTION FOR DENSIT Y Douglas Fir. or Southern lin e 32 . Douglas Fir or Southern Pine selected for densit y shall average on either one end or the other nct less tha n six annual rings per inch and in addition one-third, or more , summerwood, over the same portion of a radial line as provided for selection for rate of growth . Coarse-grained material excluded by this rule shall be accepted as dense i f averaging one-half, or more, summerwood . The contrast in color between summerwood and spring wood shall be sharp and the summerwood shall be dark in color , except in pieces having considerably a')ove the minimum requirement for summerwood . In case of disagreement two radial lines shall be chose n and the summerwood and number of rings shall be the averag e of these lines . 5 . JOIST AND PLANY Joists, Rafters, Scaffold Plank, Factory Flooring, etc . 83 . Nominal thicknesses : 2" to 4" . Nominal widths : 4" And wider . Standard thicknesses, S1S or S2S ; 3/8" off . Extra Standard thickness, 2", S1S or S2S : 1/4" off . Standard widths, 2" to 7", S1E or S2E : 3/8" off . 8" and wider, S1E or S2E : 1/2" off . Standard lengths : Multiples of two feet . v 8810 4 S Knots on Wide Face s 84. t Dense Select Gddth On or near edge of middle third face : of length : 3/4" 4" 6" R' 1" 8rr 1-3/8" 1-3 / 4" 10" 12" 14" Common & Select :Center line :On or near edge :Center lin e : of face middle third : of fac e of lengt h , 1" l_3/4 " 1-1/4" 2" 2-1 / 2 " 1-1/2" 3-3 / 8 " 2-5/8" 2" 2-1/8" 2-3/8" 16" 2-1/2" 3-1/4" 4-1/4 " 5- 1 / 8 " 5-5/8 " 6" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 3-3/8" 4-5/8" 85 . Knots on Narrow Faces of Boxe d , Heart Pieces , Middle Third of Lengt h Thickness o f Size of knot piece 'Select Common -------------------------------------------------------------- 5/8" 1" 1-1/4" 2" art 4" 7/8 u 1 - 1 /4 " 1-3/4 " 86 . Sum of Diameters of Knots . Center Half o f Length on Any race, Not to Excee d Dense Select & Select Commo n 1-1/2 times width of face Two times width of fac e 87. Green Seasoned 88. Shakes and Checks Dense Select & Select Common 1/4 width of end 1/3 width of end 4/10 width of en d 4/9 width of end Angle of Grain, Center Half of Lengt h Dense Select & Select Commo n -1 in 12 R810 1 in 1 0 -5 - Wan e 3 9. Dense Select & Select Commo n 1/8 thickness and/ .J: width 1/4 thickness ane/o :- widt h 90. Douglas fir cr southern pine Select grade -gin b e selected for rate of growth . Douglas fir or southsrn pine of Dense Select grace. t o be selected for density . o. BEANS AND STR I1?C .hN S Beams, Girders, Stringers, etc . 91. Nominal thicknesses : 5" and thicker . Nominal widths : 8" and wider . Standard lengths : Multiples cf two feet . S1S, S1E, S2S or S43 : i/g " off each way . 92. Knot s Dense Select & Select Common Width :Narrow face . and:Center line :Narrow face and : Cente r of : edge of wid e of : edge of wide :line o f face : face middle : wide face : face middl e :wide fac e :third of length : :third of length : 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" R81 0 1 1/4 " 1 1/2" 1 3/4" 2" 2 1/8" 2 1/4" 2 3/8" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/4" 3 3/8" 3 5/8 " 3 7/8" 4" ' 4 1/4" 2" 2 3/8" 2 3/4 3 1/8" 3 3/8" 3 5/8" 3 7/8" 2 3/8 " 3 1/8 " 4" 4 3/4 " 5 1/8 " 5 1/2 " 5 7/8 " 6 1/8 " 6 1/2 " 6 3/4" ium -af- DIalmet e o f KI.Lots, C-a .5er Half_ of Length on Lty li aGse-Not to 'EXese d ;gin Se" tact % Selec t vf idth Lf face ,ir4t=, h 1/2. Mkei ee-ic, Check e Donee Select Scaf-Iled 95 . fac e .(t. . Csmmol; °e, Select 1/4 width of end 1/3 width cif end 14.7(2 .4/10 width 4/9. width .oaf crier, cpd, Grain, Center Half of Leng .th . Angle Dense- Select, 8c Select .- C'emmo n 1 in 10 1 in 15 96. Wane ' . Dense Select . CommOn Select 1/8 thicknes's and/or. . 1 width 1/4 thickness an/or width 97. Douglas' fir or southern pine S_e3:eet grade to be selected for rate of growth . Douglas fir or southern ,pine of Dense Select grade t o . be selected for density . -,.: !. - , 7 . POSTS AID, TIT 3ER S Posts, Caps, Sills, Timbers, eto. N. 96 . Nominal sizes : 6" x 6" and larger . Standard lengths : Multiples of two feet, . ., SIS,- R810 S2S or S4S : 1/2" off each ,way . 7 -, ;. 4. 99 . Kxlot3 Width of face Size of knot s :Dense Select ' & Select : Common eel 3 1/8 rr " 2 1/2" 3" 31/4" 3 3/8" 1C" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 4" 4 3/4 " 5 1/8 " 5 1/2 3 5/8" 3 7/o' 4" 4 1/4" 5 6 6 6 7/8 " 1/8 " 1/2 " 3/4" 100. Sum of diameters of all knots within any 6" o f length not to exceed twice size 'of maximum knot allowable ; nor to be two of maximum allowable knots in same 6" of length on any one face . 101. Shakes and Checks Dense Select & Select Green Seasoned 4/10 width of end 1/2 width of end 102 . Common 1/2 width of end 6/10 width of en d Angle of Grai n Dense Select & Select 1 in 10 103. Common 1 in 8 Wane Dense Select & Select 1/8 thickness and/off ; width Common 1/4 thickness and/oqo vdth 104. Douglas fir or southern pine Select grade to b e selected for rate of growth . Douglas fir' or southern pine of ''ense Select grai.e t o be selected for density .